The Fourth Monado

Across a galaxy dominated by evil...

Three groups of Saiyans get messages.

@Lazy Coyote

You all are relaxing on Frieza Planet 918, recently conquered and cleaned out by you three. A simple, easy mission, and profitable, too! There was one species that was looking for a planet with rather fertile soil, and the devastation the three of you had brought probably hadn't hurt it that much. Things were looking good...

Then Vegeta's Scouter beeped with a message.

Seat at the top is starting to feel awful hot, isn't it Prince? Ah, but I forget myself. Names Turles. You may or may not remember me from the survivors first check in after Planet Vegeta was "hit by a meteor". Anyway, Prince. There's another survivor left that never really got the chance back then.
His name is Kakarot. Raditz should recognize that name. Here's the file for the planet he lives on.
His current power level is 15,000. Yes, you read that correctly. I was surprised too, given he was only 2 at birth. Honestly not sure how he got so strong. But I'm sure he's still climbing on up. Maybe you should pay him a visit about your boss and ask for a few pointers so you don't fall behind.
I know I am.

Included was a file about a blue-green planet that was probably teeming with life, and co-ordinates to that planet.



The two of you had just finished a mission for a well-paying species on one of the many, many ark-ships traveling the universe. For a species without a homeworld, these Telorans sure had a good amount of resources they could devote to Champion-tier bodyguards.

Neither of you expected the message sent to Bardock's Scouter, however.

Been a while, cousin.
I know we haven't talked in a while. That's more my fault than yours, but things have changed since we last spoke. And when my men managed to get this piece of info, I thought I may as well send it to you as a peace offering. Check the coordinates file and orbital view I sent with this message.
It's a lovely little planet, isn't it? Goes by "Earth". Edge of the North Quardrant, temperate, breathable air, a 30 day lunar cycle. The inhabitants are weak, and aren't incredibly advanced, but they're getting there.
All of which is pretty odd, considering an infiltration pod was sent there back in 737. I think you've guessed which one.
Anyway, when I first got the scans, I figured the little tyke must have died or something. Fell in a ditch, hit his head, got picked apart by scavengers. But our scanners say there's a saiyan signature there. Around 15,000. Quite the warrior, especially given where he started. In fact, I think there's a job offer in his future.
By the time you get this message, I'll already be on my way.



As for the two of you, you'd just left a planet you'd resupplied at, when Paragus's comms suddenly reported a transmission.

Hello again. It's Turles. Haven't exactly kept in touch with the rest of you, but hey, no reason not to start trying.
Anyway, it seems Planet Vegeta had a tenth survivor. I sent the coordinates to you, along with the others. He's on an underdeveloped planet, and I don't see him ever making it into the wider reaches of the universe without some outside assistance.
Guy's name was Kakarot. He was one of those infiltration kids, sent out at just the right time to dodge the destruction of Vegeta. He's Bardocks other kid, if you can believe it.
Power Level: 15,000. Not sure how he got it that high but he'd be damn well useful to the rest of his race given a push or two.
I'm heading there. Hopefully the rest of you are headed there too. Haven't had a full survivors reunion since just after Vegeta was destroyed, after all.

The path was clear.
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As for the two of you, you'd just lefta planet you'd resupplied at, when Paragus's comms suddenly reported a transmission.

Hello again. It's Turles. Haven't exactly kept in touch with the rest of you, but hey, no reason not to start trying.
Anyway, it seems Planet Vegeta had a tenth survivor. I sent the coordinates to you, along with the others. He's on an underdeveloped planet, and I don't see him ever making it into the wider reaches of the universe without some outside assistance.
Guy's name was Kakarot. He was one of those infiltration kids, sent out at just the right time to dodge the destruction of Vegeta. He's Bardocks other kid, if you can believe it.
Power Level: 15,000. Not sure how he got it that high but he'd be damn well useful to the rest of his race given a push or two.
I'm heading there. Hopefully the rest of you are headed there too. Haven't had a full survivors reunion since just after Vegeta was destroyed, after all.

The path was clear.
Paragus considers. This could be a trap. Turles could be lying. It certainly is the case that not all the surviving Saiyans would be friendly to Paragus's plans.

But the chance this was true was too good to pass up. He'd be cautious, certainly. Especially around the young Prince, if he showed up, as the most likely to be invested in the order of things, as they had been on Planet Vegeta. And so Paragus tells Broly "It seems we have a new destination, my son. Turles claims he's located another Saiyan survivor. I'm not sure I believe him, so be on guard, but this is not something I'll pass up."

Then he sets a course for the coordinates Turles sent him.
Across a galaxy dominated by evil...

Three groups of Saiyans get messages.

@Lazy Coyote

You all are relaxing on Frieza Planet 918, recently conquered and cleaned out by you three. A simple, easy mission, and profitable, too! There was one species that was looking for a planet with rather fertile soil, and the devastation the three of you had brought probably hadn't hurt it that much. Things were looking good...

Then Vegeta's Scouter beeped with a message.

Seat at the top is starting to feel awful hot, isn't it Prince? Ah, but I forget myself. Names Turles. You may or may not remember me from the survivors first check in after Planet Vegeta was "hit by a meteor". Anyway, Prince. There's another survivor left that never really got the chance back then.
His name is Kakarot. Raditz should recognize that name. Here's the file for the planet he lives on.
His current power level is 15,000. Yes, you read that correctly. I was surprised too, given he was only 2 at birth. Honestly not sure how he got so strong. But I'm sure he's still climbing on up. Maybe you should pay him a visit about your boss and ask for a few pointers so you don't fall behind.
I know I am.

Included was a file about a blue-green planet that was probably teeming with life, and co-ordinates to that planet.
Surely he couldn't be serious. It was impossible for a being to survive for so long in this universe with instincts of self preservation so defunct. This Turles had dared to show him, his Prince, such disrespect and in so cowardly a manner, most likely knowing that to do so to his face would end in a severe lesson in his station in life. That is, beneath his boot-heel.

Even then, that's assuming this wasn't some trap, some foolish attempt to ambush him, luring him to some deadend planet filled with weaklings before trying to kill him. Not that it would have a chance of success. He'd worked for too long to have his future revenge derailed by an idiot with delusions of grandeur.

However, he couldn't merely brush it off, not if he was to ever bring down Frieza. Doing so would require as many strong warriors at his disposal as possible, to hold back Dodoria, Zarbon and the Ginyu's whilst the Prince showed Frieza the power of a Saiyans Pride! He needed these scraps, these minor victories under the tyrants notice to succeed. If it turned out to be correct, then at the very least he would have another saiyan under his command. If it was a lie, then he'd take it out of Turles hide when he caught him, now the fool had shown he was still alive.

"Nappa, Raditz, get to the pods." Vegeta ordered, sending the relevant information to their scouters. "We have a lead on a new recruit."
@Lazy Coyote
Surely he couldn't be serious. It was impossible for a being to survive for so long in this universe with instincts of self preservation so defunct. This Turles had dared to show him, his Prince, such disrespect and in so cowardly a manner, most likely knowing that to do so to his face would end in a severe lesson in his station in life. That is, beneath his boot-heel.

Even then, that's assuming this wasn't some trap, some foolish attempt to ambush him, luring him to some deadend planet filled with weaklings before trying to kill him. Not that it would have a chance of success. He'd worked for too long to have his future revenge derailed by an idiot with delusions of grandeur.

However, he couldn't merely brush it off, not if he was to ever bring down Frieza. Doing so would require as many strong warriors at his disposal as possible, to hold back Dodoria, Zarbon and the Ginyu's whilst the Prince showed Frieza the power of a Saiyans Pride! He needed these scraps, these minor victories under the tyrants notice to succeed. If it turned out to be correct, then at the very least he would have another saiyan under his command. If it was a lie, then he'd take it out of Turles hide when he caught him, now the fool had shown he was still alive.

"Nappa, Raditz, get to the pods." Vegeta ordered, sending the relevant information to their scouters. "We have a lead on a new recruit."
@Lazy Coyote

Nappa had his fingers held out precisely, the carefully directed lightning charring the appropriate section of the mountain black to correspond with his moustache when his scouter suddenly beeped, and his concentration lapsed, the lighning suddenly jumping up in power and blowing off half the chiselled replica of his own face he was adding to it.

"Oh dammit Vegeta, I had almost finished it! It was going to be beautiful Vegeta, just beautiful! Every day that city would wake up to see my face smiling over them, forever reminding them that they can never be this handsome!"

Flicking his hand to the side, he sent a bomber DX into the mountain, completely obliterating the remains of the carving and most of the mountain.

"Now all they get is a shattered mountain, reminding them of the day we descended from the skies and shattered their armies! And that's just sad Vegeta, just sad."

Flicking through the information as he flew back to where the pods were, Nappa considered this. A low level warrior - actually, weren't his parents one of the few that survived the death of Vegeta, and Raditz his brother, how has the entire family survive - who had a power level almost twice his. This was an aberration in the extreme. And the message came from Tarble... where the hell had Tarble been anyway...

Landing next to the Prince, Nappa grinned at him, before turning to the matter at hand.

"He's almost as old as you, Vegeta. Won't that be fun, you could have a friend! We can go see him, tell him about Frieza and the asteroid, and then he could join us in travelling around the galaxy and blowing people up! For Frieza, of course, the scouters are connected to his network, so he will likely know if he ever cares to look at where we went. And Raditz could have a brother!"
Nappa had his fingers held out precisely, the carefully directed lightning charring the appropriate section of the mountain black to correspond with his moustache when his scouter suddenly beeped, and his concentration lapsed, the lighning suddenly jumping up in power and blowing off half the chiselled replica of his own face he was adding to it.

"Oh dammit Vegeta, I had almost finished it! It was going to be beautiful Vegeta, just beautiful! Every day that city would wake up to see my face smiling over them, forever reminding them that they can never be this handsome!"

Flicking his hand to the side, he sent a bomber DX into the mountain, completely obliterating the remains of the carving and most of the mountain.

"Now all they get is a shattered mountain, reminding them of the day we descended from the skies and shattered their armies! And that's just sad Vegeta, just sad."

Flicking through the information as he flew back to where the pods were, Nappa considered this. A low level warrior - actually, weren't his parents one of the few that survived the death of Vegeta, and Raditz his brother, how has the entire family survive - who had a power level almost twice his. This was an aberration in the extreme. And the message came from Tarble... where the hell had Tarble been anyway...

Landing next to the Prince, Nappa grinned at him, before turning to the matter at hand.

"He's almost as old as you, Vegeta. Won't that be fun, you could have a friend! We can go see him, tell him about Frieza and the asteroid, and then he could join us in travelling around the galaxy and blowing people up! For Frieza, of course, the scouters are connected to his network, so he will likely know if he ever cares to look at where we went. And Raditz could have a brother!"
"Goddam it Nappa..." Vegeta mentally cried, just wishing for once that the only remaining saiyans were an idiot a coward and some backwater space-pirate. Hopefully Kakarot wouldn't be so disappointing a legacy for his warrior race. Speaking of disappointments, where was Raditz anyway?

"As though he would have a choice Nappa." Vegeta stated as his frown deepened, arms crossed over his chest as he waited at the landing site for the least member of their trio to arrive.

"As a Saiyan war and battle should be in his blood. The fact that he bothered to demean himself ruling a planet of weaklings hardly means a lower class wretch can stand up to the Saiyan Elite. One way or another, he'll join us. As for Frieza, either we find a new planet for him to sell and a new recruit for his army or he loses a trio of Saiyans he couldn't care less about to a spot of pirate hunting. Either way, i doubt Frieza would mind us taking a detour so long as we keep taking planets for him."
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Surely he couldn't be serious. It was impossible for a being to survive for so long in this universe with instincts of self preservation so defunct. This Turles had dared to show him, his Prince, such disrespect and in so cowardly a manner, most likely knowing that to do so to his face would end in a severe lesson in his station in life. That is, beneath his boot-heel.

Even then, that's assuming this wasn't some trap, some foolish attempt to ambush him, luring him to some deadend planet filled with weaklings before trying to kill him. Not that it would have a chance of success. He'd worked for too long to have his future revenge derailed by an idiot with delusions of grandeur.

However, he couldn't merely brush it off, not if he was to ever bring down Frieza. Doing so would require as many strong warriors at his disposal as possible, to hold back Dodoria, Zarbon and the Ginyu's whilst the Prince showed Frieza the power of a Saiyans Pride! He needed these scraps, these minor victories under the tyrants notice to succeed. If it turned out to be correct, then at the very least he would have another saiyan under his command. If it was a lie, then he'd take it out of Turles hide when he caught him, now the fool had shown he was still alive.

"Nappa, Raditz, get to the pods." Vegeta ordered, sending the relevant information to their scouters. "We have a lead on a new recruit."
@Lazy Coyote

Raditz felt the familiar pangs of hatred that he usually did when he learned someone was stronger than him, before locking it up in his mind to fade away like he always did, getting mad would just bring trouble.

So his brother was alive... surprising, and it actually made him a bit happy, but it didn't really matter in the end, they would go and recruit him and life would carry on like usual, it was kind of annoying to learn that he was officially the weakest in his family, but he'd seen them literally throw themselves at death to get that strength.

He wasn't so stupid.

15,000... that was quite a bit, and if he could somehow get his brother on his side then he might-just might-be able to make plans to get away from Vegeta and the other stronger fighters.

"On my way Sir."

He had some acting to brush up on.


The two of you had just finished a mission for a well-paying species on one of the many, many ark-ships traveling the universe. For a species without a homeworld, these Telorans sure had a good amount of resources they could devote to Champion-tier bodyguards.

Neither of you expected the message sent to Bardock's Scouter, however.

Been a while, cousin.
I know we haven't talked in a while. That's more my fault than yours, but things have changed since we last spoke. And when my men managed to get this piece of info, I thought I may as well send it to you as a peace offering. Check the coordinates file and orbital view I sent with this message.
It's a lovely little planet, isn't it? Goes by "Earth". Edge of the North Quardrant, temperate, breathable air, a 30 day lunar cycle. The inhabitants are weak, and aren't incredibly advanced, but they're getting there.
All of which is pretty odd, considering an infiltration pod was sent there back in 737. I think you've guessed which one.
Anyway, when I first got the scans, I figured the little tyke must have died or something. Fell in a ditch, hit his head, got picked apart by scavengers. But our scanners say there's a saiyan signature there. Around 15,000. Quite the warrior, especially given where he started. In fact, I think there's a job offer in his future.
By the time you get this message, I'll already be on my way.

Bardock had just settled into the pilot's seat of his and Gine's new ship (their Pods stored in the hold, and what equipment they had salvaged from their old ship stored as barter goods in the same somewhat-cramped space) when the broadcast came through. Bardock closed his eyes and cursed in his mind, his control wavering for a moment-
But only for a moment.

He leaned his head against the seat, enjoying the relative comfort of its cushioning. Part of him just wanted to ignore it. Turles was an ass, always had been, and he couldn't know the other Saiyan wasn't just lying. This ship was his and Gine's main reward from the Telorans; ships were a precious resource to nomadic peoples, but its small size made it an easier bargain. The fact that the Saiyan spouses had helped drive off some rather ruthless pirate-types just meant it was easy to seal the deal. He reached over and pressed the intercom button, even as he dialed in the coordinates for this "Earth", and prepared the ship to begin the journey.
"Gine. Please come up to the cockpit."

As soon as she arrived, Bardock rotated the pilot's seat around to face her, pressing a button to display Turles's message on several screens.

"Turles sent me a message. He found our son, Gine. He found Kakarot. And he's already going there. Who knows who else he told."

He waited for Gine's reaction.
Kakarot is alive. Kakarot is alive. KAKAROT IS ALIV---- Gine clenched her hands as she calmed down, this sounded good but from what she remembered Turles was worse than the average Saiyan, liking to play up politics and finesse but lacked a single bone of comradery inside him, everyone was just a tool to elevate himself, at least that`s what Bardock told her

Gine's whole body tensed as if to spring into action, like a sword about to be unsheathed. A habit she picked up over times, while her face was calm anyone who knew her quirks would see Gine is somewhat nervous.

"If it`s true or not Turles want us there for some reason. It might be naive of me, but on the chance that`s true......I want to go."

Gine rarely spoke out, happy to follow Bardock's lead for he had far more experience and sharper instincts than she, but on this she wouldn't budge, with a intensity rarely seen Gine continued her statement

"Besides if it isn't might be a Saiyan and a power of 15000 would be useful. We would also be taking them off Freeza's grid, besides if it isn't a Saiyan then its a good fight. I don't see any reason to not go, we just need to be more careful than usual that`s all."

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Kakarot is alive. Kakarot is alive. KAKAROT IS ALIV---- Gine clenched her hands as she calmed down, this sounded good but from what she remembered Turles was worse than the average Saiyan, liking to play up politics and finesse but lacked a single bone of comradery inside him, everyone was just a tool to elevate himself, at least that`s what Bardock told her

Gine`s whole body tensed as if to spring into action, like a sword about to be unsheathed. A habit she picked up over times, while her face was calm anyone who knew her quirks would see Gine is somewhat nervous

-If it`s true or not Turles want us there for some reason. It might be naive of me, but on the chance that`s true......I want to go.

Gine rarely spoke out, happy to follow Bardock`s lead for he had far more experience and sharper instincts than she, but on this she wouldn`t budge, with a intensity rarely seen Gine continued her statement

-Besides if it isn`t might be a Saiyan and a power of 15000 would be useful. We would also be taking then off Freeza`s grid and it isn`t a Saiyan then its a good fight right? I don`t see no reason to go, we just need to be more careful than usual that`s all

@The Fourth Monado

Bardock sat for a few moments, seeming to weigh Gine's words, his focus not quite there in the cockpit with her. She could tell he was thinking hard about this, fighting to keep control. Always control; ever since that mission, Bardock had done what he could to keep ironclad control of himself whereever and whenever possible.
Even as he became less harsh, there was a sense of keeping himself bound and wound tightly. The undercurrents of frustration and grief, both at his helplessness to stop what happened to their people, and at how his every interaction with the person he cared about most were so muted, were buried deep under layers of emotional "rock".

Finally, he spoke.

"You're right. We can't ignore this. And if Turles is pulling this string, now, in this way, especially if he's trying to gain an advantage over us..."

Bardock's gaze sharpened as he met Gine's eyes directly.

"We will teach him the errors of his ways."

He turned around and started to ready their path, before he stopped, turned back around, and walked up to Gine. Slowly, carefully, he hugged her. The gesture was softer than anything most would imagine a Saiyan Warrior capable of. To Gine, it was a gesture that showed his much greater capacity for affection and the expression thereof, tempered with enormous amounts of restraint. Bardock was clearly fighting to keep from being overcome by a vision and accidentally injure his wife.

"Take the wheel, Gine. Plot the best, safest course you can for now. I'll see if I can figure something better out."

He sat in the rear copilot's seat and leaned back, hands clasped together, and let go his steel-strong mental contro-FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH

Bardock's head was immediately beaded with sweat.

@The Fourth Monado , I'm leaving the success and accuracy of the Sight Vision up to you. He's attempting what amounts to Present Sight, seeking to find an FTL route that shaves time and distance off their journey without putting them in undue risk.

I'm not saying he's trying to make the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs....but he might be trying to make the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.
Raditz felt the familiar pangs of hatred that he usually did when he learned someone was stronger than him, before locking it up in his mind to fade away like he always did, getting mad would just bring trouble.

So his brother was alive... surprising, and it actually made him a bit happy, but it didn't really matter in the end, they would go and recruit him and life would carry on like usual, it was kind of annoying to learn that he was officially the weakest in his family, but he'd seen them literally throw themselves at death to get that strength.

He wasn't so stupid.

15,000... that was quite a bit, and if he could somehow get his brother on his side then he might-just might-be able to make plans to get away from Vegeta and the other stronger fighters.

"On my way Sir."

He had some acting to brush up on.
Vegeta was waiting for him at the pods, clearly on the cusp of losing his patience as Nappa nattered on with his usual crazed ramblings. Were it not for the lack of other saiyans, it was clear Vegeta would have been tempted to dispose of his second in command, if only for the sake of his sanity.

"Its about time you got here." Vegeta snarled, wishing to get off this planet and on to greater things. "Now that you're done with the sightseeing, we can go see if Kakarot's actually worth our time."

The trip better have been worth the distances involved, for he had no desire to go to a planet named after a lump of dirt without due cause or at the very least the satisfaction of a good fight. He'd been exterminating weaklings for too long and had no desire to grow rusty with his fighting skills. Not when his pride as a Saiyan elite was on the line.
Vegeta was waiting for him at the pods, clearly on the cusp of losing his patience as Nappa nattered on with his usual crazed ramblings. Were it not for the lack of other saiyans, it was clear Vegeta would have been tempted to dispose of his second in command, if only for the sake of his sanity.

"Its about time you got here." Vegeta snarled, wishing to get off this planet and on to greater things. "Now that you're done with the sightseeing, we can go see if Kakarot's actually worth our time."

The trip better have been worth the distances involved, for he had no desire to go to a planet named after a lump of dirt without due cause or at the very least the satisfaction of a good fight. He'd been exterminating weaklings for too long and had no desire to grow rusty with his fighting skills. Not when his pride as a Saiyan elite was on the line.
Nappa got into his pod, and closed it behind him, although not taking off quite yet, letting the Prince be the one to start the flight. Bringing up a private file, he added the galactic co-ordinates of this planet, with a note on the status of Nappa mountain (unsuccessful), as well as a note on the location of this new planet and Saiyan. Flicking back to the top of the file, he pressed another button on his scouter, and a very old program booted up, one that dated from when General meant something. The galactic map slowly loaded, showing the current spheres of influence, as near he could reckon, of the major players. A plan, discarded months ago, came back to mind. if the new Demon pushing out could be deflected right there was a decent chance of sending him straight into the heart of Frieza's empire. Given the power levels among the three, there was no way to do it themselves. But with the addition of a fourth combatant at 15,000...

Nappa smiled in his pod, as Vegeta berated Raditz for being slow. Even if Frieza himself destroyed the rumoured leader, the Ginyu force would have to be deployed to stop the advance, and having them weakened was essential to increase the freedom of "employees" like us. Yes, this new Saiyan would be welcome indeed. Shame it would take so long to get there.

"Vegeta, where are we going to get food? We don't want to arrive there hungry, then we'll be grumpy and make a bad impression on him."
@The Fourth Monado

Bardock sat for a few moments, seeming to weigh Gine's words, his focus not quite there in the cockpit with her. She could tell he was thinking hard about this, fighting to keep control. Always control; ever since that mission, Bardock had done what he could to keep ironclad control of himself whereever and whenever possible.
Even as he became less harsh, there was a sense of keeping himself bound and wound tightly. The undercurrents of frustration and grief, both at his helplessness to stop what happened to their people, and at how his every interaction with the person he cared about most were so muted, were buried deep under layers of emotional "rock".

Finally, he spoke.

"You're right. We can't ignore this. And if Turles is pulling this string, now, in this way, especially if he's trying to gain an advantage over us..."

Bardock's gaze sharpened as he met Gine's eyes directly.

"We will teach him the errors of his ways."

He turned around and started to ready their path, before he stopped, turned back around, and walked up to Gine. Slowly, carefully, he hugged her. The gesture was softer than anything most would imagine a Saiyan Warrior capable of. To Gine, it was a gesture that showed his much greater capacity for affection and the expression thereof, tempered with enormous amounts of restraint. Bardock was clearly fighting to keep from being overcome by a vision and accidentally injure his wife.

"Take the wheel, Gine. Plot the best, safest course you can for now. I'll see if I can figure something better out."

He sat in the rear copilot's seat and leaned back, hands clasped together, and let go his steel-strong mental contro-FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH

Bardock's head was immediately beaded with sweat.

Smiling into the hug Gine relaxed, tension leaving as it was never there in the first place

"Right! Same as always eh captain?" As Bardock went to foresee the best path to Earth Gine pondered about their situation. Bardock did grow for the better, more attentive, less explosive, but with that came some sense of strong responsibility as if he was at fault for the saiyan's extinction. Gine wouldn't say that she understood that, sure she missed their old squad but being treated as a pariah by some of her own kind wasn't something that would produce pride and loyalty to what meant to be a 'Saiyan'

'Well at least the stars are pretty. I hope we find Kakarot maybe Bardock will relax a little if we do. I know I will.' Yet at the same time she thought of Kakarot her heart brought up Raditz as well and with that her good mood crashed down. Gritting her teeth Gine felt a bit hopeless, fighting, cooking, healing. She could help in all the little things but the situation of her children and Bardock's future sight curse were things she could only stand and watch, if Freeza's army caught wind of them trying to find other Saiyans it would ruin everything and the future sight did save her and Bardock but it also was something that constantly pressured him and she just didn't know what to do about it

'It helps as much as it hurts. How annoying. I don't like having to think so much'

She pondered if it really was a curse, because it gave Bardock choices and he was learning to control it, directing the visions to what he wanted, no more random flashes where Bardock lashed out as if he was physically suffering the vision itself so why would a victim give such an ace to their killer

'I just hope this isn't Turles being an ass and Kakarot is really there. I cannot help but feel something huge is about to happen...'
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Nappa got into his pod, and closed it behind him, although not taking off quite yet, letting the Prince be the one to start the flight. Bringing up a private file, he added the galactic co-ordinates of this planet, with a note on the status of Nappa mountain (unsuccessful), as well as a note on the location of this new planet and Saiyan. Flicking back to the top of the file, he pressed another button on his scouter, and a very old program booted up, one that dated from when General meant something. The galactic map slowly loaded, showing the current spheres of influence, as near he could reckon, of the major players. A plan, discarded months ago, came back to mind. if the new Demon pushing out could be deflected right there was a decent chance of sending him straight into the heart of Frieza's empire. Given the power levels among the three, there was no way to do it themselves. But with the addition of a fourth combatant at 15,000...

Nappa smiled in his pod, as Vegeta berated Raditz for being slow. Even if Frieza himself destroyed the rumoured leader, the Ginyu force would have to be deployed to stop the advance, and having them weakened was essential to increase the freedom of "employees" like us. Yes, this new Saiyan would be welcome indeed. Shame it would take so long to get there.

"Vegeta, where are we going to get food? We don't want to arrive there hungry, then we'll be grumpy and make a bad impression on him."
Vegeta clambered into his pod, only having to incline his head slightly to fit beneath the almost perfectly sized door to the craft. Settling himself into his seat, his tail curling itself tightly around his chest, he pressed down upon one of the buttons of his command console, the pod sealing itself with a hiss of pressurised atmosphere.

As he opened his mouth to berate Nappa, he felt his stomach grumble, the saiting of his appetite from this worlds conquest fading away far quicker than he would have liked. Typical weaklings, tasting bad and not even satisfying enough to be filling.

"Pick a planet and make sure there is enough for all of us." he replied, trying to sound uncaring. Hopefully it wouldn't contain bug people. He'd be picking chitin out of his teeth for weeks.
Vegeta was waiting for him at the pods, clearly on the cusp of losing his patience as Nappa nattered on with his usual crazed ramblings. Were it not for the lack of other saiyans, it was clear Vegeta would have been tempted to dispose of his second in command, if only for the sake of his sanity.

"Its about time you got here." Vegeta snarled, wishing to get off this planet and on to greater things. "Now that you're done with the sightseeing, we can go see if Kakarot's actually worth our time."

The trip better have been worth the distances involved, for he had no desire to go to a planet named after a lump of dirt without due cause or at the very least the satisfaction of a good fight. He'd been exterminating weaklings for too long and had no desire to grow rusty with his fighting skills. Not when his pride as a Saiyan elite was on the line.
Raditz climbed into his pod, closing the door and turning his Scouter's communicator to One-way so that they couldn't hear him.

He would have to work on putting actual emotion into his usual monotone voice so that he could play his part better.
Convincing someone he barely knew would be difficult, especially if they were savvy enough to pick up on his deceit.

"Kakarot, my name is Raditz, I'm your brother." No, too straightforward. "Hello Kakarot, my name is-" Too arrogant sounding, he had to differentiate himself from the other Saiyans.

He absentmindedly heard Nappa say something about stopping for food and his stomach rumbled angrily.

He was getting kind of hungry... but that would have to wait.

"My name is Raditz, and I need your help."

Vegeta clambered into his pod, only having to incline his head slightly to fit beneath the almost perfectly sized door to the craft. Settling himself into his seat, his tail curling itself tightly around his chest, he pressed down upon one of the buttons of his command console, the pod sealing itself with a hiss of pressurised atmosphere.

As he opened his mouth to berate Nappa, he felt his stomach grumble, the saiting of his appetite from this worlds conquest fading away far quicker than he would have liked. Typical weaklings, tasting bad and not even satisfying enough to be filling.

"Pick a planet and make sure there is enough for all of us." he replied, trying to sound uncaring. Hopefully it wouldn't contain bug people. He'd be picking chitin out of his teeth for weeks.
Flicking through the map, Nappa found a planet on the way that should be able to get them food.

"Alright Vegeta! It'll only be a little detour, so just follow me!"

Starting the engine, the pod lept into the air, screaming out of the atmosphere and towards the marked planet. Apparently it had bug people. Got to love Bug people. It's like eating space crab.
Paragus considers. This could be a trap. Turles could be lying. It certainly is the case that not all the surviving Saiyans would be friendly to Paragus's plans.

But the chance this was true was too good to pass up. He'd be cautious, certainly. Especially around the young Prince, if he showed up, as the most likely to be invested in the order of things, as they had been on Planet Vegeta. And so Paragus tells Broly "It seems we have a new destination, my son. Turles claims he's located another Saiyan survivor. I'm not sure I believe him, so be on guard, but this is not something I'll pass up."

Then he sets a course for the coordinates Turles sent him.
At the words from his father, Broly gives a start, looks up from his scouter plate, and suppresses a twitch of irritation. Then what Paragus said sinks in, and Broly gives a soft "Hmm," of acceptance. He returns to the handheld device for a few minutes, continuing to look over the blueprints for his blaster -- easiest way to figure out how to cause the new effect was figuring out what change had caused it, after all.

Then a thought occurred to him. Wait, another survivor? He spoke, asking, "Should I prepare for an encounter with the sellouts?"
At the words from his father, Broly gives a start, looks up from his scouter plate, and suppresses a twitch of irritation. Then what Paragus said sinks in, and Broly gives a soft "Hmm," of acceptance. He returns to the handheld device for a few minutes, continuing to look over the blueprints for his blaster -- easiest way to figure out how to cause the new effect was figuring out what change had caused it, after all.

Then a thought occurred to him. Wait, another survivor? He spoke, asking, "Should I prepare for an encounter with the sellouts?"
Paragus nods. "Turles claims he told the others. If he is telling the truth, and not lying to draw us into a trap, we may encounter them. Of course, I suspect he is telling the truth to draw us into a trap. Either way. We'll need to be ready."

Then he goes back to focusing on flying the ship and planning.
And thus, everyone takes off, toward a world of destiny...


The two of you were the firsts to arrive in orbit of the planet, due to Bardock's Sight showing him a slingshot option that would shorten the trip by a decent amount. Going by the scanners, there weren't any spaceships in orbit - just a bunch of satellites - but at the current relative speeds, you'd be unable to gain a good PL scan of the world.

@Terrabrand @CaesriusPolybius

You two were the next to arrive in-system, barely an hour later going by, and find yourselves heading toward a brownish part of the world. Probably some sort of desert. Your sensors, though weaker, can tell the same things as Bardock's ships - as well as detect his ship.

@Lazy Coyote

You three arrive the latest, mostly because of that pit stop you'd taken. All your sensors detect all the things everyone else found, including everyone else's spaceships either heading to the planet or in-orbit of the planet.

None of you notice the tiny shadow behind the moon...
You two were the next to arrive in-system, barely an hour later going by, and find yourselves heading toward a brownish part of the world. Probably some sort of desert. Your sensors, though weaker, can tell the same things as Bardock's ships - as well as detect his ship.
Paragus considers, and then attempts to open a channel to the ship in orbit. If the occupants are openly hostile, best to know sooner rather than later.
Paragus considers, and then attempts to open a channel to the ship in orbit. If the occupants are openly hostile, best to know sooner rather than later.

Gine paused staring at the communicator while the ship drifted in orbit. A detected ship was hailing them, the pattern signal was different, not from the Freeza Army models and it was suspiciously traveling the same path as themselves

'Turles? Hmph knew it. Guess he invited some pals.' Calling Bardock loudly, the man took power naps everytime they traveled, Gine reported the situation

"Bardock, there's a ship hailing us. Not from any faction I can recognize and their flight path seems eerily similar to ours. Orders?"

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And thus, everyone takes off, toward a world of destiny...


The two of you were the firsts to arrive in orbit of the planet, due to Bardock's Sight showing him a slingshot option that would shorten the trip by a decent amount. Going by the scanners, there weren't any spaceships in orbit - just a bunch of satellites - but at the current relative speeds, you'd be unable to gain a good PL scan of the world.

@Terrabrand @CaesriusPolybius

You two were the next to arrive in-system, barely an hour later going by, and find yourselves heading toward a brownish part of the world. Probably some sort of desert. Your sensors, though weaker, can tell the same things as Bardock's ships - as well as detect his ship.

@Lazy Coyote

You three arrive the latest, mostly because of that pit stop you'd taken. All your sensors detect all the things everyone else found, including everyone else's spaceships either heading to the planet or in-orbit of the planet.

None of you notice the tiny shadow behind the moon...

Paragus considers, and then attempts to open a channel to the ship in orbit. If the occupants are openly hostile, best to know sooner rather than later.

Gine paused staring at the communicator while the ship drifted in orbit. A detected ship was hailing them, the pattern signal was different, not from the Freeza Army models and it was suspiciously traveling the same path as themselves

'Turles? Hmph knew it. Guess he invited some pals.' Calling Bardock loudly, the man took power naps everytime they traveled, Gine reported the situation

"Bardock, there's a ship hailing us. Not from any faction I can recognize and their flight path seems eerily similar to ours. Orders?"

Bardock had indeed been dozing after they started their final FTL jump, knowing he'd have a couple of hours. He roused in moments, his mind almost instantly fully awake and aware. He glanced at the sensors for a moment, noting this other ship.

"Send it to the console back here; I'll talk with them while you slow us down and try to find a landing spot close to...honestly I don't even know. Close to where Kakarot is, maybe."

He couldn't risk the sight, not now. Instead, he just opened the communications channel. Whatever that other ship was, it wasn't PTO.

"This is Bardock."
Bardock had indeed been dozing after they started their final FTL jump, knowing he'd have a couple of hours. He roused in moments, his mind almost instantly fully awake and aware. He glanced at the sensors for a moment, noting this other ship.

"Send it to the console back here; I'll talk with them while you slow us down and try to find a landing spot close to...honestly I don't even know. Close to where Kakarot is, maybe."

He couldn't risk the sight, not now. Instead, he just opened the communications channel. Whatever that other ship was, it wasn't PTO.

"This is Bardock."
Paragus blinks in surprise. He hadn't expected a familiar voice. "I must admit, Bardock, I hadn't realized you had survived. It's me, Paragus. I'm sure we have much to discuss, but the immediate concern... Well, I'm guessing you were also contacted by Turles about a supposed surviving Saiyan named Kakarot, who he claims is your son?"

A pause, considering. "Well, I suppose I'm just lucky the Prince isn't here yet. I'm not sure how the boy would respond to my... Current positions. I wouldn't want any of us to get hurt needlessly."
Paragus blinks in surprise. He hadn't expected a familiar voice. "I must admit, Bardock, I hadn't realized you had survived. It's me, Paragus. I'm sure we have much to discuss, but the immediate concern... Well, I'm guessing you were also contacted by Turles about a supposed surviving Saiyan named Kakarot, who he claims is your son?"

A pause, considering. "Well, I suppose I'm just lucky the Prince isn't here yet. I'm not sure how the boy would respond to my... Current positions. I wouldn't want any of us to get hurt needlessly."
@Vanargand @The Fourth Monado

Bardock raises an eyebrow in mutual surprise.

"The aftermath of that day was...chaotic. And the list of survivors is not long."

He paused, mulling over the situation, before steeling his resolve.

"Yes. That ass sent Gine and I a message. Kakarot is my younger son's name. We are here to confirm or disprove this. As for the Prince...let's not count ourselves too lucky just yet."

He glanced toward Gine in the pilot's seat, then tapped out a silent text message to her even as he spoke.

--Pick somewhere that's not next to a population center, but not too far from one. We can start our search from there.--

"We're going to be going down to look for him. I can't stop you from doing the same, Paragus, but I'll be blunt: if it really is Kakarot down there, woe betide anyone or anything who tries to take my son from me."

The resolve in his voice was strong enough to bind a member of the Ginyu Force. Metaphorically speaking.
@Vanargand @The Fourth Monado

Bardock raises an eyebrow in mutual surprise.

"The aftermath of that day was...chaotic. And the list of survivors is not long."

He paused, mulling over the situation, before steeling his resolve.

"Yes. That ass sent Gine and I a message. Kakarot is my younger son's name. We are here to confirm or disprove this. As for the Prince...let's not count ourselves too lucky just yet."

He glanced toward Gine in the pilot's seat, then tapped out a silent text message to her even as he spoke.

--Pick somewhere that's not next to a population center, but not too far from one. We can start our search from there.--

"We're going to be going down to look for him. I can't stop you from doing the same, Paragus, but I'll be blunt: if it really is Kakarot down there, woe betide anyone or anything who tries to take my son from me."

The resolve in his voice was strong enough to bind a member of the Ginyu Force. Metaphorically speaking.
Paragus is not offended by the threat. "Of course, Bardock. I understsand. You may not be aware, but I myself am a father, although I admit I rarely have need to worry about my son being in danger." A pause, remembering the many times the reverse was true, where his son was a danger to him instead. "I offer my aid in your search. More people looking can only speed things up. I'll even let you pick out the coordinates for me to land at, as a show of good faith. I don't believe you'd be working with Turles, so I doubt you could arrange an ambush easily."
Paragus is not offended by the threat. "Of course, Bardock. I understsand. You may not be aware, but I myself am a father, although I admit I rarely have need to worry about my son being in danger." A pause, remembering the many times the reverse was true, where his son was a danger to him instead. "I offer my aid in your search. More people looking can only speed things up. I'll even let you pick out the coordinates for me to land at, as a show of good faith. I don't believe you'd be working with Turles, so I doubt you could arrange an ambush easily."
@Vanargand @The Fourth Monado
Bardock nods to himself.

"That's reasonable. We'll have you land near us; if you try to screw us over you'll do it when you're close anyway, and if you're not hostile, it'll make things easier."

Blunt but pragmatic. He quickly sent Paragus the coordinates that would put the other Saiyan duo near his and Gine's own landing site.

"Best we get to it. Who knows what Turles has up his sleeve."

Bardock kept his eyes on the sensors as their ship and Paragus's descended. He kept the channel with the other Saiyan open, albeit muting it semi-often to speak briefly with Gine as they continued their descent.

"Congratulations on being a father, by the way. I don't recall that from our time in service together."