Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Don't cry by the lost phone, in any way or the other it means bird is free from SV.
But yeah, I hope he is allright this quest continuing or not.
nothing new about Bird or this quest, sorry to people hoping for that.

But I found out something you might be interested in. It just started on Spacebattles

Climbing the Tree of Wisdoms (AGG-Style Cultist Simulator/Book Of Hours Quest)

Ascend the House of the Sun, or die in the attempt.

an AGG style quest (a geek's guide. you might know it from Sage of Eyes' CORE quest, but there's plenty more. there's a mangaka quest, an idol quest, a shrine maiden quest, and plenty more on spacebattles right now) for Cultist Simulator/Book of Hours.

I'm starting to read it right now, it's currently at the third update, still character creation.
"You have seven hundred and forty six alerts and six unread messages. Would you like a cup of tea to go with that?"

Hi there! First and foremost, I hope you have all been well.

It has been a few months since the last update, and I think I have a bit of catching up to do. But please allow me to give you the very summarized version of what happened:
-I am currently writing a book!
-I am currently failing to write a book.

Jokes aside, it really boils down to that. I have an idea for something that I am putting into paper. However, I unfortunately underestimated how hard it is to work on original fiction. After all, the name "Twilight Sparkle" has nine seasons and several movies worth of context behind it. Context that is simply not there when you are trying to create something new. Of course, this new journey is being delightful, but also wonderfully frustrating.
The joys of creating a new skill, I suppose.
Anyhow, I had hoped to completely write said book in a few weeks. Then in a few months. And then I kept trying to brute-force it at the expense of everything else. "Can't write ponies," I'd tell myself, "if I have the creative energy for that, then I should focus it on bashing my head against this wall!"
It didn't work. Or at least, it hasn't yielded the desired results, even after several months, so there is no reason to keep barking up at that tree.

So that's basically it! I apologize for my absence, but I am sure everyone's lives went on just fine. I also still have said book-writing as my first priority, creative-wise. But really, this quest flows with such ease that I will simply keep at it like the hobby it is, and keep my """serious business""" energy for that other endeavor.

Anyhow, that's it for my side! Once again, I hope you are all doing good and that everything is alright!

And please forgive me as I slowly catch my bearings to see what comes next.
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Recruitment Drive

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Too Many Plans + Rarity Wildhoof
-[X] 3 personal actions
-[x] You are under attack!
--[X] Deny it
-[x] You are wounded!
--[X] You don't have time for this.
--[X] You either don't care, or you don't have enough bits to care.
-[X] (Servants) Ask for a specific Lore artifact (Edge 3)
-[X] (Steppes) Help with negotiating with Hills
-[X] (Rarity) Fleeting opportunity: The Wildhoof Club investigation
-[X] (Fluttershy) Clean Jade's old house
-[X] (Jade) Memory of Light
-[X] (DoA) Make Wrong Keys
-[X] (Selene) Knock
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Twilight
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Woods
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Twilight Sparkle
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Mayor Mare
-[X] Teach our family Lores
[X] Apply the greatest scrutiny. You will interview all candidates personally, and veto ponies that display even the slightest stain in their records.

"Welcome back, Roach. Glad to see everything went alright today."

Those are the first words that greet you as soon as you close the front door behind you, and they feel as familiar as the sound of the old entrance bell jingling as the doors slightly tap them.

You hear those words almost every day, spoken through that same smile. And you know you are not the only one. After all, he says those same words every single day, to everypony who returns from patrol. So, you know you are not special.

Still, there is warmth in his words. You can feel them the same way you can feel the heated air in the lobby room. Which, by the way, is a great contrast to the downpour you just came from. Damn weather department deciding to put an entire week's worth of rain in a single night…

"Can I getcha cup of coffee Roach? I'm all out of doughnuts, but I'm sure I can nab something from the back if you're feeling hungry."

However, even though you can feel all of it… even though you can feel the warmth in his voice, and in the air, and coming from the carafe he has on his reception desk, you still feel…


"Nah. Just give me my papers to sign, Bolt," you say, water still dripping from your uniform as you make your way through the empty lobby.

Thankfully, he complies, and soon enough you are staring down at the small pile of papers you have to fill before calling it a day. Reports, notes, sightings, the usual. Nothing you can't get done in twenty minutes before you can finally head back home.

Yet another day serving in Vanhoover's Constable.

"Y'know Roach, I can fill up your papers if you want. You can just sign at the end, and I'll have them all filled up," the receptionist, Loose Bolt, says with his usual slow yet honest tone. "I mean, you didn't come in draggin' anypony, so I figure you had a slow night like everypony else."

You are already shaking your head before he even finishes his offer, taking out your uniform raincoat so you don't wet the papers. And for all that you try, you can't really stop a frown from appearing on your face at his words.

Although you are not frowning because he just offered to fill in your papers. Or at least that isn't the biggest reason.

"Slow nights are bad, Bolt," you say under your breath as you pick up the papers and stuff them in a dry pocket of your undercoat. "Crooks are still out there. I can feel it in my cutie mark. And if we had a slow night, it just means we didn't catch any of them."

Loose Bolt gives you a familiar slow nod, conceding the point. But he doesn't say anything else.

And honestly, you appreciate him deciding to stay quiet. The two of you have been in the Constable for many years now, more than most other ponies. Hay, you two even went out to drink on occasion. So, you can say that you two already have each other's measure, and you are quietly thankful that he sees you are not in a good mood.

Because you meant it when you said it.

This… thing you are feeling, it is definitely not good.

It's been several weeks since the Catastrophe. And for al that the panic following the first few days was quickly replaced by a more long-lasting dread, even that dread is already beginning to thaw. Streets are beginning to fill up again, even in the late hours. Businesses are opening their doors once again, even if a lot of them now have new "Now Hiring" posters on their windows. And of course, crime is picking up once more.

But that's the problem. You feel like… no, you know there is something out there, but you can't put a hoof on what it is. You have been going up and down these streets for years, you know every corner and alley there is, and you have already seen more than one ugly gang war. And yet, this feeling you have is… it's just different.

As if something else is roaming the shadowy corners of your city. Something smarter than the gangs, more focused than the swindlers… hay, you dare say it's even more dangerous than the freaks that rampaged during the Catastrophe.

And yet.

And yet…

"I'll be at my desk if you need anything, Bolt. Won't take too long to fill these up," you say, passing through the staff-only door that leads out of the reception and into the Constable proper.

The old stallion gives you a slow nod.

- - -

You really meant it when you said you wouldn't take long.

It grates at you, but you really don't have anything to report.

"Arrests… none. Encounters… none. Notes regarding ongoing cases…"

You take a look at the far wall of the communal office space, glancing at the several posters of missing ponies your department placed there. The vast majority were set up immediately after the Catastrophe, and so far, none of them have been found.

But still, you can't help but look. Hoping against hope that you might realize you saw one of those ponies during your patrol.

"… none," you eventually give up, crossing out that section of your report with a practiced frown.

And soon enough, you are done. You sign the papers where they need to be signed and you get up from your chair to head towards Administration to file those in. It is late in the night, or perhaps early in the morning, so you will just put it in the "in" docket of the paper-pushers so they can get to it when they arrive.

Or at least that's what you thought you were going to do.

Because much to your surprise, as soon as you leave the detective's office area and step into Administration, you are greeted by a pony who almost jumps out of his chair.

"Roach! Freaking Tartarus, you're finally back!"

A thin, bespectacled pegasus in uniform practically trips over his legs as he makes his way towards you. His voice as urgent as his expression.

And you are surprised, of course, but you don't really react to it. You know the pony, after all, even if you barely speak to him.

"Mousetrap? The hay you doing here this early in the morning? This is beat-hour, and admin only opens at eight," you say, walking around the pegasus and placing your report where it is meant to go.

"What am I doing here? I'm waiting for you, that's what," he says, in a tone that you can only describe as panicked. "You're the only damn detective that takes ten hours to do an eight-hour route so we had no freaking choice but to wait!"

You raise an eyebrow at that. Because not only what he is saying doesn't really add up to the way he is acting, but also because…

"You said we had to wait?" you ask, stressing that particular word as you look around at the otherwise empty room. "Who's we?"

You feel your body tensing up for a moment at the sheer strangeness of that whole situation, your recent gut feelings and the suddenness of this situation creating worrying scenarios in your head, until the pegasus finally answers your question.

"The Chief, of course. He's waiting for you on his office upstairs, and it's urgent!"

You let out a small "huh" at that, giving the stallion a nod before turning your back to him. Pretending you can't listen to his grumbling about how he lost some sort of lottery and had to stay here after-hours to wait for you or something.

Perhaps this night won't be so slow after all.

"What can I do for you, Chief?"

You enter the slightly large room after knocking on the door, the familiar sight of the Chief Constable's office coming into view. The stallion himself is sitting behind his desk, cap casually tossed over a pile of files, and you can immediately smell the tobacco you know he is chewing on.

"Ah, Roach. You're finally back. Take a seat," he says.

And you can immediately tell he is… well, you can tell this won't be a usual meeting or debrief.

Or rather, you can already tell that whatever this is about will not be pleasant.

Still, you oblige him. Taking a seat on one of the heavy wooden chairs he has in front of his desk.

"Did you hear the news already?" he asks, and you are not sure if he really wants to hear your answer or if he is just trying to ease you into whatever bad news he has in store.

"Can't say I have, Chief. Mousetrap seemed to be on edge downstairs, but he didn't tell me much. Besides, I'm not sure it would've been possible for me to hear about… whatever this is," you say, easing yourself into the chair. Wondering how wet your uniform is while you are at it.

And you watch as the Chief Constable raises an eyebrow at your words.

"Really? And why do you figure that?"

"Well, because you have access to my schedule, so if this was really urgent you'd have sent a runner after me. So I figure that whatever happened, happened just a few hours ago. After the time it was better to wait for me here than to send somepony to look for me in my patrol route," you say, shrugging slightly as you talk. "Besides, Mousetrap was waiting for me in Administration like this was urgent, but Loose Bolt didn't mention anything when I arrived at the lobby. Which either means everypony is finally admitting Bolt has a bad memory… or that this is need-to-know only, and I wouldn't have been able to hear this news from anywhere else."

The Chief Constable gives you a slow, frowning nod.

You take the time to casually glance at his desk while he is looking down.

"I suppose it makes sense when you put it that way," he says, chewing at the tobacco inside his mouth for a few more moments before letting out a dry grunt. "I'll cut to the chase, then. We got word from up high asking for you, and I have no choice but to let you go."

He says that, and you don't even bother to keep the scowl from forming on your face.

"Wait, what? This again? Sun-damnit boss, you can't be serious!"

"Roach, you have to understand tha-" he begins to say, but you interrupt him before you even realize it.

"No, this is bullshit and you know it Chief! The bigwigs from uptown are asking for another investigation are you're simply gonna fold? I don't care if it's good press, you can't send me to waste time uptown just because somepony snatched a tophat's pocketbook."

You almost stand up from the chair, feeling your pent-up tension finally coming to the fore.

Because it's always something like this. This kind of shit has been going on for years now. Ever since you tracked down that bit-counterfeiter and had your name plastered on the newspapers as if you were some sort of hero. The tophats from uptown think you're some sort of private hound they can call on, and every now and then they try to bully the Chief into assigning you some petty case that affected some rich pony.

But to think the Chief is going to cave in? That he's going to take you out of the beat now? Weeks after the Catastrophe, and while there are real crimes being committed out there?!

"I don't care how slow it has been, Chief. We both know the crooks are about to pick it up again, and I'll be damned if I'm not in the streets when-"

"Roach will you listen to me for one damn moment?!"

But this time, it's the Chief who interrupts you, and something about his tone actually gives you pause.

Because you can see now, clear as day, that you are actually… wrong?

"This is not another request from uptown, Roach. I didn't say that," he says, letting out a heavy sigh, "this is a request from up. And this isn't just a temporary assignment to make some deep-pocket happy… this is a bit more permanent than that."

He says that, but you don't really… understand. You feel your pulse quicken slightly at that, realizing all the gaps in information that you are working with. Because what did he mean by up? And what the hay does he mean by permanent?

Vanhoover is your city. You were born and raised here, and taking care of these streets is your life. So what in Celestia's good name does he mean by all that?

Your questions are all plastered on your face, and you know it. You don't even try to hide it. And you know the Chief can see them as if you had spoken them out loud.

But instead of answering your questions, he simply picks up a letter from a drawer, and throws it towards you.

You take it on your hoofs, noticing the… several little details, strange and unusual both, that dot the letter.

Like the fact that the envelope is purple and black, instead of the usual paper stuff it should have been made of.

And the fact it was hoofwritten instead of typed.

But most of all the fact it has a symbol on it, that you have never before seen in your life.

The letter, of course, was also sealed. Or rather, it was sealed at some point, but it has already been open at least once. And judging by the Chief's actions, you figure you are also authorized to see… whatever this is about.

And you can't help but feel surprised as you read the front of the envelope.

To: The Office of Vanhoover's Governor

Subject: Detective "Beyond Reproach" (Downtown Constabulary)

From: The Lunar Bureau

"Before you ask, Roach, I have no idea of what this is about. Or rather, I have some idea, but at this point I think he only told me what I need to know."

"And when you say he," you say, hesitantly, "you actually mean…"

"Yeap, the Governor. It's his name on the letter, after all. But let me tell you what's not on the letter. Let me tell you about what… well, about what I think is going on."

You listen to him as you slowly open the letter and begin to read from it.

"The Governor is fucking scared, Roach. There's no beating around the bush. That letter arrived by courier on the town four hours ago, and it reached the Governor while he was having dinner in his own damn house. And you know what he did? He didn't even ask a pony to come here and summon me, no. He got out of his own damn house after hours and came here himself."

You feel your breath get caught inside your lungs. That damned Governor? Scared? Doing stuff with his own hoofs?!

That doesn't make any sense. In fact it makes even less sense as you finish reading the letter and see that it is just a… a summons? For a simple interview?

"And uh, I hope you keep this just between you and me Roach. But the Governor actually said he wanted you fired. No, hang on, calm down. Not because you did anything wrong. But, and these are his words, because he didn't want even the smallest impression that we were trying to keep you here."

"Wait… he said what?"

"You heard me. Governor himself said he wanted you in a train towards Canterlot yesterday, and that he would raise Tartarus if it even looked like we weren't complying with that letter."

"That doesn't make any sense, Chief. Why? And what the hay is this Bureau thing?"

"No clue, Roach. All I know is that it's best for everypony if you take that letter and head to the capital, and that the Governor himself won't sleep tonight until I knock on his house and tell him you are on your way," the Chief says, and his tone is… the furthest away from sarcasm as it can possibly be.

You can really tell he is serious. You can really tell Vanhoover's own Governor is wide awake right now, waiting for his Chief Constable to go tell him that… that you were delivered a damned letter.

You honestly have no idea of what is going on.

"So, Beyond Reproach, my best damn detective," he says, his tone finally hardening up to that professional voice he always uses during briefings and official gatherings. "As of right now, you are officially on paid leave from Vanhoover's Constable. And your only assignment as a law enforcement officer is to follow the instructions tendered to you in that letter. Is that clear?"

You take a few long seconds to process what you just learned, trying to make sense of what the hay is going on. But by the life of you, you simply can't put it together. Too many blank spots, too many pieces of the puzzle missing.

Your cutie mark itches on your flank. But for the first time in several weeks you don't feel like it is for a bad reason.

"Yes sir," you say, giving him the only answer that is possible.

And after a quick trip to your home to get some things in order, you are on your way to Canterlot.
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Anyhow, I had hoped to completely write said book in a few weeks. Then in a few months. And then I kept trying to brute-force it at the expense of everything else. "Can't write ponies," I'd tell myself, "if I have the creative energy for that, than I should focus it on bashing my head against this wall!"
Oh noooo.

I mean, there are worse ways for a author to drop off the grid for a while, condolences.

It's good to have you back! Hopefully this helps unblock you on the book.
Welcome back Bird! I hope your book-writing endeavors go well.

...I'm going to have to go back and reread the discussion from this turn, I think. I don't 100% remember what we were planning on trying for in the next few turns beyond "get Edge 4", "don't let Mareinette's refresh timer fall on the same turn as Luna Restore", and that someone tried to murder us Winter-style.
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Well, good to see this back. Not really sure how much I'll be able to participate, but knowing myself it won't be long before it becomes a lot.
As someone who fairly consistently fails to put anything to a page while stating blankly at a Word document for hours, I commiserate with you Bird. I'm glad you've been able to write what you have of these beautiful horse words, they're a testament to your skill as a writer.

I will pass on some advice I completely fail to heed myself: If there is no inspiration flowing for a thing you want to write, and other ideas are pounding down the doors in your head, write them instead and let your mind drift. At some point, it will likely come about that you spring upon a good idea for that first thing, and when that happens you switch Word documents and write it down as fast as you can before it escapes again.
Welcome back Bird! I hope your book-writing endeavors go well.

...I'm going to have to go back and reread the discussion from this turn, I think. I don't 100% remember what we were planning on trying for in the next few turns beyond "get Edge 4", "don't let Mareinette's refresh timer fall on the same turn as Luna Restore", and that someone tried to murder us Winter-style.
Something something figure out where Twilight stands, and apparently investigating the fallout of the Cult exploding seem to be the primary things, from what I recall. Also some kind of precise ritual timing to make use of all our money.
Anyhow, I had hoped to completely write said book in a few weeks. Then in a few months. And then I kept trying to brute-force it at the expense of everything else. "Can't write ponies," I'd tell myself, "if I have the creative energy for that, then I should focus it on bashing my head against this wall!"
It didn't work. Or at least, it hasn't yielded the desired results, even after several months, so there is no reason to keep barking up at that tree.
yeah, considering how many authors take YEARS to fully write a book (depending on lenght and complexity), you should have known better :V
So that's basically it! I apologize for my absence, but I am sure everyone's lives went on just fine. I also still have said book-writing as my first priority, creative-wise. But really, this quest flows with such ease that I will simply keep at it like the hobby it is, and keep my """serious business""" energy for that other endeavor.

Perfectly fine if you have other priorities of course, but... maybe give us a warning next time? I seriously thought you might have just had an accident and died, you dropped off the forum for months without a word of warning!

that said, welcome back, happy to hear you're alright, and have fun catching up with thread and messages. I'll read the update as soon as I can
he joys of creating a new skill, I suppose.
Anyhow, I had hoped to completely write said book in a few weeks. Then in a few months. And then I kept trying to brute-force it at the expense of everything else. "Can't write ponies," I'd tell myself, "if I have the creative energy for that, then I should focus it on bashing my head against this wall!"
It didn't work. Or at least, it hasn't yielded the desired results, even after several months, so there is no reason to keep barking up at that tree.

So that's basically it! I apologize for my absence, but I am sure everyone's lives went on just fine. I also still have said book-writing as my first priority, creative-wise. But really, this quest flows with such ease that I will simply keep at it like the hobby it is, and keep my """serious business""" energy for that other endeavor.
"Ponies to get the creative juices flowing and the hydraulic pressure up, so my creativity doesn't go stale from 'banging head against wall'-related frustration"
might be a more helpful way to view it than "writing ponies would be slacking off when I should be doing book"

Besides that, great to have you back Birb.
Welcome back, BirdBodhisattva! Glad to see you are okay!

On the matter of the update, well, here's one of our heroes. There should be another (assault focused?) plus Shining. Beyond Reproach looks... pretty good, actually. From what little we know of him, he seems to be genuinely good person, and genuinely good detective. To be honest, with credentials like this, my first instinct is to throw him into Internal Affairs once we have the capacity, but we probably should belay that, or at least delay.

First, it seems with him it would bother him, if he is of the opinion that every night when the crooks aren't caught is a failure. Second, and more importantly, with task like that I wouldn't be surprised if he actually manages to dig something on us. Well, at least there's only two more turns until Luna's return, so he shouldn't have time to beat her, and hopefully Luna can help us deal with "Velvet is a horrible traitor".

Still, he looks very promising, even if we may need some effort to manage him.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

If the truth comes out Celestia is going to kill us no matter what kind of Luna get out of jail free card we try to wave around.
First, I am not sure about that, but let's leave that aside for now.

Even if Luna can't stop Celestia, she should be able to clear things up with Roach, instead.

"Yes, We are aware. We are also aware of reasons behind those actions, and you are not, Beyond Reproach. We pardon Velvet Covers, and order you to speak of this to no one, ever again."
Turn 16 - Results, part 4

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Too Many Plans + Rarity Wildhoof
-[X] 3 personal actions
-[x] You are under attack!
--[X] Deny it
-[x] You are wounded!
--[X] You don't have time for this.
--[X] You either don't care, or you don't have enough bits to care.
-[X] (Servants) Ask for a specific Lore artifact (Edge 3)
-[X] (Steppes) Help with negotiating with Hills
-[X] (Rarity) Fleeting opportunity: The Wildhoof Club investigation
-[X] (Fluttershy) Clean Jade's old house
-[X] (Jade) Memory of Light
-[X] (DoA) Make Wrong Keys
-[X] (Selene) Knock
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Twilight
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Woods
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Twilight Sparkle
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Mayor Mare
-[X] Teach our family Lores

You are Lady Velvet Covers.

La-… Lady? Is that right? Well, you are technically still a member of a noble family. After all, it's not like they were abolished. There will simply be… no successors, from this point onwards. But the title-holder of your family is not dead yet, so you think you are still a Lady?

Oh, who are you kidding, that's not what's on your mind at all. That's not the real reason why you are beating around this particular bush. The real reason is that… well… uhm…

You are just not used to your latest title yet?

You are…

You are Commissioner Velvet Covers.

And you are still trying to get used to that.

Still, you have more important things to worry about right now.

"So, what did you think about that last one?" he asks.

And you purse your lips for a few more moments, as you look at your notes once again, before you turn to face Captain Shi- ack. You mean… before you turn to face Deputy Shining Armor.

Heavens, this will take some getting used to. Because your title is already strange enough, but his? It's so much… lesser than his previous one. So less dashing. So less adventurous. So devoid of all the qualities his previous title had.

Calling him that almost feels like a crime!

Still, you focus on the task at hoof, blinking away your intrusive thoughts. It's probably the exhaustion talking in your head, you think.

The two of you have been at this for a while now, after all.

"That last one… Detective Reproach? He was good," you say, thinking back to the stallion that just left the room a few minutes ago. "Quick, sharp, his files definitely didn't lie. He even noticed your horn was fake."

"Wait, he did what?" Shining Armor asks, his eyes going slightly wide. Looking at you, and then towards the door the stallion just left through, as if he didn't believe you. "What do you mean he noticed it?"

You tilt your head slightly at his surprise, until you realize that…

Oh. Dear heavens, he didn't notice.

"When we were talking and he dropped his letter? Fell down near your chair and you picked it up? I'm pretty sure that was a check of sorts. I saw him looking at your horn as you bent down to pick the letter up, and besides…"

"What sort of unicorn wouldn't use magic to pick it up," he says, all but finishing your though process and prompting you to give him a nod. "Oh wow."

You watch as the stallion's expression becomes thoughtful, as he no doubt thinks back on the interview the two of you just did. Trying to see if he missed anything else that might be relevant.

You are sure he did. And you don't mean it in a negative way, because you are sure that you also missed a few things. To be honest, you feel like you have just been through the mental equivalent of a gymnastic session.

The interview with that pony was… interesting. After all, of all the candidates you two interviewed so far, that stallion was the only one who…

"And then there is the matter that it didn't look like he wanted the job," Shining Armor says, to which you can't help but agree. Eyeing the very last note you took during the interview, which says the exact same thing. "The other ones so far seem eager, almost relieved. Remember that mare from Los Pegasus? The analyst? She almost looked like she was going to cry, when we told her the Bureau was being made to do something about the Catastrophe. Didn't even let us finish our spiel before saying she was in."

"Yeap, I remember her. And I definitely agree with you," you say, echoing Shining's thoughtful tone, "because Reproach definitely didn't look like…"

You light up your horn, sifting over the small stack of files you have next to you. Levitating away the interviews you did today, pushing the ones that are still due to another stack, until you finally reach the detective's file.

"There has to be a reason. There has to be something here that tells us why," you mumble to yourself, even though you don't really believe it. Because if that pony didn't straight up tell you what was on his mind, you have the impression that you won't really find an easy answer for it. "I mean, what else do you think? What else do you have on your notes?"

You open his file, reading from it even as you listen to Shining talk. You can tell that you are at the same time intrigued and frustrated. Well, you are also tired, but that is beyond the point. More importantly, you are frustrated because the last few days have been a grinding slog of sending letters, going through files and doing investigative vetting. But you are also intrigued because you can see it is working, and that the pony you two just spoke to is a catch.

So you want to… no, you need to understand why this is happening. You have to poach that stallion, no matter what it takes.

"I mean, there wasn't much else? I was surprised by how small he was, especially for an earth pony, but I could tell he knew his way around a hooffight. And when you take that into account, that doesn't mean he is small, it just means he knows how to be unassuming."

You nod at his words, because you agree with them. The stallion was as unremarkable as it seemed to be possible, at least physically, but that probably helped wonders in detective work. But still… still…

"I also thought he was… what's the word for it. Driven? Dedicated?" Shining continues to talk, "but that's what makes it so weird. We have candidates who lost somepony in the Catastrophe, and you could tell those ones wanted in to make a difference. But for that guy it almost seemed… the opposite?"

You narrow your eyes at Shining's words, and you feel as if something clicks inside your head.

"We did mention we can make… accommodations, if necessary," you say. Which is the truth, after all you can't recruit ponies from all over the country if you can't offer them something as basic as housing wherever you will need them to be. "But he… brushed it off? Wait, am I remembering this right? He didn't ask anything about it, did he?"

"No, I don't think he did. And that is a bit weird, now that you mention it. Everypony else asked us what we meant by that. Well, they also asked about payment and whatnot, but the whole thing of being based in Canterlot and traveling a lot was a big point in the other sessions."

Shining Armor realizes you are on to something. Or at least that you think you are on to something. And you can see him stooping slightly in your direction to look at the file you are reding from.

"And if he didn't ask about it, then it's because either he doesn't care, which is unlikely… or he thinks that, whatever he would really need, is beyond our power to give."

You then finally reach the part of his file you had been looking for all along, placing it down on the table so Shining can read from it as well.

Subject File

Page: 12/15
Marital status: Unmarried
Foals: none
Extended family:
-Father: deceased
-Mother: deceased
-Siblings: one (sister)

You wanted to tap your hoof on the open file, you wanted to proudly exclaim that this points in the direction of your hunch. But in all honesty, you can't help but frown at what you are reading. You can't help but feel a small twinge in your chest at the picture that those words were painting.

And you also notice Shining's reaction is… similar. Looking at the intimate details of the life of a pony whose only surviving family is his sister.

Or at least, you hope she is what remains of his family.

"The files we have are all pre-Catastrophe, right?" you ask, to which he nods.

"As far as we know, yes. Personnel files aren't updated regularly to begin with, and it hasn't been that long since it happened. I think the information we are working on is… maybe a year old?"

"That makes sense. And… well, like you said, some candidates were in for a feeling of vengeance. But that wasn't his case, which can only mean that…"

"His sister isn't dead. She's one of the missing ponies," Shining says, a heavy tone of familiarity weighting down his words, "and he won't take a job in another town until she is found."

You wait a few moments before you say anything, very pointedly pretending not to notice how the stallion takes a long breath, his eyes going unfocused and his brow furrowing for a few seconds.

"Well, that makes a lot of sense," he finally says, after shaking his head, "even if it's a hunch. Still, it's something we can work with."

"Right. We can start digging into this and figure something out. Maybe you can check in with the Guard and see if Vanhoover's outskirts were already searched? Or perhaps we can go there ourselves an-"

"Wait wait wait, waaaait," Shining Armor suddenly waves a hoof at you, interrupting you on the spot as he gives you an inquisitive look. "That feels like putting a certain cart in front of the pony. Velvet, do you know what time it is?"

You open your mouth for a few seconds, before closing it and thinking for a few more moments.

Because what exactly does he mean by this?

"It's… a bit late into the afternoon?"

"Wrong, it's almost evening."

"And…? What, you think it's too late to go bother the Guard?" you ask, looking at him with honest confusion. "Well, if you think that then we can just go talk to them tomorrow, sure. There's still plenty of letters to send that we can get to-"

"You're missing my point, Velvet. What I mean to say is that today is the last day of the week."

"And…?" you try again, truly not understanding what he is trying to get to.

"And tomorrow is the first day of the weekend?"

"… Shining, I need you to help me out here. Where the hay are you going with this?"

You ask that, and the stallion legitimately groans, rolling his eyes and all, before answering your question.

"And you should go home, Velvet. By Celestia, do I need to spell it out to you? You need to go home, to your family, and rest up for next week."

"Wha-… I… What do you mean by that? Of course I miss my family, but we have work to do here Shining!"

"Yes, and that work will still be here when you come back. But more importantly, Velvet, this is going to be your new routine," he says, his voice somehow calm and frustrated at the same time. "You can't work yourself to exhaustion on your first week. In fact, you can't create the bad habit of working yourself to the bone, period. We are in this for the long haul."

"But… but this is the first week! We are doing something as crucial as recruitment! I get your point, but this period is an exception. We can't afford to slack now and-"

"Actually, this is precisely the moment we can slack," he says. And you can't help but notice that… well, that he is being sincere. He isn't just contradicting you to try and win the argument. "The recruits we interviewed aren't going anywhere. In fact, it's even better to let a bit of time pass so they can get their stuff in order and start trickling in. But more than that, we don't have anypony working for us right now. We don't have an ongoing investigation, we don't have time-sensitive stuff waiting to happen… by Equestria, we don't even know which of the noble families we will be investigating first."

You let out a low, but definitely undignified neigh at his words. Because even though he is wrong, you have to admit that… well, that he has a point.

Curse this stallion. You have to remember he is also smart. You can't be Twilight's brother and not be a smart cookie. Because his argument definitely makes some sense.

Besides, you do want to see your husband and daughters soon and…

You can feel yourself slowly giving up, and your expression turning into a defeated one, as you begin to concede to his point.

"Also… well, I didn't want to tell you this, but uh…" you watch as he makes a complicated expression, as if he is slightly embarrassed of what he is about to say. "Well, Cadance said she will pull out the hair of my tail if I don't make you go home."

You let out a short laughter, watching the unicorn blush slightly at your reaction. Because you can definitely see Cadance saying something like that. Granted, it feels at the same time good and bad to know she is worried about you, given how overburdened the mare is herself. But still.

"Fine, fine, point taken…" you say, letting out another chortle as Shining lets out a legitimate sigh of relief, "I think I can still get the evening train to Ponyville if I get going soon."

"That would be great, Lady Velvet," he says, giving you a short but elegant bow, with that charming smile of his.

You suppress a sigh, trying not to look too much at how his blue mane ever so slightly waves around his horn as he does that.

Heaven knows the one mare who can outdo everypony else already called dibs on that… Leash or not.

"And you go be with Cadance…" you say, watching the stallion give you yet another complicated blush. The joys of a blossoming relationship, you suppose. "Well, have a nice weekend Shining Armor, I will see you in a few days."

You light up your horn, floating all the files into a trio of neat piles, and then you make your way towards the door.

- - -

Is this how Stormchaser feels, you wonder, every time he returns home?

The view he has is certainly different, you suppose. Given how he comes down from the clouds after so many hours flying. But still, you think you understand the… emotions, involved.

Because you can't help but smile as you finally reach the gates of your estate, and as you see your home right beyond it.

It is early in the morning. Trains to a small town like Ponyville aren't exactly in high supply, and you personally balked at the idea of asking for something as expensive as a flying chariot to bring you here. Fancy government title or no. So, the train you took left late in the evening, and you arrived in Ponyville just a few minutes before sunrise.

And yet, you can't help but smile. You can't help but think of how curiously beautiful the sunrise is, as it hits the trees in your garden at an angle you don't think you have ever seen before.

It is strange, you think, how little you used to leave your home not so long ago. How your husband would worry that you weren't taken by carriage to a place as close as Ponville's town hall, thanks to your leg. It is strange to think about all that, and realize that you just made an overnight trip, after a week working away from home, and just walked all the way from the train station here.

You think about all that, and a lot more, as you idly stroll towards the front door of your estate. Not even thinking twice before tapping the door open and strolling into the entrance hall.

And then, of course, you finally take it all in. Taking in a deep breath as you are all but embraced by the things you can feel. You close the door behind you in an afterthought, humming a tune as you make your way to the stairs. Feeling a tension you didn't know you were carrying die down as you count one husband, three daughters, and one Scootaloo all in their respective rooms, fast asleep. You absent-mindedly register the presence of a snake, as well as three maids, also in their respective quarters, but you don't really give them more than the equivalent of a glance with your nose.

It is almost curious how you don't want to wake anypony up. You thought the best reception possible would be for everypony to be waiting for you, merry and happy, at the entrance hall. But for some reason, arriving home and knowing they are all warm, happy and sleeping away is even better. Better in a way you had never considered before.

So, you make sure to be especially quiet as you go to your room. Your hoofsteps as good as forgotten whispers as you make your way past your daughters' rooms and towards the master bedroom.

And you think you are going to do just that. Your plan is to just sneak into your room, Moth your way into your husband's warm embrace, and doze off until the two of you wake up in maybe an hour, ready to start another day together.

That is, in all honesty, the only thing you really have inside your happy, content mind.

Until you finally enter your room, and close the door behind you.


And you see him there.


Just… sleeping.

"Huh…" you say to yourself, as you look at the charming figure of your dear husband, lying all by himself in that all-too-large bed, without a care in the world.

"So this is how he feels when he gets home," you hear yourself saying.

And you don't really think about anything else before you reach the bed.

Nothing rational, at least.

- - -

A weekend, you are beginning to learn, can be paradoxically both long and short.

Because on one hoof, you are pretty sure you will be able to keep your affairs in order as long as you plan ahead. For example, you were able to schedule a meeting with Mayor Mare for tomorrow, which is wonderful given how you want to discuss the last letter she sent you in person.

But on the other hoof, well, it's still not a lot of time! To think you will only have two breakfasts, lunches and dinners with your family every week… that's just too little! You really think you should invent more meals in a day, or perhaps more minutes in a hour.

In fact, isn't there a ritual that can perhaps help you with that?

Well, putting aside the very casual notion of breaking time, as well as cause-and-effect, so you can stay with your family more, you actually have something important that you need to focus on right now.

"So, you are telling me that… everypony is good at some of them? Like a cutie mark thing or something?"

Stormchaser asks you a question that is at the same time valid, and… well, completely beyond you.

Because you have lost count of how many times you asked that yourself.

"Well, yes, but not quite? Ponies only get one cutie mark, and they keep it throughout their life. But I'm pretty sure a pony's affinity can change? Baldomare mentioned something about that."

"Right, right. But you also said that you can't tell what the fillies are good at? So maybe this is something that only makes sense as you get older?"

"It could be, sure. Part of it is talent, or maybe understanding, or both. But part of it is also like chemistry or physics. Because Silky would still be able to fly a kite even if she wasn't born a pegasus, wouldn't she?"

Your husband slowly nods as the two of you continue your back and forth.

Right now, the two of you are… well, you are not entirely sure how to call this. The two of you are making a plan? The two of you are studying? You two are deciding your daughter's future? You feel like the answer is a mix of all those three, but again you are not sure.

Because you are currently having a conversation with Stormchaser about the Lores.

The two of you are currently in his study room, with the door closed shut, and you are making sure nopony is eavesdropping on you. And the conversation you are having with him is at the same time a frank exposition of what you know, as well as a careful discussion about the dangers involved as well as what you two are willing to expose your daughter to.

Because you two have agreed that you will not teach Silky anything that is dangerous, of course. But you two also agree, even if with some reticence, that you need to teach her something. After all… well… it would simply be irresponsible of you to not teach her.

The world is simply getting more dangerous, the two of you feel. And given the existence of the Cult, the Lores are a genie that has already left the bottle. So it could be tomorrow, or it could be ten years down the line, but you get the feeling she will be exposed to it sooner or later.

However, for all that you would like to teach her something that is at the same time practical, simple, and safe, everything that you have suggested or thought about so far seems to only involve two out of those three categories.

"Sweetheart, I understand how partial you feel to this Bug principle-"

"It's Moth."

"-right, Moth. I know how confident you are, but… I don't know. Teaching Silky how to hide that way? Besides, again, we don't even know what she will be able to pick up. You said it yourself. What if foals just don't have any affinity at all?"

You purse your lips at his words, both because you agree with him and because you wish they didn't make so much sense.

Still, you think as you look down at the scribbled paper you have been working on, there simply has to be something that-

Your thoughts grind to a screeching halt, and every last fur on your body stands on its end, as you suddenly feel something you very dearly wished you would never feel.

"Sweetheart? What is… is something wrong?"

Because this can't be right, can it? This can't possibly be happening… You simply have to be wrong.

In fact, you have to be wrong. You have to be wrong because you never used it. You have never used it, you have never felt it, and your knowledge about it is purely academic. So you can't possibly have this much familiarity with it. This feeling… this hunch you are having, it can only be a hunch. You can't possibly be right.

"Velvet? Velvet what is happening? Sweetheart, I need you to talk to me."

You double check. You triple check it. The proper configuration coming to mind immediately even though you haven't thought about it in so long. The pattern being drawn in your head almost as if it was falling into place naturally. Like a river running its course or the sun breaking in two.


You snap out of your thoughts to the sight of your husband's face right in front of yours, his hoofs on your shoulders as if he was about to shake you.

He looks scared, but you can't blame him. You are scared too. The two of you are supposed to be scared.

It doesn't even matter if it is for entirely different reasons. It doesn't even matter if you have no idea of how many minutes have passed since you stopped talking, or how deathly cold you feel to his touch.

The only thing that matters is that there is a cold wind coming your way.

And you know exactly what that means, even if you have never felt it before.

"Stormy I…" you begin to say, your voice lower than a whisper, a small part of your mind telling you that words will only make it arrive more quickly.

And of course, you immediately trust that part of your mind.

"Take me to the roof."

That is all you say, as you get up from your seat and make your way towards the closest window.

Thankfully, Stormchaser complies. And you are on his back, making your way to the roof of the estate, moments later.

You don't know what expression you have right now. You really don't.

You think it is something very strange. You think it is the ugly mixture of a scowl, as if you were looking at something ugly, together with a mournful look, as if you were passing by a cemetery.

It is hard to explain. It is hard for your to explain what you are feeling, or how you look like.

But then again, it is also hard to explain what you are looking at right now.

It is already night. The moon is slowly making its way towards the top of the sky, and the cold wind blows past you without pause. The two of you are standing next to each other, looking up at the starry sky, with the hard rooftiles under your hoofs.

Stormchaser is quiet, thankfully. But he still looks deathly worried.

But you are… you are too busy looking at it to care.

It doesn't have a form. Not one that you can describe, at least. It doesn't have mass, or substance, or even a color. In fact, you swear to the heavens that you are "looking" at it, but you somehow you would still be able to see it even if you were blind.

It looks like a promise, that is about to be fulfilled. It looks like the very end of a book, that you are about to reach as soon as you flip that last page. It smells like sunset, and it tastes like the shape that hoofs leave on fresh snow.

And for all that you are scowling, and mourning, and scared, you can also tell that it is so very beautiful.

Stormchaser can't see it. Not yet. It is still too far away, and it is yet too subtle. You know he will be able to see it once it gets closer, but you have no intention of letting that happen.

Because as beautiful as it is, you also feel like you are staring at the eyes of your own death.
As if every nightmare you ever had, every ugly thought about some accident or illness forcing you to leave your family behind, had taken shape and was staring back at you. You feel like you have already died, and you somehow just didn't realize it yet.

And that is definitely not something you want anypony else in your house to feel.

With that in mind, you very carefully, very slowly, move your mouth towards your necklace. And you slowly grab hold of the small, crudely forged key you had been carrying with you this whole time.

You then very carefully aim it towards that one particular cloud that is so charged with anticipation and regret, and then you-


The Wrong Key shatters between your teeth, and you feel as if the world just came crashing down on you.

Everything happens at the same time. Your hindlegs buckle with the sound of breaking icicles, and you feel your hindquarters hitting the roof hard. A hundred sounds hit you at the same time, and that makes you realize how the entire world was silent until a few moments ago. You feel dizzy as you realize the wind is blowing, and the leaves are rustling, and your heart is beating, and that apparently your husband is still calling your name.

"Sweetheart? Can you hear me? Please say something, anything!"

You blink, twice, three times, realizing how dry and cold your eyes are. But then, you finally manage to focus on your husband. And you can't imagine how cold you must feel to him, given how warm his embrace is right now.

Still, he lets out a sigh of relief as he realizes you are finally back.

"Stormy dear, I…" you say, stopping to cough for a few seconds given how your throat is bone-dry for some reason. "I think somepony just tried to kill us."

"I-Is that right…?" he asks, letting out a tense, nervous chuckle. Not because he doesn't believe you. Quite on the contrary, in fact.

You realize that you have… well, you have a lot to explain him now. But that can wait. At least for a few minutes. For now, the only thing you really want is to stay like this, between his forelegs, and allow yourself to warm up a little bit.

However, you can't help but feel that you are a little bit more willing to teach Silky Stream about the Lores.

- - -

You knock at her door, calling out her name, for what must be the tenth time.

But still, you will not be dissuaded. In fact, you are actually being polite. This is your house after all, so it is well within your rights to just barge in and tell her what you want.

However, you also realize that would probably… not have the desired effect.

On top of that, you also can't forget that, unreasonable and immature as she might be, she is still a Name.

So, you keep knocking at her door.




Until finally, you get an answer.

"I know you're there Axe, I need to talk to you!"

"Ae'm not 'ere. Ae'm asleep. Go look fer me 'n tha fokken Mansus or somethin'"

"You are talking to me right now for heaven's sake!" you say, holding yourself back from knocking her door open. "And this is serious! I need to talk to you, please!"

Your tone is very far from pleading. In fact, the way you are talking very vividly implies you would be pulling her ear right now if you could.

But finally, finally, you sense, and then hear, the mare make her way towards the door.

And you swear you hear her say something very uncouth under her breath before the door to her room finally opens.


You are not surprised at how she almost barks that one word at you. Naturally, it takes you a good amount of sheer willpower to not snap back at her. But you really have something important to talk about with her.

So, you take a deep breath before you…

"Good morning Axe," you say, forcing your irate heartrate back down to manageable levels. "And I am sorry to disturb you. But I really, really need to ask you something."

"An' it canny wait till fokken Glory-rise. Cos of cors et fokken canny. Et's not enoff tha' yer stooped fiel'trip took a chunk offa me, an et's not enoff tha' aem bleedin' 'ere every fokken day cos o' ye. Cos of cors wot evah ye need es more importan'."

You strangle back the… several things that are in your mind right now, and you bite down your tongue so you don't tell her what you really want to tell you.

Like the fact that "Glory-rise" was several hours ago, and she just overslept as always.

Or the fact that she is being dramatic, because you know for a fact her wounds are as good as closed.

Or the fact that yes what you need to ask her really is more important than any of that.

"Be that as it may, Axe. I truly need your help," you say, getting on with it before she decides to slam the door in your face. "I used the Wrong Key you gave me when we first met, and I really need a few more."

You can feel your body tense in anger as the mare reacts by simply rolling her eyes at you, as if you weren't anything but polite to her, and as if you aren't asking her for something that will literally keep you and your family safe from literal death.

Besides, the blasted snakemare is a damned Name, isn't she? Now that you think about it, you are sure she knows about everything you are telling her. In fact, you think she felt the Beautiful End coming for your home way before you did!

But still, you march on despite her blatant, silly, immature disrespect.

"So please, I still remember your terms. I need those three keys you said you could give me, and in exchange I won't ask you for anything else this month."

And after more time than she really needed, the snakemare finally lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Foine, I'll get ye yer kaes. Daft as ye might be, a deal's a deal ae guess…"

"Great! That will be great… So, when exactly can you get them done by? And do you need anything?" you begin to ask, the events from a few hours ago, on the roof with Stormchaser, still fresh in your memory. "Do you need any tools to do them in the Wake? Or, or maybe materials? I know a bit of chemistry, so I can get you some reagents if you need, even if it costs a bit."

You say all of that, trying to see how you might be able to aid the mare, if at all. After all, you have no idea what kind of sorcery she does to produce the Wrong Keys, or if they will be harder to procure given that she is technically not in the Mansus.

But still, the snakemare seems to make a point of ignoring you, instead reaching for somewhere inside her cloak.

And the words you were speaking die inside your mouth when you finally see what she pulled out from within her clothing.

A thick, large, ring-like keychain comes into your view, as heavy as it is old. The thing is so encumbered with keys that you actually thought she had brought out a flail for a few moments.

But that wasn't the reason why you are surprised, no.

The reason why you are… shocked, is because the keys… the hundreds of keys she just took out of her literal pocket… they are all Wrong Keys.

And you can only look in… surprise… and fear… and growing anger as the mare very miserly slides three of those keys out of the ring, and casually tosses them in your direction.

"Now dinnae fokken bother me, aye? Snake needs 'er beauty sleep."

And before you can say anything else, she slams the door on your face.

"What… Did she just… How freaking MANY does she…?"

It takes everything you have not to unsummon her, then and there, out of sheer spite.

You, or somepony in your family, was targeted by an enemy ritual of "The End is Beautiful". You have successfully warded it off by using a Wrong Key.

At your request, the Daughter-of-Axes has given you three Wrong Keys. They will expire at the END of turn 20.

More to follow. This was not the "teaching your family" action. At least not all of it.
side-note, I actually did a couple short runs through CS (basic, no DLC) in the last few days. I got despair ending both times and never even passed through the White Door, I'm out of practice :V

I think I'm starting to get into it, so next sale I'll probably buy the DLC and Book of Hours and play it some more. I'll probably do a few more runs in the meantime, see if I can win without outright watching at guides (though I've read a few tips).

ok, I did a quick skim of the rest of turn 16.

so, what we did in the last few updates:

1)We found out Soft Sweep read the cursed book of maid and guard love, The Guard in Yellow, and escaped its curse of giving all maids a Royal Guards kink due to being TEN and thus too innocent for it.

we do NOT know if the guards are hit with a similar curse, and I'm kinda curious about it.
2)We had a heart-to-heart with Soft Sweeps, where we told her we love her (as a daughter/family), she broke down a bit but accepted it, and got comforted by Velvet on having a place with us

...she also called us Mother, which is slightly concerning.

3) We visited Canterlot, first of all, invisitext showed how our Wolf-son, Paranoia, sensed us coming, and decided to leave (as he's not needed where the progenitor walks), and decided to go visit our least hated wolf-spawn. Yes, he means Soft.
4)Shining Armor received us, he's fine-ish (still no horn of course). He's our new deputy/Secretary (don't call him that, he doesn't like it), our right hoof, We're the Commissioner (acting Head, basically), and Luna is the... missing Director of the Lunar Bureau.

We also visited the whole place. offices above ground, lots of cells underground, and a giant hall with an illusory wall and flying carriages that can take off from the mountain as needed.

We also got a personal room in the castle

5)We met Cadance. she noticed the lack of the Grail Influence, and she interpreted it as "we went through an abortion".

We revealed our scarred status to her to convince her she was wrong (she didn't believe us the first time about Velvet NOT being pregnant), which means removing our scars is no longer an option until we can "discover" the lores. tentative plan is, I think, to somehow have the Bureau "find" occult material, then use that as a justification for Velvet learning it quickly, possibly thanks to her Cutie Mark Special Talent (she DOES have a book with Moths...), and once enough time has passed for Velvet being able to successfully complete a ritual to not be COMPLETELY ludicrous but only barely on the edge of believable, we can try it on either ourselves or maybe Twilight/Shining first.

Alternatively, Luna comes back before that and we either come clean, or come up with an excuse with her.

6)Celestia had a small meeting with plenty of governors and little old young us. She appointed us officially as Commissioner of the Lunar Bureau, and basically told them we'll take their best for our Bureau and that they should follow our orders as if they were her own.

We answer to (absent) Luna first, then to Celestia, then to nobody/nopony else.

nope, not even to Cadance.

7)Celestia expressed her trust in us, then she showed us a high tier (presumed 7) Lantern Artifact, a mirror that can remove a changeling disguise.

Apparently we found out they still have shapeshifting powers, though I'm going to assume they lost the "Lie to the world" effect that comes with it, so ponies are likely now able to doubt them. @BirdBodhisattva anything to say about this?

We're to send suspect changelings to her.

No, we don't get free access to the Mirror. Too bad, so sad. Who knows what else it could be used for...

"Well, on my end, me and Cadance went over the most important bits with the governors. The Bureau will basically be beyond their oversight, so there wasn't much to explain there except that they shouldn't interfere with it," he says, leaning back on a chair. "But we also gave them a few scrolls with information, and some badge identifiers."

He says that naturally, but you raise a questioning eyebrow at that. And he realizes that, again, you have no idea of what he is talking about.

"Oh, right. Sorry. The badges we will use are magical, to avoid counterfeits. So we gave each governor some identifiers to… I mean, we gave them these little tools that confirms a badge is legitimate. They should have enough for themselves, their chief of police, and two more important ponies in their staff. Not a lot, but these kinds of things aren't really meant to go around easily."

8) important ponies have a way to verify that our agents are legit, to be sure they're following real orders.

9)We were given our first target, a Major noble family who "overstepped".


You and Shining Armor decide that the Lunar Bureau will focus on three main activities:

-Investigation: Your main concern. Discovering enemy parties, tracking down their trail, and collecting evidence on their activities. This activity must be done by ponies specialized in investigation and police work, and you will recruit them from those niches.

-Assault: A secondary, but also crucial concern. Cracking down gatherings, arresting members, assaulting their headquarters more quietly and efficiently than the regular Guard. This activity must be done by ponies who are effectively soldiers, but who are beholden to much higher standards.

-Support: The bones keeping the Bureau up. Keeping the cogs oiled, the paperwork flowing, and providing logistical support to investigative teams and assault squads. This activity can be done by "any" paper pusher, but you must find ponies who are also discreet.

The number of squads you can field at any given time will depend (and be capped) on your administrative capabilities.

Finally, every now and then you will find ponies who are particularly effective or trustworthy. These "heroes" will come with specific bonuses (and maluses) that will provide more advantages to your squads. (Shining Armor, for example, will be a "hero")

You will recruit several ponies and distribute them into "squads". Each squad will be given an assignment (one action) per month, and will be managed as needed. More squads will mean more actions.

so, investigation phase done by our investigators and police, Assault by "soldiers", support by discreet paper pushers.

We have a limited number of squads depending on our administrative capabilities, and we'll have a certain number of hero units.

Shining armor is an example of hero unit.

Each squad has an action per month. more squads = more actions. Each squad is one of the three categories (investigation, assault, support), and heroes can be attached to them. They come with bonuses and maluses (the heroes I mean)

[] Apply the greatest scrutiny. You will interview all candidates personally, and veto ponies that display even the slightest stain in their records.

-You will begin with the minimal number of squads.
-You will begin with two "heroes" besides Shining Armor.

This is what we went with, so we'll start with 2 more hero units (and the recent update seems to show our first one), and "minimal number of squads".

I haven't read the latest update yet, so I don't know what the numbers are yet.

well, this was turn 16 summary up to now. I might do a turn 15 summary later on, but no promises.

Now to actually catch up.