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Hello, everybody. For various reasons related to the most recent drama to beset SV, @The Fourth Monado has elected to shift this thread over to Spacebattles. This is a move happening regardless of the final resolution of their present suspension; the decision is made and the new thread is being created now. Mona has already announced this on their Discord, but there are some people in this RP who do not follow the Discord, and I have volunteered to make the announcement here.


Do the two of you have accounts on SB? If you do not, I can vouch as of ten minutes ago that the process of creating one is swift and as painless as any other site using this software. I don't plan on using SB for anything other than this new thread, but I do intend on keeping up with this RP, so I've made the account to follow along.

To you two and anybody else who follows, but does not participate in, this RP, consider this your notice. I'll post again when the new thread is up, and that will mark the end of this thread's official use save for archival purposes. I hope that we can make this move with a minimum of disruption, and get back to the game we've been so enjoying. :)

Well, I do in fact have a Spacebattles account.


Could you PM me on Spacebattles with a link to the quest threads once you've got them set up? I hardly ever USE my Spacebattles account, and navigating the site could give me some confusion.
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Hello, everybody. For various reasons related to the most recent drama to beset SV, @The Fourth Monado has elected to shift this thread over to Spacebattles. This is a move happening regardless of the final resolution of their present suspension; the decision is made and the new thread is being created now. Mona has already announced this on their Discord, but there are some people in this RP who do not follow the Discord, and I have volunteered to make the announcement here.


Do the two of you have accounts on SB? If you do not, I can vouch as of ten minutes ago that the process of creating one is swift and as painless as any other site using this software. I don't plan on using SB for anything other than this new thread, but I do intend on keeping up with this RP, so I've made the account to follow along.

To you two and anybody else who follows, but does not participate in, this RP, consider this your notice. I'll post again when the new thread is up, and that will mark the end of this thread's official use save for archival purposes. I hope that we can make this move with a minimum of disruption, and get back to the game we've been so enjoying. :)

I do not have an account on SB. I'll have to think about this. I have, for various reasons, refused to visit SB particularly much, and creating an account just to follow a single thread, no matter how much I want to continue, represents a level of added effort to keep up with the RP that did not exist before this.

Thus far, I have simply needed to check my alerts and watched threads, when I participate in many threads here, whereas I'd have to be on the lookout for this RP in specific updating as a committed action.

I do wish to continue to participate, but I am unsure if it is worth compromising on what has been a solid stance for years and additionally dealing with the added difficulties.

I dunno. Maybe I'm being ridiculous. I don't see why Monado is doing this, and that's probably just me, but I'll need some time to decide one way or another.
I do not have an account on SB. I'll have to think about this. I have, for various reasons, refused to visit SB particularly much, and creating an account just to follow a single thread, no matter how much I want to continue, represents a level of added effort to keep up with the RP that did not exist before this.

Thus far, I have simply needed to check my alerts and watched threads, when I participate in many threads here, whereas I'd have to be on the lookout for this RP in specific updating as a committed action.

I do wish to continue to participate, but I am unsure if it is worth compromising on what has been a solid stance for years and additionally dealing with the added difficulties.

I dunno. Maybe I'm being ridiculous. I don't see why Monado is doing this, and that's probably just me, but I'll need some time to decide one way or another.
Of course. Take what time you need, and let me know what we can do to ease the transition for you, if you choose to make it with us.
Me, I just have no idea what happened or why, and it's a bit daunting in that I'm likely to absent-mindedly forget to check multiple forums at the same time.
Me, I just have no idea what happened or why, and it's a bit daunting in that I'm likely to absent-mindedly forget to check multiple forums at the same time.
I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing it on Mona's behalf. Perhaps he'd be willing to explain over on SB. I absolutely get you about the multiple forums; it's something I anticipate having issues with myself. This isn't an ideal situation, but with the thread moving, we have to move with it if we want to continue. If it helps, I'd be happy to keep using this thread in order to ping anybody who winds up losing track of the SB side of things.
Hm, SB is giving me trouble using PMs.


The new OOC is up here. IC's not yet gone live. Right now it's just a matter of porting over sheets.

Also, fair warning: SB apparently doesn't have accordion code, so the era of AtE-style sheets has ended, at least as far as I'm concerned. Nested spoiler boxes should substitute well enough if you're attached to the nesting, though. Easier to code, too.
I'll be honest, I've lost some respect for Monado over this. Moving the RPs, thus splitting the OOC and IC threads in two, over something that seems relatively petty, and parting it from being on the same forum as the quest it's sharing setting stuff with, seems to me to be a very bad decision.

That said, I value the RP enough to continue participating, even if it means making an account, so I have done so just now.
I'll be honest, I've lost some respect for Monado over this. Moving the RPs, thus splitting the OOC and IC threads in two, over something that seems relatively petty, and parting it from being on the same forum as the quest it's sharing setting stuff with, seems to me to be a very bad decision.

That said, I value the RP enough to continue participating, even if it means making an account, so I have done so just now.
Do you have the same handle on SB?

As of now, Monado has finished moving this RP over to Spacebattles, and all players have either shifted over their sheets or indicated that they are in the process of doing so.

The new OOC is here.

The new IC is here.

This thus marks the end of official business in this thread. If anybody comes by here for some reason hoping to join, follow the links; we've moved. See ya!
...Goodness, I still haven't done this?
I've had this RP character kicking around in my head for a while. It's not entirely a serious application - I don't have a Spacebattles account (and don't really want one, the rules are a mess) - but I do want to show you, because I think you might like it.

Doctor Organ
A thin, elderly-but-muscular Namekian covered in cross-shaped scars, each centered on a metal lamprey mouth. His skin tones are dried-out green and sickly yellow rather than the more typical green and pink.
He typically wears a poofy orange-and-brown pinstriped outfit with no sleeves, and faintly wild expression.
Jazz Age Army Remnant: Organ was once a member of the Jazz Age Army, a paramilitary organization dedicated to conquering Namek. While he wasn't able to prevent their defeat by Wukong, he remained a valuable and dedicated member long after they dissolved.

Provisional Time Patroller: Organ has been offered a job in the Time Patrol, largely as a way to keep an eye on him. He's accepted.
By most measures, Organ is a stubborn lunatic. Once he's pursuing a challenge, it's practically impossible to shake him.

+40 (25 base, +15 from "Stubborn"), +65 when pursuing an obsession (from "Obsessive").
Power Level
Highly variable, since most of his power comes from draining his surroundings.
Base PL (Mechanical): 45 Million
Drain PL: Roughly 1/8th of the total PL of everyone within general blasting range, but if he can trap someone in close quarters he can generally drain half their strength or more.
Abandoned Rival: For all the times he tried, and for all that Organ became the best weaponsmith in his universe, he never once managed to defeat Wukong. He still holds a grudge against 'that little alien boy' for dying of illness mere months before Organ was ready to attack him directly.

Captured: Using a time machine to fight Wukong his prime would indeed have worked, had Organ not been apprehended by the Time Patrol. And fighting them off would have worked, if he'd been at all prepared for fighting Hit. Alas, the world seems to thwart him every time he nears success.
Show 'Em All: In exchange for bragging about his genius sharing his technology with the Time Nest, Organ has been promised Chronoa's help in arranging a battle with the N fighters. It's a start.
Gero Template: Doctor Gero is fairly well known in the Time Patrol, if only for creating Cell. Organ bears a... more than passing resemblance to him. Even in the extremely tolerant Time Patrol, it tends to flavor his interactions.

Scary: Between his appearance and his air of annoyed psychopathy, Organ practically never seems approachable. He has done nothing to mitigate this.

Time Patroller: To the small group who know of the Time Patrol, Organ commands a wary respect. To the even smaller group who know only of the Time Queen, he seems a horrific demon from the most exaggerated of nightmares.
Stubborn: If there's one thing which defines Organ, it's that it's not clear if he knows how to quit.
Effects: +15 Willpower, Organ experiences vote weighting against any plan which involves him abandoning something he's worked towards.

Callous: Organ simply doesn't consider other people's interests unless he actively thinks to.
Effects: Variable penalty to all communication checks which have not been specified in a plan. Most forms of collateral damage will not register for purposes of vote weighting.

Obsessive: Organ can be stubborn about many things. When he's focusing on a project, though, he's absolutely intractable.
Effects: +25 Willpower when pursuing something Organ considers a Project, and +3 Action Points for spending on said obsessions. Organ will reject any plan which involves abandoning a Project completely.

Prickly Scientist: Organ can be quite insecure about his specialty, owing to its' relative unpopularity on his home planet. His response to apparent challenges can be quite over-the-top.
Effects: If Organ's abilities are in any way belittled, or seem less adequate to a task than a rival's, he immediately gains heavy vote weighting to "redress the issue" in the most impressive manner possible. +1 Action Point, which can only be spent towards showing up a rival. (So far, he has never run out of rivals since gaining this trait.)
Artificial Namekian Body: While synthetic, Organ has managed to duplicate Namekians' natural stretching and regeneration in the body he built for himself.
- Ki-Leeches: Organ's greatest invention. These white metal cylinders can drain and store ki from their vicinity, for a variety of effects. In particular, he can regenerate from any one of them if the leech holds enough ki to do so.
- Biofilter: Organ can make his power read as mortal ki or mechanical energy at will, typically obviating the need to suppress it.
- Scouter Integration: Organ can make calls via radio and extrauniversal channels, and he can measure signals with extreme precision. He uses dedicated circuits for this, both for durability and to prevent hijacking.

Organ is a tinkerer, first and foremost. He collects skills like he collects designs: Whenever is convenient, with barely any regard for repercussions.
Medicine [Talented]: Organ isn't a surgeon, but he does know biology.

Tinkering [Elite, event-locked from Legendary]: Between most of a Namekian lifespan worth of research and several periods of grudge-fueled innovation, Organ is one of the most exceptional inventors in any universe. Elite Talent: Organic/Mechanical synthesis. Organ has found the boundaries between life and machines, and learned how to warp them as usefully as possible. His inventions typically count as "alive" and "mechanical" in exactly the ways he wants them to.

Communications [Unpromising]: Organ is not great at persuasion by any means other than firepower, pledged or threatened. He can try it, however.
Overall Skill: Talented. Organ relies on his gadgets and unconventional attack vectors to bypass his disinterest in actually training.
Overall Skill: Talented. Organ has designed several techniques for these ranges, and for that he had to know his way around them.

Dueling [Competent]: Because close quarters is usually the worst place to fight Organ, as he can typically take at least half your strength for himself there, he's put no special effort into learning it.

Crowd Fighting [Exceptional, event-locked from Elite]: Leech Style shines against multiple opponents. Organ is never more effective than when he's fighting a whole group of enemies.

Team Fighting [Competent]: Organ's powerset tends to make joining a formation inefficient at best. He can, however, do it without draining his teammates.

Buster Driver [Talented]: A technique wherein Organ detonates one of his own limbs in order to launch a point-blank ki spike at three times the force of a punch, or vastly more with charge time. Able to seriously damage things with a much higher effective PL than his own. He can also form it outside a limb at the cost of its' suddenness.
Ki Manipulation
Overall Skill: Talented, verging on Exceptional. This is where the majority of Organ's combat interests lie.

Leech Grenade [Exceptional]: Organ launches one or more Ki-Leeches from his body, before regrowing them. They can then fly on ki-powered rockets, drain from blasts or the environment, and be detonated remotely. Advanced functions include sensing, homing in on, and draining specific ki signatures. May freely train to Elite, with "Drone Casting" as the elite talent. Some progress already made.

Curse Orb [Exceptional]: A paralytic shackle which unfolds from a ki blast. Exceptionally difficult to block; must normally be dodged or shot down. Designed for alternating with Leech Grenades.

Instant Transmission [Exceptional]: One of Wukong's secret weapons, which Organ put a great deal of effort into effort into countering and eventually replicating. Organ's variant is partly technological, and does not require the use of his fingers. Or forehead, for that matter.
- Anchor Leech: Organ can teleport to any of his leeches in existence, ignoring range and most types of barrier, including the one between synchronized timelines. By seeding an area with his 'leeches', Organ can vastly increase his speed and precision at teleporting inside it.

Raving Cannon [Talented]: Uses the unavoidable ki linkage of a beam-struggle deliver a vicious telepathic attack. Doubles as a regular beam attack.

Singularity Sphere [Talented]: An implosive ki attack which can be used as either a large bomb or a range-closing method, depending on whether he teleports out or not. As a secondary effect, he can use it to reinforce and sharpen collected debris.

Ki Talents
Overall Skill: Exceptional. Understanding ki forms most of the basis for Organ's technological expertise.

Ki Sense [Special]: He has gadgetry for this. While his gauging-via-drain should be a very precise and broad-spectrum energy sense, he's learned enough cynicism to have backup systems. He also has sensors that work at exceptional range. What he doesn't have is the spiritual side of it, because when Organ sees an opportunity for personal growth, he heads to his workshop and tries to prove he doesn't need it.

Flight [Exceptional]: A natural consequence of his focus on tracking the battlefield. Organ is aware of his position, vector, and acceleration capacity at all times.

Ki Control [Exceptional]: An important aspect of technique-crafting is being able to shape the ki in the first place, and right now his skills are fresh.

Telepathy [Exceptional]: Organ has a... decentralized body-image by this point. His response was to perfect his internal communication systems, one of which is telepathy.

Telekinesis [Exceptional]: Useful for briefly disrupting or immobilizing opponents, Organ chose this as an alternative to harrying blasts. He's become quite proficient in jerking teammates into each others' lines of fire.

Formsplit [Talented]: A duplication technique, based on regenerating from multiple cores at once. He considers it of limited use in combat, but quite valuable in the lab. Prolonged use makes him tired in a way that means it's probably stretching his soul.

Leech Style [Expert]: Designed to exploit his ki-draining ability, Organ's custom style is an eclectic mixture of crowd control, defensive measures, and horrible surprises. While it remains a work in progress, its' ability to shape a battlefield is already excellent.
Involved Techniques: Hand-to-Hand (Crowd Fighting), Leech Grenade, Curse Orb, Instant Transmission, Telekinesis, Flight, Raving Cannon, Buster Driver, Singularity Sphere.
Penalized Techniques: Hand-to-Hand (Team Fighting).
Organ's social habits are at turns comical and terrifying. For someone whose identity is founded so heavily in pride, he so rarely notices people's opinions of him.
Commander Trunks [Dependable]: Trunks doesn't actually like Organ, but he does find Organ reliable. That counts for something, at least.

Kaioshin Chronoa [Strained]: Chronoa doesn't really know what to do with Organ - she thinks of him as psychotic, and neither understands him nor realizes she should try to. For now she leaves dealing with him to Trunks, which works okay.
"Karen" [Friendly]: When they met, he called her the God of Mysteries. And then claimed that he'd once worshipped her, but now considered her a rival. At that point she shut her mouth, chuckled, and vanished while saying he'd be interesting. They have not spoken since, although he's seen her watching him.

Sun Wukong (birth name Chilla) [Fixated]: A little Arcosian boy sent to Namek to escape Arcosa's impending genocide by Lord Saiya. The Arcosian wound up pricking Organ's pride by defeating his creations, and Organ has spent the last twenty years planning his retaliation.

Verde Army [Professional]: Organ has no personal issue with them, but they're his employers' enemies. That may change in future.

The Time Queen [Avowed]: She's a threat to all existence. Also, her tech is annoyingly magical, which reminds him of things he hated about Namek.

A variety of poisons he intends to field-test before integrating them into his style. Involves several formulations of an exhaustive paralytic, and several more of an aerosolized blinding/numbing/hallucinogenic toxin.
To-Do List
*Finish learning to cast his ki techniques through leeches, and integrate it into his style.
*Test poisons and learn to synthesize the most useful, then integrate into his style.
*Consider learning a ray technique.
*Actually have his fight with the N Fighters. (Chronoa has promised it will happen soon.)
OOC, future goals:
*Upgrade his reactor to be competitive in non-crowd fights, but only after the Wukong battle - he's trying to prove something, and it isn't "with outside help I can be overwhelmingly powerful".
*Learn the Kienzan and combine it with windmilling his lengthened arms.
*Meet Mato and hit it off/swear revenge, more probably the latter.
*Grow as a character to the point that he's willing to use Senzu implants.
Orbital Saw: Six kienzan are produced and made to circle the user's body. Can be made to orbit on one axis for freedom of movement, or on three (with two saws each) for better defense. Largely obviates hand-to-hand, and can also be launched as a projectile cluster.

Avalanche Gun: A ki sphere designed to collect matter and press it into a cannonball as it flies. A very efficient bombardment technique, but requires an accommodating battlefield or the means to create one.
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