A New World: Unexpected Discoveries
You hear the news in passing, but pay little mind to it. As a result of the Imperial policy of exploration you receive many such reports of scouts proceeding up and down the coast in merchant vessels, and even a few attempting to sail east to find islands that could ask as waystations for a future Elysian navy. That they have found an island is not especially surprising, and buried among other reports of tribal groups along the coastline itself. You spare a moment to think of whatever sailors would be obligated to man a lonely little island in the tempestuous Atlantic, then think no more of it. The only reason it comes to your attention is because one of your advisors suggests that scouts return and attempt to make landfall - an isolated island would be a perfect place to find bird guano, which may be a vital component for Elysian gunpowder. While there is little pressing need for that at present given the lack of native fortifications and that crossbows are more than sufficient to penetrate hide, the option is always good to have. You sign off on the salaries for a return expedition and get back to the busy work of resolving disputes and carefully manipulating the internal power politics of the imperial court.

Around a month later, you are holding audience with petitioners from the dynatoi regarding land distribution when you are informed that a man must speak with you most urgently. It is none other than the harbourmaster, a man who you saw only on the day you appointed him and never after - it takes you a moment to identify his badge of office around his neck. With him is an exceedingly old man dressed in the manner of a well-off tradesman attempting to dress up for the court, wearing worn but well-cared for clothing of high quality. The harbourmaster bows lowly, almost shakily. "Your Imperial Majesty. I present Thomas Kilikos."

The old man bows with a tremor is more due to advanced age, you judge, than nerves. Tears are running down his weathered cheeks. "Your Imperial Majesty," he declares, with a voice that surprises you with its strength. "I was grateful to be in the service and esteem of Ioannes VIII Palaiologos many years ago."

"In what capacity, goodman?" you reply, examining him curiously. That would have made this man in his late middle-age when the Grand Fleet escaped Old Constantinople, an age which was uncommon at the time. It would have explained his presence, however, as he would have had a valued skill to be so selected. Especially to hold the esteem of your uncle, Ioannes the Visionary!

"I was captain of one of the Great Ships," he replies, straightening up with a proud back. "To be trusted with the guidance of one of those vessels, with all their souls and treasures! Never before has a man been so proud as I was when the Emperor selected me for the task." His expression falls. "Alas, the storm that brewed in our way. It was as though I struggled with the Archangel Michael at the tiller, as Jacob once did. I did not prove up to the task." He averts his eyes in shame. "We were shipwrecked."

There is a moment of utter silence, then gasps ripple around the court. The dynatoi whose petition you had been hearing had already stepped back to the side, but now he stepped back further with a pale face. There is a buzzing noise in the air, your heart beating like thunder through your veins. You struggle to stand from the throne, almost stumbling as you lift yourself up. "Who are you?" you demand.

The man stands firm and resolute. "I am Thomas Kilikos, declared Doux of Lathanopolis by the people of Creta Minor." He holds your gaze for a moment, then kneels. "And your loyal subject."

The court erupts.
This is actually really good. I was going to suggest colonizing Bermuda once we'd gotten a decent navy set up, it's an excellent stopping point on the trans-Atlantic journey and something we would want to snag before the Europeans did.
This is actually really good. I was going to suggest colonizing Bermuda once we'd gotten a decent navy set up, it's an excellent stopping point on the trans-Atlantic journey and something we would want to snag before the Europeans did.

They also, at least in game, colonize. Usually they focus on the Caribbean. So that might be where they will go.
Well that's going to break away and form its own State in a couple of centuries.
Here's the thing, they physically can't. Having a lesser population, lesser industry, and the same culture, they would have no impetus for a revolt. Furthermore, why would they want to?

Culturally they're Roman and we are the Emperor. Economically, they should have very little actual industry in the islands, only barely living off fishing. They need us in order to do live more then fishermen.
Here's the thing, they physically can't. Having a lesser population, lesser industry, and the same culture, they would have no impetus for a revolt. Furthermore, why would they want to?

Culturally they're Roman and we are the Emperor. Economically, they should have very little actual industry in the islands, only barely living off fishing. They need us in order to do live more then fishermen.
I mean. Romans revolted and warred against each other all the time.
I hadn't realised that Puerto Rico has quit the USA's sphere, or that the Falklands are suddenly Argentinian.
Those are things that happened with massive colonial powers stepping down on a smaller islands while having massive technological advantages and enormous/advanced navies. Its perhaps not guaranteed that these guys will breakaway, but it'd also be weird to just assume the circumstances behind those two will be replicated exactly.
It's practically a tradition, but there really is no incentive in this instance.
Except this time, one side controls one island while the other an Empire. They have every incentive to integrate and get some supplies.

Edit: Story wise, I also bet the Captain was skating on very thin ice. He probably was barely keeping the people from mutinying with the promise of further expeditions to finding us, the actual Emperor (and Empire full of goods).
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Bermuda is too small for any desire of independence to really bear fruit. They will eventually be bottlenecked in development very quickly and will need to rely on us for a lot of goods, and for protection.
A New World: 1480

As trade begins to flow through the Seagate and into the bay, so do Elysian supply ships depart to the Amissae Mare and Creta Minor. The success of the shipwrecked survivors is rather remarkable, due in no small part to the skill of her captain managing to gently beach the ship without killing those on board. With all their lives owed to him and the vital role he played in the early days of creating a community, it is no surprise to you that the local assembly voted to elect him as their leader. Still, the addition of the newly declared Exarchate of Creta Minor is undoubtedly beneficial. Lathanopolis had created a stable and sustainable economy using fishing and other renewable industries, and the vast stores of precious metals the treasure ship carried sufficed to serve as legal tender. Now their economy will slowly integrate with that of Elysia, paying their own coinage as tribute and sending the old and debased Byzantine coins through the mint to emerge as the silver Elysian stavraton.

The naval tradition that the isolated island has understandably developed, as well as their distinct culture, mean that centralising administration of the island with the distant Elysian coast was not seen to be in the interest of anybody. Thus the Exarchate was established. It seems to be a time for accumulating vassals - the Piscataway have become a common sight in the workshops of New Constantinople. Chief Hothlepoya has proven himself earnest in his efforts to both bring his tribe to Christ and to assimilate Elysian culture. It will be a long time before they will be called Elysian in truth, and it may never happen, but it has not escaped your notice that the Chief is attempting to urbanise his people with Elysian technology and techniques. With the unfortunate death of General Diogenes this year, Chief Hothlepoya is probably the most tactically brilliant mind in New Constantinople's sphere of influence.

The establishment of trade and the influx of tribute has resulted in the redirection of imperial attention on the finances of the realm. On thing in particular that has caught your attention is the role of the church. In exchange for their vital role the church has been exempt from a great many taxes and requirements that would otherwise been of great benefit to the treasury. One of your financial advisors checking the census numbers has estimated that the abolition of a number of laws exempting the clergy would result in a gain of some 40 Hyperpyra in back-taxes. The laws cited do seem to be meant for a time rather different than today, when the presbyteroi had to maintain the great cathedrals and churches of old Byzantium.

Now that the matter has been raised you can't just make it go away. The money would certainly be welcome, and also damage the standing of the Church - the people prefer to imagine the priests are concerned only with their spiritual needs and not matters of taxation. On the other hand, letting it go would certainly preserve and strengthen the status quo.

[ ] Abolish the exemption. (+40 Hyperpyra, -5 Patriarch Authority)
[ ] Maintain the traditional exemptions. (+5 Patriarch Authority)

Ioannes IX Palaiologos
Second Emperor of Elysia
1452 -

Administrative Skill: 3 (30+30 Administrative Points per turn.)
Diplomatic Skill: 3 (30+30 Diplomatic Points per turn.)
Military Skill: 2 (30+20 Military Points per turn.)

Imperial Court: +10 Points in all categories.

Monarch Points
Administrative: 165
Diplomatic: 75
Military: 70


[ ] [150 Administrative] After our arrival a great number of craftsmen began to ply their trades to support our great effort. However in the decades since an informal cooperative structure has begun to formalise into guilds with restrictive rules designed to stifle competition outside their confines. While currently their punitive efforts are entirely informal, it is nonetheless strangling the new generation who wish to open workshops of their own. It's time to break the guilds and restructure the artisans to our benefit. (Unlocks sponsoring Workshops, increasing local production efficiency by +50%).

[ ] [100 Administrative] The great population boom is continuing as those who were born just after the Landing form families of their own. In addition to this, minor native tribes are beginning to if not integrate at least become a part of Elysian town life. With assistance from the census rolls and information from our scouts we can offer families tax incentives to settle the frontier, bringing more territory under Elysian control. (+Global Settler Increase)

[ ] [50 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)

[ ] [150 Diplomatic] The sea is a vital source of resources, whether from the fish that feeds many of the people to the silver that flows from the slow dance of trade across the waters. But it is not enough to merely expect the cities and towns to build docks and institutions that accrue sailors and skilled seamen. Docks and maintenance are required, government subsidies for ambitious merchants, accomodation of new shipbuilding techniques and requirements. (Unlocks the Docks building, which increases the number of sailors in the area by +50%. Unlocks The Grand Cothon project.)

[ ] [50 Diplomatic] Trading with Vinland would no doubt be a boon to our economy, allowing our artisans and tradesmen to work with materials that are only found in the frozen north - as well as providing the same to Vinlandic traders who lack goods that are made easily in Elysia. The increase in production and exchange of valuable items will no doubt increase the quantity of transactions and therefore the cut of the imperial treasury.

[ ] [150 Military] Currently the main limitation on the men we can field is population, but there is also the factor of distance and housing for those currently in-rotation for drill. By instituting a barrack system we could keep the soldiers in comfortable conditions while they train. More importantly, the system could be expanded across Elysian territory to begin training men locally, at which point those who are unable to travel regularly for training would be prepared for combat as well. (Unlocks the Barracks building, which increases manpower by +50%.)

[ ] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against a native tribe.

[ ] No Projects

Imperial Treasury

Income: 802
-Taxes: 350
-Production: 117
-Trade: 127

Expenses: -500
-Settlers: -200
-Army: -200
--Infantry: -160
--Cavalry: -40
-Court Stipend: -100
-Fortifications: 0

Balance: 302

Hyperpyra: 574

Treasury Projects

[ ] [200 Hyperpyra/-60 Expenses] It is well past time that New Constantinople was fortified. Even a simple stone wall surrounding the polis and the fields would vastly improve both the defensibility of the area against raids and provide a line of defense in the event of an attempt on the city. Of course maintenance is a factor required to keep those fortifications patrolled and in good repair.

[ ] [1000 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] While there are advantages to centralisation, the long distances and supplies required for the five-yearly census has undoubtedly caused people and valuable information to slip through the cracks. By establishing administrative offices in Nea Aleksandra, Methenai, Odessos, Alouion, and Ivos this will enable tighter control of those areas and local responses to tax dodging. (+10% Head Tax)

[ ] [200 Hyperpyra] [-30 Hyperpyra Expenses] Building trade vessels answering directly to the administration would allow the prioritisation of trade. Building five light vessels capable of filling their holds with Vinlandic goods could significantly increase profits.

[ ] No Treasury Projects

Stability: 1 (Good)
Patriarch Authority: 55/100
Development: 151

Pronoia Infantry: 8000 Men
Kataphraktoi: 1000 Men
Reserves: 9000 Men
Professionalism: 11/100

Elysian Bay
New Constantinople
Nea Aleksandra

Great Valley


Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Jan 28, 2019 at 8:21 AM
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Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Jan 28, 2019 at 8:22 AM, finished with 24 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation
    [X]Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation
    [X] Maintain the traditional exemptions. (+5 Patriarch Authority)
    [X] [100 Administrative] The great population boom is continuing as those who were born just after the Landing form families of their own. In addition to this, minor native tribes are beginning to if not integrate at least become a part of Elysian town life. With assistance from the census rolls and information from our scouts we can offer families tax incentives to settle the frontier, bringing more territory under Elysian control. (+Global Settler Increase)
    [X] [50 Diplomatic] Trading with Vinland would no doubt be a boon to our economy, allowing our artisans and tradesmen to work with materials that are only found in the frozen north - as well as providing the same to Vinlandic traders who lack goods that are made easily in Elysia. The increase in production and exchange of valuable items will no doubt increase the quantity of transactions and therefore the cut of the imperial treasury.
    [X] [200 Hyperpyra/-60 Expenses] It is well past time that New Constantinople was fortified. Even a simple stone wall surrounding the polis and the fields would vastly improve both the defensibility of the area against raids and provide a line of defense in the event of an attempt on the city. Of course maintenance is a factor required to keep those fortifications patrolled and in good repair.
    [X] [200 Hyperpyra] [-30 Hyperpyra Expenses] Building trade vessels answering directly to the administration would allow the prioritisation of trade. Building five light vessels capable of filling their holds with Vinlandic goods could significantly increase profits.
    [X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against a native tribe.
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So do we want global settler increase for more colonial expansions or do we want the tech?
There is a vast swath of unclaimed territory between us and the Cherokee and Catawba, so Settler.

[X]Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation
[X] Maintain the traditional exemptions. (+5 Patriarch Authority)
[X] [100 Administrative] The great population boom is continuing as those who were born just after the Landing form families of their own. In addition to this, minor native tribes are beginning to if not integrate at least become a part of Elysian town life. With assistance from the census rolls and information from our scouts we can offer families tax incentives to settle the frontier, bringing more territory under Elysian control. (+Global Settler Increase)
[X] [50 Diplomatic] Trading with Vinland would no doubt be a boon to our economy, allowing our artisans and tradesmen to work with materials that are only found in the frozen north - as well as providing the same to Vinlandic traders who lack goods that are made easily in Elysia. The increase in production and exchange of valuable items will no doubt increase the quantity of transactions and therefore the cut of the imperial treasury.
[X] [200 Hyperpyra/-60 Expenses] It is well past time that New Constantinople was fortified. Even a simple stone wall surrounding the polis and the fields would vastly improve both the defensibility of the area against raids and provide a line of defense in the event of an attempt on the city. Of course maintenance is a factor required to keep those fortifications patrolled and in good repair.
[X] [200 Hyperpyra] [-30 Hyperpyra Expenses] Building trade vessels answering directly to the administration would allow the prioritisation of trade. Building five light vessels capable of filling their holds with Vinlandic goods could significantly increase profits.
[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against a native tribe.

We have the money, so get those walls for defense and ships for even more money. Keep pumping the church authority for the cultural conversion, 40 Income isnt that important compared to that.