Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Mmm. I did want to visit the baldomare at her place sometime during her cooldown. Just as a social action.

Albeit one that's likely to see some kind of Lore trinket going our way. That would be nice. Maybe she would have something to give us a leg up summoning her.

Still. Maybe maybe maybe.
Turn 15 - Results, part 6

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

- - -
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[X] Plan Vespertine
-[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
-[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
-[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
-[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work

-[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
--[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
--[X] At the Velvet estate
-[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle)
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
-[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
-[X] Selene (Winter)
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet to be used somewhere else
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
-[X] (Forge) Grail 3
-[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
-[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
--[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
--[X] At the cult's gathering place
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
--[X] With Fluttershy from the start

-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Family Lore lessons
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Dissociate 'Velvet Covers' from cult
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
-[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)

You gave yourself… a few days off, after your affairs with Fluttershy and Comet Feet.

Just a few days, though. Enough for you to be able to think about the word "pegasus" and not immediately associate it with sharp objects. Or dark caverns. Or manticores. Or the fact that, somewhere out there, there is at least one very dangerous pony who very much wants to-


Like you said, you allowed yourself some time off. Until you are able to think of your family, which is entirely comprised of pegasus (or pegasus-adjacent, even if they don't know it yet), whenever you think about the word itself.

But now that you are back on your hooves, it is time to work.

You have a lot to prepare, and precious few days to get it done. The date of Captain Shining Armor's arrival is drawing nearer, and you are spinning several plates that you must safely land before that happens.

Off you go then.

- - -

As the days go by, the first bit of news you receive is a rather grim one.

It comes to you in the form of a cold breeze, even though you are having dinner in the warm and comfortable confines of your dining room. It hits you like a rubber band that had finally snapped, after being pulled too taught.

[Stealing the original manuscripts from the Bright Library, cd…]

[CD: 50 (base) + 15 (Secular securities) + 20 (Forge-warded, level 2) + 10 (Lantern Staff, level 1) = 95]

[Roll: 31 + 5 (General bonus) + 10 (Moth, level 2) = 46]


It comes as a half-remembered memory, the faint echo of mourning as if you had just heard some distant neighbor had just passed away.

Your Flourishing Risen was destroyed.

And you can't help but purse your lips in worry, as you wonder how exactly he met his demise, and whether those circumstances might be traced back to you.

- - -

For the next several days, you focus your attention on the Cult itself.

You had always planned on doing this, of course. After all, you feel like this month and the next might be the last window of opportunity you have to dissociate the noblemare Velvet Covers from the Wildhoof Club. You and Jade Whistle have already discussed several ideas as to how you might get that done.

However, like all ideas usually go, everything either of you suggested inevitably had some risk attached to it. After all, you can't exactly do something so eye-raising that somepony in the know, or perhaps even the Master herself, might seek you out for clarifications. While conversely, if you don't do enough, it might just be a waste of time and effort.

Additionally, you are not asking somepony else to do this in your stead. Rarity certainly didn't face the problems that you are facing because all she had to do was spread lies, and maybe inflate some rumors. Still, due to the simple fact that she wasn't "Velvet Covers" herself, the result of her efforts would either fall into believing ears or be brushed off as baseless gossip.

You, on the other hoof… whatever you do, however you decide to proceed, will have the added layer of truth. Because a rumor that Lady Velvet Covers did this or that is different from Lady Velvet Covers actually doing this or that.

Still, you don't really have a choice.

Eventually, you settle for the story that Lady Velvet Covers was but another patron of the Club, and nothing else.

And once you decide on that particular poison, you set out to sell it as if it is the sweetest of wines.

[She was just a Patron, I swear!, breakpoints incremental +25]

[Roll: 39 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (Beautiful) + 15 (GRAIL bonus) + 40 (An Incarnadescence) = 111]

[Fourth breakpoint reached]

Whenever an employee commits a mistake, and something bad happens that is their fault, they are faced with a particular choice.

They can either report it to their employer, and face whatever punishment awaits them, or they can hide their mistake and hope nothing bad ever comes from it.

You think you managed to thread that particular line.


Your efforts began small. After all, one of the best ways to turn a lie into the truth is by pretending it was the truth all along.

So, since Lady Velvet Covers was always a Patron of the Wildhoof Club, one of its financial investors, you simply began to visit the place in order to enjoy the accommodations.

As a noblemare Patron, mind you. Not as a… weird member of some weird organization… what are you even talking about?

And as it befits a noblemare, you arrived in a carriage, you were accompanied by a servant that was twice your size in case you needed doors opened or commoners shooed away. But most importantly, you very convincingly tilted your head in doubt whenever somepony tried to talk to you about… magical nonsense? You really had no idea. After all, why did those two earth ponies try to talk to you about magic? What the hay could they ever know about it? They are not unicorns.

But anyways.

You also invited your fellow Patrons, of course. And Filthy Rich was only happy to comply, on one of those afternoons, when you went to assert the quality of the Red Bar for yourself. The drinks were good enough, and the bartender knew better than to try and tab the two of you. Still, you both left before all the youngsters arrived, given how dreadfully loud you knew the music in that place could get during the nighttime.

And finally, on one particular day in which you were absolutely sure Windy Flakes was absent, you employed the well-known skill that nobles have… of being able to see offensive slights anywhere they look. Which resulted in a very apologetic manager trying (and failing) to have you forgive him for a ruined dress, during the one time you had lunch in their restaurant.

The sight of Lady Velvet Covers storming out of the Wildhoof Club, her face flustered with indignation, will surely be remembered by the ponies present. And the obvious conclusion that she does not plan to have anything to do with the place will quickly follow.

At least… to the ponies not in the know. Who might not be the key figures of the Cult itself, but still comprise the majority of it nonetheless.

And you are pretty sure that Windy Flakes didn't catch wind of it.

Because again, whenever an employee commits a mistake, they can either report it or not. And you are pretty sure you were able to thread the fine line, of making enough of a fuss for word to spread, without raising enough problems for them to feel the need to take it to their employer.

Incremental "+25" results:

25 – A few raised eyebrows, but nothing more.

50 – Rumors and misdirection. To be believed, or forgotten, like so many others.

75 – Key appearances with the other Patrons, their unusual presence drawing eyes.

100 – A staged falling-out, but a falling-out nonetheless. Loud and dramatic and public.

125 – A new Loremaster?

150 - ...

You also… think, that you saw an opportunity.

Not in the Wake, mind you. Not during your outings into the Club, while you were trying to distance yourself from it.

No, you think you saw an opportunity in the Mansus.

It was a pony who appears to have more passion than sense. A pony who will probably never be able to reach beyond the Woods, because he believes that becoming lost is all there is to it.

However, you think you found a pony that is so lost that he… might be pliable to believing certain things, with enough encouragement.

After all, a pony who spends so much time lost, who so easily forgets so many things, can certainly be convinced… no, can certainly be reminded, about some aspects of his life.

In short… you think you found yourself a substitute. Or at least somepony willing to tell anypony willing to hear, and maybe some who aren't, that he is in fact the Loremaster.

Provided that you arm him with some "proof".

The Inner Circle will, obviously, not be fooled by that at all. Jade Whistle knows the truth, Comet Feet is… unavailable, and Windy Flakes will most likely laugh at the sudden and unbased rumor. The Hintchasers, as well as the Chosen, might raise an eyebrow.

But the outer members of the Cult? They will definitely eat that lie up.

[You require "+14" on your result to reach the next breakpoint. Providing the "Loremaster" with a Manuscript will give you "+10" per level]

[] Provide the "Loremaster" with "proof" of his station. (WRITE IN LORE)
(WRITE IN what Lore. Will provide the Cult with a Level 2 Manuscript of a Lore of your choosing. Will raise your success in dissociating with the Cult to the next breakpoint of "125")
(Does not cost an action)

[] Do not.

- - -

You are in your estate's Tea Room, the place where you usually meet your guests. Which is to say that this is usually where you, Jade and Rarity gather whenever they are visiting your house. Mostly to gossip or just pass the time.

However, the mood of today is entirely opposite of those carefree reunions.

In fact, the way things are right now reminds you of the serious atmosphere that the Royal Guard had, when you were helping them in the search for Princess Luna.

Because just like back then, you are staring down at a map, forelegs crossed and expression serious as you listen to what is basically a report. With markings being made on the map and notes being taken whenever something particularly important is said.

And just like back then, you are currently planning to do something… dangerous.

Still, you and two other mares look intently down at the map that is open over the central tea table.

"This map fokken sucks," the Daughter-of-Axes says, to which you can't help but nod.

Even though you were the one who provided the map.

"There is nothing I can do about it," you say, more to yourself than to anypony else. After all, you already know that no amount of explanation will ever make the damned mare stop complaining. "But it's a city on the other side of Equestria, so a tourism map is the best I could find in my library."

To be honest, you are happy that you found a tourism map, which has the dignity of being almost the size of the table. And not a tourism brochure, which would be so small that you wouldn't even be able to draw on it.

"It is also a few years old…" Jade says, from where she is sitting on your side. Still, unlike everything the Daughter-of-Axes said so far, you don't sense the slightest hint of malice. In fact, she is actually saying that in order to make a helpful comment. "It is slightly different from what I saw. At least on these outskirts, which is the place we were looking for."

Still, even though you three lack the best tools to do the job, you begin to make your preliminary plans for your foray into Manehattan. And despite her pointed comments and foul mood, the Daughter-of-Axes actually gives you and Jade several important imputs, which no doubt draw from her vast experience in doing things like this.

But most importantly, Jade Whistle tells you all that…

[Scrying for Twilight Sparkle, cd 60, breakpoints incremental +20]

[The Ritual was performed on your estate]

[SH Roll: 18 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (Artifact, level 3) = 61]

[Lantern Roll: 75 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (LANTERN level 3) + 10 (Reagent, level 1) -20 (Forge-warded) – 10 (Moth-warded) = 98]

[Four degrees of success]

"I…" she begins to speak, before pausing for a few moments.

She then takes several long seconds looking at the map before turning to face you.

"Thank you for lending me that book," she says, with a particularly unusual intensity despite her monotone voice. Still, the way she looks into your eyes as she says that makes you think that she just got something off her chest.

To which you can't help but… answer with a confused expression?

You have no idea of what she is talking about.

Still, even though you are sure the mare saw your confusion, she turns back to the map as if nothing happened.

"I managed to take a good look at the place. It's a warehouse, near the fringes of the city, though it's not close to the docks…"

She circles a particular place on the map. Although, that being a tourist map, the section she is talking about is mostly greyed out, being so far from any tourist attractions and, most likely, near the "bad parts" of Manehattan.

"Although this is not where the cult itself meets. Or at least I don't think it is. There were too few ponies there, and they all seemed to be on guard. I also didn't see any circles or the likes… They just had boxes, and stuff, and… well, prisoners."

You nod at that. You can't help but feel slightly worried, given how this means you don't know where the Manehattan branch of the Cult has its headquarters. However, if Twilight Sparkle is not in the headquarters itself, that means you most likely won't bump into… certain ponies.

Copper Secateur, Starry Dancer… whoever else they have at their disposal, as they try to summon the Winter Name that Copper mentioned in the last meeting.

"But looking into the place was… well, it wasn't hard. Not exactly. But it was harder than it should be," Jade continued, "they barricaded the place as well as they did the Club here in Ponyville. Everything they know about Forge and Moth is in place. Made the scrying a bit harder. But once I got past that, I saw that they also used those secrets to fortify the walls. Twilight is locked behind a-"

"Ae can break thru wo'eva yer littl' clob can come up with," the Daughter-of-Axes says, interrupting Jade.

Earning a glare from you, which she promptly ignores.

Still, you take a deep breath as you think about everything she told you. And as you try to smother down your irritation at the bad-mannered Name sitting opposite to you.

"Thank you Jade… so this means we have…" you trace the lines of the streets that jade drew into the map, reaching the small backdoor that she told you awaits at the back of the warehouse. "Guards waiting in the place, probably the criminals that Copper mentioned she would try to convert, some time ago."

The mare nods, as you absent-mindedly tap your hoof against the table.

"Then we have the doors themselves," you say, looking at the Daughter-of-Axes, who simply shrugs, "which I don't think will cause us much problem. And finally…"

You then look at the rest of the map. In particular, you look at the relatively long distance between the warehouse and the train station. And you can't help but think that distance will be awfully long, considering that on the way back you will be carrying…

"… finally, we have to worry about being subtle on the way out. And not just out of the warehouse, out of the city as a whole. We have no idea how Twilight will be like. She might be knocked out, she might help us, or she might even be confused to the point of hindering us," you say, a slight knot forming in your chest as you think about how Twilight might be doing right now.

And as you say all of that out loud, you can't help but feel both underprepared, and also that you have done everything you can.

Your caper into Manehattan itself will still be a foray into a maze of uncertainties and unpredictable factors, even though you are preparing yourself as best as you can.

However, as you look at the Daughter-of-Axes' bored expression, you can't help but think that you might be sufficiently prepared for it. Regardless of what awaits you.

"Oh, speaking of which, Axe," you turn your attention to the robed mare, "how did your travel to Canterlot go?"

Your words reach the mare just as she finishes sniffing her tea (for the umpteenth time) and putting it down without even taking a sip from it (again, for the umpteenth time). A particularly fowl expression marring her face as if the tea had somehow offended her.

And the only answer she gives you is to point to a large sack she had brought into the room and tucked into a corner.

It takes... a good deal of insistence, for her to tell you more than that.

[The Daughter-of-Axes smashing through a low-level expedition]

[Sneaking into the Royal Castle, cd 75]

[Roll: 27 + 50 (Expedition Bonus) = 77]


"She didn't try to sneak into the deeper, better guarded parts of the Royal Castle. And they are already stretched thin due to the current situation, so…"

[Navigating the caverns, cd 60]

[Roll: 24 + 50 (Expedition Bonus) = 74]


"You can't shake off the impression that she put only the minimal effort required. Still, she made her way through the confounding caverns of shining crystals just fine."

[Opening a door, cd 80]

[Roll: 38 + 50 (Expedition bonus) = 88]


"Forge would have been ideal. Forge, and pickaxes, and maybe even dynamite or some other more esoteric substitute. But apparently, her axe alone was enough."

[Expedition successfully completed]

"After maybe a bit more coaxing than it should be necessary, the Daughter-of-Axes finally gave you some explanation of what she found. The underground caverns were vast and unexplored… but, she said, apparently it was by design. Near the exit she created, by the side of a mountain, there was a conspicuously well-carved room. A checkpoint, or maybe a listening post, for whoever had claimed the caverns as their territory. It was pony-sized, strangely civilized, and particularly old. And most curious of all, it had felt the faintest touch of the Lores. She had no explanations as to what that meant, except that the deeper reaches of the caverns might yield more answers. And inside the bag she gave you, the few trinkets she had found in that room, abandoned like forgotten prizes."

-Gained one Artifact (Knock, level 2, unstudied) of unknown properties.

-Gained one book (Unknown Lore, if any. Requires deciphering. Progress 0/50. From the Current Era, "-20" to deciphering rolls.)

-Gained one Reagent (HEART, Level 4)

-Located a (small) hidden location in Canterlot. One-circle Rituals may be performed in Canterlot without suspicion.

-Discovered the Expedition "Beneath the Royal Castle, pt. 2"

After a long, and overly tiring session of attempting to extract useful information from the Daughter-of-Axes, you finally let her go. Something that, you can tell, the two of you mutually face with relief.

You then enjoy Jade's company for a little longer, before the mare takes her leave.

And you… well, you and the Daughter-of-Axes agreed to go to Manehattan in two days. So you get up from your seat and go do your final preparations.

Your husband already knows you will be leaving, but you have to double-check if your daughters will be fine while you are gone.

Which means, of course, that you also have to pay Soft Sweeps a visit. You haven't yet been able to talk to her, despite your repeated visits to Ponpon's house throughout the month. Still, checking in on her is as important to you as ensuring Silky and Selene will be alright.

With that in mind, you head out of your estate, and begin the long trek towards Ponpon's home.

You wonder how the two of them are doing.

Your Flourishing Risen has been destroyed.

Despite your efforts while interacting with the Cult, you were unable to discover the circumstances surrounding its death, and whether anypony traced that back to you. It might have fallen in a Forge-laid trap and dragged itself to die in the Everfree Forest. It might have been discovered and stopped by Windy Flakes himself.

Jade Whistle has, at your behest, used a reagent. Lantern Reagent level 1 ("Twilight Sparkle's pulverized horn") has been removed from your inventory.

Jade Whistle has successfully scouted Manehattan. "Crepuscule Jailbreak" expedition's minimum requirement reduced from "2 actions" to "1 action".

Hazard information about "Crepuscule Jailbreak" expedition has been updated.

The Daughter-of-Axes has completed the "Beneath the Royal Castle" expedition. The appropriate rewards have been placed in your inventory.

You have discovered an expedition: "Beneath the Royal Castle, pt. 2"
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[Stealing the original manuscripts from the Bright Library, cd…]

[CD: 50 (base) + 15 (Secular securities) + 20 (Forge-warded, level 2) + 10 (Lantern Staff, level 1) = 95]

[Roll: 31 + 5 (General bonus) + 10 (Moth, level 2) = 46]

Damn :-(

Guess this means we'll have to do this ourselves next turn, if the DC is so high. Not great, but also not the worse thing we could have failed on. But we really don't want to leave those manuscripts lying around.

[Scrying for Twilight Sparkle, cd 60, breakpoints incremental +20]

[The Ritual was performed on your estate]

[SH Roll: 18 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (Artifact, level 3) = 61]

[Lantern Roll: 75 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (LANTERN level 3) + 10 (Reagent, level 1) -20 (Forge-warded) – 10 (Moth-warded) = 98]

[Four degrees of success]
...I'm really glad we have that Secret Histories artifact holy shit.

-Gained one Reagent (HEART, Level 4)
Definitely should keep this for the Selene ritual. Too bad that we're probably not going to be able to find the time to clear out Pt. 2 soon.

So. Forge and Moth wardings. Is that something we can do? Because that would mean an overall -70 penalty toward anyone trying to scry us. I'd say that counts as finding a counter to RotT, if we can.

Also I'm inclined to give the fake Loremaster a manuscript. Not sure which Lore yet, but a Level 2 manuscript isn't really that significant.

Edit: Having checked the cult Lore list... either Lantern or Moth. Neither would result in a level up, if a Level 2 manuscript was added to the count.
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Like you said, you allowed yourself some time off. Until you are able to thing of your family
I believe this should be think about your family? And wonderful feathery family indeed.

"This map fokken sucks," the Daughter-of-Axes says, to which you can't help but nod.
Astute. But it's our first caper.


Your words reach the mare just as she finishes sniffing her tea (for the umpteenth time) and putting it down without even taking a sip from it (again, for the umpteenth time). A particularly fowl expression marring her face as if the tea had somehow offended her.
Snakes mostly lack tastebuds.

Some have a few. But most don't.
Wow, that was really close at some points. Also Daughter-of-Axes really was not giving it her all.

Well, we still passed most of it just fine so no worries I suppose?

Incremental "+25" results:

25 – A few raised eyebrows, but nothing more.

50 – Rumors and misdirection. To be believed, or forgotten, like so many others.

75 – Key appearances with the other Patrons, their unusual presence drawing eyes.

100 – A staged falling-out, but a falling-out nonetheless. Loud and dramatic and public.

125 – A new Loremaster?

150 - ...

Any thoughts on the 150 mark? No real point but a fair question to get started on. That and this whole thing felt very Moth for Velvet, like any inner member will believe this is her doing her weird Moth and Loremaster things again. Hopefully.
Mm. So, Winter, Secret Histories, and Edge are the only Lores that would raise the Cult's level with a tier 2 manuscript. Of the rest, I think Knock would be the least likely to do damage, since it's already at level 2 but only just. It's practically a waste of a manuscript and not even a full scrap. However…

[You require "+14" on your result to reach the next breakpoint. Providing the "Loremaster" with a Manuscript will give you "+10" per level]
@BirdBodhisattva it occurs to me that by this calculation, a level 4 manuscript would push us over 150. Is there a particular reason that's not an option as well? Too unbelievable, can't be fit into the action, or something else?

Not that I particularly want to do it, I'm just curious about the reasoning.
Any thoughts on the 150 mark? No real point but a fair question to get started on. That and this whole thing felt very Moth for Velvet, like any inner member will believe this is her doing her weird Moth and Loremaster things again. Hopefully.
Honestly? I feel like it might be actually drawing attention by succeeding too much. A few rumours and dramatics, with a patsy that won't even touch the actually important people is acceptable, but a level of convincing that should be impossible for normal ponies is probably going to end with said important people noticing and wondering why Velvet made a concerted effort to hide.
@BirdBodhisattva it occurs to me that by this calculation, a level 4 manuscript would push us over 150. Is there a particular reason that's not an option as well? Too unbelievable, can't be fit into the action, or something else?
The "narrative" of the 125 breakpoint was finding a "Loremaster" patsy to spread rumors (to great effect). You didn't reach it, but it occurred to me that there was a narrative way to bridge the gap. Hence the opportunity and the vote.

The 150 breakpoint is something else entirely, that you were too far from to even reveal.

So no.

Wait, would this count as us filling our Quota?
I think Velvet is not worried about her Quota.
The "narrative" of the 125 breakpoint was finding a "Loremaster" patsy to spread rumors (to great effect). You didn't reach it, but it occurred to me that there was a narrative way to bridge the gap. Hence the opportunity and the vote.

The 150 breakpoint is something else entirely, that you were too far from to even reveal.

So no.
Fair enough.
I think Velvet is not worried about her Quota.
Also that was making the Cult reach Level 3 in a lore per turn, so it wouldn't be enough anyways. :V
So, looking at rolls.
[Stealing the original manuscripts from the Bright Library, cd…]

[CD: 50 (base) + 15 (Secular securities) + 20 (Forge-warded, level 2) + 10 (Lantern Staff, level 1) = 95]

[Roll: 31 + 5 (General bonus) + 10 (Moth, level 2) = 46]

On the one hand, those were some bullshit defences. On the other, that was a pathetic roll anyways, so it didn't matter anyways. I am, admittedly, amazed at the defenses though. We haven't even reached the level of proper infrastructure but they still nearly doubled the DC. I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually one of the best defended places in Equestria right now.
[She was just a Patron, I swear!, breakpoints incremental +25]

[Roll: 39 + 12 (Intrigue) + 5 (Beautiful) + 15 (GRAIL bonus) + 40 (An Incarnadescence) = 111]

[Fourth breakpoint reached]
Not a good roll, exactly, but our bullshit Influence definitely carried the day. And the result is pretty damn useful, though not perfect. Velvet still made the second best roll of the update which is sad.
[Scrying for Twilight Sparkle, cd 60, breakpoints incremental +20]

[The Ritual was performed on your estate]

[SH Roll: 18 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (Artifact, level 3) = 61]

[Lantern Roll: 75 + 13 (Magic) + 30 (LANTERN level 3) + 10 (Reagent, level 1) -20 (Forge-warded) – 10 (Moth-warded) = 98]

[Four degrees of success]
Dear god, that SH roll almost failed. No wonder Jade was so thankful, she has a massive inferiority complex, IIRC.

But, of course, she was more than capable of swinging a powerful Lantern roll, and did so quite well. There was probably a last level of info that could be acquired, but this is pretty good. Though I'm kind of disappointed Twilight's horn didn't actually give any special bonuses.
Daughter-of-Axes smashing through a low-level expedition]

[Sneaking into the Royal Castle, cd 75]

[Roll: 27 + 50 (Expedition Bonus) = 77]


[Navigating the caverns, cd 60]

[Roll: 24 + 50 (Expedition Bonus) = 74]


"You can't shake off the impression that she put only the minimal effort required. Still, she made her way through the confounding caverns of shining crystals just fine."

[Opening a door, cd 80]

[Roll: 38 + 50 (Expedition bonus) = 88]

…Wow. DoA just straight up decided to give minimum effort, and I am so thankful that she's got such a good flat bonus. We would have been screwed here if she hadn't.
More coprehensive reaction will come later, but we also need to consider just not providing "loremaster" with manuscripts. After, it's not like low level cultists know that we are not a spirit; we may not need that success level.

Also, @BirdBodhisattva, does it takes an additional AP to make the manuscript?

Anyway, if we do provide the manuscript, these are our options:

Lantern: Level 1 (0.5 scraps out of 2) => Level 1 (1.5 scraps out of 2)
Forge: Level 2 (0 scraps out of 3) => Level 2 (0.66 scraps out of 3)
Edge: Level 1 - 1 = 0 (1.5 scraps out of 2) => Level 2 - 1 = 1 (0 scraps out of 3)
Winter: Level 1 (1 scraps out of 2) => Level 2 (0 scraps out of 3)

Heart: Level 2 (0 scraps out of 3) => Level 2 (0.66 scraps out of 3)
Grail: Level 2 (0 scraps out of 3) => Level 2 (0.66 scraps out of 3)
Moth: Level 1 (0.5 scraps out of 2) => Level 1 (1.5 scraps out of 2)
SH: Level 1 (1.5 scraps out of 3) => Level 2 (0 scraps out of 3)
Knock: Level 2 (0.66 scraps out of 3) => Level 2 (1.33 scraps out of 3)

Level ups underscored, stuff that stays at level 1 is bolded.

Doa is disregarded for Knock, as is Neighnia.

Can we put the same kind of warding on our house that the cult did on their buildings, using Moth and Forge?
This is actually something I haven't been able to talk about. And the answer is "no".

You see, despite Velvet's bullshit omni-competence, ponies still learn the Lores in a rather individualized, and maybe even "personal" way.

Think back of when you met Forge!Velvet, during the Great Book Hunt. Forge!Velvet taught you how to reach Forge level 3, but she taught you secrets of alchemy. And the result of that was that you learned how to create reagents. That also applies to all the other Lores. Sacraments are already hyper-specific, but even Realizations are a result of how a pony tackles the Lores.

So the Cult is able to do things that you can't do because the Cult is an institution. Those wards were placed by Forge-adepts who were also carpenters, the "Lantern Staff" was the extra layer of protection of having ponies in several different places, with several different "senses" working around the club during their regular shift.
In fact, I admit that (way back when) I expected you to stay in the Cult throughout most or all of the Quest. There were even Infrastructure Bonus that would be unlocked as you leveled up the Cult, from which you could benefit as a member.

But alas.

Bottom line is, Velvet can do what Velvet can do, and even though that is "a lot" that certainly isn't "everything".

Also, @BirdBodhisattva, does it takes an additional AP to make the manuscript?
No. Since you are betraying the Cult, the mechanic quid-pro-quo of personal bonus in exchange for giving the Cult more power already satisfies me.
Expected dangers: Jade Whistle scryed the place where they are holding Twilight Sparkle. She is in an old and battered warehouse, near the fringe section of the city... or at least it is old and battered when looking from the outside. But within its walls, the place is guarded, either by hired muscle or cult members, and you will need to force your way through them. Additionally, despite its beaten exterior, the inside of the warehouse has been reinforced with the Cult's Forge-secrets. You will need a way to open them, or to destroy them. Finally, there is the escape itself. You have no idea how helpful Twilight Sparkle will be, but as you escape the town, not drawing attention, or being able to divert attention away, will certainly be useful.
So, the Jailbreak. First step is Edge, and definitely seems like a fight, so Doa's bonus will be kicked down to +30 rather than 50. Well, unless we get an opening move on how to "force our way through" with actually descending into open combat. Still, both her and Velvet have three Edge, so that's about a +60, +90/+110 if it's just a flat Knowledge roll depending on which bonus is used. Not amazing, but unless the enemy also get to roll and Copper's group has better Edge, they're probably going to be screwed.

Getting through the other defences is probably not even worth mentioning, but… level six Name with a +50 basic bonus and Velvet's level four on top for Knock. That's a +100 minimum, and probably some of Velvet's basic stats too. +150 if it's Knowledge rather than application. Also the rerolls.

Getting out undetected… +70 before personal stats, for Moth, +90 if Knowledge. Grail, again, depends on if this counts as a social action, in which case it's +65 application, +80 if our AotL kicks in or if it's Knowledge. If this isn't social enough to nuke Axe's bonus, that turns into a +105/+120.
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But I'm not sure of how that would work for someone so high in it, and with a Brand no less.
As Sulochana herself puts it, on "dedication" stage already:
Too Late to Change
'No. You are what you are. It isn't possible.'
'Do you hear me? It isn't possible. You'll succeed, or you'll fail. But you won't truly change.' She flicks the glowing stub of her cigarette out into the dark. 'Dream furiously.'

That possibility was, after all, a possibility to break, caused by experiencing memories of thousand years of worm-torture.
We might have chosen our Brand, but as the flavour text puts it, we were SH all along — we, players, chose who we, Velvet, were already.
A brand is just making that fact Known to us and visible to everyone around us.
And it is quite harder to forget something that important when a reminder is engraved on your soul.
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"A hoof-sized tuning fork... or at least a tuning-fork adjacent. The thing has three prongs instead of two, arranged in a triangular pattern. Striking it yields no sound, none that you can hear at least, even though the thing clearly vibrates."
Appraised cost: Unknown (not studied)
Special properties: Unknown (not studied)
Also, since I haven't seen it mentioned. The description of our new Knock artifact, for deliberation over whether we actually bother to study it any time soon.
Also, since I haven't seen it mentioned. The description of our new Knock artifact, for deliberation over whether we actually bother to study it any time soon.
Studying it might grant Knock scraps, at the least, though I still have no clue on what the thing actually does. Might be best to get to it before we get Sacrament-capped in Knock.
Undecided about rigging up a new lore master. We already did quite a lot on that front and frankly their comes a point of diminishing returns. Velvet was already the least well known of the inner circles, if the good will we have with the princess is not enough by now, we are never going to get to a point where it is.