-[X] The Emperor does not make common cause with the barbaroi
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [400 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] Of the towns in Elysia, only one is developing the interest of the Emporoi. While the need for a formal marketplace in New Constantinople was obvious, Ivos would also benefit. Currently Northmen traders visit infrequently, but with centralised places to trade - one in New Constantinople and the other at the mouth of the Elysian bay - trade taxes will no doubt increase. (Marketplaces increase the influence of the provinces they are built in on local trade.)

No, hell no, and triple no, we are not giving them our technology, that's got to be the single most suicidal thing we could do; whose to say that those Craftsman will stay in the tribe? That they won't got to others tribe and propagate it for wathever reason?We are NOT doing this. Once the tech is out of our hand we have no control over it.
Agree, for now our armies are our walls.
The thing with fortifications is that its the main defense against tech leaks and it is a LOT cheaper than keeping our armies mobilized all the time. Locals have no siegecraft and are unlikely to learn it any time soon, so fortifications, even basic ones around all major settlements leaves our armies needing to patrol a relatively limited stretch rather than literally being ready in all directions
-[X] The Emperor does not make common cause with the barbaroi
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [400 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] Of the towns in Elysia, only one is developing the interest of the Emporoi. While the need for a formal marketplace in New Constantinople was obvious, Ivos would also benefit. Currently Northmen traders visit infrequently, but with centralised places to trade - one in New Constantinople and the other at the mouth of the Elysian bay - trade taxes will no doubt increase. (Marketplaces increase the influence of the provinces they are built in on local trade.)

You know what? Yeah that is true that the crafters will definitely move around and that makes our lives difficult
[X] Plan Protecorate
-[X] Chief Hothlepoya will have his terms.
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [400 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] Of the towns in Elysia, only one is developing the interest of the Emporoi. While the need for a formal marketplace in New Constantinople was obvious, Ivos would also benefit. Currently Northmen traders visit infrequently, but with centralised places to trade - one in New Constantinople and the other at the mouth of the Elysian bay - trade taxes will no doubt increase. (Marketplaces increase the influence of the provinces they are built in on local trade.)

We'll get the settler boost and trade with Vinland next turn.

I'm considering also immediately preparing for war against the Lenape so we can expand north, but we should give our new alliance a turn to settle before testing it like that.
Can you add a war for conquest immediately? It prevents the Federation from reacting fast enough to our new friends betrayal and gives our new friends the perfect opportunity to prove themselves.
[X] Plan Toughening Up Foundations
-[X] Chief Hothlepoya will have his terms.
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [200 Hyperpyra/-60 Expenses] It is well past time that New Constantinople was fortified. Even a simple stone wall surrounding the polis and the fields would vastly improve both the defensibility of the area against raids and provide a line of defense in the event of an attempt on the city. Of course maintenance is a factor required to keep those fortifications patrolled and in good repair.
Oh he allied with the Iroquois Confederacy. Don't fuck with him unless you want him to march on our city with a massive Iroquois military expedition.
-[X] The Emperor does not make common cause with the barbaroi
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [400 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] Of the towns in Elysia, only one is developing the interest of the Emporoi. While the need for a formal marketplace in New Constantinople was obvious, Ivos would also benefit. Currently Northmen traders visit infrequently, but with centralised places to trade - one in New Constantinople and the other at the mouth of the Elysian bay - trade taxes will no doubt increase. (Marketplaces increase the influence of the provinces they are built in on local trade.)
Huh, it appears the Chief has already surpassed our technology tech level. However, I doubt their progress will live pass him (which is why he wants to submit and gain our support for a full Westernization). Besides that, the deal doesn't really cost us anything. The land they hold is really inconsequential (and hard to take) and we weren't on planning on expanding North anytime soon. As such, it's a net positive from taking the deal.

However, can we have it in writing that he wouldn't spread the knowledge he would obtain from our craftsmen? That would basically seal the deal for me.

Edit: Furthermore, once the tribe Westernizes, they also get one colonist. They won't expand as fast due to their low population, but hey it's something. We can always integrate them in 2 to 3 generations, once we touch the Aztecs.
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[X] Plan Protecorate

Adopt him! Tie the families close, encourage intermarriage and they will be Greek sooner than later.
He would be very gratified by the offer, but he does have a tribal group of about ten thousand people to run.

Right, but can't we adopt him and then let him go off and run his tribal group? With various visits to the City as a way of getting to know his new "family"? I just think that it might be a great way to lay the groundwork for further integration and eventual annexation into an enlarged Roman Empire.

I know there's a few other people who also want to adopt him:

[X] Plan Protecorate
Adopt him! Tie the families close, encourage intermarriage and they will be Greek sooner than later.

[X] Plan Protecorate
Can you add a war for conquest immediately? It prevents the Federation from reacting fast enough to our new friends betrayal and gives our new friends the perfect opportunity to prove themselves.
I'm planning on doing that next turn. Making sure the deal goes down without a hitch is more important than maintaining the element of surprise, as with this move the neighboring tribes are honestly fucked. I can't see anything they could do in five years that will meaningfully impact us, so giving our new Protecorate time to convert and integrate seems more valuable.
I would also wait for our new vassals to give us a read on the political situation of the tribes around us and slightly beyond before we go conquering again.
It's the craftsmen I worry about. Once he's got some of his people trained to roman standards, he can disseminate the tech anyway he wants to. And we know he's got ties with the Iroquois. Even if they don't go to war with us preemptively, they're large and organized enough to cut us off from expansion into large parts of the continent if they start conquering neighbours, which would suck.

It'd be nice to push the Vinlanders into expanding down the Saint Lawrence River so they can check each other.
-[X] The Emperor does not make common cause with the barbaroi
-[X] [150 Diplomatic] The barter economy has left its mark on Elysia. People are so used to bartering with promises of future goods and favors like animals and crops that this has persisted, even with coinage available. It will take concerted effort to stamp the practice out and render all transactions taxable, but it must be done.
-[X] [400 Hyperpyra] [Elysian Bay] Of the towns in Elysia, only one is developing the interest of the Emporoi. While the need for a formal marketplace in New Constantinople was obvious, Ivos would also benefit. Currently Northmen traders visit infrequently, but with centralised places to trade - one in New Constantinople and the other at the mouth of the Elysian bay - trade taxes will no doubt increase. (Marketplaces increase the influence of the provinces they are built in on local trade.)
It's the craftsmen I worry about. Once he's got some of his people trained to roman standards, he can disseminate the tech anyway he wants to. And we know he's got ties with the Iroquois. Even if they don't go to war with us preemptively, they're large and organized enough to cut us off from expansion into large parts of the continent if they start conquering neighbours, which would suck.
At the same time taking this deal with him is probably our easiest way to gain information on the IC's territorial extend and movements. Otherwise, the other method is literally to a repeat of Rome and Persia. Conquering all the buffer states in between us and now you have two big Expansionists Empires staring each other down and getting into a drag down fight.