Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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(And if we were to try and become a Name or even a Long we would have to sacrifice everything we care about. Longs can't have children. Because they are possessed by the overpowering urge to eat them. And I'd rather not have to deal with that.)
Actually I'm curious, but does that apply to children they already had when ascending, or just any immortals they might birth afterwards? The crime of the Sky seems to only apply to children Longs have with other Longs, and is explicitly in place to limit the amount of immortals in the world. Silky would probably be fine.
I am not sure
So my best guess here is that those rolls somehow deleted the entire setting we've been in and replaced it with a new, much more fucked up version. Which, um. Seems like it means that the entire story up until now is getting chucked in a bin, because every character we've interacted with thus far, barring perhaps our Master, is so much younger than the point of apparent divergence that it's not even funny.

Like, the previous history was one where we were someone walking around in something a lot like canon Equestria and poking at the underpinnings, slowly working out the shape of what was behind it and balancing their occult delvings against their mundane family life and loves.

I assume that the things which just made their debut were the Worms, and from what little I know of them... well, if Equestria hasn't been outright retconned into Pony Bloodborne, then it'll probably start blowing apart at the seams before too much longer, and at that point we'll presumably have to make a headlong sprint toward becoming an Hour or similarly powerful (and inhuman) figure just to survive, an end toward which our husband and daughter become just one more bit of kindling to throw on the fire.

I think that "canon is being chucked out of a windoe" and "history is being rewriten" means that, now that Luna knows, season one will go very differently and thus the canon timeline. It doesn't necessarily mean the past but that now that the hidden history of her fall has been uncovered the future will not be the same.
I think that "canon is being chucked out of a windoe" and "history is being rewriten" means that, now that Luna knows, season one will go very differently and thus the canon timeline. It doesn't necessarily mean the past but that now that the hidden history of her fall has been uncovered the future will not be the same.
I wonder if this means we're going to need to actually try and grab a grand galloping Galla ticket to try and meet the princess?

-Go to monthly moth meeting. Boss tells us we need to find some way to contact luna directly, remember the Galla is coming up, remember twilight had tickets, recall that all her friends are driving her up a wall to get them, think it might be better to ask our family for a ticket... decide to apologize to twilight later as we try to drive her up a wall to get extra ticket.
I wonder if this means we're going to need to actually try and grab a grand galloping Galla ticket to try and meet the princess?

well, if she's STILL going to patrol the dreamworld we could STILL meet her there, and reveal to her that there ARE other ponies preparing against the darkness.

Or maybe the master will go to her himself once she's not quite as agitated, and reveal his plan. She might be receptive.
I'm listening to The Magnus Archives, a horror podcast which is based around short stories that slowly weave together into a greater narrative, and one of the episodes I just listened to is probably the best description of what I imagine it to be like if one were possessed/infested by Worms from Cultist Simulator.

I'll leave it spoilered since I know it's not for everyone, but for those who do look at it, I've highlighted sections with the colors of the Lores that speak out to me there. I underlined where it was more Nowhere than anything else, since that feels like it should be Black, but that is quite hard to read on this site for most people.
I itch all the time. Deep beneath my skin, where the bone sits, enshrined in flesh, I feel it. Something, not moving but that wants to move. Wants to be free. It itches, and I don't think I want it. I don't know what to do.

You can't help me. I don't think so, at least. But whatever it is that calls to me, that wants me for its own, it hates you. It hates what you are and what you do. And if it hates you, then maybe you can help me. If I wanted to be helped. I don't know if I do. You must understand, it sings so sweetly, and I need it, but I am afraid. It isn't right and I need help. I need it to be seen. To be seen in the cold light of knowledge is anathema to the things that crawl and slither and swarm in the corners and the cracks. In the pitted holes of the hive. You can't see it, of course. It isn't real. Not like you or I are real. It's more of an everywhere. A feeling. Are you familiar with trypophobia? That disgusted fear at holes, irregular, honeycombed holes. Makes you feel that itch in the back of your mind, like the holes are there too, in your own brain, rotten and hollow and swarming. Is that real?

I'm sorry, I know I'm meant to be telling you what happened. What brought me to this place. This place of books and learning, of sight and beholding. I'm sorry. I should. I will.

I… I haven't slept in some time. I can't sleep. My dreams are crawling and many-legged. Not just slithering and burrowing,. though it is the burrowing that draws me. They always sing that song of flesh. I hope you will forgive me for such a rambling story. I hope you will forgive me for a great many things, as it may be I do worse. I have that feeling, that instinct that squirms through your belly. There will be great violence done here. And I bleed into that violence.

Do you know, I wonder? As I watch you sitting there through the glass. Eating a sandwich. Do you know where you are? You called me "dear". "Have a seat, dear." "You can write it down, dear." "Take as much time as you need, dear." Can you truly know the danger you are in? There is a wasps' nest in my attic. A fat, sprawling thing that crouches in the shadowed corner. It thrums with life and malice. I could sit there for hours, watching the swirls of pulp and paper on its surface. I have done. It is not the patterns that enthral me, I'm not one of those fools chasing fractals; no, it's what sings behind them. Sings that I am beautiful. Sings that I am a home. That I can be fully consumed by what loves me.


I wish, deep inside, below the itch, that they were still my raptures. I have touched something now, though, that all my talk of ley lines and mother goddesses could never have prepared me for. It is not a god. Or if it is then it is a dead god, decayed and clammy corpse-flesh brimming with writhing graveworms.

When did I first hear it? It wasn't the nest, I'm sure of that. I never went in the attic. It was locked and I didn't have a key. I spent a day sawing through the padlock with an old hacksaw. My hands were blistered by the end. Why would I have done that if I didn't know what I would find? The face of the one who sang to me dwelling within the hidden darkness above me. I had seen no wasps. I know I hadn't. There are no wasps in the nest. So how else would I have known that I needed to be there, to be in the dark with it, if it had not already been singing to me?

No, that's not right. The nest does not sing to me. It is simply the face. Not the whole face, for the whole of the hive is infinite. An unending plane of wriggling forms swarming in and out of the distended pores and honeycombed flesh. The nest is nothing but paper. Was it the spiders? There were webs in the corners, around the entryway into the attic. I would watch them scurry and disappear in between the wooden boards. 'Where are you going, little spiders?' I would think. 'What are you seeing in the dark? Is it food? Prey? Predators?' I wondered if it was the spiders that made the gentle buzzing song. It was not. Webs have a song as well, of course, but it is not the song of the hive.


Perhaps I've always heard it. Perhaps the itch has always been the real me, and it was the happy, smiling Jane who called herself a witch and drank wine in the park when it was sunny. Maybe it was her who was the maddened illusion the hides the sick squirming reality of what I am. Of what we all are, when you strip away the pretence that are there is more to a person than a warm, wet habitat for the billion crawling things that need a home. That love us in their way.

I need to think. To clear my head. To try and remember, but remember what? I was lonely before. I know that. I had friends, at least I used to, but I lost them. Or they lost me. Why was it? I remember shouting, recriminations, and I was abandoned. No idea why. The memories are a blur. I do remember that they called me "toxic". I don't think I really knew what that meant, except that it was the reason I was so very painfully lonely. Was that it? Was I swayed and drawn simply by the prospect of being genuinely loved? Not loved as you would understand it. A deeper, more primal love. A need as much as a feeling. Love that consumes you in all ways.

You can't help me. I'm sure of that now. I have tried to write it down, to put it into terms and words you could understand. And now I stare at it and not a word of it is even enough to fully describe the fact that I itch. Because 'itch' is not the right word. There is no right word because for all your Institute and ignorance may laud the power of the word, it cannot even stretch to fully capture what I feel in my bones. What possible recourse could there be for me in your books and files and libraries except more useless ink and dying letters? I see now why the hive hates you. You can see it and log it and note it's every detail but you can never understand it. You rob it of its fear even though your weak words have no right to do so.

I do not know why the hive chose me, but it did. And I think that it always had. The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid. There is a wasps' nest in my attic. Perhaps it can soothe my itching soul.
Actually, why not just send her a letter? 'Dear Princess Luna, do you know what these are?' And then we include a sketch of the dreamlands as she saw it (included amongst other sketches of the dreamlands in the ways we saw it, as the big tapestry and also as the wide streets), filled with what we've seen of the nightmares, from our experience and hers. It's vaguely creepy without context, a surrealist landscape filled with amorphous black things, but unrecognizable unless you knew Luna's particular conception of the dreamlands and the monsters in them. Instantly recognizable if you do.

We could probably even ask Princess Celestia to pass the drawing on to her through Twilight, if we were okay with her reading our mail, which in this instance I would be. It'd put us vaguely on her radar, but there's nothing directly sinister about it.

If Twilight asks why, I don't see why we can't be half-ways upfront and honest about it; we're a pony who walks in the dreamlands, and she's the Princess of the Night, who we saw walking around up there. That makes her our Princess already, so we just need to tell her that we saw the evil things in the dreamlands, and then use that as an in for other interactions (the Element-bearers can also make friends with her, to keep her around Ponyville more often).

Then we can bulk up on Grail for diplomacy, and the other lores to actually have an answer to her questions, and then just make an honest shot at getting her to commit to doing something about it.
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Rereading a bit I wonder if she'll be attacking Celestia when she wake's up or run's away, maybe she'd just be so traumatized it'd be catatonic.
She did burn that sisterly bond with her sis to the ground and lost sanity, I think their relationship is going to be tainted from now on if Luna look's at Celestia and see's only worm's.
Rereading a bit I wonder if she'll be attacking Celestia when she wake's up or run's away, maybe she'd just be so traumatized it'd be catatonic.
She did burn that sisterly bond with her sis to the ground and lost sanity, I think their relationship is going to be tainted from now on if Luna look's at Celestia and see's only worm's.
The "burned her sisterly bond" was what happened when she was possessed by the nightmare 1000 years ago, not now.

Actually we don't know if the Elements repaired that link when they purified her.

Actually, why not just send her a letter? 'Dear Princess Luna, do you know what these are?' And then we include a sketch of the dreamlands as she saw it (included amongst other sketches of the dreamlands in the ways we saw it, as the big tapestry and also as the wide streets), filled with what we've seen of the nightmares, from our experience and hers. It's vaguely creepy without context, a surrealist landscape filled with amorphous black things, but unrecognizable unless you knew Luna's particular conception of the dreamlands and the monsters in them. Instantly recognizable if you do.

What is she sees the dreamlands different from us? At that point I'd be even more open

"Dear princess luna. I know about the monsters from the true darkness. Please call me back".

ok, not exactly these words, but you get what I mean! :V
Rereading a bit I wonder if she'll be attacking Celestia when she wake's up or run's away, maybe she'd just be so traumatized it'd be catatonic.
She did burn that sisterly bond with her sis to the ground and lost sanity, I think their relationship is going to be tainted from now on if Luna look's at Celestia and see's only worm's.
The Sisterly Bond was burnt way back:
Another failed setting of the moon. Another show of disappointment from "Princess Luna". You grit your teeth at the dark horizon, feeling your pulse rise as you realize that, with this, you will have finished the night without having done a single thing correctly. Again.

As you look to the horizon you feel a surge of energy heading towards it, its pulse elegant like a symphony while yours was a roar of anger, and you know that your sister is raising the sun from her own balcony, not far from you.

You almost feel her energy reaching out slightly towards you, like a comforting hoof.

But you do not care. You watch your stars being snuffed out by the coming light for a while longer, and make your way back into your room. Maybe in a dreamless sleep you will find a semblance of peace.
The very last thing you do remember, from back then, the very last thought you had in that moment, was of severing your connection with your sister, that bond that you share that runs deeper than fate and stronger than love.
Minus Two Sanity Points can't be good, though. It sounds still functional, but not healthy. Talk about waking up (and waking up, and waking up, and waking up, and waking up--) on the wrong side of the bed.
What is she sees the dreamlands different from us? At that point I'd be even more open

"Dear princess luna. I know about the monsters from the true darkness. Please call me back".

ok, not exactly these words, but you get what I mean! :V
I'm pretty much suggesting that, but part of the suggestion was including one point of view that looked like her idea of it, mixed up with other versions of the dreamlands so that it doesn't seem out of place (we had two versions personally, so hers would make three). The idea of putting the 'I know about the monsters' in a picture rather than in words is that it means Princess Celestia can't tell what we're saying to her exactly even if she directly reads our mail.
Better yet, if we let Twilight get a look at it—by accident or not—that might be a good way to bring her into the Cult as well, since it would be a mystery and she loves mysteries.
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Better yet, if we let Twilight get a look at it—by accident or not—that might be a good way to bring her into the Cult as well, since it would be a mystery and she loves mysteries.
I don't think she's quite ready for the cult. Maybe in the future

Minus Two Sanity Points can't be good, though. It sounds still functional, but not healthy. Talk about waking up (and waking up, and waking up, and waking up, and waking up--) on the wrong side of the bed.
I'm pretty much suggesting that, but part of the suggestion was including one point of view that looked like her idea of it, mixed up with other versions of the dreamlands so that it doesn't seem out of place (we had two versions personally, so hers would make three). The idea of putting the 'I know about the monsters' in a picture rather than in words is that it means Princess Celestia can't tell what we're saying to her exactly even if she directly reads our mail.
1) That was horrible, and you should feel bad. GOOD JOB!

2) ah, yeah, I was kinda forgetting that we saw how SHE sees the dreamland
Aight. Let me say a few words. As always, an update will soon follow (this is basically smoke screen while I edit the next threadmark's text into the forum), because I do not enjoy free bumping from my own part.

First of all, i'd like to honestly say, for the second time, how thankful i am for all of you guys.
I won't get into details because there is no need. But i'll just say that i was honestly scared (well, fearful. Lets go with fearful) when i posted it, for several reasons. Maybe it would be "too much" of forced horror, and id get reprimanded because the quest should have been earmarked as a bit more mature, maybe it would be not enough and it'd just disappoint.
Or maybe i'd just be chased away from the forum by the internet equivalent of a pitchfork carrying mob. I suggested this same crossover on another place, some time ago, and that was the reaction i received there.
Anyways, i'll stop here. Don't want to fish for attention, so please don't erm... react, and you guys have already been more than supportive. Just take this as a rant and say no further about it.

I'm just thankful for you all, and hope that we keep having fun.

Now, to address other things.

Anyways, that is my two cents for now.
Every cent is appreciated! I agree, the first three emotional states didn't feel good, but I couldn't think of a better description back then. Entranced does sound like someone who would have more difficulty to escape, rather than the contrary, but i couldn't find any feelings that could properly convey that "she is not yet alarmed, but she will be wary of this", especially since she was in a good part of the dream, and personally thought she didn't want to leave before she found out the truth. But thanks for the suggestions, I'll make sure to double back on it later!
something like "suspicious" would work better in my opinion.

Actually, @BirdBodhisattva since we were witness to all this, could you compare the strength between the thing that got Luna and the ones we saw currently hanging out in the Dreamlands? Before we get into a big argument of what-ifs, at least.
Aye. The thing that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon is definitely greater than the ones you saw on the Dreamlands. I won't beat around the bush with this since you did take a look at both (sort of).
But that is not to say that there are (or aren't) smaller or larger ones, when referring to either. Putting your guard down when it comes to... whatever those things are seems to be a bad idea so far.

So, uh, were do we go to petition fo a Horrifying rating? 'Cause I think that's what that update deserves.
Something like this crossed my mind, but i didn't quite catch the SV lingo. Sorry. Should i add a horror tag? Is there an action i should make to "give it a Horrifying rating"?
Or is this just playful talking that went way over my head?

I'm morbidly curious about what would happen if an Alicorn loses all Sanity. Would Luna slip back into being Nightmare Moon, or just... snap?
Refer to your secondary objective for further enlightenment.

this gives us a sense of scale for an Alicorn's powers. Certainly look stronger than in canon at least.
On that note, I will remind you all that beefed up Twilight Sparkle had a landscape-shattering duel with Tyrek on the end of one of the seasons.
Sure, she had every other alicorn's combined power, but thats just food for thought.
But as stated on the very first post (or one of them) this is an AU, mixing both worlds. Power scales are different, and your character knows as much as she currently knows.

In Cultist Simulator, a book mentions this approach (though it may not work here, and it may not even work in Cultist Simulator canon; you can't believe everything just because it is written in a book somewhere.)
Ah yes, the Commandments For the Preservation of All That Exists. I do love these wonderfully titled end-game books.
Can you guess what the best book is?

but this is also MLP. Both of them should have power
This is very important.

The crime of the Sky
Please don't mention the crime next to Silky. Wait, Velvet doesn't know what this is yet.

I just listened to is probably the best description of what I imagine it to be like if one were possessed/infested by Worms
This is awesome! I very much would like to threadmark it, but I doubt that posting horror bits on the comments will turn into a trend to justify a new threadmark section. And i am also pretty sure that other posters wouldn't enjoy it as much. But nice!

And on a final Quote-note, someone mentioned a doubt about "how other Cult Masters would plan to save Equestria" if you had chosen other aspects to define your cult.
That was an interesting thought experiment, during the first turns, and let us say...
Although i am a Winter enthusiast, as a human being i think its good that you didn't chose that direction.
And as a (sorry excuse of a) writer, i am personally thankful that you did not pick Grail.

And on other news now, i'd like to apologize. The full rest of the Aftermath will be posted on saturday.
Much like a few threadmarks back, i will be work-busy (read: totally incommunicable) tomorrow as well as sunday. So i'll try my best to have the important voting post set up on saturday. You guys deserve effort, and as it currently stands it won't do.
Every cent is appreciated! I agree, the first three emotional states didn't feel good, but I couldn't think of a better description back then. Entranced does sound like someone who would have more difficulty to escape, rather than the contrary, but i couldn't find any feelings that could properly convey that "she is not yet alarmed, but she will be wary of this", especially since she was in a good part of the dream, and personally thought she didn't want to leave before she found out the truth. But thanks for the suggestions, I'll make sure to double back on it later!
Maybe try "attentive" for that? It seems to convey a decent middle ground.
Aye. The thing that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon is definitely greater than the ones you saw on the Dreamlands. I won't beat around the bush with this since you did take a look at both (sort of).
But that is not to say that there are (or aren't) smaller or larger ones, when referring to either. Putting your guard down when it comes to... whatever those things are seems to be a bad idea so far.
Ah, fair enough.
On that note, I will remind you all that beefed up Twilight Sparkle had a landscape-shattering duel with Tyrek on the end of one of the seasons.
Sure, she had every other alicorn's combined power, but thats just food for thought.
But as stated on the very first post (or one of them) this is an AU, mixing both worlds. Power scales are different, and your character knows as much as she currently knows.
Have you seen Equestria Girls, specifically Friendship Games? Even an echo of Harmony can literally rip apart the fabric of reality, or repair it. Also, in that fight with Tirek, it was the power of four Alicorns... against literally the entire rest of the world, including Discord IIRC. So yeah, you can probably define the power levels however you want.
Although i am a Winter enthusiast, as a human being i think its good that you didn't chose that direction.
And as a (sorry excuse of a) writer, i am personally thankful that you did not pick Grail.
I mean, Winter I can assume would mean killing literally everyone, but Grail... is this something wrong with their specific goal, or more that you can't think of a way for a Grail cult to save the world?
And on other news now, i'd like to apologize. The full rest of the Aftermath will be posted on saturday.
Much like a few threadmarks back, i will be work-busy (read: totally incommunicable) tomorrow as well as sunday. So i'll try my best to have the important voting post set up on saturday. You guys deserve effort, and as it currently stands it won't do.
Wait, does that mean we're getting some now and you'll post the rest later? I'm confused.
Aftermath - Part 1
You are Princess Celestia, and right now you are having a very interesting conversation.

"And thanks to your patronage, Princess Celestia, the new wing at the hospital will be more than sufficient to accommodate all of our patients," the old pony says, his hoofs clearly working hard to keep up with you although you are already walking slowly. "Me and my staff can't thank you enough, Princess. Truly."

It is still morning, but you have been up for a while now. A corner of your mind is still worried that Luna did not manage to lower the moon properly, but you are more than grateful that you heard her march back into her room and, hopefully, to bed.

There had been days when she simply stayed in the balcony, looking at the horizon, and she would not budge until you carried her away from the spot. There had been days when she simply flew away and…

Well, you hope that those days are all well behind you now.

Your sister is getting better. You know it.

"It is my pleasure Inky Hoofs," you retort to the pony, "after all, although Equestria might be a peaceful place, we absolutely cannot neglect the kind of treatment that you and your students provide."

"It fills me with happiness to hear somepony of your station say this," he says, and you can feel the honesty in his voice, "it makes an old horse like me feel like I just got my cutie mark all over again."

You give him a smile, and the two of you stop as you finally reach the doors that lead to the dining hall.

"Would you care to join me for breakfast, Inky Hoofs?" you ask tentatively, "I'd like to say once again that I am sorry that we could only meet so early in the morning, but we could continue our conversation if you joined me for a meal."

"Hah! I wont fall for this trap again, Princess!" he replies, starting to chuckle as he speaks, "last time I accepted your invitation, I ended up in the middle of a dispute between the Bluebloods and the Greenhoofs. And I mean literally in the middle, they were practically throwing food at each other during their argument".

"Yes I remember," you laugh with him.

"And don't mind about the time, you're a Princess for goodness sake! I should be the one apologizing for taking up your precious minutes."

And with that Inky Hoofs part ways with you, but not before thanking you a few more times. You watch him go as he leaves, politely escorted by a guard since you honestly worry that he might fall down at any moment, and you can't help but to look at his cutie mark when he turns at a corner, like you always do.

A pen next to a scroll, and a long red couch. You think that kind of couch is named a shezlong…? Well, whatever it is, it is terribly fitting, as cutie marks usually are.

You turn back towards the great door that leads to the dining hall. This door is always left unguarded, at least during this time of the day, and you make sure that it is kept like that for a very good reason.

Your dining hall is a war zone, there is no other way to describe it. And these doors, at this time of the morning, are the final threshold between you and another arduous day.

It has been centuries now that almost every single moment of your day is planned and counted, sometimes down to the very second, and it has been centuries now that you have given up even your meals so you could attend more meetings or take care of more issues.

You know that as soon as you open that door your entrance will be declared, and dozens of very well-dressed ponies will get up from their chairs as they wait for you to be seated.

Kibitz is right there, on the other side of the door. He always is. You swear you can hear his watch ticking, and you just know that he is looking at it, counting down how many minutes less you will have to walk from the courtyard to the throne room if you "keep taking so long to attend a single breakfast" like he always says.

But you have not opened that door yet. This is your tiny rebellion against the day ahead of you, the small moment of peace of mind that you allow yourself every morning.

You take a deep breath, and stare up at the tall door, taller even than you are. You are never quite sure of how your expression is like during these few seconds. Are you calm and collected? Are you perhaps dreading the day that is about to start? Do you perhaps look tired?

You are never quite sure, and you do not want to think about what sorts of rumors and unease would spread the castle if you were to be seen during this moment.

So this is why you order that there be no guards on this particular spot, at this particular time of the day.

Your horn starts to glow, but you do not reach for the door just yet. Instead, you bring out the scroll that Inky Hoofs gave you earlier this morning. The latest part of his work that he came to deliver personally, together with his thanks for your investment on his work.

You unseal it and check the title, nodding with satisfaction at what you see.

"A Treatise On Survivor's Guilt, As Observed From The Aftermath Of The Fire On Cloudy Grove Village."

"By I. Hoofs."

You have picked up a few things along the centuries. Far less than you thought you would, in all honesty, since ruling consumes almost every hour of your every day. But psychology was one of them, one of those skills that you knew would be useful since most of your time is spent dealing with ponies. Having your age also helps, of course, since you have already seen every kind of pony across generations.

But, you think as you eye the scroll one last time, right now you have every reason to want to brush up on this particular field.

You fold the scroll back and storage it in your wing, a trick you know that pegasus can't really pull off due to sheer size, and then you reach for the door with your magic, the door glowing in return with the golden light that irradiates from your horn.

"May the illustrious guests please rise," you hear Kibitz's prim and proper voice echo down the dining hall, "Princess Celestia will now grace us with her presence."

You will make sure to read it tonight, you think, preferably after watching your dear sister raise the moon without a hitch.

But for now, a new day begins for you.

- - -

You have been trying to ignore it for some time now, just going with the flow of the conversation around you.

"… but then I said, raincloud taxing is now measured by the amount of raindrops per second!" the elegantly dressed pegasus laughs at his own story, soon being joined by those around him.

Some of them look your way and you offer them a polite smile, a perfectly faked chuckle, as if you were paying attention the whole time, and this causes their laugh to become more relaxed, more honest, the pegasus who had just told the story smiling at the small measure of approval he gained just now.

But in truth you have no idea of what they were talking about. In fact, you have no idea of what is happening at all around the table. You are usually capable of accompanying every conversation without conscious effort, of guiding the tone of the ponies around you, fishing for political intrigue at the same time that you make sure to dissolve tensions before they are even borne.

You have centuries of statesmanship to draw experience from, but for some reason you just cannot focus at all.

There is this sensation that you are having… some sort of high pitched ringing in your head that you have no idea of what could be the cause. Maybe one of your ears is going bad? You haven't seen a doctor in decades, after all. Or maybe some sort of magic is going haywire in some distant place? You recall something like that happening a few centuries back, a very similar feeling heralding a small disaster by a rogue unicorn mage.

Maybe it's another Sonic Rainboom? There was one a few years ago and this… no, nevermind, you are sure that the sensation was not like this.

No, this is literally a ringing, slightly growing in volume and intensity with every minute.

It has actually reached the point where it is a bit painful now. Your expression fails for a few moments as a sudden wince inside your head gets you by surprise, the movement catching the attention of quite a few nobles.

Although that escapes your attention. You are too focused now, concentrating on that almost physical sound that went from subtle to maddening in but a few minutes.

You realize, as you focus on it, that it is not an actual noise. It is a feeling, of sorts, but one that runs deeper than normal… something that you know that should be very familiar, but that you haven't felt in such a long time that…

You get up from your seat, eyes open wide and hoofs banging at the table, the sound of your chair scraping through the floor instantly causing everypony present to go silent. The nobles all look at you, suddenly worried, but you do not care.

Something is very wrong.

You look around, not really focusing on anything, your whole attention on that feeling inside of your head as you start walking towards the door that leads to the exit. You think you hear the nobles whispering, confused as to what is happening, you think you hear Kibitz following behind you, asking you something.

But you do not care. You start trotting, then running, then galloping, your old and aged majordomo being left behind before long.

You don't know where you are running to, you just let your hoofs guide you as you fly past servants and visitors and confused guards, but soon enough you realize where you are heading. And then you take over the semi-conscious efforts of your hoofs, a chill running through your spine as you open your wings and jump out of the nearest window. You were scaling the stairs that lead to yours and Luna's personal accommodations, so there can only be one thing that is causing this foreboding thing inside your head.

Your heart starts beating faster in your chest as you touchdown on your sister's balcony, a crack on the marble fence that you notice causing you to swallow something dry. But you don't even break your stride, trotting towards the glass door that leads to her room as soon as your hoofs touch the ground, levitating the heavy curtains away from your path as you enter her dark-blue painted room.

"Lu…" you whisper hesitantly as you enter, looking around with the glow of your horn.

"Luna?" she is right there, you can see her. A pony-shaped lump under the sheets, crowned by the silhouette of her horn.

She is right there, you can see her. But for some reason you don't breathe a sigh of relief.

For some reason, you just feel more tense now, the ringing inside your head growing louder.

"Luna…" you walk towards her, unsure if you should wake her up or just check on her.

But you do not approach three hoofsteps from her bed before it hits you, like a kick to the chest or a blast of magic right to the face. You almost reel at the suddenness of it, the ringing in your head nearly exploding during half a second, as if somepony had just pulled a sharp hook that was stuck behind your very eyes.

"Luna!" but you recover in an instant, adrenaline taking over as everything dawns on you at once.

How could you not have noticed it before? How could you have let so much time pass you by in some useless breakfast, without even realizing it?!

The ringing in your head, it was the sound of screaming.

The next moment, your hoofs are already on your sister. You fling her covers away, shaking her as you try to wake her up, but another wave of dread washes over you as you finally take a good look at her.

Her expression is horribly twisted, frozen in a soundless scream, her forelegs over her head as if she is trying to shield herself from something. Her body is frozen stiff like a stone, muscles locked in place, her entire posture tense beyond reason.

"Wake up sister!" you shout at her, fear taking over you as you realize that you might as well be trying to rouse a statue from sleep.

Is she even breathing?!

When she finally opens her eyes, the beautiful cyan of her gaze marred, surrounded by a deep red as if she had been crying for her whole life, twisted in fear as if she had just been through something terrible.

And those eyes look at you, directly at you, and you see that they recognize something that summons from within her a sensation that you cannot describe. As if she is looking at anything else, but not at her beloved older sister.

You move to hug her out of instinct, your mouth already opening so that you could say something that might soothe her, even if just a little.

But that movement of yours, that slightest approach, triggers something that is far, far the opposite of what you expected.


The world explodes around you, a bloodcurdling scream from your sister reaches you moments before your own back hits hard against the wall, breaking through it and burying you in a pile of rubble.

You are out from underneath the wreckage in an instant, floating the broken marble bricks away from you with a flick of your magic. But your eyes go wide as you take in the scene around you. Luna's magic has thrown you farther away than you thought. The edifice where your personal quarters were is now a smoldering crater, the violence of the explosion having torn the entire building, and its surroundings, clear from the ground.

You quickly look around you, tension rising within you as your experienced eyes analyze the full extension of the damage.

Half the castle is gone.


But the one and only thought that comes to you is that you absolutely must reach your sister. You see her, or rather you see the brilliant trail that she left behind, quickly gaining distance from the castle. If anything, maybe that terrible explosion was just an impulse she took to get away from there.

To get away from you, some dreadful intuition tells you.

But despite the scenery of destruction around you, the whole of your attention focuses on that comet trail that is quickly heading towards the horizon, its complexion growing closer and closer to that of a shooting star as she goes further and further away.

"Luna, come back!" you shout in her direction, you know that she can't hear you, but you shout anyway.

At the same time that you open your wings, focusing your magic on them even as you keep your eyes sharp on that shining star moving towards the horizon.

Even as you hear the panicked screams of your subjects all around you, hundreds of victims from that sudden and unexplainable violence.

You focus more magic on your wings, and they start to glow in gold.

More, and the air around them starts to tremble with heat.

More, until they finally burst with fire, and you aim your whole body on the unerring mark that you had been following with your eyes.

You kick back with your hindlegs, and you don't jump out of the ground so much as you explode away from it.

You leave the castle behind you, although you know that you would have seen a scene of destruction had you but looked back. But it is not that you do not care for your subjects.

The point is that you simply must reach your beloved sister.

You have to help Luna.

Over the skies of Equestria, a blazing comet gives chase to a brilliant falling star.

[Your pursuit: 79 +50 (Alicorn) = 129]

[Her flight: 100 +50 (Alicorn) -30 (Scars of Nightmare) -5 (Frustrated) +80 (Traumatized) = 195]

[Oh dear…]

You chase after her through the morning sky, furiously pursuing her on wings of fire. Your are frantic with worry, wondering what the hell might have happened to her. Your mind keeps repeating the same image again and again and again in a cruel loop, as you vividly recall the expression of absolute horror that she had in her eyes before blowing you away.

But that just makes you beat your wings harder, straining yourself into a level of effort that even your superior body might not be able to keep up with.

You finally approach your sister, your wings screaming as you propel every last ounce of your energy through it, the horn on your head aching in sympathy to your pressurized magic, the skies behind you burning with a trail that will not fade away any time soon.

You notice that her trajectory is starting to descend now, and you finally get close enough to get a better look at her.

She is curled into a ball, hugging herself. Screaming.

She is not even flying, her wings closed shut around her. She propelled herself all the way here with that single explosion of terror-fueled magic.

You race towards her, getting closer and closer, reaching forward with your hoofs, inches away from actually catching her.

But gravity finally has its grips on her now, and although you are mere inches away from her, the trajectory of both of you is now fatally aimed at the ground.

You give one last mighty flap with your wings, combusting the energy on your feathers in an explosion that actually harms you. But that gives you just enough of a push for your hoofs to finally reach her.

You hug your dear sister, bringing her close to your body and putting yourself between her and the fast-approaching ground, bracing for impact and determined to protect her from the neck-breaking fall that is mere meters away.

But your eyes go wide, half a second before your back hits the grassland, as you hear another desperate scream from your sister as she realizes she is in your embrace, and you feel the split-second burst of teleporting magic coming from her horn.

Your body hits the hard ground right after, head first, and the last thing you see is the image of your own empty hoofs, your sister nowhere to be seen.

Everything goes dark.

- - -

You are not sure for how long you have been awake, and you don't really care. Your horn is glowing, as it has been all this time, and your mind is absent-mindedly repeating the magical spell that you have been doing this whole time.

But your eyes, they are focused on your hoofs. You are sitting on your hind, and you are staring at your hoofs in shock.

You can still feel your sister, right there. You can still feel her in your embrace.

She should have been safe in there. She should have felt safe in there.

But she didn't.

You keep repeating the same spell, again and again and again, each time hoping that it will achieve a different result.

"Princess Celestia! Thank goodness I found you!"

A familiar voice comes from on high, you have the vague impression that it's somepony you know, and that you have known for a long time. You hear her land by your side.

It's probably Cadence, you think.

You don't really look her way to make sure.

"Celestia, what… what happened?! You are bleeding!" you feel her come closer to you, hesitantly passing her hoof over the side of your head, on the part that had felt warm when you woke up, and then sticky and cold as time went by.

So that was blood. The aching you were feeling from there makes a bit more sense now.

"Celestia, we need you help! We are still digging survivors from under the debris, Shining is back there with whoever wasn't wounded, but we need you! And where is Luna?! We couldn't find her anywhere in the castle!"

Shining…? Oh, Shining Armor, the stallion she has been going out with. You remember vaguely that he is captain on your Royal Guard, probably, and something tells you that he knows somepony else who is close to you…

Oh, but more importantly. Cadence is here! She is a powerful magic caster, she might be able to help you!

"Cadence," you interrupt her, your eyes finally leaving your hoofs and looking at her.

She seems worried. You wonder why.

"Celestia…? Wha-"

"Cadence, could you help me please?" you ask her, looking up at your own horn and hoping she will realize what you are talking about, "Luna was here, just now, but she teleported away. I've been trying to track her, but I just can't detect her trail…"

You look back at your hoofs, seeing that they are moving for some reason.

Oh, you have been rocking yourself back and forward for some time now. Strange that you didn't notice before.

"Celestia…? What do you mean… Princess Luna was here?" she asks cautiously, as if some though is starting to occur to her. As if she is piecing something together.

"Yes, I chased after her from the castle. She was just here, I know I'll catch her teleportation trail if I just try a bit harder…"

Or maybe your hoofs are trembling? Probably both.

"Celestia…" you feel Cadence get closer to you, you can see her pink silhouette right in front of you, "you know that teleportation trails don't last… long, do you?"

"Yes, I know. But she was just here! Now help me with this spell, I know that we will track her if we just-"

"Celestia," she interrupts you, and for some reason you think there is some sort of dawning realization in her voice, her tone suddenly extremely sad. "Do you know for how long you have been here?"

"I-…" the words get stuck in your throat, your entire body is shaking now, "I don't know Cadence, the sun hasn't moved in a long time now, so I lost track of time and…"

You take a deep, sharp breath, some burning sensation coming to your eyes as you look towards the sun. Cadence's question doesn't make sense, but for some reason it still hurts to hear her ask it. The sun is right there, frozen right on top of the horizon, painting the sky in a deep orange. It hasn't moved in a long time now, like it's waiting there for something, so how the hell are you supposed to know how long you have been here?!

You don't want to know, and you don't care. All you can think about is Luna. Your heart aches when you remember her expression, right when she woke up. You feel sick when you think of what must have happened to cause all of this.

But she will be fine. You know she will be fine. You promised her she will be fine. You promised yourself she will be fine.

You need her to be fine, or that hole in your heart will never close, it will stay open and aching like it has for the last thousand years.

"My little sister is fine, right?" you suddenly ask, turning towards Cadence while your voice fails, tears falling from your eyes for some reason, "my Luna will be fine, right Cadence? She will be-?"

You feel cadence hug you, whispering in your ear something about how sorry she feels. But you don't listen to what she says.

After all, when she hugs you, you finally forget the sensation you had on your hoofs, the sensation that you had desperately been trying to remember this whole time. You forget how it felt to have your sister in your arms, you forget the last thing you felt before your head hit the ground, and everything turned black.

You finally realize that your sister is not here anymore.

And you hug Cadence back, not being able to hold in the tears anymore.

Curious are the ways of the dice. This was supposed to be an emotional chase, with havoc being cause around Equestria as two demigoddesses raced each other. Luna would start with her "+80 traumatized" and go down "-10" every time she out-raced Celestia. But that would cause havoc in some place as she crash-landed and teleported away in panic at Celestia's approach, fleeing her sister for dear life. Until Celestia's base attribute finally caught up with her.

But then she rolled a natural 100.


[Princess Luna is now missing, she is nowhere to be seen in Canterlot after the "unexplained explosion" destroyed half the castle. Every last mare and stallion in service of the crown has been called for to search for her.]

[And it would be best if she is found soon. After all, Despair is the Wolf that devours thought.]

Eight sanity points remain. The Sixteenth blesses.

The rest of the Aftermath shall follow shortly.
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[Her flight: 100 +50 (Alicorn) -30 (Scars of Nightmare) -5 (Frustrated) +80 (Traumatized) = 195]
...Well fuck. That is going to be some trouble. Although... actually, this might be perfect—well aside from blowing up half of Celestia's castle—because we've got ways to find Luna almost nobody else does. Like, even if we don't just run across her in the Dreamlands, since I highly doubt she'll be going anywhere near that place right now, she still has to sleep eventually. And we've already demonstrated an ability to reach her there. Instead of Moth for the ritual though, I would propose Lantern, since that's probably the best way to track her physical presence through said dreams. And if we're the ones to find her, I can see a whole lot of advantages there.
...Well fuck. That is going to be some trouble. Although... actually, this might be perfect—well aside from blowing up half of Celestia's castle—because we've got ways to find Luna almost nobody else does. Like, even if we don't just run across her in the Dreamlands, since I highly doubt she'll be going anywhere near that place right now, she still has to sleep eventually. And we've already demonstrated an ability to reach her there. Instead of Moth for the ritual though, I would propose Lantern, since that's probably the best way to track her physical presence through said dreams. And if we're the ones to find her, I can see a whole lot of advantages there.
Now that's the kind of can do (no wrong) attitude we expect in a cultist!
...Well fuck. That is going to be some trouble. Although... actually, this might be perfect—well aside from blowing up half of Celestia's castle—because we've got ways to find Luna almost nobody else does. Like, even if we don't just run across her in the Dreamlands, since I highly doubt she'll be going anywhere near that place right now, she still has to sleep eventually. And we've already demonstrated an ability to reach her there. Instead of Moth for the ritual though, I would propose Lantern, since that's probably the best way to track her physical presence through said dreams. And if we're the ones to find her, I can see a whole lot of advantages there.
Assuming she doesn't assume we are just another face of the Nightmare and de-exists us before we can get a word in.
All good feelings from the last update are gone. Hundreds of people are dead.

So, we'll, uh... just be sweeping that under the rug, I guess.

Got to say, going straight to automatic mass murder before the roll off starts feels... a bit much. I'm incapable of distinguishing this from the projected consequences of Sanity: 0.