Dungeon Meshi aka Delicious in Dungeon (Anime Thread)

Except it actually reveals information that Laios himself confirms, that Falin herself may have extra organs or no relevant organs in her human torso.

Even in failure, the dungeon divers learned something and that's just neat. I can see this being applied in an RPG session where, just as an example, one of the PCs slices a zombie's head off but turns out the magic is too strong or something like that.

So yes the Writing is so fucken Good, yes. But thinking about your post (also some art I've seen) & a couple others made me think some wider takes I've that I don't agree with totally giving em more thought.

So Kabru being PvP and Laios Being PvE is one I agreed with earlier on but re-going through the anime it's one I've come to disagree with, if slightly. I do think Kabru is much better suited to fighting humans rather than monsters but I am not sure Laios would be bad at fighting humans( given his training as a soldier) but I think the thing that really killed this comparison is reading the extras on him. See while he dose fine at combat the true place that lad shines is the social game. Put him in the political thriller, or perhaps a high Society type shenanigans, and he takes to a water like fish.

The other one I have changed my stance on is Marcelle and Falin being together by which I mean I don't think Marcelle knows she's like in love with Falin. Witch I partly think the succubus
chapter reinforces, plus my reading of bi Marcille, . I think it fits really well plus, I think it fits really well with how most of the other relationships (like the general meaning of the word, instead of shipping meaning) are "messy" in a pretty darn realistic way.

The other one is much newer ( being about a week old) but I think is best summarized by this post
[URL unfurl="true" media="twitter:1784937301346328880"]https://twitter.com/bomdiaetal/status/1784937301346328880?s=46&t=zvm3Lhg_WokSyrl9yUy3jA[/URL]

Look, it's just Kabru's essential nature to get iced by a monster. It's his karma.
It's the Karma for his monster raceism ( only kind of joking)
I would definitely agree that Kabru's true skill and passion is social stuff rather than fighting, but I would say that with him social stuff is also PvP.