Name: Luke Anderson
Location: Toki-Toki City
Date: Month Twelve
Status: ... Time to do the thing? ... Time to do the thing.

'Not as rusty as I thought I'd be,'

Luke quietly mused to himself as he lounged slightly on one of the couches he'd gotten for the home. After the debacle with the Oozarus and a very intense debrief of what he'd been through, Luke had taken it upon himself to relieve his commanding officer's burden just a tad. In a practice that the Red Ribbon Army had started to honor the memory of those who died, and one that he had preformed once before in the Time Patrol already, he sought out and gathered as many memories, stories, and life tales as he could of those who had died in battle. One corner of a park had been dedicated to a simple, unassuming obsidian black pillar, words, names etched into the smooth surfaces.

And upon that pillar, Luke poured every memory he gathered into it.

Moments of happiness, sadness, triumph, tragedy, of the little things, of the larger things. ... The Corps didn't always have the luxury of finding an in-tact body. Sometimes no body at all. So... this was their solution. A gravemarker, filled with the memories of those who knew the person in question. Gone, it said, but never forgotten. So long as Luke and people like him lived... Those who fell in service to all would not fade into obscurity. The good, the bad... the people they were.

It was a small thing, a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but...

It was something that Luke took a certain sense of pride in.


Anyway, the rest of the month had gone more or less as expected. Nothing quite as... intense as fighting the self proclaimed 'Dragon Slayer' in the portal-world he was shunted off into, thankfully. It was a nice break to fight someone decently powerful for a change, and someone who didn't so horribly outclass him in raw power like the Enemy did, or like that mage guy that was more or less beaten before Luke could do anything. On the flipside, considering the costs as well... Well, the one fight was more than enough for him. He certainly wouldn't complain about a lack of similar fights, considering that the battle had cut his mental network's connection off from everyone else...

There wasn't anything he could have done about the other Patrollers falling in battle in their portals, either. ... Idly, he wondered if each one was tailored to counter the Patroller in question, if the fact that he fought a 'Dragon Slayer' was any indication. ... Luke's skill in fighting wars was still as good as ever, it seemed. Go to brief meeting, get deployed, complete objective, return. That's basically all that it'd been for the last month or so. None of it was really surprising for Luke, either. Wars tended to be a long, drawn out, exceptionally bloody affair after all...

Oh, there was something new though.

That being Adagio showing up.

Luke blinked, got up, and opened the door... And found a rather scrutinizing gaze pouring over him.

He blinked again.

She wasn't coming on to him righ-?


He blinked thrice.

Oh. Right. That. That was a thing. ... Surprisingly, it really hadn't been much a problem at all. Sure the voice was something he actually heard now, but it was... Not subdued, but it certainly didn't seem to be nearly as bad as what Adagio'd talked about beforehand. He'd even had a conversation with it, once or twice. Mind, the voice didn't usually deign to respond, but it had briefly spoken to him, directly.

Oh, there it was now.

Luke rolled his eyes slightly.

'I know a one-on-one fight with no observers would have been preferable, but come on, you knew this was going to go down like this.'

Couldn't blame Adagio for feeling like that either, even if it probably'd have been easier just to do it on his own. Years of military service, however, had hammered in the necessities of redundancy, even if they didn't seem needed at the exact moment in time one thought of them.

A slight ping went out.


"Lilli? Gonna go fight the shadow-thing sitting in my head for a while, Adagio's gonna watch. Mind the house while I'm gone, alright?"

And with that he went.


To wherever Adagio was leading him.

The sacred battleground of her people, perhaps? That'd be neat.
Nah, it's just the PQ station and, by way of that, a Namek.

"They're disposable," says Adiago with a sardonic quirk to her lips.

Meanwhile, though, Luke is having a conversation.

Well, Mister Anderson, Luke — may I call you Luke? — you'll just have to excuse my lack of patience with this woman. We could have settled this between the two of us, really determined who we wanted to be. But no. She's stuck her nose into it. And now that choice has been stolen from us, forever.
Bassoon thought about his words for a moment before he spoke.

"It's okay that you feel angry, Appa. I appreciate that you've recognize that anger, and worked to not let it tell you what to do. I did hurt you with what I did, and I'm sorry. I'm taking this as a lesson. So my next question is: If this had gone the way you wanted it to, what would we be doing?"
"I...don't know," says the boy, shaking his head. "I just...I've been waiting a long time to hear you say that." He's not meeting Bassoon's eyes anymore.
"I...don't know," says the boy, shaking his head. "I just...I've been waiting a long time to hear you say that." He's not meeting Bassoon's eyes anymore.
Bassoon nodded slowly.

"I...well, I don't entirely understand. I'm still learning this. But I think I understand some. You've been waiting a long time to hear me say it. But when I first did, it was nowhere close to what you'd hoped, and it was covered over by so much else. You've dealt with this...probably better than I would have."

He gave the boy a wan smile.

"Appa. I'm not mad at you. You might feel a bit mad at me, but that's okay. Please understand that. I want to be here for you, even if I'm going to mess it up on occasion."
Bassoon nodded slowly.

"I...well, I don't entirely understand. I'm still learning this. But I think I understand some. You've been waiting a long time to hear me say it. But when I first did, it was nowhere close to what you'd hoped, and it was covered over by so much else. You've dealt with this...probably better than I would have."

He gave the boy a wan smile.

"Appa. I'm not mad at you. You might feel a bit mad at me, but that's okay. Please understand that. I want to be here for you, even if I'm going to mess it up on occasion."
"I- okay." Appa takes a deep breath. "I just..."

He takes a long few seconds without saying anything, breathing deeply.

"Can I call you, 'Dad?'" he asks, still looking at the floor.
Name: Luke Anderson
Location: Instant Disposable Namek, Just Add Water
Date: Month Twelve
Status: Hmmm. How to do this right...

... Unfortunately it just turned out to be another Namek. Well.

"They're disposable,"

Luke stared out across the blue plains, scanning the area for all it was worth.

"... I can't help but feel cheated, somewhat,"

He returned blandly, gaze slowly turning back to look at Adagio's own, a very plain look of 'Really?' written clearly on his face. Oh well. Guess it was to be expected, couldn't just smash up every...


"Why do we always to go Namek for these things anyway? If this is a Parallel Quest, couldn't we get some variety in here?"

He deadpaned at the Xillan. ... Meanwhile...

Well, Mister Anderson, Luke — may I call you Luke? — you'll just have to excuse my lack of patience with this woman. We could have settled this between the two of us, really determined who we wanted to be. But no. She's stuck her nose into it. And now that choice has been stolen from us, forever.

... Luke cocked his head slightly.

"Eh, knowing what I do about the situation, can't exactly blame her. Not like her being here'll really change much anyway. There's only one proper way to solve this after all,"

A sage nod backed the point up.

"Beating each other senseless to see who falls last. That seems to be the tried and true method anyway. Whoever wins, wins, no hard feelings. And considering this'll be our own mindscape... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."


"So! How do we get this shindig started?"
Luke stared out across the blue plains, scanning the area for all it was worth.

"... I can't help but feel cheated, somewhat,"

He returned blandly, gaze slowly turning back to look at Adagio's own, a very plain look of 'Really?' written clearly on his face. Oh well. Guess it was to be expected, couldn't just smash up every...

"Why do we always to go Namek for these things anyway? If this is a Parallel Quest, couldn't we get some variety in here?"

He deadpaned at the Xillan. ... Meanwhile...
"Because they're disposable," says Adiago, laughing. "Grand tradition of the Time Patrol!"
... Luke cocked his head slightly.

"Eh, knowing what I do about the situation, can't exactly blame her. Not like her being here'll really change much anyway. There's only one proper way to solve this after all,"

A sage nod backed the point up.

"Beating each other senseless to see who falls last. That seems to be the tried and true method anyway. Whoever wins, wins, no hard feelings. And considering this'll be our own mindscape... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."


"So! How do we get this shindig started?"
You disappoint me, Luke. A soldier should know better than most what the cost of violence is. But then, perhaps you don't care. Whoever said your reflection was meant to be your evil half?

The voice chuckles before turning harsh. I did not agree to this. I am trapped; I have no ability to refuse. If I could depart your head and forever leave you in peace, I would, but I can't leave. Instead, since I am trapped, I wanted to open a dialogue to find a way for us to coexist. I wanted to talk. You are the one pushing violence. Salve your conscience with talk of honorable combat if you like; this isn't a fight. It's murder. If you win, you will destroy me even as I beg for life. If I win, you live, and we revisit my approach. Until Adiago decides that that isn't acceptable, and kills us both.

A pause. You do know that you're mispronouncing her name, don't you?

Unaware of -- or, at least, not privy to -- the conversation, Adiago says, "You meditate, until you trance. I will use my powers to guide you. Eventually, you will find yourself facing your Shadow. You must kill it. There is no other way. It is you or him. He will show you no mercy, and show no hesitation in attacking you."

I would once again like to object to that mischaracterization of my intentions.

"Are you ready to go?" she says, straightening.

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Name: Luke Anderson
Location: Instant Disposable Namek, Just Add Water
Date: Month Twelve
Status: ... Ho. Does the mask slip?

You disappoint me, Luke. A soldier should know better than most what the cost of violence is. But then, perhaps you don't care. Whoever said your reflection was meant to be your evil half?

... Curiously, Luke was silent at this, but it didn't seem to be due to apprehenshion, confusion, or... Anything like that. Perhaps he was listening intently, as if trying to figure something out? Whatever the case was, Luke was definitely paying attention

I did not agree to this. I am trapped; I have no ability to refuse. If I could depart your head and forever leave you in peace, I would, but I can't leave. Instead, since I am trapped, I wanted to open a dialogue to find a way for us to coexist. I wanted to talk. You are the one pushing violence. Salve your conscience with talk of honorable combat if you like; this isn't a fight. It's murder. If you win, you will destroy me even as I beg for life. If I win, you live, and we revisit my approach. Until Adiago decides that that isn't acceptable, and kills us both.


Something clicked in Luke's mind.

A small, savage grin split his face

"Ah... It seems you don't know me very well after all, huh?"

Oh this was going to prove interesting now. Originally, he'd expected the Shadow (what he'd taken to calling the psychic voice) to have been more or less a one-for-one version of himself that was also in some way fundamentally different than he was, but this... This opened up a whole new dimension to the upcoming event. If he didn't really get how Luke ticked... Perhaps... Well, as he'd said, they'd get to that bridge when they got there. Oh-ho-ho but did Luke have plans after hearing that...

You do know that you're mispronouncing her name, don't you?

The mental equivalent of a lazily waved hand met the horrible accusation.

"'S not really much an issue in my own head, now is it?"

Now if she was looking into it...

"You meditate, until you trance. I will use my powers to guide you. Eventually, you will find yourself facing your Shadow. You must kill it. There is no other way. It is you or him. He will show you no mercy, and show no hesitation in attacking you."

... Luke paused for a moment, before holding up a hand.

"I understand completely that you probably have more experience on this front than I do, and probably have seen this happen more times than I'd probably count, but this is my fight. On whatever terms this ends, it's mine to make. Assuming something horrible goes wrong, that's when you presumably step in and do your thing, right?"

He scoffed lightly.

"Though you probably get stuff like that all the time. Sorry for being difficult, but it's my mind and body at stake here, isn't it? Besides... It's not gonna get to that point."

Perhaps it was naive, perhaps it was foolish, but his own Shadow didn't know him well. This... Whatever that meant, it meant that there was either something off, or there was a chance for something else.

I would once again like to object that that mischaracterization of my intentions.

"We'll find out soon enough shortly, neh?"

Luke replied blandly.

"Are you ready to go?"


Luke nodded.

"... Once more unto the abyss, dear friends, once more..."

He murmured slightly, sitting and breathing, easily falling into the rhythmic patterns as per his training and dedication to the art of Armsbearer. In. Out. In... Out. ... In. ... Out...

Adrift once more amongst an ocean of stars...
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"I- okay." Appa takes a deep breath. "I just..."

He takes a long few seconds without saying anything, breathing deeply.

"Can I call you, 'Dad?'" he asks, still looking at the floor.
A grin threatened to split Bassoon's face.

"Well, I get to call you 'Son', so it only seems fair, doesn't it? The answer is Yes, Appa. Nothing would make me happier than to hear you call me 'Dad'."
We Back
Simon_Jester said:
Mitsuba'd had hopes for the Makankosappo, if not so much for the barrage from the Hellzone Grenade- but in the moment the whiteout of Broly's ki is too much to tell if even that got through. She begins wrapping a spiral drill of energy around her right fist- suited to pierce a strong defense and blast the foe behind it, if Broly stays focused on Cynthia or stays hunkered behind its barrier, or to be released suddenly as a quick shot if Broly rushes her.

Her most distinctive attack. The one she invented independently, whatever certain team leaders may say, and is quite proud of, even if certain historians tell her it isn't a real attack.

Mitsuba readies her version of the Nail Gun.

@The Fourth Monado
Aranfan said:
Cynthia gives ground as she tightens up her defense. Focusing more on giving Mitsuba openings than in landing decisive blows herself.
Well, it's not like Cynthia or Mitsuba could land many blows, as they were too busy dealing with all the energy beams being fired at them. For now, they just had to focus on dodging the blasts, that swerved and twisted and attempted to hit...

But Mitsuba, even under all that condition, was able to prepare her Nail Gun. All she needed was to get close and it would be certain!
PoptartProdigy said:
Mato wrenches himself out of the wall, stepping forward. "Not your power, that. Carrying a rider, Turles?" He sneers. "Pathetic."

To Richard, he sends, 'Got anything more than that?'
'Yeah, I have something, but it takes a bit to build it up to usable levels', Richard sent back. 'Try and get Turles to release a lot of energy outwards - However you do it, get everything shaken up and energized, it'll help me power up faster.'

"Heh. Still as judgemental as ever, aren't you? Glad to see some things never change," Turles replied, stepping out as darkness began to trail off of his limbs.
KnightDisciple said:
Bassoon drew the energy for his Nail Gun back into himself, his eyes wide. He moves next to Chryostis and speaks quietly (comparatively, in such a loud battlefield).

"It's an entity of pure evil, literally. I don't recall the exact origins, but the Janemba spirit can possess a host and give them incredible power and several esoteric abilities. As I understand it, when Janemba possessed a minor Ogre Guard from Hell, with no power to speak of, it was a force that pushed the legendary Goku and Vegeta to their limits, including both the 3rd Super Saiyan form, and the use of Fusion Dance. The main thing to watch for is teleportation; legend says he could create portals, but had other magical abilities as well."

Bassoon glanced at the ground, then at Janemba-Cooler.

"I could try making an anti-magic field but I don't think we have the time."

He clasps each pair of hands together into a meditative form, his eyes closing and breath slowing.

"I'm about to use something I've never performed in true combat before. Should be interesting.

His eyes snapped open, and were glowing with an odd off-white power. While his actual Power Level didn't seem to have gone up, something was different about Bassoon.

"Back me up from range. Accelerate."

Before Chrystosis could object, Bassoon moved toward the enhanced Cooler with three times his previous speed, boosted by magic, and by something else; his ally-frienemy could guess it might be Psychic in nature? Either way, within moments, Bassoon was directly next to Cooler. His face was impassive, almost serene. Two of his hands moved in a blur, their impacts enhanced with his telekinesis such that they should hurt more than his raw power might suggest. These were a distraction.

His upper left hand drew back, flattening as the nails were coated in tiny blades of Ki that extended their reach. For a few moments, that arm held.

His right arm simply reached out to touch Cooler on the which point Bassoon poured as much psychic strength into extending his Quirk, Impulse, over Cooler, seeking to slow him as much as possible. Bassoon had no illusions he could stop the enhanced Arcosian cold, but certainly he could do something.
The Psychic power washed over Cooler, and as he struck back at Bassoon, his limbs began to slow to visible halfway through the blow, allowing you to twist out of the way as Cryostis's Death Beams slammed into Cooler!

They didn't do much admittedly, but he was taking visible damage from them despite going full Janemba.
Lilli comes to a stop, whirling all around to try and find her opponent. But, if she can't find him, then clearly...

There is only one thing to do.

Drawing back her hands, the girl focuses her power before firing off a Galick gun towards the glowing point.
A large amount of the monsters found themselves suddenly being obliterated by your Galick Gun, but their presence was enough to waste the blast's energy into nothing, making it overall a waste of energy.

...Which was unfortunate, as a wave of those threads from earlier whipped up at you from below right then-!
Her energy humming in time with the words, as the chant was finalized Bonny took a second to take a very deep breath. The last thing she had wanted to do was get this wrong after all, before speaking three final syllables, a fragment of a language dead in most timelines. Raising her hand as the spell reached completion, the symbols burned with molten fire before slamming together in a mass that shone like a forgotten rainbow as it solidified into a sword.

"First Stage release approved, Divine Armament."

Transforming as she grabbed the sword, the energy of her super saiyan transformation began to change almost. Rather then fading away however, it was encased in a second aura, one with the slightest green hint. Not the green that once twisted her, but the simpler energies of her sage mode concentrated more around the sword itself. While a finely crafted weapon, it wasn't actually a divine armament despite her words, something that Taka would no doubt notice very quickly considering he had an actual divine blade. With almost a deliberate gesture, Bonny rose her weapon causing the green and gold aura to caress the battlefield for miles around.

Disappearing with a burst similar to shattered glass, she reappeared above the beasts head, attempting to pierce half its vital organs with a single sage effused thrust.

Taka decides in this moment discretion is the better part of valor, and does his level best to withdraw as Bonny arrives.

The novel techniques of his teammate and the mysteries of the foe meeting is something that should be observed from a distance, ready to provide fire support if the opportunity presents or charge in if things turn against his ally.
The sword struck - and pierced true, biting deep into the beast's body... but even as it writhed under the sage energies, one arm came around and clenched down upon Bonny!

Alright then.


It was a simple motion- One moment, Luke was far away, the next, he was right in front of 13, hand clad in darkness shooting out to engulf 13's own. Assuming it connected... Everything that the hand touched would suddenly and violently be ripped off and seemingly disappear into the pure black that Luke's hand had become... Including the other Android's Ki. Impassively staring, Luke held the hand back up... Tiny, tiny motes of light dancing underneath the black, bubbling up toward Luke's thumb. With some contempt still present in his thoughts, he would gather the captured Ki up into a single, small point, and then...

"You can have this back, though."


A tiny, miniscule sphere of Ki would suddenly shoot at 13... Containing all of the power that the Android had been mustering into a single, concentrated point, along with a little bit from Luke as well. It was small, yes, but also being shot out fast by reversing Black Breaking from 'Pull' to 'Push'.

There wasn't much time to play around with an opponent like this- The real battle was elsewhere after all.
Darkness engulfed 13's arm, and the sphere sent him flying backwards missing... oh, a decent chunk of his body.

...yet as he did so, you observed a different darkness pour out of the gaping holes in his human form, enshrouding his body and pulling in the remains of not only his damaged arm, but 14 and 15 as well-!

The air shook, the ground shattered, and the world beneath them rumbled as two warriors met for the uncounted time. The lookalike dodged back, sweating slightly but hardly out of breath. He raised his staff again-

"GOTEN!" came a voice from the heavens. It was a woman's voice, and more specifically, it sounded like the Supreme Kai. However, unlike Chronoa, it was harsh, grating, and filled with anger.

The lookalike jerked to a halt, grimacing. He jerked his head up at the sky in a gesture of acknowledgement.


Goten looked down at Vegal and shrugged. "Well, you heard her," he said. "Sorry. You weren't half bad." Abruptly, he straightened, throwing his arms out wide-


Orange light pulsed out, blanketing everything. The world seemed to be shaking itself apart, and the heat of the area seemed to slightly increase. Lightning, and the stink of magical power, blasted out across the landscape.

In the center, Goten howled, his aura pulsing as orange-red flames begin flickering off his body. His eyes pulse, once, twice, and shift from the normal Super Saiyan green into a deep red shade as, with one final pulse, he finishes transforming. Despite the display, he hadn't changed much - beyond his eye color, the only noticeable difference was the roots of his hair having shifted to a slight orange-like shade.

His arms came back down-


-not even a transmission-


Vegal felt a dozen impacts, coming so fast they seemed to meld into one, before one slammed in behind his shoulders and sent him slamming into the ground. Rubble and dust shot up miles into the sky.

"I'll make it quick," sighed Goten, palming a blast.
Jeez… he stinks of magic, Vegal muttered internally inside the cloud, even as he pulled himself up. A hand fumbles to his belt, finding a button on the side and pressing it, before the broken, battle-weathered armor begins to melt away, flowing like liquid into his pants and leaving his arms and chest bare.

You need my help?

Vegal glanced down to the sword - or, rather, the blade-like length of crystal in his hand. "I'll be okay," he assured it. "Honestly, if this is his limit, then I think I probably could end this without going all the way."

No chance of it being his everything. I'm feeling something deeper - he hasn't drawn out his full power yet.

"Of course…" sighed Vegal.

Goten heard all of this, although none of it showed on his face. You underestimate what I can hear, he thought. And you underestimate what I can do. He raised his hand. Only fair to correct you. "Divine Light."

The blast snapped out with nearly instantaneous speed, bursting only a centimeter from Vegal's skin.

The explosion was a sphere of brilliant, white light, expanding out to consume the battlefield where they had fought. It was utterly, eerily silent. There wasn't even a breeze whipping off of the edge of the blast.

And then, from the very center, a golden burst of light. Vegal blasted upwards from it, still surrounded in a Super Saiyan aura, but a thin film of energy flowed over his body, and his eyes shone a deep emerald color, noticeably darker than that of a normal Super Saiyan form. "Sorry 'bout this, but I really don't like using the in-between level, so I think I'll just go all the way," he apologised, even as he came level to Goten. His fists clenched, and the gold color flowed out of his hair.


It wasn't just a scream. As Vegal's power pulsed, the world seemed to shrink backwards, as his aura flowed into his body, and the howling undertone of the Oozaru filled his kiai. Much like Goten just had, Vegal threw his arms out to the side, and an orange bubble of light obscured his body and washed outward.

It was blinding, but it shortly faded to reveal the Prince of New Garenhuld…changed. Gone was the flaring energy of the higher levels of Super Saiyan. Instead, deep red fur covered his body outside of his pectorals and stomach, and his black hair extended down his body to nearly his waist, without the level of change that Super Saiyan 3 brought to it. A deep inhale, an exhale, and the bubble of time that contains both fighters trembled.

"Man…people keep talking about this being the 'True Form of the Saiyan' or whatever, but they never talk about how the fur kinda itches if you're not used to it," Vegal sighed, inspecting himself as his tail whips behind him.

Goten blinked. "...hhhhhhhhuh." He rolled his head on his shoulders. "Neat." Then his hands snapped back to his waist. "Kamehameha!"

And Vegal moved.

One second, he was there. The next, he was behind Goten, almost back to back with him. "That's all your response? Guess I was wrong about you having something more," He sighed.

And then…blows. Every angle, every side, hammering into Goten before one final move sent Goten flying halfway across the planet.

Goten actually snorted -- although, bruised as he was, it was more of a wheeze. "Yeah," he gasped. "Fair." He slowly dragged himself to a halt, wheeling upright in the air. Vegal hurtled towards him, and Goten looked up. "But that was just a test run."

The feeling of magic flared again across the blasted landscape, and orange light painted everything, from one horizon to the other. Vegal's progress dragged to a halt against the incredible pressure rolling off of Goten.


Reality seemed to vibrate under the force of the scream. Goten's silhouette twisted and morphed in unnatural ways that shouldn't have been possible, and for a moment, Vegal couldn't tell whether the scream was of power or agony.

Then the silhouette stabilized, and Goten screamed again, this time in exultation.

The world blurred away under the outpouring of light, and everything within the bubble shattered under an uncontrolled outpouring of power.

When the light died back, Goten's hair roiled down his back in a wave -- the characteristic mane of super saiyan 3. But he was altered -- in addition to the orange tint to his hair and aura, his muscles bulged even more than the state normally caused. Most alarmingly of all, though, his eyes were a blank light.

"Behold the true might of the Queen's General," he hissed, his monotone finally giving way to a malefic hiss.

Vegal stares, and his nose wrinkles. "Jeez, you reek of magic," he noted. "Guess this is it, huh? All the power you've gotten, and all the power gifted to you?"

Goten snorted. "It's all you're going to see. Now let's go."

He leaned forward into a charge, slamming his fist into whatever guard Vegal threw up. Vegal responded in kind, matching Goten's power blow for blow. "This it? Your true might ain't all you've cracked it up to be!" Vegal shouted, driving a foot into Goten's belly.

Goten flicked his wrist, and his pole came streaking in, cracking Vegal across the back of his skull. "You and I both know that we are equally matched," he hissed, going back on the offensive.

And Vegal's blade came in, a blurring streak striking out and lancing across Goten's right bicep. "In power, maybe," He acknowledged, even as he continued his offensive - this time with blade in hand.

Goten snorted. "But not in skill!" He cut loose, blurring from strike to strike not just with supernatural speed, but perfect smoothness. Not a motion wasted, not a step wrong. Everything a man committed entirely to combat could train his body to do.

And yet… Vegal was keeping up with him. Blade met pole, smoothly transitioning from blocks to parries to counter blocks. There was no need for words, now. Only the flow of the fight.

Who would win… that had yet to be decided.
'Yeah, I have something, but it takes a bit to build it up to usable levels', Richard sent back. 'Try and get Turles to release a lot of energy outwards - However you do it, get everything shaken up and energized, it'll help me power up faster.'

"Heh. Still as judgemental as ever, aren't you? Glad to see some things never change," Turles replied, stepping out as darkness began to trail off of his limbs.
Mato snorts. "You've always had a talent for pissing me off," he snarls. "But do you have anything to cash those checks with? Last I checked, you were short on that." He falls into a defensive stance, settling into the place from which he can whether almost any level of aggression.
The sword struck - and pierced true, biting deep into the beast's body... but even as it writhed under the sage energies, one arm came around and clenched down upon Bonny!
Taka quickly assesses the situation. The beast has shown the ability to phase through attacks, true, but while it had shown a certain degree of selectivity it did not seem to possess the power to be both solid and not at the same point.

This knowledge is not even consciously processed as Taka simply moves into action. Fingers to forehead. Instant transmission to beside the arm trying to crush Bonny. A sword swing spaced just so as to mean even if the beast simply fades out of the attack it will fall short of his ally.

And a hope and a prayer in his mind that his precognitive abilities are up to the task of keeping him from being blindsided as he attempts to free Bonny or at least hurt the beast.
A large amount of the monsters found themselves suddenly being obliterated by your Galick Gun, but their presence was enough to waste the blast's energy into nothing, making it overall a waste of energy.

...Which was unfortunate, as a wave of those threads from earlier whipped up at you from below right then-!
Those are the same wires that somehow managed to short the girl's magic out. Lilli frowns as she continues to float upwards, quite quickly as she tries to understand what it is that she is dealing with. Reaching out, the girl carefully transmutes a fist sized bit of air into concrete, before she draws all her magic out of the material, then with all her strength she chucks the stone downwards, a slight grin on her face as the stone manages to break the sound barrier before it reaches the wires.
The sword struck - and pierced true, biting deep into the beast's body... but even as it writhed under the sage energies, one arm came around and clenched down upon Bonny!.

For a few seconds, Bonny had been worried that the beast was going to evade this attack as well. She was acting on a hunch that it wouldn't be able to evade an attack enhanced by multiple phases of energy, but hunches weren't always correct. Hence why they were hunches. As the ritually created and sage energy enhanced weapon began to cut into the beast, she put as much force into the attack as she could, wanting the weapon to be good and deep inside its body.

If she was correct, it wouldn't be able to evade them for as long as her attack continued. Preferably it would stay that way until they could kill it, but there was an old saying about wishes and fishes. Noting the attack as it was coming, she ran through her options before deciding to trust in her ally for this mission. She was fairly sure that any blow it struck wouldn't be fatal, but it attacking her meant it was forced to stay in a form they could hurt it in longer.

Still, there was the potential for it to try and partially phase, she wasn't quite sure if that was in its abilities. Focusing her energies on the weapon she was wielding, she focused on carving as much out of the beast as possible, as if she was trying to sign her name in its vital organs. It might not be enough though. Which is why she would need to focus on one of the cores of transformation magic. Namely, lying to reality.

"This isn't a sword."

Reaching out into its form, she shifted it into the form she preferred, the Jian almost rippling within the beasts flesh.

"It's a corpse flower"

Within the body, the sword began to 'bloom' spreading out sage enhanced petals and trying to take root, each structure possessing the same sharpness and energies of the original sword.
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Well, it's not like Cynthia or Mitsuba could land many blows, as they were too busy dealing with all the energy beams being fired at them. For now, they just had to focus on dodging the blasts, that swerved and twisted and attempted to hit...

But Mitsuba, even under all that condition, was able to prepare her Nail Gun. All she needed was to get close and it would be certain!
Mitsuba forges the Nail Gun, whirling through the air. Barrage after barrage rockets past her, around her, as she twists and whirls and hugs herself to the sky in aerobatics many ki warriors would consider impossible save by brute-force wasteful use of energy.

To her, this is just like some of the wilder Vegeta Style duelists, only at hundreds of times the power level...

Sidestep-twist-loop-whirl, gather a sudden flare of power in the left hand to bat aside something coming too close and flying too true as she twists her body around it and feels herself singe from the heat of the blast roaring past, barely parried.

Meanwhile, her right gathers the hardened spike of piercing, highly charged ki... wrapped around an unstable payload, designed to punch through defense and detonate inside like an armor-piercing shell.

And she waits, forging the attack into something more perfect, more diamond-hard, incrementally better and better with every ounce of concentration she can spare from watching Broly's barrage pattern...



Until Cynthia manages to make the opening, to draw enough of the fire for Mitsuba to dart-flicker close, so that she can the Nail Gun against the mad giant in hopes of punching through to inflict meaningful harm.

She's waiting for that to happen. Holding on the defensive, staying far enough back to be just able to dodge.

@The Fourth Monado
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Well, it's not like Cynthia or Mitsuba could land many blows, as they were too busy dealing with all the energy beams being fired at them. For now, they just had to focus on dodging the blasts, that swerved and twisted and attempted to hit...

But Mitsuba, even under all that condition, was able to prepare her Nail Gun. All she needed was to get close and it would be certain!

With Broly keeping constant pressure so that she does not have time to transform further, Cynthia retreats further and further into the fundamental basics of the Krillin Style: not dying for long enough to give someone else an opening.
The Psychic power washed over Cooler, and as he struck back at Bassoon, his limbs began to slow to visible halfway through the blow, allowing you to twist out of the way as Cryostis's Death Beams slammed into Cooler!

They didn't do much admittedly, but he was taking visible damage from them despite going full Janemba.
Bassoon smiled, an expression that was all fangs.

'Going to try and slow him down some more, keep his attention for a second.' whisphered in Cryostis's mind.

Bassoon put distance between himself and Cooler for just a moment. The effects of Impulse started to fade even as Bassoon's arms were a blur. Raw materials came out of pouches and reshaped themselves into a palm-sized disc, with a multitude of grooves; Bassoon's combined Ki and Psychic Telekinesis afforded him incredible control and speed if working on a small scale, which this was. A clenched fist, and blood flowed into the still-drying pigments in the disc. It was ready.

He lunged forward, two hands flinging indistinct energy spheres. Loud, bright, harmless to this foe. Bassoon needed but moments.

One hand reached forward, touching Cooler, and shoving the slow-down effect of Impulse at him. The other grasped the disc and channeled Impalpable, and would hopefully be able to slip inside of Cooler. When he was wrist-deep, he'd release the disc, allowing it to "stick" inside while he withdrew his hand and pulled himself out of immediate reach.

Then one hand clenched, and his power channeled, through the blood in the pigment in the talisman, into Cooler, and once more the momentum-stealing effects of Impulse flared to life.
"Pulse Gun!"
Two hands began firing the concentrated blasts of one of Bassoon's newer techniques.

His final hand came to his forehead, and began charging a Special Beam Cannon.
Darkness engulfed 13's arm, and the sphere sent him flying backwards missing... oh, a decent chunk of his body.

...yet as he did so, you observed a different darkness pour out of the gaping holes in his human form, enshrouding his body and pulling in the remains of not only his damaged arm, but 14 and 15 as well-!

Luke Anderson


Luke sighed.


No matter the time, the place, the situation, or the circumstance, whenever he killed something... It didn't stay dead. For one reason or another. It was... Particularly vexing. But, no. This was fine. More than fine even.

Because none of this mattered.

It didn't matter what form 13 might take, whether it was the hypothetical fusion form that Gero had planned, or something empowered by evil, dark forces. It didn't matter how strong the resultant monstrosity would be, how fast it was, how durable it was.

None of it mattered.

"... Come then, monster. Take shape."

Luke spoke quietly, settling back into a stance.

"There is nothing in this world that I can not cut."

Shining power began to boil within him...
Mato snorts. "You've always had a talent for pissing me off," he snarls. "But do you have anything to cash those checks with? Last I checked, you were short on that." He falls into a defensive stance, settling into the place from which he can whether almost any level of aggression.
In response, Turles spreads his arms and lets his power loose with a shout. A shockwave ripples out, dense scarlet-and-black flames enshrouding him and stone shattering all around him. And it was...

It was...

If the Light of your Soul was you shrouding yourself in your own Soul, in everything you were - the positive aspect thus easily overwhelming your own negative energies - then this was easily the inverse. Pure malice and negativity, born mostly from Turles's own soul and released out through the world to power him up without destroying himself, somehow. Not merely a Black Soul... perhaps a more appropriate name would be...

"Dark Soul," Turles states, clenching his fists by his sides. "Some also call it Evil Aura... but, honestly, I prefer my name better."

"Now, shall we continue?" He asks, palming a blast right in your face-!
Taka quickly assesses the situation. The beast has shown the ability to phase through attacks, true, but while it had shown a certain degree of selectivity it did not seem to possess the power to be both solid and not at the same point.

This knowledge is not even consciously processed as Taka simply moves into action. Fingers to forehead. Instant transmission to beside the arm trying to crush Bonny. A sword swing spaced just so as to mean even if the beast simply fades out of the attack it will fall short of his ally.

And a hope and a prayer in his mind that his precognitive abilities are up to the task of keeping him from being blindsided as he attempts to free Bonny or at least hurt the beast.

For a few seconds, Bonny had been worried that the beast was going to evade this attack as well. She was acting on a hunch that it wouldn't be able to evade an attack enhanced by multiple phases of energy, but hunches weren't always correct. Hence why they were hunches. As the ritually created and sage energy enhanced weapon began to cut into the beast, she put as much force into the attack as she could, wanting the weapon to be good and deep inside its body.

If she was correct, it wouldn't be able to evade them for as long as her attack continued. Preferably it would stay that way until they could kill it, but there was an old saying about wishes and fishes. Noting the attack as it was coming, she ran through her options before deciding to trust in her ally for this mission. She was fairly sure that any blow it struck wouldn't be fatal, but it attacking her meant it was forced to stay in a form they could hurt it in longer.

Still, there was the potential for it to try and partially phase, she wasn't quite sure if that was in its abilities. Focusing her energies on the weapon she was wielding, she focused on carving as much out of the beast as possible, as if she was trying to sign her name in its vital organs. It might not be enough though. Which is why she would need to focus on one of the cores of transformation magic. Namely, lying to reality.

"This isn't a sword."

Reaching out into its form, she shifted it into the form she preferred, the Jian almost rippling within the beasts flesh.

"It's a corpse flower"

Within the body, the sword began to 'bloom' spreading out sage enhanced petals and trying to take root, each structure possessing the same sharpness and energies of the original sword.
Taka's endless blows bit through the beast's arm, and the corpse flower ripped through the rest. The beast fell back, it's howl possessing enough force to prevent any followup. But... you had most definitely rendered that arm unusable, and more importantly probably unable to shift into the intangible state.

So... now what?
Those are the same wires that somehow managed to short the girl's magic out. Lilli frowns as she continues to float upwards, quite quickly as she tries to understand what it is that she is dealing with. Reaching out, the girl carefully transmutes a fist sized bit of air into concrete, before she draws all her magic out of the material, then with all her strength she chucks the stone downwards, a slight grin on her face as the stone manages to break the sound barrier before it reaches the wires.
Mundane concrete is still shredded by the wires - which, honestly, isn't that surprising. They'd probably really hurt anyone not a Majin if they caught them, and their energy-cancelling properties would probably really hurt you anyways...

Wait, did you already know this? Ah well. Anyways, the threads are still coming at you, so... what now?
With Broly keeping constant pressure so that she does not have time to transform further, Cynthia retreats further and further into the fundamental basics of the Krillin Style: not dying for long enough to give someone else an opening.

Mitsuba forges the Nail Gun, whirling through the air. Barrage after barrage rockets past her, around her, as she twists and whirls and hugs herself to the sky in aerobatics many ki warriors would consider impossible save by brute-force wasteful use of energy.

To her, this is just like some of the wilder Vegeta Style duelists, only at hundreds of times the power level...

Sidestep-twist-loop-whirl, gather a sudden flare of power in the left hand to bat aside something coming too close and flying too true as she twists her body around it and feels herself singe from the heat of the blast roaring past, barely parried.

Meanwhile, her right gathers the hardened spike of piercing, highly charged ki... wrapped around an unstable payload, designed to punch through defense and detonate inside like an armor-piercing shell.

And she waits, forging the attack into something more perfect, more diamond-hard, incrementally better and better with every ounce of concentration she can spare from watching Broly's barrage pattern...



Until Cynthia manages to make the opening, to draw enough of the fire for Mitsuba to dart-flicker close, so that she can the Nail Gun against the mad giant in hopes of punching through to inflict meaningful harm.

She's waiting for that to happen. Holding on the defensive, staying far enough back to be just able to dodge.

@The Fourth Monado
There it was. As Broly continues to fire, Cynthia just barely manages to send two blasts to guide some of Broly's power into itself, setting up a rippling detonation that leaves just the barest slivver of an opening-!

And Mitsuba takes it, the Nail Gun becoming the head of a golden lance of force with her body serving as the shaft, driving into Broly's body as he desperately attempts to pour power into the forming wound to defend against it-!

And then, Broly grits his teeth as the Nail Gun digs deeper before detonating... and an all-too familiar to Cynthia sickening feeling washes over the area as darkness begins to pour from the wound.
Bassoon smiled, an expression that was all fangs.

'Going to try and slow him down some more, keep his attention for a second.' whisphered in Cryostis's mind.

Bassoon put distance between himself and Cooler for just a moment. The effects of Impulse started to fade even as Bassoon's arms were a blur. Raw materials came out of pouches and reshaped themselves into a palm-sized disc, with a multitude of grooves; Bassoon's combined Ki and Psychic Telekinesis afforded him incredible control and speed if working on a small scale, which this was. A clenched fist, and blood flowed into the still-drying pigments in the disc. It was ready.

He lunged forward, two hands flinging indistinct energy spheres. Loud, bright, harmless to this foe. Bassoon needed but moments.

One hand reached forward, touching Cooler, and shoving the slow-down effect of Impulse at him. The other grasped the disc and channeled Impalpable, and would hopefully be able to slip inside of Cooler. When he was wrist-deep, he'd release the disc, allowing it to "stick" inside while he withdrew his hand and pulled himself out of immediate reach.

Then one hand clenched, and his power channeled, through the blood in the pigment in the talisman, into Cooler, and once more the momentum-stealing effects of Impulse flared to life.
"Pulse Gun!"
Two hands began firing the concentrated blasts of one of Bassoon's newer techniques.

His final hand came to his forehead, and began charging a Special Beam Cannon.
The talisman could only last for a few moments, but in those few moments Impulse and Impalpable worked their psyonic might on Cooler, as the Pulse Gun slammed into him-

And he dissolved into cubes, vanishing into nothingness as his reforming hand grasps Chryostis by the side of his head-!
Luke Anderson


Luke sighed.


No matter the time, the place, the situation, or the circumstance, whenever he killed something... It didn't stay dead. For one reason or another. It was... Particularly vexing. But, no. This was fine. More than fine even.

Because none of this mattered.

It didn't matter what form 13 might take, whether it was the hypothetical fusion form that Gero had planned, or something empowered by evil, dark forces. It didn't matter how strong the resultant monstrosity would be, how fast it was, how durable it was.

None of it mattered.

"... Come then, monster. Take shape."

Luke spoke quietly, settling back into a stance.

"There is nothing in this world that I can not cut."

Shining power began to boil within him...
The cocoon of darkness pulsed, twisting as it begins to take a humanoid form and beginning to rush you, one hand extending and the other drawn back-!
The cocoon of darkness pulsed, twisting as it begins to take a humanoid form and beginning to rush you, one hand extending and the other drawn back-!

Luke Anderson

There it was.

The twisted visage of whatever 13 had become, not a mere fusion of machinery and Ki, somethin more, something darker. Far more sinister than anything Gero could ever hope to dream of. ... Perhaps, begrudgingly Luke thought, a line that even he would not wish to cross.

It didn't matter.

Luke breathed.

'... Noah.'

His wings extended, power rapidly drawing in from around his body, shining energy enveloping him as the sheer magnitude of density he was forming drew everything in. His arm lined back, shining with internal energy, brimming with raw, undeniable power, crackling along his body before converging within his fist.

13's transformation didn't matter.

The dark arm from the cocoon extended, an evil figure began to move.

Luke's heart beat once.

It began to take shape into something more.

His mind cleared.

The sinister figure ran, a mad dash towards him and-

"... A Shining Star Splits the Void."

A single whispered line drifted from Luke's mouth.

This new form did not matter, because Luke would strike him down regardless of the power 13 possessed.

And then he struck.

Without hesitation, faster than thought, faster than he could even think of moving, his body moved almost on its own to strike the wretched creature before him, to destroy it utterly and expunge its tainted power from the world.

With all his might, all his power, all his fury, a single, roaring cry left Luke's mouth-


And then there was Light.
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Mundane concrete is still shredded by the wires - which, honestly, isn't that surprising. They'd probably really hurt anyone not a Majin if they caught them, and their energy-cancelling properties would probably really hurt you anyways...

Wait, did you already know this? Ah well. Anyways, the threads are still coming at you, so... what now?
Alright, that was a dumb idea. Lili can admit that in her head, she wasn't entirely sure why she thought that would work, but it is increasingly looking like Lili is going to have to do something she is not very good at, and thus hasn't used often to avoid these stupid wires.

Taking a deep breath - A deep, deep breath that has the air whooshing around her as she draws so much of it into her lungs. Once there is enough air in her lungs, she transmutes the air into a thick, cloying smog that is so sickly sweet that really the only people who would enjoy it's presence is a majin. Spraying out the thick smog all about her, Lili hides herself from any watching eyes. Then, she transmutes a bit of that smog into something that looks identical to herself.

Lili holds the copy of herself up for a moment, but she grimaces, focusing.

Lili shapeshifts, compressing herself down to something to size of a Capsule, and hides itself away right on the small of the replica's back.

The replica begins to fall, and with the slightest of uses of magic, Lili adjusts the replica's body, weaving it back and forth to try and dodge the wires to the best of her ability.
In response, Turles spreads his arms and lets his power loose with a shout. A shockwave ripples out, dense scarlet-and-black flames enshrouding him and stone shattering all around him. And it was...

It was...

If the Light of your Soul was you shrouding yourself in your own Soul, in everything you were - the positive aspect thus easily overwhelming your own negative energies - then this was easily the inverse. Pure malice and negativity, born mostly from Turles's own soul and released out through the world to power him up without destroying himself, somehow. Not merely a Black Soul... perhaps a more appropriate name would be...

"Dark Soul," Turles states, clenching his fists by his sides. "Some also call it Evil Aura... but, honestly, I prefer my name better."

"Now, shall we continue?" He asks, palming a blast right in your face-!
Mato releases the rest of his soul, his eyes filling fully with light. His arm blurs up-


-and he appears just to the side with a Lance Strike flying off his fingers into Turles's elbow.
There it was. As Broly continues to fire, Cynthia just barely manages to send two blasts to guide some of Broly's power into itself, setting up a rippling detonation that leaves just the barest slivver of an opening-!

And Mitsuba takes it, the Nail Gun becoming the head of a golden lance of force with her body serving as the shaft, driving into Broly's body as he desperately attempts to pour power into the forming wound to defend against it-!

And then, Broly grits his teeth as the Nail Gun digs deeper before detonating... and an all-too familiar to Cynthia sickening feeling washes over the area as darkness begins to pour from the wound.

The nail gun itself produces openings. While Cynthia could try for SSJ3, instead she opts for kienzans. Lots and lots of kienzans.
There it was. As Broly continues to fire, Cynthia just barely manages to send two blasts to guide some of Broly's power into itself, setting up a rippling detonation that leaves just the barest slivver of an opening-!

And Mitsuba takes it, the Nail Gun becoming the head of a golden lance of force with her body serving as the shaft, driving into Broly's body as he desperately attempts to pour power into the forming wound to defend against it-!

And then, Broly grits his teeth as the Nail Gun digs deeper before detonating... and an all-too familiar to Cynthia sickening feeling washes over the area as darkness begins to pour from the wound.
The nail gun itself produces openings. While Cynthia could try for SSJ3, instead she opts for kienzans. Lots and lots of kienzans.
Mitsuba snaps to adapt to the new situation, letting fly with a vicious, mad-minute barrage of rapid fire Makankosappos.
Taka's endless blows bit through the beast's arm, and the corpse flower ripped through the rest. The beast fell back, it's howl possessing enough force to prevent any followup. But... you had most definitely rendered that arm unusable, and more importantly probably unable to shift into the intangible state.

So... now what?
Taka takes a quick glance at Bonny, and makes a snap decision. If it seems Bonny has a plan, he shall shield his ally physically with body and weapon from direct assault.

If not, he simply launches himself backwards through the air, transforms his Divine Weapon into a bow, and begins loosing arrows rapidly into the beast. There are other archery styles than the Divine Wind, and he trusts his weapon to once more choose a suitable one, as it has before.

The talisman could only last for a few moments, but in those few moments Impulse and Impalpable worked their psyonic might on Cooler, as the Pulse Gun slammed into him-

And he dissolved into cubes, vanishing into nothingness as his reforming hand grasps Chryostis by the side of his head-!
Bassoon's eyes widened at the sight, and he was moving before his brain finished thinking between the half-twinkles of an eye.

'I am sick of watching people I care about die!'

All of his thought, emotion, and determination poured into his being. His Ki flared, the burning orange of Hyper Namekian shifting to an even brighter shade. The air rippled as his raw psychic telekinesis pushed him forward, while flecks of sparkling emerald represented raw magic temporarily boosting his speed just a bit more. His Quirk shoved as far to "increase Bassoon's velocity" as it could. Two of his hands flew through motions and a thin plane of magical energy, then reinforced with whatever scraps of his telekinesis and Ki weren't shoved into "GO FASTER", tried to place itself between Coolemba and Chryostis.

All of this happened in less time than it takes for a single hand on a watch to move. If not for the strange ways of Ki, Magic, and Psi, one could argue some of the movements were so rapid they'd start to defy the regular reflection of light. Such was the realm of the powerful Champions of the multiverse.

Here and now, it meant that, hopefully, Bassoon would shoulder-check Coolemba before the other being could harm Bassoon's top Frenemy. At which point, all four of Bassoon's hands, every fingernail enhanced with razor-sharp claws of roiling Ki, would clamp inward at top (enhanced) speed, seeking to shred his enemy's flesh, and even use Impalpable to sink beneath the skin. Even as Bassoon's eyes lit up an angry red and shot beams of concentrated energy into Coolemba at point-blank range.