
He could be preparing that blast as an Oozaru right now and in that case it would be strong enough to damage the Tree of Might at its current stage. As he was now?

Vegeta would be lucky if he could scrape some bark off.

"You have no idea how important it is." Turles responded, floating closer to the ground. Red began pouring off of him in a burning aura, as he apparently prepared to defend it. "Feel free to give it your best blast. But you're not going to damage it."
"Ever the idiot Turles. Garlick Gun FIRE!!!" the Prince announced, summoning up his power to direct the blast forwards, the tree, expanding in size as it engulfed all it its path and more importantly, those weaklings hiding among the branches.

@The Fourth Monado
"Ever the idiot Turles. Garlick Gun FIRE!!!" the Prince announced, summoning up his power to direct the blast forwards, the tree, expanding in size as it engulfed all it its path and more importantly, those weaklings hiding among the branches.

@The Fourth Monado
The energy seared forward, hammering into the trunk of the tree... and splashing off of the bark like so much water.

Above, behind several branches, you hear Saibamen cackling at you.
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"Ever the idiot Turles. Garlick Gun FIRE!!!" the Prince announced, summoning up his power to direct the blast forwards, the tree, expanding in size as it engulfed all it its path and more importantly, those weaklings hiding among the branches.

@The Fourth Monado

Putting in a burst of speed, Turles darted to the side, bursting around the blast that Vegeta was aiming at the tree, and flying towards the saiyan Prince currently caught up in shooting at the tree. That wide blast...

'Oh. That's what he's trying to do.'

Well, it wasn't like was losing anything important even if the saibamen were dumb enough to be out in the open.

Turles slammed towards the back of the saiyan prince, taking advantage of that distraction to start pummeling him with direct punches and kicks.
The energy seared forward, hammering into the trunk of the tree... and splashing off of the bark like so much water.

Above, behind several branches, you hear Saibamen cackling at you.
As the dust swirled around them, stirred up by the blast, Vegeta's smirk took on a cruel edge.

"Found you."

Putting in a burst of speed, Turles darted to the side, bursting around the blast that Vegeta was aiming at the tree, and flying towards the saiyan Prince currently caught up in shooting at the tree. That wide blast...

'Oh. That's what he's trying to do.'

Well, it wasn't like was losing anything important even if the saibamen were dumb enough to be out in the open.

Turles slammed towards the back of the saiyan prince, taking advantage of that distraction to start pummeling him with direct punches and kicks.
Vegeta fell back under the assault, flying upwards into the tree's branches where his size gave him a better advantage.

"Attacking whilst my back is turned Turles? How unlike you to take the cowards way out?" He taunted as he entered the maze of branches.
Vegeta fell back under the assault, flying upwards into the tree's branches where his size gave him a better advantage.

"Attacking whilst my back is turned Turles? How unlike you to take the cowards way out?" He taunted as he entered the maze of branches.

Turles didn't verbally respond. The gloating stage was over. Let Vegeta taunt him

Now was time to focus on the fight, not his words. Vegeta clearly wanted to get rid of the saibamen early. Perhaps he thought they were there to actually try and attack him.

And trying to go into the thicker parts to avoid him. How cute. It wasn't filled with brambles, though if he found a sufficiently tight spot it might be annoying. But choosing to go through the places Vegeta could easily fit through that Turles couldn't would cut down the Prince's options on how to dodge considerably.

Turles followed right after him, staying on the Prince's tail. He had the speed advantage, and the size difference wasn't that extreme.

'The basic fingertip beam and Sudden Storm are well suited for this environment; Kill Driver and Calamity Blaster are hindered.'

Launching a Finger Beam into the Princes flight path, Turles attempted to cut him off to force the Prince into hand-to-hand, now with the Prince's own strategy having cut off both their avenues of escape.
Turles didn't verbally respond. The gloating stage was over. Let Vegeta taunt him

Now was time to focus on the fight, not his words. Vegeta clearly wanted to get rid of the saibamen early. Perhaps he thought they were there to actually try and attack him.

And trying to go into the thicker parts to avoid him. How cute. It wasn't filled with brambles, though if he found a sufficiently tight spot it might be annoying. But choosing to go through the places Vegeta could easily fit through that Turles couldn't would cut down the Prince's options on how to dodge considerably.

Turles followed right after him, staying on the Prince's tail. He had the speed advantage, and the size difference wasn't that extreme.

'The basic fingertip beam and Sudden Storm are well suited for this environment; Kill Driver and Calamity Blaster are hindered.'

Launching a Finger Beam into the Princes flight path, Turles attempted to cut him off to force the Prince into hand-to-hand, now with the Prince's own strategy having cut off both their avenues of escape.
Vegeta bobbed and weaved through the branches, taking sudden sharp turns around hidden corners as he led Turles on a chase.

"Did you bother training at all once you boosted your power level with this tree, or did you think raw power was all that mattered? I have to say though Turles. I must thank you for giving me the opportunity to test out my theory. You are slower than Zarbon and you hit weaker than Dodoria. How could someone as pathetic as you think about confronting me with stolen strength?"

There might be no escape for the Prince, but he was suicidally stubborn enough to consider that a benefit to his plan he considered, drawing on more Ki as he nimbly threaded a path.
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Vegeta bobbed and weaved through the branches, taking sudden sharp turns around hidden corners as he led Turles on a chase.

"Did you bother training at all once you boosted your power level with this tree, or did you think raw power was all that mattered? I have to say though Turles. I must thank you for giving me the opportunity to test out my theory. You are slower than Zarbon and you hit weaker than Dodoria. How could someone as pathetic as you think about confronting me with stolen strength?"

There might be no escape for the Prince, but he was suicidally stubborn enough to consider that a benefit to his plan.


'You're one to talk about pathetic, Vegeta. Even after Freeza destroyed our world, you continue to serve as his little pet.'

This man was walking proof in how the Elite had became more like the lizards standing above them than the people they were meant to rule.

Bardock would probably be here soon. Turles had a real fight to prepare for. Not some dog that was told what battles to fight and where to go and what treats he got to have.

"Sudden Storm!"

Stopping for half a second, Turles thrust his palm forward, purple energy forming there, rotating, and firing off into a ton of small blasts whose flight paths curved and locked on to Vegeta. This needed to end now.

'You're one to talk about pathetic, Vegeta. Even after Freeza destroyed our world, you continue to serve as his little pet.'

This man was walking proof in how the Elite had became more like the lizards standing above them than the people they were meant to rule.

Bardock would probably be here soon. Turles had a real fight to prepare for. Not some dog that was told what battles to fight and where to go and what treats he got to have.

"Sudden Storm!"

Stopping for half a second, Turles thrust his palm forward, purple energy forming there, rotating, and firing off into a ton of small blasts whose flight paths curved and locked on to Vegeta. This needed to end now.
This was the moment he'd been waiting for. Without warning Vegeta changed the direction of his flight, instead heading directly for Turles as he gathered more ki within his body, brushing past the blasts tailing him as they circled around to chase him. Trapped within the confines of the tunnel of indestructible wooden branches, there was no escape.

"Super Explosion Wave" he announced, filling Turles vision with a explosive blinding light hurtling towards him.
This was the moment he'd been waiting for. Without warning Vegeta changed the direction of his flight, instead heading directly for Turles as he gathered more ki within his body, brushing past the blasts tailing him as they circled around to chase him. Trapped within the confines of the tunnel of indestructible wooden branches, there was no escape.

"Super Explosion Wave" he announced, filling Turles vision with a explosive blinding light hurtling towards him.


Turles cut off the attack as the Prince reversed course. No time to use that technique. He'd just have to block and endure. His aura flared as he tried to increase his energy as much as possible to block the blast, covering his scouter with his arm.

'Sloppy. Fucking sloppy!'

He had let Vegeta get to him more than he had thought possible, and given him an opening where he should have had the complete advantage. Pain blossomed on his arms, but long experience and the power he had gained kept this from being a fight ending blow. It was also an omnidirectional attack, not a directed one; much of the power was wasted preventing him from dodging by hitting everywhere, but the prince had definitely stopped him from dodging.

Vegeta was using his energy on the explosion attack. He'd be vulnerable for at least a second when he ran out of steam. And now he was in arms reach.

Turles would start taking him apart in hand-to-hand the moment he dropped it.

Turles cut off the attack as the Prince reversed course. No time to use that technique. He'd just have to block and endure. His aura flared as he tried to increase his energy as much as possible to block the blast, covering his scouter with his arm.

'Sloppy. Fucking sloppy!'

He had let Vegeta get to him more than he had thought possible, and given him an opening where he should have had the complete advantage. Pain blossomed on his arms, but long experience and the power he had gained kept this from being a fight ending blow. It was also an omnidirectional attack, not a directed one; much of the power was wasted preventing him from dodging by hitting everywhere, but the prince had definitely stopped him from dodging.

Vegeta was using his energy on the explosion attack. He'd be vulnerable for at least a second when he ran out of steam. And now he was in arms reach.

Turles would start taking him apart in hand-to-hand the moment he dropped it.
Vegeta took the opportunity to get around Turles, preventing him from escaping back down the route they had taken. Breathing heavier than before, he smiled as the blasts following him took a path that led through the one who had unleashed them.

"Don't you see Turles? I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!"
Vegeta took the opportunity to get around Turles, preventing him from escaping back down the route they had taken. Breathing heavier than before, he smiled as the blasts following him took a path that led through the one who had unleashed them.

"Don't you see Turles? I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!"


Scorched, but not greviously wounded, Turles whirled around and bursted towards Vegeta. The blasts which he had clearly expected to follow and hit Turles, didn't have that much homing capability, and instead whirling and impacting harmlessly into the tree branches.

'Full speed this time.'

Vegeta had gone back on to the path. The one that was surrounded by indestructible branches on every side. This time, he was going to knock the smaller man into one of the larger branches, and start beating him down with nowhere to flee to.

'You're making it very hard to justify leaving you alive until later, Prince!' Turles thought to himself as the arm chop swept towards Vegeta.
Bardock made a snap decision.

"Gine, Paragus, please help the natives; I'll leave it up to you and them who you assist. Kakar-Goku and I will follow Nappa and Raditz and the Prince. Broly, you're welcome to assist where you prefer."

Bardock wasn't walking on eggshells with the gentle giant, but he was definitely trying to be cautious. He turns to Goku, an anticipatory smirk on his face.

"Waiting for? Nothing."

And then he blazes off at his top speed, his power sending him searing through the air. He wagered his younger son would be able to keep up. He just hoped they could prevent things from getting too out of hand.

Plus, Turles still owed him a sparring match and a keg of ale. And he doubted the ash-skinned asshole had brought any booze.

Broly was... hesitant to follow the orders of someone he had just met, but... well. The warrior seemed to know what he was doing - far better than Broly did, at least.

"I am at your comma-" Aaaaand he's gone. "-and."

Broly sighed, and flew off after the warrior.

Nappa looked at Kakarot with incredulity. The planet? What an odd statement.

The Saiyan walked over to Raditz, and clasped him on the shoulder with one large hand.

"Raditz, you're weak. By the standards of what we're walking into, I'm weak. I won't force you, but if you go to defend the human cities I'll justify the decision to Vegeta. And honestly, there are too few of us left to take ... foolish decisions. But I know a Saiyan's Pride. Only you can make this decision, so I'll trust you to make the best one."

Smiling at the Sayian, Nappa turned away, and briefly powered up, leaping into the air in the same direction Vegeta had taken.

(@Lazy Coyote )

This was why Nappa was his favorite, he cared.

... Raditz sometimes thought, in his quieter moments, that he should never have been a fighter, he just... didn't see the joy in it.

But if he was fighting for someone like Nappa? He thought that maybe he could have been. There weren't many people who cared about him nowadays, enough to count on one hand with fingers to spare.

So it only made sense to try and protect the ones he had.

It didn't take him long to bast off after Nappa.

Paragus addresses Kakarot, or rather Goku as he apparently preferred. "You said your name was Goku? Do you think your allies could use help in protecting your people? I may be a warrior, but I admit readily that I could not fill more than a supporting role in the fight against Turles himself, as wide as the power gap is."

Step one: Kindly volunteer to solve their problems.

"Alright....Tien was it? You look like the second-in-command here, at least power-wise. My specialties are speed, slashing and piercing attacks. I can't detect power levels like any of you can. So I'll follow your lead...as long as your orders are reasonable."

@The Fourth Monado
And thus, the rest of the group splits up - Bardock, Goku, Nappa,Broly and Raditz moving to follow after Vegeta, and Paragus and Gine moving to follow Tien.

On the first group, the father and son move ahead of the others easily, leaving them behind in less than a minute. Thus, it was really no surprise they didn't notice when a number of blasts bracketed Nappa's group, forcing them to pull up and look down. A small group of three Saibamen, lead by a robotic-looking warrior with reddish skin and a red scouter, faced them.

"Apologies, but I'll have to ask you to wait a little for Lord Turles to finish up. I hope you don't mind," the silver warrior rumbled.

As for Bardock and Goku, the two of you notice massive wooden roots growing through the landscape, ripping through mountains and trees and sending animals scouting. Kakarot glances at Bardock after a few seconds. "Sorry, but could you go on ahead? There's something I need to check about those roots."

Assuming Bardock does...

Scorched, but not greviously wounded, Turles whirled around and bursted towards Vegeta. The blasts which he had clearly expected to follow and hit Turles, didn't have that much homing capability, and instead whirling and impacting harmlessly into the tree branches.

'Full speed this time.'

Vegeta had gone back on to the path. The one that was surrounded by indestructible branches on every side. This time, he was going to knock the smaller man into one of the larger branches, and start beating him down with nowhere to flee to.

'You're making it very hard to justify leaving you alive until later, Prince!' Turles thought to himself as the arm chop swept towards Vegeta.
He arrives around this time.

Gine and Paragus, on the other hand, find themselves dealing with a similar situation to Nappa's group - six Saibamen, led by a weird, short two-headed mutant warrior with bulbous purple skin. The creature chuckled, even as one of the Saibamen unleashed a blast of it's own at the three-eyed warrior, forcing him to dodge.
Thus, it was really no surprise they didn't notice when a number of blasts bracketed Nappa's group, forcing them to pull up and look down. A small group of three Saibamen, lead by a robotic-looking warrior with reddish skin and a red scouter, faced them.

"Apologies, but I'll have to ask you to wait a little for Lord Turles to finish up. I hope you don't mind," the silver warrior rumbled.
"I understand completely."

Nappa dropped down to the ground in front of the warrior, and dropped into a low bow, sweeping his arm in front of him.

"I am General Nappa, Saiyan elite. And you would be?"
Gine and Paragus, on the other hand, find themselves dealing with a similar situation to Nappa's group - six Saibamen, led by a weird, short two-headed mutant warrior with bulbous purple skin. The creature chuckled, even as one of the Saibamen unleashed a blast of it's own at the three-eyed warrior, forcing him to dodge.

"The green ones are biological weapons! Don't hold back and show no mercy. They like faking death or defeat to catch their opponents offguard and self-destruct."

With simple movements Gine let the shots graze her and countered with swift blasts towards the saibamen and while at it she proved her speed as she started a second attack before the first one reached it's result,

"Moon Slasher!"

Coating her arm with ki she slashed forwards with force, a blue azure half-moon crescent surged forth, different from the basic shots this obvious had technique and effort from it and consumed any stray shot at its path with insane speed, any saibamen on it's path would be consumed but what she want to see was the purple mutant's reaction

'Mutants are never good news....'
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And thus, the rest of the group splits up - Bardock, Goku, Nappa,Broly and Raditz moving to follow after Vegeta, and Paragus and Gine moving to follow Tien.

On the first group, the father and son move ahead of the others easily, leaving them behind in less than a minute. Thus, it was really no surprise they didn't notice when a number of blasts bracketed Nappa's group, forcing them to pull up and look down.

As for Bardock and Goku, the two of you notice massive wooden roots growing through the landscape, ripping through mountains and trees and sending animals scouting. Kakarot glances at Bardock after a few seconds. "Sorry, but could you go on ahead? There's something I need to check about those roots."

Assuming Bardock does...
He arrives around this time.
Bardock's eyes narrowed at the roots. Something didn't seem right. His son seemed to have a better idea about this, and some odd sort of seventh sense or whatnot.

"Just don't wait too long, you'll miss all the fun."

With that exclamation and a smirk, Bardock blazed ahead. He could see the flashes of light of Turles and Vegeta fighting. He narrows his eyes, then grins savagely. He's flitting through the tree's branches within moments, following the sounds and flashes of a running battle, swatting the dregs of already-spent energy blasts aside.

Before long he's close enough to catch a few glimpses of the fight. Even as Turles is driving a strike toward Vegeta, Bardock is closing in, weaving between branches and occasionally bouncing off of them, two small Ki blasts charging in his hands until he has a clear shot and tosses them at Turles.
@Xellos @Dovahsith
"Hey! Turles! Catch!"
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Gine and Paragus, on the other hand, find themselves dealing with a similar situation to Nappa's group - six Saibamen, led by a weird, short two-headed mutant warrior with bulbous purple skin. The creature chuckled, even as one of the Saibamen unleashed a blast of it's own at the three-eyed warrior, forcing him to dodge.

"The green ones are biological weapons! Don't hold back and show no mercy. They like faking death or defeat to catch their opponents offguard and self-destruct."

With simple movements Gine let the shots graze her and countered with swift blasts towards the saibamen and while at it she proved her speed as she started a second attack before the first one reached it's result,

"Moon Slasher!"

Coating her arm with ki she slashed forwards with force, a blue azure half-moon crescent surged forth, different from the basic shots this obvious had technique and effort from it and consumed any stray shot at its path with insane speed, any saibamen on it's path would be consumed but what she want to see was the purple mutant's reaction

'Mutants are never good news....'

Paragus takes in the foes, forms a shield of ki on his left arm, and covering himself from fire best he can charges in to Dead Punisher the nearest Saibaman. He's not expecting it to remain intact, really.
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Vegeta took the opportunity to get around Turles, preventing him from escaping back down the route they had taken. Breathing heavier than before, he smiled as the blasts following him took a path that led through the one who had unleashed them.

"Don't you see Turles? I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!"
Even as you taunted, though, you couldn't resist the truth. That Super Explosive Wave earlier had taken a good bit out of you, and you wouldn't be able to dodge or block as well as you had been. Without help - or even with help - you were going to take some bad hits soon.
Even as you taunted, though, you couldn't resist the truth. That Super Explosive Wave earlier had taken a good bit out of you, and you wouldn't be able to dodge or block as well as you had been. Without help - or even with help - you were going to take some bad hits soon.

The chop crashed hard into Vegeta's side, sending the smaller man smashing into the wood. Grabbing him with one hand, Turles followed it up with a straight punch to the face, to break the Prince's nose and perhaps shut his irritating mouth. Neither hit was even remotely fatal, but they were going to leave him reeling and even after he got his head back together, be making it a lot harder for Vegeta to fight.

'Maybe he'll finally be quiet when he has to use his mouth for breathing.' the darker saiyan thought with satisfaction, raising his fist again.

His scouter chirped. 19,000-

Bardock's eyes narrowed at the roots. Something didn't seem right. His son seemed to have a better idea about this, and some odd sort of seventh sense or whatnot.

"Just don't wait too long, you'll miss all the fun."

With that exclamation and a smirk, Bardock blazed ahead. He could see the flashes of light of Turles and Vegeta fighting. He narrows his eyes, then grins savagely. He's flitting through the tree's branches within moments, following the sounds and flashes of a running battle, swatting the dregs of already-spent energy blasts aside.

Before long he's close enough to catch a few glimpses of the fight. Even as Turles is driving a strike toward Vegeta, Bardock is closing in, weaving between branches and occasionally bouncing off of them, two small Ki blasts charging in his hands until he has a clear shot and tosses them at Turles.
@Xellos @Dovahsith
"Hey! Turles! Catch!"

With a start, Turles whirled, the Prince still in his grip. The delay of the branches had given him just a half seconds more warning than he would have otherwise had, just enough time for his scouter to detect and give a warning

So he just lifted the Prince in front of those basic blasts and let Vegeta take that little bit more punishment. Bardock had slightly less raw power than Vegeta, and those weren't anything special. Merely love taps. But he wasn't about to miss an opportunity for that.

Letting the prince fall down through the branches to get his bearings later, Turles smirked, moving into combat stance again. "Thanks for the assist, cousin. I don't think I could have handled him without you."

With that, Turles got moving. He was sick of fighting in the branches, and he wanted to move out into the open to deal with Bardock. Just focus on getting out into the open and avoiding any other attacks he might throw.

The chop crashed hard into Vegeta's side, sending the smaller man smashing into the wood. Grabbing him with one hand, Turles followed it up with a straight punch to the face, to break the Prince's nose and perhaps shut his irritating mouth. Neither hit was even remotely fatal, but they were going to leave him reeling and even after he got his head back together, be making it a lot harder for Vegeta to fight.

'Maybe he'll finally be quiet when he has to use his mouth for breathing.' the darker saiyan thought with satisfaction, raising his fist again.

His scouter chirped. 19,000-

With a start, Turles whirled, the Prince still in his grip. The delay of the branches had given him just a half seconds more warning than he would have otherwise had, just enough time for his scouter to detect and give a warning

So he just lifted the Prince in front of those basic blasts and let Vegeta take that little bit more punishment. Bardock had slightly less raw power than Vegeta, and those weren't anything special. Merely love taps. But he wasn't about to miss an opportunity for that.

Letting the prince fall down through the branches to get his bearings later, Turles smirked, moving into combat stance again. "Thanks for the assist, cousin. I don't think I could have handled him without you."

With that, Turles got moving. He was sick of fighting in the branches, and he wanted to move out into the open to deal with Bardock. Just focus on getting out into the open and avoiding any other attacks he might throw.
"I had this handled." the Prince grunted at Bardock, unhappy at the interruption to his fight.

Staggering back to his feet Vegeta chased after him, taking pot shots at Turles when he had the chance, the glancing shots stinging the traitors back but otherwise doing very little damage.

Thus, it was really no surprise they didn't notice when a number of blasts bracketed Nappa's group, forcing them to pull up and look down. A small group of three Saibamen, lead by a robotic-looking warrior with reddish skin and a red scouter, faced them.

"Apologies, but I'll have to ask you to wait a little for Lord Turles to finish up. I hope you don't mind," the silver warrior rumbled.

"I understand completely."

Nappa dropped down to the ground in front of the warrior, and dropped into a low bow, sweeping his arm in front of him.

"I am General Nappa, Saiyan elite. And you would be?"
As Nappa landed, Broly scowled. What was that fool doing? Splitting up was never a good idea!

Then his mind caught up with him. During his father's (disastrous) attempts to teach him tactics, Paragus had spoken well of the general's skill, so Nappa probably had a plan of some sort.

Accordingly, Broly landed near Nappa, his scowl still on his face.
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The chop crashed hard into Vegeta's side, sending the smaller man smashing into the wood. Grabbing him with one hand, Turles followed it up with a straight punch to the face, to break the Prince's nose and perhaps shut his irritating mouth. Neither hit was even remotely fatal, but they were going to leave him reeling and even after he got his head back together, be making it a lot harder for Vegeta to fight.

'Maybe he'll finally be quiet when he has to use his mouth for breathing.' the darker saiyan thought with satisfaction, raising his fist again.

His scouter chirped. 19,000-

With a start, Turles whirled, the Prince still in his grip. The delay of the branches had given him just a half seconds more warning than he would have otherwise had, just enough time for his scouter to detect and give a warning

So he just lifted the Prince in front of those basic blasts and let Vegeta take that little bit more punishment. Bardock had slightly less raw power than Vegeta, and those weren't anything special. Merely love taps. But he wasn't about to miss an opportunity for that.

Letting the prince fall down through the branches to get his bearings later, Turles smirked, moving into combat stance again. "Thanks for the assist, cousin. I don't think I could have handled him without you."

With that, Turles got moving. He was sick of fighting in the branches, and he wanted to move out into the open to deal with Bardock. Just focus on getting out into the open and avoiding any other attacks he might throw.
"That trick worked when we were five, Turles. We're a bit older than that now, cousin."

His tone is practically acidic.
"I had this handled." the Prince grunted at Bardock, unhappy at the interruption to his fight.

Staggering back to his feet Vegeta chased after him, taking pot shots at Turles when he had the chance, the glancing shots stinging the traitors back but otherwise doing very little damage.

"My apologies, Milord, but the situation continues to evolve."

Curt but respectful, and Bardock's eyes are on the enemy. He doesn't offer to help or evacuate his Prince, which is exactly as protocol dictates. Instead he's in pursuit of Turles, matching speed with Vegeta.

"I apologize those shots hit you; they were meant to distract and, ideally, confused Turles."

He seems to consider the situation, his eyes flickering on their surroundings.

"My Prince, I humbly propose a pincer attack. Your skill and power seem up to the challenge, but I do not trust this strange plant, and I'd rather evaluate this planet more before...extreme...measures are considered. Turles enjoys misdirection, taunts, and psychological warfare. I believe the two of us can keep him off balance."

He smirks a bit.

"Plus then we can switch off picking off those Saibamen lurking in the branches. In the worst-case that Turles does something that slows our offensive, Kakarot can join us to help smash Turles and likely counter this odd plantlife."

Vegeta catches Bardock's next words mostly because the older warrior is clearly more focused on the fight and not being quite.

"Asshole always did love his plants as much as meat. Father said he wasn't right and now I wonder..."

Then he fired off a handful of his own blasts to try and herd Turles, just a bit.

"Perhaps the Canistella Hammer?"

A move where the proposer strikes from ground level or an even altitude of the target, while their ally strikes from on high with Ki blasts leading into a melee attack.
"I had this handled." the Prince grunted at Bardock, unhappy at the interruption to his fight.

Staggering back to his feet Vegeta chased after him, taking pot shots at Turles when he had the chance, the glancing shots stinging the traitors back but otherwise doing very little damage.


The Prince recovered faster than expected, but it was only a minor setback. Shrugging off those tiny blasts as irrelevent, he kept moving. The real threat was still...

"That trick worked when we were five, Turles. We're a bit older than that now, cousin."

His tone is practically acidic.

...Bardock. The other saiyan had demonstrated his ability to make Vegeta act less foolish, and might actually be able to devise a strategy for cornering him.

"Don't worry. I've got some new ones for you!" he shouted back confidently, reassessing the situation. Static advantages were power, speed, stamina, and... that. He would have put skill in if it was just the Prince, but he was still sure Bardock had him beat in that department. Dynamic advantage was the Tree.

With two warriors now, the enemy could try and hurdle him, buying time for the other to pick off the Saibamen and go Oozaru. That would be... inconvenient if they managed it. That had been enough to erase the last tree once it was over, but given the growing conditions it had that first time...

Fortunately, the same advantage the Prince had tried to press against him applied many times harder with Saibamen; they were tiny.

Still, he'd have to keep an eye on his enemies. Taking a moment, he scanned the exact layout of the path ahead towards getting to a more open area. At the speed he could manage in that manner, he'd have to turn in those ways at those times...

Then he fired off a handful of his own blasts to try and herd Turles, just a bit.

Flipping around, Turles lifted up an arm to block the smaller blasts, their impact singing his already tenderized palm a bit, now flying slower as he moved backwards. Weaving through the branches along that predetermined path, he returned fire with Finger Beams, trying to keep the other two saiyans on their toes and from finding the time to actually come to a specific plan.

He couldn't taunt much like this. His focus was on not hitting his head pulling this stunt.
"My Prince, I humbly propose a pincer attack. Your skill and power seem up to the challenge, but I do not trust this strange plant, and I'd rather evaluate this planet more before...extreme...measures are considered. Turles enjoys misdirection, taunts, and psychological warfare. I believe the two of us can keep him off balance."

He smirks a bit.

"Plus then we can switch off picking off those Saibamen lurking in the branches. In the worst-case that Turles does something that slows our offensive, Kakarot can join us to help smash Turles and likely counter this odd plantlife."

Vegeta catches Bardock's next words mostly because the older warrior is clearly more focused on the fight and not being quite.

"Asshole always did love his plants as much as meat. Father said he wasn't right and now I wonder..."

Then he fired off a handful of his own blasts to try and herd Turles, just a bit.

"Perhaps the Canistella Hammer?"

A move where the proposer strikes from ground level or an even altitude of the target, while their ally strikes from on high with Ki blasts leading into a melee attack.
"Do whatever you wish. I'm going to run him down and catch that bastard." Vegeta growled in answer, acknowledging the plan as the pair continued to chase Turles through the maze.
Flipping around, Turles lifted up an arm to block the smaller blasts, their impact singing his already tenderized palm a bit, now flying slower as he moved backwards. Weaving through the branches along that predetermined path, he returned fire with Finger Beams, trying to keep the other two saiyans on their toes and from finding the time to actually come to a specific plan.

He couldn't taunt much like this. His focus was on not hitting his head pulling this stunt.
Vegeta rolled under the beams, eyes focused on the target ahead.

"He seems too familiar with this path. Whatever destination he has in mind, it must involve something he thinks can secure him victory." he informed Bardock as he continued to hurl bolts of energy at the target Turles had so conveniently presented. He could block or he could look where he was going. So easily cornered between two poor options, but what else could you expect from a low class of warrior?
The Prince recovered faster than expected, but it was only a minor setback. Shrugging off those tiny blasts as irrelevent, he kept moving. The real threat was still...

...Bardock. The other saiyan had demonstrated his ability to make Vegeta act less foolish, and might actually be able to devise a strategy for cornering him.

"Don't worry. I've got some new ones for you!" he shouted back confidently, reassessing the situation. Static advantages were power, speed, stamina, and... that. He would have put skill in if it was just the Prince, but he was still sure Bardock had him beat in that department. Dynamic advantage was the Tree.

With two warriors now, the enemy could try and hurdle him, buying time for the other to pick off the Saibamen and go Oozaru. That would be... inconvenient if they managed it. That had been enough to erase the last tree once it was over, but given the growing conditions it had that first time...

Fortunately, the same advantage the Prince had tried to press against him applied many times harder with Saibamen; they were tiny.

Still, he'd have to keep an eye on his enemies. Taking a moment, he scanned the exact layout of the path ahead towards getting to a more open area. At the speed he could manage in that manner, he'd have to turn in those ways at those times...

Flipping around, Turles lifted up an arm to block the smaller blasts, their impact singing his already tenderized palm a bit, now flying slower as he moved backwards. Weaving through the branches along that predetermined path, he returned fire with Finger Beams, trying to keep the other two saiyans on their toes and from finding the time to actually come to a specific plan.

He couldn't taunt much like this. His focus was on not hitting his head pulling this stunt.
Bardock kept up the pace as best as he coudl, dodging the Finger Beams as he went, watching to see if they even gouged the wood.
"Do whatever you wish. I'm going to run him down and catch that bastard." Vegeta growled in answer, acknowledging the plan as the pair continued to chase Turles through the maze.

Vegeta rolled under the beams, eyes focused on the target ahead.

"He seems too familiar with this path. Whatever destination he has in mind, it must involve something he thinks can secure him victory." he informed Bardock as he continued to hurl bolts of energy at the target Turles had so conveniently presented. He could block or he could look where he was going. So easily cornered between two poor options, but what else could you expect from a low class of warrior?
"Likely more space. Close space is advantageous one-on-one, but less so when fighting a group. He seems to know enough about this tree to either know the way or predict it. Suggests its nature is well-known to him."

Bardock eyed the surrounding branches, then decided to try something. Gathering some energy, he seemed to be doing something...Suddenly, a white sphere of Ki flew into the air, heading for a more open spot up ahead! Clearly it was a Power Ball, and he intended for he and Vegeta to begin transforming and tear the tree's limbs apart from the inside!

Odd that Bardock was focusing his eyes on Turles still, and restarting his own harassing barrage as he tried to close the distance, staying level with or slightly below Turles's position.
Bardock eyed the surrounding branches, then decided to try something. Gathering some energy, he seemed to be doing something...Suddenly, a white sphere of Ki flew into the air, heading for a more open spot up ahead! Clearly it was a Power Ball, and he intended for he and Vegeta to begin transforming and tear the tree's limbs apart from the inside!
Before it could get more than a decent length away, a golden blast seemed to come out of nowhere, slamming into it and destroying it before it could do anything else.