Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Velvet Pride: I need an antidote.

Shopkeeper: A... a what?

V.P.: An antidote, and make it quick!

(Glances back at a disgruntled Axe, who simply rolls her eyes in annoyance)

Sk: Sure, it will be, uh, twenty bits.

Forge Name: Pride, dear, will you take long? I'm going to shop around if you make me wait!

V.P.: Actually, do you also have potions of fire resistance?

Sk: Do we what?

Neighnia: ...

V.P.: And a potion of cold resistance?

Mareinette: [Grail]!

V.P.: What the hell, do you also offer blood transfusions?!

(Being Velvet Pride is suffering... or is it?)
In which we learn that the Helltaker is Velvet Pride's patron saint.
Velvet Pride: I need an antidote.

Shopkeeper: A... a what?

V.P.: An antidote, and make it quick!

(Glances back at a disgruntled Axe, who simply rolls her eyes in annoyance)

Sk: Sure, it will be, uh, twenty bits.

Forge Name: Pride, dear, will you take long? I'm going to shop around if you make me wait!

V.P.: Actually, do you also have potions of fire resistance?

Sk: Do we what?

Neighnia: ...

V.P.: And a potion of cold resistance?

Mareinette: [Grail]!

V.P.: What the hell, do you also offer blood transfusions?!

(Being Velvet Pride is suffering... or is it?)
Velvet Pride working on his ascension to Heart + Grail namehood.
The constant throbbing of the co..lts heart.
Turn 16 - Results, part 8

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Too Many Plans + Rarity Wildhoof
-[X] 3 personal actions
-[x] You are under attack!
--[X] Deny it

-[x] You are wounded!
--[X] You don't have time for this.
--[X] You either don't care, or you don't have enough bits to care.
-[X] (Servants) Ask for a specific Lore artifact (Edge 3)
-[X] (Steppes) Help with negotiating with Hills
-[X] (Rarity) Fleeting opportunity: The Wildhoof Club investigation
-[X] (Fluttershy) Clean Jade's old house
-[X] (Jade) Memory of Light
-[X] (DoA) Make Wrong Keys
-[X] (Selene) Knock
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Twilight
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Woods
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Twilight Sparkle
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Mayor Mare
-[X] Teach our family Lores
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

[X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.

You are Commissioner Velvet Covers, and right now you are on your way to Canterlot to begin yet another week of work.

Although, very unusually, you are currently inside a flying carriage. A "capital C" carriage, mind you, given how the thing is quite literally meant to transport royalty. And even though you are alone inside of it, it is still hard not to feel self-conscious.

Still, you can only be grateful that Princess Cadance agreed to lend it to you at such short notice. It would have been dreadful if you missed an entire day of work just because you had to take the train!

Furthermore, the carriage definitely had… other uses.

But that is neither here nor there. Because for all that you are worried about your family, you also trust them to be able to handle themselves. And you will not be able to focus on your job if you don't drag your mind out of Ponyville and back into your head.

Besides, your husband is still in Ponyville. Stormy is there, and Soft Sweeps is there, and you have the utmost faith in Ponpon. So, you know everything will be alright.

… or at least, you have faith that everything will be alright.

Letting out a small sigh, you try instead to focus on more positive thoughts.

The flying carriage does not shudder. In fact, it barely moves at all. And the only hint you have that you are even in transit is that, whenever you open the shades on a window, you can see the clouds zipping by, and the endless green of the faraway ground below you.

However, precisely for that reason, you make a point of keeping the shades closed. Because you do not have wings, and you have flown (either in a balloon or on somepony's back) precious few times. So, the view you have when you realize you are several hundred meters away from the ground is not one your stomach can keep for long.

Not without assistance, at least.

Still, given how you don't really feel like napping during this short trip, you decide to focus on more positive thoughts.

You think back to the party you hosted yesterday, and how everypony seemed to be happy and excited. You idly wonder how your brother will react, once his servants tell him about that, but you shoo those thoughts away just as quickly. Instead, you focus on what happened. The guests who visited, the ponies you spoke to, and the several little things that made the day brighter.

You laugh a little bit as you recall how disoriented your husband was, after he was spun before the hide-and-seek competition with the foals. You also recall how pleasantly strange it was, to hear a new kind of music being played, whenever a new group of ponies started their turn on the makeshift stage.

However, you suddenly find yourself focused on a particular conversation you had with a mare, maybe halfway through the party.

She was… what was her name again? It was definitely something like her little sister's and… Ah, Applejack. She came to ask you whether she could have access the kitchen for one thing or another, and you obviously answered yes. However, you couldn't resist asking her how much work it was to host the competition they have on their farm every year, and the conversation practically carried itself from that point onwards.

You thanked her for having your daughter over at her farm so often, she thanked you for the several sleepovers her little sister had at your house, and the two of you soon were discussing (or perhaps, even commiserating on) the intricacies and hard work involved in running a farm.

However, pleasant as it was, you also remember how your conversation was suddenly cut short by a loud explosion, followed by an unexpected downpour of confetti. You were immediately worried, of course, but for some reason nopony else in the entire party was even surprised. Applejack herself only reacted by letting out a sight and fixing her hat, claiming she would "take care of it" before walking away.

You offered to help her with… whatever that was, but she said she was alright. And the mare was surprisingly honest. So, you believed her.

You probably didn't miss out on anything significant, anyways.

But still, as you think back on all of that, you also realize that mare was… a surprisingly practical pony. As you remember the things you talked about, and the way she framed and referred to things, you can tell that she is hardworking and dedicated. Or perhaps the right word might even be industrial.

Although, something you didn't realize back then, and that you are piecing together in hindsight, is that those characteristics probably mean something in particular.

You will have to wait and see. And you sincerely hope to speak to her again. After all, on top of all that, she was also a very nice pony.

"Excuse me? Commissioner Velvet?"

However, your thoughts are cut short by a sudden knock on the carriage's door, which is followed shortly after by said door being open by a pair of Cadance's guards.

Which makes you realize that, somehow, you have already landed. You have landed, you are already in Canterlot, and you didn't feel a thing.

"We have reached our destination, ma'am. Is there anything else we can do for you?" one of them asks.

You blink, trying to hide your surprise. Because either you were unusually focused on your thoughts, or this trip was way shorter than you had expected.

It is probably the latter, you realize. And you just aren't used to this kind of transportation.

And it strikes you a little bit, to think that it is very much within your power to add a "… yet" to that last thought.

"No, thank you very much. I will be on my way. Thank you two for bringing me here. And again, please thank Princess Cadance for her kindness."

The stallions give you a short bow as you exit the carriage.

And with only the slightest hint of vertigo, as it hits you that you have already reached the Capital, you make your way to the Lunar Bureau.

As ever, there is much to be done.

- - -

Day in and day out, the Lunar Bureau slowly begins to take shape.

It is a little strange, you think, to see the process evolve one step at a time. It is a little odd to realize that, just a few days ago, you and Shining Armor were getting used to do something, only for said task to be taken over by a pony you finally hire. Granted, that usually frees the two of you to focus on something else, but it still feels odd.

Although you also think you are the only one who feels this way. The few times you mentioned it with Shining he simply shrugged it off, and you didn't talk about it with anypony else. But you think you understand why you feel like this.

After all, throughout your life, most of your experiences centered around organizing things. Your work in the farmlands was usually focused on making sure the processes were running smoothly, and maybe every now and then make a few small changes so things would be a little better. When you volunteered on the search for Princess Luna, also, most of your efforts centered on organizing an already existing Guard (as well as the volunteer parties) into something resembling order.

But this feeling of being presented with an empty canvas, and slowly filling it by yourself, is certainly novel. In fact, you still feel a twinge of surprise whenever Shining Armor asks you what you think you should do next, or how you think something should be decided. And for all that you ask the stallion's opinion on almost everything, he still makes a point of firmly reminding you the final decision is yours.

He mentions something about you being the "commanding officer", whenever that happens. But even though you are getting used to his Guard jargon, you still think those words mean a lot more to him than they do to you.

Regardless, day in and day out, the Lunar Bureau slowly grow. Empty rooms gain new denizens, deserted corridors echo with the sound of hoofsteps, and every now and then Shining Armor goes to the underlevels to oversee an instruction class on how to use some piece of equipment.

And for all that you want to follow him, and see what the new recruits are being taught regarding the tools they will have at their disposal, the inevitable weight of paperwork still keeps you shackled to your office.

But that is a familiar burden.

Besides, even if it feels strange, you can still tell that you are making good progress.

"Boss, I have good news."

Shining Armor says that as he enters your office, walking in through the open door after a casual knock.

You always make a point of keeping your door open, but you have noticed nine out of ten times it is Shining who comes to speak to you about one thing or another.

"Please don't call me that," you say, repeating the same words as always, without bothering to look up from the scroll you are reading. "And go ahead, I'm listening."

You hear the stallion take a piece of paper out of his saddle, and you are vaguely aware that he is standing in front of your desk. Which is a small detail you have caught on to, these last few weeks. Ponies who came from the Guard usually stand in front of your desk, and wait for you to tell them they can speak. Ponies of other backgrounds, from the academics to the detectives, usually take a seat after you offer them the chance to sit down.

Still, you give that piece of trivia very little attention as it floats through your mind.

"It's about that candidate from a while back. The one who caught our eye. Beyond Reproach, do you remember him?"

You finally put down the scroll you are reading, raising an eyebrow as you give Shining Armor more of your attention.

Because yes, of course you remember him. You also remember how you weren't able to communicate with him ever since his interview. The stallion simply did not answer any of your further letters, and you realized that issuing a summons would only damage your chances, so you didn't.

But did Shining just say he has good news?

"Go on."

"Yes, ma'am," he says, and as you look at his face you realize he is smiling. Perhaps even excited. "So, last week I went to a few towns to follow some of the headhunting leads our recruits have been giving us, right? Well, I also managed to squeeze in a few hours at Vanhoover. The train schedules were lining up well, so I figured it was worth it even if the place is so far away."

You put your hooves together, slowly nodding at the stallion as he talks.

"At first, I just wanted to ask around for Reproach. I didn't even plan on saying I was from the Bureau, I really just wanted to see if I could learn something more of his situation," he continues. "But one thing led to another, and eventually I ended up visiting his home."

"You did what?"

You can't really keep a tone of surprise out of your voice. In fact, you don't even know how you feel about what he is telling you.

Because on the one hoof, you admire the stallion's dedication. After all, Vanhoover is far, and as the days went by without an answer you were beginning to fear you would never hear from the detective again.

But on the other hoof, what he did was clearly a risk. You certainly wouldn't want a pony who you had been purposefully ignoring to just come knocking on your door. However, more than that, what Shining did also feels like… well, not crossing the line, but still some level of harassment?

It feels intrusive, at the very least. Like a salespony that is trying too hard to sell you something. Almost shoving their wares on your face, despite the clear signs that you are just not interested.

Still, you ultimately feel that you need to trust Shining Armor. And even though he is a Guard pony at his core, you still know he has a level head on his shoulders. So, if he is telling you he did it, you also will assume this wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

Or rather, you will assume that when he says that "one thing led to another", he really had a good reason to feel that was the best course of action.

He is your Deputy, after all. You have to trust him to make important decisions on the spot, when it comes down to it.

"I heard a few things from some of the other constables," he says, "and after our last conversation about him… Given the suspicions we had, I had a feeling that some things just didn't make sense. So, I went to the address he had on his file."

Shining Armor continues to explain to you what happened. How he went to the detective's home, in an apartment near the outskirts of Vanhoover, and how he ultimately came face to face with the stallion once again.

"It was a long day. I actually missed the train I had planned to take back. But it was because… well, I managed to have a longer conversation with him."

"So, were we right about his sister?" you ask.

"Partly right, Lady Velvet. Partly right. His sister is not missing."

You purse your lips, already knowing what Shining is about to tell you next.

However, to your honest surprise, he actually tells you the opposite.

"She never went missing at all. She wasn't one of the ponies that disappeared during the attack. On the contrary, she was actually…"

He trails off, looking to his side and towards the open door. There are not many ponies in the Bureau yet, but your office is still right in from of the Secretary, and that place is already relatively well staffed.

With a flick of magic, you close the door shut. And Shining Armor gives you a small nod before continuing.

"She is still alive. Alive and living with him. But that's the thing, she is… not doing well." The stallion stops for half a second, apparently remembering something that he isn't sure he should talk about or not. Still, eventually he continues to talk. "She was living with her fiancée, when the Catastrophe struck. But her partner turned out to be one of the monsters. And Reproach mentioned something about their father teaching them how to take care of themselves and… well, the bottom line is that she survived."

And as he tells you what he learned, you finally understand the detective's circumstances.

Because his sister survived the encounter unharmed. Physically unharmed, at least. But after that dreadful night, and after her brother finally found her, she was practically in shock.

Beyond Reproach took her in after that, of course. He took her in, and from what Shining tells you, the mare barely even leaves her room at all. She still speaks to him, and from what he tells you she even seems to be coherent and aware.

But ultimately the picture he painted was of a mare who was deathly afraid of being near anypony else. Even her own brother. And the two of you surmise that she is quite literally traumatized by the idea that anypony might simply turn out to be a changeling once again.

"And that is why he wouldn't take the job with us. Vanhoover is too far away for a commute, and well… he just has to be there for her sister. Even if she only eats when he is out of the house, and even if they only speak through a closed door. She is still… all that he has…"

Shining says that, and for a short moment you can see how his gaze becomes unfocused.

More than just that, you can also tell that… you can also feel certain thoughts running through his mind. The idea that his words should mean something else to him personally. The impression that the story he is telling is… not only relatable, but also familiar. Coupled with the impression that he, too, should be doing… something about it. Just like the detective is.

But just before he can reach a conclusion, just before those disparate thoughts come together with his mind in a way that makes sense-

-you also feel the tug of the Leash he has in his mind. Stopping from taking that final step.​

And just like that, Shining Armor is looking at you once again. His expression focused and attentive as if nothing just happened.

You feel slightly dirty, as you are once again reminded of what you did.

"But anyhow. That is also why he wouldn't accept our accommodations. Being able to give our recruits a house in Canterlot helped us hire a lot of ponies, but that was actually a negative factor for Detective Reproach."

"Because Canterlot was hit the worst by the Catastrophe," you say, to which Shining nods. "Yes, that makes sense. I don't know if he would even be able to get his sister to move to another place, but she definitely would not want to move here."

"Exactly. I thought of the same thing when I was talking to him."

"And yet you told me you have good news?"

Shining Armor gives you an excited nod, giving you the papers he was holding on his hoofs.

"I very much did. Because I had the idea of telling him about Ponyville."

You read over the papers he just gave you. And you immediately recognize it for what it is. It is the same document you have been producing these last few weeks, the official culmination of all the efforts you make to scout, interview, and then convince the precious few ponies you have agreed are up to the task.

An employment agreement, signed by one Beyond Reproach.

"After all, Cadance says it is a good place to live. You live there. Hay, even statistically, it was one of the places that was least affected by the Catastrophe. And it's right there, a hop away from the Capital. On top of that, I also remembered what you told me a few days back. That conversation you had with the Mayor? If your town is already expecting to have an influx of ponies, that will only make things easier."

You give him an honest, impressed nod. Floating a nearby pen to sign your own name on the agreement, making it official.

"I see… and even though we have a budget to bring ponies to Canterlot…" you think out loud, "well, funds are still funds. In fact, moving ponies to Ponyville might actually be cheaper, if they don't feel like coming to Canterlot… Shining, you are a genius!"

The words come out of your mouth before you even think about them. But what the hay, you really mean it anyways. And for all that maybe only a minority of ponies will prefer this arrangement, it is still always good to have alternatives.

You say that, and Shining Armor puffs his chest with pride as he collects the signed document.

"And this agreement just came in with the mail. So, I figure he took the time to check some things out himself. But this is definitely the copy I left with him, before I left Vanhoover, so I think everything is in order," he finishes, with no small amount of self-satisfaction.

And you give him that. You give him that period of joy. After all, you can't call yourself a good superior if you don't allow your subordinates these kinds of moments.

"Very good indeed Shining. Great job!" you say, opening the door with a flick of your horn. "Now… go do it again."

You say that, and then you wave at him to go away. Picking up a scroll once again and focusing on your previous task.

And the stallion's ears drop as if you had just thrown a bucket of cold water on him.

Good, you think. Because you also have to keep him on his toes!

- - -

"Good heavens… how long has it been?"

You say those words as you ease yourself into the sofa. Holding a cup of tea on your hoofs, and enjoying its warmth, rather than just floating it with your horn.

And you can finally feel yourself… relaxing.

"Twenty-two days, four hours and… well, it doesn't matter," Jade answers, softly blowing at her own tea before taking a gulp. "I missed you two."

You and Rarity, who as usual are sitting next to each other, exchange a short glance. Because even though Jade's expression is bored and monotonous as always, you two understand that she really means it.

"I missed you too, Jade. It's been hard to get used to my new schedule, and it's still strange not to be in Ponyville all the time."

"And even then, darling, you know you can visit me anytime you want, right?"

You and Rarity answer her almost at the same time, but still the mare only answer the two of you with a low mumble. Something about not wanting to be a bother, although you don't catch the precise words.

Still, you think it's better to just move along. You are all here now, and that's what matters.

"But for all that it has been a while, that just means we have a lot of catching up to do!" you say with an upbeat tone. "So, how have you two been? Tell me everything!"

And Rarity is about to begin speaking, when you two are surprised Jade's voice.

"About that. I want to tell you two about something. If you don't mind."

You look at Rarity as she freezes in surprise for maybe half a second, a partially spoken word almost dangling from her mouth as she stops herself from speaking.

But still, the two of you immediately turn to face the earth pony mare.

"By all means, darling. Do tell," Rarity says.

And after a few seconds, Jade Whistle begins to talk about…

[A Memory of Light, cd 80]

[Roll: 78 + 10 (Learning) + 15 (LANTERN bonus) = 103]


Jade Whistle, you know, is a mare of few words.

But not because she is shy or softspoken. Quite on the contrary. She isn't hesitant because of some fear or trepidation, like Soft Sweeps was for the longest time when she thought of you as a noble. She isn't timid and recluse like Fluttershy, who you… well, who you maybe forgot to invite over today.

In fact, you know Jade can be outspoken and precise, almost piercingly so, whenever she wants.

So it is curious, or perhaps even worrying, to see that she wants to tell you two something, but that she is somehow at a loss for words.

Because she has been trying, for the past several minutes, to explain something to you and Rarity.

But it is becoming clearer and clearer that she can't even explain it to herself.

"… because two equals one. But three also equals two, and that is important." The mare is talking in circles, repeating herself over and over again as she tries to say… something.

But try as she might, you can tell that she isn't making any sense. Event to herself.

"But here is the thing. Three does not equal one. It can't."

And not for the first time, Rarity looks at you. She looks at you, and there is nothing you can do but shake your head. Your expression as confused as hers for these past few minutes.

However, the worst part is that… well, you can tell that Jade herself is getting frustrated. Her self-consciousness bleeding over in the smallest ways. But still, you know that it is those small things that really matter, when it comes to understanding the mare.

"I… because it… can I please have some paper? I think it might help…"

You make a short trip to your now defunct office, coming back with a few pieces of paper and a pen. Floating them towards Jade without delay.

And the mare tries. She really does.

But still, no matter how many pages she goes over, none of the things she is saying make any sense.

First she tries scribbling numbers. Writing down rows upon rows of ones, twos and threes. But those drafts are quickly thrown away.

Then she tries to draw shapes. Triangles, rectangles, lines. She looks at them for the longest time, and even tries to arrange them in specific positions. But those papers also eventually end crumpled up.

Until finally, much to your growing concern, she lets out a low, sad groan. Her expression finally becoming readable (and undoubtedly sad) as she looks at the small pile of papers that has accumulated on the coffee table.

And she is halfway through shaking her head when Rarity speaks up.

"Jade, darling", Rarity says, her expression still slightly lost. But still, you can tell that she is focused on the latest scribble Jade has in front of her. "I realize I don't know much about this… or that I don't know anything about this at all. But are you trying to draw one of those circles you two taught me about?"

You raise an eyebrow at that. And to be honest, the fact that you have been increasingly worried at Jade's mood means you haven't really been trying to decipher what she had been working on. However, as you look down at the inked paper, you think you can see…

Well, you think you can see something? You two have taught Rarity about the ritual circles, but you know she has very little experience with any of it beyond what is needed for the Attention of the Laws. However, maybe it is precisely because she lacks experience that she can see… something?

"Wait, hold on… I think Rarity is right. I think she is on to something," you say out loud, only partly talking to them, as you eye the paper more carefully.

Because for all that the current variation of Jade's scribbles are still nearly incomprehensible, a collective of ones, twos and threes, connected by haphazard lines and surrounded by odd triangles, you also think you can see something in it. As you stop focusing on the numbers themselves, or perhaps as you try to view it from a distance, you think you can see a spiral, or perhaps a shape of sorts.

In fact, as you think back to her previous attempts, you think you can see a pattern of sorts. You even float up the last few pages that were added to the discarded pile, uncrumpling them with your magic, and you think you can see… maybe a pattern? An evolution? As if the mare was slowly piecing something together through trial and error, but that was still ponderously taking shape?

Yes, it definitely looks like… something. Maybe a formula, or a configuration.

Or, who knows, even a trio of circles.

"I… I don't know… In fact, forget I said anything," she says with a dejected tone, moving a hoof to crumple the latest piece of paper she had been working on. Perhaps for the last time. "This is just nonsense and…"

"No, no, wait. Hold on, Jade," you say, stopping the mare by placing a hoof on her foreleg. "Rarity is right. I don't know what this is, but I cant tell that it is clearly something."

The mare stares at you with a neutral… no, with a clearly dejected expression. Yes, you are pretty sure that is what she is feeling right now. Because nopony crumples half a notebook's worth of pages if they are not frustrated.

And you know Jade well enough to… well, you know her.

"You… you really think so?" she asks.

"Of course I do," you answer immediately. "You are good at noticing things, even if they are subtle. You even saw through Selene the moment you laid eyes on her, remember? So, if you caught on to this, it can't be nothing. Your eyes are too good for that!"

"I agree, darling," Rarity chimes in with an encouraging tone. "And if you are confused by this… whatever it is, then it can only mean you stumbled into something that's especially complex!"

The two of you continue with that small, localized pep talk aimed at Jade. And eventually, the mare straightens up a little bit, her eyes seeming to be more pensative than downtrodden. Even if only marginally.

"Now, why don't you run us through it again? From the beginning," you say, once again sliding her another piece of paper. "But not just the numbers, or the shapes, or anything like that. Why don't we try to figure out… maybe what they mean, to begin with?"

Jade gives you a slow, cautious nod, although she does that without looking at you.

Her eyes are, once again, focused on the paper before her.

"I… I'll try…" she says, dipping pen into ink and cautiously pressing it against the white surface. "So… two… equals one… I began having these dreams after I saw Selene, right? So I think… this is really just a guess, but I think it has to do with her. Or Princess Luna. And assuming it has to do with Princess Luna, then I assume the number two refers to the two sisters, Princesses Luna and Celestia… which means that one could be…"

The three of you go slowly, one step at a time, as Jade cautiously begins to write down her ideas. Most of it is guesswork, and a lot of it simply doesn't make sense. But you and Rarity encourage her to voice her guesses and hunches, and slowly the three of you pen down a map of sorts. An enigmatic pathway that, somehow, seems to form a full circle.

Definitely not enough for any of you to understand what this means. But still enough for a pony to be able to investigate it further, later on.

- - -

"Well, I'm assuming you haven't heard the news, darling," Rarity eventually says, just as the chime of a clock reminds you three of how late it is.

"News? What news?" you ask.

"Oh, right…" Jade mumbles to herself, which only peaks your curiosity further.

"Well, remember how I told you I would fuss around what became of the Cult?" Rarity hesitates, almost as if feeling guilty for what she is about to say. "Well, the place burned down."

"It did what?"

"Knowing what we know, Velvet, I am pretty sure it was arson. A coverup, even. But that is what happened. Just earlier this week the place went up in flames, and everypony had their hoofs full to make sure it wouldn't spread."

She then to tell you that nopony was hurt, thankfully. But also that, more importantly, she tried to dig up as many details as possible. Talking to ponies she knew were members of the cult, searching for clues, and even trying to help with the investigation the police opened.

"And what I found out was that…"

[Investigating the fire, breakpoints 50/85/120]

[Roll: 2 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (GRAIL bonus) = 19]


"… that nopony knows about anything. So either nopony in town was involved, or nopony who is still in Ponyville is willing to talk," she says with a dejected expression.

To which you can do nothing but purse your lips.

But the unicorn continues to speak before you have the chance to say anything.

"But of course, I wouldn't let that stop me. After all, even though nopony would talk, there was still the remains of the Club itself," she shudders a little bit as she talks, as if remembering something particularly unpleasant. "It wasn't my finest moment, darling, sifting through the rubbles in the middle of the night. But still, I had to do it while nopony was watching."

[Investigating the remains, breakpoints 50/80]

[Roll: 63 + 9 (Martial) = 72]

[First breakpoint achieved]

"Thankfully, the rubble wasn't too heavy that I couldn't levitate it… even if I had to push here and there. Despite all that dreadful ash… But anyhow. If there is one thing I learned for sure is that the entrance to the underground tunnels were collapsed. I can't tell if they did the full job and collapsed everything down there, but I can confidently say nopony in town has access to the Cult infrastructure anymore."

You nod at her, your eyes absently aimed at your tea as you think of the implications of what she discovered.

Because the Cult, you know, spent considerable time and effort building its base here in Ponyville. In fact, you even remember the quality of the facilities you had, right under the Wildhoof Club, this entire time. That secret, discreet, and most importantly guarded place where you could readily access even the largest summoning circle.

You also recall how the place had a convenient supply of lesser circles, of all the nine smaller configurations that would allow every member of the Cult to summon the Attention of the Laws whenever they needed. Something that you know for a fact was prolifically used by the lower members.

It pains you to think you don't have access to those facilities anymore… even if you have already worked a bit on a substitute.

However, knowing that nopony in Ponyville has access to any of that anymore is precious information on its own. And for all that the cult members can probably produce single-circle configurations at their own homes, you also realize it is very unlikely anypony will be casting anything more complex than that. At least for the near future.

"I see… well, that is good news to have, Rarity. Thank you."

"Be that as it may, darling, I am a bit… disappointed, that I found out so little."

You give her a small, understanding smile. Because sure, you would love to have learned more, but…

"We can't win them all, Rarity. And knowing nopony can summon anything in Ponyville is more than enough good news in my books."

You say that, and after a few more exchanges of words, your two friends get ready to leave.

- - -

At some point, one of your servants presents you with a scroll. Not your regular mail, you realize, but still a communication nonetheless.

A message from a local merchant. An offer that they believe will be satisfactory to your particular request.

EDGE Level 3 Artifact - "Meteoric fragment"

Cost: 250 bits (200 bits of appraised cost, 50 bits of handling fees)

"A piece of metal, whetted by the heavens themselves. Too small to be shaped into a blade, but you have other ideas."

Special properties: UNKNOWN (must be studied)​

You thank the runner who brought you the scroll, and you tuck it away to think about it later.

You are now Friends with Applejack, following the time you spent together at your party in Ponyville. Additionally, you have sensed she has a potential for the Lore of Forge, but you cannot yet guess at what other affinity she has, if any.

Jade Whistle successfully investigated a Memory of Light. She has concluded, and you agree, that she has stumbled upon the bare bones of a ritual.

With the information you acquired, you may now research "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One". Any character may invest actions into its progress, and it is influenced by Learning and Lantern.

The current progress for "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One" is 0/100. Although you cannot be sure of how many steps the entirety of the research will require.

Finally, your servants have contacted the local merchants at your behest. An artifact is available for purchase. The option to purchase it will be presented on the planning of the next turn, but if you purchase it you will be allowed to immediately study it (as if you had purchased it in this very update).

"Investigating the fire"

50 – Learning about the events before the arrival of Princess Cadance.

80 – Learning about the events up to the night of the fire.

120 – "Caught --- on the train station, right before they skipped town."

"Investigating the remains"

50 – The lower levels collapsed. Ponyville no longer has any known esoteric infrastructure… save your own.

80 - ???

More to follow.
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With the information you acquired, you may now research "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One". Any character may invest actions into its progress, and it is influenced by Learning and Lantern.

The current progress for "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One" is 0/100. Although you cannot be sure of how many steps the entirety of the research will require.
Interesting... Also somewhat convenient that it's Lantern, considering our only non-unique, not-Windigos summons are Lantern major. If we end up summoning a MitL next turn, maybe we can set it on this?

@BirdBodhisattva I assume we don't know enough about this mystery ritual yet to determine whether or not it is relevant to restoring Luna? Also, would it be Knowledge and/or Application for Lantern on the roll?

Investigating the fire, breakpoints 50/85/120]

[Roll: 2 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (GRAIL bonus) = 19]

Hopefully Rarity's bad luck here is only because we're stealing all the Grail luck for Twilight :V
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[A Memory of Light, cd 80]

[Roll: 78 + 10 (Learning) + 15 (LANTERN bonus) = 103]


[Investigating the fire, breakpoints 50/85/120]

[Roll: 2 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (GRAIL bonus) = 19]

gnah. Hope Greymere is right.

However, pleasant as it was, you also remember how your conversation was suddenly cut short by a loud explosion, followed by an unexpected downpour of confetti. You were immediately worried, of course, but for some reason nopony else in the entire party was, and Applejack herself only reacted by letting out a sight and fixing her hat, claiming she would "take care of it" before walking away.

You offered her help with… whatever that was, but she said she was alright. And the mare was surprisingly honest. So, you believed her.

You probably didn't miss out on anything significant, anyways.
Pft, Bird you tease.
But: Ooc we now know the party in splendour is around.
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Ahhh got it.

Also, on the topic of Twilight...why hasn't she gone to Celestia or really anyone with what she knows? I mean I know that Shining doesn't because we leashed him and he's said that Twilight was disoriented and all but nobody considered jack? I really don't think it would work if Twilight was loud enough and this is something to be loud about. So either she got gaslit or she's waiting on our side of the story. In which case...fuck. Our luck with Twilight has not been particularly good.
So, since we have to research the ritual, I take we won't be finding Luna immediately after we finish teaching Lores to Selene.

Jade's explanation seemed pretty straightforward. 2=1 and 3=2 but 3=/=1. A line drawn on a page rotated 90° on the Z axis looks like a dot and if you do the same to a triangle then it looks like a line, but you can't change perspective of a triangle to make it a dot. You can only look it from so far away that you can't tell the difference between any shapes.
She was… what was her name again? It was definitely something like her little sister's and… Ah, Applejack. She came to ask you whether she could have access the kitchen for one thing or another, and you obviously answered yes. However, you couldn't resist asking her how much work it was to host the competition they have on their farm every year, and the conversation practically carried itself from that point onwards.
Well, we got a good hit there.

Applejack. Our element collection is growing :V

Of course it's still not clear what Twilight's status in regard to us is... but we'll find out soon enough.

We still have a Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie missing, though with Scootaloo leaving with us I think the first one is only a matter of time.

However, pleasant as it was, you also remember how your conversation was suddenly cut short by a loud explosion, followed by an unexpected downpour of confetti. You were immediately worried, of course, but for some reason nopony else in the entire party was, and Applejack herself only reacted by letting out a sight and fixing her hat, claiming she would "take care of it" before walking away.


Although, something you didn't realize back then and that you are piecing together in hindsight, is that those characteristics probably mean something in particular.
so a forge Affinity?

I suppose it makes sense. Probably a heart minor too. The only reason I might not have bet on a major Heart is because that's likely to be Pinkie.
Though I could also see Pinkie being Knock/Heart instead. or Heart/Moth. Knock/Moth or Moth/Knock seems unlikely, but not impossible, if not for the fact I can't imagine Pinkie not having Heart.

You blink, trying to hide your surprise. Because either you were unusually focused on your thoughts, or this trip was way shorter than you had expected.

It is probably the latter, you realize. And you just aren't used to this kind of transportation.

And it strikes you a little bit, to think that it is very much within your power to add a "… yet" to that last thought.

I wonder how much of an abuse of power would it be to make this a more regular thing. A quick trip to reach and leave Canterlot each week.

It makes sense, even. it saves us a lot of time, and Velvet's time is valuable. Both to Velvet, and to the country.

Of course it also means that if for some reason we're not going back to Ponyville on the weekend, Cadence/Celestia would know immediately, so something like exploring the canterlot caves would be harder to do.

Though... maybe we could do a fake-out. Fake leaving the carriage, use moth to be brought back to Canterlot with the carriage, use moth to leave it stealthily after landing.

He mentions something about you being the "commanding officer", whenever that happens. But even though you are getting used to his Guard jargon, you still think those words mean a lot more to him than they do to you.
Velvet still isn't used to TRULY being in charge.

on the farm she was in charge, sure... but she was limited because she knew her father was closely watching, always ready to show his disapproval.

It was also a relatively easy job for her.

This job, though, is much more challenging... and she has near unlimited decision power. Celestia will judge her results, sure, but unless something goes really wrong there's very little she can't do, at least unless she tries to abuse her position in a too obvious way.

But ultimately the picture he painted was of a mare who was deathly afraid of being near anypony else. Even her own brother. And the two of you surmise that she is quite literally traumatized of the idea that anypony might simply turn out to be a changeling once again.

"And that is why he wouldn't take the job with us. Vanhoover is too far away for a commute, and well… he just has to be there for her sister. Even if she only eats when he is out of the house, and even if they only speak through a closed door. She is still… all that he has…"

mh... could we offer them both a trip in front of the mirror? Ask Celestia to allow them access, as a way to recruit this amazing agent?

She might recover a bit if she can be SURE her brother is her brother, and Velvet is Velvet...

Shining says that, and for a short moment you can see how his gaze becomes unfocused.

More than just that, you can also tell that… you can also feel certain thoughts running through his mind. The idea that his words should mean something else to him personally. The impression that the story he is telling is… not only relatable, but also familiar. Coupled with the impression that he, too, should be doing… something about it. Just like the detective is.

But just before he can reach a conclusion, just before those disparate thoughts come together with his mind in a way that makes sense-

-you also feel the tug of the Leash he has in his mind. Stopping from taking that final step.​
And just like that, Shining Armor is looking at you once again. His expression focused and attentive as if nothing just happened.

...I AM sorry we did this, but... well, it was either this, or have him think Twilight is crazy.

"Because Canterlot was hit the worst by the Catastrophe," you say, to which Shining nods. "Yes, that makes sense. I don't know if he would even be able to get his sister to move to another place, but she definitely would not want to move here."

"Exactly. I thought of the same thing when I was talking to him."

"And yet you told me you have good news?"

Shining Armor gives you an excited nod, giving you the papers he was holding on his hoofs.

"I very much did. Because I had the idea of telling him about Ponyville."
...oh. that's an interesting thought.

She might feel safer in "the one town that didn't have changeling sightings".

And he could come to work with us, with the train or the carriage.

"Good heavens… how long has it been?"

You say those words as you ease yourself into the sofa. Holding a cup of tea on your hoofs, and enjoying its warmth, rather than just floating it with your horn.

And you can finally feel yourself… relaxing.

"Twenty-two days, four hours and… well, it doesn't matter," Jade answers, softly blowing at her own tea before taking a gulp. "I missed you two."

yes Jade, we missed you too, and it's nice to see you obsessively counted the seconds since we last had a meeting missed us too.

[A Memory of Light, cd 80]

[Roll: 78 + 10 (Learning) + 15 (LANTERN bonus) = 103]

...It was a surprisingly high CD.

we SERIOUSLY need to rank them up. BOTH of them.

For Lantern, we're nearly at 4 ourselves, we just need to read the lantern 6 book for the last scrap. If she had failed this roll for lack of the reroll or the +5 I think we would have been very disappointed.

and we need to also train Rarity's Grail. If Twilight doesn't quite hate us then we shouldn't have to worry too much about her losing her "minion-hood" status, and if she does... well, we'll think about it then.

Also we're 1 scrap away from Grail 4 too, so there's that as well.

"… because two equals one. But three also equals two, and that is important." The mare is talking in circles, repeating herself over and over again as she tries to say… something.

But try as she might, you can tell that she isn't making any sense. Event o herself.

"But here is the thing. Three does not equal one. It can't."


two equals one. Obviously referring to Celestia + Luna = the original outsider.

three equals two. Maybe it refers to Cadance?

three is not equal to one... maybe because we need four? Cadence AND Twilight?

or maybe it's a reference to the Soul In Splendour and it's successor parts?

"Jade, darling", Rarity says, her expression still slightly lost. But still, you can tell that she is focused on the latest scribble Jade has in front of her. "I realize I don't know much about this… or that I don't know anything about this at all. But are you trying to draw one of those circles you two taught me about?"
... a ritual?

maybe a SERIES of rituals? 1 circle, followed by 2, followed by 3?

"Well, remember how I told you I would fuss around what became of the Cult?" Rarity hesitates, almost as if feeling guilty for what she is about to say. "Well, the place burned down."

"It did what?"

"Knowing what we know, Velvet, I am pretty sure it was arson. A coverup, even. But that is what happened. Just earlier this week the place went up in flames, and everypony had their hoofs full to make sure it wouldn't spread."
...well, at least there's nothing there that can be traced to us now.

the original action blurb:

--[] The Wildhoof Club has been dissolved. Or, at least, it has fallen in chaos and disarray as far as you can tell. But its headquarters was in Ponyville, and you might learn a lot of how the chips will fall if you investigate it during this crucial month.

and we sent Rarity to check.

[Investigating the fire, breakpoints 50/85/120]

[Roll: 2 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (GRAIL bonus) = 19]

well, with such a low roll not even teaching her more Grail would have helped, and we're not yet good enough to bring her to 4 and grant her the reroll.

[Investigating the remains, breakpoints 50/80]

[Roll: 63 + 9 (Martial) = 72]

[First breakpoint achieved]
oh, we still got something at least!

It pains you to think you don't have access to those facilities anymore… even if you have already worked a bit on a substitute.
We really need to finish the Canterlot Expedition. We can likely find a 3-circles suitable location down there, and even if not the treasure will be worth it.

My current CS run is making me reevaluate the value of expeditions. I'm actually basically doing what Velvet did.

First I bought out the book shoop and auction, and now I'm getting all the lores from expeditions, slowly going through all the unique ones.

and all the local expeditions unlock a new cult base...

We're at the point where a full expedition basically costs as much as one or two lvl 4 books anyway, and we should usually find artifacts anyway.

we should also go back to studying our books and artifacts. Even the Knock 2 one.

After studying it we can give it to our confidants and minions to help them, and who knows what its effect might be...

EDGE Level 3 Artifact - "Meteoric fragment"

Cost: 250 bits (200 bits of appraised cost, 50 bits of handling fees)

"A piece of metal, whetted by the heavens themselves. Too small to be shaped into a blade, but you have other ideas."

Special properties: UNKNOWN (must be studied)​

You thank the runner who brought you the scroll, and you tuck it away to think about it later.

I forget, is this the price we were expecting? I think we were hoping for 200 total?

CS has something similar as an Edge 4 (equivalent of 2 in this system) tool.

The Meteoric Bullet.

Taenite-iron bullets are occasionally dug from the skeletons of unusual beasts, across Europe, the Middle East and India. Someone has been hunting monsters."
~ Description

Around the neck, on a length of dried tiger-sinew."
~ Gift text

Jade Whistle successfully investigated a Memory of Light. She has concluded, and you agree, that she has stumbled upon the bare bones of a ritual.

With the information you acquired, you may now research "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One". Any character may invest actions into its progress, and it is influenced by Learning and Lantern.

The current progress for "Unknown Ritual (Memory of Light) – Step One" is 0/100. Although you cannot be sure of how many steps the entirety of the research will require.

I think we should teach Jade to bring her to lvl 4, and then have her do this. With the reroll AND the SH book she could probably do this in one turn (SH book bonus should apply).

that's... +20 from lantern, between +5 and +15 from the SH artifact, 10 from Learning (quote from turn 8 under here)... that's between +35 and +45, AND a reroll. Decent odds to do step 1 in one attempt.

And I'm going to guess it's at least 3 steps. Probably our only lead to the Harmony route, maybe the main path as well.

With this we now have a clear objective for all victory routes we know of.

SH Sacrament and Mansus Moon for House of the Moon

Summon Mareinette and continue the climb for Glory

and research this ritual for Harmony.

(and technically "7 stains" for Wolf and dousing the lights... but we don't talk about that)

[Her roll: 90 + 10 (Learning) + 0 (SECRET HISTORIES, level 0) + 5 (Velvet Covers' Insight) = 105]

Finally, your servants have contacted the local merchants at your behest. An artifact is available for purchase. The option to purchase it will be presented on the planning of the next turn, but if you purchase it you will be allowed to immediately study it (as if you had purchased it in this very update).

We'd probably want to research the artifact + the lantern book... though technically speaking researching TWO artifacts is more efficient, and we Have the Knock artifact available.

Maybe we can afford two studying actions? I'd like it a LOT if we could do Edge Artifact (retry if fails), Knock Artifact, Lantern Book, and then decypher the unknown book (retry if fails), and one of the forge books maybe.

"Investigating the remains"

50 – The lower levels collapsed. Ponyville no longer has any known esoteric infrastructure… save your own.

80 - ???
I suspect we might have found an alternative access point. Shame about that, though... maybe we can check again later? Try to dig an entrance in secret from another place?

...Could Axe do that? Knock seems suitable to "opening an entrance".

We're partly joking partly seriously wondering if Pinkie Pie is an eldritch being and is avoiding us on purpose.

Ahhh got it.

Also, on the topic of Twilight...why hasn't she gone to Celestia or really anyone with what she knows? I mean I know that Shining doesn't because we leashed him and he's said that Twilight was disoriented and all but nobody considered jack? I really don't think it would work if Twilight was loud enough and this is something to be loud about. So either she got gaslit or she's waiting on our side of the story. In which case...fuck. Our luck with Twilight has not been particularly good.
I THINK she's waiting to talk with us, but then again... Do we even have any reason to think Celestia has talked to her yet?

Twilight no longer has Spike to send letters, Celestia is not in a good mental state, and right now would likely react to accusations of Velvet's trustworthiness with disbelief, followed by the "it was probably a changeling" or "you imagined it".

We don't even know if Celestia yet KNOW about Twilight's former fate. Cadance didn't until we told her, and we don't know if she shared the news with Celestia.

So, since we have to research the ritual, I take we won't be finding Luna immediately after we finish teaching Lores to Selene.

Jade's explanation seemed pretty straightforward. 2=1 and 3=2 but 3=/=1. A line drawn on a page rotated 90° on the Z axis looks like a dot and if you do the same to a triangle then it looks like a line, but you can't change perspective of a triangle to make it a dot. You can only look it from so far away that you can't tell the difference between any shapes.
Interesting way to look at it, though I'm not sure what that would mean.

Maybe it's different combinations of rituals with a different number of circles?

Something like "You can do a 1 circle ritual followed by a 2 circles, or a 2 circles followed by 3, but not all 3"?

some kind of choice on how to proceed along the Harmony Path where we have to give up on the unchosen alternative?

Eyyyy, got the best result we could've on the social link. That's another Element getting dragged into our sphere of influence.

-Applejack, [FORGE] of unknown intensity: Apple Bloom's older sister and middle daughter of the current generation of the Apple Clan. A dependable and responsible orange earth pony.

I think we might be able to bring her to Good Friend tier and possibly help with our brother's situation by having them meet and talk business.

Pride is searching for "diamonds in the Rough". Applejack and Sweet Apple Acres are one such diamond to polish.

Imagine if they could expand Zap Apples (magical apples) production. They HAVE to be picked in a single day, Pride could offer the manpower needed to be able to manage more trees. He could offer enchanted farming tools, if Applejack is willing to consider it.

When Flim and Flam tried to sell their services to make Apple Cider faster, they were tempted, but refused because they wanted I think 50%. A more reasonable % could mean we could expand the production of Apple-based product that would be worth more than the normal unprocessed fruits.

Apple Cider is a favourite of nearly everyone in the show. I already mentioned Zap Apples. The Apple-based sweets and pies and such were implied to be very good too.

There's potential for improvements and scaling up production, and with the right publicity even Canterlot Nobles might consider what they'd otherwise dismiss as "peasant food". The mark of approval from Velvet, the Pride family, and potentially even Cadance (we can just ask for a favour to have her eat those products in public as a form of publicity)... there's a lot of potential here.

We can share the credit with Pride. We'd introduce them, propose our idea, help in convincing Applejack (And Granny Smith), and maybe call a favor with Cadance to help advertise this. Pride would manage the business side of it, the most time-consuming part.

@BirdBodhisattva is this doable? Because now I'm thinking this could basically be the spiritual follow-up to the Rarity plan that resulted in HER becoming our confidant, when we brought her to Canterlot, introduced her to high society, and then got her a lucrative and prestigious contract to work on high level fashion.

We could repeat this with Applejack.
While I think it would work I don't think it would work in getting Pride to like us/not be intimidated by us/think we're piting him. To be clear all of these could be helpful yes but they could also all blow up spectacularly.
I was a bit too busy, couldn't comment on the previous update in time, but in general it was pretty nice. Velvet continues to be casually terrifying, and Pride's crush is a funny gag. I don't particularly think it is (or should be) anything more that a one off gag, though. Realistically speaking, Pride has a completely wrong picture in his head and is crushing on it rather than true Doa, and Doa herself is not interested. Can it have a happy-ish ending? Maybe, but it certainly isn't realistic.

Anyway, to turn 16. It is funny that the Bureau's update is with our other minions, but other than that, well.

Ponyville, to the best of our knowledge, has only our own mystic infrastructure left. On one hand, it means it will be harder to find the cult, on the other, it will be harder for authorities to find out Velvet's involvement. A pity that the rolls weren't very good, but what can you do.

A meteoric fragment, huh. A possible Meteoric bullet analogue. Well, it's unlikely it's a strightforward martial increase, but it may be a one time - either in general or per battle - and it's likely it is a strong increase, just because one-time level 3 artifact can't be weak. Good enough for me.

A Memory of Light ritual, huh. I certainly want to do at least step one before Selene's awakening, just to get at least an idea what it is. To be honest, I think we should invest one of our own actions. Sure, we are stronger than Confidantes, and our time is more valuable, but with the exception of Jade, who is busy, and Twilight, who is almost certainly is not to be involved with this, no one is strong in Lantern, and we'll need ~2 AP to do step one.

If we read that Lantern 6 book alongside studying the Edge artifact (edtifact?), we can get +40 (Lantern) +14 (Learning), for a total of +54 and effective DC46, possibly with reroll. That's before SH book. That should be doable in 1 AP, and I think twice the effectiveness is worth our own personal AP.

I think we should teach Jade to bring her to lvl 4, and then have her do this. With the reroll AND the SH book she could probably do this in one turn (SH book bonus should apply).
We really shouldn't, though. There's Knock research coming, and we have direct quotes from Bird that we want to do that.

I forget, is this the price we were expecting? I think we were hoping for 200 total?
Yeah, it is. We can afford everything we need, and have even a little bit of reserve.
I forget, is this the price we were expecting? I think we were hoping for 200 total?
250 bits was the expected price, yes.

While I think it would work I don't think it would work in getting Pride to like us/not be intimidated by us/think we're piting him. To be clear all of these could be helpful yes but they could also all blow up spectacularly.
There are probably ways to be sneaky about it. Pride does already want to meet with Rarity at some point, and if she just so happens to mention how her talented and hardworking friend is looking into expanding her business... well, then it becomes his idea (or so he thinks).

Rarity and (presumably) Applejack would know otherwise, but they're not the ones who'd need fooling.

Or we can just bludgeon him with the Grail bat and do it directly anyway. Either Velvet or Mareinette would work, probably. He's probably going to find us unsettling for a while anyway.

A Memory of Light ritual, huh. I certainly want to do at least step one before Selene's awakening, just to get at least an idea what it is. To be honest, I think we should invest one of our own actions. Sure, we are stronger than Confidantes, and our time is more valuable, but with the exception of Jade, who is busy, and Twilight, who is almost certainly is not to be involved with this, no one is strong in Lantern, and we'll need ~2 AP to do step one. If we read that Lantern 6 book alongside studying the Edge artifact (edtifact?), we can get +40 (Lantern) +14 (Learning), for a total of +54 and effective DC46, possibly with reroll. That's before SH book. That should be doable in 1 AP, and I think twice the effectiveness is worth our own personal AP.
Could have a Mare do it. We don't know if summons get rerolls, but she'd also be rolling something like +65/+70 even w/o the artifact depending on the MitL's general bonus (which I'm assuming will be around +15/+20).
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We really shouldn't, though. There's Knock research coming, and we have direct quotes from Bird that we want to do that.
Ah, right, we're going to unlock it next turn.

I'll reserve judgement until we see what Knock 3 unlocks, but you're right.

That said... Maybe it can just wait one turn. It's not a given we'll restore Selene the turn we finish anyway. And we should delegate everything we can.

We'll also be able to summon Baldomare on turn 18, though I'm not sure we can have her work on this. she might refuse.

You have acquired the LANTERN 1 reagent "Pulverized unicorn horn (Twilight Sparkle)".

Baldomare has been unsummoned. She will only be available for summoning again at the beginning of turn 18.

The Level 4 Influence
"I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE" has expired.

This conversation, or something very close to it, would have happened had you gifted Baldomare a Level 5 book.

You feel like something good might happen, if you gift Baldomare a level 6 book.

Although giving her a Level 5 book will be enough to reset her summoning period, in the future, even if it does not encourage her to say anything else.

as a reminder, if we get a level 6 books we'll want to seriously consider giving it to her. Our theory at the time was that it might be what allows us to keep her permanently summoned.

of course a lvl 6 book means giving up two scraps (if we're at lvl 4), AND probably some occult lore (the lvl 6 books we got, for example, is about the Intercalate, and the Grail one we never got was implied to be about the Grail (the Hour I mean))

[] Black Kettle, your uncle's good friend, has gifted you an antique tapestry after a delightful visit you paid him. (Gain book: "The Grail, Bleeding". GRAIL, level 6 Book. Codified, must be deciphered before being studied.)

There are probably ways to be sneaky about it. Pride does already want to meet with Rarity at some point, and if she just so happens to mention how her talented and hardworking friend is looking into expanding her business... well, then it becomes his idea (or so he thinks).

Rarity and (presumably) Applejack would know otherwise, but they're not the ones who'd need fooling.

Or we can just bludgeon him with the Grail bat. Either Velvet or Mareinette would work, probably.
I don't know if Applejack would be willing to keep the ruse if she knew.

Even if she wanted to, she's kind of a bad liar in the show.

then again, she might appreciate us "being willing to help our estranged brother" while letting him keep his pride and build up confidence, so... maybe?

But I think we might as well do it openly instead. We'll just mention we had an idea for improving the family business, and would like his help with it. Make it an olive branch.

Assumed income: +160 (Bureau) +35 (Rarity) = +195, no other sources

Start of turn 17: 296 + 195 - 250 (artifact) = 241
Expenses: 100 (Mareinette) + 60 (Mare-in-the-Light) + 20 (Incision of the Heart - Velvet) = 180
Remaining: 61
Start of turn 18: 61 + 195 = 256
Expenses: 100 (Baldomare) + 20 (Incision of the Heart) = 120
Remaining: 136

I wanted to throw expedition turn 17 too, but it requires 70 free bits, which we barely do not have. Maybe if Rarity returns 44 or more. Alternatively, drop Velvet's Frightened removal, or maybe plan with if-else, in case of refunds and after expedition (if Bird will allow that).
Maybe we should consider dropping the Mare in The Light for the Canterlot expedition?

the first one gave us...

"After maybe a bit more coaxing than it should be necessary, the Daughter-of-Axes finally gave you some explanation of what she found. The underground caverns were vast and unexplored… but, she said, apparently it was by design. Near the exit she created, by the side of a mountain, there was a conspicuously well-carved room. A checkpoint, or maybe a listening post, for whoever had claimed the caverns as their territory. It was pony-sized, strangely civilized, and particularly old. And most curious of all, it had felt the faintest touch of the Lores. She had no explanations as to what that meant, except that the deeper reaches of the caverns might yield more answers. And inside the bag she gave you, the few trinkets she had found in that room, abandoned like forgotten prizes."

-Gained one Artifact (Knock, level 2, unstudied) of unknown properties.

-Gained one book (Unknown Lore, if any. Requires deciphering. Progress 0/50. From the Current Era, "-20" to deciphering rolls.)

-Gained one Reagent (HEART, Level 4)

-Located a (small) hidden location in Canterlot. One-circle Rituals may be performed in Canterlot without suspicion.

-Discovered the Expedition "Beneath the Royal Castle, pt. 2"

1 knock 2 artifact, 1 unknown book, 1 lvl 4 reagent, a one-circle rituals location, and a second expedition.

and the next one should be much better in terms of rewards.

as a side note @BirdBodhisattva part 1 of the canterlot expedition is not in the "completed expedition" tab in the expeditions threadmark.

It also lacks the mansus expeditions, completed or not, but maybe that's by design.

Could have a Mare do it. We don't know if summons get rerolls, but she'd also be rolling something like +65/+70 even w/o the artifact depending on the MitL's general bonus (which I'm assuming will be around +15/+20).
If she's allowed to do it that would definitely be a good use of a Mare in the Light's action, yes.

On another note, though... I'm reminded Baldomare had a "give bits, find high level treasure" action. If we can build up a nest egg, that might be worth trying later on.

of course we might also want the Lantern Influence, or maybe the Lantern Sacrament, so who knows. or we might have her lead an expedition.

Baldomare + DoA could beat basically any expedition, especially if we add our artifact bonuses.
For Lantern, we're nearly at 4 ourselves, we just need to read the lantern 6 book for the last scrap. If she had failed this roll for lack of the reroll or the +5 I think we would have been very disappointed.

I think we should find out if Baldomare can teach level 6 lantern scraps first.

Because if she can't then it's extremely useful for reaching level 7 lantern. We know a level 7 lantern artifact for two scraps, so combined with the book we'd have three scraps which will probably be extremely difficult to get.
There's potential for improvements and scaling up production, and with the right publicity even Canterlot Nobles might consider what they'd otherwise dismiss as "peasant food". The mark of approval from Velvet, the Pride family, and potentially even Cadance (we can just ask for a favour to have her eat those products in public as a form of publicity)... there's a lot of potential here.
Ask for a favour?
We can do her a little favour:
Send a packet full of Apple family goodies to Cadance with a little card about her getting to enjoy the taste of a Ponyville vacation.
I think we should find out if Baldomare can teach level 6 lantern scraps first.

Because if she can't then it's extremely useful for reaching level 7 lantern. We know a level 7 lantern artifact for two scraps, so combined with the book we'd have three scraps which will probably be extremely difficult to get.

I don't care about that.

we're not even at Lantern 4. We don't even know if we can feasibly get the Sacrament.

and after that we need to train lvl 5 to 6 as well.

I'm NOT going to delay the immediate benefit of "get a lantern reroll and the ability to teach Jade" for such a delayed payoff that might never be realized.

In terms of training the lores it doesn't make sense to currently worry about what's beyond lvl 4 and the sacraments/ lvl 5.

Ask for a favour?
We can do her a little favour:
Send a packet full of Apple family goodies to Cadance with a little card about her getting to enjoy the taste of a Ponyville vacation.
meh, I'd be more open about it.

We want a favor from her. This favor will benefit us, our family, and Applejack, one of Twilight's friends.

And all she has to do is to be publically seen eating Apple products, maybe make a comment or two about how the products from Sweet Apple Acres are some of the best things she's ever eaten.

Which is unlikely to be a lie, really.

Just we'd have to do this AFTER Applejack and us/Pride made a deal.
We really shouldn't, though. There's Knock research coming, and we have direct quotes from Bird that we want to do that.
Wait teaching actions take up the confidant ap slot?
Could have a Mare do it. We don't know if summons get rerolls, but she'd also be rolling something like +65/+70 even w/o the artifact depending on the MitL's general bonus (which I'm assuming will be around +15/+20).
If they're analogus to Maid in the Mirror then their bonus should be +25.
We know a level 7 lantern artifact for two scraps, so combined with the book we'd have three scraps which will probably be extremely difficult to get.
While I might be misremembering there was no in quest confirmation that the artefact Celestia had was T7, however it was based on an in game one which in this system would be T6. Regardless I agree with Pittauro. Putting off the book is just not possible.