Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Removed the part about the Bureau, that part was a coinflip on whether or not it or something like the Bureau of Obstruction would exist in the history belonging to this Velvet.
Thank you kindly!

And thank you doubly for bringing to attention the already-known fact that-
There are many Histories, but only one Mansus after all. It makes sense that the Door is broken across Histories.
Alt. History Velvet: Alright, I've made my choice and killed an earth pony and a pegasus to pay the Door's price. Now I just need to climb back up the Mansus and... wait. Where did the Door go??
-only one Mansus exists.

BONK! Too convoluted!
Under all the tangents it's a perfectly straightforward lure-and-ambush thankyouverymuch tho in reality it does involve at least 2 too many uncertainties and in any case-
Got to look a few pages further.
-it appears my quest-Lore and/or Learning isn't quite up to scratch. (grumble grumble annoyed with myself). That said, @BirdBodhisattva I do have to ask after the viability of all the 'bribe Marinette with a different result of our 9fold lores' stuff, with the specialized psuedo-reagent of 9 below-level-1 tastes. Or 3 course-meal of 3 level 1 ingredient-reagents, or 1 meal of 3 level-3 (split across 3 lores each) ingredient-reagents...nevermind the details, it's not like Velvet would know anything at this point about what she will and won't bargain for except maybe "my grail-lore and brief 'conversation' with Marinette are enough to know that simply isn't how any of this works", but like I'd like to know that too. If that whole post had 0 productive parts, or 1. :(

That aside,
Anyhow, hope to have an update soon ("before tomorrow" soon, not immediately soon). Still, hope you are all doing well!


We'll see whether my Copper/Windy Marinette viability analysis comes out before, or after. Probably after, since I tapped myself a fair bit going down that rabbithole, and 'after' as in tomorrow considering how quest updates and the IRL time of the clock be like.
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It seems more like the Multiple Histories/One Mansus thing manifests as, essentially, something that happens in the Mansus is true to all Histories. At least, if I recall correctly.

...could an Alt. History Velvet technically summon Mareinette and pull her permanently out of our History??
Legally? Maybe. Realistically? No. Histories-interaction won't become that convoluted. I never much enjoyed the way "multiverses" get thrown around in certain medias.

Besides, a Mareinette there means a Mareinette that is not here. And I'll be damned if she doesn't get screen time because of an excuse such as "I'm sorry Bird, but it seems your Alukite is in another History!" :V

That said, @BirdBodhisattva I do have to ask after the viability of all the 'bribe Marinette with a different result of our 9fold lores' stuff, with the specialized psuedo-reagent of 9 below-level-1 tastes.
Besides the "plan" having enough twists to be (respectfully) worthy of the adjective "convoluted", my greatest gripe is with the logistical issues.

All of those plans involve getting close to Mareinette. Without having a contract with her.

No matter what you cook, you will be duct-taping it into a zebra and then sending that zebra into the lion's den. The lions will be, uh, thankful for the full meal.
Besides the "plan" having enough twists to be (respectfully) worthy of the adjective "convoluted", my greatest gripe is with the logistical issues.

All of those plans involve getting close to Mareinette. Without having a contract with her.

No matter what you cook, you will be duct-taping it into a zebra and then sending that zebra into the lion's den. The lions will be, uh, thankful for the full meal. I thought I was fairly clear about this, but the salvageable bit is literally the doing this after the contract. As something to bargain with other then Velvet's blood and health.

Circling back to my first idea, what of simply bartering the things with Marinette the normal way, post-summoning? I doubt it'll be the same as blood without some mix of further development and Velvet mixing in a little of the good stuff to each batch, but, like, there are many ways we could find ourselves very glad of the option to delay a Wound by a month.
Edit: To be further clear, I'd guesstimate these as buying a month of leeway, two on the outside, kinda thing. Subpar contract renewal, but it seems likely we'll be stuck with two Health for the foreseeable future so like...
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Oh my... well in glad we made an impression on other Velvets?

I suppose some of them might... be relieved at being able to pass the wound.

I also imagine ones who already paid that price dread it though.
Oh my... well in glad we made an impression on other Velvets?

I suppose some of them might... be relieved at being able to pass the wound.

I also imagine ones who already paid that price dread it though.
I don't imagine any of them are happy knowing that they could commit such an act, if pressed hard enough. Both because that does mean, conversely, that they could be pressed so hard, and because nobody likes to look the worst of themselves in the face.
Turn 16 - Results, part 1

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Too Many Plans + Rarity Wildhoof
-[X] 3 personal actions
-[x] You are under attack!
--[X] Deny it
-[x] You are wounded!
--[X] You don't have time for this.
--[X] You either don't care, or you don't have enough bits to care.
-[X] (Servants) Ask for a specific Lore artifact (Edge 3)
-[X] (Steppes) Help with negotiating with Hills
-[X] (Rarity) Fleeting opportunity: The Wildhoof Club investigation
-[X] (Fluttershy) Clean Jade's old house
-[X] (Jade) Memory of Light
-[X] (DoA) Make Wrong Keys
-[X] (Selene) Knock
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Twilight
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Woods
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Twilight Sparkle
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Mayor Mare
-[X] Teach our family Lores

The entrance hall of the Velvet estate is easily the largest room within the central building. In fact, the wide, large, double-storied room is for all intents and purposes a ballroom.

Of course, if this was a Canterlotian mansion then the existence of a ballroom would be a great symbol of wealth and stature. After all, real estate in Canterlot (especially in the noble-filled districts surrounding the Royal District) is prohibitively expensive. So, having something as lavish, showy and physically large as a ballroom is a sign of prosperity.

Or of very poor financial decisions.

However, this is not the capital. And given how the Velvets conduct farming operations in Ponyville, it is a given that they have a lot of land, and could in turn build an estate that is larger than usual.

Which also means, naturally, that the noble estate in Ponyville is not nearly as lavish as its counterparts in the capital. It is wide and rustic, displaying its wealth through size, whereas the manors of Canterlot are tall and elegant, jostling against its neighboring mansions through displays of concentrated wealth. With windows made out of crystal instead of glass, and small gardens filled with exotic menageries instead of larger arrays of common flowers.

But then again, this is the Ponyville estate, not the Velvet mansion in Canterlot. It is a large and solid rather than tall and fanciful. And since there are no other nobles living in Ponyville, and consequently no need to impress anypony else, it can be the way it is. Wide, low (with "only" two stories), and relatively unimpressive when compared to what might be seen in Canterlot.

Although "relatively" is the key word here.

Still, again, the entrance hall is easily the largest room in the main building.

Consequently, it requires a lot of maintenance and care. And even though it has not seen a formal ball or a noble party ever since the inauguration that celebrated its construction, it is still zealously kept by its staff.

In fact, something like that is happening at this very moment.

"Sweeps, can you pass me the… third wipe to the left? The red one? The one that's only kind of smooth but not really."

"The one that's only kinda smooth…? Well, there's only one red cloth so I guess this is it."

Two mares, dressed in maid uniforms, are several meters up in the air. Near the great crystal chandelier that dominates the ceiling of the entrance hall. The two of them are idly chatting as they go about their business, but one of them is clearly more focused on her work than the other.

The one who is focusing is, of course, Tip Top. An earth pony who, despite having to borrow one of the tallest ladders in the estate, is the only one who the head maid trusts with cleaning the chandelier. Which is what the maid is doing right now, cleaning each of the diamond-shaped crystals one at a time as she talks to her friend.

The other maid is Soft Sweeps, who is floating next to her. Keeping the flap of her wings slow and steady so as not to interrupt Tip Top's work, but still staying close enough to help however she can.

"Here," she says, placing a red silken cloth on the mare's waiting hoof. Tip Top accepts it without looking back, her eyes still focused on one particular crystal. Which she then proceeds to… veeery carefully stroke with the red cloth, apparently cleaning a stain that Soft couldn't even see was there.

And Soft Sweeps just watches on, silently, waiting until the mare gives herself a satisfied nod.

"Thanks, Soft… if you could put it back," she says, turning her gaze to the next crystal. "And again, I appreciate the help."

"I don't really feel like I am really helping you that much. But sure," Soft says, picking up the red cloth and putting it away.

"Well, I appreciate the company at least," she says, squinting at the next crystal. "But you mentioned you wanted to ask me something?"

"Oh, right. You, uhm, you know how I don't really keep myself… appraised of what goes on in the mansion?" Soft asks, not entirely sure how to phrase her real question.

"Yeah, I know you don't gossip. You're a maid that somehow doesn't gossip. Everypony knows that," Tip Top says, without even looking back at her, causing Soft to cringe slightly at her words.

Because sure, she is right, but does she really have to phrase it like there is something wrong with Soft for being like that?

"But since you also get curious like everypony else, you are coming to good old me because of something you want to know," she finishes, finally turning to face Soft and giving her a small wink. Which, as always, leaves Soft unsure of how to respond. "But anyways, what do you want to know?"

Soft Sweeps crosses her forelegs, hesitating for a few moments. After all, she is Tip Top's friend, and she trusts the other mare. But still, every time she asks about something they have this little exchange. And friendly as that exchange might be, isn't this also a nudge of sorts? Shouldn't Soft try to learn how to gather information on her own already…?

Oh, who is she kidding. Soft knows she is terrible at that. She should just be thankful Tip is her friend and get on with it.

"Right, right… So, the thing I wanted to ask is… I heard there were some punishments being thrown around? What exactly happened? And why did it happen? Is there something I should know?" Soft asks, and she can't really keep a tinge of worry from creeping into her voice.

Because she knows how bad punishments can be. She already had plenty of those applied to her, back when she worked in Canterlot. Payment cuts, changes in shifts… even the ever-present threat of being fired. But she never heard of anypony being punished here in Ponyville.

Did something happen? Is she at risk of being punished?

Still, much to her surprise, Tip Top actually lets out a low chortle before answering.

"Well, of course there were punishments. Don't you remember how Ponpon told everypony not to…" Tip top begins to answer, but stops for a few moments. Turning back to face Soft after thinking for a few more seconds. "Oooohhh, right! I always forget you don't participate in the morning gatherings. Fillies' schedule and all that."

Soft Sweeps nods at her, relaxing a little bit with how at ease Tip Top seems to be about the subject. However, she can't really relax that much. After all, there were maids being punished and she still didn't know why!

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it. Lady Velvet signed a few slap-slips, but they had it coming. In fact, considering what I heard…" a particularly sly smile appears on Tip's face. "Well, they got off easy, considering what they managed to get in return."

The maid laughs at herself for some reason, but Soft is entirely lost as to why that might be.

"I… guess…? But still, why?" Soft Sweeps asks.

And the innocence in her voice gives Tip Top some pause.

"Uhh… because of Princess Cadance? I mean, didn't you see what was going on around us? She was here almost for a whole week."

"W-wait? Did somepony offend the Princess?!"

"What? No! Soft, what the hay? I'm talking about who came with the Princess…"

"You mean those… soldiers?"

"Sold…- Soldiers?! Soft, what are you talking about? That was the Royal Guard strutting about the mansion! How can you-?"

The two mares keep exchanging words, the chandelier all but forgotten as Tip Top becomes more and more flustered at… well, at Soft Sweeps' confusion!

Because in Tip Top's eyes… well in every sensible maid's eyes, how can Soft be this dismissive? How can she talk about the last few days as if nothing had happened? Or worse, as if the presence of the Royal Guard had been a nuisance?!

"Soft Sweeps, what is wrong with you? I mean, the whole mansion was abuzz the entire time. It was literally The Guard in Yellow in real life!" Tip Top says, as if stating the obvious.

But if Tip Top is distressed at Soft's denseness, Soft Sweeps is just as lost. And once the maid brings in the name of the book, Soft can't help but…

… tilt her head in confusion?

"The… The Guard in… Yellow? Wait, I think I remember that book… but what does that have to do with anything?"

Soft Sweeps casually asks that.

And Tip Top is so shocked that she has to hold on to the stairs, to stop herself from slipping backwards and towards the distant.

"Wha… What? What do you mean what it has to do? Soft, did you… did you not read it? Don't you remember? Did you hit your head or something?!" Tip Top is almost out of breath as she asks those questions. Her incredulity slowly turning into concern as Soft Sweeps so easily dismisses one of the core tenets of what it means to be a maid.

Because Tip Top knows, like everypony else in that mansion knows, that maids are supposed to do three things: clean, gossip, and fawn at the Royal Guard. And she doesn't really mind that Soft is abjectly bad at the second, but for her to be entirely dismissive about the third?

"Well, I did read that book," Soft says. "But I think it was a while ago?"

"By Celestia, Sweeps, you had me scared for a moment…" Tip Top says, letting out a long sigh of relief. "But come on, it can't have been that long ag-"

"No, really. I think I read it when I was ten? I just remember that it was full of weird scenes I didn't really get."

But the words die inside Tip's mouth as she hears what Soft Sweeps said next.

"You…" Tip Top stares at her, wide eyed, as Soft Sweeps casually scratches her chin as if trying to remember something. "You were how old?"

"Soft Sweeps! A minute of your time please?" but both mares are interrupted by the unmistakable voice of the head maid, calling Soft Sweeps from the top of the stairs.

"On my way Ponpon!" to which Soft Sweeps replies immediately, putting the bucket she was carrying to help Tip Top's cleaning on one of the stairs of the steps, and flying towards the head maid right after.

Leaving Tip Top alone.


Unsure of what she just heard.

"You were… you were how old?"

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You are Velvet Covers.

And as usual, you have a lot to do, but not a lot of time to get it done.

However, your current concerns are very different from what you are used to. Because unlike these last few months, or perhaps years, you aren't worried about the usual things. It is not your job (ex-job?) administering the estate that is about to consume most of your time. And you are not worried about meeting some demand set by the Cult.

Instead, and in a jarring shift from what you are used to, you are concerned about things that will require you to be absent from your home.

And not just partially absent. Not just "busy". You are not thinking about a short trip to another city, or maybe an uncomfortable (albeit necessary) foray into some distant part of the wilderness.

No. You will actually be away. Consistently and routinely.

You are actually about to start working away from your home.

Which means that you have a lot of things to prepare.

After all you can't just make sure things will run smoothly during your absence. No. You have to make sure things are able to resolve themselves during your absence. Because you won't have the usual windows of opportunity to deal with some sudden concern. You won't be at home, able to tackle some problem as soon as you finish your daily dose of farm paperwork. You won't be able to decide that you want to visit Rarity at the drop of a horseshoe, and simply push your remaining work for the next day.

Of course, the thing that worries you the most is your family. Particularly your daughters. It feels strange to even think that you won't be here when they return from school. It already feels wrong that you will spend the whole week away from them, missing out on every breakfast, lunch and dinner, not knowing how their days went. And a chill runs down your spine every time you realize this will probably be your new routine.

But still, Stormchaser will be home… this month, at least. So you can compartmentalize those particular concerns for the time being.

However, the fact remains that you have to tie as many loose ends as possible before you leave. Not only because they will remain untied if you leave without addressing them, but also because you just don't know how long this first trip to Canterlot will take.

"Lets see… I already talked to Stormy about how much more authority Ponpon will have, while neither of us are home… and then there is the matter of all the… Of course, I also have to decide what can stay there. Cadance mentioned I'd have accommodations so…"

You mumble to yourself, as you try once more to run through the several lists of concerns you have inside your head. From making sure somepony will be able to check Silky's sweet tooth, to wondering whether you will overstay your "first week" in Canterlot due to unexpected (but very predictable) obligations you might have to accumulate.

And of course, you think all of that at the same time your eyes glaze over the several open bags around you. The several bags, trunks and pieces of luggage you have been slowly packing as you prepare for your coming trip.

That is, until your thoughts burst like a bubble, as somepony knocks at your door.

"Excuse me? Mrs. Velvet? May I come in?" and the familiar voice of Soft Sweeps comes through the door right after.

You let out a short sigh, feeling a swathe of conflicting emotions wash over you.

In fact, it is almost paradoxical. Because a part of you relaxes slightly as you hear her voice, at the same time some parts of you tense up for the exact same reason.

After all, part of you is glad, maybe even relieved, because it is finally time to address a particularly important trouble that you have been carrying for a while. But at the same time, you are also nervous because you have no idea of how this conversation will turn out.

Still, even though you have been fearing this moment, you have been waiting for it a lot more intensely. So, with a wave of your horn, you close all the bags and luggage around you, floating them to a corner of the room moments later.

And as soon as all the heavy trunks are back on the ground, you turn towards the door.

"Come in, Soft," you say out loud.

And Soft Sweeps enters the room right after.

The young pegasus is, like always, dressed up in her maid uniform. The black and white dress clashing against the color of her fur. The long skirt covering her cutie mark and tail, all the way to the her hindhoofs. A few frills here and there, and a ponytail that is only slightly less practical than a bun, are all the exceptions she seems to make for formality. But still, she looks perfectly normal.

At least, when it comes to her… appearance.

But as she enters the room and closes the door behind her, you can see… well, you can see a few more details.

A small part of you thinks that you are making this up. Part of you thinks this is just you worrying too much. But still, whenever you look at Soft Sweeps, you can't help but notice those details.

Because she looks normal, sure… but that's the thing. She looks too normal.

Way too normal.

She looks like the maid she presents herself as. But that maid is so evident that you feel like you are having trouble recognizing Softy herself.

Because her movements are too… practiced? No, that's not it. You think her movements look too practical. She doesn't seem tense as much as she seems focused. Concentrating on the here and now. Keeping her eyes on what is right in front of her so she won't have to think about everything else that is around her.

So she won't have to think about anything else that isn't the present. So she doesn't have to think about the future, and certainly not about the past.

But that feels… wrong. At least to your eyes that looks wrong.

Because her movements feel a bit too forceful.

Because she looks too much like a string that is a bit too taut.

So for all that the mare looks normal, at first glance, that by itself already strikes you as… well, at least worrying.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Mrs. Velvet?" she asks.

And even that causes you to let out a small sigh.

Because the Soft Sweeps you are used to would have been slightly hesitant. It would have taken her a few moments of nervousness, to realize that she isn't "entering a noble's presence" and that she is instead just "in a room with you".

Granted, you don't like seeing Softy nervous at all, but that is still a quirk she has. That is still a part of her, so to speak.

So seeing her act so… naturally? No. Seeing her act so mechanically makes you feel slightly off center.

And that is exactly what you want to address to day. That and… several other things.

"Yes, there is something I'd like you to do," you answer. "Actually, there is something I want to talk about, if you don't mind."

It is still morning, and the fillies are at school, so you know her schedule is somewhat free right now. Or at least that she isn't as busy as she normally is, whenever Silky and Selene are home.

And as you tell her there is something you want to talk to her about, you immediately notice the shift in her expression. That slight hint of nervousness in her eyes. The slow rubbing of a hoof against her other foreleg. The telltale signs that her mind is clearly making up some absurd scenario, that you called her to scold her over some imagined wrong.

You hate to admit it, but seeing that expression actually makes you smile a little bit. If only because it is something that you are familiar with, in her.

Yes, this is still your Softy.

"Don't worry, Soft Sweeps. It's nothing work related," you say. "Although it still is something I think is important."

You decide to sit on your bed, waving a hoof at one of the recliners close to the window.

"Take a seat?" you say, nodding at the cushioned seat.

The mare furrows her brow at that, but she sits without any protest.

And after a few more moments, during which you are not sure if you are hesitating or just thinking, you finally ask the question that has been in your mind all along. You ask her the question that you have been meaning to ask her for well over a month.

"Soft, what I want to talk about is… I want to ask you… how do you feel?"

And the young pegasus answers by… furrowing her brow a bit further. And you can see a few signs of confusion in her expression.

But much more importantly, you see hesitation in her eyes.

And you already know what she is doing… you already know what she is suppressing, before she even opens her mouth. You can already tell what she is thinking, even if the mare herself doesn't realize it.

"I feel… fine? I mean, I'm well rested, Mrs. Velvet. I've been eating well, and the fillies haven't been giving me much work."

You narrow your eyes at that, and you watch as the mare curls up ever so slightly under your scrutiny.

She isn't comfortable with this. Of course she isn't comfortable. But you don't know yet if she knows what you are really asking, of if this is her subconscious deflecting your questions.

And although you hate doing this, you force yourself to push forward.

"Soft, that… that's good to know," you say, stopping yourself from pursing your lips. "But that's not what I really meant."

You take a few more moments to pick your words, watching as her eyes fidget ever so slightly while you think.

"Well, you just mentioned work, right? So let me ask you this. Where do you see yourself working in a few years?" you ask.

But for some reason, the mare's eyes go wide at that.

"I-Is this about the punishments? Oh, no… did I do something wrong? A-are you going to f-?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Soft," you raise a hoof, immediately interrupting her. "And if it depends on me and Stormchaser we would happily have you working with us for the rest of your life. But that's what I want to ask you, Soft. Is this what you want?"

You don't ask that question in an accusatory tone. You don't say it in a way that feels like you are pressing her into a corner. In fact, you words were surprisingly gentle as you asked that question.

Still, you can immediately tell from the mare's expression that your question pierced her nonetheless.

You can see it, the way her eyes go slightly wider. The way her posture becomes slightly more tense. The way her wings stop fidgeting… or at least the way they stop fidgeting unconsciously.

You can see that the mare finally understands what you mean. Or that you were finally so direct that she can't ignore it anymore.

"I'm asking you this… because I… because I care about you, Soft. I…" you say those words, but then you hesitate.

You hesitate because you realize how utterly quiet the young mare is, as she listens to you. You hesitate because you can see how much attention she is paying to your words, now. Heavens, you can even see how her eyes are slightly watery, now.

But you continue speaking regardless. Because you can't really hide this from her. You don't want to hide this from her.

"… I care about you, and I am worried about you. Because you have been through… a lot. No, you have been through too much already. But still, I want you to know that…"

You trail off.

Because you want her to know that… what?

You are at a loss for words, even if just for a moment.

After all, there is so much you want to tell her… and yet, none of it really feels right.

You want her to know that you are here for her, of course. But that feels selfish. That feels like you want to assure yourself that you are doing all that you can. That you are doing your best to not fail a pony that you care so much for, but only because failing her would also hurt you.

You also want her to know that… that life goes on. And that there are more things to come. But is it really fair for you to say that? Do you have the right to say that? After all, you know that you wouldn't be able to shoulder half the pain she has been through. You know that this… this absent-minded, work-focused state is already something you would never be able to achieve, if you were going through what she is right now.

Heavens, you even want to tell her that you want what is best for her. That you just want her to be happy. But even that feels wrong, because…

… because well, do you really?

No. Your words trail off. And you realize that, for all that you prepared for this conversation, you don't really know what to say. Deep down, you don't really know what you want to tell her.

And that is simply because there is nothing you can tell her that will be enough. There is nothing you can tell her that will make a difference, or that will make her feel better.

In fact, her being here is already a result of your selfishness. Soft Sweeps being here, sitting inside your room and listening to you, is already only possible because you… because you did something. Something that you don't regret, but also something that you know will affect her far more than it will ever affect you.

And you can't help but feel a small smile coming to your lips. A small, self-depreciating smile, as you finally realize that the only thing you really want to tell her is…

"I just want you to know that I love you," you say, with a small sigh.

And you can see how the young mare stops breathing as you say that. Her eyes wide as she looks at you, although you can tell she is neither surprised nor shocked. But also that there is something else running loops inside her mind.

Because the way you said it… you know she understand what you meant with that.

You didn't say those words in a romantic tone. You aren't really confessing some passion that you have.

You also didn't mean that in an obsessive way either. You aren't desperate for her to answer you. In fact, you can already tell that she understands that… that she doesn't even need to reciprocate it. You don't want her to reciprocate it.

You really meant it in the simplest way possible. Perhaps even in the most egotistical way possible.

You just want her to be happy. You just want her to be alright.

"I just want you to know that… what happened to you was horrible, Softy," you say. Looking down at the ground, as you can't really bear to keep her wide-eyed, unblinking gaze. "What you are going through is horrible. And I don't know how or why I started to think of you this way. I don't know when it was, but at some point I really started to mean it, when I said you were like an older sister to my daughter. And maybe you think there is something wrong with this… maybe you think there is something wrong with me, and I will understand if you do. But still, I want you to know that… I would do anything to make you feel better. But I also know that there is nothing that I can do."

You say that, and you feel a little bit of energy leaving your body. You feel at the same time exposed and powerless. Because that's it. That's what you are. A selfish, self-centered mare who will put her own happiness above anything else. It just so happens that your happiness is the happiness of a very few select ponies.

And now that one of those ponies is in pain, you can't help but realize how… how useless you are. How powerless and hollow you feel.

But as you look up at Soft Sweeps, you finally realize that she is also looking down towards the ground.

And that at some point, a single tear came down from one of her eyes, leaving a wet trail on her cheek.

Although you… don't know what that means.

It could mean anything. But at the same time, strangely, it also doesn't really matter to you.

Is Soft Sweeps angry at you? It doesn't matter, because you wouldn't mind it even if she hated you. You would still love her anyways.

Does Soft Sweep think you are weird? Did you just destroy what little respect she had for you? Again, it wouldn't matter. Not to you.

Is she sad? Is she perhaps sad because you just reminded her of the terrible things that happened to her? Well, that does matter to you. But that is the whole crux of the situation. After all, there is nothing you can do to remedy that sadness.

Because no matter how much you love her, you are also powerless to make her feel any better.

So, you watch as she slowly begins to cry. One tear becoming two tears becoming five and ten.

The mare cries without making a sound.

However… much to your surprise, she doesn't really look… sad?

She looks…

You feel something burning against your eyes, and you slowly brush away the tears you didn't know were on your own face.

But as you look at the mare, you finally realize that she actually looks confused.

"I… I didn't know… I didn't think there was anypony else who would ever tell me that," she says in a whisper, her words strained as she chokes back the wetness in her voice.

You hear her say that, but you don't do anything else.

You don't move. You don't want to move. You don't even want to go there and hug her, but only because you know that won't make any difference.

Not to her, at least. Not right now.

"A-A… a few days ago," she continues to speak, "Silky called me sis. I-it was a spur of the moment thing. She s-said it out of habit, I think… She real-lized it on the spot, b-but I just pretended I d-didn't hear it."

You give her a slow, understanding nod.

However, you also feel a slow… weight forming inside your chest.

Because her voice… Softy's voice… it isn't really breaking down. She isn't really becoming more and more sad, as she tells you those things. She isn't really crumbling down in misery, progressively crying more and more tears until she finally becomes incoherent.

No, you feel a pall of… something, growing inside of you.

Because in Soft's voice, you can hear sadness of course. But more than that, you also feel…


"B-but I… I didn't really mind?" she says, her tone at the same time a question and an affirmation. "I m-mean, I felt something, but it w-wasn't sadness?"

You feel a horribly familiar… thing inside of you, as the mare raises her hoofs and looks at them. Looking at herself even as she cries, as if wondering if she was even a pony at all.

"A-and… and is this n-normal? I-is it normal that I d-don't know what to think? That I d-don't know how to feel?"

Her words grow faster, and you can see her hoofs are trembling slightly.

"I-I feel more scared t-than anything. I'm scared. B-because… because I remember them. M-my family… I remember them, b-but I also don't. I remember their names, and their faces, but they also feel like a blur. I'm scared because I feel like there is something wrong with me."

The mare then finally looks up at you, meeting your gaze with her own.

And you don't see despair in her expression as much as you see desperation.

"T-the only thing I know is that it hurts. It hurts, and it feels like it will never stop hurting."

And as the young pegasus looks into your eyes, you feel like you are gazing at two different things.

One of them is Soft Sweeps. Confused, lonely, and devastated. A young pony who was forced to grow up too quickly, but because of that didn't have enough time to do it properly. An orphan who feels like listening to your words is a betrayal to her departed loved ones, but who also can't bear to feel alone anymore.

And the other thing you see is... something that is at the same time terrifying and familiar.

But as you meet Soft Sweeps' eyes, as you realize you are finally looking at her and that she is finally looking at you, you get up from your bed and go towards her, bringing her into a hug.

And she hugs you back. Her grip on you is weak, at first, but it slowly gets stronger. It gets stronger and stronger as she realizes how desperate she is, and how she doesn't want you to leave her, and how conflicted she is at this, and how much she hates you for trying to take their place…

But still, she hugs you nonetheless. And you keep her between your forelegs. You keep hugging her because you love her. And you will keep loving her even if she never loves you back.

And you don't know if what you did was right or wrong. You don't know if you were selfish or altruistic. You don't even really know if you care.

But deep down, you know that…

You don't regret this.

- - -

You and Soft Sweeps stayed like that… for a while.

And the two of you talked, eventually.

Even if your conversation didn't really go anything.

Because Soft Sweeps told you that she… she just didn't know. She didn't know about any of the things you asked her.

But she promised you she would think about it.

And she the whole time, she didn't let go of you. So, you also didn't let go of her.

"C-can… can I keep working here…? It's all I know how to do… i-it's all that I'm good for and…"
"Of course you can. You can keep working here for as long as you want."

She never thought about her past. She never made any plans for the future. Her life really was a story about a family that was crawling its way up from rock bottom.

Except that story was cut short, so now she feels her whole life was meaningless.

"Can I… d-do you mind if I ask you about… stuff? W-whatever I don't know or…?"
"Of course you can. You can ask me whatever you want, no matter what it is."

And she doesn't want you to… fill in for anypony else. She doesn't want you to be anything else. She doesn't want you to be her family, because she doesn't want to forget her own family. She doesn't want Silky to be her sister, because she already had brothers and sisters.

But she doesn't want to lose any of you either. She doesn't really have anypony else either.

So, step by step, question by question, she slowly asks you if… if certain things are alright.

She asks if it's alright for her to ask for your help. Or if she can tell other ponies that she lives with you, if they ask. Or if she can follow you and your family, if you ever decide to travel. Or if she can admit to you that she did something wrong without you getting mad at her.

"Did… do you really mean i-it…? When you s-said that…"
"Yes. Yes I did. And I know I can never take anypony's place, but… Well, for me, nopony can ever take your place either."

She asks you a lot of things, and you say yes to every last one of them.

And slowly, you can feel that she begins to understand.

Soft Sweeps begins to understand that even though she lost her family, you are still here for her. And even though she is not your daughter, there is nothing you aren't willing to do for her.

And you can tell that even though accepting this might be… painful for her.

Well, she still hasn't let go of you. Even though her tears have already dried, and her voice is only slightly strained.

"Can… Can I…"

"Of course you can…"

Can I call you mother?

You shake your head, and you realize that at some point the two of you dozed off.

And the sensation of Soft Sweeps hugging you, even like this, is… strange. Especially given how much larger she is when compared to Silky or Selene.

But it is also somehow relaxing.

And even though it feels slightly awkward to do it, you gently stroke her mane as she sleeps.

Because she might not call herself your daughter, and she might not think of you as her mother.

But then again, neither does Selene.

Still, you can tell that just like Selene… Soft seems to think of you as something just as good.

The next day, Soft Sweeps awkwardly walked up to you, and asked if she could take some time off during her weekly routine. You said there was no problem, of course, but when you asked her why she embarrassedly produced a small flier from one of her pockets.

A local brochure, from Ponyville, for a support group meant to help ponies go through the recent tough times together.

She said she thought going there might help her think about… what to do next, like she promised you she would.

You gave her your blessings to go.

And the mare actually smiled as she turned around to leave.
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The other maid is Soft Sweeps, who is floating next to her. Keeping the flap of her wings slow and steady so as not to interrupt Tip Top's work, but still staying close enough to help however she can.
You know.

How much this makes physics weep really bothers me.

Out of all the impossible things in the story I have no idea why this stood out to me. >.>

Heavens, you even want to tell her that you want what is best for her. That you just want her to be happy. But even that feels wrong, because…

… because well, do you really?
If being a parent only required protecting your child and trying to make them happy 100% of the time it would be a lot easier.

The next day, Soft Sweeps awkwardly walked up to you, and asked if she could take some time off during her weekly routine. You said there was no problem, of course, but when you asked her why she embarrassedly produced a small flier from one of her pockets.

A local brochure, from Ponyville, for a support group meant to help ponies go through the recent tough times together.

She said she thought going there might help her think about… what to do next, like she promised you she would.

You gave her your blessings to go.

And the mare actually smiled as she turned around to leave.
Once more she goes to a group of mourners. Whos pain is great.

I have been ruminating. And I have also been wondering if even if it is terrible if suffering is not also part of the world.
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The next day, Soft Sweeps awkwardly walked up to you, and asked if she could take some time off during her weekly routine. You said there was no problem, of course, but when you asked her why she embarrassedly produced a small flier from one of her pockets.

A local brochure, from Ponyville, for a support group meant to help ponies go through the recent tough times together.

She said she thought going there might help her think about… what to do next, like she promised you she would.
You know, I don't know whether this says something about this quest or myself, but my first, second and third thoughts upon reading this part were "That sounds like something the cult might run to find new members", "Maybe it is the latest initiative from the cult to recruit new members" and "Maybe it could be OUR way to find members for our new cult".
Suppose we were to point a Reflection of the Tapestry at the passageways of the Ruined Church, powered up in the usual ways and also by Velvet Cover's existing successful completion of the Mansus Expedition, with a focus on how to quickly move about (flee, really) through the 'first' 2-3rds, let's say, of the Church.
and I'll stop you here, because we can't scry the mansus.

In regards to fighting Mareinette, I'll point out we met a dream of Mareinette. A nightmare of some kind, or maybe just a passive aura effect, or a metaphorical conversation interpreted through a mortal's mind.

It's very much likely we can't win that fight, as she might have infinite health. Even if we won... would we have to repeat that fight every time we go through the Church?!

P.S. Instead of cramming all 9 aspects into one psuedo-reagent, what if Velvet were to cook Marinette a pre-designed multicourse meal incorporating food-form Lvl 1 reagents of every principle? Or compromise between the routes, with a dish of threefold reagent-ingredients of 3-fold nature? Something something dermis and feline may be divorced by manifold methods something something.
This is an interesting thought. Maybe we can do this as the price for the binding. If I remember right our first reagent was basically Heart 1 Super-jam... and once we get Grail 4 and Forge we should actually be able to reproduce the Amaranthine Nectar...

"She's a fokken crimnol, tha's wo' she is..." followed by an expletive filled tirade that you shouldn't associate with her, and that Mareinette apparently "askeepd me an' me sisters back then".

She seems to have a poor opinion of Mareinette.

Still, her relationship with you is purely transactional, so she won't cause a fuss if you decide to summon her. So long as she "keeps 'er bloode talons off'a me".
well, that's something. Did she try to recruit DoA into the Ligeians?

and yeah, she IS a criminal, as she committed the one crime above them all...

-only one Mansus exists.

in that case why couldn't another Velvet have broken down the Door for us?!
Do we have to do everything ourselves?!

Legally? Maybe. Realistically? No. Histories-interaction won't become that convoluted. I never much enjoyed the way "multiverses" get thrown around in certain medias.

Besides, a Mareinette there means a Mareinette that is not here. And I'll be damned if she doesn't get screen time because of an excuse such as "I'm sorry Bird, but it seems your Alukite is in another History!" :V

Bird simp! You have horrible taste in women eldritch monsters!

and now to read the new update!
We in fact can. It probably has a horrendous DC though.
No, we can't.

Alright. So.

-You may not use Reflection of the Tapestry to explore locations within the Mansus.
-Doing a Mansus Expedition is a single "Mansus Action" in the sense that: (1) you can explore it with your "Free Mansus Action" that you get per turn, (2) spending one AP to explore the Mansus gives you TWO "Mansus Actions".
-As it stands, Velvet does not know if she would be able to feel if a Name was summoned. There was a notable difference in Ponyville when Baldomare was summoned, but Velvet is not sure if Velvet herself would feel something if a name was summoned in, say, Canterlot. But Velvet strongly suspects that the Master will feel if another Name reaches the Wake. No idea about the cult at large and whatnot, but if anypony would feel it, it would be the Master.
That was a rather nice update. Remaining uncorrupted by virtue of being too little to understand was pretty fun detail, as was Tip Top's reaction :V

As for the second part, well. Even if was not something Velvet Regrets, resurrection had a price.

Also, it is increasingly interesting to me, how Teresa will react once she'll see Soft? Because she is likely the only person who will understand exactly what had happened. Will she condemn Velvet? Will she simply be shocked?

After all, it was Teresa who had said that cheating death requires effort, and she does not lie.

Have we seen the price in full?
Two mares, dressed in maid uniforms, are several meters up in the air. Near the great crystal chandelier that dominates the ceiling of the entrance hall. The two of them are idly chatting as they go about their business, but one of them is clearly more focused on her work than the other.
random thought, but cleaning walls, ceilings and everything attached to them must be so much easier for pegasi...

The one who is focusing is, of course, Tip Top. An earth pony who, despite having to borrow one of the tallest ladders in the estate, is the only one who the head maid trusts with cleaning the chandelier. Which is what the maid is doing right now, cleaning each of the diamond-shaped crystals one at a time as she talks to her friend.
...and of course no pegasus is allowed to clean the chandelier :rofl2:

"Yeah, I know you don't gossip. You're a maid that somehow doesn't gossip. Everypony knows that," Tip Top says, without even looking back at her, causing Soft to cringe slightly at her words.

Because sure, she is right, but does she really have to phrase it like there is something wrong with Soft for being like that?
alternatively, there's something incredibly right.
A maid that doesn't gossip? We should pay her three times as much!
"Right, right… So, the thing I wanted to ask is… I heard there were some punishments being thrown around? What exactly happened? And why did it happen? Is there something I should know?" Soft asks, and she can't really keep a tinge of worry from creeping into her voice.

THAT is what she's worried about?

Well, let's hear, I'm curious what happened exactly!

Because Tip Top knows, like everypony else in that mansion knows, that maids are supposed to do three things: clean, gossip, and fawn at the Royal Guard. And she doesn't really mind that Soft is abjectly bad at the second, but for her to be entirely dismissive about the third?

"Well, I did read that book," Soft says. "But I think it was a while ago?"

"By Celestia, Sweeps, you had me scared for a moment…" Tip Top says, letting out a long sigh of relief. "But come on, it can't have been that long ag-"

"No, really. I think I read it when I was ten? I just remember that it was full of weird scenes I didn't really get."
...And Soft Sweep escaped the curse by virtue of being too young to really get it :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

I wonder if they'll try to make her read it again. If it's even allowed..

You say that, and you feel a little bit of energy leaving your body. You feel at the same time exposed and powerless. Because that's it. That's what you are. A selfish, self-centered mare who will put her own happiness above anything else. It just so happens that your happiness is the happiness of a very few select ponies.
that's not wrong, but then again most people are like that.

Even Celestia is like that. After all she prioritized Luna over her whole country.
Even Cadance is like that. After all, she prioritized her one true love over everything else

People are people. Perfect selflessness is impossible, and also unhealthy.

But deep down, you know that…

You don't regret this.
This might actually be Velvet's greatest feat, honestly. not regretting a regrettable action
Can I call you mother?

I have to wonder just how sapient the Wolves are.

I'll be honest... great update, but as of right now I'm more interested in the Lunar Bureau and Father/Twilight/Mayor talks than Soft.

then again, this was definitely needed, to establish exactly where they both stand in relation to each other. And it clarifies a bit more just what Velvet's priorities are.

She doesn't want to do evil, to make other people suffer.

But in the end, her family comes first. No cost is too high. And honestly that's not so different from anyone else, because

1)Celestia basically risked the world when she had the Main 6 face Nightmare Moon. She also abandoned all duties to search for Luna when she escaped

2)Cadance used her authority to stop Shining from going on the most dangerous expeditions. She also abandoned her duties to stay at his side when he was hurt

3)in canon, Twilight gave Tirek her magic, dooming Equestria, to save just a few friends.

Honestly number 3 might be the worst one. If it wasn't for Harmony ex machina, she would have doomed the world.