Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[ ] Plan People-focus

The simple fact of the matter is that we are never going to have an opportunity this good to make a naked grab for power again.

This is the time to cement the shape of the cult.

@Pittauro as the current front runner, is there any chance I could persuade you to speak with Comet Feet instead of going for more artifacts? I like every other part of your vote.

It is as @DarkLight140 wonderfully pointed out. He is... throwing up a lot of red flags.
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[X] Plan People-focus

The simple fact of the matter is that we are never going to have an opportunity this good to make a naked grab for power again.

This is the time to cement the shape of the cult.

@Pittauro as the current front runner, is there any chance I could persuade you to speak with Comet Feet instead of going for more artifacts? I like every other part of your vote.

It is as @DarkLight140 wonderfully pointed out. He is... throwing up a lot of red flags.
My plan would be a front-runner if you went for it; it's got everything people-focus does except it doesn't bring Jade Whistle along to find Luna, which is good because until we subvert Jade Whistle meeting Luna with her means meeting her as a cult member, and meeting her as a cult member is worse than meeting her as an initially independent pony because then we have to let the Master decide how we're going to interact with her.
My plan would be a front-runner if you went for it; it's got everything people-focus does except it doesn't bring Jade Whistle along to find Luna, which is good because until we subvert Jade Whistle meeting Luna with her means meeting her as a cult member, and meeting her as a cult member is worse than meeting her as an initially independent pony because then we have to let the Master decide how we're going to interact with her.
I would, but. Well. I would like the family action?

Perhaps instead of buying more books? The six thing said it would worry those close to us.
I would, but. Well. I would like the family action?

Perhaps instead of buying more books? The six thing said it would worry those close to us.
We can't really use the servants for anything else, unless we're okay with asking them to do suspicious things; (we can't really ask a maid to do the job of making friends with somepony for us). This would be the most explainable turn to be a little lax on our job, though, I guess, if we had to get the time out of somewhere.

[X] Plan Outreach

-[X] Previous Turn's Items:
--[X] On Hold (no purchase):
---[X] ARTIFACT – MOTH Level 2, moderately suspicious, buy for 100 bits

-[X] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of MOTH (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws")

-[X] How much will you dedicate yourself to your family's affairs this month? (You must pick one)
--[X] A measured commitment: Give everything a once-over, sign everything in stacks. The farmlands wont just crumble and burn if you miss a few numbers this month. (6 personal actions and 1 servant action. Might be noticed by those closest to you. Will not be noticed by the family head if you do not do this often.)

-[X] On what must be done (searching for Princess Luna)
--[X] You seek the Princess of the Night, and perhaps you are the only pony in Equestria who can access the Dreamlands, bar your compatriots (to whom you showed the way). She is bound to be there. And even if she is not, she is bound to sleep, and everypony has a door.
---[X] Invoke the power of the MOTH to Protect You From Nightmares.
--[X] You are a noble, albeit a lesser noble. But the crown has called for every stallion and mare for help, and it would be very noble of you to join in the searches. Offering your help to the search parties will surely give you useful insight, on their progress if nothing else. Not suspicious, but servants will take no proactive action other than bring back information.

-[X] On aiding the cult (options not related to your current task, but related to the cult or with interactions with its members)
--[X] Help Comet Feet
---[X] He is out of town in… whoever knows where. Reach out to him, he could definitely use some company.
--[X] Help Starry Dancer
---[X] She seems somewhat rattled. You all are. Lend her an ear, or perhaps a shoulder.
--[X] Help Jade Whistle
---[X] She might not be as quiet and disconnected as she seems. Get to know her better.

-[X] On the matters of house and heart (actions directed towards your own family, the part that you care for deeply as well as… the rest)
--[X] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
---[X] Just another pleasant day that you will spend with them. Perfect for cooling your head off.

-[X] On the treasures that bits may buy (actions where you search for things to purchase)
--[X] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. All sub-choices not suspicious.
---[X] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)
----[X] [Servant Action]
Alright, here's the revised plan. Six actions will be noticed by those closest to us, but them noticing is sort of the point because we'll be spending the extra time with them.
[X] Plan Outreach

I agree with the practicality of influencing our fellow cult members - while we're going all-out into the lores of the Mansus, we can't forget that Friendship is also magic here.

One thing I will note though is the potential eh utility of going on the search for Luna ourselves (in person, not in dreams). Would that accomplish a lot versus doing something like trying to introduce Rarity to cult matters or interact with another of our fellow cultists some more?
One thing I will note though is the potential eh utility of going on the search for Luna ourselves (in person, not in dreams). Would that accomplish a lot versus doing something like trying to introduce Rarity to cult matters or interact with another of our fellow cultists some more?
It's a long term planning thing; it explains how we might parlay finding her in dreams to finding her in real life, and also gives us an excuse to display interest in her later. If we actually find her in real life, either because we convinced her in dreams or just found her independently, we can also use that as an excuse for why we are or want to be friends with her.
It's a long term planning thing; it explains how we might parlay finding her in dreams to finding her in real life, and also gives us an excuse to display interest in her later. If we actually find her in real life, either because we convinced her in dreams or just found her independently, we can also use that as an excuse for why we are or want to be friends with her.
Fair enough, I can see that logic. Running into Luna in dreams is gonna raise her suspicions anyway, we may as well have an alibi in case her metaphorical hackles are still raised.
@Pittauro as the current front runner, is there any chance I could persuade you to speak with Comet Feet instead of going for more artifacts? I like every other part of your vote.

I'm a bit busy right now, but if my plan is really the front runner changing it now seems wrong/unfair.

Modify it to your liking, I'll probably approval vote it later if I make it in time.

What do you have to lose after all?

On a secondary note I'm starting to change my mind on buying the artifact. It's always useful to have bonuses to burn on rituals after all, even if it's a bit expensive.
A quick note: we might want to send the servants to buy book somewhere OTHER than ponyville.

Ponyville is limited to level 3 books at most,and many level 1 book are already starting to be useless (though I suppose we could loans our used books to friends from the cult maybe. That could actually be a good write-up later on. I'll compile a list of previously bought books tomorrow).

We might take the chance to see what kind of different books (and to what level) we can find in either Manhattan or Canterlot. I'd go with Manhattan actually
BonBon can be a Supression Bureau agent here.
Hmm. My question here is 'what is the chance there actually is a anti-cult agency out there'? We don't know how much Celestia actually knows about all this cult stuff, we know they started out as ignorant as any other pony, and in all honesty being of great and shiny power might actually make it harder to notice, say, Lantern influence instead of writing it off as 'huh I did not know my connection to the sun helped with that' type of thing.

And given that there's at least some reason to believe that our cult was started by a being from the other side, per say, it might be that knowledge of shiny occult knowledge is a lot rarer in this verse then it could otherwise be. Especially as there's an entirely 'normal' set of magic for people to get involved in instead that can already do some crazy stuff if you're good enough with it.
Bon bon was part of a monster hunting organization if I remember right.

Specifically that thing with... the bugbear...

...After it escaped from Tartarus.

Oh fuck me, Tartarus is a place that exists in this setting.

And if things follow cannon at all it's due for a mass break out.
We can't really use the servants for anything else, unless we're okay with asking them to do suspicious things; (we can't really ask a maid to do the job of making friends with somepony for us). This would be the most explainable turn to be a little lax on our job, though, I guess, if we had to get the time out of somewhere.
We can ask them to go search for Luna. Not like the search parties are likely to give us much of a chance to do anything if we go in person in the first place.

I would much rather see a second Starry action, or a Copper action, or even just putting it back into our work.
Bon bon was part of a monster hunting organization if I remember right.

Specifically that thing with... the bugbear...

...After it escaped from Tartarus.

Oh fuck me, Tartarus is a place that exists in this setting.

And if things follow cannon at all it's due for a mass break out.
And yet we're not trying to increase our Lores for some reason. Like, I get most of what the currently winning plan is about—fair points have been made for approaching Luna alone and dealing with Comet—but can we at least change the noble searching action to studying the heart book? I would make a plan myself, but my computer is being stupid and I don't like to do that on my phone since it's so awkward.
And yet we're not trying to increase our Lores for some reason. Like, I get most of what the currently winning plan is about—fair points have been made for approaching Luna alone and dealing with Comet—but can we at least change the noble searching action to studying the heart book? I would make a plan myself, but my computer is being stupid and I don't like to do that on my phone since it's so awkward.
The frontrunner plan has us look for more books, which would fit into a book reading action better than the one book we have now. So that is something, if you are looking for lore progress.

Really, this is just a bad turn for Lore. We've just had the nightmare ritual, which means that it is an ideal time to talk to people; whereas it is just an ordinary time to learn lore.
The frontrunner plan has us look for more books, which would fit into a book reading action better than the one book we have now. So that is something, if you are looking for lore progress.

Really, this is just a bad turn for Lore. We've just had the nightmare ritual, which means that it is an ideal time to talk to people; whereas it is just an ordinary time to learn lore.
Fair enough I suppose, it's just a shame. I'm really interested in seeing the Lore progress, and not just for the stat bonuses. It's cool getting to read the different fluff pieces that comes with each level, and I really think Heart would help with all the "make sure people don't go crazy or depressed" going on. Maybe do a Master lesson and save the book for later?
Fair enough I suppose, it's just a shame. I'm really interested in seeing the Lore progress, and not just for the stat bonuses. It's cool getting to read the different fluff pieces that comes with each level, and I really think Heart would help with all the "make sure people don't go crazy or depressed" going on. Maybe do a Master lesson and save the book for later?
Sadly, it is a lvl1 book, and we are 1 scrap away from lvl2 lore, so once we advance Heart at all it will obsolete the tome.
And yet we're not trying to increase our Lores for some reason. Like, I get most of what the currently winning plan is about—fair points have been made for approaching Luna alone and dealing with Comet—but can we at least change the noble searching action to studying the heart book? I would make a plan myself, but my computer is being stupid and I don't like to do that on my phone since it's so awkward.
Agree. Somewhat. This too is increasing our power. Just differently.

So just, bad turn for lores. Unbelievable opportunity for social power.
Sadly, it is a lvl1 book, and we are 1 scrap away from lvl2 lore, so once we advance Heart at all it will obsolete the tome.
Right, right, I keep forgetting that. I would suggest Forge instead, since it's still at level 0, but we don't really need it right now... eh, whatever. I guess I can live with not progressing our Lores for a little while.

In the meantime, we should probably consider how we'll be earning the rest of the Council's loyalty. As it stands we're going to be working on half of them—more than, if you count ourselves—and probably the most important half as well. Lore, actual magic, Combat, and then Starry to tip the scales in numbers if it came down to an actual confrontation, but it would be better if we had the full council. Windy Flakes is hard to read and could go either way—he seems like the type to not really care about power struggles, but also comes across as kinda... sadistic? And might not like having a more benevolent person in charge—but Copper at least seemed to show some kind of remorse over the ritual. Maybe if that investigation's still going on next turn we can take a look into it and get some favor with both of them? It worked for Starry Dancer.
Moth 3
"Mommy, can I stay here with you?"

It was a sudden request. Your daughter simply appeared in your office, way after her bed time you might add, and asked if she could stay with you. You asked her if she had a bad dream, or if she would like you to read her a bedtime story or anything. But her answer was straightforward in a way that only a child's request can be.

"No, just wanna stay here with you, if it's ok."

That had been a few hours ago.

Silky Stream is still worried about you, that much is clear, and you can't blame her for it. Saying that you lost your composure on the day you witnessed Princess Luna's dreams doesn't even begin to describe how you were.

In hindsight, you know it could have been a lot worse. At least you were just quiet, at least you "only" wanted to stay alone, you didn't break down or let any stronger emotion take over you.

You would like to say that you also didn't react nearly as bad as the Princess, but even thinking about such comparison feels outright insensitive to you.

However, as much as your reaction was one of silence, it still did not stop your family from worrying, of course. Stormchaser subtly (well, subtly by his standards that is) hid from you that he had been called for an obviously urgent trip, after the explosion in the royal castle, just to stay with you for the next few days. He and your daughter practically hounded you during that time, until Stormchaser was content and convinced that you were feeling better.

But your husband is a grown stallion, he has the maturity of an adult, and a worrying situation like that is something he can handle. Your daughter, on the other hoof, is just a filly.

She wasn't just worried, she was scared. She still is.

So, you can understand why she is still feeling like this, why she is still coming to you more frequently, with that poorly hidden trepidation caused by something that is out of her control. That is why she is sleeping on the cushioned sofa you have on your office, wanting to be in your company simply because she has no idea of what else she can do.

"But still, as much as mommy enjoys being with you, it really is time for little fillies to go to bed," you whisper in her direction, not really wanting to wake her up, and get up from your chair.

You could float her with magic, of course, but for some reason another whim catches your fancy, accompanied by a mixture of nostalgia combined with the slight sadness that the day will soon come when you will no longer be able to do this.

"Let's see if I can still…" but that day is not today, and with the gentlest of touches you slowly lift your daughter with your hoofs and put her on your back.

Of course you are proud that you managed to do it without her waking up, but when did your little filly get so heavy?!

Your leg protests slightly at the added weight, but you couldn't care less. With gentle hoofsteps you make your way down the corridor, and head into your daughter's room.

You cheat a bit on this last part, using the slightest nudge of magic just to get her to a better position so you can put her to bed. But soon enough you have your daughter peacefully tucked in, her little face resting on her pillow, breathing softly.

You let out a small sigh. There are several things going on through your head, several thoughts from which you can pick right now, some of them good, many of them bad.

But the only thing that really comes to mind is that your daughter is growing. Slowly, quickly, steadily, into a pony that right now is totally different from the little foal you would carry not long ago. And although you adore her to pieces as she is right now, you can't help but think that watching her grow even more will be a change that you know will be for the best.

Changes can be good, after all. Of course you knew that, but having somepony remind you about it is always good.

"So thank you for reminding me of this, sweetie," you give her a light kiss on the forehead, with a smile on your face, and you write a mental note that you ought to be extra cheerful tomorrow to put her at ease.

You take one last look at her peaceful expression, feeling your mind go into the usual rounds of thinking about how cute your daughter is, and then you move to turn off the lamp. She really needs to sleep after all, and you need to let her.

You turn to the lamp.

And you realize that it is off, the candlelight within it dead and cold.

You tilt your head in surprise. Well then, you just need to close the curtains and leav-

The curtains are also closed shut.

You feel your heart beating just a little bit faster, not exactly with worry or fright, but instead accompanying the rhythm of your mind as it slowly reaches the realization that something is very, very wrong.

You look around, searching for the source of light, your mind trying to make sense of the fact that you can see your daughter clearly, you can see everything clearly, and yet there is not a single candle or open window in sight. You even make sure to even check your horn, as much as that sort of magical misfiring would be beyond weird from a mare your age.

Until you finally realize something.

Your eyes are closed. They have been closed this entire time.

A slight chill runs down your spine as you slowly open your eyes, only to be greeted by the total darkness of your daughter's room, the soft sound of her breathing and the pounding of your heart being the only things keeping you company.

And you finally understand what has happened to you.

You wonder what this change means. You wonder if it could ever possibly mean something good.

You have reached the third level of MOTH Lore and have come to a "realization", learning a secret that comes with it. Velvet Covers no longer needs light to operate, at least while in mundane darkness.

You have learned that the third level of a Lore will always entail "a subtle change of mind and body", although you do not know if that is good or bad.

You believe that the next level of knowledge can be achieved once you reach a "confident certainty" pertaining the Lore.
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These will happen at certain thresholds of Lore, level 3 being one of them. Character sheet will be updated shortly, and as I said it is not something that will affect voting.

Now, on other matters.

I never really understood why voting moratoriums existed, until this last situation. I can now see that it is much better to allow some time for some readers to catch up, discuss the "what might be betters" and then start proposing votes. As always, pardon my inexperience.

From the next vote on, there will be a 12 hours moratorium within the 48 hours of voting period. I hope it helps to have less editing of votes, my chiefest concern being if someone votes for a plan, and that plan is later edited with the voter without realizing it took away something they wanted to see happen, especially with so many complicated combinations and opinions available.

However, for this particular vote i dont think we need an extension or time reset. Lets see how it goes this time.

And as always, let me know if you have any opinion on this. This was the short conclusion i reached, but surely your experiences on the matter will be enlightening.

I'll re-read the prior posts, and will answer them shortly.