Vote tally - Everybody Wants the Crown [Pactverse Quest]

Scheduled vote count started by Dr Heaven M.D. on Sep 28, 2021 at 6:04 PM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Dr Heaven M.D.
Everybody Wants the Crown [Pactverse Quest]
Post #271
Post #284


  • [X] Plan: Friends of Age, learning, job, and improvement.
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    ---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    --[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self.
    ---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
    ----[X] Lesser Practice: Learn a quick trick, as chosen by one of your folks.
    ---[X] Arm Up: Craft yourself a weapon. (Can cost up to $40 Quality will only be as high as Average)
    ----[x] Melee: Make yourself a mean stick. (Metal Bat enhanced with runes of Fire and Iron)
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Find a Job, Ya Bum: You have exactly $20 to your name and you don't wanna leech off your parents forever. (Sharp and Charm roll, counts as two choices)
    [X] Plan Self Improvement Plus Friendship.
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Self-Improvement: Work hard, and you might improve one of your stats! Maybe! (d100 roll, difficulty lowers the more you do it. Can be picked twice.)
    ----[X] Sharp: Read a book, for fuck's sake. You slept through most of high school and you're not planning on college, so it's up to you. (DC: 25)
    ----[X] Weird: Research Others, try to get used to their mentalities, read up on Runes. (DC: 50)
    [X] Plan Kicking Things Off
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    ---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
    --[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self. (Can be picked twice)
    ---[X] Kids Young Adults with Guns Toys: You got four Goblin tools. Maybe you should learn what they actually do?
    ---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
    ----[X] Lesser Rite: Learn a prepared weapon, as chosen by one of your folks.
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Weird: Research Others, try to get used to their mentalities, read up on Runes. (DC: 50)
    ---[X] Sharp: Read a book, for fuck's sake. You slept through most of high school and you're not planning on college, so it's up to you. (DC: 25)