Evangelion Self insert. Literally. (CRACK)

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It was dark.

So Dark...

I tried to move but I never could. I couldn't even open my eyes...
Chapter 1 ????Self insert into what?

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants



Fantasy World creation


Power manipulation

AT field

It was dark.

So Dark...

I tried to move but I never could. I couldn't even open my eyes.

So I decided to go to sleep.


As time passed.

I hear familiar voices all around me.

I was also moved around a lot.

I could sense 'things' being added to my body.

I didn't know what they were but I certainly didn't like people tampering with my body.

The last thing I remember was filling up that CYOA form before....wait...MY LAPTOP EXPLODED LIKE A GRENADE? HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN?

For some reason however I couldn't hyperventilate...

Anyways. I've been hearing strange voices for a long time... Some of the voices seem Familiar.

One of the voices, in particular, I disliked quite a lot.

If this was indeed the CYOA maybe I could access my powers?

Weeks passed But I couldn't Acces the supposed powers that I had. I couldn't even sense them...

Aaaah boring.

Sometime I while things were attached to my body I could feel my body being submerged into a liquid? Not sure what it was.


It's been a few years since then... I think I may be going mad...

There was nothing to do but think...

But today something felt a bit different.

I could feel my body being immersed in the liquid again.


Shortly soon after the ground seemed to shake...

An earthquake?

No..that's some heavy shaking its definitely not an earthquake.

Something seemed to change I felt my body change. The liquid did something.

Wait.. I think I can hear something...



"Shi....Ika...., yo........lot"

My hearing slowing began to get clear as I began to make out a few letters in what they were say...wait...that wasn't English....that's Japanese.....how do I understand Japanese?

"So,.......yo......ju....get in......?"

As the Conversation continued on I began to grow excited...Finally after so long I could hear again... and when I thought that this day could get any better I began to feel something...

Feel...I think i just twitched my hand.

Perhaps I can move again?

I tried but something seemed to bind me. Guess I am still on the surgeon table.

I tried opening my eyes and surprisingly I could. but in an agonizingly slow pace.

As my vision slowy began to clear I saw several people in front of me? or they looked like people? No, they look like an anime.

But that was not what stunned me.

It was not how tiny they were.

Nor was it because I recognized them.

The girl was being brought in in a stretch in front of my eyes.

Two people I knew...

Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari.

I was stunned.




Why the fuck was I Evangelion unit 1?

The whole area shook again as Sachiel bombarded the GEO front and Ayanami fell out of her stretcher and Shiji ran to her rescue.

Alright, Calm...Calm.

Let's think about this logically.

I am an Evangelion....



"I'll do it I'll be your pilot."


I didn't agree with this!!!


I watched in interest as the LCL, I think it was beginning to drain out...So that was the liquid....it looked a little more like blood to me much to my discomfort.

Though on a positive note, I could feel and see as my restraints were removed. When suddenly I felt my neck open and my head move.


Not the goddamn plug....NOOOO.

I couldn't do anything as the thing was inserted into me and screwed in...

That came out wrong..

As the process completed I felt Energy begin flowing.

And I could now see much more than before.

I could see Shinji within me as he began to panic.

I felt something itchy but I forcefully ignored not that it was difficult I'd rather not get outed here.

"Sync Rate 2%."

"That's too low for combat."

"but It did activate. For his first try it quite good."

Synch Rate? WAIT, was that?

I gently began to let go and accepted the strange itch and I entered me and flowed through as it seemed to take control of my body. I didn't completely let it though.

"Sync levels rising... Holding Steady at 70%!"

"NO way!"

"All reading nominal."

"We are clear for launch."

So That was Ikari. As long I let him pilot me he can. The more I let go the more his synch rate rises. But for some reason, I still can't move My own body.

"Disengage Lockbolt 2 Confirmed"

And more Restraints were removed..

"Releasing Safety Number 1 through 15."

"Safe released"

Even more restraints. GEEZ.

"Internal Battery is fully charged. The external power source connected."

Oh. Looks like It's Time to GO.. All my restraints were now released. Or almost. Two more were still holding me as they carried me to a Launchpad.


And OF I went nearly Breaking the sound barrier. *KABOOM* oh wait it broke. I broke the sound barrier in a tunnel...how the fuck is the tunnel still in one piece?

Here I come Sachiel You are dead meat... MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Sachiel shuddered as a chill went down his spine. He didn't know his end was near.
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To be honest, not that good on its own, it definitely needs morr narration, and showing us things. Great concept, and that on its own is worth more, but people won't read a stoey of just someone talking and angsting to themselves.
To be honest, not that good on its own, it definitely needs morr narration, and showing us things. Great concept, and that on its own is worth more, but people won't read a stoey of just someone talking and angsting to themselves.
Will try to improve...Also it's crack....So expect things to not make sense at times.
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Somewhat interesting.
Maybe after you show us the first fight I would say if it's worth continuing.
Chapter 2



Fantasy World creation


Power manipulation - 5 Charges

AT field


Shinji Ikari was Terrified for his life yet he was determined. He was a boy desperate for the smallest shred of love that could get. If not, he would not have gotten on a giant robot that he had absolutely no experience. He didn't even drive a car in his life for god's sake.

Yet he would find that he would receive absolutely nothing but suffering from a man named Gendo Ikari.

"Focus on walking, for now, Shinji" came Misato's voice through the speakers. Easy for her to say. She was not the one inside the Giant Robot.

One step at a Time.

The right leg first. Huge as it was Obeyed almost instantly. Letting out a loud thud as landed.

For some reason, it seemed much easier than had thought? He was sure it was much more difficult when he first entered it.

As the right foot landed and he tried to lift the left foot he suddenly lost his balance.

He tried to recentre and it responded, avoiding crashing into the ground.

He felt steady. it was easier than he had expected. A sigh of relief escaped his lips

"Good job Shinji, we are sending you a gun. Look to your right."

As he followed Misato's order a building like structure rose out of the ground. It opened, and within it was a humongous rifle.

Shinji bent down and picked it up as he prepared for the fight of his life. His Eye's shone with determination.

Unfortunately, He was too slow.

Coupled with the fact the this was his first time piloting. He couldn't react when Sachiel was already on him by the time he picked up the rifle.

Sachiel grabbed the Evas Head and slammed it into a skyscraper before charging a light Spear and rammed it on the Eva's head before clutching its head tightly before preparing for another ram.

Shinji forced himself through the pain as he let out a war cry. raising his gun and releasing giant supersonic bullets on to sachiel in vain blocked by the Angels AT field.

"Shinji you need to bring up your AT field. Just say it the computer onboard will handle it"

As he was opened his mouth to give the order. He pain flooding his body. His eyes felt like someone hammered a nail in them as he clutched it trying to get some relief. His scream rang throughout the Eva and through the Nerv comms unable to hold back the pain anymore.

It only got worse as he felt his hands being ripped apart from its sockets and I his bones crushed to paste. The pain couldn't be described. As his screams got even louder.

He felt every single thing that was happening to the Evangelion. Sachiel just crushed its arms completely.

"Shinji! The pain is not real, get a hold of yourself!" Misato cried franctically trying to get the boy to calm down.

The Eva shook as Sachiel kept pounding the Spear of light again and again until it finally broke through the thick armor. that protected the Evangelion.

The pain reached a level so intense that it caused shinji to finally blackout granting him blissful relief from the pain and NERV to be disconnected from the cameras and audio recording. losing their contact with the pilot. They were Still able to monitor the pilot's state, however, and use the camera's station around the City to observe the situation.

As Sachiel let go of the Evangelion and turned around heading to where it could feel FATHER, believing the threat to be eliminated. Unfortunately for it as the pilot was knocked unconscious the control was given to the second soul within the Evangelion.

However unlike what Gendo predicted the Soul was not Yuri.

It was a soul of a God like Being. Or at least would be Eventually.



However unlike the other times where I could not move at all. The curses that I threw at Sachiel came out as a Loud Roar. That shook the earth.

What. Just happened?

I fell Silent.

I flexed my fingers. my broken fingers moved barely but it moved.

I got up and faced Sachiel who was tilting his head in confusion.

Looks like I had full control now.

I could feel something at the back of my mind ready to be called forth.

As I Inspected it. I was greeted with glowing orb like objects within my mind.

Holy Shit!

I began to grin inside and I began to giggle.

It came off as strange muffled laughter. From the Evangelion.

Gendo Sweated in fear.

I stretched out my AT field and repaired my Broken arms and Eyes in seconds as they glowed orange and snapped loudly into place before leaving with a completely fixed arm.

The Scientists observing through the Cities camera's were baffled at this development.

I flexed my fists again only this time there was no difficulty or resistance.

I had complete control.

I straightened myself stared at Sachiel who seemed to be stuck as if I was something unexpected happened.

First things first I need to make sure I could leave the Evangelion when this was over. I don't want to be stuck in here any longer than necessary.

One Power manipulation charge went into that purpose, creating a Power so that I could separate my soul from the Evangelion and travel without being hindered.

Thus Astralization was created.

Once I Felt the Charge taker shape. I began to use the second, third and fourth charges to gives me Knowledge and Mastery of the Gouken used by Rock Lee and Gai sensei, as well as to give myself chakra and a charka network as well as the gates and mastery over them.

"Commander Ikari, I'm getting strange energy readings from Unit one."

3 charges used. This gave me a huge amount of it. but may not be Enough I was Unit 1 after all. I added my Final Charge to increase my capacity and potency of my chakra as much as possible.

"The energy levels of unit one are increasing rapidly, but the Pilot's still unconscious!"

"The amount of energy, unit one is giving of is off the charts."

I crossed my arms in front of me and began to roar as I opened my First gate. I felt my chakra begin to flow through my body faster and faster and revitalizing and strengthening the Evangelion. I also used my AT-field to cover my arms and feet.

Look's Sachiel has finally snapped out of whatever trance he was in and was closing our distance rapidly.

It didn't matter, He gave me time to prepare.

That was a big mistake.

I gave a ROAR as I cracked the ground I was on nearly breaking the sound barrier I appeared in front of the Angel and gave him a Dancing leaf Shadow directly under his core.

The Angels AT field was ripped to shreds and the air cracked as the lifeless body of the angel broke the sound barrier as it passed through the clouds with Sachiel shaped holes in them, leaving an intact core behind.

YEAH Suck on that Fucker.

I looked at the core which was beginning to bubble. No Time to waste. If my memory was correct if I ate this It would mean the Eva didn't need an Umbilical Cable anymore.

I grabbed it, raised it to my mouth and crunched it in a mighty chomp.

EWWWWW!!! Mother of god that was horrible. So bitter it tasted like ground coffe beans. Apperantly Angels cores tasted like coffee beans. Really bitter coffee beans. And really hard as well.

I forced myself to swallow it down as I began to feel the thing Enter my body.

Suddenly my rejoicing was interrupted as I felt like my control was taken from me and everything went completely dark...Shit, they deactivated it...

Wait I still have my powers. That means....Oh Yeah..... I am FREEEEEE!!!


Somewhere, In Germany alarms were blaring as Asuka Langley Shoryuu was brought into Germany Nerv branch to prepare for the angel that they saw that was falling from the sky.

UInfortunately it was a dead body not a live one to the frustration of the red pilot.

All that excitement for nothing...

Her screams of rage reverberated across Germany as she pounded the dead angels body to smush in her rage....

No one had the courage to stop her.

What was that saying about Women and their wrath? That Hell was terrified? Not sure...
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With this chapter, I declare that I want to see this continue.

Hope your SI decides to take Shinji under his wing.
An Angel.



Fantasy World creation


Power manipulation - 5 Charges

AT field

Astralization and Possession

Gouken Mastery.

Chakra (1 tail Bijuu Level)


Gendo Ikari did not see this comin....

Unit 01 developed an S2 engine so early that it threw off his plans.

He was watching a recording of Unit 01 handing Sachiels ass to him...

"Yui" he whispered under his breath giving a small smile... Had someone caught it the would have thought they were imagining it as it was well known that Gendo had a stick so far up his ass that even the Eva can't remove it..


I flew in my astralized form through the clouds laughing with joy, finally being free after being stuck all those years.

As I don't have a body yet I can't interact with the Physical world except with my AT field and my Powers...

But that's not the important part. I'm free that's what's important....

I glanced down at the glowing buildings if Tokyo 3 as I flew towards where I can sense Shinji was...

Kaleidoscope doesn't just let me travel through dimensions or time... There are so many things you can do with it...for example I was currently using The Kaleidoscope to know where Shinji's exact location is as for why I didn't just open a portal...why miss this beautiful night scenery? With the city glowing with dotted lights that looked like stars twinkling in the night sky.

The scenery was absolutely breathtaking....this is something mankind achieved.
No magic ...just intelligence, wisdom and knowledge.

As I reached the 12 the floor of one of the tallest buildings. I phased through the glass panel and on the other side was one conscious looking Shinji Ikari laying down on his bed listening to his S-DAT.

Hmm...I wonder...

I opened a Kaleidoscope Portal to a certain world right under Shinji causing him to fall through the Rainbow coloured portal with his mattress and pillow and S-DAT and I dove into it as well following him. NOt that he could see me since I was still astralized.


"Where am I?" Shinji whispered as he got up and dusted himself as he tried to make sense of what just happened. One moment his was on his ben the next he fell through a rainbow hole underneath his bed and now here he was in god knows where.

From the look of things, He was just outside a traditional Japanese looking mansion. Thankfully No one was around.

Of course, no one was around such a small road like this was midnight for god's sake.

"Hello, Shinji-Kun" a smooth angelic voice called him out, startled he turned around to face the voice... was a Beautiful man With 12 Golden-white wings and a Halo over his head and a Powerful and calming aura that surrounded him.

Shinji was stunned unable to form a word for a few minutes before finally regaining enough mental facilities to ask one question...

"W-who are you?"

"Me? You may call me Micheal. The Arch Angel"

"Whu...?" Was his response before he finally fainted.
The afterlife?
Well, This one is back in business. I think I'll make it a little cracky? And a little serious as well.

Now on with the Story..


"Ugh." Shinji groaned and he blinked open his eyes to see a beautiful blue sky. "Where am I?"

He found himself in a futon.

A very comfortable futon.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was....The ANGEL!" His eyes widened as he shot out of the futon looking around and he found the angel sitting in Seiza behind him, his wings glowing pure white.

"Good Morning Shinji-Kun. I hope you've slept well?"

"Ah..." Shinji was in a loss for words.

His stomach decided to interrupt them as it growled out loud making its hunger known.

"Well, I suppose we need to get something to eat won't we." Shinji rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as he muttered an apology. "It's quite alright," Micheal replied with a smile before getting up and a portal opened in front of them and Micheal walked into it beckoning Shinji to follow him.

As he entered the portal following the Angel he found himself in a Cafeteria.

As he followed Micheal who seemed to be heading to the queue of some sort. There seemed to be some kind of machines where students seemed to line up and take slips before they headed to a counter on the other side where they received food?

"Umm, Micheal-san? Where are we?"

"We are in a cafeteria of course."

"No, I mean... where is the cafeteria in?"

"In this school."

"......and where is the school in?"

"In the Afterlife."


Shinji was silent as his eyes widened...

No, no no was he dead?

Why was he dead?

How did he die? Did he die fighting the Angel?

His breathing quickened as he began to hyperventilate.

A hand on his shoulder snapped him out his thoughts.

"Calm down, Shinji-Kun. You aren't dead. We are simply here to get some lunch and perhaps get you a few friends."


"Kid, you need friends, you can't live by yourself. No one can live by themselves, it's not healthy. Now come on choose what you want from the vending machine." Micheal gestured to the machine behind him.

Shinji turned to look at the options and slowly looked over them until he came to something simple and pressed the button on the machine and took the slip it gave.

"Beef Ramen? Well to each their own I suppose?" Micheal nodded before picking his choice.

As the machine printed the slip I read the slip.

"Super Spicy Mapo Tofu That No One Dares Order"

Huh, there was something like that?

"Come on let go."

"Ah wait for me Micheal-san." He ran after the angel who was already on the other side waiting to get his food.

What they didn't know was that a blue-haired ninja girl was observing them her red eyes narrowed.

"This is so stupid....Yuri needs to hear this."

With that, the Ninja vanished leaving no trace of her presence behind."