Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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We left her, originally just to avoid confirming anything for the Detective, but now we'd actually like her to stay in prison if possible
Or we could just kill her we're in a cult killing each other isn't unexpected it's actually pretty surprising nobody done it before
The thread at large is trying to pivot into virtuous territory. Arguments of effectiveness at moral cost won't work. Also it's very costly for little gain even on a non moral level.
...because that's the obvious way for a summon to work? Because giving a level of Lore permanently for a one-time summon would be too powerful? Because if that is the case it's already happened and it's too late to take back?

What? I wasn't referring to the Lore bonus I was referring to general help. I thought we loaned Baldomare out to other members of the Inner Circle when asked?
Turn 14
[x] Plan: Pillar of the Community
-[x] Leave her. (Starry Dancer was left in jail)
-[x] Mayor Mare will address Ponyville in a rushed meeting in the Town Hall. Be there. Your presence as Ponyville's only noble will certainly help her show that things are under some level of control. (Help calm down the town at large. Place yourself as more approachable figure of authority in these trying times).
-[X] Plenty of ponies will not be able to go to the Town Hall meeting. Plenty of ponies are not in any state to do anything, right now. Plenty of ponies don't even know exactly what just happened. Go around Ponyville, make sure you are seen, and more importantly make sure your story is the one that spreads the quickest by word of mouth. (Help calm down the town at large. Reduce overall suspicion of "what happened" in a way that benefits the cult).
-[X] Rein the cult in. The cult is part of the town, and the town is part of the cult. Panic, especially amongst the lower levels, is spreading as quickly through the cult as it is through Ponyville. Join Windy Flakes in making sure nopony does, or says, anything stupid. (Calm the cult down, and lower the chance of suspicion being drawn to the Wildhoof Club, both the cult and the club).
-[x] Run late. (Picking this option allows you to pick an EXTRA option from those above. Will worry your family, as you will return home far later than it is sensible).
[X] Unleash your children into Canterlot. (Chrysalis' decision)
[X] Plan Biting the Bullet V2
-[X] You lit up your horn, and you told Twilight that… (WRITE IN what you will tell Twilight Sparkle. If you light up your horn, she WILL see you, with all that it entails)
--[X] "Oh, Twilight. I'm so sorry. I don't have the power to free you yet, but I'll do everything I can. Just hold on. Your friends will come for you. You're not forgotten."
-[X] Leash Rarity. (No CD. Rarity will be Leashed into a minion, and will not question your decision. There may be complications once you decide to un-leash her)
-[X] No survivors returned. Twilight is now a cult prisoner. Canterlot is on fire. Something happened, and you can already tell a line you are not willing to cross has been crossed. (Your future actions will be geared towards, eventually, saving Twilight and leaving the cult).

- - -

Ponies stick together. That is what is in everypony's mouth.

You made sure of it.

Making sure you were there whenever Mayor Mare called for a public meeting. Going around the streets, reassuring ponies, and even asserting pressure in the cult itself which already permeates a not-inconsiderable part of Ponyville. That is the one message you made sure to spread, the one thing you did your best to make sure would stick.

Ponies stick together, and that is the truth the whole town is trying to live by these last few days.

Nopony could say that "Ponyville is fine", because it isn't. Dozens of ponies disappeared without explanation, and whole families have been broken. So no, Ponyville is not fine.

Nopony could say that "everything will be alright", because that is also not certain. Everypony hopes that will be the case, of course. But the grim sight of Canterlot itself burning on its mountain-perch made it so that nopony could really say everything will be alright with true confidence.

But still, Ponyville endures. You and Mayor Mare made your very best efforts to tackle the growing hopelessness before it became overwhelming. The two of you fought it back, and rallied the community spirit of your small town.

The two of you rode the hopeless moans that "Ponyville is a small town", and reminded everypony that they are the heirs of settlers. That the very "small town" they live in is the fruit of their own hard labor, and that it will remain theirs as long as they work together.

And now, a new month begins. Ponyville is determined, even if still tense, and waiting to know what happens next. School is closed, families are huddling close together, but the small businesses and day-to-day life is cautiously continuing, even if not with the usual "excited and thriving" energy it usually has. But still, the fact that Ponyville is a small and self-sufficient town is proving to be a blessing even now.

So, like that, the days keep going. The sun continues to rise and set, showing you that not all is lost, and the fires in Canterlot had all been put out by the end of the following day. So everypony is waiting, and trying to continue with their lives as best as they can until news come.

Soft Sweeps disappeared on the night everypony saw Canterlot burn, and you don't have many doubts of where she is right now… Your house is nearly empty, seeing how you have dismissed all the servants and workers during this whole crisis. And you have a temporary guest in the form of small Scootaloo, since you found it absurd that she told you she was fine to returning to her empty house, her parents usually away most of the time.

And, with large and small changes like that, the days keep going.


Well. Time to plan your month. You have the impression this one will pass in the blink of an eye.

Due to your concerned and focused efforts, Ponyville and the cult are focused and determined, and as calm as they can be given the circumstances. You have completely avoided certain negative consequences related to population instability, and have grown in the public eye.

- - -

The following things will happen throughout the month (and you are being told this right now because your decisions would have adapted to them as you learned them anyways).

[News and information]

-News will, slowly, trickle back from Canterlot and other pony cities. Almost all cities, including all the large ones, were attacked one way or the other by monsters. The disappearances in Ponyville will be seen as the same, with public understanding being that no monsters were sighted due to the small nature of the town.

-Princess Celestia will reveal that "Princess Luna" was an impersonator (im…ponysonator?). However (to avoid panic, you think) there will be NO word about the nature of changelings, and their innate shapeshifting powers. The public will understand that the Fake Princess Luna did so through magic, and that the monsters that attacked the cities were "regular" monsters (of the non-shapeshifting kind).

-However, very little information on anything else will reach you this month. Starry Dancer will remain in prison, and you will know little more about why if you don't look into it yourself.

-But apart from that, pony civilization as a whole is in chaos, seeing how it just received a simultaneous and apparently orchestrated blow in all of its cities. You have no idea how things really are looking, but you think that (ironically) Ponyville is the least affected, followed by other small communities.

[Turn-specific rules]

-The transport infrastructure of Equestria will slowly restart itself. But due to how long it will take to resume operations, you will not be able to plan or do travels throughout this month (leaving Ponyville is impossible).

-The communication infrastructure of Equestria will slowly restart itself. You will receive news that your family is alright, but due to how long it will take to resume operations you will not be able to ask uncle Steppes for favors this turn, or effectively communicate with ponies outside of Ponyville. (Letter sending or "Uncle Steppes!" is impossible).

-Due to all your income sources being from outside Ponyville (your own and Rarity's) you will not have any income this turn.

-You will only have one "How many actions?" options, which will be auto-picked.

-Baldomare stayed in Ponyville. She is capable of traveling to another city, but you will most likely prefer to have her close by.

-Interacting with Comet Feet this turn is impossible.

-The Master is entirely absent.

-And, this being a Moth cult, the inner circle will understand this as being an instruction to "thrive in the chaos", and be ready for the coming orders at the meeting to take place when this month is over.

- - -

- - -

- - -

"The Lies We Tell"

This not an exhaustive list. More of a helpful reminder.

Stormchaser has explicitly told you not to involve him or Silky Stream in anything occult related.

You HAVE told Stormchaser about the following:

-That Selene is Princess Luna, and that due to a great tragedy that befell her she cannot currently bear the weight of her memories

-That you have been part of a… "group" for several years now, and hid that from him

-That said group is led by a learned and powerful master, whom you can't exactly fully trust

-That you have been studying about certain "unusual" magics, to which your recent breakdowns or changes in behavior can be traced back to

-That the Worms, or some great threat to Equestria, exists

You have NOT told Stormchaser about the following:

-The more unsettling details about your Master's nature, or at least what little you have interacted with them (your husband does not know that your Master is... well, he thinks they are a regular pony)

-The murders you believe your cult has committed

-The cult's actions about Princess Luna's ritual and eventual disappearance

-Details about the cult itself, and details about the Lores.

You HAVE told Rarity about the following:

-That Selene is Princess Luna, and that you remain certain of that even though "Princess Luna" has returned to Canterlot

-That you are part of a Cult

-About the Lores, the Mansus and the Worms. Her depth and understanding of said pieces of information being her current level on the occult

You have NOT told Rarity about the following:

-The more unsettling details about your Master's nature, or at least what little you have interacted with them (your husband does not know that your Master is... well, he thinks they are a regular pony);

-The murders you believe your cult has committed

-The cult's actions about Princess Luna's ritual and eventual disappearance

- - -

Last turn's shopping list

(These are the items that you had the option to purchase last turn. They must be bought with the resources you had available then, but if bought will be immediately available for use or study at this turn.)

Last turn's available bits: 113

-[] Book, Heart Level 4, (60 bits)
"A scientific paper that must be decades old, or perhaps centuries, which makes an attempt at collating what is known about a particular tribe of the distant and enigmatic zebras. It goes into great detail about a certain custom the tribe had of… wearing the skin of large animals that they hunted, in order to harness their strength."

-[] Book, Forge Level 3, (30 bits)
"The book is simply titled 'Chemistry', and your servants reluctantly admitted that was the only word they understood in it. Of course you know they were being dramatic, but that also means that the contents of the book must be way, way beyond what they teach at schools."

-[] Book, Secret Histories Level 2, (15 bits)
"A hefty book detailing the charter rights of some of the smaller villages that dot Equestria. Not old enough to be terribly outdated, but not recent enough to have any legal or academic value either."

(Books not bought will be lost, other items will be available through the following turns, but have a chance of being sold to somepony else every turn)

- - -

This turn's available bits: 113 (minus items you decided to buy)

Monthly revenue: 120 bits/month currently cut

Rarity's dividends for this turn: none, due to country-wide chaos

Your wound has been successfully healed (Current health: 2/2)

[] How much will you dedicate yourself to your family's affairs this month? (You must pick one)

[X] "By order of Lady Velvet Covers, all farmland activities are suspended until further notice. All workers will be given paid leave. Go be with your families in these trying times." (Notice fixed on the farmland entrances).

You have EIGHT SEVEN personal actions this turn, ZERO servant actions and ONE cult-minion actions. (Velvet Covers has auto-picked the eight actions option, and WILL commit one action to "stay with her family". The other seven actions, and the cult-minion/confidant actions, are to be picked in plans.)

[] Do something about your foes
Inspector Dull Glass

-The inspector has started imprisoning cult-members. An inner-circle member, of all ponies. And who knows what else he may have discovered recently, during all this chaos.
-[] (DULL GLASS) Have somepony tail him, see what he has been doing. (This action requires dedicated time, and is best done by a servant or a minion than by a single action from yourself)
-[] (DULL GLASS) Do something about him. Talk to him, trick him, hurt him. (Write in what)

[] The delights of subservience (Leash currently targeting: RARITY)
-[] Change Leash to another target. (Write-in who)
-[] Un-Leash the current target.

[] The Moth Fruit option (placed here for your convenience. Don't pick anything if you just want to keep it) (Moth BOOK, level 5)
-[] Eat it. (FREE ACTION)
-[] Give it to Baldomare to reset her summoning period at the end of this month. (FREE ACTION)

Confidants and Summons
-The ponies and creatures listed below can be given a "focus" for this turn. Not mentioning them will incur in their "default picks" being selected. Be wary, also, to the "expiration date" of summons.
-The ponies and creatures listed below may be safely taken for a single one-turn (five days) Expedition without hampering their "focus". Taking them for a two-turn (6+ days) or greater Expedition will cause them to not execute their selected "focus".

Rarity (currently an Initiate, GRAIL Level 1, FORGE Level 0):

Current Health: 3

-[X] Focus on her work. She has a contract with high-end merchants and a noble family, after all. (DEFAULT PICK) (She will still work on her designs if this is not picked, but there will be a chance for this month to be a "failure" by her reckoning)
-[] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick HALF of your own personal actions, rounded DOWN, and Rarity will accompany you while you perform them, giving narrative advantages or mechanical buffs as needed)
-[] Act as your emissary. (Pick an EXTRA action from your own pool, Rarity will perform it to the best of her abilities, ALONE, and report to you later)
-[] The Bright Library has enough knowledge for her to learn on her own. Tell her to focus on her studies, so she may turn into a Disciple. BRIGHT LIBRARY INSUFFICIENTLY LEVELED
-[] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] Other (WRITE IN, in case you have a viable idea that I have not thought about. Certain ideas might even enter this list if they make sense)

Jade Whistle (currently a Disciple, LANTERN Level 3, HEART Level 1):

Current Health: 3

(You are personally worried that Jade might react badly if she fails on an action she attempts)

-[] As per orders. She will go with the motions, as she usually does, and focus on her assignment given by the Master. (DEFAULT PICK)
-[] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally. (DEFAULT PICK)
-[] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick HALF of your own personal actions, rounded DOWN, and Jade Whistle will accompany you while you perform them, giving narrative advantages or mechanical buffs as needed)
-[] Act as your emissary. (Pick an EXTRA action from your own pool, Jade Whistle will perform it to the best of her abilities, ALONE, and report to you later)
-[] The Bright Library has enough knowledge for her to learn on her own. Tell her to focus on her studies, so she may turn into an Seeker. (This will level her up, at the expense of her own focus action instead of an action of your own) BRIGHT LIBRARY INSUFFICIENTLY LEVELED
-[] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] Jade mentioned she has a... feeling, about Selene. She'd like to investigate it, if that's alright. (Require Selene's Knock level 2)
-[] Other (WRITE IN, in case you have a viable idea that I have not thought about. Certain ideas might even enter this list if they make sense)

(Baldomare will expire at the end of the current turn)
Baldomare (LANTERN Level 6, SECRET HISTORIES Level 6):

Current Health: 2

-[] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick HALF of your own personal actions, rounded DOWN, and Baldomare will accompany you while you perform them, giving narrative advantages or mechanical buffs as needed)
-[] Act as your emissary. (Pick an EXTRA action from your own pool. Baldomare will perform it to the best of her abilities, ALONE, and report to you later)
-[] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] Ask for a Lesson. (Grants you one scrap of Lore of either Lantern or Secret Histories. Write in which.]
-[] Channel an Influence. (During this turn, instead of the usual two months, she will gift you the highest order of Influence for either Lantern or Secret Histories. Write in which.]
-[] "Go have fun". (Give an amount of bits to Baldomare, and she will return with something interesting. She won't bother to do it unless you give her at least 100 bits. You may suggest her what you want, but she will most likely not listen to you.)
-[] Prolong her stay. (Write in an unread book you would like to give her, level 5 or higher, and she will reset her summoning period counting from the end of this turn) (FREE ACTION)
-[] Other (WRITE IN, in case you have a viable idea that I have not thought about. Certain ideas might even enter this list if they make sense)

Selene (MOTH 2; WINTER 2; EDGE 2; KNOCK 2):

As an alicorn, Selene has TWO actions.

-[X] Go play. (Selene will live a normal and happy life. This option costs one of her actions, it will always be picked, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.)
-[] Perhaps it is time to confirm it, that curious inkling she always had. (Teach Selene the final lesson of MOTH)
-[] There is something that she must learn now… for everypony's sake. (Teach Selene the final lesson of WINTER)
-[] She cannot shy away anymore. Not from this. (Teach Selene the final lesson of EDGE)
-[] She learned of the key. She learned of the lock. Now, she must learn about turning. (Teach Selene the final lesson of KNOCK)

[] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of [SPECIFY LORE] (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws")

[] Before this month starts, you will write uncle Steppes! [SPECIFY ACTION]
(Pick an action and ask if he can help. He may not be able to help, depending on the context, but there is no way of knowing beforehand. Do not pick this option if you don't want to ask his help this month.)
(UNAVAILABLE this turn)

[] No more running, no more hesitation. If you don't do this, somepony else will, and that thought sometimes terrifies you.
You must pick a single action. You will suffer a malus if there are no new locations to explore (but reaching a Door will give you a "grace" period of a few turns)
-[] The Woods
--[] There has to be somewhere in or around the Woods you have not yet seem. Looking for them will help you understand this place better.

-[] The Blank Plains
--[] You see other things, other places, in the more distant hills. Almost as if a light came from them. Head that way and see what you might find.

-[] The Shattered Stairways
--[] A labyrinth of stairs. A monument of a gone age. A sprawling ruin. See where the many paths might lead you.

[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
(NOTE: all actions, as ever, are "attempts". Attempts to scout the cult, attempts to sow dissent, so on. Actions that would have "guaranteed" effects were those taken on the night of the changeling purge.)

-[] Soft Sweeps. Just Soft Sweeps. The mare disappeared the moment she saw Canterlot in flames. And you know you would have done the same, if you were in her situation, even if you did not have her wings. Be there for her when she returns. She will need it.

-[] You just made a secret decision that will change your life, and your family is the most important part of your life. You have to talk to your husband. The fact that "Princess Luna" was revealed as an impostor… well, it helps. But you really need to have the talk with Stormchaser.

-[] You didn't strike while the iron is hot, but the iron isn't exactly cold yet either. Talk to Mayor Mare. You spent a reasonable time with her this last week, even if only in a professional manner, but you should try your best to dissociate yourself from Starry Dancer.

-[] Not having evidence that can point at you, when it comes to cult activity, is paramount. Steal the originals of your manuscripts, in the Bright Library. The thing is chock-full with your hoof-writing, and it is something you would rather not have there. (Due to the amount of copies the cult has of your manuscripts, it is impossible to "remove" them from the cult's knowledge. This is only an evidence-reducing effort).

-[] "The Loremaster does not exist," they say. Double down on that. Dissociate Lady Velvet Covers from the image of the elusive Loremaster.

-[] "Just because the Loremaster doesn't exist, it doesn't mean she isn't real." It will be very hard to bring anypony from the cult with you as long as that phrase is repeated in whispers. Increase your influence over the cult, and try to make "Lady Velvet" a figure, a real figure, that can be followed… wherever you want to guide them.

-[] You still have no idea what truly happened in the expedition, and Comet Feet is not talking. But he wasn't the only one to go. Try to track the other expedition members, and try to discover more information of what happened.

-[] You are planning to leave the cult, and cults are usually not friendly to that idea. But safety in numbers is a thing. Spread dissent within the cult. Try to get more ponies to leave, when things really get rough, and scout the terrain for cultists that might be interested in following somepony else. (Less effective the less you know about what happened in the expedition, especially with how you managed to calm the cult and the town down).

-[] The Hintchasers answer to you, even if they don't know it. Try to make them more "amenable" to changes in the cult. Subtly scout them, and see how much they might value having a guide to the detriment of losing a cult.

-[] Should you… check in of Fluttershy…? You told her something, last month. And for all that you can't take her to Comet Feet right now, there still is a lot going on in town, to the point that you have no idea how the recluse mare is faring. Maybe you should give her a visit. Perhaps even prepare her in case you ask her for… some help, come next month when Comet Feet "returns".

-[] Windy Flakes. Every other Inner Circle pony is in jail, in another town, drunk on an Influence or is already your friend. Windy, however, remains an unknown quantity. Or rather, an unknown quantity you CAN do something about right now. (WRITE IN your objectives for this conversation. Scout him to check his stance on leaving the cult? Ask about his project? Just try to become a better friend for later talks? Remember this is ONE talk that happens THIS turn.)

[] On what must be done (You have no set objective at the moment, save for your own)

[] On the treasures that bits may buy (actions where you search for things to purchase)
-[] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them.
--[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost) (HEART, FORGE)
--[] In the great libraries of Canterlot… the ones that are open to public access, that is (20 bits in transportation) (applies "Royal Favor") (LANTERN, GRAIL, SECRET HISTORIES)
--[] In the many small bookshops that dot the side streets of Manehattan (35 bits in transportation) (MOTH, EDGE, KNOCK)

(Due to SECRET HISTORIES 3, now you have a better idea of what you are more likely to find in each city)

-[] The cult now has an appropriate place to meet, but you could still use a discrete location that is all your own. Scout for a suitable place, or other buildings that might be for sale.

-[] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place… right?

-[] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.) (Does NOT cost an action)

[] On furthering your influence
-[] In Ponyville
--[] You now have a better grasp of the merchants in Ponyville, having had several letters of introduction sent around in your name. But what would you like to do next?
---[] Meet a few of them, and ingrain them to your cause. (WRITE IN if you will try to win them as personally loyal to you, or if you will point them in the direction of the cult)
---[] They are bit handlers, and that means they are a source of income. "Borrow" a few bits from your family and do a few quick investments. Everything will be back to its place by the end of the month, and you will be a little richer for that. (Attempt to gain a few more bits on the side, using your family's fortune as a lever)
---[] They know somepony who knows somepony who knows somepony. Use that to your advantage. (Ask them to search for an artifact. Specift LORE and LEVEL, up to Level 3. It will be added to your available list, but will be more expensive than normal)
---[] Something else. WRITE IN.

--[] Ponyville's local guard is, according to Windy Flakes, slowly slipping into the Cult's pockets. Get a hoof in on that process. It wouldn't hurt anypony there to know they should also listen to you as well.
--[] A pony needs not to be a faithful of your cult in order to be useful, said pony needs only know what to report to whom, and when to keep one's mouth shut. Ponyville has an underworld, small as it might be, and their eyes and ears could be useful. Attempt to contact them.

--[] There is a house near the outskirts of town. One which very nearly got burned to the ground. You know its sole owner will not step hoof in it for a long while, but you surely can put it to use, right? Highly suspicious (Your first turn there will be spent "cleaning up" the most alarming things of the house. Further cleaning will surely be needed, but after this first once-over its suspicion level will lower)
-[] In Manehattan (all options cost 35 bits in transportation)
--[] Copper Secateur has been ordered to expand the cult into Manehattan. This will not be easy, and you could certainly help her. The fact that you will gain more influence in that branch of the cult as you help her is merely coincidental.
--[] Manehattan has a guard. Local guard, a constabulatory, police center, whatever they call it. Get to know them, that is always the first step.
--[] Manehattan most certainly has an underworld. Crime is much easier to commit in a place like that, you see. Go there and see what you make of it.
-[] In Canterlot
--[] Reach out to your family, at least the ones you go along well with.
---[] Reach out to your mother, as much as it might be… complicated. (costs 20 bits in transportation)
---[] Attempt to locate your older brother, Velvet Wings, as much as it might be difficult. (attempt to locate him, at first, via correspondence)
---[] Go there yourself and try to talk to your younger brother, Velvet Pride, although getting caught will probably be bad. (costs 20 bits in transportation, involves invading your family's own mansion)
--[] Reach out to other minor nobles of Canterlot.
--[] Reach out to other higher nobles of Canterlot, although that might be more complicated.

[] On aiding the cult
-[] You are the Loremaster! You are supposed to help your Master teach the faithful in the cult all manners of eldritch knowledge. Get to writing a Manifest on a Lore! [SPECIFY LORE] (Will produce a "book" to be added to the Bright Library, said book will be of the same level as your current level on the chosen Lore)

-[] Help Comet Feet
--[] Try to spend some time with it, plain and simply. No other way to get to know him.

-[] Help Starry Dancer
--[] Now that you know her a bit better, you can always just spend time with her.

-[] Help Copper Secateur
--[] She is gone from Ponyville, and is currently working to further the cult's interests in Manehattan. Reach out to her. (Costs 35 bits in transportation. WRITE IN what you would like to do involving her.)

-[] Help Windy Flakes
--[] You realize you don't know very much about him at all. Time to remedy that.
--[] His business is all set up, and now he has to run it. And do you know who is good at running businesses? That's right, you are.

-[] Actually, you just want to chat with somepony. (Write in who, if it's an Inner Circle member or if you want to get to know more about the Cult in general. Write in if there is a specific subject to talk about. Talking to ponies outside of Ponyville costs transportation.)

[] On planning an Expedition.
-[] "Beneath the Royal Castle"
--[] Scout out the place so you can have a better grasp of what lies ahead of you. (costs 20 bits in transportation) Scouted via ritual
--[] You know enough, and there is not much time. Gather your followers and head out. (Write in how many actions you will invest on this. An expedition will start at the end of this turn.)

[] On furthering your knowledge.
-[] The matters of [SPECIFY LORE] intrigues you, petition your cult's Master for a lesson (currently willing to teach all Lores up until level 5, gives a single scrap of Lore WITHOUT triggering a test) Your Master is unavailable this turn

-[] A boon? A gift? A trade? Petition your Master for something. (WRITE IN WHAT. She walks the Wake, so talking to her is now less complicated. She may, however, ask for something in return for a boon. She may also react in an entirely unexpected way). Your Master is unavailable this turn

-[] There is something about this… thing, and you must learn what it is (pick two artifacts to learn from their Lore, and check it for hidden abilities).
--[] No artifacts available. (Unless if recently bought)

-[] It doesn't have to be just during a leisure weekend evening, you can fit a few minutes of reading even when walking between rooms if you really get into it! (Pick up to three books to attempt to learn a scrap of Lore. Consumes books).
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
--[] BOOK, FORGE Level 1. "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire".
--[] BOOK FORGE Level 3. "A real guide to beginner's level blacksmithing. The bookstore owner almost seemed excited in having this reach your hoofs via your servants."
--[] BOOK, KNOCK Level 2. "A fairly recent, and short, book about dream interpretation. You know it is recent because it was dedicated to Princess Luna's return".
--[] BOOK EDGE Level 1. "The title is self-explanatory: 'Four self-defense spells every unicorn should know'. You doubt they are anything more than different variations of concentrated telekinesis."
--[] BOOK LANTERN Level 6. "An ancient, and enormous, hardcover tome written in an unknown language. You are not even sure what its title is, if it even has one, but the symbol laid on its front was enough for you to understand what it is about. On its cover you can clearly see the icon of a Sun, Divided." (DECIPHERED, will grant +one Lantern Lore if studied, small risk of FASCINATION.)
--[] Some other book (select a book you have bought this turn)

-[] This thing is ancient, and its secrets were nearly lost. You will have to first understand it before you can begin to learn from it. (Decoding a book requires dedicated research, your progress being based on a study roll. Reaching at least 50% of the total progress will "reveal" the total amount needed.") No untraslated tomes available

[] On scaling the Mansus (Pick TWO options for every action spent)
-[] The Woods
--[] Wander around the Woods, and hear its many whispers.
--[] Visit the Dry Well, with its many scents.
--[] There are other places connected to the Woods, but that are not in the Mansus proper. Look for them.

-[] The Blank Door
--[] Explore the Blank Plains, the first afterlife of ponykind.
--[] Visit the Lodge of the Sage Pony. You may not be able to talk to Baldomare, but you surely can listen very well.
--[] There are other parts connected to the Blank Plains. Look for them.

-[] The Shattered Stairways
--[] There are other markings to be followed within this maddening labyrinth of stairs. Follow them.
--[] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
--[] This… this is the way upwards. (You still need to completely explore ONE more within the Shattered Stairways)

[] On more personal matters
-[] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
--[] Just another pleasant day that you will spend with them. Perfect for cooling your head off.
--[] Alright, this might be a BIT on the cult-y side, but… why not start giving your family subtle hints of Lore here and there? You might catch their attention, or perhaps even their interest. (Stormchaser will surely see this as a major breach of trust)
--[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)

-[] Bits are the engine of Equestria! You have been working your hooves off for years now, so it won't be seen as scandalous if you write a letter to your father requesting an increase in your share of the family's grants… right?

-[] You do know "your place" in the family, but bits are still important. A letter asking for a one-time gift will surely be better received than one asking for a permanent "raise", right?

-[] You really shouldn't, but needs must. Every single ledger from the farms east of Ponyville pass through you, it would be a simple matter to have some "administrative mistakes" make some bits disappear from the coffers and appear in your pockets.
--[] Have a servant do it, having an actual scapegoat is ideal if things go wrong.
--[] Do it yourself, it's better this way.
--[] Wait, right, the Wildhoof Club. Get in touch with Windy Flakes, and see how serious he was when he mentioned the whole "laundering bits" thing.

-[] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting.

-[] Sit down and work on a letter. Reach out to nobles who do not live in Canterlot. They, much like yourself, might not be deeply entangled on the webs of politics that surround the capital, but that just means they can also act with more freedom, right?

-[] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with… (SPECIFY if it will be "a social call" or "a step forward to converting said pony". SPECIFY if "you are willing to spend bits on this", for that little extra leverage)
--[] Teach Rarity yourself, and have her turn into an Disciple
--[] Teach Jade Whistle yourself, and have her turn into a Seeker Insufficient personal levels
--[] Twilight Sparkle, who leads the bearers of the Elements of Harmony
--[] Cheerilee, your daughter's schoolteacher
--[] Mayor Mare, the de-facto ruler of Ponyville
--[] Filthy Rich, a well-to-do and wealthy bussinespony
--[] Fluttershy, the recluse mare who lives on the outskirts of Ponyville
--[] Applejack, daughter of the Apple Clan and older sister to your daughter's friend
--[] WRITE IN (arrange to take your daughter to meet some of your younger acquaintances, or plan something else entirely)

[] On invoking the Lores (see RITUALS for more information, as well as CD and cost. SPECIFY if you will offer SACRIFICE)
The White Room, and the cult's cupboards:
-3 live changelings stored in the White Room

Your own reagents, and other possible sacrifices:
-All of your Artifacts
-HEART, level 1 reagent

-[] It's actually a lot simpler than it sounds, now that you know what you are doing (produce a reagent, write in which Lore/combination of Lores. Cannot produce a reagent with a Lore level superior to your own.) (Producing a single reagent is a FREE ACTION, producing 3 costs 1 action, 5 costs 2 actions, so on.)
--[] Level 1 reagent (5 bits)
--[] Level 2 reagent (20 bits)
--[] Level 3 reagent (45 bits)

-[] It's grim work, but needs must.
--[] Acquire a dead body from the local cemetery.
--[] Acquire a live pony for the White Room.

-[] "The proper things, in the proper manner, in the proper order. God help us all." (Perform a Ritual)
--[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
--[] "The Rite of Childhood's End"
--[] "The Forge's Redemption"
--[] "The Incision of the Heart"
--[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
--[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
--[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
--[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
--[] Invoke a Risen (SPECIFY dead body used as source. ONE Risen is a FREE ACTION)
--[] Invoke Baldomare

--[] To be performed at your cult's gathering place, where it is discreet. But the cult will know of your actions.
--[] To be performed at your own home, where the cult will not know of your actions, but you probably will be discovered or leave traces of it. (Disallows the use of the cult's Cadre and possessions)
--[] To be performed on another location (you do not yet know or own any such location)

[] Others WRITE IN (anything, but I will have to consider it, and it might make the voting period a bit longer)

A cautionary note. Running around screaming rebellion works as the "spark" that starts the flame. It has no effect if you don't first put fuel next to it. Velvet's first attempts at anything will first be the cautious scouting and prodding, so do NOT see these actions as "Pick this to guarantee all Hintchasers are undyingly loyal to you".

In fact, considering how little contact you have with the cult at large, a lot of these actions will reveal to you WHAT the cult's current stance and thoughts are, so you can better react and decide from there.

And again. All letter-writing options, and all options that involve leaving Ponyville, are unavailable this turn. The whole of Equestria is in uproar, and there is little you can do but weather the storm.

This is a preparatory turn. Make the most out of it.

Remember that write-ins for anything may be suggested. I'll do my best to answer if they are reasonable in a timely manner.

There will be at least 48 hours of voting. Kindly observe a
I hope you meant Copper; unfortunately, any method to do so we have is both distintive to the cult, and extremly hard for anyone except Velvet.
We could just kill her the regular way when she's under the club and put her body were we store the others, we don't even have to hide it just don't do it in front of the outer members.
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I'm pretty sure we should let her fizzle away because otherwise she'd be actively supporting the cult. She'd HAVE to. We could meander around with our Manifests but having a Name around and not putting her to work would be far more suspicious and, unfortunately, Baldomare is perhaps completely incapable of subterfuge so there's no way we could hide her being active in Equestria (Or to have her sabotage the cult, for that matter)
I see what your getting at.

Sending the Baldomare to sabotage the cult in our stead would be insane, and she would rightly refuse to do it.

As for "using her to benefit the cult."

Nothing changes for her at all. She is our summon and we monopolize her actions.

She helps us. That helps the cult.

We almost entirely used her for personal projects and to deflect actual work before doing the betray.

It wasnt suspicious before it wont be now.

Taking steps to protect our family isnt suspicious. Gathering bits isnt suspicious. Climbing the mansus and gathering arcane lore isnt suspicious, its admirable.

And if it is truly that impossible for her to keep subterfuge. We can just not tell her anything.

She is not entirely without subterfuge however.

She is very good at keeping secrets. She has to be.

She didnt say for example "Velvet Covers isnt going to like that." When the cult was shoving Twilight into a jar.
[X] "By order of Lady Velvet Covers, all farmland activities are suspended until further notice. All workers will be given paid leave. Go be with your families in these trying times." (Notice fixed on the farmland entrances).

You have EIGHT SEVEN personal actions this turn, ZERO servant actions and ONE cult-minion actions. (Velvet Covers has auto-picked the eight actions option, and WILL commit one action to "stay with her family". The other seven actions, and the cult-minion/confidant actions, are to be picked in plans.)
Oh heck yeah
-[] "Just because the Loremaster doesn't exist, it doesn't mean she isn't real." It will be very hard to bring anypony from the cult with you as long as that phrase is repeated in whispers. Increase your influence over the cult, and try to make "Lady Velvet" a figure, a real figure, that can be followed… wherever you want to guide them.
I don't really understand this action. Is this trying to reduce that meme so ponies will be willing to follow the Loremaster, whereas the currently think we kind of don't exist?
I mean, the Moth fruit has a memory that is probably from the Master themself. If we want to know more about them before striking, that's a good way to do it. Also more lore about the Woods in general, and it might even give extra scraps as an added thing.
Very moth. To weigh a complete unknown against a known.

I bet it's useful but wont help us get out alive. Which should be our top priority.

If we're going to feed the fruit to Baldomare I really want a specific plan for her next 3 actions.
I challenge you to come up with a plan that will endure even a single turn.

Her biggest gift is time, but if we take eight actions she can help with four.

How are you so certain that the help she gives won't last past her absence?
Are you new?
We don't have real loyalty from the cult; even the Hintchasers are opportunists. We can't really do that with masses. Maybe if Copper was on our side, but she's probably Wolf-corrupted.
We might, actually. Have Rarity gather her own personal following, and they might follow her out of loyalty AND promises of more help from the Loremaster on the other side.

3) Yes, generally speaking you want to ascend... except we skipped all the normal steps and decided to speedrun the lower Mansus, missing out on everything in the Woods and the Blank Plains in the process. We need to spend some time playing catch-up, not putting even more areas on our 'unexplored' list. It's not even like it gives us no benefit, we're still getting scraps from Woods locations. We could probably clear or mostly clear the Woods in a single turn if we put in a couple of AP.
a bit of an exaggeration, as I said before. We visited both the Well and the Lodge, after all.

Admittedly we don't know how many locations are left in each area, but I still think that our earliest mansus objective should be the next door, as we're ready for it and door rewards tend to be greater than area rewards. After that we can stop again and backtrack some more (or even at the same time if we use multiple actions)

So, what we'll prioritize? Obviously, preparations for breaking Twilight out... Although if we'll do it ourselves even our fellow advisers have a bad time noticing us, as that little accident with Windy has shown. If we subvert Comet and/or get in the Manehatten branch while he is not there, we'll probably should be able to just walk in and out; at least with the help of Moth 4 and an appropriate AotL.
Comet: Master's orders, we have to move her back to another location!

Especially easy if Copper is not there, as she's the only one who might doubt that.

Considering the next meeting should be at the end of T14...
I think it will be at the beginning, really. and If the master could understand we're going to betray him soon just by watching us, then we have already lost anyway (or he doesn't care/wants to give us a fair chance at betraying him, for eldritchy reasons)

We maybe can stall up until turn 18 but we should plan to run on turn 16.
Basically. The best turning points are Selene at knock 2 with revealed option, Selene at knock 3 with revealed option, selene completed training, and "whenever we're forced to by circumstances".

As a reminder, we CAN awaken Selene sooner if it's important enough. It IS an option. Just... hopefully not by tearing the blanket.

Dude was willing to spend thousands of bits just to show off. With Velvet in actual, life-threatening danger, he would probably just buy a house if nothing else.

Also, if Jade was cool with it, we could maybe sell her house? Except that would take actions clearing it out, and we definitely don't have time for that.
ONE action from us, and other from servants or zombie minions. We CAN afford it.

we either sell it (if she agrees), or we use it for our own rituals.

Also telling our uncle that we got involved with dangerous ponies and need to disappear for a while COULD work... it's an option, at least.

We just ask him to give us cash to hide in some remote village, for example.

We need to heal our maluses ASAP or our health one at a minimum.
Healing them before the betrayal would certainly help, yeah. It's not essential, but it would help.

Fuck Celestia, as far as I can tell she's got every malus our master has but worse, and apparently they weren't good enough so why the fuck are we thinking about joining with her, the person who has most reason to want us dead
Because if we have Luna recovered those reasons become much less important, as she Has Luna back.

Celestia, for all of her problems, has shown no sign of being worse than the Master EXCEPT that in the fact she doesn't know about the Worms, and Luna can vouch for us on that front, with her memories of the torture and possession recovered.

stop talking like the cult is the ONLY option available. It is not, and there have been PAGES of arguments about why.

Wasn't it game over in the board game as well?

Leash is committed to Rarity at the moment.

Windy Flakes again?

Well you guys will need to figure out why he joined the cult in the first place. At the very least. Getting him to regard us warmly is likely pointless. So your going to need some extremely logical arguments to get him to flip.

There is also that chance that he is our rival. Since he broke for the mansus and became branded.
In game (no idea of board game) you can't freely reach the mansus. we can thanks to Knock 3. Still, Bird explained that the problem is Velvet being separated from her family, not the prison itself.

If we're about to act, or have just freed Twilight and need to convince Stormchaser to escape, Rarity doesn't need the Leash anymore.

Windy is a possible rival, though an unlikely one. He expressed fascination with the fur, instead of revulsion like the Rival. and we had just restored our friendship right before that meeting with max tier success.

The first step is to help with his project and get to know him/get closer to him through that. The second is promise his safety and that of his girl. The third... well, both logic and emotions can help, as can grail.

...I very much want to warn him about the "snowy region" of the Shattered Stairways. We don't even need to tell him about the Wolf, just "remember my wounds? They were from there. I advise against going there if you find the place, I know I regret it".

There's plenty of locations in the shattered stairways, and he's not assured to find THAT one... but if he does, he should avoid it.

Where the wolf is? Isnt that... terrible? Or Regrettable I suppose.

Like blood that doesnt come out of a suit.

Well anyway.

We can reach our secret histories sacrament as well cant we?

Either by spending three actions on a "dangerous" exploration of the local alternate.

Or two actions on an expedition with the Baldomare. It will cost 80 bits though.

That shits tempting.

We aren't currently allowed to leave Ponyville by our father, and Baldomare is likely about to expire anyway.

If we keep her though both the expedition AND the personal Sacrament become easier. After all we can have her support us with a SH influence, and get a +40 to those rolls. In theory we could blitz through all three dangerous actions, and the +40 should make up for the extra danger (mostly).

Velvet is wierd on being ominidisciplinary, even luna that is alicon have only 4. There's some stuff he just cant really learn.
Luna needs those 4 to recover.

We have no idea if she'll be limited to them post-recovery, or even if she'll still have all 4 of them instead of losing some, absorbed by more generic and Alicorny bonuses

Ok, we have a problem. This was marked as insightful.
I'd just like to say I WARNED about that, which is why I wanted either to make it clear to Twilight she should NOT trust the cult no matter what, ESPECIALLY COPPER, or that we shouldn't have talked to her at all.

But we'll see. We don't know what's going to happen yet after all.

... I hoped to catch up before Birdy... :(

...ah, he didn't QUITE catch up. and turn vote is incoming, as I hoped!

One thing I want to get out of the way first, though. A lot of talk has been going around about "making new rituals".
But consider the following.
Rituals are esoteric science. They are the application of esoteric laws, most of the time through invocation of said laws in loops or sequences to have a desired effect as a subproduct.
However, your current knowledge of the Mansus equates to about half a chapter of Natural Sciences, and a few ragged papers ripped out of a book of physics and chemistry.
Which means, making rituals is hard. And in your current knowledge level is harder. It took Jade (a Lantern major) several months, and your own help (a SH major), to make a ritual that (surprise!) is EXCLUSIVELY focused on Lantern and SH (the main focus of the Ritual creators).

So, really. The best place to look answers to your troubles is in the Mansus. Not in some multi-action, unknown reward ritual making that might end up as a wild goose chase with substandard rewards.

Now let me post the next update.

...and, admittedly, if we found "basic rituals" basically in the patterns of the Mansus' nature, maybe we can find more. Or get taught by mansus inhabitants. Or find a name willing to teach some of them. Or we might just get inspiration from what we find, as exploring is basically the equivalent of finding more pages and chapters of those metaphorical books.

The words we gave to Twilight were...

"Oh, Twilight. I'm so sorry. I don't have the power to free you yet, but I'll do everything I can. Just hold on. Your friends will come for you. You're not forgotten."

They are likely to be at the forefront of her mind. Wether because they were the last thing she heard or for other reasons.

If Copper talks to her and works her grail mojo she will likely find out about them almost immediately. Maybe.

*grumbles of uncertainty*

Twilight could resolve to simply say nothing at all to her captors. Though she does not know the risks of grail.

There is also the issue that. Hm. Well Comet Feet may or may not allow Copper to speak with her. We cant say for certain if her grail can overcome his edge at the moment.

...but no, we went for the vaguest words, in my opinion worse than no words at all. I hope we won't regret it, though Copper doesn't have an urgent reason to talk to Twilight yet anyway. Maybe we have time?

I think we should feed the Baldomare the moth fruit.

Were probably going to be taking a lot of actions exploring the woods which should reap moth fragments.

In the meantime if we can scrounge up 80 bits we can go on the expedition with her. Which will give us whatever the reward for the expedition is (scraps?) And the Baldomares secret histories sacrament. For two actions.

Power whatever form it takes we will need.
I still think personal sacrament is better, because I expect it to "evolve" our current skill and it's just one extra action (while saving on bits, and probably offering SH scarps at least the first time).

Also we're still not allowed to leave the town, and an SH influence would likely make it easier AND boost other actions too.

Guys, I don't think we should consume the Moth fruit. Perhaps instead, we could save it for the future when we summon Baldomare to help us out once more (After we leave the Cult) but I had this odd premonition that mmmmayyyybbbeee eating it isn't the best idea if we want to betray the cult.
Keeping the fruit for multiple turns is silly. We either eat it or we give it to Baldomare NOW and DON'T let her expire.

Question what we decided about stary dancer?
left her in prison for now, she's unlikely to be a valid target for subversion so we'll most likely leave her alone.

We should consider using that favour before leaving though, if we get the chance.

I'm somewhat ok with that? I really want that sweet sweet lore, but to be honest we should teach Selene Winter, not Moth this turn - because we probably should have a turn for Knock 3 research, which means that Knock 3 should come no later than 3rd, and Winter no later than 2nd, and given that we are extremly unlikely to get Winter 4 in a single turn, we are gonna roll anyway. If we are to fail it, we want to learn it earlier rather than later.
Winter is 2/4. if we explore Blank Plains (and mansus in generaly) multiple times this turn and next, Winter 4 seems likely.

I'm pretty sure we should let her fizzle away because otherwise she'd be actively supporting the cult. She'd HAVE to. We could meander around with our Manifests but having a Name around and not putting her to work would be far more suspicious and, unfortunately, Baldomare is perhaps completely incapable of subterfuge so there's no way we could hide her being active in Equestria (Or to have her sabotage the cult, for that matter)
Not really? She's OUR summon, not the master's, so our orders take precedence. Even the Master only asked for them, and we had the option of refusing.

Explore the mansus, it is the solution to all our problems, any claims otherwise are filthy Harmony propaganda
The Mansus is the source AND solution to all problems :D

I mean, the Moth fruit has a memory that is probably from the Master themself. If we want to know more about them before striking, that's a good way to do it. Also more lore about the Woods in general, and it might even give extra scraps as an added thing.
extra scraps from a BOOK seem unlikely. It already gives 2.

The knowledge might be worth it though

On the other hand, this.

If we're going to feed the fruit to Baldomare I really want a specific plan for her next 3 actions.
SH influence for sacrament, or expedition (wait, is 2 actions from us AND her?!), or the generic "help in half our actions".

If we get a money windfall (maybe we should send a letter to our uncle and ask for money please?) we can send her searching for books and artifacts and her special "search". Can you imagine if she was to meet Naenia, the Elegiast's name?

and now the update...
Seven actions. That's good.

So, the most (and the least) interesting fleeting opportunities, in my opinion:
-[] Soft Sweeps. Just Soft Sweeps. The mare disappeared the moment she saw Canterlot in flames. And you know you would have done the same, if you were in her situation, even if you did not have her wings. Be there for her when she returns. She will need it.
Want to, but may not have time for that. Still, this is probably a path to confidant status, and given that this is not our last turn, we probably should do it.
-[] You just made a secret decision that will change your life, and your family is the most important part of your life. You have to talk to your husband. The fact that "Princess Luna" was revealed as an impostor… well, it helps. But you really need to have the talk with Stormchaser.
Is a must.
-[] You didn't strike while the iron is hot, but the iron isn't exactly cold yet either. Talk to Mayor Mare. You spent a reasonable time with her this last week, even if only in a professional manner, but you should try your best to dissociate yourself from Starry Dancer.
Really should do it.
-[] You still have no idea what truly happened in the expedition, and Comet Feet is not talking. But he wasn't the only one to go. Try to track the other expedition members, and try to discover more information of what happened.
Is almost a must.
-[] You are planning to leave the cult, and cults are usually not friendly to that idea. But safety in numbers is a thing. Spread dissent within the cult. Try to get more ponies to leave, when things really get rough, and scout the terrain for cultists that might be interested in following somepony else. (Less effective the less you know about what happened in the expedition, especially with how you managed to calm the cult and the town down).
Under no circumstances, not yet
-[] The Hintchasers answer to you, even if they don't know it. Try to make them more "amenable" to changes in the cult. Subtly scout them, and see how much they might value having a guide to the detriment of losing a cult.
Maybe? Not really urgent, though, so I want to skip this turn.
-[] Should you… check in of Fluttershy…? You told her something, last month. And for all that you can't take her to Comet Feet right now, there still is a lot going on in town, to the point that you have no idea how the recluse mare is faring. Maybe you should give her a visit. Perhaps even prepare her in case you ask her for… some help, come next month when Comet Feet "returns".
Is almost a must.
-[] Windy Flakes. Every other Inner Circle pony is in jail, in another town, drunk on an Influence or is already your friend. Windy, however, remains an unknown quantity. Or rather, an unknown quantity you CAN do something about right now. (WRITE IN your objectives for this conversation. Scout him to check his stance on leaving the cult? Ask about his project? Just try to become a better friend for later talks? Remember this is ONE talk that happens THIS turn.)
Is a must.

So, that's 6 out of 7 actions, plus Mansus, plus hintchaser action? Maybe...
I see what your getting at.

Sending the Baldomare to sabotage the cult in our stead would be insane, and she would rightly refuse to do it.

As for "using her to benefit the cult."

Nothing changes for her at all. She is our summon and we monopolize her actions.

She helps us. That helps the cult.

We almost entirely used her for personal projects and to deflect actual work before doing the betray.

It wasnt suspicious before it wont be now.

Taking steps to protect our family isnt suspicious. Gathering bits isnt suspicious. Climbing the mansus and gathering arcane lore isnt suspicious, its admirable.

And if it is truly that impossible for her to keep subterfuge. We can just not tell her anything.

She is not entirely without subterfuge however.

She is very good at keeping secrets. She has to be.

She didnt say for example "Velvet Covers isnt going to like that." When the cult was shoving Twilight into a jar.
No, we haven't done anything like that. We did send her to Manehatten in Jade's place, but that was our decision.

I see, I see. In that case we should totally give the Fruit to her. I was kind of misinterpreting how much the cult as a whole was gaining from her and she's pretty damn awesome to us.

-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
-[J] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]


Perhaps we could swap out an Action to read :V