Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] (Roll 150) "… and if that happens, the Colonel will never release him." (You tell Fluttershy everything. Fluttershy will also be immediately introduced to the Lores, and will become and Enlightened of Winter 0, and lesser affinity unknown.)
I think in some ways it would be better if Comet Feet was the one to tell her these things, but given the circumstances Fluttershy really needs the whole story.

[X] (Roll 150) "… and if that happens, the Colonel will never release him." (You tell Fluttershy everything. Fluttershy will also be immediately introduced to the Lores, and will become and Enlightened of Winter 0, and lesser affinity unknown.)

Besides, we need a replacement for Windy Flakes
>Gives an opportunity for players to be honest
>Be shocked when players pick opportunity to be honest
>Confused pikachu face meme

Well, this is being a landslide.

Still, I won't call the vote earlier because I still have the other threadmarks to work on. The ones regarding catching myself (and everyone) up to speed so we may proceed on the quest.

Speaking of which. The "The Story So Far" threadmark is ready, and I will post it shortly.

It covers all events in the quest, from the beginning until a bit before the current turn (Turn 15). Mostly because the events on Turn 15 are so recent that they will be covered in the next threadmark, the one where I lay out all of Velvet's current worries and priorities.

But other than that, I hope you are all doing well!
>Gives an opportunity for players to be honest
>Be shocked when players pick opportunity to be honest
>Confused pikachu face meme
Be honest, did you really think explicitly telling us "rolling well unlocked this option" would end with anything except that option being picked?

Like, even aside from the whole honesty and morality thing, it's kinda Common Sense that the better roll is the better option. Not that Common Sense can't be wrong, of course…
We've learned from experience that lies tend to grow over time and entangle us if we're not careful (plus they're ethically murky on their own), and the reason we even tell them in the first place is because the person we're talking to would freak out and cause problems we don't want to deal with at the moment otherwise, and the problems caused by lying are easier to handle by comparison. You just handed us an opportunity to tell the truth, no-freak-out-guaranteed. How were we not going to take it?
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Still, I won't call the vote earlier because I still have the other threadmarks to work on. The ones regarding catching myself (and everyone) up to speed so we may proceed on the quest.

Speaking of which. The "The Story So Far" threadmark is ready, and I will post it shortly.

It covers all events in the quest, from the beginning until a bit before the current turn (Turn 15). Mostly because the events on Turn 15 are so recent that they will be covered in the next threadmark, the one where I lay out all of Velvet's current worries and priorities.

But other than that, I hope you are all doing well!
Im pretty alright. And also this is a truly heroic feat of writing I hope you know. Summarizing so much bird.
The Story So Far
A/N: Given the long period of pause this Quest was subjected to, this post is here for the sake of helpful recollection. Feel free to skip this one, and the next, if you are archive-reading.


Dear reader.

Given the long pause that this quest had, it is relevant to have a place that coalesces everything that happened so far.

Please note, however, that this is not an exhaustive retelling of the story. Only re-reading the story in its entirety, as well as the hundreds of pages of player discussion, would truly achieve that.

Still, this is a gathering of everything the QM wrote down, as he re-read this Quest. And consequently it is the gathering of everything the QM thinks is sufficiently important to remember.

Is EVERYTHING that is important here? Again, no. For example, you constantly took care of your family throughout the Quest, and you had several small interactions with your friends and other characters. Not everything could make this list, otherwise it would be too large to be useful.

Additionally, there are some very important things that were omitted. Because even though they were presented in the story, no reader so far pointed them out or made it clear that it was noticed. So, some things remain as hidden breadcrumbs that might be relevant much later.

With that in mind...

Overall considerations:

-These notes will focus on results and relevant observations. This list would be too long if it said that "the Cult located an artifact" if, later on, said artifact was never bought and forgotten. So, a Turn with "few" notes does not equate to a "short" or "unimportant" turn. It might just have been a turn where things were developed, but did not come into fruition.
-These notes are based on the "present". So any observation here is based on your current circumstances in the middle of Turn 15.
-These notes end right before Princess Celestia abolished Equestrian Nobility. Events after that will be covered in the next "Juggling Chainsaws" threadmark.
-Finally, these notes almost completely do not mention your family. You took good care of them, you spent actions on them, and you even successfully healed your relationship with Stormchaser after the crisis that followed Selene's arrival. Your family is currently safe, and reciprocates your love for them. (Your family is currently comprised of Stormchaser, Silky Stream, Selene and Soft Sweeps)

For ease of reading, all turns will be individually spoilered.


-Created Velvet Covers;
-Went on your first Cult "written" meeting;
-Went to the Mansus, and the Woods, for the first "written" time;
-Received your first overarching order: to find a way towards Princess Luna, to either convert her or kill her;
-Took Silky Stream to her first day of school!;
-Bumped into Rarity, an Element Bearer, and made a good impression with her;
-Found a path to the Dreamlands, in order to begin fulfilling your Luna-hunting mission.

Characters met: Velvet Covers, Copper Secateur, The Master, Ponpon, Silky Stream, Cheerilee, Comet Feet, Starry Dancer, Windy Flakes, Jade Whistle, Stormchaser, Soft Sweeps, Rarity.

Lore developments: Moth raised to level 1, Knock raised to level 1, all other Lores at level 0.


-Made your first real expedition into the Dreamlands;
-You found traces of Princess Luna, but not the Princess herself;
-You found Worms! (but you didn't know that back then);
-Long-Martyr of Bethlehem, they are horrifying;
-You also helped Starry Dancer (through a nat100 of all things) to infiltrate Ponyville's government by making her an assistant to the Mayor;
-Hillariously, you never really did cash in that favor with her;
-You also visited Rarity, and became closer to her!;
-And you visited the Golden Oak library, and met its residents.

Characters met: Mayor Mare, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Twilight Sparkle.

Lore developments: Lantern raised to level 1, Moth raised to level 2, learned single-circle ritual from Master

Turn 3

-You furthered your relationship with Rarity and Twilight Sparkle;
-Twilight Sparkle casually name-drops the fact that she went to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (Velvet's current shock level: 1);
-You reached (but failed to cross) the Blank Door;

Characters met:

Lore developments: Winter raised to level 1.

Turn 4:

-You furthered your relationship with Cheerilee;
-You furthered your relationship with Soft Sweeps (by a lot);
-You met Filthy Rich for the first time, while visiting his house;
-You comprehend, and pass through, the Blank Door, reaching the place that was the Afterlife of ponykind, long ago;
-You meet Baldomare, and discovered the Lodge of the Sage Pony;
-And you learn the Two Circles Ritual, as you Master ordered you to.

Characters met: Filthy Rich (and his butler), Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Baldomare, Illopony(?).

Lore developments: Grail raised to level 1, Lantern raised to level 2, Two Circle Ritual learned.


-The Ritual happened, and Princess Luna suffered for it.
-The Quest began in earnest. Limit of four actions per turn removed. Stakes presented. Fear of the Worms learned.

Lore developments: Edge raised to level 1, Moth raised to level 3, Knock raised to level 2, Secret Histories raised to level 2, Winter raised to level 2.


-The search for Princess Luna begins;
-You aided the search efforts enough to draw attention;
-You tried, but failed, to get closer to Comet Feet;
-After previously helping her, you got even closer to Starry Dancer. You actually did not realize how close you were. A pity, to be honest, I really like Starry;
-You got closer to Jade Whistle;

Characters met: Princess Luna (but only in her dreams, as she was asleep)

Lore developments:


-This turn was almost entirely dedicated to your first trip to Canterlot, to aid in the search for Princess Luna;
-You had a very bitter (and not brief enough) meeting with your father;
-Your dedication to the search effort drew the attention of an alicorn;
-You met Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess of Love and the latest [REDACTED] of Harmony. You also made a good impression with her;
-You also met Uncle Steppes! Plus, you dissociated yourself from your family's "bad name";
-You did more than enough for Rarity to become a Confidant;
-Rarity's career into fashion was kickstarted;
-Your further dedication to the search efforts drew the attention of a second alicorn;
-You met Princess Celestia, immortal regent of the Sun, guide and nurturer of ponykind, beloved by all, and the first [REDACTED] of Harmony. You also made a good impression with her;
-You located the place where Princess Luna was. And for that, you were noticed;
-You also participated in the Sisterhooves Social! Or rather, Silky participated, with Soft Sweeps as her sister. The two forged a very strong bond;

Characters met: Velvet Hill, Shining Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Velvet Steppes, Princess Celestia, Apple Bloom,

Lore developments:


-Your relationship with Twilight Sparkle advanced a little, and during your visit she casually mentions she can "teleport without any problems" (Velvet's current shock level: 2);
-You made great strides in your relationship with Jade Whistle;
-Your relationship with Comet Feet progressed;
-(And curiously, this is the first turn where Fluttershy's interactions with him are hinted, which means she has known him for months by now. Puts things into perspective.);
-You became aquaintanced with the merchants of Ponyville in general;
-You acquired one Selene!

Characters met: Selene

Lore developments: Grail raised to level 2, Secret Histories raised to level 3.


-You do more than enough for Jade Whistle to become a Confidant;
-Jade Whistle notices something very important in Selene;
-Due to a failed (fizzled) attempt at a scrying ritual for "Princess Luna", your Master is then led to believe that she is either dead or in a place where scrying magic cannot reach;

Characters met:

Lore developments: Lantern raised to level 3, Reflection of the Tapestry developed


-Your relationship with Filthy Rich advanced slightly, also;
-Some of the Cult members were ordered to expand into Manehattan, and you took your chance to have a few meetings with them before they left;
-You attempted to talk to Copper Secateur, but the only thing you learned is that she has a problem. You are that problem, but you didn't realize it back then;
-You furthered your relationship with Comet Feet, to the point that not only he (grudgingly) repeated something that somepony else told you, but also he asked you for a favor;
-You spoke with a very unhinged Twilight Sparkle, who did not take well to the contradictions in the Secret Histories, but you further your relationship with her;
-Due to Celestia's absence, you present yourself as Twilight Sparkle's "mentor", regarding the Lores;

Characters met: Golden Plume (through an interlude), Rainbow Dash (this time, through Stormchaser's interlude)

Lore developments: Knock raised to level 3, Forge raised to level 1, Forge raised to level 2

TURN 10:

-Your first "lesson" to Twilight Sparkle was overshadowed by the need to heal her from Fascination. You did, however, forge a strong bond with Spike, who began to trust you after you saved his sister;
-You were visited by Uncle Steppes!;
-And you met Fluttershy for the first time, the "favor" Comet Feet asked of you being to deliver her a letter;
-Your Flourishing Risen, to which you gave the very mature task of messing with Windy Flakes, found out he has a little project in his home;
-You reach, comprehend, and cross, the Door of Want, the First True Gate, and for the first time you truly enter the House of the Sun;
-You learned a truth about the past, and the present. The past, that cutie marks were not freely given, but instead earned by those who climbed the Mansus. And the present, that the Mansus is cracked and broken, through the commission of a terrible crime, and that the original Gods of Ponykind are either dead or gone;
-Your Master also offered you the lovely gift of murder (to perform his summoning ritual), but you managed to finagle your way out of it;

Characters met: Fluttershy

Lore developments: Winter raised to level 3, Three Circle Ritual acquired, Brand acquired

- - -

I believe a short pause is warranted here.

The following turns are both long and pass by in a blur. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the point where things pick up the pace.

To put it in perspective, we are currently on turn 15. And you only acquired your Brand, and the ability to summon monsters, at the very end of turn 10.

And yet, in the meantime, the whole changeling catastrophe took place.

So, this line of division seems warranted in this recollection post.

- - -


-The Master, that old and terrible thing, was summoned;
-You learned of the existence of changelings, infiltrating the Cult and Equestria at large;
-An eclipse also signaled that "Princess Luna was found", which you immediately knew meant a changeling had fooled Celestia and taken Luna's place in Canterlot. The search efforts were declared finished with that;


-Most of this turn was centered around your visit to Canterlot with Twilight Sparkle;
-Twilight Sparkle casually mentioned she is Shining Armor's brother (Velvet's current shock value: 3);
-She also casually mentioned that she was foal-sitted by Princess Cadence (Velvet's shock value: maximum);
-You learned that, once, the Royal Gardens held something that existed in all Histories. But that thing, that strange statue, has long since been moved;
-You met Princess Cadance a second time, and made a further good impression with her;
-Twilight Sparkle attempted to reach Princess Celestia by breaking into the inner royal quarters of the castle. You followed. And you two were stopped by "Princess Luna". "Princess Luna" then proceeded to very convincingly tell Twilight Sparkle that Celestia does not care about her that much;
-And after you returned home, chasing after Twilight, you discovered that "Princess Celestia" wrote to her that she does not wish to have anything to do with Twilight Sparkle anymore;
-At the end of all that, you did enough for Twilight Sparkle to become a confidant. However, you diverted her back into remaining faithful to Princess Celestia;
-Spike trusted you. He trusted you that the decision you made was the best;
-Twilight Sparkle, and Spike, go missing shortly thereafter, and the unicorn herself is replaced by a changeling;
-Jade Whistle studied Selene, and her first advancement into Knock;
-You founded the Hintchasers to do your bidding;
-You advanced your relationship with Windy Flakes;
-Detective Dull Glass arrives at Ponyville, although thanks to your own coming betrayal his presence never really caused you much trouble;

Characters met: Detective Dull Glass

Lore developments: Secret Histories raised to level 4, Rite of Childhood's End developed, Forge raised to level 3.


-You successfully summoned Baldomare!
-At your behest, Baldomare attempted to scry for Twilight Sparkle. The fact that her ritual fizzled (not failed, fizzled) indicated to you that Twilight Sparkle was being held by the changelings in their hive;
-You gained an audience with the Wolf-Divided. He did not care about you, and yet he hates you all the same. You brought some of his hate back into the Wake;

Characters met: The Wolf-Divided

Lore developments: First Stain upon the Soul gained, learned how to summon Windigos, Edge raised to level 3.


-You taught the Cult how to summon Windigos. Surely, that knowledge will be used only for good;
-You also persuaded the cult to attack the changeling hive at the end of the turn;
-You also followed Comet Feet to Fluttershy's house, at his request, where you confirmed that she is in fact safe from the changelings;
-You revealed to Rarity that Twilight Sparkle was abducted and replaced;
-You aided in summoning the highest degree of Edge Influence on Comet Feet, which will color his actions until the present moment in turn 15;
-Right after that, you visited Fluttershy, who revealed to you that Comet Feet himself spoke to her, telling her he would be leaving. The mare was visibly shaken, but there was nothing else you could do then;
-Ponyville was purged of changelings by Comet Feet;
-A frightened Applejack came to collect her sister, following that, and you managed to introduce yourself to her;
-Starry Dancer was taken under arrest by Dull Glass;
-And you spent considerable effort keeping Ponyville calm, and gained considerable standing with the townspeople in general;

Characters met: Flower Serenade (heh), Flower Serenade's ex-boyfriend (heheh), Flower Serenade's child (heheheheheh), Scootaloo, Applejack

Lore developments: Located the Dry Well deep in the Woods, Grail raised to level 3, Heart raised to level 3,


-The Cult attacked the changeling hive;
-The changelings lost their ability to deceive the world;
-In a last act of spite, Queen Chrysalis ordered her children on a rampage. Canterlot burned, hundreds died, and all pony cities in Equestria suffered to some extent;
-Princess Celestia destroyed Queen Chrysalis. Nothing of her remains;
-Twilight Sparkle was taken by the Cult to Manehattan;
-This required you to Leash Rarity, so save her from making a foolish decision;
-You made the immutable decision of betraying the Cult, all your actions henceforth will be geared towards that end;


-You finally managed to completely tell Stormchaser everything. Your family became open to Lore education, and will no longer be suspicious of you;
-You did, however, kept Stormchaser as a moral compass, and he is adamantly against doing any rituals on Selene;
-Soft Sweeps lost her entire family, and you took her in as a daughter;
-Scootaloo is… apparently living in your house now?
-You discovered the Valley of Keys, and met the Daughter-of-Axes;
-You visited Fluttershy once again, and found her extremely distressed over Comet Feet's disappearance. You promised to help her. Or rather, you promised you would have her help you in regards to Comet;
-You reached, and understood, the Tribal Door, that ancient symbol of the Trirrivality that accompanied Ponykind for so long;
-You destroyed the Tribal Door;
-You attempted to get closer to Windy Flakes, and you think you succeeded. But more importantly, you think you discovered some worrying tendencies that are currently in his mind;
-You discovered the Ruined Church, blocking the only path upwards in the Mansus;
-You also discovered the Garden of Lights, in the Blank Plains;
-Finally, you discovered The Tower, near the impossible edge of the Blank Plains, and completely finished exploring the Blank Plains;
-You began (through Rarity) to take efforts to distance your name from the position of Loremaster;
-Jade Whistle learned "something" about Selene, more connected to her nature as an alicorn than to her circumstances as a filly, but she will have to further research it on her own;
-Baldomare was unsummoned, and will only be available again at the beginning of Turn 18;

Character met: The Daughter-of-Axes

Lore developments: Second Stain upon the Soul gained, Tribal Door permanently destroyed, Knock raised to level 4, learned how to summon Mares-in-the-Light, Moth raised to level 4

A/N: This will probably be edited quite a bit, for purposes of including Lore colors or otherwise. So please mention if you think anything relevant was omitted, or if you have any comments on it.
And if there is one place I could suggest you read, to help remember smaller (but relevant) details, it would definitely be this!
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We haven't even told Rarity everything, and mind-controlled her so we didn't have to. Being able to get away with it safely with Fluttershy is such a massive relief.

Speaking of, I wonder if we'll bother to do that now that we've, uh… kinda guarunteed Rarity's utter loyalty.
>Gives an opportunity for players to be honest
>Be shocked when players pick opportunity to be honest
>Confused pikachu face meme

Well, this is being a landslide.
We are part of a Moth cult.
In this situation, everyone would expect us to lie. Or use halftruths and deception. Or maybe give a few facts we deem necessary.
So of course the Moth thing to do is to sit down and give a thorough and honest explanation.

Considering Princess Luna (as Selene) is currently living in our house, I'd sure hope we'd found her :V
Every morning we find her at the dinner table eating breakfast!
And was that really a healthy relationship?

No, seriously, I don't think I ever got around to watching the seasons where that was prevalent, but I would expect Discord to be at least somewhat of a dick, even if only by accident.
at the very end they end up actually being good for each other, Fluttershy showing she really understands him.

It only took a couple betrayals AND a "I was trying to help!" in which he gathered all past and defeated villains together because he thought Twilight needed another win to build up some confidence in herself.

There was actually an episode in which Discord basically gives up chaos because everyone is asking him how is it possible that he and Fluttershy are friends, and he nearly erases himself out of reality until Fluttershy basically... starts being chaotic for him.

...Ah, also technically speaking they're never confirmed to be together. But then again, neither are Applejack and Rainbow Dash. IT's just very heavily implied.

Going full honesty will be like ripping a painful bandage, It will probably hurt Comet Feet but the healing after will make everything go smoother overall. And Having one of the elements on our side is always a plus.
I tend to agree.

It's just... I'm not worried about hurting Comet. I'm more worrid about Comet hurting us, for obvious reasons.

I think in some ways it would be better if Comet Feet was the one to tell her these things, but given the circumstances Fluttershy really needs the whole story.
He doesn't have +100 diplo. There's no way he can make the confession and get anything other than a broken heart.

>Gives an opportunity for players to be honest
>Be shocked when players pick opportunity to be honest
>Confused pikachu face meme
Bird, please be gentle with us, it's been a long time for us/Velvet :rofl2:
We've learned from experience that lies tend to grow over time and entangle us if we're not careful (plus they're ethically murky on their own), and the reason we even tell them in the first place is because the person we're talking to would freak out and cause problems we don't want to deal with at the moment otherwise, and the problems caused by lying are easier to handle by comparison. You just handed us an opportunity to tell the truth, no-freak-out-guaranteed. How were we not going to take it?
The trick here is that we'be been assured there will be no freak out from Fluttershy.

Bird never made promises about Comet Feet.

I think we can do it, between his vulnerable state, Fluttershield and us being there to give him everything he wants... but oh god would this be the worst time to roll a nat 1...

A/N: This is a temporary threadmark. It will be here for a good while, maybe even a few months, but it will still be un-threadmarked or removed from the main storyline at some point.

I'm against removing the threadmark for what matters. I don't see the point.

Additionally, there are some very important things that were omitted. Because even though they were presented in the story, no reader so far pointed them out or made it clear that it was noticed. So, some things remain as hidden breadcrumbs that might be relevant much later.

...that sounds like a challenge, but muh free time!

I'll read this summary later I think. maybe a bit at a time. If I find some extra free time maybe I can do a reread myself to see what we missed in the past...
And was that really a healthy relationship?

No, seriously, I don't think I ever got around to watching the seasons where that was prevalent, but I would expect Discord to be at least somewhat of a dick, even if only by accident.
I think so? There's definitely some times early on that she has to take a stern hoof with him and make clear that he's behaving unacceptably, but I think by the end she has him properly socialised. Check out this clip:

We haven't even told Rarity everything, and mind-controlled her so we didn't have to. Being able to get away with it safely with Fluttershy is such a massive relief.

Speaking of, I wonder if we'll bother to do that now that we've, uh… kinda guarunteed Rarity's utter loyalty.

We told everything to Stormchaser, I suppose. Or nearly everything.

Problem is, we're now in the process of building up NEW SECRETS from him. Kinda like an addict.

For example, we're still kinda sorta planning to do the ritual even if he's against it.

Oh, and we told... most everything to Jade, though to be fair she found out about Selene on her own, so there's that.

We, in fact, found her twice. The first time was in the Dreamlands, after all.

You could say we're in the process of finding her a third time!

Considering how Copper turned out, we probably could have given her actions up. It really was a bit of a waste. Windy we could have done better, but certainly wasn't as bad as Copper.

Our efforts with both Windy and Copper were just insufficient. Windy we in the end were unlucky on the "To whom is loyal the cold" roll, where we found out he can hear the wolf in the distance... and with Copper, at this point we're basically 99% certain she's our secret rival.

We either should have invested more OR less on them. but still, while we made mistakes, we did allright. This quest certainly isn't on easy mode like plenty others

I think so? There's definitely some times early on that she has to take a stern hoof with him and make clear that he's behaving unacceptably, but I think by the end she has him properly socialised. Check out this clip:


fun fact: Discord DID in fact made copies to argue with himself earlier in the episode. And all of Fluttershy's ideas were actually how Discord's house was before.
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We haven't even told Rarity everything, and mind-controlled her so we didn't have to. Being able to get away with it safely with Fluttershy is such a massive relief.

Speaking of, I wonder if we'll bother to do that now that we've, uh… kinda guarunteed Rarity's utter loyalty.
Tbf, Rarity's only a Minion when we're higher Grail or under An Incarnadescence. There will most likely still be times when she's just a regular Confidant.
I still think we shouldn't do it until hes on board. I think safety precautions when doing the ritual. Even excessive ones when our daughters life is on the line is more than worth it.
the problem is that we likely won't have an alternative.

Right now Stormchaser's plan is "just wait for Selene to grow up "normally". That's not an option.

So unless Jade can find out something from Knock-3 unlock, or from the knock-2 unlock (the thing about researching the "half a bridge" thing and our one and only hint about Harmony), we'll HAVE to force the issue
the problem is that we likely won't have an alternative.

Right now Stormchaser's plan is "just wait for Selene to grow up "normally". That's not an option.

So unless Jade can find out something from Knock-3 unlock, or from the knock-2 unlock (the thing about researching the "half a bridge" thing and our one and only hint about Harmony), we'll HAVE to force the issue
I'm kind of hoping that teaching Stormchaser + Grail hammer will be able to convince him as we get closer to Ritual Time, especially if Luna starts leaking out more and more.

Though if we get really unlucky, we may have to delay it anyway because we don't have enough Heart to perform IotH on Selene safely.
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We will almost certainly get another ritual for awakening Luna once she has mastered the lores.
I certainly hope so, but the fact of the matter is that we don't actually know that. People thought that we'd get a new ritual for each Knock level, but Level 2 gave us the Memory of Light instead. So while it would be nice if we get a better awakening ritual from Knock 3, we should really plan as though we won't. Because if we count on getting that better ritual and don't get it, we're not going to be prepared to do IotH.

Not to mention, even if we do get a better ritual, it may still not be enough for Stormchaser to allow it. And the better ritual may still require rolls, which could still lead to us needing to delay while we get enough Lore to perform it safely.

Edit: Also like, beyond Selene's IotH, we should really try and get Heart 4 soon anyway. It gives us a stronger defense and reroll against one of the cult's killing rituals, it means we're less likely to get hurt in the Mansus or on expeditions, and it means that we can reliably cast IotH ourselves in case of Dread or Fascination, or any other mental maluses we want removed.
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Not to mention, even if we do get a better ritual, it may still not be enough for Stormchaser to allow it. And the better ritual may still require rolls, which could still lead to us needing to delay while we get enough Lore to perform it safely.
maybe if we're really lucky it will be a ritual that won't look like a ritual.

Take the blanket one. Tearing a blanket doesn't really look like a ritual, does it?

But yeah, hope for the best, prepare for the worst has been our motto thus far