[X] No, our command structure must be based on skill and veterancy. (+1 Stability)

because cav in eu4 is almost completely useless, also preventing the nobles from getting any power is also good.
because cav in eu4 is almost completely useless, also preventing the nobles from getting any power is also good.

Pretty sure Sayle is going to go with reality rather than EU4 for issues like this.

[x] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
[x] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

10% Cav is good when everyone else doesn't have such cav at all.
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[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

Heavy cavalry will be a huge advantage for us.
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
[x] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
[X] No, our command structure must be based on skill and veterancy. (+1 Stability)

It's a bit meta yes but. The arquebus is being adopted by Spain as we speak. The Tercio is around the corner. Europe is about to start modernizing its military and then never really stop doing so...

And they will come here. Human curiosity will only be staved off by a dead king for so long.
[x] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
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I don't want to completely alienate the dynatoi, what with stripping away their rights already.
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

Because heavy horse is really effective against the natives. Furthermore, horses will still provide a battlefield role up to world war 2. It also gives the nobles a "release" valve, and provide us a useful nobility (much like the Prussian ones).

Edit: It also incentives the nobility to "prove themselves". War will weed out of their weak members and social intertia will do the rest.
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It's a bit meta yes but. The arquebus is being adopted by Spain as we speak. The Tercio is around the corner. Europe is about to start modernizing its military and then never really stop doing so...
That's not going to make heavy cavalry useless for a long, long time, and it will certainly never not be effective against the natives.
[X] No, our command structure must be based on skill and veterancy. (+1 Stability)
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Jan 27, 2019 at 10:21 AM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

Cavalry are the biggest advantage we have against the Natives (at least until metalurgy improves) and the elite shock troops would fare even better.
Furthermore, such a role will eventually evolve into a light horse role. As such it provides a good foundation for integrating the nobility to a new modern military (all the while allowing the nobility to whip themselves into shape).
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

The Cataphracts are PRETTY valuable on the American plains I think
[x] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)

The Cataphracts are PRETTY valuable on the American plains I think
They should also do remarkably well against the Varangians and Native American Empires.

When the time comes, I fully expect us to simply outnumber our European counterparts and be able to outflank them with our cavalry.
[X] Commanders are most useful on the front and alive - the kataphraktoi ride again. (+10% Cavalry Combat Strength)
Commanders to the front!

Looking forward to to cav charging natives and euro intolopers for centuries to come.