Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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How do you survive in the town your EVIL sister has taken over.

Everyone has already been enchanted by her wicked magic. And her eyes and ears are everywhere.

The first and most essential step will be finding agents of your own...

[ ] Recruit your niece Silky Stream to the cause. It would be a hard sell but she would know the wicked witch and her ways the best.
[ ] The staff! Surely Pon Pon and the other mades know well where their loyalties lie. (With you. The heir apparent.)
[ ] The ponies of this town. While the common rabble Might be uneducated, dirty, and inbred, their surely must be some left who have not fallen the witches wicked ways.
Zx, come on. Why you gotta stab me in the heart like that? Because considering all her eldritch bullshit and how often she uses it, this isn't even inaccurate.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter whether Pride is antagonistic or not, it makes a lot of sense that he would be afraid of Velvet regardless sine she's just... so powerful, in so many ways.
Honestly Velvet should just arrange to be... absent on Monday so that she can corner Pride when he arrives. While there is plenty of work to do "meeting my little brother for the first time in years" (technically true!) is probably a reasonable reason to miss a day where not much is happening yet.
Zx, come on. Why you gotta stab me in the heart like that? Because considering all her eldritch bullshit and how often she uses it, this isn't even inaccurate.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter whether Pride is antagonistic or not, it makes a lot of sense that he would be afraid of Velvet regardless sine she's just... so powerful, in so many ways.
It did amuse me to think of him coming here and picking up all the weirdness and deciding that we were excommunicated for being an evil witch dabbling in dark magic.
Zx, come on. Why you gotta stab me in the heart like that? Because considering all her eldritch bullshit and how often she uses it, this isn't even inaccurate.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter whether Pride is antagonistic or not, it makes a lot of sense that he would be afraid of Velvet regardless sine she's just... so powerful, in so many ways.
Plus, you know, her status as heir was given to Pride and she was married off to some Pegasus she barely knew, plus she never visited after that and now Pride is being given control over a house and staff she is emotionally attached to meaning that she went from mistress of the house to guest and the same for her daughters and husband. So Pride probably thinks that Velvet might already resent him a bit.
I would say he is not dealing with the loremaster, but rather he is dealing wich the noblemare, wich for pride specifically, it's worse.
Oh sure, there's definitely that. But the Loremaster never really... leaves, in Velvet. She's just too deep in too many Lores to have any action that is not subtly enhanced by her knowledge and power.

So I suppose, really, the question is more, how much does the Noblemare and Loremaster intersect?
Oh sure, there's definitely that. But the Loremaster never really... leaves, in Velvet. She's just too deep in too many Lores to have any action that is not subtly enhanced by her knowledge and power.

So I suppose, really, the question is more, how much does the Noblemare and Loremaster intersect?
Hum... Yes and no.
It's really deppeds of how you define "The loremaster" the way I see it the loremaster is more when velvet is teaching lores to someone or when she actually is using the lore to being sneaky or spooky, ah also when she playing pranks.
Velvet don't really have this lore when he is working or when she is with her family and friends.

The Noblemare in the other hand would be her public persona that is viewed as the perfect noble, a persona that in the context of the cult was enough to Coper gaslight herself into hating velvet.

For pride that should know nothing of Velvet more ...classified exploits, the noblemare persona is way closer to bogieman the young noble would have on his head. He would totally not see the sheer amount of internal screaming hushed down by the MVP lore
It's really deppeds of how you define "The loremaster" the way I see it the loremaster is more when velvet is teaching lores to someone or when she actually is using the lore to being sneaky or spooky, ah also when she playing pranks.
Ah. By Loremaster I mostly just mean the moments when she is being supernaturally hypercompetent, not just spooky. Like how she spotted Roach being observant, and stuff.
Ah. By Loremaster I mostly just mean the moments when she is being supernaturally hypercompetent, not just spooky. Like how she spotted Roach being observant, and stuff.
I mean i would say that was spooky. Not because her skills but rather the way she exposed her skills let a "this is not normal" quality of it.
On the head of that poor mafia pony she slasher teleported behind him.
Scheduled vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Nov 21, 2023 at 12:27 AM, finished with 153 posts and 44 votes.

  • [X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
    [X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
    [X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)
    [X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
    [X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
    [X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
    [X] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
    [X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)
    [X] Teach her the patience of Winter, so she learns how to pace herself.
    [X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)
    [X] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
    [X] Go meet some new ponies. There are a few faces in the crowd you have not met before. Most of them are related to or accompanying your daughter's school friends, but a small number of them are not. (Make at least one new random acquaintance)
    [X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
    [X] Go meet some new ponies. There are a few faces in the crowd you have not met before. Most of them are related to or accompanying your daughter's school friends, but a small number of them are not. (Make at least one new random acquaintance)
    [X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)
    [X] Tell her a small secret of Lantern, to help her shine the light.
    [X] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
    [X] Teach her the patience of Winter, so she learns how to pace herself.
    [X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)
    [X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
    [X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
    [X] Teach her the patience of Winter, so she learns how to pace herself.
    [X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
    [X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
    [X] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
Uh...Well, I admit I didn't interpret this vote as one intended for plan voting, though the winning plan does include the 2 options that were individually winning anyways, so yay?
It shouldn't have been a plan explicitly. Something probably just went wrong with the automatic tally.
I too have no idea why it turned out this way. Which is more than a little disconcerning.

Hold on. Update is geared and ready to post, but I wanna figure this out first.

EDIT: Yeap, no clue. I got the same result Skelm did right below.
Weird, but not a prejudicial error. Oh well.
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Vote closed
Vote tally by line
Adhoc vote count started by Skelm on Nov 22, 2023 at 10:09 PM, finished with 206 posts and 44 votes.

Edit: Bird's vote tally split by task, not by line, and none of the votes had task markers
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Velvet's Pride

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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You are Lord Velvet Pride, and right now you are deep in thought.

The interior of the first-class train cabin, which is honestly crude and shabby by your standards, shudders slightly. And not for the first time. After all, Equestria's south is far less populated (and perhaps even civilized) than the east and west, so it is only natural that the older trains get relegated to the non-arterial lines of the country.

But again, this is not the first time this happens, and throughout the several hours of your journey you have already learned to ignore it.

To be honest, it wasn't really that hard to zone everything out. You do have… a lot on your mind.

Do not hesitate.

Always think ahead.

Never show weakness.

Your father's voice, the several lessons he has taught you throughout the years, echo inside your head. And not without reason. After all, you are inside this old train, heading away from fair Canterlot, because you have finally been given your first real assignment.

Your first mission. Your first real responsibility. Your first test.

And no matter how hard you tell yourself otherwise, no matter how much you have been taught otherwise, you realize that… you are scared.

Maybe because this is your first time? Maybe because you don't feel like you are truly prepared? Maybe because of what your father told you, during that last conversation, before you finally went on your way?

It could be all of that, you know. In fact, it probably is a little bit of everything. Or maybe a lot of everything. But whatever it is, it was enough for you not to be able to sleep, even during the overnight train trip. It was enough that you weren't able to do anything but look out through the window towards the west, and watch as the moon slowly made its way towards the horizon.

Although, at least you have some encouragement to think back to. After all, your uncle insisted on taking you to the station in his carriage. And if nothing else, the words he spoke to you, the advices he gave you, are something you can relate to right now.

"Don't worry, kiddo. You'll get butterflies on your stomach, but everypony does."

You let out a soft laughter as you remember that carriage ride. Because sure, he gave you some pieces of advice here and there. Or rather, he reminded you of a few things you had already been taught, which you figure will be especially important. But most of the time he just kept telling you a few funny stories he knew, weaving in a joke here and there as the carriage made its way to the train station.

He was just trying to make you feel more at ease, you realize. And even though it isn't stopping you from feeling nervous right now, you can tell that it helped. Even if only a little bit.

The train shudders once again, and the lurching motion is stronger than it was before. It pops you out of your thoughts almost instantly, and you realize that the train is beginning to slow down.

That cold pit that is weighing down your stomach grows a little heavier, but you do your best to push the sensation back.

As you look out through the window, you take in a sight that is completely different from what you are used to. Your cabin is facing the west side, so you can't see the rising sun itself, but you can still see how its light is shining on a world that is alive. Alive, and vast, and most of all feral.

The grassy plain that is right before your eyes seems to stretch on forever, in total opposition to the secluded and organized plateaus that were carved from the face of the mountain in your birth city. The dark-green forests, that you can see in the distance, seem haphazard and untamed, its disorganized nature a sharp contrast to the manicured gardens of the Capital.

Even the faraway hills you can barely see, jutting out of the greenery here and there, feel strange when compared to the tall mountain on which Canterlot is perched.

You feel yourself frowning at all of that. You feel the tension rising inside of you, as the only thing you can really recognize when you look at that window is… your own reflection, that is staring back at you. Dim as it might be against the backdrop of a waking world.

You can still tell that your coat is the Velvet light-brown your family had for generations, and that you thankfully inherited from your father.

You can see that the rich justaucorps you are wearing is still impeccably clean, even if it is a little… bent here and there, from the several hours you just spent inside this train.

And as you light up your horn to start fixing those little mistakes, you can see the glow of your magic reflecting against the golden-yellow of your mane. As lustrous as your mother's.

Still, you can't help but notice that, even though your reflection is frowning… you still resemble your mother more than you do your father. Despite everything you learned from him, and your honest best efforts, you still look more like her than you ever did him. Your frown looks tense, thoughtful, almost uncertain, but not at all like the cautious and judging expression your father would have.

So, as you carefully wave and weave your magic over the rich cloth, straightening it out, you can't help but wonder if you really are up to this task… if you really will be able to-

"Excuse me? Lord Pride?"

A short knock, followed by a faint blue glow around the doorknob, announces the entrance of one of your maids. You can see her reflection, as she enters and gives you a short bow, before she waits for you to address her.

Probably here to see if you are already awake.

"Yes, Cantrip, go ahead," you say to the unicorn mare, turning around to face her.

"We should be arriving at our destination shortly. Would you like some refreshments before we get there?" she asks with a smile.

"No, there will be no need. Than-… I mean, that will be all," you say, to which the maid replies by giving you another short bow and leaving.

And you finally realize how nervous you really are. After all, just now, you almost slipped up and said something you should't. You almost thanked her.

You have a station. A place in the world. Act the part.

As always, your father's teaching echoes inside your head.

Even though, you can't help but also think that…

"But it doesn't hurt to be nice every now and then, you know? You can do things your own way now."

You shake your head, pushing those thoughts, both your father's and your uncle's, away. You don't have time for this.

A loud, muffled vapor-whistle comes from somewhere outside the train, and the slowing-down finally becomes noticeable. You swallow something dry as you realize that.

It is finally time for you to prove yourself.

- - -

The train station is… small. To the point you barely think it should be called a station at all.

But then again, you already know that thought process will apply to almost everything things in this place. Because for all that ponies can do great things when properly directed, this place is still just an earth pony town.

So, you are sure there will be enough for ponies to survive. But enough for a pony to live?

Well, you won't be holding your breath.

"Lord Pride, you privilege this place with your presence."

As soon as you step hoof out of the train, you are greeted by familiar company. Subtle Glare, your butler since you were a colt, is already waiting for you there, together with several other servants who have already collected your luggage. Cantrip steps out of the train right after you, and quietly makes her way to the butler, patiently waiting just one step behind the older stallion.

"Good morning to you too, Subtle," you say, looking around with a practiced neutral expression.

You can see a few other ponies, passersby and onlookers, watching your exchange from a distance. Looking at your clothes, and your busy servants, and whispering to each other with curious voices.

And already you wonder what you should do to address that. Should you look around with disapproval, and make a show that you are already unimpressed by the place? That would begin to cement your position as a noble in this small town, but you were also taught you shouldn't antagonize too much of the commoners. Should you instead give yourself a small nod? Try to pass an image of benevolence?

You can already tell that you don't know. A large part of your mind is asking itself what your father would do, but much to your disconcert the answer simply doesn't come to you.

And just like that, you realize the moment has passed. The commoners are still looking, and less than a second has passed. But the fact that you couldn't come to a decision instantly already tells you that…

Well, that you didn't.

The cold in your stomach spreads.

"My carriage?" you ask, to which the butler answers by waving for you to follow him.

"Right this way, young Lord."

You give him a nod, once again making an effort to push your doubts away.

Following Subtle, with Cantrip a few hoofsteps behind you two, you pass through the open doors that lead out of the station. "Station," again, being a generous word, as you had to hide your surprise over the fact that the exit doors were… right by the boarding platform itself.

But still, you are greeted by the sight of a… road. Or of a path you think is a road. After all, it is a long straight stretch of ground, and your carriage is waiting for you there. So, you think it is a road.

Even though it is basically… cobblestone and beaten earth.

"The Ponyville estate has a carriage that was here since the estate's construction. But our wheelwright quickly concluded it was beneath you," he says, as he opens the door of your carriage so you can enter. "So naturally, your Lord father had this shipped from Canterlot a few days ago. It will be your personal ride while you are here."

You nod at him, climbing the short stairs and entering the familiar cushioned interior.

The gleaming carriage of polished, black wood is a usual sight to you. This carriage, you can tell, is the standard that the ponies in your family ride back in Canterlot, with the modern sleek design and the Velvet symbol prominently displayed on its side.

And as you sit down, with Subtle and Cantrip filing in right after, you are also struck with the thought that it must be quite the eye-catcher in a place like this.

So, when you take into consideration how important first impressions are… maybe it wouldn't hurt to take the scenic route throughout the town. Give yourself an option to take a look at it, as well as giving the commoners the opportunity to see you like this.

Yes, this would be a good first step. And you feel a small wave of excitement over the fact that you finally had an idea that might be good.

You open your mouth to tell Subtle that you should take the long way. For him to warn the carriage pullers that they should take their time, or perhaps even take you to the town hall first so you can take a first look at it. After all, you hope you will be making a lot of business there.

But before you ever have the chance to speak your mind-

"Young Lord, now that we are here there is something I must inform you," your butler says as soon Cantrip closes the door. "Your Lady sister is still in town. In fact, she carved out her schedule so she could receive you in person."

-your heart immediately sinks as he says that.

"Wait, what do you mean she is still here?" you ask, feeling your breath shake for a fraction of a moment. "Is she not needed at the Capital? Father himself said so, that she has an appointment from the Princess. How is it even possible she is neglecting something like that?"

Your thoughts go back to the several instructions your father gave you. As well as the many more hints and messages that you know he implied. Because your father didn't instruct you on what to do in regards to your… older sister, but he did tell you to be cautious.

After all, the mare had interactions… several interactions with the Crown already. First through rumors that she was favored by Princess Cadance, then as an almost-official reprimand by Princess Luna.

That is, until Princess Luna was revealed to be an impostor, and your sister was then singled out into authority by Princess Celestia herself. Almost in the same breath as the alicorn all but banished the nobility from her grace.

You asked your father what you should do. In fact, you would have begged him for instructions, if you didn't know any better. Because you wouldn't know how to deal with such a pony even if you were just assigned to work with her, so what in the Princess' name are you supposed to do as you live under the same roof?

However, the only thing your father told you was to… be cautious.

This is yet another test, you know. But one that you were hoping you would not have to face this early. In fact, you had planned not to meet her for as long as possible. At least until you got your hoofs under your you, and your place in this town properly entrenched.

"I'm afraid we do not know, Lord Pride," Subtle says, failing to answer your question. "Until last night, word was that she would be departing in the last train as always. In fact, we only learned that she was still here earlier this morning."

You feel your pulse quicken at that.

Because here you were hoping that she would just be a distant threat. A shadow that you would have to avoid stepping into, as it loomed over the estate, but still nothing more than a shadow. Here you were, hoping that she would at best ignore you, or at worst have painted a picture of you with the commoners before you arrived.

But this? You can see this action for what it is. Misdirecting your servants, giving out false information, catching you by surprise.

This is guile. This is intrigue. And even though this is something as "small" and "inconsequential" as a personal meeting, this is also a first move.

And a first move tells you that there is a board. That there is a board, and there are pieces, and that she is committed to be standing on the other side of the table. This, all of this, tells you that the game is on.

And even though you are terrified of your opponent, you have no choice but to play it.

After all, this is what being a noble is all about. The choice to abstain was already taken from you the moment you were born.

"Well, take us to the estate," you say, noticing how dry your throat is.

Subtle Glare nods, and the carriage begins moving shortly after.

- - -

The Velvet estate is large. Not nearly as tall as the Canterlot mansion, but still wide and expansive in a way that is almost intimidating.

You have read about this place. Studied it, even. You spent a good deal of time going over the ledgers and reports and other papers that came from here, but you also made a point of learning about its history.

By Celestia, you even pulled up the blueprints of this place, even if only to get a mental picture of how it was like.

But as it usually goes, none of that theory prepared you to see it in practice.

Not that it is a bad sight to take in, of course. But still, seeing the brick walls grow larger as your carriage comes closer is a different experience altogether. As is the sight of the large garden, and its adjoining annex buildings, as well as the main building itself, which is maybe twice as wide as the mansion you grew up in.

And you can see the smaller details too. The signs of rooftiles that are frequently changed, thanks to the scheduled rains aimed at the farms. The wear and tear of the garden's paved paths, from years and years of servants coming and going. Even a few scratches and dents in some of the higher walls, probably from birds that nestled in one corner or another a long time ago.

However, none of those sights can shake away what is at the forefront of your mind.

Specifically, the fact that the carriage is finally stopping, and that Subtle and Cantrip just got up to open the door for you.

Close your face and swallow your feelings. Nopony will need to speak to you if they can read you like a book.

"Deep breaths, nephew. It will all be fine."

You get up from your seat, the central building dominating the entirety of your view as soon as you leave the carriage.

The entrance doors are large. Wood-wrought and well-maintained, the double door is several ponies tall, and goes as high as the adjacent windows.

They are also wide open, of course. Putting the two-storied entrance hall, which is big enough to host a small ball, in full view.

And there she is.

Lady Velvet Covers, your estranged older sister, stands at the opposite end of the hall, at the steps of a long set of stairs. You had already seen a painting of her, so you knew what she looked like. You already knew she was older than you, and maybe a bit taller, as well as the fact that her mane is a flowing long silver. She is elegantly dressed, with a long skirt going all the way to the floor, and for all that her clothing is clearly less fancy than yours, her appearance as a whole still more than makes up for it.

However, as you look at her, you can't help but hesitate. You freeze, or at least a part of you freezes, even if only for a moment.

Because yes, your sister looks like all of that. That is her appearance. And her clothes and her mane and everything else.

But her face? Her expression? Her stare?

You suppress a gulp. You force your legs to move underneath you.

Because the moment you lay your eyes on her, you are also immediately reminded of your father.

In fact, despite your best efforts to focus, you can even feel something click inside your head. And as you remember every time somepony compared you to your mother, and you tried to point out how much you look like your Lord father Hill, you now understand why they immediately changed the subject. You now understand why they would then frame it as a compliment, saying your mane is just eye-catching, or that you also have your mother's eyes.

They would say that, because they were comparing you... not to your mother, but to her.

Because, as you look at her, you immediately realize you are the second son.

And that she is the first daughter.

"Lord Velvet Pride," her voice reaches you just as you cross the entrance door. The tone clear as a bell despite the distance. Not echoing, but instead sharp in a way you can't describe. "The Velvet estate of Ponyville gives you its warmest welcomes."

She says those words almost as if they are a formality. And for all that you are indeed being given a reception, for all that there is indeed a long corridor of maids that goes from the door to the stairs, you still feel like…

You still feel like she means anything but that.

In fact, you feel nothing but a weight on your back.

Because here is the first pony your father truly taught. Your older brother, who you never even hear about, was barely given any education. Velvet Wings, who was cursed on birth with his namesake feathers, was barely raised as a Velvet at all.

But Covers? This judging, deeply unimpressed mare that seems to tower above you even from across the hall?

You can tell now, more than you did in your entire life, that she is the real deal.

And you? You were just the substitute.

But still, one hoofstep after the other, you make your way towards her.

Never let them know what you are thinking.

As you are about to reach her, you finally notice the other ponies. You finally notice she has company.

A pegasus stallion, her husband, stands at her side, maybe half a step behind her. Together with two fillies, your niece and the adopted one you heard about, who are standing next to him as well. All of them well-enough dressed, even though it is strange to see the adoptee as well dressed as a blood relative. Even if said blood relative is a pegasus herself.

Curiously, there is also a maid next to the fillies, who seems to be making a point of looking towards the ground. Probably a nanny, you think. Although it is still strange that she is not further away with the other servants. Even if she is still self-conscious enough to look uncomfortable there.

The maid, you can tell, is perhaps as old as you are. Which in turn makes you realize how much of a gap exists between you and the mare before you.

"Lady Velvet Covers," you say, trying your best not to flounder or trip over your words. Trying not to show even a hint of weakness as you stare her in the eye. "By our Lord father's decision, I have come to take over as the head of the Velvet's holdings in this place."

You say that, as you look into the mare's eyes, and you have to will yourself not to cut your own words short.

Because the way she is looking at you, the way she is measuring you, is all too familiar. To the point that you almost expect her to open her mouth, and somehow your father's voice coming out of her. Pointing out some mistake you made, or shedding light on some glaring flaw that you committed.

But none of that comes.

Instead, much to your surprise… much to your shock-

"You honor us with your presence."

-she givens you a small bow. The smallest, most formal curtsy, even.

But still, a showing of respect nonetheless.

Even if only a formal, almost ceremonial one.

And if you do everything right, ponies will respect you.

You feel the slightest hint of hope forming in your chest, that maybe this will somehow work out, as the older mare raises her head.

After all, for all that she is an intimidating unknown, you are not a pony who should be overlooked yourself.

And who knows, between your appearance and mannerism, as well as the fact that she probably knows very little about you, maybe she realizes that caution is warranted. Maybe, just maybe, this first move of hers to greet you is just a scouting effort, of sorts. Or perhaps even a net gain for you, given how she is showing to all the servants in the house that you still have precedence over her.

Because in a noble household, hierarchy is very important. And a place where the servants don't know who to obey, or who comes first, is bound to fall into chaos and disorder.

So maybe this is an olive branch of sorts? Maybe this is her negotiating, or even settling, how your relationship will be like? Her working in faraway Canterlot, and leaving Ponyville to you, as long as you don't get in each other's way?

"And this is my family," she says, as she waves a hoof to her right. "My husband Stormchaser, and my daughters. Silky Stream, Selene and their caretaker Soft Sweeps."

The three mares give you a short bow, with varying degrees of hesitation. The husband, you immediately notice, does not.

And for all that Lady Covers' actions relay you an interesting message, her family's reaction to you also speak volumes. After all, they also show you what has been spoken about you even when away from prying ears.

"It is a pleasure to meet them, Lady Velvet Covers," you say. In fact, for all that you want this meeting over as soon as possible, you even decide to go on a small stretch. "And it is also a pleasure to meet you, my… sister. And that you found time to greet even though you have such important obligations."

You mentally kick yourself for calling her sister. Especially given how much you hesitated before doing it.

Because this mare, you know, does not love you. You barely know if she even thinks of you as family at all, or if you are just a noble who is above her in the line of succession.

But what is done is done. You can't let that mistake lead you into committing more of them.

"There is nothing to thank me for, my brother," she says, a small, easy smile appearing on her face that, only for a moment, almost disarms you. "I just wanted to make sure that I was the one introducing you to my beloved family. They do mean the world to me, after all."

She says that. But something about her… something about her tone gives you pause. If only for a moment.

But that moment is more than enough for her to once again take the initiative.

And you immediately realize that even that, even these small exchanges, is yet another play from her. You immediately realize that you let your guard down, and that she has already made two moves before you made even a single one.

Because when you hesitate, she does not. And she already begins to move before you can even understand what is going on.

"They mean the world to me, and I hope you will be as content in this house as they have been so far," she says.

Much to your surprise, walking towards you.

No, walking past you, and making her way towards the entrance doors.

"But as you said, my little brother, I am indeed also committed to a few… how did you put it? Obligations, yes."

She reaches the entrance door, and with a flowing motion she aims her forehead towards the outside skies.

And with the whizzing, whistling sound of a firework, a magical flare erupts from the tip of her horn. Quickly disappearing towards the skies.

Then, she turns her back to the door, and once again faces you from across the entrance hall.

"So I hope you find Ponyville warm and welcoming, Lord Velvet Pride, just like I did. And just like I still do, even when I am away…"

A sudden, overpowering gust of wind comes from behind her, flowing into the entrance hall through the wide open doors, and spreading in all directions with the speed of a gale. Manes tremble in the sudden wind, the dresses of the maids flutter and shake, and some of the servants closer to the door even curl up slightly so they are not pushed by the winds.

But throughout all of it your older sister continues to stare at you. Her expression soft and polite, and still completely unphased despite everything that is happening.

However, you can't look back at her. You can't find it in you to meet her stare.

Because behind your sister, the source of the rushing winds finally comes into view. And right before the entrance doors, in the place your carriage had stopped when you arrived, another carriage takes its place.

A pink-and-gold carriage, topped with laurels and hearts. A large, lavish carriage, flanked by a cutie mark carved out of crystals that every last pony in Equestria would immediately recognize. A flying, magical carriage, its wheels still spinning with light and magic as they produce enough wind for the entire construct to gently land.

The carriage lands in the gardens, right behind the mare, with the weight of a feather. A heavily armed pegasus guard quickly unclipping himself from the front, and almost marching towards the door before opening it.

"… and of course. I sincerely hope no problems arise, while you are here," she finishes saying.

And she enters the carriage, with the door being closed shut behind her, before you can say anything else.

The only thing you can really think of, is how dry your mouth is, and how the cold that was in your stomach seems to have spread to every last part of your body.

That, and the last few words your uncle said to you before dropping you off at the train station.

"Oh, and try not to make too many enemies, alright?"

- - -

Your stay at the estate so far has been… uneventful.

Well, not exactly uneventful. A lot of important things have happened these last few days. But still, none of them were as impactful as that very first encounter with your sister.

Your days have been spent touring the property, seeing the plantations with your own eyes, and meeting the key ponies that make everything work in practice. Farming team leaders, accountants, the ponies in charge of safekeeping and transporting the produce, those kinds of ponies.

And you also have a lot of things ahead of you, both in your near future as well as in your long-term planning. You have to meet your suppliers in person, so they know things are under new administration. You have to make sure the period that the farms were not working, right after the Catastrophe, did not create any rippling problems. You have to decide what happens next, because your Lord father provided a large amount of bits for investment purposes, and most of that still lies unspent and waiting.

However, for all that you have a lot of work to do, you also realize that…

That you have no idea of what you should really be doing.

Because this? All of this? This is a test. Your assignment here is a test from your father and you know it.

So, it is not enough that you merely succeed, you must also overperform. And even though nopony ever said that to you, not your father nor anypony else, you also know that to be the truth.

After all, she did it. Your older sister, who you spent all your life either hearing nothing about, or who was spoken about in a negative light, suddenly turned out to… well, to be the opposite.

Your older sister, who was ostracized, married away, and then all but exiled to this backwater town, is now one of the only ponies in Equestria who has the ears of the Princesses. Or maybe even more than that.

And she did it all from here. She did all of that from a humble, small, slightly hot office in the central building. In this very property that you have now taken on.

So, you know that "just" making sure the farmlands run will not be enough. You even know merely expanding them will not be enough.

You must overperform. You must reach your father's expectations, and then utterly surpass them.

Otherwise, you… otherwise, you know that he…

"There has to be something I can do," you say to yourself, shaking your head and focusing once again. "There must be some angle… something that a unicorn would figure out, that…"

You say that as you flip through the several tomes in front of you. The several active contracts, related to the farmlands, that are still in place. The hard copies of the multitudes of obligations, payments and expectations that the Velvets have both taken on and created throughout the years in this town.

You go over each of them in turn. Employment, pacts, promises-of-sales, promises-of-purchase, writs of exclusivity, transportation… you comb over the legal lifeblood of the farmlands, until your eyes fall on a particular scroll.

Something about it speaks to you. Maybe its size, maybe how new it looks, but still, you open it and read it more carefully.

Moments later, your horn lights up, and you ring the small bell you have on your desk.

"Yes, my Lord?" Cantrip enters without knocking a second later, heeding your call. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Call for the accountant. I have him working on something else next door, but tell him this is unrelated. I have a question for him."

The unicorn maid gives you a short bow, leaving right after.

And before long, the bespectacled accountant enters your office with the maid in tow.

"My Lord? Anything the matter?"

"Yes, I have a question…" you say, still reading from the scroll. "This contract I have with me, what do you know about it?"

The stallion approaches you, respectfully giving you a short bow before going around your desk and standing at your side. Pushing his glasses up with a hoof before reading from the parchment you are holding up with your magic.

"Ah, it is the contract Lady Covers signed with the Needles, sir. For the couturier she has contacted."

You immediately remember what he is talking about, the moment he explains that to you. Yes, you remember this. You read the reports as you were preparing for this task.

But much more than that, hearing the accountant say those words also gives you an idea.

"This contract, are its terms fixed? Is there anything about it that can be changed? Maybe prices, or deadline, or even quantities?"

You give the contract to the stallion so he can read through it more easily. Your mind now running at full speed.

Because you don't really have a specific idea in relation to this particular contract. Sure, you will try to make it better. Make it more advantageous, lucrative, or maybe something else. But still, that is not your main point.

No, your point is that… that maybe this is what she did? Maybe this is the trick? Perhaps, instead of mud, you should think of this place as a coal mine? And that the secret is in finding its diamonds?

After all, the fact that his place is an earth pony town also means that… well, that the ponies here aren't sophisticated, yes. But also that they were never challenged. That they were never given the opportunity to be more. And maybe, just maybe, this town's smallness might actually be an advantage.

Because this means you can be the first to discover its riches, the first to explore its true potential.

And you can start it with this particular contract that you just f-

"About that, my Lord. The terms are variable. But unfortunately… yes, I'm afraid it's an agency contract as well. And Lady Velvet Covers is the one named as the agent for some of the key terms."

You stop yourself from letting a low, frustrated groan. Instead opting to merely close your eyes for a few moments. Hoping that neither Cantrip nor the accountant will notice it.

Still, you center yourself a few moments later. And instead of backing down, you actually feel more motivated to make this work. Because you can't just back down at the first challenge, or else you will never get anything done!

"I… see…" you say, the cogs inside your mind whirling as you try to think of an alternative. "But isn't there anything that can be done?"

"Well, my Lord, the agent can always be replaced. That's how these contracts are built. But the only ponies who can do that are Lady Covers herself, or the couturier she is representing."

You feel a spark appearing in your eyes. Because this is it. This is your solution. After all, that frightening mare is already two moves ahead of you, but that doesn't mean you should just lay down and accept it. No.

On the contrary, you will make a move of your own instead. You will meet this couturier of hers, you will win her over, and then you will make this contract with the Needles even more successful. By Celestia, you can even use this positive with the Needles as leverage to make a new contract with an even more influential family!

"Thank you," you say to the accountant, taking the contract back with a sliver of magic, "that will be all."

And after a few more short bows, both him and Cantrip leave your office.

With that, you begin to make your plans. Reading over the contract again, you discover the couturier's name is "Rarity". But, rather unhelpfully, you realize her address is listed as the estate itself. Which makes sense, you suppose, since you recall the fashionista desired to stay relatively anonymous and undisturbed as she worked.

Still, this is now just a matter of locating her and securing a meeting with her… without your sister catching wind of it.

As you think about how you might do that, you idly stare out through your office's window, looking at the gardens of the estate…

You feel your thoughts coming into focus, even as you look at the trees swaying in the wind and the servants going this and that way. The slow, ordered operation of the house, or at least the parts of it you can see from here, helping you make your own plans.

Although something happens, which suddenly takes a small part of your attention. Something comes into view, and your idly moving eyes immediately focus on it, as if curious.

You suddenly see a mare, walking past the gates and into the garden.

You don't really pay much attention to her, at first. In fact, you only notice her at all because she is walking through the main path of the garden, as she makes her way to the central building.

However, as the seconds stretch by, you notice that more and more of your attention… more and more of your thoughts, even, are focusing on the sight before you.

Because that mare is…

Well, first of all, her movements are unusually graceful.

She is just walking down a garden. However, the way she is doing it makes it look like she is doing… more?

There is a certain elegance to how she walks. A strange fluidity that you can't really name. Almost as if… almost as if she is a model. Almost as if she is walking down a runway, even, and the flowers that flank her are her admirers. The white roses near her like the flash of cameras, the yellow flowers like stallions tipping their hats as she passes them by.

It also helps that, unlike most ponies, she is also dressed. You can't make out the details from a distance, but you can clearly tell she is actually wearing a dress. Refined and stylish, unlike anything you have seen before. By Celestia, you daresay that what she is wearing is better than most of the things you have seen in Canterlot itself!

You don't even realize you aren't thinking about your plans anymore. And to be honest, you really don't care.

Your sole attention is now focused… enraptured, even, by the mare.

Because you might not be able to see her body, but her mane? You can see it, even from here. How that lock of royal purple flows down through the side of her face. Blowing softly with the wind, flitting beautifully up and down every time she takes a step.

You are on the edge of your seat, now. Even if you don't realize it. But who cares? How can you care about anything else right now?

How can you even care about breathing? You can't, that is the answer. You can barely tell your breath has completely escaped from your lungs, but you don't think you would care even if you were to fall unconscious right now.

And as you look at her, your mind… it completely… and also your heart… let alone your breathing that is…!

Something is happening to you. Something is happening, but you don't know what it is. And you don't know what it is because you can't even think straight.

The only thing you can really do, and which you do with every fiber of your being, is accompany the mare with your eyes as she trots between the flowers.

Because her face… her everything. Everything about her is elegant. Everything about her is… is beautiful.

The way her mane, colored like royal purple, flows with the wind as she walks. The way her clothes… her stylish clothes, of which you had never seen the likes before, sway here and there as she makes her way through the garden.

You feel something strange every time the hem of her clothes reveals a hint of her hoofs, and you realize moments later that it is your heart fluttering.

You have never felt this before. Never in your entire life have you felt like this.

But you immediately know the name of this feeling.

Eventually, and way, way too soon, the mare reaches the entrance of the central building. Going through its doors and disappearing from your sight. And just like that, the world feels empty and devoid of grace.

You are on your hoofs less than a heartbeat later. Unthinkable as it might be, you almost run down the stairways, as you head out of the annex building where you are living and into the garden.

With a swift, focused trot that is as fast as you can go without being uncouth, you make a beeline towards the central building. Ignoring the tiled walkways of the gardens and even stepping on a few patches of manicured grass so that your path is the shortest possible.

Your heart is beating in your chest as you approach the doors of the central building, a mixture of nervousness at what you are doing, coupled with dread at the thought she might not be there anymore once you open them. Because you must see her again, even if it's just a hint of her tail!

You don't even break stride as your horn lights up and opens the door, your trot finally breaking into the shortest gallop as you rush into the entrance hall. Eyes turning here and there as you desperately look for her and-

-and there she is!

In the middle of the hall, clearly making her way towards the stairs. But a glimpse of the back of her dress is more than enough for you to remember the beauty of her face.

The words slip out of your mouth before you can even think about them.

"Excuse me! Fair maiden!" you say, already making your way towards her. And for all that your fear and tension is growing with every step you take towards her, so too does your certainty.

The mare hears you. You can see her ears perk up, the movement at the same time innocent and dignified.

She then turns around to face you.

And your mind freezes as you are finally face to face. Your thoughts suddenly covered in an utter fog.

Because somehow, the mare is even more beautiful up close, her flowing purple mane almost covering one of her eyes even as she looks back at you.

Still, for all that you are enraptured, something jolts inside of you. Your heart waking up your brain with the message that you are wasting time.

After all, first impressions matter.

"I apologize," you say, giving her a low, best-mannered bow before taking a few more steps towards her. "I am Lord Velvet Pride, next in line of the Velvet family and current head of this household."

You call back to every last etiquette lesson you ever had. You think about every single advice, comment or class you had about how to be educated. About how to be perfect.

And you channel all that experience into this one, singular moment. Into this one greeting that you absolutely cannot screw up.

And with a delicate, almost hesitant gesture, you slowly move to take the beautiful mare's hoof.

Her slender, gorgeous foreleg is soft to the touch. And your own hoof almost feels clumsy and out of place as you hold on to it, even if only for a moment.

"However, I am also new to this place. Everything here is still novel and strange. But I can say without a doubt that meeting you, my lady, is a surprise that I will cherish. So please, may I ask your name?"

You say that, and then you move to kiss her hoof. Hoping against hope that this highest form of appreciation will convey even a sliver of what you are feeling right now.

Because without a doubt, the moment you looked at this mare your heart was-

"Tha fok es wrong with ye?!"

You lose your balance, almost spinning, as the mare slaps your hoof away with unexpected strength. To think that such a delicate foreleg could hold such power!

"Tha fok es wrong with this E'ra? Tha' a foken nopony, barely a hatchlin', con jos' come up an… an do this? Wo'eva tha fok this is?!"

She takes a step back, and then another, and you desperately try to get your bearing to follow after her.

"W-wait! I apologize if this-"

"An' ae dinnae give a fok! Piss off ye wyrd, rude git! Ae dinnae care who ye are. Ye fokken try tae bite me again, an ae'll fokken bite ye back ye 'ear me?!"

But the mare, the beautiful mare with the piercing eyes and exotic clothes, doesn't listen to you. She doesn't even give you the time of the day.

And for all that her voice is beautiful, it aches your heart to realize that… that you can't even understand her!

Because what can you do… how can you make her understand what you feel, if you can't even know what she is saying?!

And before you can recover, the mare is already storming her way up the stairs. Saying something in that strange, alluring language that you can only guess what she means.

"Es this another cors'? Es this somethin' tha' crazy sumna es doing now? Makin' horse-shaped dogs tha' just up and try tae bite ye? This has to be part of me fokken cors. Snek canny even hav a moment o' peace an' quiet an'…"

She trails off, not stopping to talk for a second even as she reaches the second level of the mansion and her voice fades away.

But you were so entranced by it, by the sight of her steps and the sound of her voice, that you only realize you haven't done anything after she is well and truly gone.

"Wait! A-at least tell me your n…!"

You try to say something, to yell after her, but you know it's for naught.

You just stand there, heartbroken, at the bottom of the stairs. Looking up as… as the love of your life just walked away from you.



To your absolute surprise, you also feel a sudden rush of energy coming to you.

Because this is not over… no, this hasn't even begun!

After all, what else could she be doing in here? Why else would she have walked up into the mansion so easily? As your mind slowly regains its bearings, you immediately connect the dots and realize that she must be a guest here. She certainly was not dressed as a servant, and the second floor of the mansion is reserved for your sister's family and guests.

So you know that… you know that there is still something to be done. No, there is much to be done!

Because who is that mare? Where did she come from? What language is she even speaking?!

And much more importantly, what is her schedule? What is she doing here? She wouldn't be a guest here if she already lived in this town (and besides, you doubt this dingy town could ever produce a mare of such beauty anyways) so… so how long will she be staying?!

You will find that out. You will find out all of those things, and more.

And you will move the sun and moon themselves if that's what it takes to talk to her again. Only this time, you will be better prepared, and with a bouquet of flowers to boot if needed!

"But first… I have to find out her name… Need to find out somepony who knows about her and…"

You mumble to yourself as you turn around and make to leave the central building. Your mind focused as a knife, and unerring as a well-woven spell.

In fact, you are so focused that you completely miss the fact that…

… that the entrance hall was full of maids. Who immediately stopped their work the moment you burst into the hall, and who saw everything that happened almost with a gleam in their eyes.

Because right now, you can't hear your father's voice inside your head. In fact, you don't even remember what is your assignment in this town to begin with.

The only thing you can think of is one of the advices your uncle gave you, as you two rode in that carriage, which at first you thought was a joke.

You thought it was a joke, back then, and you even laughed at it.

But now…? Now you know better.

"And while you are there, why don't you try getting yourself a wife? It worked out for your sister, didn't it?"

"I see what you mean now, uncle Steppes," you say to yourself.

And you vow not to fail your mission in Ponyville!
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did he
did he actually
did he ACTUALLY fall in love at first sight of,
of HER
he has. clearly. i have reading comprehension. there is one (1) (I) person who talks like that

This is going to be glorious.
I wouldn't say harmless. Honestly, he's got the same sort of determination and desperation that led to Velvet being all that she is. The only difference is that he's already tripped by deciding to actively mess with our friends and getting enamored with the Daughter of Axes, without taking the time and opportunities to grow that Velvet did before she started making moves against the Master. He jumped straight into the deep end, before even learning to swim.

Which, yes, will probably end with him doing something stupid.
I think this look into prides thoughts really show who he is, a young boy barely into adulthood who sees his father as a hero and has absolutly no idea how the world works having grown up on stories told to him but never experiencing.

Oh but I can easily see him slowly having a breakdown trying to (in his mind) one up Velvet

the amount of casual tribilism is really showing his noble upbringing though and if he thinks the daughter of axes is beutiful, I wonder how he will react when he meets Rarity who actually practices Grail.
Wow. Massive kek. I'm pretty sure the bait-and-switch with Rarity was intentional, but I had to stop and reread the Daughter of Axes line like three times before my brain caught up and when it did I was dying.

Hey, let's not underestimate Pride. He's clearly a greenhorn but so was Stormchaser once upon a time. A pony in love is not a force to take lightly, much less the brother of someone like Velvet who is clearly CERTAIN of what he needs to do for the first time in his life.