Malitar & Sabrina Prya


Undisputed King of the Dinosaurs
As of 3/19/2017 11:55AM MTZ all slots have been filled

Dragon Crest IC


Thousands of years ago Eight Dragons fought for dominance over the world with little to no regard for the destruction they caused and the humans that possibly got caught in the crossfire. Their conflict nearly drove the human race into extinction, until a young mage from a sisterhood of monks rose up to speak to them. She urged them to hold their conflict so that man cold restore them selves, naturally the dragons were reluctant but the girl proposed a deal to them. She would seal them away in separate realms to restore them selves every 200 years while the human race has a chance to rebuild their homes and raise their numbers. In exchange after 200 years have passed, humans will free them and aid their cause to fight for and obtain a powerful relic... The holy sword Excalibur, which will grant the winners of this "Dragon War" EACH a single wish as well as the right to rule the world until the end of the human's life span. The Dragons accepted the terms, and since then the human race was able to prosper and grow more efficiently while the dragons where able to continue their conflict. The time for the Next Dragon War is close at hand? Who will win the Holy sword?


"Dragon Crest" takes place int the modern Future, in a world where Magic and science simultaneously exist. 200 years have passed since the last Dragon war, meaning it is time for the next one to take place. You the player will be on a quest to obtain the Holy sword in order to fulfill your great wish or desire, what ever it may be. However, no one said this task would be easy. Fight your way through seven other competitors, claim the sword with your partner, And rule over the earth for as long as time will demand it.


1. You can and MUST have two characters, one human and one dragon. No exceptions.
2. You CANNOT control the same human who controls your dragon. I.E, you can not have The Fire Dragon as well as their summoner. its either one or the other.
3. Each dragon requires a tribute to be summoned, no two dragons have the same tribute.
4. Dragons, DO NOT GOD MOD! you may be powerful but you are NOT invincible
5. If a Human dies, their dragon automatically loses the fight. And Vise versa.
6. ADULT LANGUAGE WILL BE USED! If you do not like it get the fuck out.
7. Grammar is a thing, please use it. I am not a grammar Nazi but I am sure some of you are.
8. Respect others, attack their CHARACTERS not them.
9. A human can only use their crest to forcibly order their dragon 5 times. DO NOT MISTAKE THIS FOR TAKING OVER CHARACTERS!
10. All dragons have "Self transfiguration magic"... in short they all have a human form. A dragon dose have the tenancy to stick out these days after all, So best to have a way to disguise your self from the "Non-players"
11. The mage from the sisterhood long ago is still alive (she is immortal) an is under my control, as an NPC. Do not mistake her as an actual player of the game.
12. I am the GM, my word is law.
13. Your dragon only gets ONE element
14. Have fun.
15. To assure you read ALL the rules leave the phrase "Great Dragon, I summon you!" at the end of your human CS.
16. Dragons can speak any human language, but for their own tongue use This translator to rewrite what you want to say in their language. ONLY DRAGONS (and the mage from the sisterhood) CAN SPEAK THE DRAGON LANGUAGE
17. Dragons have all kinds of magic that is affiliated to their element. For example the Darkness dragon has shadow manipulation and necromatic powers while the Light dragon has light powers and poison immunity.
18. You may have control over any number of NPC's, just be sure to keep track of them all.

Tribute for each Dragon

Fire- Anything flammable
Water- Something from the ocean
Air- Feathers from rare birds
Earth- Metal
Nature- Flowers
Ice- purified frozen water
Light- Something precious to the summoner
Darkness- A sacrifice (this can be a human or animal)

Current Cast


Fire- @Sablonus as Ancalagon
Water- @Laplace as Rahav
Earth- @chocolote12 as Ferrum
Air- @Esarey as Vieldrynur
Nature- @Theaxofwar as Yggdrasil
Ice- @TheFanficAddict as Frosntur
Light- @munchkinomatic as Solaris
Darkness- @TyranntX as Malitaar


Fire- @Theaxofwar as Amber Smith
Water- @TheFanficAddict as Mei Ling
Air- @Sablonus as William Oliver Dundee
Earth- @Esarey as Richard Dupree
Nature-@munchkinomatic as Izumi Nori
Ice- @Laplace as Timothy Feng
Light- @TyranntX as Sabrina Prya
Darkness- @chocolote12 as Chrysanthemum

Character Sheets:


[Image] (optional)

Name: (Obvious what goes here)
Title(s): (what is your dragon known by through out history?)
Gender: (M or F)
Element: (What is your dragon's Element?)
Age: (How old is your dragon? There is a MINIMUM of 10,000 years)
Crest: (Put a link to an image here for what the dragon crest looks like, this WILL be imprinted on your summoner's hand)
Dreago-skill: (What is your dragon's Super power? This can only be used three times per fight)
Dreago-soul: (What is your dragon's ULTIMATE power? this can only used once per fight) (Note: this should be a game changing power, either used to turn the tide or "Cheat Defeat")
Bio: (Back story here)
Other: (Extra information here [optional])


[Image] (optional)

Name: (Obvious)
Age: (How old are you, No younger than 16)
Gender: (M or F)
Nationality: (where are you from?)
Element: (what Dragon did they Summon?)
Status: (what are you in the world? A Celebrity? A Student? Something else?)
Bio: (Backstory here)
Other: (Extra Information here [Optional])

My Characters:

"zofaas lund do jul fen neh viir wah ofanjiik zey."
"The fearful nature of humans will never cease to entertain me."

Name: Malitaar

Title(s): Saurus-Bane, The 1000 Dragon, suldaan mel

Gender: M

Element: Darkness

Age: approx. 75,000 K


Dreago-skill: Dragon Necromancy. Malitaar can summon a skeletal dragon to fight by his side
Dreago-soul: Reincarnate. when his body is destroyed, Malitaar's soul manifests it's self into a new one.

Bio: Chaos, torment, fear, hysteria, destruction, all this and more is what Malitaar strives for in this world. Never once has he the victor of the dragon war, but this time he is not going to pull any punches. Malitaar is a master of all sorts of dark magic and necromancy, conjuring vast armies of undead soldiers of past conflicts of human strife. But his most intriguing skill is his "Reincarnate" ability... to take on a new form after his current one has been vanquished. This has lead him to be quite the formidable foe in the past and even now makes him a dangerous adversary.

Other: Malitar is the ONLY dragon who has never won a dragon war, and he is determined to win this one.

"Dragon of Light, Please help grant my wish"

Name: Sabrina Prya

Age: 17

Gender: F

Nationality: Paris, France

Element: Light

Status: Art Student

Bio: Several weeks ago, Sabrina lost her mother to the blade of a serial killer. It broke her heart to see her go and even now she is stricken with grief. But when she found out about his "Dragon War" she needles to say switched her focused from art to magic to summon a dragon to help get the sword and grand her the wish to restore the life of her now late mother. The Dragon of Light was a being that she felt was the correct one to help her, So she Decided to find the most precious thing she had to offer... A locket Given to her by her mother when she was little. But The question remains, Will she and the light dragon be able to help her restore her mother?

"Great Dragon, I summon you!"
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Hm.. very interesting!

It's been a few minutes, so assuming we can post now, i'll continue to watch this!

I'm a bit busy, but I might be able to handle another RP.

Nice touch with the Dovah Language.

I might do the Fire Dragon.. and the Air or Earth Summoner perhaps?

Ah, by the way..

Welcome to SV.
Hm.. very interesting!

It's been a few minutes, so assuming we can post now, i'll continue to watch this!

I'm a bit busy, but I might be able to handle another RP.

Nice touch with the Dovah Language.

I might do the Fire Dragon.. and the Air or Earth Summoner perhaps?

Ah, by the way..

Welcome to SV.

Alright I reserved them for you in the mean time, Welcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest. (And for the welcome :))
I'm interested in the nature dragon I think, because we all know that in Skyrim, bears kill dragons, and these dragons speak Dovah. Also, perhaps the Fire summoner? Only partially because I know me and Sablonus are in similar time zones:).
I'm interested in the nature dragon I think, because we all know that in Skyrim, bears kill dragons, and these dragons speak Dovah. Also, perhaps the Fire summoner? Only partially because I know me and Sablonus are in similar time zones:).

Okay, they have been reserved for you. Welcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest. I look forward in seeing your characters
I just realized something. If we control a dragon and a summoner, and we are all fighting, what happens if we end up in a fight with ourselves? Also, do the dragons have powers besides the two we mention, and if so, what are they?
What tone of story are we aiming for here? Serious? Funny? Crack?

Pretty Serious, After all these dragons have been fighting for over 1000 years

it's actually spelled ax, not axe. If you want to tag me, it's @Theaxofwar. It's a common mistake, and honestly I'm not sure why I always spell it that way on everything, but that's why the tag isn't showing. :D

Okay, fixed it, should be showing up now
I'm interested. Would have love to play the Dragon of Darkness and spend the entire game ribbing my summoner for being an Edgelord for summoning me, but oh well.
Maybe Dragon of Light and a Fire summoner
Name: Yggdrasil
Title(s): King of the Forest, Guardian of Life, Lot Feykro (Great Forest)
Gender: Male
Element: Nature
Age: 1,000,000,000
Dreago-skill: Yggdrasil's Blessings. Sometimes, Yggdrasil needs some protection from enemies. Thankfully, he is not alone. In fact, Yggdrasil is an entire functioning ecosystem and, if attacked, he is able to rapidly use his power to grant them incredible abilities to deal with attackers. He can make all the creatures in his ecosystem either strong enough to easily tear through steel plates, durable enough to take sniper rounds without flinching, or fast enough to keep pace with cars. He can give the same boosts to his summoner. However, he can only grant them one such ability at a time, and it is a blanket buff to all his creatures, so he can' give some one ability and others a different one.

Dreago-soul: The World Tree. While the legend of the tree Yggdrasil supporting the entire world is exaggerated, it stems from truth. In fact, this dragon is immense because he is essentially his own functioning ecosystem, come to life. If he is in immense danger, he can actually lay that ecosystem down into a normal Jungle, one about as large as the Amazon Rain Forest. While separated out like that, he is immensely weakened, and can only truly act through the individual plants and animals within the forest. However, it is incredibly useful for surviving a truly difficult fight, as if even one organism survives, it can recreate itself. However, the size and power Yggdrasil possesses after reforming depends on how much of it is left. For example, if only one fox survived and reformed, he would only be about as big as a Fox, and if he then tried to divide again, he would only truly make up a couple saplings around a puddle or something like that. Overtime however, Yggdrasil can regrow and, using his Nature Magic, it would only take him about a week to reach the size of most dragons, though it would take months to reach the size it possessed at the start of the war.

Bio: Yggdrasil has always fought for the planet. He cares deeply for the land and wishes to keep nature protected from all who would harm it. During the first war, he had been big enough that his jungle would have encompassed an eighth of the world, and humans who saw him though that he must have been big enough o hold up the sky. In his fighting with the other seven dragons however, he eventually lost sight of his original goal to protect nature, and so was the first dragon to agree to the young mages proposal.

He actually won the first few wars, as he expanded his size and eventually grew to encompass the earth. However, eventually the other dragons, realizing none of them would be able to defeat him in his current state, formed an alliance and destroyed most of his jungle. While he managed to escape alive, he was left at about the size of a bear, and him and his master were soon defeated.

Ever since then, his size has risen and fallen, but he has never managed to reach his original size. In fact, while he is currently massive enough that a human standing on the ground could not even see his head, he is still a shadow of what he once was.

This war, Yggdrasil is determined to win the war for nature, no matter what. (And perhaps smack some sense into the humans while he is at it. Seriously, they really need to stop with the global warming.)

Other: At the start of the war, Yggdrasil is about the size of an extremely large mountain. His size may even rival that of Everest. However, he has his own separate ecosystem, and even at the very top of his body, it is a comfortable temperature.

I want to ask more questions and make sure that this is allowed before I write a Bio, so what do you think so far? The idea is that he is extremely large and hard to kill, but he doesn't really have much in the way of offence other then the treants. I mean, his nature magic is more focused around healing, increasing the speed of growth, minor climate control, the ability to sense life, and controlling animals, which, while useful, aren't really the best against zombie dragons and the like. Even so, I worry I may have made him to powerful, so please tell me if I did so and I can tone it down a bit. Also, for the questions, what would happen if one of the dragons dies in the previous war? Would they stay dead, or just be sent back to their realms?
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Name: Yggdrasil
Title(s): King of the Forest, Guardian of Life, Lot Feykro (Great Forest)
Gender: Male
Element: Nature
Age: 100,000 K
Dreago-skill: Guardians of Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil doesn't just look like a Jungle, he is one. On his back live a large number of tree-like creatures called treants, each as tall as a full grown tree, and if attacked, he can have a group of five of these attack his opponent. These treants are each very powerful, if only because of their size, but are even more dangerous when working in a group.
Dreago-soul: The World Tree. While the legend of the tree Yggdrasil supporting the entire world is exaggerated, it stems from truth. In fact, this dragon is immense because he is essentially his own functioning ecosystem, come to life. If he is in immense danger, he can actually lay that ecosystem down into a normal Jungle, one about as large as the Amazon Rain Forest. While separated out like that, he is immensely weakened, and can only truly act through the individual plants and animals within the forest. However, it is incredibly useful for surviving a truly difficult fight, as if even one organism survives, it can recreate itself. However, the size and power Yggdrasil possesses after reforming depends on how much of it is left. For example, if only one fox survived and reformed, he would only be about as big as a Fox, and if he then tried to divide again, he would only truly make up a couple saplings around a puddle or something like that. Overtime however, Yggdrasil can regrow and, using his Nature Magic, it would only take him about a week to reach the size of most dragons, though it would take months to reach the size it possessed at the start of the war.
Bio: WiP
Other: At the start of the war, Yggdrasil is about the size of an extremely large mountain. His size may even rival that of Everest. However, he has his own separate ecosystem, and even at the very top of his body, it is a comfortable temperature.

I want to ask more questions and make sure that this is allowed before I write a Bio, so what do you think so far? The idea is that he is extremely large and hard to kill, but he doesn't really have much in the way of offence other then the treants. I mean, his nature magic is more focused around healing, increasing the speed of growth, minor climate control, the ability to sense life, and controlling animals, which, while useful, aren't really the best against zombie dragons and the like. Even so, I worry I may have made him to powerful, so please tell me if I did so and I can tone it down a bit. Also, for the questions, what would happen if one of the dragons dies in the previous war? Would they stay dead, or just be sent back to their realms?
The thing is, the Dragon of darkness is only around 70,000 years old.

Should nature be older than Darkness and Light? I thought that all other dragons should be a bit younger than those 2, and the Light should either be younger or the same age as Darkness.
The thing is, the Dragon of darkness is only around 70,000 years old.

Should nature be older than Darkness and Light? I thought that all other dragons should be a bit younger than those 2, and the Light should either be younger or the same age as Darkness.
I made him REALLY old because of his frankly ridiculous size. Besides, I don't think these 8 are the personification of their respective elements as much as the strongest of their species, though I may have misunderstood. it isn't really explained. Tyrannt?
Crap, I forgot to tag you, @TyranntX. Also, @munchkinomatic, I already called the fire summoner. Though that reminds me, Tyrannt, what happens if our dragon ends up fighting our summoner? It seems like an issue that will definitely come up
The thing is, the Dragon of darkness is only around 70,000 years old.

Should nature be older than Darkness and Light? I thought that all other dragons should be a bit younger than those 2, and the Light should either be younger or the same age as Darkness.
Over 70,000,000, notice how one of his titles is "Saurus Bane": ;) I never said any dragons had to be older/younger than others. Just that they had to be older than 10,000 years.

I'm interested. Would have love to play the Dragon of Darkness and spend the entire game ribbing my summoner for being an Edgelord for summoning me, but oh well.
Maybe Dragon of Light and a Fire summoner
Fire Summoner has been Claimed, but I just reserved light Dragon for you. Thank you for showing your interest and welcome to the game :)

I made him REALLY old because of his frankly ridiculous size. Besides, I don't think these 8 are the personification of their respective elements as much as the strongest of their species, though I may have misunderstood. it isn't really explained. Tyrannt?

Crap, I forgot to tag you, @TyranntX. Also, @munchkinomatic, I already called the fire summoner. Though that reminds me, Tyrannt, what happens if our dragon ends up fighting our summoner? It seems like an issue that will definitely come up

This is part of the reason why I made it so players cannot have the same dragon and summoner, to ensure conflict. But this is indeed a good question, I am going to have it so whenever two dragons are about to fight (be it just a dual or to the death) that they will negotiate the outcome with me to oversee it to ensure things are fair and that no arguments take place and we have to wait forever for a fight to take place. I'll also be looking into a Co-mod once we get our full cast.
Over 70,000,000, notice how one of his titles is "Saurus Bane": ;) I never said any dragons had to be older/younger than others. Just that they had to be older than 10,000 years.

Fire Summoner has been Claimed, but I just reserved light Dragon for you. Thank you for showing your interest and welcome to the game :)

This is part of the reason why I made it so players cannot have the same dragon and summoner, to ensure conflict. But this is indeed a good question, I am going to have it so whenever two dragons are about to fight (be it just a dual or to the death) that they will negotiate the outcome with me to oversee it to ensure things are fair and that no arguments take place and we have to wait forever for a fight to take place. I'll also be looking into a Co-mod once we get our full cast.
And is my sheet okay? Also, what happens if one of the dragons die during the war? Are they dead permanently, or just sent back to their separate realms?
And is my sheet okay? Also, what happens if one of the dragons die during the war? Are they dead permanently, or just sent back to their separate realms?

They are sent back to their realms, and are unable to return until the next dragon war, However do not think that your summoner would be rendered useless afterwards, they may be able to play a big part in the end.

As for your Dragon character, I am liking what I see. Especially your Dreago Soul, really fits with the nature of.... Well a nature dragon
As for your Dragon character, I am liking what I see. Especially your Dreago Soul, really fits with the nature of.... Well a nature dragon
Why thank you :)
I'm sorry for barraging you with questions like this, but how exactly does magic work for both humans and dragons in this? For example, do the dragons have access to magic other then their Dreago powers? For example, can a Nature dragon use magic to do the things I listed in the other section, and what type of things can humans do?
And so the nature dragon summoner is left sad and unloved:cry:
Why thank you :)
I'm sorry for barraging you with questions like this, but how exactly does magic work for both humans and dragons in this? For example, do the dragons have access to magic other then their Dreago powers? For example, can a Nature dragon use magic to do the things I listed in the other section, and what type of things can humans do?

Actually, Yes Dragons CAN use magic outside from their two major skills. For example, My dragon is a master of necromancy and illusion magic.. along with various other dark powers that would be deemed relevant. As a nature Dragon, life is giving is one of your greatest skills. so that's a yes on that front. And as for human magic, that's up to the creator of the character.. just know they will not be on par with some one like the Sister from the mage circle and no where NEAR on par with a dragon.

Is this just to fill out the cast faster, or do you have some weird meta-reason? And does this rule require that the human also be a summoner?
Primarily the former. since the cast is so small I figured this would be the best option. In addition, I didn't want players just to hog the dragon roles and leave other people interested left with "Human Scraps". This way people get the best of both worlds. and yes their main human must be a summoner. However. players can play as many NPCs as they wish IF they can keep track of them all.

I have an interest in this, currently I'm considering the wind dragon and perhaps the earth summoner.

Okay I'll reserve them for you, Welcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest :)

(Geez being GM is tough sometimes, all this responding Lol)
Do you mean life giving? What does that mean exactly? And I'll probably try to write up a list of things he can do with magic in a pm ( don't want to give all my tricks away :p) as well as change Guardians of Yggdrasil to something a bit more interesting.