Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Turn 16 - Options

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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Last turn's shopping list
(These are the items that you had the option to purchase last turn. They must be bought with the resources you had available then, but if bought will be immediately available for use or study at this turn.)
Last turn's available bits: 136
(Books not bought will be lost, other items will be available through the following turns, but have a chance of being sold to somepony else every turn)

- - -

This turn's available bits: 296 (minus items you decided to buy)

Monthly revenue: 120 bits/month (this is the last turn you will receive this quantity from your father)

Rarity's dividends for this turn: 40

Stormchaser is AT HOME this month. (You will automatically "bodyguard" him, as you do the rest of your family.)

This turn, the travel cost for Velvet Covers or her servants to perform actions in Canterlot is waived (but you must still pay for another character to travel there).

- - -

-[X] You have accepted a place at the Lunar Bureau, and you have no idea how much of your time that endeavor will consume. Your entire month will revolve around that.

You have THREE personal actions this turn and ONE servant action.

-[] You are under attack!
An unknown party will cast "The End is Beautiful" against Velvet Covers during this month. (You must pick one, does not cost an action.)
--[] Deny it. (Will destroy a Wrong Key)
--[] Divert it. (You do not know how)
--[] Accept it. (Velvet Covers will attempt to resist it)

-[] You are wounded!
(You currently have 1 wound. You must pick one of each option.)
-For every single dice you roll, a success will only heal a single wound.
-All rolls are against a DC 70.
-You currently have an Artifact in your possession. It shall grant you a +30 bonus for your roll.
-Your current Heart application bonus is +15 (since this is a long-term process, you cannot apply Attention of the Laws to it).

Rest, and time, are the only true remedies for a sick body. (You must pick one)
--[] You don't have time for this. (Costs 0 actions. You will only roll ONE healing dice.)
--[] Take a few breaks, every now and then. (Costs 1 action. Rolls TWO dice. 0/-15)
--[] You only have one body. Better take the time to care for it… (Costs 2 actions. Rolls THREE dice. 0/-15/-30)
--[] Your wounds are deep and numerous. You can't play around while you are like this. (Costs 3 actions. Rolls FOUR dice. 0/-15/-30/-45)
--[] You are almost broken. So, you will act accordingly. You need only your mind to plan vengeance. (Costs 4 actions. Rolls FIVE dice. 0/-15/-30/-45/-60)

The body will do its part. But science, and magic, may also provide. As long as you provide the proper "encouragement", of course. (The dices that auto-succeed will always be the ones that have the greatest penalty, and NOT the dices who roll the lowest results.) (You must pick one)
--[] You either don't care, or you don't have enough bits to care. Either way, your body will have to mend itself on its own terms. (Costs nothing.)
--[] The medicine's taste is worse than its appearance. But it is exactly what you need, if they are to be believed… (Costs 30 bits. One dice will auto-succeed)
--[] There is no holy grail for healing magic, no miraculous wound-closing spell. But vigor-enhancing spells, and other small boosts, are a thing. The crystals where they are stored for sale are expensive, though… (Costs 60 bits. Two dice will auto-succeed)
--[] It costs extra to have a nurse follow you back from the hospital. But everything is a service, and everything is for sale, if you have the bits for it. (Costs 90 bits. Three dice will auto-succeed)
--[] These are not illegal, they are just extremely hard to find. The fact that they are so hard to find that no regulation agency cared to declare them illegal, on the other hoof, is just a small detail. (Costs 120 bits. Four dice will auto-succeed)
--[] Most of the bits are to pay for his silence. His skills, however, are not to be disregarded. The doctor is so quiet that you sometimes forget he is even there, but he is never more than ten hoofsteps away from you. (Costs 150 bits. Five dice will auto-succeed)

-[] Do something about your foes
You currently do not have any known, overt foes.

-[] The delights of subservience (Leash currently targeting: SHINING ARMOR)
--[] Change Leash to another target. (Write-in who)
--[] Un-Leash the current target.

Confidants and Summons
-The ponies and creatures listed below can be given a "focus" for this turn. Be wary, also, to the "expiration date" of summons.
-The ponies and creatures listed below may be safely taken for a single one-turn (five days) Expedition without hampering their "focus". Taking them for a two-turn (6+ days) or greater Expedition will cause them to not execute their selected "focus".

Rarity (currently an Initiate, GRAIL Level 1, FORGE Level 0):

Current Health: 3

Special considerations: She will always dedicate her time to her career, but performing actions for you inevitably require her focus. She will warn you if she thinks that her career is in danger of taking a hit.
Rarity will be treated as a Minion if (1) your Grail level is superior to her, OR (2) you are currently under the effects of An Incarnadescence. (She will be a Minion if either is true).

-[] [RARITY] Focus on her work. (Guarantees she will "succeed" on her career roll)
-[] [RARITY] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick TWO of Velvet's personal actions for her to aid you in)
-[] [RARITY] Act as your emissary. (Pick an action from Velvet's list.)
-[] [RARITY] The Secret Library has enough knowledge for her to learn on her own. Tell her to focus on her studies, so she may turn into a Disciple. SECRET LIBRARY INSUFFICIENTLY LEVELED
-[] [RARITY] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] [RARITY] Something else (WRITE IN a suggested action)

Jade Whistle (currently a Disciple, LANTERN Level 3, HEART Level 1):

Current Health: 3

Special considerations: Jade Whistle might react badly if she fails an action, or if she feels she is not being useful.

-[] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
-[] [JADE] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick TWO of Velvet's personal actions for her to aid you in)
-[] [JADE] Act as your emissary. (Pick an action from Velvet's list.)
-[] [JADE] The Secret Library has enough knowledge for her to learn on her own. Tell her to focus on her studies, so she may turn into an Seeker. (This will level her up, at the expense of her own focus action instead of an action of your own) SECRET LIBRARY INSUFFICIENTLY LEVELED
-[] [JADE] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] [JADE] Jade Whistle thinks she saw something in Selene, and would like to investigate that further. (Research "A Memory of Light")
-[] [JADE] Jade mentioned she has a... feeling, about Selene. She'd like to investigate it, if that's alright. Require Selene's Knock level 3
-[] [JADE] Something else (WRITE IN a suggested action)

(The Daughter-of-Axes will expire at the end of turn 17)
Daughter-of-Axes (KNOCK Level 6, EDGE Level 3):

Current Health: 2/5 (as a non-permanent summons, she will not heal herself passively)

-[] [AXE] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick TWO of Velvet's personal actions for her to aid you in)
-[] [AXE] Act as your emissary. (Pick an action from Velvet's list.)
-[] [AXE] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] [AXE] Ask for a Lesson of Knock. (Grants you one scrap of Knock Lore)
-[] [AXE] Channel an Influence. (During this turn, instead of the usual two months, she will gift you the highest order of Influence of Knock]
-[] [AXE] Craft Wrong Keys. (She will give you three Wrong Keys, which will expire five turns after their creation, starting this turn. May only be picked ONCE per summoning)
-[] [AXE] Something else (WRITE IN a suggested action)

Fluttershy (currently an Enlightened, WINTER Level 0, UNKNOWN nonexistent)

Current Health: 3/3

Special considerations: She is, probably, especially unsuited for social actions. And then there is Comet Feet...

-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from you... mutual friend. (WRITE IN a favor, that you will ask her to ask Comet Feet to do)
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick TWO of Velvet's personal actions for her to aid you in)
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Act as your emissary. (Pick an action from Velvet's list.)
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] The Secret Library has enough knowledge for her to learn on her own. Tell her to focus on her studies, so she may turn into an Initiate.
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Something else (WRITE IN a suggested action)

Selene (MOTH 3; WINTER 3; EDGE 2; KNOCK 2):

As an alicorn, Selene has TWO actions.

-[X] Go play. (Selene will live a normal and happy life. This option costs one of her actions, it will always be picked, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.)
-[-] "And this feeling of wrongness shall be with her, until the day she wakes." (There is nothing more you can teach her about MOTH)
-[-] "She will always be alone, in the end..." (There is nothing more you can teach her about WINTER)
-[] She cannot shy away anymore. Not from this. (Teach Selene the final lesson of EDGE)
-[] She learned of the key. She learned of the lock. Now, she must learn about opening. (Teach Selene the final lesson of KNOCK)

-[] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of [SPECIFY LORE] (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws")

-[] Before this month starts, you will write uncle Steppes! [WRITE IN]
(Pick an action and ask if he can help. He may not be able to help, depending on the context, but there is no way of knowing beforehand. Do not pick this option if you don't want to ask his help this month.)

-[] No more running, no more hesitation. If you don't do this, somepony else will, and that thought sometimes terrifies you.
You must pick a single action. You will suffer a malus if there are no new locations to explore (but reaching a Door will give you a "grace" period of a few turns)
--[] The Woods
---[] There has to be somewhere in or around the Woods you have not yet seem. Looking for them will help you understand this place better.

--[] The Blank Plains (Blank Plains fully explored)

--[] The Shattered Stairways
---[] A labyrinth of stairs. A monument of a gone age. A sprawling ruin. See where the many paths might lead you.

--[] The Ruined Church
---[] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church (Mansus Expedition)

--[] The Only Way Up
---[] Explore what lies beyond The Ruined Church (Mareinette blocks your path)

-[] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus. (Actions towards your possible Sacraments)
--[] Towards that cold Winter that awaits us all
---[] Investigating the End (Costs 30 bits. May be done multiple times per turn. Somepony, somewhere, will die.)
---[] Beg for knowledge of the End, so that you may learn of its necessity. (Will also provide you with an Edge Sacrament) [THIS IS A REGRETTABLE ACTION]
---[] Invitation? No Winter Names summoned

--[] Knock, and ye shall open
---[] Study the manners in which the skin of the world might be cut. (Research action, full requirements unknown.)
---[] Offer to go beyond the foggy mirror, to perform an errant for the Daughter-of-Axes Requires Knock 4/4

--[] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3) (THIS IS A DANGEROUS ACTION)
---[] Follow Baldomare, towards a place Beyond the Map's Edge (This is an Expedition action) (this costs TWO actions, and 80 bits) Baldomare not currently summoned, requires Secret Histories 4/4

--[] Take that terrifying leap, into the abyss we call change
---[] Don't the mask, shear your mane, pick the only pony who will notice it. Snip snip snip (WRITE IN a CONFIDANT to be permanently lost) Requires Moth 4/4
---[] Invitation? No Moth Names available

-[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[] Check on Twilight Sparkle. Even if she hates you, you still owe it to her.

--[] Mayor Mare, of all ponies, sent you a letter. Discussing certain things in regards to Ponyville. She wanted your opinion in certain matters, if nothing else, but you feel that you might reap a lot more if you answer her in person.

--[] The Wildhoof Club has been dissolved. Or, at least, it has fallen in chaos and disarray as far as you can tell. But its headquarters was in Ponyville, and you might learn a lot of how the chips will fall if you investigate it during this crucial month.

-[] On the treasures that bits may buy (actions where you search for things to purchase)
--[] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them.
---[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost) (HEART, FORGE)
---[] In the great libraries of Canterlot… the ones that are open to public access, that is (20 bits in transportation) (applies "Royal Favor") (LANTERN, GRAIL, SECRET HISTORIES)
---[] In the many small bookshops that dot the side streets of Manehattan (35 bits in transportation) (MOTH, EDGE, KNOCK)
(Due to SECRET HISTORIES 3, now you have a better idea of what you are more likely to find in each city)

--[] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place… right? (Search for an artifact to buy)

--[] You have ingrained yourself with the merchants of Ponyville. Tap into your sources and procure an artifact. (Specify LORE and LEVEL, up to Level 3. It will be added to your available list, but will be more expensive than normal)

--[] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.) (Does NOT cost an action)

-[] On furthering your influence
--[] In Ponyville
---[] You now have a better grasp of the merchants in Ponyville, having had several letters of introduction sent around in your name. But what would you like to do next?
----[] Meet a few of them, and ingrain them to your cause.
----[] They are bit handlers, and that means they are a source of income. Try to discuss with them about alternative sources of (legal) income.
----[] Something else. (WRITE IN)

---[] Ponyville's local guard was under the Cult's sway, to a certain extent. But still, it wouldn't hurt to try and ingrain yourself with them.

---[] Ponyville has an underworld, small as it might be, and their eyes and ears could be useful. Attempt to contact them.

---[] Jade's house awaits, near the outskirts of Ponyville. Empty and abandoned. You will need to clean it up before it can be put to use. (Progress 0/2 actions)
--[] In Manehattan (all options cost 35 bits in transportation)

---[] You know for a fact that there is, or was, a Cult cell in Manehattan. Take a look around, and see if you can find out something about it.

---[] Manehattan has a guard. A local guard, a constabulary, a police center, or whatever they call it. Get to know them, that is always the first step.

---[] Manehattan most certainly has an underworld. Crime is much easier to commit in a place like that, you see. Go there and see what you make of it.
--[] In Canterlot (all options cost 20 bits in transportation, unless stated otherwise)

---[] Reach out to your family, at least the ones you go along well with.
----[] Reach out to your mother, as much as it might be… complicated.
----[] Attempt to locate your older brother, Velvet Wings, as much as it might be difficult. (No cost)
----[] Go there yourself and try to talk to your younger brother, Velvet Pride, although getting caught will probably be bad. (Involves invading your family's own mansion)

---[] Reach out to other minor nobles of Canterlot.

---[] Reach out to other higher nobles of Canterlot, although that might be more complicated.

-[] On planning an Expedition.
--[] Equestria is full of undiscovered places. You must learn their secrets. (All options involve a test, and can fail)
---[] Search for a place that is recent in its ruin, whose History is decided. Mundane as it might be, it might still bear treasures. (Search for an "easy" expedition)
---[] Search for a place that is old in its History. Where the influence of the Mansus is but an echo, but that can still be heard in the wind. (Search for an intermediary expedition)
---[] Search for a place that should be better left forgotten. According to the powers of this Era, at least. Finding it will be hard, though, and uncovering its secrets even harder. (Search for a very hard expedition)

--[] "Beneath the Royal Castle, pt. 2"
---[] Scout out the place so you can have a better grasp of what lies ahead of you. (costs 20 bits in transportation)
---[] You know enough, and there is not much time. Gather your followers and head out. (Costs TWO actions, as specified)

-[] On furthering knowledge. Yours, or somepony else's.
--[] Write a Manifest. It will not benefit you directly, but it will certainly benefit anypony else with whoever you allow into your library. (WRITE IN Lore)
--[] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple.
--[] Teach Jade, and make her a Seeker (Insufficient personal knowledge)
--[] Teach Fluttershy, and make her an Initiate.
--[] Teach your family the Lores. (Requires "all Lores" to be Level 3 or higher, affects your entire family)

(You may study three books, OR two artifacts, OR one book and one artifact)
(You may study the same item several times, if you believe you will fail the test or if it is an item that requires decyphering)

--[] There is something about this… thing, and you must learn what it is
---[] KNOCK Level 2 artifact

--[] It doesn't have to be just during a leisure weekend evening, you can fit a few minutes of reading even when walking between rooms if you really get into it!
---[] BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
---[] BOOK, FORGE Level 1. "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire".
---[] BOOK FORGE Level 3. "A real guide to beginner's level blacksmithing. The bookstore owner almost seemed excited in having this reach your hoofs via your servants."
---[] BOOK FORGE Level 3. The book is simply titled 'Chemistry', and your servants reluctantly admitted that was the only word they understood in it. Of course you know they were being dramatic, but that also means that the contents of the book must be way, way beyond what they teach at schools."
---[] BOOK, KNOCK Level 2. "A fairly recent, and short, book about dream interpretation. You know it is recent because it was dedicated to Princess Luna's return".
---[] BOOK EDGE Level 1. "The title is self-explanatory: 'Four self-defense spells every unicorn should know'. You doubt they are anything more than different variations of concentrated telekinesis."
---[] BOOK LANTERN Level 6. "An ancient, and enormous, hardcover tome written in an unknown language. You are not even sure what its title is, if it even has one, but the symbol laid on its front was enough for you to understand what it is about. On its cover you can clearly see the icon of a Sun, Divided." (DECIPHERED, will grant +one Lantern Lore if studied, small risk of FASCINATION.)
---[] BOOK UNKNOWN LORE. "An old book, hoof-written and bound with rusty metal pins. Found in the cavernous undergrounds of the Royal Castle. The language written in it is strange, but the alphabet itself is not. This is clearly from this age." (REQUIRES DECIPHERING, unknown if it will grant Lore-knowledge. From Current Era: "-20" malus while deciphering. Current Progress 0/50)
---[] Some other book (select a book you have bought this turn)

-[] On scaling the Mansus (Pick TWO options for every action spent)
--[] The Woods
---[] Wander around the Woods, and hear its many whispers.
---[] Visit the Dry Well, with its many scents.
---[] There are other places connected to the Woods, but that are not in the Mansus proper. Look for them. (Search for a new area)

--[] The Blank Door
---[] Explore the Blank Plains, the first afterlife of ponykind.
---[] Visit the Lodge of the Sage Pony. You may not be able to talk to Baldomare, but you surely can listen very well.
---[] Visit the Garden of Mirrors, where the Mares attend the glassy flowers.
---[] Explore what lies beyond the Garden of Mirrors, behind that pale veil of fog Requires a Winter Sacrament
---[] Reach for The Tower, at the impossible edge of the Blank Plains, and meditate on what you are lacking. (Gain one scrap of Secret Histories Lore) This option will not net you any gain.

--[] The Shattered Stairways
---[] Wander through the maze of broken stairs. Perhaps you will stumble upon something.
---[] Reach for the Valley of Keys, where the snakemare of the Mansus toils for her freedom.
---[] Seek audience with the Wolf-Divided (you will be given a useful gift. Gifts will always be increasingly more precious and useful. There is no risk of receiving any maluses or wounds) [This is a Regrettable Action]
---[] There are other markings to be followed within this maddening labyrinth of stairs. Follow them. (Search for a new area)

--[] The Ruined Church
---[] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church (Mansus Expedition)

--[] The Only Way Up
---[] Explore what lies beyond The Ruined Church (Mareinette blocks your path)

-[] On more personal matters
--[] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
---[] Just another pleasant day that you will spend with them. Perfect for cooling your head off.
---[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)

--[] You really shouldn't, but needs must. Every single ledger from the farms east of Ponyville pass through you, it would be a simple matter to have some "administrative mistakes" make some bits disappear from the coffers and appear in your pockets.
---[] Have a servant do it, having an actual scapegoat is ideal if things go wrong.
---[] Do it yourself, it's better this way.
---[] Wait, right, the Wildhoof Club. Get in touch with Windy Flakes, and see how serious he was when he mentioned the whole "laundering bits" thing.

(Unavailable, until your figure out your relationship with your previous job and your father)

--[] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting.

--[] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with…
---[] Twilight Sparkle, who leads the bearers of the Elements of Harmony
---[] Cheerilee, your daughter's schoolteacher
---[] Mayor Mare, the de-facto ruler of Ponyville
---[] Filthy Rich, a well-to-do and wealthy bussinespony
---[] Applejack, daughter of the Apple Clan and older sister to your daughter's friend
---[] WRITE IN (arrange to take your daughter to meet some of your younger acquaintances, or plan something else entirely)

-[] On invoking the Lores (see RITUALS for more information, as well as CD and cost. SPECIFY if you will offer SACRIFICE)
Your own reagents, and other possible sacrifices:
-All of your Artifacts
-HEART, Level 1
-HEART, Level 4
-GRAIL, Level 4
-1x Wrong Key (KNOCK reagent, level 3)

--[] It's actually a lot simpler than it sounds, now that you know what you are doing (produce a reagent, write in which Lore/combination of Lores.
(You cannot produce a reagent with a Lore level superior to your own.) (Producing a single reagent is a FREE ACTION, producing 3 costs 1 action, 5 costs 2 actions, so on.)
---[] Level 1 reagent (5 bits)
---[] Level 2 reagent (20 bits)
---[] Level 3 reagent (45 bits)

--[] It's grim work, but needs must.
---[] Acquire a dead body from the local cemetery.
---[] Acquire a live pony. (You have no place to keep live prisoners)

--[] "The proper things, in the proper manner, in the proper order. God help us all." (Perform a Ritual)
---[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
---[] "The Rite of Childhood's End"
---[] "The Forge's Redemption"
---[] "The Incision of the Heart"
---[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
---[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
---[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
---[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
---[] Invoke a Risen (SPECIFY dead body used as source. ONE Risen is a FREE ACTION)
---[] Invoke a Mare-in-the-Light
---[] Invoke Baldomare Unavailable until the beginning of Turn 18
---[] Invoke the Daugher-of-Axes Already summoned
---[] Invoke Mareinette, Our Lady of Wires

---[] To be performed at your own home, where you will... hopefully not leave many trail
---[] To be performed in Rarity's boutique (only up to Two-Circle rituals)
---[] To be performed on another location (you do not yet know or own any such location)

-[] Something else? (WRITE IN. Anything, but I will have to consider it, and it might make the voting period a bit longer)

Remember that write-ins for anything may be suggested. I'll do my best to answer if they are reasonable in a timely manner.

There will be at least 48 hours of voting, and TWELVE hours of moratorium.

Many of your actions were tweaked, to adequate for you both leaving the Cult and moving towards a job under the Crown. Let me know if there are any inconsistencies I may have missed.
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-[] You are under attack!
An unknown party will cast "The End is Beautiful" against Velvet Covers during this month. (You must pick one, does not cost an action.)
--[] Deny it. (Will destroy a Wrong Key)
--[] Divert it. (You do not know how)
--[] Accept it. (Velvet Covers will attempt to resist it)
Oh fuck you, Copper. Fuck you with a rusty spork.
So, that pretty much locks DoA's actions, because we really need more Keys if somebody is going to be trying to kill us. Probably Copper taking the chance now that Velvet is no longer protected under the Cult, but it's possible the Master came back, or maybe Starry is doing something. Or Windy decided he didn't want to leave any loose ends. Which, yeah, probably means we need Jade to scry.

If it's a mortal thought, I have to say. They've got fucking balls.
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If it's a mortal thought, I have to say. They've got fucking balls.
I suppose they're counting on our limited Health pool to save them from us scrying them + sending a Mansus-monster after them.

Too bad for them, we have Wrong Keys :V

And next turn...

Next turn...

We will (hopefully) have something quite old and terrible to send after them in revenge.
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I suppose they're counting on our limited Health pool to save them from us scrying them + sending a Mansus-monster after them.

Too bad for them, we have Wrong Keys :V

And next turn...

Next turn...

We will (hopefully) have someone quite old and terrible to send after them in revenge.
… did Velvet tell everybody about the Wrong Keys? I honestly can't remember.
Anyway. Looks like the Assist option for Confidants/Minions is now permanently set to two actions. Meaning if we want Rarity and/or Fluttershy's help on something, we'll get two out of the three actions boosted.

… did Velvet tell everybody about the Wrong Keys? I honestly can't remember.
I am fairly certain we didn't share. Considering it was our "Press X to Not Die From Ritual" button.
… did Velvet tell everybody about the Wrong Keys? I honestly can't remember.
If it does copper trying to kill us makes very little sense.

If anything this convinces me even more that we need to look for the frangiclave.

The DOA is our only source of edge and just saved us from having to face tank the end is beautiful.
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Man, if it is Copper... the poor, poor cult.

Your cozy little organization basically shatters overnight, with all but one of the members of leadership leaving. This last remaining leader, publicly or not, tries to kill one of their ex-coworkers... only to get wrecked by a horrifying Grail-skeleton-horse-monster in revenge and/or scared shitless via Path Through Nightmares (depending on how much bloodthirst the thread is collectively feeling). All because she thought trying to kill the Name-Summoner was a good idea :V
First thought we should invite Filthy Rich, to the meeting with the Mayor. The three of them Velvet, Filthy Rich, and Mayor Mare, are the 3 most important ponies to the towns running. Becoming a united front would be a great thing.

Maybe send Rarity to check on the Cult. And Fluttershy helps us with Twilight.
I don't even want to send a Name after her unless a scrying tells us that she's got shit defenses. It would probably be an expedition of some kind. Better to just nuke whoever it is with a ritual. PtN is better for Velvet stat-wise, not lethal, and has the advantage of a crazy pony being easy to investigate and thus reveal the Lores publicly, so probably that. Unless it's the Master at least. That would be problematic.
-Teaching your family more about the Lores
-Checking in on Twilight
-Something about the Wildhoof Club
-Something about your standing on Ponyville
Also just as a reminder.

It may not have been included intentionally but you did mention teaching our family.

We kinda attacked her first tho.

Maybe Neighnia is pulling some Winter boogaloo to cast eib on the attacker. Or maybe she already knows that we did it.
Either way, it's justified.
Come again?

Oh all those ponies we murdered. Fair point.

We knew a winter name would be able to determine cause of death quite easily.
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Mmm, still not convinced it's Copper doing this.

If Windy's been in a hurry to get out of town, it's in his interest to get rid of loose ends, especially if he knows about the Risen's attempted break-in.