Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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The Nature of a Choir
You are Selene, and you are… asleep.

You are vaguely aware of your surroundings, and all of it is comfortable and warm. The curtains of your room are closed shut, not allowing a single ray of sun to pass through them, and you are under several thick and warm blankets, the deepest layer of them being the crocheted ones that you brought back from the place where Mrs. Velvet found you.

You really like this, right now. All of this. The way that you are only dimly conscious, just enough to know that you are warm and happy, together with the slightly coarse feeling of the crochet around you, that for some reason feels incredibly soothing and familiar. That sensation that, although you don't know why, almost feels like there is somepony… hugging you?

There might be a smile on your face, but you are too out of it to be sure of th-



But all of that is lost in an instant, as your door is brutally slammed open.

A panicked yelp escapes your lips, the soft covers around you suddenly turning into a tangled mess as you roll around while trying to get your bearings, your confused mind utterly convinced that you are falling towards the ceiling for a few desperate moments.

Whatever sense of balance that you are about to regain is quickly lost, however, as you are assaulted by the sudden feeling of something repeatedly hitting you.

No, not hitting you.

Jumping on your back…?

"Wake up Selene! Wake up wake up wake up!"

You are flat on your bed now, lying on your belly with your legs sprawled around you after your mind finally gave up on trying to understand which way is up and which way is down.

It takes a few more seconds for you to realize that the oddly rhythmic thing jumping on top of you is, in fact, Silky Stream, with the several layers of covers between the two of you turning the weight of her hoofs as they hit you into a soft pat against your back.

Yes, your mind is finally getting its bearings for you to notice that much. What you cannot understand yet, though, is what exactly she is shouting about.

"Wake up! It's time! We have to go! C'mon c'mon c'mon!"

You try to mumble a question as you start disentangling yourself from your bed, but your mind is still too hazy for the words to form properly. But she must have heard you, or at least felt you fumbling around, because you can feel that Silky has stopped jumping and that she flew away from you, followed by the tippy-tappy sound of her excitedly trotting in place right next to your bed.

You finally manage to at least pop your head from underneath your blankets, being immediately greeted by Silky's beaming smile when you do. Your expression is probably the opposite of hers, you idly think, but that doesn't seem to faze her in the slightest.

If anything, her trotting-in-place only grows faster when she finally sees you.

"What?" you manage to ask, your voice hoarse.

"Get up Selene!" is all she answers, and you can tell that it is taking all of her willpower to not grab you from your bed and drag you out of your room, "we have all sorts of things to do today!"

You slowly, slowly, start crawling out of your bed, although you know that you will only stop regretting it a few hours from now.

"Why…? Did anything happen?" you ask, also noticing that the air is surprisingly cold, actually, "and why is it so cold?"

You have no idea why, but for some reason your question makes Silky literally jump in excitement, not even bothering to fall back to the ground as her wings hold her in midair.

"Because today is Hearth's Warming!!!"

And acting as if that answer is supposed to be enough of an explanation to you, Silky simply grabs you by the hoof and finishes dragging you away from your bed, what little willpower she had left in her finally deserting her as she rushes to pull you out of your room, and then down the stairs.

You don't even have the breath to ask her what in Equestria that answer was supposed to mean before the two of you are already on the main hall downstairs.

But when you finally finish descending the stairs, your confusion focuses on something else entirely.

Specifically, you are wondering when exactly they put that giant decorate tree in the middle of the entrance hall, since you are absolutely sure that it wasn't there last night.

- - -

A wave of cheers erupts around you as countless ponies shout their cheers and praises, hoofs clapping against the ground to the point you almost feel like the earth itself is trembling with the joy radiating from everypony present.

You are also amazed, for your own part, but you are not sure how to express it. It takes a few moments for your to realize that your mouth is gaping open, but nopony seems to have even noticed that.

The four of you are standing in the middle of a crowd at the central park of Ponyville, where a great stage had been built and where a group of ponies has just finished singing the last song for the night. You had no idea that it was even possible for ponies to sing that well, and although you had been given a brochure with the lyrics in case you wanted to sing along with he crowd, you simply couldn't take your eyes away from the group for long enough to find what song they were currently singing.

You are still wide-eyed at the spectacle. The entire day, in fact, has been a sequence of things that, to put it simply, didn't give you a single moment of pause.

It began with Silky waking you up, of course, with three times the usual energy that she seems to have. But her rush to bring you downstairs soon made sense. There was the tree in the entrance hall, sure, but there was also Mr. Stormchaser and Mrs. Velvet waiting there, smiling while they sipped from mugs filled with hot chocolate.

Calmly sitting next to a small mountain of wrapped boxes.

You have been living with them for some time now, less then two months, and their family has already given you a lot of things. Way more things than you are comfortable with, or that you even know how to thank them for. They gave you a house to live in, and your own room, and all other sorts of things.

They also care for you, although you have no idea why considering how Mr. Stormchaser and Mrs. Velvet literally fought when you first arrived. And as if that wasn't enough, Silky also… well, Silky is also there for you.

You know that they have already given you far more than you deserve, or that you will ever be able to give them back.

So it goes without saying that… well, that you had no idea how to react when they sat you down by the decorated tree, and Mrs. Velvet floated three of the wrapped boxes towards you.

It was strange. They had already given you so much, but for some reason you couldn't help but think that that moment was also the first time you had ever received a "gift".

And then there was the storytelling by the fireplace, and then you all went out together for you to find out that the world was covered in soft and white snow, and then you went to the houses of some of Mrs. Velvet's and Silky's friends where they joined in with your group, and then you went all together to the central park of the town where a giant festival was going on, and then, and then…

Well, a lot more things happened, and now you are here, holding on to Mrs. Velvet's back so you can see better over the crowd, with Silky right next to you sitting on top of Mr. Stormchaser.

You also have to point out that, for all the snow and cold going on, you couldn't be warmer, seeing that you are currently wearing the gifts that you received on the beginning of the day. Silky's gift is the red scarf that you have around your neck, that seems to closely resemble the ones she and Mr. Stormchaser are also wearing. Mrs. Velvet gave you the dress you are wearing, dark colored to go with your coat and with several ruffles that, by her own words, "makes you look like a cute doll". And Mr. Stormchaser gave you a set of shinny horseshoes with small feather-like details graved on their sides.

Mrs. Velvet is also a bit warm as you hold on to her, of course. That surely helps.

"So? What did you think?" and speaking of which, Mrs. Velvet's voice snaps you back to the present, as you finally tear your eyes away from the stage and look down towards her.

"I…" you try to answer, realizing that at some point your mouth had gone wide open again. You shake your head a little before trying again, "I didn't know that anypony could sing so well… They were all so talented at it."

The crowd slowly starts to disperse around you, but still not enough for you or Silky to be able to dismount from the grown-ups, so they simply start walking away as well while carrying the two of you.

"Well, it is true that they practiced a lot," Mr. Stormchaser says, agreeing with you, "but they are not as talented as you think."

You tilt your head at that, not really sure of what Mr. Stormchaser meant by that. You are pretty sure, after all, that all those singers were amazing. Beyond amazing, even!

But for some reason, he simply laughs when he sees your quizzical expression.

"No, I don't mean it like that Selene," he says, "they can all sing very well, but there's two things that set them apart and that made them go up on that stage tonight. The first is that they put a lot of hard work into training, so it wasn't all just talent. Nopony is good at everything, and I'm sure that most of them don't even have cutie marks that are about music, so there was a lot of time and hoofwork on that show as well."

"He's right, dear. Rarity was up on the stage, remember?" Mrs. Velvet joins in on the conversation, "that's why we parted ways from her and Sweetie right before the show began. And as cute as her cutie mark is, it surely doesn't have the first thing to do with how well she can sing."

You can't help but mumble a low "ohhh…" at that.

"And second, again, nopony is good at everything," Mr. Stormchaser says once again, "that's why they were working together as a group."

"As a group? You mean the band they were all in, Mr. Stormchaser?" you ask, trying to make sense of what he was talking about, "so you are saying that they can all sing well together because… none of them can sing that well?"

This time you hear Mrs. Velvet laugh a little bit, and you feel your cheeks warm up at that, since you clearly just asked something extremely silly.

"It's called a choir dear, and well… it's a little bit of what you said, but it's honestly a lot more than just that," she says, looking up at you as she walks. "It's all about teamwork, really. Remember how some of them only sang some of the notes because of how deep of high their voices were? Well, thanks to having the rest of their friends there, thanks to the rest of the choir, they could all practice only the parts and notes of the music that they were really good at, so they could give us this show tonight."

"Yes, and more than that," Mr. Stormchaser continues without skipping a beat, "I can guarantee you that some of them were very scared of walking onstage. But having their friends there with them gave them the courage they needed. Both because they trust each other, and because they know that they each… how can I say it… Well, they each complement their friend's weaknesses, so to speak."

Ohhh… yes, it does make sense, you think, when they say it like that.

"Yeah! Just like how a family is supposed to be!" Silky speaks up, saying that with a smile on her face.

And you see all three of them smiling at that, her parents nodding at what she just said.

You can't help but smile at that, seeing them all together and happy.

But still…

Well, still, you can't really say that you are smiling with them.

After all, they might care for you, and be there for you, and give you all these incredible gifts. But deep down…

Deep down you know that you are not really one of them. Silky is your friend, of course, your very best friend in the whole world. But you understand, for some reason, that you are not really a part of their happy fam-

"Yes, that's why choirs work so well, because they are like that," Mrs. Velvet says, interrupting your thoughts while, for some unknown reason, her calm smile turns rather…

Rather mischievous?

"Being there for each other, helping out with the parts that the others aren't so good at, giving each other courage. Just like our family. You can even say that we are like a little choir, so to speak, and that's why it works so well," she continues, as if she somehow had read the thoughts you were having just now.

You see her horn glow in front of you, and on the next moment you and Silky are glowing as well, Mrs. Velvet using her magic to gently float the two of you so you would swap places.

Now you are sitting on Mr. Stormchaser's back, and Silky is on Mrs. Velvet's.

But why did she just…?

"The same way…" she calmly continues speaking, as Mr. Stormchaser sits down on the ground while Mrs. Velvet walks to stand in front of him. "The same way that you can count on us, Selene, because you are part of our family now."

You feel Mr. Stormchaser lean down slightly, to the point where you are on Mrs. Velvet's eye level.

And only now do you realize that Silky, just like her mother, also has that same wry smile on her face.

Although a part of you is conflicted at what Mrs. Velvet just said, a much larger part of you is simply confused at what exactly is going on.

"So, dear Selene, consider this our warm and loving welcome, for joining our little choir," she says as, for some reason, she uses her magic to gently make sure that the scarf around your neck is tight.

"Silky dear, is your sister's scarf properly tied?" she asks.

And for some reason some instinct of yours that you can't explain is telling you that something is about to happen. You have no idea of what, but you can feel your heart starting to beat faster now.

"Yes mommy. She's ready for takeoff!" Silky answers, after carefully looking at your scarf for a few moments.

Wait a second…


The next moment, you see Mr. Stormchaser opening both his wings on your sides,, and you barely have enough time to grab at the back of his neck before he flaps them down, sending the two of you flying towards the skies.

- - -
- - -
- - -

You watch as your husband abruptly takes to the skies, with Selene holding on to him for dear life while she screams.

You feel a laugher forming inside your chest, and you try to hold it in. You fail, however, when Silky herself starts laughing while on your back.

The two of you laugh for a few more moments as you see the pair break through the snow clouds and away from your sight.

Heavens, you are glad this all worked out.

The dress itself that you gifted her, made by Rarity of course, is insulated for flight, but you also know that the scarf, Silky's gift, will ensure that Selene won't feel any cold.

It is, after all, a scarf for flying, the kind that Silky and your husband always wear when they go out in this kind of weather. You know that it is an unusual present for a non-pegasus filly, but Selene didn't know enough about this sort of thing to catch on to the ruse earlier today, when she opened the gift.

The horseshoes, as well, are the enchanted kind for cloud-walking, so you are sure that soon enough she and Stormchaser will settle down on the top of those clouds. After he finishes pirouetting her through the night sky, of course.

Sure, it strains and pushes at your every instinct to know that your non flying filly daughter is currently away from the range of your levitation magic, but… Well, this was Stormchaser's idea, and Silky wholeheartedly agreed with it, so you suppose you can bear with it.

For a few more minutes, at least.

"Mommy," you hear your daughter calling you from your back, and you already know what she is about to ask even before she says it, "can I go as well? Pleeeease?"

You let out a sigh. You knew this would happen, of course, and you categorically dislike having your daughter go to that sort of altitude unaccompanied. And already you can feel the slight knot forming in your heart as you prepare to say the only answer that you can really give. But... you also know that, deep down, you don't really have a choice.

You can't deny her this moment, not when she was born with wings.

"Promise you'll fly straight up until you reach the clouds," is all you say, before the small ball of happiness on your back thanks you between cheers and zips towards the sky.

Causing the knot on your chest to become a lot tighter, of course, but you do your best to not let it show on your face as you watch her disappear in the lightless sky.

Well, nopony ever said that being a mother was always comfortable.

"I did notice that you three were planning something," you hear a voice coming from next to you, "but I didn't think it would be this."

You turn towards Filthy Rich, seeing Diamond Tiara riding on his back as well. The filly still has her eyes turned towards the clouds, and you think that perhaps she was just a little scared at how loudly Selene screamed when your husband took her away, but you can tell from Rich's humored expression that the surprise wasn't really that startling.

"Well, she has a father and a sister who are pegasi," you say with a smile, "so she'd better get used to that sort of thing."

Rich chuckles at that, and the two of you follow the crowd as you all head out of the park. You know it will get colder soon enough since, from what Stormchaser told you, the clouds have a full week's worth of snow that will fall down every night. So everypony knows that they ought to get home sooner rather than later.

"And I have to say," he continues, although you can feel that he is being rather careful with his words, "that it was a very nice thing of you to take in little Selene. She's lucky to have you three."

You nod at that, understanding why he is being rather roundabout when it comes to that sort of thing.

Not because of you or your family, you know, but because of his.

After all, when you dropped by his mansion for them to join in with your family, you did notice that his wife was nowhere to be seen. A part of you even started to think that he was perhaps a widower, until he offered a small remark about how he "asked if his wife wanted to come with, and that she gave him a few choice words about the festival as a whole before refusing", so she wouldn't be coming with that day.

He also mumbled something about him not having told her that your family was going to the festival with him and his daughter, but at that point Silky had tackled Diamond so the subject changed rather abruptly.

You realize, then, that his choice of words and hesitation is because his own family is rather… well, you understand.

"We are the lucky ones, I think, for having her," you answer, before turning to face him as well, "as we are all lucky to be your friends, Rich," you say with a smile, "you too Diamond, thank you for being Silky's friend."

The filly doesn't know how to respond, but you can see Filthy Rich smiling at that. A complicated smile, sure, but one that you can tell that deep down is honestly warm.

It makes you a little worried, truth be told, as you can clearly see that Rich and his daughter seem to have some sort of real problem… Diamond is your daughter's friend, and you honestly think that Rich is a good stallion so you care for him as well, so it surely is something that you might want to take a closer look at.

But… not right now.

Today is Hearth's Warming. Tonight is a night that you all ought to be happy.

Worrying can come later.

"Oh, and I think some of the stalls haven't closed for the night yet," you say, seeing his daughter's eyes light up at that, "so why don't we get something hot and sweet to drink before we head back to our homes?"

You see Rich's smile grow at that, as he looks up to his daughter and says a very badly faked "I don't know… what do you think dear?", to which Diamond Tiara answers with a very obvious "Yes!"

And with that, the three of you head towards the warmth of the food stands around the park, while the night slowly deepens around you, and your youngest daughter plays on the cloud-tops for the first time in her life.

The first lesson, taught in innocence, was the certainty that there is one who will always be there for her, no matter what.

The second lesson, taught in warmth, is that more will be there for her, if she but accepts them.

Selene's Winter is now level two.

And more importantly, Selene now has a family.

He is a good father, and a dedicated husband, but something tells you that there might be a waste in some of his efforts. At least, you hope, he will consider asking you for help if he really needs it… although something tells you that by his very nature, he is not the kind of stallion that easily asks for help. You are now Friends with Filthy Rich.

This is a gift. Happy New Year to all of us.
This is a gift. Happy New Year to all of us.
...I'm really glad you included this, otherwise I might have worried that there might be drawbacks from her suddenly jumping another level in Winter. Ah well, at least we'll be getting her up even sooner. That's... Level One Moth, Two Winter, and One one either Edge or Knock after this turn, right? A third of the way there.

Also, Happy New Years back, even if I've still got half a day on my side of the world.
It is, after all, a scarf for flying, the kind that Silky and your husband always wear when they go out in this kind of weather. You know that it is an unusual present for a non-pegasus filly, but Selene didn't know enough about this sort of thing to catch on to the ruse earlier today, when she opened the gift.
You let out a sigh. You knew this would happen, of course, and you categorically dislike having your daughter go to that sort of altitude unaccompanied. And already you can feel the slight knot forming in your heart as you prepare to say the only answer that you can really give. But... you also know that, deep down, you don't really have a choice.

You can't deny her this moment, not when she was born with wings.
"Well, she has a father and a sister who are pegasi," you say with a smile, "so she'd better get used to that sort of thing."
...And eventually she, too, will be flying under her own power. Also, this honestly seems like an even better reason to aim for Alicorn status. Forgetting being a Goddess and master of the Lores, I just want to go flying with the rest of our family.
It makes you a little worried, truth be told, as you can clearly see that Rich and his daughter seem to have some sort of real problem… Diamond is your daughter's friend, and you honestly think that Rich is a good stallion so you care for him as well, so it surely is something that you might want to take a closer look at.
...Yep, definitely need to take a moment for that as soon as we get a chance. It doesn't seem immediately problematic, but can easily become so.
And with that, the three of you head towards the warmth of the food stands around the park, while the night slowly deepens around you, and your youngest daughter plays on the cloud-tops for the first time in her life
Well her life, perhaps. And again, I really wish we could join them up there.
The first lesson, taught in innocence, was the certainty that there is one who will always be there for her, no matter what.

The second lesson, taught in warmth, is that more will be there for her, if she but accepts them.

Selene's Winter is now level two.

And more importantly, Selene now has a family.
And I grow ever more certain that a large part of Selene, if not all of her, will survive the ritual when it happens. We've really enforced the whole "family is important" aspect and given her something to anchor herself. Not to mention Winter is the mental resistance Lore...
So, was the extra Winter lore a gift from QM to questers or is there a reason for it? I am not complaining, far from, but this does mean that Selene will recover sooner.
Ok then onto a less brainless question, does this mean that winter wrap up is in the next month or two or was the Wendigo caused winter from hearth warming something that had nothing to do with the season and ponies making it snow for a week here is not really indicative of it being winter? For all we know their hearth warming is mid summer and they bring out the snowstorms anyway due to the holiday.
Ok then onto a less brainless question, does this mean that winter wrap up is in the next month or two or was the Wendigo caused winter from hearth warming something that had nothing to do with the season and ponies making it snow for a week here is not really indicative of it being winter? For all we know their hearth warming is mid summer and they bring out the snowstorms anyway due to the holiday.
...It's hard to tell. Technically, they're both in about the same place in their respective seasons where they were introduced—episode eleven/twelve-ish. Then again, two episodes after the Winter Wrap-up they're also starting fall, so I'm not sure that can really be trusted.
So, was the extra Winter lore a gift from QM to questers or is there a reason for it? I am not complaining, far from, but this does mean that Selene will recover sooner.
If you want an in-setting explanation for the lore boost, you can think of it as a consequence of fully resolving the our family issues with Stormchaser, at least with regards to Selene.

As a reminder, our result for dealing with Selene was a 92 (after bonuses), plus whatever boost we will have gotten for a 3-degrees-of-success result on a compromise vote. So I can see that warranting a "bonus" lore boost, on top of our standard lessons.
Specifically, you are wondering when exactly they put that giant decorate tree in the middle of the entrance hall, since you are absolutely sure that it wasn't there last night.
Silly Selene, don't question MOTHer. You're not ready for such secrets (yet)!

and although you had been given a brochure with the lyrics in case you wanted to sing along with he crowd
since when do ponies need to know the lyrics?

Then again, there was a mention of Velvet missing joining the spontaneous songs at one point...

I wonder, if we get closer to Harmony would we get that connection back?

You have been living with them for some time now, less then two months, and their family has already given you a lot of things. Way more things than you are comfortable with, or that you even know how to thank them for. They gave you a house to live in, and your own room, and all other sorts of things.

They also care for you, although you have no idea why considering how Mr. Stormchaser and Mrs. Velvet literally fought when you first arrived. And as if that wasn't enough, Silky also… well, Silky is also there for you.

You know that they have already given you far more than you deserve, or that you will ever be able to give them back.
Oh, Selene.. we love you, but sadly you're wrong. There IS some self-interest in this, and you'll definitely have to give back more than you received in time.

It's your destiny, as they say. We're just trying to make it a bit lighter for you if we can.

And you DO deserve this.

I really hope she'll keep this memories once she goes back to being Luna. They'll hopefully be a source of strenght and hope for her. That there are things worth fighting for.

And I hope Stormchaser manages to not get too uncomfortable with her, once she's recovered. I personally have no doubts about Silky and Velvet, as long as Luna doesn't reject us.

"As a group? You mean the band they were all in, Mr. Stormchaser?" you ask, trying to make sense of what he was talking about, "so you are saying that they can all sing well together because… none of them can sing that well?"

This time you hear Mrs. Velvet laugh a little bit, and you feel your cheeks warm up at that, since you clearly just asked something extremely silly.
that's an interesting definition for a choir :rofl:

Deep down you know that you are not really one of them. Silky is your friend, of course, your very best friend in the whole world. But you understand, for some reason, that you are not really a part of their happy fam-


You're not allowed to think like that, young lady! Don't make Mother angry now!

The next moment, you see Mr. Stormchaser opening both his wings on your sides,, and you barely have enough time to grab at the back of his neck before he flaps them down, sending the two of you flying towards the skies.
Stormy, know that I'm proud of you!

"Mommy," you hear your daughter calling you from your back, and you already know what she is about to ask even before she says it, "can I go as well? Pleeeease?"

You let out a sigh. You knew this would happen, of course, and you categorically dislike having your daughter go to that sort of altitude unaccompanied. And already you can feel the slight knot forming in your heart as you prepare to say the only answer that you can really give. But... you also know that, deep down, you don't really have a choice.

You can't deny her this moment, not when she was born with wings.
The problems of pony families. There are some things you just can't share with different tribes. Magic spells, the ability to fly, the connection to earth and nature.. That can be a source of strain at time, I imagine.

Just imagine if Dash's parents had been Earth Ponies, for example. Or Twilight's

Or all the problems the Cake Twins are going to cause to their parents.

"And I have to say," he continues, although you can feel that he is being rather careful with his words, "that it was a very nice thing of you to take in little Selene. She's lucky to have you three."

You nod at that, understanding why he is being rather roundabout when it comes to that sort of thing.

Not because of you or your family, you know, but because of his.

After all, when you dropped by his mansion for them to join in with your family, you did notice that his wife was nowhere to be seen. A part of you even started to think that he was perhaps a widower, until he offered a small remark about how he "asked if his wife wanted to come with, and that she gave him a few choice words about the festival as a whole before refusing", so she wouldn't be coming with that day.
yeah, we know. she's a bitch. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't divorce her already. I can only imagine she was an arranged marriage, because if you actually love her then you're delusional.

mh.. that's actually pretty sad. In a way Filthy Rich might very well be Stormchaser, if he had married someone like Spoiled Milk.

That makes Diamond a lot more sympathetic.

It makes you a little worried, truth be told, as you can clearly see that Rich and his daughter seem to have some sort of real problem… Diamond is your daughter's friend, and you honestly think that Rich is a good stallion so you care for him as well, so it surely is something that you might want to take a closer look at.
yeah, we'll probably have to take a look at that.

I don't have much hope for actually fixing Spoiled, but if he can't get a divorce for political reasons than maybe we can at least make her less of a bad influence on the whole family.

The first lesson, taught in innocence, was the certainty that there is one who will always be there for her, no matter what.

The second lesson, taught in warmth, is that more will be there for her, if she but accepts them.

Selene's Winter is now level two.

And more importantly, Selene now has a family.
eh, fitting for Christmas.

also, more pragmatically, this will shorten our wait by one month/turn if we can pass the roles and/or get the needed lore levels. That's always nice.

He is a good father, and a dedicated husband, but something tells you that there might be a waste in some of his efforts. At least, you hope, he will consider asking you for help if he really needs it… although something tells you that by his very nature, he is not the kind of stallion that easily asks for help. You are now Friends with Filthy Rich.

mh.. you know, actually solving his family problems in a satisfying way could be a way to get him to confidant. That, or being enough of a help/good influence on Diamond Tiara to counteract Spoiled.

Something to consider. I didn't really think too much about Filthy Rich recently, but he could certainly be useful. He's also pretty close to the Apple Family, so he could offer us a starting point with Applejack.

And there's obviously potential for trading deals too.

...I'm really glad you included this, otherwise I might have worried that there might be drawbacks from her suddenly jumping another level in Winter. Ah well, at least we'll be getting her up even sooner. That's... Level One Moth, Two Winter, and One one either Edge or Knock after this turn, right? A third of the way there.
eh, I wouldn't worry anyway. All we need (And can) do in such situations is to try and rebalance things later. I won't waste time worrying until I see any signs I should.

...And eventually she, too, will be flying under her own power. Also, this honestly seems like an even better reason to aim for Alicorn status. Forgetting being a Goddess and master of the Lores, I just want to go flying with the rest of our family.
Twilight is a friend. We could always just ask her for the wing spells (to teach or to cast on us). Alternatively in the far future Starlight Glimmer apparently knows self-levitation, so that's also an option if we raise our magic stat high enough.

Or maybe we could try and learn a spell to temporarily change species. Twilight managed to transform the main 6 in breezies one time, surely there's a similar spell for pegasi instead?

They're all going to be hard spells, but our Lores might help. Moth is about changing too, isn't it? Or maybe Forge, for the creation of Wings? we can also simply learn the cloudwalking spell, or buy enchanted horseshoes like the ones we gave to Selene (if we don't already have them).

..and on that note, if it's possible to enchant the horseshoes, maybe it's also possible for twilight to create enchanted wings. Another possible thing to ask

so, the question for Twilight: I want to fly with my family, can you

a)Teach me a spell to change into a pegasus?
b)Teach me a spell to self-levitate?
c)Teach me a spell to create wings?
d)Create an enchanted object doing any of these things for me (and possibly that I could recharge with my own magic)?

It would be a nice gift to Stormchaser and SIlky, to be able to fly with them at times.

And obviously happy new year to all players here 🥳
Then again, there was a mention of Velvet missing joining the spontaneous songs at one point...
It's in the header, actually. And probably the first or second post somewhere. We don't join in Heartsongs anymore.
Twilight is a friend. We could always just ask her for the wing spells (to teach or to cast on us). Alternatively in the far future Starlight Glimmer apparently knows self-levitation, so that's also an option if we raise our magic stat high enough.

Or maybe we could try and learn a spell to temporarily change species. Twilight managed to transform the main 6 in breezies one time, surely there's a similar spell for pegasi instead?
Sure, but it would still be nice to just have wings and not have to use magic or something. That way we could catch a crashing filly or something on reflex, instead of having to worry any time we're not actively using magic for it.
So I've got to ask, I was just going through the character and contacts pages and Selene is not under our family section, is this going to be added or is she going to get her own character sheet?
"It's called a choir dear, and well… it's a little bit of what you said, but it's honestly a lot more than just that," she says, looking up at you as she walks. "It's all about teamwork, really. Remember how some of them only sang some of the notes because of how deep of high their voices were? Well, thanks to having the rest of their friends there, thanks to the rest of the choir, they could all practice only the parts and notes of the music that they were really good at, so they could give us this show tonight."

"Yes, and more than that," Mr. Stormchaser continues without skipping a beat, "I can guarantee you that some of them were very scared of walking onstage. But having their friends there with them gave them the courage they needed. Both because they trust each other, and because they know that they each… how can I say it… Well, they each complement their friend's weaknesses, so to speak."

Ohhh… yes, it does make sense, you think, when they say it like that.

You have beheld a work of great beauty, formed of many smaller and humbler works, and witnessed a plurality surpassing the sum of its parts. If many hooves make light work, what further miracles may be accomplished?

Gained one scrap of HARMONY lore.

Your HARMONY lore is now level one!
As for Spoiled Milk, the standard cultist simulator answer would be to make her disappear and then be there for the family but that doesn't sound like Velvet. We would probably have to interact with her to know what her particular bag of issues is and then either give a practical lesson or slog through a friendship with her.

That or teach Filthy to give no bucks and leave her. Or introduce Spoiled to a spoiled noble lover, have her leave her family and then pick the pieces...

Yeah, as you can tell, this kind of thing is not my strong suit.
As for Spoiled Milk, the standard cultist simulator answer would be to make her disappear and then be there for the family but that doesn't sound like Velvet. We would probably have to interact with her to know what her particular bag of issues is and then either give a practical lesson or slog through a friendship with her.

That or teach Filthy to give no bucks and leave her. Or introduce Spoiled to a spoiled noble lover, have her leave her family and then pick the pieces...

Yeah, as you can tell, this kind of thing is not my strong suit.
The question, really, is how... not necessarily moral, but rather manipulative we want to be. We could, of course, just try to convince Filthy to leave her, but that sort of conversation is, like, Confidante Level already, and we would need to be sure how he even actually feels about her and their marriage. From what little we've seen of their interactions in canon, he does seem to try, and so might actually care.

She also doesn't seem like the type of pony who even could learn lessons on how to be a better mom or wife. We could try of course, or just make her a minion and try to force her into it, but that would be disingenuous and probably not work very well. It's an option though.

Then there's the... not quite fucked up, but still messy option of dangling another lover in front of her and letting her screw herself. Technically, it's really not our fault if she actually goes for it, but we would still probably feel guilty and Filthy Rich would probably suffer. We would also have to make sure it's someone we don't really mind having such a nasty bitch for a wife, so...

Although you are missing a fourth option. We could, instead, try to push Filthy towards a more healthy and happy relationship with somebody else and let him leave Milk. If he doesn't really love her and finds love somewhere else, it could totally happen. The problem, then, is finding an appropriate match, playing Cupid, and then making sure it all happens cleanly and honorably so that Rich doesn't muck things up by accident and Diamond has no reason to hate her new stepmother. Or stepfather, I'm not really judgy.

All the options require a lot of meddling, though, so I'm not sure how palatable they would be to voters.
Although you are missing a fourth option. We could, instead, try to push Filthy towards a more healthy and happy relationship with somebody else and let him leave Milk. If he doesn't really love her and finds love somewhere else, it could totally happen. The problem, then, is finding an appropriate match, playing Cupid, and then making sure it all happens cleanly and honorably so that Rich doesn't muck things up by accident and Diamond has no reason to hate her new stepmother. Or stepfather, I'm not really judgy.
I mean, that's one way to keep Jade out of that messed up house of hers. :whistle:
I mean, that's one way to keep Jade out of that messed up house of hers. :whistle:
See, I thought about that, but... well, we still don't know where she went, and I'm really not sure Jade is up to a romance, let alone a good option for Filthy. If she comes back as a Confidante we could always introduce them though.
I really hope she'll keep this memories once she goes back to being Luna.
I don't see this as being in question. Of course Selene post-restoration will keep these memories - why wouldn't she? Nothing about the Incision of the Heart ritual we are doing is likely to erase these sorts of memories. It doesn't make sense mechanically, and it doesn't make sense narratively.

Now, what is in question is whether the implicit significance of the memories will be preserved. Luna Restored will certainly remember the year she spent with us, but nothing says they will bring forth the same feelings post-restoration. It is a fact of life that as we change and grow we interpret the same things differently, memories included - and Luna's restoration would be a very substantial amount of change and growth.

So don't worry about Luna Restored failing to recollect this moment. Worry about her recollecting it, and failing to be moved.
We could also spend more family time in Filthy's presence to rub on his face what a happy arranged marriage is like to push him into asking us for advice. That might not get rod of Spoiled but it could push Filthy to confidant if we do it right.