Taka's endless blows bit through the beast's arm, and the corpse flower ripped through the rest. The beast fell back, it's howl possessing enough force to prevent any followup. But... you had most definitely rendered that arm unusable, and more importantly probably unable to shift into the intangible state.

So... now what?
Taka takes a quick glance at Bonny, and makes a snap decision. If it seems Bonny has a plan, he shall shield his ally physically with body and weapon from direct assault.

If not, he simply launches himself backwards through the air, transforms his Divine Weapon into a bow, and begins loosing arrows rapidly into the beast. There are other archery styles than the Divine Wind, and he trusts his weapon to once more choose a suitable one, as it has before.


"I need to recover at least part of the sword. It's a... focus of sorts, not comfortable enough with this form to hold it at such a large power level too long without it."

Bonny thought they were being spied on, so she spoke enough of the truth to get her point across. It wasn't the entire truth of course, but that was due to where and when they were. The more people thought they knew, the less they were going to be an issue later on, even as it also would potentially cause problems with her current teammate later on. Taking a deep breathe to stablise the energies as they mixed and flowed through her body, she needed to work out the best way to keep herself in the form in case she couldn't retrieve the sword. The beast was hopefully prevented from phasing through their attacks, so they needed to put it down.

Perhaps one of her lesser used techniques would fit the bill. Waving her fingers through a less then complex wave, she focused on the beasts mind and scenes, attempting to determine how the beast could perceive the world. It was the small details that could slip one up, even if this didn't appear to be the most intelligent of beings. Weaving together the slightest hint of sage energies, she flowed it through her form, as if she was transforming into giant golden oozaru, an illusion that began to pound its chest and do the usual hints of primal posturing typical to the less skilled users of the form.

It was only an illusion of course, but for the beast it should feel realistic enough to the five senses, so that when it was grappled it should feel grappled. For the sake of Taka, she did a slight ki projection of the oozaru as it ran forward and attempted to grab the beast in a crushing hug. Hopefully, he would get the point not to disrupt it. As for Bonny herself, she was going to sneak behind and attempt to grab the untransformed handle of her sword. She wasn't going to detach the entire corpse flower, just enough of the handle and a blade she could use.
Luke Anderson

There it was.

The twisted visage of whatever 13 had become, not a mere fusion of machinery and Ki, somethin more, something darker. Far more sinister than anything Gero could ever hope to dream of. ... Perhaps, begrudgingly Luke thought, a line that even he would not wish to cross.

It didn't matter.

Luke breathed.

'... Noah.'

His wings extended, power rapidly drawing in from around his body, shining energy enveloping him as the sheer magnitude of density he was forming drew everything in. His arm lined back, shining with internal energy, brimming with raw, undeniable power, crackling along his body before converging within his fist.

13's transformation didn't matter.

The dark arm from the cocoon extended, an evil figure began to move.

Luke's heart beat once.

It began to take shape into something more.

His mind cleared.

The sinister figure ran, a mad dash towards him and-

"... A Shining Star Splits the Void."

A single whispered line drifted from Luke's mouth.

This new form did not matter, because Luke would strike him down regardless of the power 13 possessed.

And then he struck.

Without hesitation, faster than thought, faster than he could even think of moving, his body moved almost on its own to strike the wretched creature before him, to destroy it utterly and expunge its tainted power from the world.

With all his might, all his power, all his fury, a single, roaring cry left Luke's mouth-


And then there was Light.
The dark figure passes... by both of your sides, before detonating violently. This part of this entire thing was over, giving you a moment to breathe.

"Right. We're going to need to figure out a way out of this zone," Endeyive states, various panels on his body having folded back in to revert him back to a seemingly normal human look.
Alright, that was a dumb idea. Lili can admit that in her head, she wasn't entirely sure why she thought that would work, but it is increasingly looking like Lili is going to have to do something she is not very good at, and thus hasn't used often to avoid these stupid wires.

Taking a deep breath - A deep, deep breath that has the air whooshing around her as she draws so much of it into her lungs. Once there is enough air in her lungs, she transmutes the air into a thick, cloying smog that is so sickly sweet that really the only people who would enjoy it's presence is a majin. Spraying out the thick smog all about her, Lili hides herself from any watching eyes. Then, she transmutes a bit of that smog into something that looks identical to herself.

Lili holds the copy of herself up for a moment, but she grimaces, focusing.

Lili shapeshifts, compressing herself down to something to size of a Capsule, and hides itself away right on the small of the replica's back.

The replica begins to fall, and with the slightest of uses of magic, Lili adjusts the replica's body, weaving it back and forth to try and dodge the wires to the best of her ability.
Many wires miss as your replica falls, heading to the point you can detect your opponent right below - you were almost in range to attaPAIN
The Power of Destruction washes over the battlefield, as Gerrin pauses in his ritual between the four pillars. "That was..." he breathes.
You snap awake, standing over the disintegrating form of your opponent. Glancing around, you see the replica, caught and sliced through in a web of those magical wires, one of which had managed to cut right into where you'd hidden yourself. Looking back down, your opponent was already gone, only purple sparkles fading from where he'd been.

You feel... fine.
Mato releases the rest of his soul, his eyes filling fully with light. His arm blurs up-


-and he appears just to the side with a Lance Strike flying off his fingers into Turles's elbow.
The Lance Strike scores off of Turles's elbow, but Turles's other hand had snapped around your wrist, energies building-!

Then his head snaps up as a certain feeling - a song of power - floods your Ki senses, as Denve's voice quietly echos through the passage.

"I am the one that stands between Heaven and Earth."

The world Sang around, and Turles was suddenly rocketing down toward the bottom of the tube, Denve floating just above where he'd been. Though he appeared visually to be a Super Saiyan, his aura sparkled with blue and white flame that Sang of everything, every rock, every tree, every person. He glances over, and nods.

"Let's get this over with."
The nail gun itself produces openings. While Cynthia could try for SSJ3, instead she opts for kienzans. Lots and lots of kienzans.

Mitsuba snaps to adapt to the new situation, letting fly with a vicious, mad-minute barrage of rapid fire Makankosappos.
The darkness lashes out with tendrals as it blanketed this Broly, prioritizing the Kienzan as they swatted all around -

Before suddenly burst away, revealing Broly in his Super Saiyan 2 state with his hair and skin bleached a pale white, and a tail of darkness whipping behind him! If Cynthia was to go beyond, she needed to do so now!
Taka takes a quick glance at Bonny, and makes a snap decision. If it seems Bonny has a plan, he shall shield his ally physically with body and weapon from direct assault.

If not, he simply launches himself backwards through the air, transforms his Divine Weapon into a bow, and begins loosing arrows rapidly into the beast. There are other archery styles than the Divine Wind, and he trusts his weapon to once more choose a suitable one, as it has before.


"I need to recover at least part of the sword. It's a... focus of sorts, not comfortable enough with this form to hold it at such a large power level too long without it."

Bonny thought they were being spied on, so she spoke enough of the truth to get her point across. It wasn't the entire truth of course, but that was due to where and when they were. The more people thought they knew, the less they were going to be an issue later on, even as it also would potentially cause problems with her current teammate later on. Taking a deep breathe to stablise the energies as they mixed and flowed through her body, she needed to work out the best way to keep herself in the form in case she couldn't retrieve the sword. The beast was hopefully prevented from phasing through their attacks, so they needed to put it down.

Perhaps one of her lesser used techniques would fit the bill. Waving her fingers through a less then complex wave, she focused on the beasts mind and scenes, attempting to determine how the beast could perceive the world. It was the small details that could slip one up, even if this didn't appear to be the most intelligent of beings. Weaving together the slightest hint of sage energies, she flowed it through her form, as if she was transforming into giant golden oozaru, an illusion that began to pound its chest and do the usual hints of primal posturing typical to the less skilled users of the form.

It was only an illusion of course, but for the beast it should feel realistic enough to the five senses, so that when it was grappled it should feel grappled. For the sake of Taka, she did a slight ki projection of the oozaru as it ran forward and attempted to grab the beast in a crushing hug. Hopefully, he would get the point not to disrupt it. As for Bonny herself, she was going to sneak behind and attempt to grab the untransformed handle of her sword. She wasn't going to detach the entire corpse flower, just enough of the handle and a blade she could use.
The beast tried to grapple with the illusion, and Bonny is able to get close enough to pull out just enough of the sword as she needed!

Meanwhile, Taka noted a piece of his armor had detached, shaping itself into a crystalline, drill-like arrow as his bow shifted and expanded, swelling to beyond normal human usability...
Bassoon's eyes widened at the sight, and he was moving before his brain finished thinking between the half-twinkles of an eye.

'I am sick of watching people I care about die!'

All of his thought, emotion, and determination poured into his being. His Ki flared, the burning orange of Hyper Namekian shifting to an even brighter shade. The air rippled as his raw psychic telekinesis pushed him forward, while flecks of sparkling emerald represented raw magic temporarily boosting his speed just a bit more. His Quirk shoved as far to "increase Bassoon's velocity" as it could. Two of his hands flew through motions and a thin plane of magical energy, then reinforced with whatever scraps of his telekinesis and Ki weren't shoved into "GO FASTER", tried to place itself between Coolemba and Chryostis.

All of this happened in less time than it takes for a single hand on a watch to move. If not for the strange ways of Ki, Magic, and Psi, one could argue some of the movements were so rapid they'd start to defy the regular reflection of light. Such was the realm of the powerful Champions of the multiverse.

Here and now, it meant that, hopefully, Bassoon would shoulder-check Coolemba before the other being could harm Bassoon's top Frenemy. At which point, all four of Bassoon's hands, every fingernail enhanced with razor-sharp claws of roiling Ki, would clamp inward at top (enhanced) speed, seeking to shred his enemy's flesh, and even use Impalpable to sink beneath the skin. Even as Bassoon's eyes lit up an angry red and shot beams of concentrated energy into Coolemba at point-blank range.
You crash into Coolemba, energy boiling into it's body even as Chryostis zips away and forges another Supernova... before grunting, as he begins trying to force it to shrink into his hand...
The darkness lashes out with tendrals as it blanketed this Broly, prioritizing the Kienzan as they swatted all around -

Before suddenly burst away, revealing Broly in his Super Saiyan 2 state with his hair and skin bleached a pale white, and a tail of darkness whipping behind him! If Cynthia was to go beyond, she needed to do so now!

Super Saiyan 3 it was! Cynthia built her power as quickly as she could!
Many wires miss as your replica falls, heading to the point you can detect your opponent right below - you were almost in range to attaPAIN
The Power of Destruction washes over the battlefield, as Gerrin pauses in his ritual between the four pillars. "That was..." he breathes.
You snap awake, standing over the disintegrating form of your opponent. Glancing around, you see the replica, caught and sliced through in a web of those magical wires, one of which had managed to cut right into where you'd hidden yourself. Looking back down, your opponent was already gone, only purple sparkles fading from where he'd been.

You feel... fine.
Lilli blinks, slowly turning back and forth, looking around and trying to understand what happened. After a long moment, the girl shrugs, entirely unaware of the slight purplish shimmer that dances across her skin, so tightly woven that it looks almost more like a blush than an aura. "...What just happened?" She asks, after a moment of no answer, the girl shakes her head. She's here to be annoying as possible to her enemies, so that is what she is going to do. Turning the girl tries to find another group of enemies to attack!
The beast tried to grapple with the illusion, and Bonny is able to get close enough to pull out just enough of the sword as she needed!

Meanwhile, Taka noted a piece of his armor had detached, shaping itself into a crystalline, drill-like arrow as his bow shifted and expanded, swelling to beyond normal human usability...
Trusting the gods without question, not to mention his Divine Weapon, Taka follows his instincts or perhaps really just his Sight, knocks the arrow, and fires when the moment feels right.

Whether by divine guidance or simply the skills of the warrior he is borrowing, Taka knows he'll know his moment.
The darkness lashes out with tendrals as it blanketed this Broly, prioritizing the Kienzan as they swatted all around -

Before suddenly burst away, revealing Broly in his Super Saiyan 2 state with his hair and skin bleached a pale white, and a tail of darkness whipping behind him! If Cynthia was to go beyond, she needed to do so now!
Super Saiyan 3 it was! Cynthia built her power as quickly as she could!
Mitsuba hisses with alarm and flitters back.

Cynthia knows the forms for team-fighting inside and out. It shouldn't be much of a stretch for her to know what to do when her teammate is trying to put a Makankosappo into her opponent's back.

The former Cap Circuit duelist takes her time to charge up her shots, but if-and-as Cynthia closes with Broly to try to meet him on equal terms, the hardened drills of ki lash out to try and wound the big man, one after another, when and as Cynthia presents Mitsuba with openings for a clear shot.
The Lance Strike scores off of Turles's elbow, but Turles's other hand had snapped around your wrist, energies building-!

Then his head snaps up as a certain feeling - a song of power - floods your Ki senses, as Denve's voice quietly echos through the passage.

"I am the one that stands between Heaven and Earth."

The world Sang around, and Turles was suddenly rocketing down toward the bottom of the tube, Denve floating just above where he'd been. Though he appeared visually to be a Super Saiyan, his aura sparkled with blue and white flame that Sang of everything, every rock, every tree, every person. He glances over, and nods.

"Let's get this over with."
The world through the lens of Mato does not sing; it shouts a triumphant cry of who he is and who he will become. It is a defiant and proud declaration of identity. Pure, white soulfire pours from his body, redefining the space around him and thrumming with power.

And an echo of that cry can be heard in Denve's song, for Mato is just as much a part of this world as any other.

Mato is not a team fighter by specialization, but Turles has thrown out enough unpleasant surprises to warrant stepping out of his zone. He takes a stance beside Denve, focusing on the echo of his soul and sinking into it, letting this rare confluence of abilities communicate and coordinate actions and intentions in a way that words, trust, and experience cannot presently deliver.

And when they are in consensus, Mato-


You crash into Coolemba, energy boiling into it's body even as Chryostis zips away and forges another Supernova... before grunting, as he begins trying to force it to shrink into his hand...
Bassoon did not let up a micron as he worked to ravage Coolemba. Both of his Quirks were getting as much psychic energy as they could, even as his Ki was entirely focused on the "claws" on his hands, the beams from his eyes, and telekinesis to try and slow down the monster in front of him, even by a few degrees. Magic sparked off of him, pouring into the other efforts in a nimbus of greenish-orange light that intermingled with his Hyper Namekian aura.

Chryostis heard Bassoon's voice in his mind. 'If you have a shot, take it! As long as it avoids my head I'll live so I don't care if it takes a limb, take the damn shot!'

His entire being poured into making himself the full focus of Coolemba's attention and wrath, as well as doing whatever he could to wear down and exhaust the creature, even by tiny degrees. A lesser being with no regeneration or exceptional sturdiness would likely be bloody shreds now, and Bassoon a horror movie monster. As it was, his extra arms were probably the only reason he was even keeping up with this thing.
The beast tried to grapple with the illusion, and Bonny is able to get close enough to pull out just enough of the sword as she needed!

Meanwhile, Taka noted a piece of his armor had detached, shaping itself into a crystalline, drill-like arrow as his bow shifted and expanded, swelling to beyond normal human usability...
Trusting the gods without question, not to mention his Divine Weapon, Taka follows his instincts or perhaps really just his Sight, knocks the arrow, and fires when the moment feels right.

Whether by divine guidance or simply the skills of the warrior he is borrowing, Taka knows he'll know his moment.

Feeling her energies settle back into place as the sword was retrieved, Bonny relaxed slightly. It was an annoying crutch, but it made it easier to focus on such things since she had to rely on additional power without the Green. Mental clarity had its costs after all. Since Taka appeared to be gathering energy, it was likely he had some plan of his own, but she wasn't sure what that could be.

The beast was still restrained though, so if she was going to pull support for him, it needed to be something that would both not break the illusion and not get in the samurai archers way. Taking advantage about how the beast was distracted, she began to carve out a circle for a rather 'crude' form of binding. Provided it wasnt interfered with, it would hopefully lock the beast in place for whatever Taka was planning, even without the Illusion.
Super Saiyan 3 it was! Cynthia built her power as quickly as she could!

Mitsuba hisses with alarm and flitters back.

Cynthia knows the forms for team-fighting inside and out. It shouldn't be much of a stretch for her to know what to do when her teammate is trying to put a Makankosappo into her opponent's back.

The former Cap Circuit duelist takes her time to charge up her shots, but if-and-as Cynthia closes with Broly to try to meet him on equal terms, the hardened drills of ki lash out to try and wound the big man, one after another, when and as Cynthia presents Mitsuba with openings for a clear shot.
Power builds, the earth shakes, and Cynthia's hair gets really long.

Just as she hits the tipping point, fully powering up into Super Saiyan 3 but not being at her full power in the form, Broly surges up at her!
Trusting the gods without question, not to mention his Divine Weapon, Taka follows his instincts or perhaps really just his Sight, knocks the arrow, and fires when the moment feels right.

Whether by divine guidance or simply the skills of the warrior he is borrowing, Taka knows he'll know his moment.

Feeling her energies settle back into place as the sword was retrieved, Bonny relaxed slightly. It was an annoying crutch, but it made it easier to focus on such things since she had to rely on additional power without the Green. Mental clarity had its costs after all. Since Taka appeared to be gathering energy, it was likely he had some plan of his own, but she wasn't sure what that could be.

The beast was still restrained though, so if she was going to pull support for him, it needed to be something that would both not break the illusion and not get in the samurai archers way. Taking advantage about how the beast was distracted, she began to carve out a circle for a rather 'crude' form of binding. Provided it wasnt interfered with, it would hopefully lock the beast in place for whatever Taka was planning, even without the Illusion.
It was not yet time for Taka to fire. And so he waited, and waited...

Meanwhile, Bonny quickly prepared her binding magic and unleashed it. The monster freezes in it's grapple! This was Taka's chance!
Lilli blinks, slowly turning back and forth, looking around and trying to understand what happened. After a long moment, the girl shrugs, entirely unaware of the slight purplish shimmer that dances across her skin, so tightly woven that it looks almost more like a blush than an aura. "...What just happened?" She asks, after a moment of no answer, the girl shakes her head. She's here to be annoying as possible to her enemies, so that is what she is going to do. Turning the girl tries to find another group of enemies to attack!
Enemies... enemies... ah! That big guy from before who'd been bossing around the guy you'd been fighting!

He'd changed his skin color a bit, and was now staring at you strangely. He moves, and it feels almost dreamlike as he charges you...
The world through the lens of Mato does not sing; it shouts a triumphant cry of who he is and who he will become. It is a defiant and proud declaration of identity. Pure, white soulfire pours from his body, redefining the space around him and thrumming with power.

And an echo of that cry can be heard in Denve's song, for Mato is just as much a part of this world as any other.

Mato is not a team fighter by specialization, but Turles has thrown out enough unpleasant surprises to warrant stepping out of his zone. He takes a stance beside Denve, focusing on the echo of his soul and sinking into it, letting this rare confluence of abilities communicate and coordinate actions and intentions in a way that words, trust, and experience cannot presently deliver.

And when they are in consensus, Mato-


Mato moves, and Denve moves with him.

Turles is suddenly beset by two equally powerful beings, both working almost preternaturally well together. Dodges were stifled by Mato's pinpoint precition, blocks were shattered by Denve's raw power, counterattacks were crushed or brushed aside, and in short order you're both ping-ponging Turles down the shaft.

Soon enough, all three of you reached the bottom. There were many passages leading away, but down one of them, you felt... something. Something you doubted you'd be able to feel, if it were not for the echos within Denve's own song. If you were a betting man, that would be your end goal here.

Denve notices what you notice at around the same time. In a burst of silent communication, he asks if you wish to go check it out - he'll be able to handle Turles on his own for long enough.
Bassoon did not let up a micron as he worked to ravage Coolemba. Both of his Quirks were getting as much psychic energy as they could, even as his Ki was entirely focused on the "claws" on his hands, the beams from his eyes, and telekinesis to try and slow down the monster in front of him, even by a few degrees. Magic sparked off of him, pouring into the other efforts in a nimbus of greenish-orange light that intermingled with his Hyper Namekian aura.

Chryostis heard Bassoon's voice in his mind. 'If you have a shot, take it! As long as it avoids my head I'll live so I don't care if it takes a limb, take the damn shot!'

His entire being poured into making himself the full focus of Coolemba's attention and wrath, as well as doing whatever he could to wear down and exhaust the creature, even by tiny degrees. A lesser being with no regeneration or exceptional sturdiness would likely be bloody shreds now, and Bassoon a horror movie monster. As it was, his extra arms were probably the only reason he was even keeping up with this thing.
Coolemba's aura erupts outwards, boiling the air around the both of you as your powers ravage his body. It's not enough to break free in time, though, as Chryostis shoots forward, a star at the tip of his finger that he drives into Coolemba's breast!

'Get clear, and hit him with your best shot!' You feel sent your way.
Enemies... enemies... ah! That big guy from before who'd been bossing around the guy you'd been fighting!

He'd changed his skin color a bit, and was now staring at you strangely. He moves, and it feels almost dreamlike as he charges you...
The world is dreamlike, so barely awash in movement that Lilli feels like she is moving through mollasses, and not the fun, yummy kind that one can eat, but rather a sharper, thicker kind that isn't so fun. However, for all the girl's movements feel slow and out of focus, the fact of the matter is that the big guy is moving even slower.

Lilli explodes forward, so slow, and yet crossing the distance in just moments, her hands shimmer with the power without, a blurring burning ecstasy that sings through her veins as she throws a hand forward, releasing a blast of pure power towards the threat. Wanting little more than to make it go away.
It was not yet time for Taka to fire. And so he waited, and waited...

Meanwhile, Bonny quickly prepared her binding magic and unleashed it. The monster freezes in it's grapple! This was Taka's chance!
With a prayer to the divine in his mind, albeit not his lips, Taka looses the arrow, and prepares every inch of his body to respond if the foe should survive even this blow.
Just as she hits the tipping point, fully powering up into Super Saiyan 3 but not being at her full power in the form, Broly surges up at her!
Rude to interrupt a transformation.

That looks like about as good a shot as Mitsuba's going to get, for better or for worse. She twists sideways, trying to open the angle as hard as she can so Cynthia's not in the direct line of fire- while still allowing the Nail Gun to catch Broly from behind and to the flank.

Then she lets fly.
Coolemba's aura erupts outwards, boiling the air around the both of you as your powers ravage his body. It's not enough to break free in time, though, as Chryostis shoots forward, a star at the tip of his finger that he drives into Coolemba's breast!

'Get clear, and hit him with your best shot!' You feel sent your way.
A handful of options burn through Bassoon's mind as he backs away, his telekinesis helping hold Coolemba in place even as his momentum-altering Quirk begins to fade. In the end, there's only one real choice.

His arms assume their well-learned position, with one hand pointing like a firearm at Coolemba, the other bracing the wrist. Power swirled and condensed, soon the orange of his Ki and aura condensing into a golden-red spike of power and defiance. Bassoon made one final minute adjustment to his aim, and then....


Let fly.
Mato moves, and Denve moves with him.

Turles is suddenly beset by two equally powerful beings, both working almost preternaturally well together. Dodges were stifled by Mato's pinpoint precition, blocks were shattered by Denve's raw power, counterattacks were crushed or brushed aside, and in short order you're both ping-ponging Turles down the shaft.

Soon enough, all three of you reached the bottom. There were many passages leading away, but down one of them, you felt... something. Something you doubted you'd be able to feel, if it were not for the echos within Denve's own song. If you were a betting man, that would be your end goal here.

Denve notices what you notice at around the same time. In a burst of silent communication, he asks if you wish to go check it out - he'll be able to handle Turles on his own for long enough.
Mato shakes his head. 'One thing at a time. We don't know what's down there. Let's not split our focus, in case it's an enemy. Take him down first!'

And then he proceeds to suit action to words, going for the kill or the knockout, whichever presents itself first.
Power builds, the earth shakes, and Cynthia's hair gets really long.

Just as she hits the tipping point, fully powering up into Super Saiyan 3 but not being at her full power in the form, Broly surges up at her!

Rude to interrupt a transformation.

That looks like about as good a shot as Mitsuba's going to get, for better or for worse. She twists sideways, trying to open the angle as hard as she can so Cynthia's not in the direct line of fire- while still allowing the Nail Gun to catch Broly from behind and to the flank.

Then she lets fly.
Cynthia abandons the powerup and surges forward to meet Broly — not to overpower him, not to try and smash him down. Just to check his advance and hold him in place for a moment as the Nail Gun streaks in. Then, however he responds to it, she will try to take advantage of his distraction to go on the offensive.