Dustland Ronin [Kenshi][Reign 2e]

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Kenshi is a game about going from a nobody to a powerful figure, or dying, which may be a result of bandits, cannibals, flesh eating monsters, slavery, or one of the many other things in this vicious deathworld.

Note that this will be more forgiving than the actual Kenshi is since you will actually be starting out with some stats and skills rather than being a useless fuck, although that's not saying much.

Also, while i can't promise anyone there will be any sex, if it does happen it'll be spoilered. Even if that doesn't happen, there will be a lot of content that will justify that mature content label.
Character Creation

Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer

View: https://youtu.be/DUXNorZWQiI

Many years ago, this land was under the rule of Emperor Catlon and his legion of skeleton warriors, beings of steel bodies and iron wills. This was the age of the Second Empire. However, as his time passed, so did his sanity wane. After rebellion and many years of strife, his empire fell and he receded into the Ashlands, never to be seen.

This world is harsh; between the isolationist Shek kingdoms, the zealous Holy Nation, the corrupt United Cities, and many other dangers throughout, this land is hostile to its inhabitants. You are no different; a hungry wanderer, with just a thousand caps, an iron rod, and ragged clothing to your name. Still, there is hope for you yet: may you survive, you shall find glory…

But, then, who are you?

[] Human
-[] Greenlander
-[] Scorchlander
[] Hiver
-[] Worker
-[] Prince
-[] Soldier
[] Shek
[] Skeleton

Gender (if Human or Shek):
[] Male
[] Female

[] Wanderer (no Affiliations)
[] United Cities
[] Machinists
[] Shek Kingdom (Shek only)
[] Holy Nation (Greenlander male only)
[] Anti-Slavers
[] Trade Ninjas
[] Flotsam Ninjas
[] Other [WRITE-IN]
Ok I am very interested in seeing how this goes given the insane things you can up to in that game, its almost a shame to even have a starting faction.
Ok I am very interested in seeing how this goes given the insane things you can up to in that game, its almost a shame to even have a starting faction.
I'm just including it to give players an option to be part of something beforehand. It is by no means necessary, so if you want to start factionless you can choose the Wanderer for a more classic Kenshi experience.
I know next to nothing about this game and it's setting, but this seems interesting!
I know next to nothing about this game and it's setting, but this seems interesting!
Okay, so here's a brief over view:
Humans-Greenlanders and Scorchlanders
Greenlanders are just human basic, good at agriculture and generally found everywhere. They look like normal humans. Scorchlanders, on the other hand, are basically human Drow but not evil, with the only biological difference being that they can digest raw meat. Culturally, they are free-spirited alcoholics and good at weaponsmithing.
Hivers-Princes, Workers, and Soldiers

As you might guess, Hivers are bug people with a caste system. With the exception of the soldier, however, they are much more physically frail. They also can't equip all the same stuff as humans, such as helmets or shoes. Princes act as administrators and are generally more intelligent, while Workers are good at manual labor and Soldiers are good at fighting. They also are immune to acid, allowing them to survive in the jungles of Vain.

Shek are essentially horny grey Klingons with scales, being honorable warriors who will fight to the death that have greater than human strength and are more able to take damage. The "honorable warrior" thing is may be because they were originally created to act as enforcers for the Second Empire before its fall.

Skeletons are humanoid robots, which is both an incredible strength and a terrible weakness, since while they are by far the most physically durable species, they also cannot be healed without repair kits or special skeleton beds, both of which are expensive. They also may or may not be responsible for the world having become what it is.
As a rule, I'll be comparing each faction to a Fallout faction which is similar, with notable differences mentioned.
United Cities

The United Cities are essentially the NCR but with more slavery and less democracy, being ruled by a circle of nobles. They are home to various trading guilds and employ samurai warriors to enforce their will. Their only virtue is that they do not discriminate against you based on what species you are; only if you are poor, in which case they will arrest and enslave you.

Holy Nation

If the United Cities are the NCR, the Holy Nation are Ceasar's Legion, with the main difference being that they are themed around crusaders rather than Romans. They are also, notably, very religious, believing in their god Okran, the lord of light. Their belief system is not only bigoted against non-humans and technology, but also incredibly misogynistic, viewing women as created in the image of Narko, who is stated to be the opposite of Okran as their name would imply. They also use heavy amounts of slave labor, which they belief will "redeem" the impure.

Shek Kingdom

The Shek are similar to Super Mutants post-Fallout 1, as they are clearly in a state of decline but hold on to delusions of past grandeur. While they aren't too friendly to outsiders and non-Shek are looked down on, they allow anyone to do business with them and won't outright attack someone for being different if they're just walking through. However, if someone sets up shop within 1500 meters of a Shek settlement, they will demand food as tribute.

(Don't actually have a logo, unfortunately)
The Machinists are, in some ways, the closest thing to a purely "good" faction, being dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. However, they generally avoid conflict and keep to their own pursuits of technology and history. They can be seen as a mixture between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse. They also have the Tech Hunters, who venture into ancient research facilities inhabited by giant robot spiders.
[X] Aiko Suzuki
[X] Human
-[X] Greenlander
Gender (if Human or Shek):
[X] Female
[X] Wanderer (no Affiliations)
[X] Messiah
[X] Skeleton
[X] Wanderer (no Affiliations)

I do hope we get big enough to do some shenanigans... though this does make me wonder.

If we get a faction big enough and die will that just end the game or would we be able to start a I new one with the old faction as an NPC.
[X] Laborer
[X] Hiver
-[X] Worker
[X] Wanderer

We barely have a name, we aren't really built for combat and we're a stranger in a big, big world. Alright then, lets make our mark on the world.