Endless Phantasmata: Those Left Behind

A bit sad to see all the human templates. Come on guys the sky is the limit :D

Name: Kreed
Age: 89
Species: KalaKan
World: Kala

Kreed hails from the planet Kala or "Claw" translated into the common languages of Ark-1. His species did not have an easy transition into the Ark, as despite the mariad of species living there the KalaKan were still quite terrifying in appearance and many presumed them to be monsters or demons upon initial contact . Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and the Packmasters ( the ruling authority of the KalaKan peoples ) were able to establish an accord with the denizens of Ark-1. Chosen for his calm nature and previous position in the pack Kreed was given the task of joining the Harmonic enforcement Unit , a worthy position in his eyes.

like many of his race, Kreed boast enhanced physical abilities and endurance. An evolutionary trait to survive the harsh nature of Kala. Their homeworld. Sharp claws and thick scales combined with an intelligent mind of a hunter makes Kreed quite deadly in close combat. His senses allow him to catch even the subtlest of scents, sounds, or details though in a city this is as much a boon as it can be a curse. Lastly, while not a Korvu (shaman ) of his people , Kreed has a base knowledge of the application or magics, though mostly focused on the ritual aspects and "darker" spells. He cant quite cast spells yet, but he can atleast tell the difference between a blood curse and a binding spell.

State your name and occupation.

"Kreed of the Kalakan. Position was broodwatcher, Eggtender."

State your past world's designated number.
" Kreed believes it was 666. A joke of some form by the fleshthings."

What was your occupation before the Collapse?

"Kreed was a Claw Father. An eggtender and broodwatcher. Kreed watched the young of my people and fought off creatures who sought to eat them."

For what reason did you decide to join the HEU?

" It was the will of the Packmaster."

What positive qualities do you possess?
" Kreed is strong of claw and mind. Kreed is calm and loyal. Kreed was told he was...... I do not remember the word in common? Good at making nice with the flesh children ?"

What negative qualities do you possess?

"..... Kreed likes to eat. Kreed was told not to eat the flesh things, a sad ruling by the packmaster. Kreed can also be.... forceful and hard of the head, as you flesh things say."

In a hostage situation, what would be your first response?

" Distraction. When eggs are in danger , one must make spill blood until the pack arrives. Keep their eyes of the brood."

What do you like about Ark-1?

" It is shiny, many new things always. The eggs are safe from predators, many will live now. That is good. A large pack is good, until there is no food. But there is always food here. Kreed enjoys the string not-worms in the brown water. The raaghman."

What do you dislike about Ark-1?

"The flesh things stare, and flee. Some places are too small for my people. Kreed dislikes the smells, and sounds. Quite is hard to find. The Korvu of the flesh things and metal people dislike us, call us "demons" and monsters. It makes Kreed angry."

Are you content with the current status quo?

"Kreed follows the will of the Packmaster."

In your opinion, what does the word "justice" mean?

"Kreed is learning still. It is a confusing flesh word."

Do you consider yourself a "just" person?

"The pack is all, those that seek to harm the pack must be put down."
Gimme some time to fully flesh out an idea and get in front of an actual keyboard and I'll make something
I really like the idea of a beast/monster inhuman police officer. And hijinks. Tell me what you guys think , and if it's not acceptable I can always change it up QM
I really like the idea of a beast/monster inhuman police officer. And hijinks. Tell me what you guys think , and if it's not acceptable I can always change it up QM
To quote my ex boyfriend; "Why is it so big?"
Jokes aside, are any of us 'human'?
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It will take me one day to sort through all applications at worst, so the game itself will start May, 2nd.

True. So how many players are you looking for, I'm assuming well be Rping on SV but will there be a discord for it as well? Also tone wise I know you said anime, but will it also be buddy cop. Partners with other players or mostly solo missions?
True. So how many players are you looking for, I'm assuming well be Rping on SV but will there be a discord for it as well? Also tone wise I know you said anime, but will it also be buddy cop. Partners with other players or mostly solo missions?
1. I have already mentioned the number of players in the rules. (It's five)
2. I will try to limit this RP to SV only.
3. It will have a mostly light-hearted tone mixed with some serious moments.
4. You will be acting together as a squad.
Name: ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ [A fusion of the native concept-words for "home", "savior", "amalgamation" and "tool"]. She has used the name "Golka" for common parlance, as her name is a magic spell that magically injects memories of ♏︎♑︎♒︎ into the listener's mind.
Appearance: A humanoid figure, with vine hair and flesh of dried mud. Her eyes are made of lapis lazul and her corpus is dotted with emeralds. Her skin cracks whenever she moves and liquid gold flows through the cracks to seal it in. Silver mixes in with the gold as magic scripts sprawl across her skin. If you pried open her mouth, you'd find a small garden growing out of her insides, a patch of jungle thriving without light or air, feasting on the ambient magic of her corpus to mimic the biological organs that living creatures naturally possess. Her tongue is the most dense with magic. It is made out of flowing solid silver, with a line of rubies running down the middle.
Age: 27 Subjective Solar Rotations
Species: Golem
World: ♏︎♑︎♒︎
It is a world where language itself is magic, and movements of the tongue are spells. The people of that world had great analytical abilities and mostly communicated entirely through body language. As such every word of spoken speech was a manipulation of mana. Long excerpts of speech became great rituals, and many times a fairytale or story became a ritual, passed down from generation to generation.

The main feature of that world was a set of 13 pillars left on the planet long ago by mysterious precursors.They innately had the ability to stabilize the dimension from dimensional shocks. The natives build a soul reincarnation system on top of them.

It's complicated.
Bio: ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ was built when the pillars started failing and the edges of ♏︎♑︎♒︎ started crumbling. There had been no one to repair the pillars for 8 kalpas of local time, and now the effects of the multiversal collapse had finally began to reach ♏︎♑︎♒︎, held off for aeons by barely understood magical structures. But atop the most sacred mount in ♏︎♑︎♒︎, the precursors had left behind an artifact of repair, a massive sphere guarded by a mountain full of dangers. The leading figures of ♏︎♑︎♒︎ came together, deliberated, and decided. They would take the souls of the greatest heroes throughout the ages, and forge them into a greater soul- laying that soul within a golem vessel blessed and enchanted by the best sorcerers of ♏︎♑︎♒︎. They would send them up the mountain to save the world.

The party ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ set out with was numbered 1080 and one. But ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ arrived at the peak alone. The journey up the mount stripped away the numbers of the party. The challenges were numerous and awesome. Rivers that stripped shape away from form when you crossed them, beasts that consumed fears and stole their shapes, roads which pulled those who trod it deeper and deeper into their own delusions. ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ took up the souls of her companions were they fell and left their bodies, one by one up the mountain trail. She sat for a year and a half at the foot of the precursor artifact, using the prodigious intelligence of her component souls to study the artifact and learn how to use it.

And when the day of truth finally came, she knelt at its feet, she performed the activation rituals and she beseeched it to save ♏︎♑︎♒︎. And it gave her a single line of reply.

"Sorry, the warranty on your purchase has expired."

♏︎♑︎♒︎ did not burn. It did not crash. It crumbled away like it had never existed in the first place. It left only one thing to signal to the multiverse that it had existed. A golem, a failure, that had not managed to complete her purposes. It left behind ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎.
-Super Durability: ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ possesses 108 layers of defensive enchantments. Each of these enchantments is an individual story of invincibility, that can only be bypassed with a specific catch. The first is the story of a Lord only with a sword of magic (it does not matter which). The second is the story of a magical protection that can only be withered away by the sorrow of a broken true love. And so on it goes. Until each of these enchantments are bypassed ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ can be thrown around, beaten into the ground, suffer through anything but destruction.
-Magical Prowess: ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎'s native tongue is magic and her soul is forged out of choirs of sorcerer-kings and philosopher-titans. She can analyze magic is a flash and conduct grand rituals by herself and in a fraction of the time they would usually take.
-Soul Storage: As a container meant to contain souls in the first place, ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎ is capable of storing, merging, and imparting souls from the storage bin. Because she is made out of multiple souls, she is capable of thinking in many different directions in parallel, distributing different thoughts to her different component parts. In this way she can think a thousand and one thoughts in a second.

Q: State your name and occupation.
"I go by the designation Golka. My name is a magical spell and I have been informed that it is an unpleasant experience for those not expecting it. I currently work as a part time priestess at seven different temples in District-21."

Q: State your past world's designated number.

Q: What was your occupation before the Collapse?
"A hero. Failed."

Q: For what reason did you decide to join the HEU?
"A tool cannot survive without purpose. Any purpose will do, but some are more satisfactory than others. I seek higher purpose. The HEU is worthy as such."

Q: What positive qualities do you possess?
"I am a strong capable worker that does not tire and is possessed of a great repository of knowledge. I have great expertise in magic to the point where I can be counted as one of Ark-1's foremost experts."

Q: What negative qualities do you possess?
"I cannot accomplish things that are beyond the limits of my design parameters. I cannot save the world."

Q: In a hostage situation, what would be your first response?
"I would select an appropriate central figure from within the hostages and encourage them to act. By pushing figures from within the situation to the appropriate roles it is possible to turn the situation into an appropriate ritual centered around the 'hero', which would greatly improve their chances of success. Alternatively I could negotiate with the hostages."

"As a final resort, I could simply consume the souls of the hostages to re-inject into their bodies once they have been recovered. However, this is unnecessarily traumatizing and should be viewed as a last resort."

Q: What do you like about Ark-1?
"It is satisfactory. It is much nicer than the nothingness that had consumed by world after its stability pillars failed."

Q: What do you dislike about Ark-1?
"It is a successful example of a world held together against the dark. I cannot blame Ark-1 for this, but neither can I forgive it. It is a success where I failed."

Q: Are you content with the current status quo?
"Yes. Life continues. The dark does not consume it."

Q: In your opinion, what does the word "justice" mean?
"Individuals staying within the boundaries that their design parameters impose on them and the normal process of affairs without deviant elements."

Q: Do you consider yourself a "just" person?
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I will stop accepting character sheets around this time. For those who are working on their sheets, I encourage you to finish and post them here. For those who have already done that, feel free to either add some polish to your sheets or leave them as is.
Name: Augusta Trembleforth
Appearance: Standing five foot flat, Augusta is tall for a velociraptor, which she is. Purple feathers are kept under control under what would probably be called a bodysuit on a human, an unidentifiable material that looks liquid under the right light. Her eyes are a sleek constant colour, usually something near-violet, just on the edge of human sight.
Age: Sixty One!
Species: Sentient, tool using, Velociraptors.
World: Eight seven four three dash nine eight, more commonly known as "Goddam Sci-Fi Dinosaurs" by people outside it, or Reulaar by it's inhabitants.
Born on one of the many space habitats of Reulaar, Augusta grew up among the hypertech of the civilisations sixty four million year advance, the near-surplus society providing her with education and so much more as she grew up, and she yearned to wander far from the civilised and domesticated core of known space. Finally, an opportunity arose for her to participate in a "hands on" xenobiology in Potrel. Moving there, she swiftly completed program in six years, and chose to stay on beyond it, furthering her research into xenobiology, at times several light years from the nearest sapient mind. When the destruction came, she ran back to her family, but didn't reach there in time, the station she was on ejecting for another, more stable universe during a transfer to reach them. She hasn't found if they've managed to reach Arc-1, and mourns them, thinking them still dead.
  • Frankly an absolutely amazing biologist, she's been working on nothing else for sixty five years
  • Basic defensive shielding - designed to protect against hostile environments, fauna, and flora in the course of her work, it's pretty good for most things, and is rated against anything below a modern .50 cal, as well as vacuum, extreme heat, cold and the like
  • Hypersight - with entirely cybernetic eye, Augusta can see into the near-infrared and ultra-violet, as well as having the visual acuity several times that of a human baseline.
  • Exo-arms - the only thing she owns that's close to a weapon, this is a piece of hypertech, kept in a folded sub dimension and linked to her, it allows her what is effectively low grade telekinesis within a dozen meters or so through redirected vectoring. These were usually used to restrain and capture specimens for measurement and IDing.
  • Mental link - an implanted computer, allowing her to do the stuff you'd expect with an implanted computer.

State your name and occupation.
Augusta Trembleforth, Xenobiologist!​
State your past world's designated number.
8743-98. Pah
What was your occupation before the Collapse?
I was a Xenobiologist! It was my job to organise, observe, capture and otherwise do science on a selection of eight habitable words in the Potrel globular cluster! I believe I still even have some surviving specimens!
For what reason did you decide to join the HEU?
I don't want anything more to vanish. I will keep what we've managed to preserve, and help it be the best of what it can be!
What positive qualities do you possess?
I like to think I can keep up a positive mind-scape, as well as the fact I'm pretty intelligent! I'm also able to operate with limited resources for long periods of time, as well as the ability to think quickly on the fly! I also like to think I empathise well with others!
What negative qualities do you possess?
I don't have much combat experience, and my mother said I was naive. I'm also rather tall!
In a hostage situation, what would be your first response?
Negotiation, probably? See the scale of the threat, how easy it'd be to disable the hostage taker, observe the mental state of the hostages, ensure that nothing rash happens.
What do you like about Ark-1?
I love the variety of places! It's so fun to explore here, you meet all kinds of people!
What do you dislike about Ark-1?
It's a bit humanocentric, I feel. Lotta humans, making a lot of decisions, based on human experiances.
Are you content with the current status quo?
In your opinion, what does the word "justice" mean?
To do what is right, to ensure that all people are treated fairly and equitably, and to ensure that retribution is limited and accurate!
Do you consider yourself a "just" person?
Yes! I am!​
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Name: Meli-hou-Tsunyne-zon (abbreviated to Melizon)


Age: 24

Species: Maheran, a human-esque race born with superhuman abilities and a limited skill in nature and body enhancement based magic.

World: Diatora, a world teeming with extremely dangerous monsters. Those who lived within the world were protected either by the very few docile or friendly monsters or by the few powerful Hunters within the world capable of battling and even killing these monsters, either by themselves or as a team.

Bio: Born under a full moon, the Maheran known as Meli-hou-Tsunyne-zon was born into the world of Diatora. Born into a community of travelling nomads, the young Maheran would spend much of his early life wandering through deserts, large plains and even cold tundras, always traveling along the path of a peculiar weather pattern known as the Hearthwind. The wind, as it traveled through the lands, left a magical path in it's wake; one that could be tread upon by all but those with malice within them (leaving them safe from the threat of monsters). As was custom, those who were chosen at birth would leave the protection of the Hearthwind, being left int the care of special sages who would spend the rest of his adolescence training his body and mind in order to hunt the many monsters that littered the land, going on hunts in order to prove himself, and eventually leaving the care of the sages in order to make it on his own.

Melizon spent the next several years alone, living off of the land as he made rare treks to villages and cities in order take quests and capture or kill all assortments of beasts. He became quite accustomed to life in nature and even stared to enjoy the company of the many creatures that often surrounded him. However, his life was forever changed when the multiverse was merged. What was once filled with life was now a surge of bizarre creatures not that dissimilar to those from the world he once inhabited. After settling into Arc-1, he is currently attempting to find a new occupation.

Maheran Physiology: As a Maheran, Melizon has access to several benefits:
  • Superhuman Strength: Melizon can naturally lift 100 lbs and punch down a steel door with his natural Maheran strength. Through the use of magic, he can lift up and throw an entire car above his head and his most powerful strikes hit with the force of a tank shell, easily shattering boulders into pebbles and dust.
  • Superhuman Speed: The hunter can, through his Maheran biology, keep up with cars driving on the free way and keep track of things moving at up to 200 mph. With magical enhancements, he can dodge or catch bullets at close range and can move faster than the human eye can track in short bursts.
  • Superhuman Durability: Melizon can take strikes strong enough to crush cars with little to no damage and is effectively bulletproof. With magic, he can survive explosions powerful enough to bring down small buildings, albeit with moderate damage.
  • Superhuman Endurance: Melizon can survive grievous harm up to stab wounds and losing a limb without it compromising his ability to fight. He also has a very large pain and toxin tolerance as well as superhuman stamina. With magic, Melizon gains a limited healing factor, allowing him to recover from wounds far quicker than a human as well as increased stamina and resistance to many mundane toxins.
  • Enhanced Senses: A Maheran's five senses are incredibly advanced. It's said that a trained Maheran can see in the dark and across extremely high distances, smell like a bloodhound, hear so well they have echolocation when they focus, can feel vibrations through solids and liquids and can taste substances within the air. With magic, he gains the ability to sense the energy around him, allowing him to spot individuals invisible to the regular five senses.
Expert Hunter: Spending a decade hunting beasts and monsters of all shapes and sizes, Melizon is knowledgeable on many kinds of monsters and is skilled in the art of finding, tracking and trapping many kinds of creatures. He is also knowledgable on stealth and masking his presence amongst more primitive and highly sensitive creatures (although these tactics may prove fruitless against those with more sophisticated surveillance).

Master Martial Artist: Melizon has spent most of his life training and honing his own skills with combat and is capable of taking on multiple skilled opponents without much effort irrespective of his physical abilities. His fighting styles are made to deal with a variety of opponents of all shapes and sizes. When magic is applied, his attacks can not only strike through the hide and scale of a target, but can also strike individuals who are usually immune to physical contact.

Hearthwind's Teachings: The magic of the Maheran tribes. Through the use of the "inner power" found within all living beings, one can unlock power and abilities beyond what's physically possible for them, a prerequisite for becoming a Hunter. With it, Melizon's physical capabilities skyrocket, allowing him to take on beings that would easily murder him. On top of this, he can unleash fire and wind-based abilities in order to enhance his movement, strike an opponent from afar, and defend from attacks using the wind. However, the use of such abilities, like many body movements, comes from a set of breathing exercises. As such, if one were to block his ability to breathe, he would be temporarily incapable of using said abilities. In extreme circumstances, this can also lead to his own power backfiring back onto him, leading to a backlash that can severely harm him.


State your name and occupation.
Meli-hon-Tsunyne-zon, or Melizon if you wish. I am currently in between jobs.

State your past world's designated number.

What was your occupation before the Collapse?
Professional Monster Hunter.

For what reason did you decide to join the HEU?
It seemed to be a good use of my talents.

What positive qualities do you possess?
I have many years of hunting and combat experience to draw upon. I am an expert in finding many individuals some would consider all but impossible and have defeated them without incident. Also, I mostly fight with my hands and a knife, so I require little in the way of armaments. I am very comfortable with many kinds of animals.

What negative qualities do you possess?
I am a solitary individual, and don't possess much of what you would call "people skills". I also don't have much experience working with a large group, let alone an entire organization. Finally, as an unfortunate by-product of my hand-to-hand focus, I have a . . . limited amount of knowledge when it comes to weaponry and even magic in general.

In a hostage situation, what would be your first response?
I would first scout the area in order to find it's entrances and exits as well as the number of combatants and their positions. Then, I would attempt to infiltrate the hostage area and take out as many of them as I could without alerting the others.

What do you like about Ark-1?
There are a surprisingly large amount of utensils that It is quite easy to find work and assistance for problems quickly. The people seem to be nice on average as well. Though, it is strange that others see me as human.

What do you dislike about Ark-1?
I don't very much like the look and feel urban areas. They feel almost wrong passing through deepening on the time of day. To say nothing of the horrid smell stuck in the air.

Are you content with the current status quo?
I would wish for a more stable and natural environment, if that is what you mean.

In your opinion, what does the word "justice" mean?
Those who commit immoral actions are swiftly given punishment for their actions and those who do altruistic acts

Do you consider yourself a "just" person?
I do believe I am moral, yes.
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wow, I didn't see that, whelp apologies for not seeing that in the first place
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Accepted Sheets
1. @Sinsystems – Lux Plyton
2. @Laplace - Kenos Δ-9
3. @Jemnite - ♍︎♋︎♑︎♋︎♐︎
4. @Estro – Augusta Trembleforth
5. @P-X 12 - Meli-hou-Tsunyne-zon

For those who didn't make the cut - don't worry. I might accept more members later, once I gain more experience as a GM.

Edit: Await the IC thread in ten hours.
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A magical girl, a robot, a golem, a velociraptor, and a monster hunter walk into a bar...
I dunno, the fact the rest of you are humanoid might make a good punchline.
Appearance: Kenos is a shapeshifter, he takes the forms of anyone as he pleases, endlessly shifting his appearence based on whim and fancy. Without any particular stimulus, he merely looks like a man shaped mass of shining, silvery protean metal.
challenge accepted i will go through most of this RP looking like a mess of robot chickens
I am also very amused by how many of you wrote Ark-1 wrong.

It is Ark as in Noah's Ark, people :V