Even the dead need hope. A Konosuba, Black Lagoon , Gangster crossover

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It's a place filled with drugs, death, and pain, yet even in this place the two of them keep hope alive, no matter how small it is

Mature warning


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Aqua screamed as she tried to fight the men off, she kicked and punched despite having several guns aimed at her.

"Kzuma! Kazuma" she desperately screamed as two of the men grabbed her legs and held them in place so that the third could enjoy himself with her, but before he could do anything Aqua stopped moving and smirked.

The sound of something hitting the warehouse's metal door echoed over and over again before the wall exploded, the men covered their eyes as they tried to look past the light of the sun.

When they were finally able to see again, the only things that appeared in front of them were a pair of glowing hate-filled red eyes.

All five of the men immediately aimed their guns at Kauma but before they could pull the trigger they found that their target was gone, they searched for Kazuma and failed to find him.

They remembered Aqua and planned to use her as a shield, but when they looked down they found that she was gone.

The hot summer wind blew into the warehouse and made the dust inside of it rise slowly.

Carefully the men all walked back towards each other fully prepared to shoot and kill whoever had dared to get between them and their new toy.

The muffled scream alongside the sound of a boy hitting the ground, made them turn and it was only their experience that stopped them from shooting at empty air.

They looked down and found that two of them had been killed, one was completely gone, it was as if the very life had been drained from him, while the other sufficed, his mouth was filled with ice.

The men turned and looked at one another before the sound of something knocking a can over alerted them and they immediately opened fire only to find that there was nothing there, except an empty can.

They all let out a breath, but before any of them could say anything, a wire wrapped itself around one of them and before any of them could say anything, it dragged him into what was supposed to be an empty room.

The last two heard their friend firing at something before he screamed, they watched with fear-filled eyes when a flash of blue light came out of the room and their friend's body was thrown out of it.

Neither of them wanted to take any risks so they aimed at the wall of the room and fired into it, they expected to hear cries of pain, but they didn't hear anything.

Finally, when their guns had run out of bullets they stared at the room that they had shot at before they slowly walked towards it, and soon they were filled with dread because the room was empty.

They were about to walk out of the room and run out of the warehouse when they felt a hand land on their heads. "Boo." was the last thing that they heard before everything turned dark.

"That was what the security cameras recorded but I want you to look at this." Boris said to Balalaika.

The videos that followed were from the security cameras from around the area, they showed a Japanese boy appearing out of nowhere, before moving at an inhuman speed.

He quickly killed the guards and used their bodies to break the metal gate, before he rescued the girl that the men inside wanted to have fun with.

Balalaika slowly put her cigar in her mouth and inhaled deeply, she had seen her share of strange things and fought all sorts of unnatural things, so it wasn't the first time that she had to deal with a super soldier.

"She slowly took the cigar away from her lip and let out a breath filled with smoke.

"What are they doing now?" she asks Boris.

'They are operating a clinic and it's quite successful, sick people walk in healthy people walk out."

"From what the men could pick up they hardly charge anything at all, they just charge enough to pay their bills, buy clothes, furniture, and anything that they need, but only rarely what they want." Boris answers her.

"The Japanese really f..c.. up this time, for one of their supersoldiers to have escaped and now be running around." she says to Boris who silently looks at the screen.

"He doesn't seem like anything special, the one that we had to kill before was capable of worse things." Boris answers her.

Balalaika nods. 'True but they didn't hold back, he clearly is. Look he only cared about the girl and only killed the men attacking her after he saw what they were about to do." she says to Boris who seems to notice something.

"What?" Balalaika asks him.

"She is smirking, she stops screaming the moment that he appears." Boris says to her as he replays the videos of what was happening outside and inside of the warehouse next to each other.

Balalaika raises an eyebrow, closes her eyes, and orders Boris to tell the rest of the men, to stay away from from Aqua and Kazuma.

One super soldier was enough of a threat, but if they were dealing with two, then they would have to treat it as if they were going to war.
The sound of an infant crying could be heard throughout the clinic, as several children dressed themselves before they left the room.

kazuma kept a close eye on the people outside and judging by the number of people he was starting to think that he would need to start looking for someone who could help him and Aqua.

The Axis Church or clinic, was a name that quickly spread throughout the city because a person no matter how rich or poor they were would be treated, it didn't matter if they were missing limbs or organs.

If a person had a simple cold or even aids, they could have that cured there.

There were people that didn't like that.

There is money in treating an illness or injury, after all why fix something and charge a little when you could simply treat it and charge a lot?

It was those same people that had threatened, burned and hell some of them even went as far as to beat him to death, but as always Aqua was there to bring him back, so the two of them continued to help the people of the city.

He could see several nuns guiding the kids to a nearby area, where the kids could play and not risk being kidnapped or attacked by anyone.

The gangs near the clinic didn't bother attacking them, not because they worked for the gangs but because Aqua had treated their family members and either cured or fixed them, without throwing them into debt.

The door behind him opened and a pregnant woman walked out, she had a little boy about the age of ten holding her hand, the boy quickly buttoned his mom's shirt when it opened by itself and exposed her stomach.

This world didn't have magic, so Aqua could just explain things by saying that she was using a healing spell to cure or fix the people who asked her for help.

So they came up with a plan, and it was one that they didn't have to think hard about.

They followed the examples of the hospitals that made a person change clothes, and then one of them would inspect the person to make sure that they didn't have any hidden cameras or weapons.

Then it was a simple matter of Aqua giving the patient a glass of water if they were sick, but if they were injured she would put them to sleep and use her magic to regrow the limb.

Then uses her power to help the person recover the energy they had used to regrow the body part that they had lost.

There were people that were surprised and asked about how Aqua managed to regrow their body parts in the time that it took, in those occasions, Aqua would just stare at them and say.

"What are you talking about, this is a clinic, we don't do that here."

These people would stare at Aqua, smile pay for the treatment, and give a large tip before they left.

Others would get angry and it was on those occasions that one of two things happened either they backed down and apologies after he threatened to put them on the black list.

Or he would have to fight them before he dragged them away, most of the time he would put a letter in their pockets explaining why he did what he did.

The letter was for the troublemaker's superiors, it explained everything and said that they were no longer welcome in the clinic because of the actions of these men\ women.

Sometimes someone would show up with a bottle of expensive alcohol and apologize for the person's actions, and other times nothing happened.

"It's not good to daydream on the job, especially after what happened the other day." Ricardo a man who lives in the apartments nearby says to him.

"You heard about that?" Kazuma asks him.

Ricardo just smirks. "Who hasn't?"

"Kazuma.....I don't know what you and that girl are involved in and to be honest I do not want to know, but I just wanted to warn you that they aren't going to take this lying down." Ricardo says to him.

"Yeah, I know." Kazuma says to Ricardo, before turning to look at him.

"So what brings you here, did you get hurt again?" Kazuma asks Ricardo.

'No, my wife wants to have you and your girl over for dinner, you're going to love it. Steamed fix with vegetables but the best is the sauce that she makes."

'That sauce was the reason that I stayed her and married her." Ricardo says to him.

Kazuma can't help but smirk, and pat Ricardo on the back. "Tell her that she can count on us." Kazuma says to Ricardo before the sound of a gun being fired is heard.

Kazuma could hear the kids and the women around him scream in fear, but they didn't bother running away they just threw themselves onto the ground.

the gun fired again, but just like the first time it missed its target.

Kazuma stopped moving when the sounds of several guns going off, followed by the screeching sound of a car trying to escape, that failed and crashed into a nearby building because of the panicking driver.

'That was new." he says to Ricardo whom he had pulled to safety.

"What the hell was that?!" Ricardo yelled.

"Hell if I know." he answers Ricado who turns and looks at him with wide eyes.

"Not the guys trying to kill me idiot. One moment I was standing over there, the next I was floating in the air and now I'm down here."

"Warn me before you do that!" Ricardo yells at him.

"They're funny" a little boy says before the crowd around them begins to laugh, just like that the dark feeling, the fear that had covered the area was gone and replaced with laughter.

the clinic's doors open violently and Aqua steps out, she is wearing a doctor's coat over her usual dress, and she turns her head one way then the other.

"Okay that's enough for today, I'll only take people who are dying or will die."

"Oh don't complain, just give your address to Kazuma and we will go to your house on the weekend. I mean come on do you want to be shot at?" she asks everyone who nods.

Kazuma turns and looks at Ricardo who hands him a notebook and a pen, he then starts to write down people's addresses or the areas where they live if they don't have an address.

One by one the people go into the clinic or simply leave after giving Kazuma their information, but when the last person who just needed a doctor because they were sick left.

Kazuma raised his head and waved at someone that he shouldn't have been able to see, the woman who was holding a sniper rifle widened her eyes when Kazuma turned his notebook and showed what he had written on it.

"Leave now and live try it and I'll have y fun with you."

The woman closed her eyes, let go of her gun, walked out of the room, and left the building, jobs like these weren't taken lightly and she wasn't about to do that now.