With that exclamation and a smirk, Bardock blazed ahead. He could see the flashes of light of Turles and Vegeta fighting. He narrows his eyes, then grins savagely. When he's only heartbeats away, he yells out at the top of his lungs.
@Xellos @Dovahsith
"Hey! Turles!"
His fist pulls back, shrouded in Ki as he's now just a couple body-lengths away, and his fist is moving forward, simultaneously blindingly fast and agonizingly slow.
"Better clench up! HEAT PHALANX!"
And a blazing fist rushed right at Turles's face
what about the branches
... I wonder what would happen if I had Raditz steal and eat one of the fruits... Thoughts for later. Probably steal one for Nappa too.

Right now the best I can probably do is beat a few of the Saibamen with Nappa. Maybe take a few potshots at Turles with a Saturday Crash to see if I can't use the paralyzing effect to give Vageta a boost.
I see the couple hints dropped haven't been getting to people yet.

I can guess. DB Heroes?

Tree of Might is a parasite manipulating Turles to become it's new body or something
I think it's just fairly normal addiction. Well, as fairly normal as you can get for superpowered super drugs. Of superness.
I think it's just fairly normal addiction. Well, as fairly normal as you can get for superpowered super drugs. Of superness.

Pretty much.

It's made worse because the one who ate it was a saiyan and it the addictions main manifestation is that it stops any other food from making you feel fuller.

It's a bad combination.
Oh yeah, there is one person on earth who can defeat Turles.

The problem is that person is Mr Popo.

we're fucked.
Bardock normally wouldn't try the same thing twice like this but Saibamen are really really really stupid.
Huh. Only one of the submissions that got in is not at least somewhat trained at Oozaru, not counting Mystery Box Turles who may or may not be trained we don't know yet.