Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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well, the vote is basically decided, we're taking the cat Jade home, though our mom our husband likely won't be fine with us keeping her.

...wait a second, Will Silky think we're bringing her a new big sister/aunt?!

Also, on more serious thoughts.. last time we brought home someone (Selene), daddy got really sad and angry with mommy... so what will she think about THIS time?
well, the vote is basically decided, we're taking the cat Jade home, though our mom our husband likely won't be fine with us keeping her.

...wait a second, Will Silky think we're bringing her a new big sister/aunt?!

Also, on more serious thoughts.. last time we brought home someone (Selene), daddy got really sad and angry with mommy... so what will she think about THIS time?
If I were her, I'd decide to be the next pinkie pie so My mom stops finding sad ponies to bring home.
If I were her, I'd decide to be the next pinkie pie so My mom stops finding sad ponies to bring home. know, the funny thing is that Silky probably knows/has met more element bearers than us. After all she's friend with their little sisters.

...It's SO STRANGE that we STILL haven't met Pinkie Pie. I can understand AJ, Dash and Fluttershy... but PINKIE?! know, the funny thing is that Silky probably knows/has met more element bearers than us. After all she's friend with their little sisters.

...It's SO STRANGE that we STILL haven't met Pinkie Pie. I can understand AJ, Dash and Fluttershy... but PINKIE?!
Eh, we'll probably get a birthday party some time soon where she shows up. Or maybe when Discord shows up we'll get invited to the inevitable "saved the world AGAIN" party, even if we don't actively help out somehow and meet her before then. know, the funny thing is that Silky probably knows/has met more element bearers than us. After all she's friend with their little sisters.

...It's SO STRANGE that we STILL haven't met Pinkie Pie. I can understand AJ, Dash and Fluttershy... but PINKIE?!
Specially since we brought Selene from our trip.
Только то
(Sorry, i cant give you a picture, only this:

Okay, that's just downright gorgeous, even if it does by necessity portray Velvet after a helping of Forge's Redemption. I'm sure @BirdBodhisattva is gonna be very happy with this.

... Forge's Redemption. And it involves not only Forge, but Grail. That ... could have interesting implications. I wonder where that ritual was originally made?
Okay, that's just downright gorgeous, even if it does by necessity portray Velvet after a helping of Forge's Redemption. I'm sure @BirdBodhisattva is gonna be very happy with this.

... Forge's Redemption. And it involves not only Forge, but Grail. That ... could have interesting implications. I wonder where that ritual was originally made?
maybe the scar is on the other side?

Also, this ritual doesn't really originate anywhere. It's one of the self-evident rituals, remember?
maybe the scar is on the other side?

Also, this ritual doesn't really originate anywhere. It's one of the self-evident rituals, remember?
Entirely possible, her right hindleg is facing away from the viewer. And I was just speculating about wider Cultist Sim lore, truthfully. I've spent too much time recently reading through obscure wiki pages.
The Grail part probably comes from a desire to be better, more pleasurable.
Then what happens if you do it in a changeling society? Or a changeling does it in pony society? Will your appearance be changed to conform to the physical beauty standards of the society you're in, so as to be the most pleasing?

Actually, depending on how changelings view things, we might be able to get shapeshifting by using Forge's Redemption in the right place...
Then what happens if you do it in a changeling society? Or a changeling does it in pony society? Will your appearance be changed to conform to the physical beauty standards of the society you're in, so as to be the most pleasing?

Actually, depending on how changelings view things, we might be able to get shapeshifting by using Forge's Redemption in the right place...
It probably depends on the user's baseline, not even just whatever their society is but their own personal standards.

And actually, was changeling shapeshifting physical, or just an illusion? I can't remember.
Doesn't Grail also have aspects of rebirth and physical transformation? At least, Sensation involves some pretty major body changes.
Doesn't Grail also have aspects of rebirth and physical transformation? At least, Sensation involves some pretty major body changes.
I think Sensation involves major body changes not because transformation is one of Grail's aspect, but because you can't be immortal AND unchanged.
But Birth is the First Torment, and while the Enticements of the Grail outnumber its Torments, its Torments are its final nature.
I think Sensation involves major body changes not because transformation is one of Grail's aspect, but because you can't be immortal AND unchanged.
So the Grail is against immortality? Strange, I would have though that was Winter's job. The Elegiast's, maybe. (though obviously I haven't actually played CSim...)

I mean, eternal rebirth, phoenix-style, is still a form of immortality, right? And I don't think Grail would be against that...

Misread original post (interpreted the "AND" as an "XOR"). Guess I should have gone to sleep last night instead of working...
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Random thought, but I wonder if the ritual we're making might be used to find specific kinds of books or artifacts. Like, if we could aim for level five Heart or Edge artifacts instead of having to just hope we get them on a search action, that would be quite useful for when we get around to bringing Luna back, since we do need those specific kinds. Or better yet, if we could get powerful Forge and Grail artifacts we could even get rid of our scarred trait, which would be nice.
Aye, let me get some talking done.

First of all, as I said, I'm back to my normal work schedule. Getting used to arriving home from work and then writing when I can will be odd, after a full month of being able to write whenever I wanted, but I'm sure I'll get back to that routine once again soon enough. That said, yesterday (as you may have noticed) was one of those incommunicable days, and today I'm simply in no condition to do anything but prepare for tomorrow.
I'll close the votes, update the character sheet and say a few things then.

While I like both, I agree. it's really all about the slender appearance. It makes her look more elegant, kinda like Fleur De Lis
Yes, Fleur De Lis is definitely the kind of body type she has, that less used "slender mare" that we see in Canterlotian unicorns every now and then.
She is indeed quite the catch.

Of course I don't mind! I'm more of flattered x)
Just pasting the link works for me.
Here's the link:
Ah, thank you!
The link seems to be dead, though, but I think I'll be able to use the one you posted earlier! (Edited so the image isn't here without need)
I'll get to it shortly!

@BirdBodhisattva can we have some financial world building? I would be willing to help work things out if you don't feel comfortable with this.
Thank you kindly for the offer, but as of yet it feels "unnecessary". If you wish to follow through with it then sure it'll be expanded, and I'll ask for help if I feel that it's not adding up, but many actions can be handled by Velvet herself due to sheer competence from her. So many financial actions will really be summed to her competence and capacity to do so.

Not One Person Ever:

My brain: you know, that would've been a horrible time to get a nat 1!

Me: ...but why tho
Why terrible?

You would have met a puppy!

A servant action might be problematic if she's got occult paraphernalia lying around. And, possibly, even if she doesn't; our servants are noted gossips.
I rather hope they have the decency to keep quiet about this. Gossip about a strained marriage is one thing but Jade's house is quite another.
She has at least one Lantern artifact you know of lying around somewhere.

And a noble? Hoping the servants "will have the decency" to do anything?

(Laughs in phrygian)

Even after the description came up in-story, I still imagine Jade Whistle with a sort of avocado color scheme - light-ish yellow eyes, green coat, dark green mane and tail. That's why it's so important to describe a character's appearance the first time they show up - otherwise, a placeholder appearance will be imagined by the reader that may become difficult to dislodge.

The same thing happened with Windy Flakes - I'd been imagining a white coat/sky-blue mane/tail/eyes recolor of Mr. Cake, and then when he was finally described with a fiery color scheme I experienced an odd sort of dissonance in the part of my mind that generates images from descriptions.

I can't remember if Comet Feet has been described beyond "big", but I've been imagining him with a dark blue-grey coat, a very light blue mane and tail, and olive-green eyes.
On that note, I somewhat agree, however...
You see, a first description is indeed important, but to be extremely honest I (and this is a personal opinion, of course) never really thought that physical descriptions actually "stick".
As in, you remember characters by what they do or by how they are described.
So if I have a... say, a very Grail character, and she frequently is described to "elegantly shake her head, waving her long crimson mane in an eye-catching movement" then people are more likely to remember that said character has a "long crimson mane".
But if characters are described only once, physically, and then certain things really become unnecessary or inconvenient to be repeated, then... well, I believe it is natural for the physical part of them to be somewhat left to the side. It will always be there for reference, but you are more likely to remember "The strange smile about Windy's face" or "The bored tone of voice with which Jade spoke" then the fact that Windy looks like a bonfire, despite being a Winter adept, or anything else. You are more likely to remember Comet Feet as "large" and "dangerous" than anything else, because that's what Comet Feet usually does.

And that being said, I personally don't very much mind people having certain mental images. I even think it makes the reading more fluid. Each person has their own interpretation of events, so they can envision the scene more accurately. Being reminded this or that physical characteristic might be a "blow" that will off-balance some readers when it's mentioned, but not long after it will be forgotten in favor of each person's own mental image of things, and reading will be fluid once again.

But of course, that's just my take on things!

I think Sensation involves major body changes not because transformation is one of Grail's aspect, but because you can't be immortal AND unchanged.
But Birth is the First Torment, and while the Enticements of the Grail outnumber its Torments, its Torments are its final nature.
Book quoting is always virtuous.

Random thought, but I wonder if the ritual we're making might be used to find specific kinds of books or artifacts. Like, if we could aim for level five Heart or Edge artifacts instead of having to just hope we get them on a search action, that would be quite useful for when we get around to bringing Luna back, since we do need those specific kinds. Or better yet, if we could get powerful Forge and Grail artifacts we could even get rid of our scarred trait, which would be nice.
It'll be elaborated on later, if the ritual is successfully designed this turn.


Adhoc vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Dec 8, 2020 at 9:51 PM, finished with 259 posts and 56 votes.

I'm afraid I might not have an update ready before Friday, so kindly be patient. I'm... well, I'm not sorry that I managed to post more during the last month, but I am a little bit sad that the frequency will return to the previous normal.
*Switches windows*
*Decides to reload page before going to another tab*
*BirdBodhisattva a moment ago*

Why terrible?

You would have met a puppy!
I am becoming less and less certain that the Wolf is a metaphor.

This is not reassuring.

You see, a first description is indeed important, but to be extremely honest I (and this is a personal opinion, of course) never really thought that physical descriptions actually "stick".
It's worked that way for me, at least; and the few times the character's mental image is really core to my conception of them, I usually just make a mixed version of the author's and my own vision of them.