I actually started a draft of one. Some skills are pencilled in at uncertain level and I'll need to do some thinking, plus I'm going to have other things keeping me busy for big chunks of tonight/tomorrow, but I can definitely get one done, or PM you one.
Mitsuba Roma
This fits your template. I'll have a Poptart-style one done later. Probably many hours from now.

Name: Mitsuba Roma

Age: 34

Race: Saiyan (Garenhulder Exile)

Combat Style: Mitsuba is one of the Exiles' leading practitioners of the Piccolo-inspired Demon Style. She has just under twenty years of intense training and experience in a combat style that focuses on distance control and shaping the battlefield. In tournaments, she regularly places among the top ten or twenty known non-royal combatants in Exile society, against opponents using nearly every combat technique and fighting style known to the Exile culture during her era.

Demon Style offers effective combat options at nearly every combination of range and circumstance, and Mitsuba uses them all with fluency as the situation demands. She is particularly fond of the Makankosappo piercing beam, the Masenko and 'Evil Explosion' blast attacks, and the style's powerful ki-enhanced kicks as decisive blows in melee combat.

Mitsuba is at her best when using the style's aerobatic forms. She employs these heavily when given the chance, in order to shape the fight and choose whichever mix of ranged and close-combat attacks are suited to the situation. When given an opportunity to go decisively on the offensive, she tends to strike with focused, powerful ki and melee attacks. Her goal is to daze opponents and knock them back, and when possible to chain these heavy attacks fast enough to keep an enemy on the back foot and put them out of the fight entirely.

Skills: Mitsuba's social skills are competent but unremarkable. Pursuant largely to her own studies as a martial artist among the Exiles and efforts to learn ki healing, she has become at least passingly familiar with medicine and first aid techniques.

In the field of ki use itself, Mitsuba is an extremely talented flier, as fits her focus on aerial combat. Her own precision ki manipulation is good but unremarkable by the standards of high-end users. Despite limited natural aptitude, she has been specifically working on the field of ki healing, which she regards as fitting well with Demon Style for a combination of philosophical and practical reasons.

Biography: A member of the Gokun clan of the Exiles, Mitsuba is of roughly the same age as the Exiles' current reigning Lords. During childhood and early adolescence, she followed a relatively direct path into the popular Goku Style of her clan, but abandoned this path at the age of fifteen in favor of intense training in the more flexible, versatile, and subtle Demon Style.

After an intense courtship, she married her husband Bana at the age of twenty-one. She took a year-long break from tournament fighting in the aftermath of a severe injury at twenty-five, during which time she gave birth to a son, Taro. Postpartum, she threw herself back into her full training regimen with great vigor, graduating to the generally recognized mastery of Demon Style at twenty-eight.

Since that time she has continued to maintain her skills, gradually branching outward and embracing other styles and techniques that could potentially enhance it. She competes regularly in tournaments, often winning at the regional/continental level and placing in the upper levels of global tournaments of the Exile race, though she has never won a world tournament to date.

In particular, Mitsuba has spent considerable time over the last four years trying to independently (re?)-develop a new ki attack that she believes fills a "gap" in Demon Style as practiced by the Exiles: an armor-piercing, delayed-detonation ki blast designed for short range combat against well-protected opponents. She calls it the 'Nail Gun.'

Writing Samples: While our gracious QM has already approved me, and most of the players here appear to be players of the Dragonball AE quest who may soon see the story linked below if they haven't already...

To introduce the character for anyone who hasn't already seen, I suggest my Dragonball AE omake Buzzsaw, chapters one and two.

Aaaand this is the long form character sheet for Mitsuba, styled after Poptart's (but longer because I'm a wordy bastard). If it is not satisfactory, consider it a draft thereof.

My challenge here was to strike a balance between "how much cheese do you want with that" and "This is what happens when someone fairly hardcore trains for twenty years to be the very best at what they do, and comes close enough to land in the top percentile of the top percentile." Hope I landed somewhere near the balance point in the judgment of those who know more than I.


Note that as of this writing, the sheet is intended to be current as of the end of the fight in "Buzzsaw." Statuses relevant to the Time Patrol and its objectives are likely to change rapidly after she is first given the recruitment speech, and subsequently inducted.

Mitsuba Roma

Mitsuba's drive and will to succeed is one of her greater assets.

+35 (+20 base, +5 from "Ambitious," +10 from "Driven")
Power Level
Mitsuba has trained her power level to the limits attainable by an ordinary saiyan, and keeps it there. The oozaru transformation is available to her but undeveloped to the point of being weaker than her base form; given her preference for precision and versatility over power and fury, it may well remain so. On the Exiles' Garenhuld, for a saiyan not of the blood royal to pursue the super-saiyan transformation is a death sentence. Thus, she has not done so.

Base Power Level: 15 million (at cap).
Always Bronze, Never Silver: Something inside Mitsuba burns for the kind of recognition that comes from winning her people's world tournament. She's been working to earn that recognition for a quarter century, and in each of the dozen tournaments she's entered, something swept in to snatch the grand prize from her hands.

The cumulative effect has been gradual, but significant. So far, it's mostly served to fuel her training and her search for that one last edge, the one that will carry her to the top. But there's a good-sized pocket of insecurity buried down there, under the foundation slab of her confidence in her abilities.
Wedding Bells: Considerable social and practical barriers stood in the way of Mitsuba's marriage to her husband Bana. She faced tangled House politics, the malevolent designs of influential figures, and a jealousy-fueled murder attempt that came alarmingly close to succeeding. Not a day goes by when Mitsuba doesn't thank her lucky stars that she, and he, managed to overcome the obstacles in their path.
Heavyweight: Mitsuba has wide name recognition and respect as a formidable fighter among the Exiles of Garenhuld
Devoted Wife: Mitsuba has faced adversity, social risk, and even a measure of physical danger to build up her marriage to Bana. She'd face it again, and worse and wilder. Moderate bonus to overcoming obstacles that impede her bond with Bana or keep them apart.

Loving Mother: Mitsuba's son Taro is dearer to her than anything else she ever has, or ever will have, in her life. Making time for him is a necessity, and even if she is assured he will not lack for want of her presence, she will begin to grow distressed and demoralized if separated from him for extreme lengths of time. Were she a quest protagonist, Mitsuba would experience overwhelming vote weighting in favor of any benevolent or affectionate action towards Taro, and overwhelming weighting against any malicious or cold action. Can interfere with disciplining her child, but to a lesser extent than a genuinely "malicious or cold" action would.

Adaptive: (FOUNDATIONAL TRAIT) Mitsuba is an eager and quick adopter of and adapter to new ideas and circumstances. While shock value and outside context problems can knock her off balance, they have a hard time truly putting her down. She can certainly fail to grasp what she's dealing with at first, but she never stops trying. Reduced penalties from culture shock, outside context problems, and other phenomena that would penalize Mitsuba through sheer newness.

Aerobatic: Small bonus to airborne combat at all ranges, and to 3D maneuver.

Ambitious: Mitsuba has dreams as big as Exile society allows her. She's dreamed bigger still often enough, though she speaks of it seldom if ever. Passive +5 to willpower. +1 yearly action from this trait.

Challenger: (FOUNDATIONAL TRAIT) Mitsuba has her measure of the warlike fire of saiyan heritage. It expresses itself through a fierce desire to compete against near-equals in combat. Mitsuba gains small bonuses when in combat against 'rivals,' that is to say, single or highly coherent groups of opposition that individually or collectively have power close to her own at that particular moment. (Rival identification subject to QM discretion). Mitsuba suffers a significant penalty against opponents who would otherwise be clearly inferior under present conditions, and has neither a bonus nor a penalty against dramatically superior opponents.

-Competitive: The small bonus from 'Challenger' also applies to training and tactical options intended to allow her to best a specific, clearly identifiable 'rival,' or match one that has clearly overtaken her. Were she a quest protagonist, she would experience moderate vote weighting in favor of actions structured to pursue this aim.

-Ardent: The longer a fight goes on, the more Mitsuba's competitive spirit builds. Prolonged stalemated conflict, or setbacks she believes she can overcome to "cross" a superior opponent, increase her enthusiasm for a battle. Small to moderate bonuses kick in, growing progressively larger up to some upper bound (QM's choice), as she remains in combat with a specific opponent or group of opponents that put up effective opposition. Correspondingly, she is reluctant to disengage from such a fight. Overcoming the opponent, or a significant fraction of the group of opponents that collectively match her removes both the bonuses and the reluctance.

Driven: (FOUNDATIONAL TRAIT) Mitsuba's determination has stood out since she was a little girl. There are others more powerfully motivated, to be sure- and some of them are even sane. +1 yearly action and +10 to willpower.

-Committed: When Mitsuba sets a long-term priority, she makes ways for herself to be successful, sometimes ways that surprise even her. Mitsuba identifies a single concrete goal for herself at all times. This is a permanent condition, resetting its target when the existing goal is attained or when a major revelation or life event radically alters her priorities. Mitsuba gains small bonuses to any non-training actions directed towards her long-term goal, and a major penalty to any action that directly undermines the goal. She also gains +1 yearly action, but the action must directly contribute to the goal. Mitsuba's present goal is identified by the subtrait of this trait.

--Who Desires Peace, Prepares for War: Mitsuba has identified specific skills that she expects to be useful in battle against the aliens, under the strictures she expects Lord Berra to set. Mitsuba's goal is to win renown for success in battle against the aliens AND accomplish at least two of the following three training priorities: Masque Affinity to Exceptional, Team Fighting to Exceptional, Command Theory to Competent.

--Find Something More: Mitsuba's mastery of Demon Style has brought her to the edge of true greatness, but not quite over the edge. The first step is to study widely, learn more and train more until she finds out what she needs. Mitsuba's goal is to reach Practitioner in a second style, intended to supplement Demon Style, OR invent a new experimental technique likely to significantly augment Demon Style, and train it to Unpromising. Achieved, with development of Nail Gun.

--Master Demon Style: Attain the rank of "Expert" in Demon Style AND train three of its six involved techniques to "Exceptional," OR attain the rank of "Master" in Demon Style.
Achieved, both branches.

--Wedding Bells: Overcome the social obstacles and rivalries created by your romantic ties to Bana. Achieved.

--Become a Contender: Pass the preliminaries and qualify for your first all-Exile Cap Circle tournament.
Mitsuba has all the abilities of a fully trained saiyan who has reached the power cap of their base form. No more.

Oozaru, Untrained: Mitsuba's focus on precision, flexibility, and maneuverability have left her with little interest in the brutal and relatively clumsy power of the oozaru form. Consequently, she has never developed or trained the form. She is actively weaker in her oozaru form, dramatically so, and significantly less capable of controlling herself.
Mitsuba's palette of skills includes a solid basis of competence and self-command in social situations. Aside from that, it is mostly built around both her command of Demon Style, and her desire to augment it and make it more effective for herself.

Masque Affinity (Human) [Talented]: Until recently, Mitsuba's affinity for her Masqued human body was average by Exile standards. As "Melanie Roberts" she got just enough physical exercise and activity to keep this form from becoming unfit by her own admittedly high standards. A few years ago, the Demon stylist learned of Lord Berra's plan to recruit warriors to defend the planet from an alien invasion, while fighting en masque at purposefully capped power levels. Since, she has started training her Masque affinity actively and aggressively.

Air Traffic Control [Talented]: Mitsuba's career of choice in her Masqued life as "Melanie Roberts." Garenhuld's commuter culture spawns an immense amount of light aviation and has made this a stable, lucrative profession. Borderline superhuman reflexes and a gift for intense concentration are a plus.

Medicine [Competent]: Mitsuba has made a basic study of medicine, mostly pursuant to her study of ki healing. While she is not a doctor, she is capable of providing battlefield first aid or usefully assisting a more skilled physician.

Communication [Competent]: Mitsuba can make herself understood, usually without making unnecessary enemies, but she has no innate silver tongue, and usually prefers deeds to words by nature.

Teaching [Competent]: While Mitsuba has no experience in the formal art of classroom instruction, she has proven an effective and fairly enthusiastic master to a number of martial arts enthusiasts who have studied as her disciples over the past several years.

Firearms [Unlearned]: The Roma clan introduced firearms to Garenhuld roughly two hundred years ago, and has kept up a tangential affiliation with arms manufacture ever since. Somewhere along the way, target shooting became a minor hobby for the clan, which Mitsuba (mostly in her masqued form as Melanie) gave desultory attention to many years ago. This is classed as a noncombat skill because she would, realistically, never use them in a fight. Mitsuba would actually be a pretty good pistolera, if not for the fact that ingrained muscle memory from the Makankosappo means she has to suppress the urge to thwack herself in the forehead with the pistol after every shot.

Deceit [Unlearned]: Mitsuba is neither a particularly good liar nor a particularly bad one.

Command Theory [Unlearned]: Mitsuba has at least decided that this is an area worthy of her studies in the long run, as part of her ambitions to win renown in combat against the alien invasion of Garenhuld.

Intrigue [Unpromising]: Mitsuba is analytical, and good at weaving and unweaving complex explanations and structures of facts. But she tends to leap to incorrect conclusions, often through failure to consider alternative explanations that fit the known facts. This is something of a weakness.

Overall Skill: Exceptional. Mitsuba practices close combat tactics routinely and intensely, under the training of and in combat against the toughest opponents Exile culture can provide. She has done so for over twenty years.

Dueling [Exceptional]: At a casual estimate, Mitsuba has fought tens of thousands of one-on-one sparring matches, and has faced virtually every unarmed combat technique known to the Exiles hundreds if not thousands of times. Dueling tactics, specifically, has been her focus since adolescence.

Crowd Fighting [Talented]: While tournament fighting seldom involves combat against multiple opponents, Mitsuba has trained in it to a considerable degree.

Team Fighting [Talented]: Demon Style, in keeping with the character of the great Namekian, tends to focus on what one fighter can do alone. It teaches little that prevents one from coordinating with a team, but has little to say about the art of doing so. Limited study of Krillin Style some years ago helped Mitsuba refine her skills in this area beyond 'adequate,' as have her recent efforts to develop her skills in anticipation of the alien invasion.
Ki Manipulation
Overall Skill: Talented. Mitsuba has practiced a great variety of ki attacks, and is very good at some of them. But this usually comes from very lengthy practice in the movements and energies of the attacks themselves, not from a truly exceptional natural understanding of how to launch one's ki as a weapon. She is practiced, not inspired, in this area.

Makankosappo [Exceptional]: Mitsuba has hammered out the process of generating, shaping, charging and aiming the Special Beam Cannon until it has become second nature.
-Quick Draw Special: One of the few skills Mitsuba practiced heavily during her time pregnant with Taro was the rapid charging and firing of (comparatively) low-power 'Specials.' While her quick-draw version of the attack lacks the raw piercing intensity of the traditional slow-charged, maximum-yield Makankosappo, it still packs enough of a condensed punch to force a peer competitor to sit up and take notice. This makes it a useful tool for countering powerful, heavily charged blast attacks in an energy-efficient way.

Masenko [Exceptional]: The leading alternative to the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun, the Masenko is a powerful two-fisted, long range blast, capable of limited guidance and steering.

Evil Explosion [Exceptional]: Otherwise known as 'Demon Wave,' this is a short-ranged gout of energy that inflicts great harm at close range. It is in some sense a shotgun blast of ki energy compared to the solid 'slug' of the Masenko or the precision-targeted sniper rifle that is the Makankosappo. Mitsuba often uses it to soften up opponents before closing into hand to hand combat, but has also been known to use it as a 'strafing' ki attack when flying against an opponent who is not themselves airborne.

Explosive Wave [Talented]: The Explosive Wave is a potent blasting attack that violently pulses the user's aura. This tends to hurl opponents backwards away from one's person, often in a dazed condition. It is an important tool in crowd fighting at close quarters, or against users of hand-to-hand focused disciplines such as Goku Style. While she is quite proficient in the well-timed use of Explosive Wave, Mitsuba herself has a slight preference for short range over long. She has not developed the technique to its fullest potential, compared to some of the others in Demon Style's arsenal.

Light Grenade [Talented]: Essentially a scaled up version of the 'Evil Explosion,' the Light Grenade is widely known for being Piccolo's last-ditch attempt to stop Imperfect Cell in the Battle of the Islands. It as an extremely powerful short to medium-range "finishing" attack. Often described as 'tightly focused,' the Light Grenade does indeed concentrate its energy release into a limited volume compared to other, more indiscriminate 'finishing blast' attacks like Final Flash. However, it is not particularly focused compared to piercing condensed-ki attacks such as the Makankosappo... Or the Nail Gun, which Mitsuba is currently trying to develop into a short-ranged alternative to the Light Grenade.

Hellzone Grenade [Talented]: A standard long range area denial barrage tactic used in Demon Style. Mitsuba launches a swarm of moderately powerful energy balls that float in midair, remaining stable for an extended time. After the constellation of energy balls is deployed, the attacker directs them all onto the target for a massive, simultaneous bombardment from all sides.
-Hellzone Firecracker: An application of Hellzone Grenade, where a smaller constellation of ki bolts is used, in order to set the attack up more rapidly. The 'Firecracker' can create small 'aerial minefields' that deter an opponent from flying rapidly in a straight line, helping Mitsuba win contests of aerial maneuver.

Nail Gun [Unlearned]: If this technique ever existed in Mitsuba's native timeline, it is attested only in the heavily popularized writings of a rambling old man who never met any of the people involved, and has been repeatedly proven a liar. Mitsuba decided to discover it anyway. The Nail Gun is a ki blast shaped to penetrate a first line of defense (including armor or barriers of ki) and detonate forcefully on the far side of the barrier. The attack is hard to dodge, very energy-efficient at delivering destructive force to an opponent at short to medium range with minimal waste of ki... and has a striking "all or nothing" effectiveness pattern depending on whether the ki spike is shaped carefully enough and empowered highly enough to penetrate.
-Hole Punch: An application of Nail Gun. Mitsuba has been experimenting with using it to punch destabilizing holes in opponents' ki constructs and beams, disrupting their attacks and explosively aborting beam struggles.

Kaio-Ken [Unlearned]: During Mitsuba's early teen years, she began following the path of Goku Style. She thought it perfectly natural to learn the Kaio-Ken technique, but did not fully understand the toll it takes on the body. Her experiences with the Kaio-Ken were a major factor in driving her to Demon Style, as she dislikes coughing up blood. Even from there, her familiarity with the technique has faded somewhat. She occasionally, grudgingly, practices the Kaio-Ken, simply because it is often a necessity to use at least limited Kaio-Ken boosts as a temporary 'equalizer' against borderline-suicidal opponents willing to use the technique even harder themselves.

Solar Flare [Unpromising]: As with the Kaio-Ken, this is mostly a vestigial technique Mitsuba employed in her early teens as a budding Goku stylist. Demon Style prefers to use explosive blast waves and high-momentum melee attacks to stun enemies, rather than Solar Flares to blind them.

Kamehameha [Unpromising]: Nearly every Gokun with a soul tries to learn this technique. Many at least partially succeed. The last time Mitsuba fired one was before her acne cleared up in high school. While she has become something of a connoisseur of being on the receiving end of the technique, thanks to the great masters of five styles pelting her with them on a regular basis, when it comes to generating her own, she is... rusty.

Ki Talents
Overall Talent: Talented. Mitsuba is not a natural prodigy in the use of ki, but has honed and disciplined her use of the natural energy field over long years of practice. As such, her ki skills are well above the Exile average, but not truly outstanding.

Flight [Exceptional]: Extreme maneuverability, dexterity, and fluidity in aerial combat are signatures of Mitsuba's practice of Demon Style. While she is quite capable of controlling distance, shaping a fight, and knocking an enemy senseless with precise, powerful strikes on the ground, it is when she takes to the air that she is truly in her element.

Ki Healing [Talented]: Mitsuba has put much practice into the manipulation of ki to repair injuries, control pain, bleeding, and inflammation, and otherwise permit the body to function longer and in the face of greater adversity.

Ki Sense [Talented]: Mitsuba uses her 'sixth sense' heavily in combat to help track opponents (especially when blinded or otherwise distracted)

Ki Control [Talented]: Mitsuba's control over her personal energies has been a foundation of her skills for many years, but it is not a foundation she has revisited during that time. There is room for improvement here, and it is perhaps one of the reasons she has never yet made it to a global tournament championship...

Telepathy [Competent]: While the range at which Mitsuba can manage a crisp, controlled connection is still limited (~150 km), she makes good use of telepathy when and as needed, subject to the limits of her skill.

Telekinesis [Competent]: Mitsuba took to using precise telekinetic exercises as a form of ki control training in her teens, and long practice has indirectly improved her telekinetic control in other areas.

Demon Style [Master]: Mitsuba has spent nearly twenty years studying the ins and outs of this martial arts style, inspired by the deeds, methods, and memory of the great Namekian warrior Piccolo. She is thoroughly familiar with Demon Style's tactics of precision, focus, powerful strikes, and the use of distance control and battlefield shaping to influence the outcome of a fight. She has trained disciples in her art, and actively begun research on a new attack designed to enhance the style's effectiveness.

Krillin Style [Novice]: At the age of thirty, Mitsuba made a cursory study of Krillin Style, hoping to unite the styles modeled after Krillin and Piccolo under a common banner: the importance of dodging. She did not continue these studies, but has long intended to.

Goku Style [Novice]: Mitsuba trained in various Goku Style techniques from the age of ten through fifteen, such as the Solar Flare and the Kaio-Ken boost. However, she advanced only to Novice before abandoning the style in favor of the less headlong-aggressive Demon Style. A careful observer of her hand to hand combat tactics will spot residual traces of Goku Style that can still be found today.


Bana Roma [Best]: Bana and Mitsuba would willingly, have willingly, faced disgrace and danger to be by each other's sides. They rely on each other without hesitation.

Taro Roma [Best]: Mitsuba loves and cherishes her son Taro with all her heart. She could never allow him to come to harm, or allow the boy to lack for anything he requires.

Mikan [Strong]: Mikan, the elder of Mitsuba's two disciples, is a skilled and eager fighter, a promising practitioner of Demon Style likely to break through to true expertise in the near future.

Budo [Dependable]: While Budo and Mitsuba have not known each other for a great length of time, Mitsuba has come to respect the young man's sober stolidity and self-discipline. While he is not so far on the path as his brother disciple Mikan, he too shows promise.

Cynthia Balor [Neutral]: The Balor girl has grown amazingly skillful in combat, in a startlingly short time. In a hard-fought battle, she defeated Mitsuba with a masterful display of Krillin Style at its best, biding her time and defending herself until the Demon Stylist overextended herself. Seizing the opportunity to launch a devastating strike, the Time Patroller gave Mitsuba her first first-round ring-out in many years. Cynthia has earned Mitsuba's respect as a fighter, and her curiosity.

Mato [Neutral]: As of the end of the fight with Cynthia, Mitsuba doesn't even know Mato's name, and cannot begin to imagine his true background. But if their paths cross again, she is likely to seek conversation with him.
Mitsuba has personal enemies and a number of professional rivals. The former are part of her distant past, largely overcome a decade or more ago. The latter are firmly bound to the Cap Circuit tournaments of Garenhuld. Neither group is likely to be of any consequence to the Time Patrol.

The Enemy: [Serious] The being known to the Exiles only as the Enemy is responsible for the destruction of the planet Earth and the death of the Z fighters in Mitsuba's home timeline. He is mighty and terrible beyond measure, and even the gods themselves might not be able to stop him if he exerted his full power. If the Enemy ever became aware of the location of Mitsuba's homeworld of Garenhuld, he would stop at nothing to kill every last one of the Exiles. Conversely, if through some impossible, freakish miracle it became possible for Mitsuba to kill the Enemy, she would do so without hesitation or regret. As of the end of her fight with Cynthia at the tournament, Mitsuba is aware of all these things, and they are all true. But she has never given them more than two minutes' continuous thought at a time in her life. They are history and background information to her, not ongoing current events.

Piccolo Style Training Clothes: The training benefits of weighted armor lose all meaning at power levels in the five or six-digit range, let alone in the millions. It is, at best, an obstacle to operating at full power, and has to be cast aside in order to do so. Nonetheless, is still traditional for masters of the Demon Style to wear heavily reinforced and weighted garments reminiscent of the Exiles' idea of the clothes worn by the legendary Mister Piccolo. They have minor protective benefits (less so than, for example, saiyan armor). Mitsuba finds them a minor but useful aid to precise ki control, and to be honest has a lot of fond memories of them.
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Yeah. Cynthia is going to take her aside and ask her if she really wants to know who taught her. It's not a bell that can be unrung.
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["Competitor" trait fires]

"Pass me a hammer; some bells need ringing."

[finds out]

"Okaaaaay... my weirdest theory was that you'd found the Senzus in hiding and they invited you to go flying off into space en masque on exciting adventures with them. Good job outdoing that."


I will note that Mitsuba is a family woman. That's important enough to her that she'd have to turn down the job offer if it meant never seeing them again, or even only being able to see them very rarely in their subjective time. I am pretty sure it wouldn't, given how I understand the Time Patrol working, though.
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Dibs on Bonny doing the combat tests!

*been wanting a reason to have her use that*
I will note that Mitsuba is a family woman. That's important enough to her that she'd have to turn down the job offer if it meant never seeing them again, or even only being able to see them very rarely in their subjective time. I am pretty sure it wouldn't, given how I understand the Time Patrol working, though.
Toki Toki is an entirely safe place to raise familys, and if you don't wanna move your family into it you can visit whenever.

So it wouldn't be a problem.
...You do realize the two guys singing that piece a.) lost, b.) were basically charlatans, and c.) LOST, right? :p
your missing the most important part of it tho -

They may have been charlatans, but they managed to convince the entire court of what they could do.

They had the charisma needed, and that's the most important part of that position.
Toki Toki is an entirely safe place to raise familys, and if you don't wanna move your family into it you can visit whenever.

So it wouldn't be a problem.
Didn't expect otherwise, OOC.

IC, she'll be cynical about "completely safe," but then her home planet is scheduled to be invaded by an alien horde while operating under severely nerfed power levels for infohazard reasons, followed by a giant kaiju attack fit to beat up an entire squad of raging Golden Oozaru, the latter of which she's finding out about within no more than, oh, a few days of her battle with Cynthia at the tournament.

"Safe" is a relative concept, and "their beds are made in the lap of Time" will probably sound a lot safer than Garenhuld sounds right now.
Didn't expect otherwise, OOC.

IC, she'll be cynical about "completely safe," but then her home planet is scheduled to be invaded by an alien horde while operating under severely nerfed power levels for infohazard reasons, followed by a giant kaiju attack fit to beat up an entire squad of raging Golden Oozaru, the latter of which she's finding out about within no more than, oh, a few days of her battle with Cynthia at the tournament.

"Safe" is a relative concept, and "their beds are made in the lap of Time" will probably sound a lot safer than Garenhuld sounds right now.
Honestly, probably the most ringing endorsement the city could have is that Mato brought his kids there. Prior to Toki Toki, the only option he considered acceptable was a planet of pacifists who hold sacred hospitality as a cultural imperative and was completely unknown in the wider galaxy.
Yes, but it's going to be a while before Mitsuba fully realizes just how wildly inaccurate her initial picture of Mato as a slightly inbred but extremely badass Garenhulder hillbilly-saiyan who "don't hold with no Masquerade" really is.

She's probably going to have to make her own similar but parallel judgment.
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Now I'm curious how Mitsuba is going to wind up interpreting Taka when we each get around to being introduced. I mean, Garenhuld Saiyans don't exactly have good context for 'been fighting in war with Ki based martial arts their entire life, has killed more than once as part of that professional soldiering, etc' that describes Taka.
Well, she's going to be learning it from multiple directions given the composition of the party. I am... not so familiar with Taka, have they appeared yet?
Could you link me? There's a lot of OOC thread and I haven't actually read much of it, plus the links post on the first page with character sheets is kinda out of date.
Could you link me? There's a lot of OOC thread and I haven't actually read much of it, plus the links post on the first page with character sheets is kinda out of date.
You could just use the threadmarks, it's the second most recent. But here;

Right, so second and possibly final go.

Name: Taka
Age: 44
Race: Human
Appearance: Taka was of an average height for his planet's population- which is to say he's kind of short, standing only five feet and four inches tall. His gaze is sharp, and his eyes piercing and intent, his features would generally be identified as Japanese by earthlings, for all that his home was not even earth. Black hair worn in a warrior's topknot, carefully groomed beard kept short, but immaculate. On the battlefield, he wears bamboo armor, in formal situations and in down time, a kimono or perhaps a training gi, should he be training. He is strong, but lithe- he is not, as a rule, visibly bulging with muscle, but those experienced in combat would recognize that he is, in fact, quite physically conditioned.
Combat Style: The world Taka hails from possesses many combat styles, many branches and lost techniques. He, personally, is trained in two, both passed down from his sensei, Yoshimoto.

Divine Wind Style: A style held to 'seek divine perfection', or so his sensei insisted, the Divine Wind Style is one of many in his world. It is, first and foremost, a bow style, and in reflection of that contains no punches, no grabs, no throws- the hands exist only to hold the bow. As a style, the bow is meant to deliver single, perfect shots- which, by expedient of long practice in ki infusion, will shoot out at truly disproportionate levels of power and speed. These arrows are to be released only for a kill, and strike with the strength of one perhaps ten times as strong as the practitioner. This is not without drawbacks, however. Otherwise, the style is fundamentally an aerial style, meant to fight from the air, high up, and revolves around dodging and assorted defensively oriented leg moves. The style is ultimately meant to be used to take down single elites, and was never really intended for situations in which more than perhaps five foes are assailing the user uncontested. Specific techniques that Taka knows within the style include...

Flight: of course. It's an aerial style, after all.

Divine Arrows: Not literally, but it's the name of the technique. By spending a subjective five minutes channeling ki into a held arrow, he prepares for a truly devastating- and devastatingly fast- bowshot. The strain on his body is nontrivial, and it taxes a significant percentage of his ki.

Springboard Evasion: This oddly named technique is a defensive technique by nature by striking with both legs, the warrior seeks to bounce themselves away from their foe and vice versa, meant to make distance more than to harm. And to gain an abrupt increase in flight speed and/or shift momentum, potentially dodging other foes strikes.

Kamikaze Arrow: a long lost technique, invented by the original inventor of the style, Taka found it through his past sight and sought to learn it- successfully- to prepare for the 'ape demon'. Apparently named both for the restraining violent winds unleashed upon a struck foe, and for the massive cost in physical strain and exhaustion to the user. Taka struggled to keep consciousness each time he used it, most of which were in controlled practice conditions. More than being damaging, the technique is seriously debilitating for a surprisingly long period, for any struck by it, with violent winds battering and resisting the movements attempted by the one struck.

Impure Earth Style: A style held to 'reflect the imperfection of the mortal realm', or so his sensei Yoshimoto often said, and one of many in his world. It, apparently, was invented as a complement to the Divine Wind style. It is a close quarters style, possessing no truly long ranged techniques, and exists to cover situations where, from the perspective of the Divine Wind style, things have gone wrong. A combination of a fully lethal sword style and a defensive hand to hand style, in one, the Impure Earth Style is used when one is disarmed, pressed in melee, outnumbered, or, ironically for a style with lethal sword blows, when one wishes to take a weaker foe alive. Specific techniques Taka knows in the style include...

Iaido: As a style meant as a back up when the bow fails, the art of quickly drawing the katana straight into an attempted deathblow having stowed the bow upon one's back if possible or simply dropped it in a dire emergency, is a central technique of the style.

Sakura Strike: Cherry blossoms are held to be beautiful but are also a symbol of death. This straightforward, one handed ki blast is ultimately not meant to harm peer opponents significantly. It is fast and weak, accurate and can be launched from either or even both hands fluidly. Against peer strength opponents it's more a way to slowly grind them down while keeping at range or to distract them. In truth, it's primarily to allow one to strike down weaker but still dangerous foes opportunistically from range.

Blade Catch: This humbly named technique is rarely mastered and indeed those without knowledge of ki would likely call it impossible. Taka is a rare master of the technique, as was his master before him, and so can reasonably expect to stop a sword with his bare hands by expedient of a simple looking clapping motion except against foes significantly stronger (or, perhaps more importantly, faster) than him. The technique is ideally followed up with a swift disarming and subsequent claiming of the blade for himself, though of course being able to catch a foes sword does not actually guarantee being able to take it. Taka figures his status as a Seer gives him an edge, given the rarity of true masters of the art.

Ki Blocking: Not a traditional technique of the style, Yoshimoto nevertheless instructed Taka in this Seer based ability. He's not good enough for much battlefield use of it, but it's been very handy for him on more than one occasion when trying to take strong foes alive for any reason.

Skills: Taka is a Seer, possessing the gift of sight. He is most talented at Past Sight, having trawled history for facts and new techniques alike, in his days as a samurai. He is least trained at Present Sight- seeing the future was often of use in navigating the rapid shifts in alliances and the like that came with such a volatile and un-unified environment as he came from, and he spent many an hour trying to hone his Sight to warn him of imminent death, to uncertain results. Meanwhile, his Past Sight, as noted, was a tool he regularly employed to secure facts and resolve mystery and confusion.

Bio: Upon a planet with neither contact with nor recollection of the wider galaxy existed many a warring clan and many an ambitious shogun. Into this world of war and strife was born a boy, named Taka, for his sharp, hawklike gaze. Taka spent the first several years of his life a clanless orphan, until one day he was approached by a strange white eyed man.

"I See much potential in you, boy. Tell me, lad, what is your name?" The man asked. Taka was wary of answering, for the man was garbed in the armor of a samurai, and thus was a soldier, who knew the martial arts and could likely kill him if he was displeased. The bow and sword he openly carried also attested to his status, and, well, the eyes were just unsettling.

Still, those same facts prompted him to answer, for if the man wanted a response enough staying silent would likely anger him, too. "My name, sir? It's Taka. But..." He trailed off, hesitant.

The man stroked his beard, nodding. "Taka? I see. But from what family, boy? And don't be shy, curiosity will take you far, and I am not one easily offended."

Taka, of course, a youth of a mere thirteen summers, and an orphan who often had to resort to theft to eat his fill, was not so easily set at ease as to drop his guard from a few words of reassurance. Not entirely, at least. But with the man coaxing him to speak, he responded, carefully "I come from no family, I have never known a home aside the orphanage, sir. But... If it pleases you to answer... Uh, what's with your eyes?"

The man blinked, and his eyes became a normal brown color. "Oh, how silly of me. Yes, that does look rather strange, doesn't it? Tell me, Taka of no family, would you be interested in learning the arts of the samurai, and a few tricks only one like myself could teach another like him?" The man asked, cryptically. "I wish to warn you that the path will be full of blood and sweat, and likely no few tears. But with the way of the sword comes strength, discipline, and courage, and perhaps if you don't die too swiftly you shall even be important in the future."

Taka hesitated, before asking "May I have a day to think on it, sir?"

The man laughed heartily but agreed.

The next day, Taka accepted, and under the man, who insisted he call him sensei but who he eventually learned was named Yoshimoto, spent many a year teaching him, in the ways of ki, in the arts of war, and, starting after the first year, began teaching him of the Sight, which, apparently, Taka possessed a rare gift for, which the man, who possessed the same gift, foresaw before he ever met Taka. By the age of fifteen, Taka began fighting on the battlefield alongside his sensei, under the great shogun who Yoshimoto served.

Many years of war awaited him, but it was not, all told a bad life. Many an adventure, travelling lands, honing his skills, fighting foes, some honorable and worthy of respect, true rivals, others cowardly and ruthless, with no honor and no sense of shame, and sometimes stranger things, monstrous animals, wizards, and more, as many a martial artist has experienced in their days.

One such foe, a dishonorable and fell foe, albeit not unskilled in the ways of war, ultimately slew his mentor in a cowardly trap. This man, was called by many Karasu, as he was held to be as clever as the crows... And as murderous. With his teacher's death, Taka sought to hone his sight, particularly his pastsight, to find just why and how his teacher was slain. In his thirty first year of life, he himself clashed with Karasu on the battlefield, and he, ultimately, triumphed, slaying his foe, for the man was unrepentant and honorless. Even going so far to employ the foul and forbidden arts of magic, the very underhanded method by which he slew Yoshimoto and many other Samurai of renown and skill.

While a terrible foe, Karasu was, ultimately, just one of many, and Taka spent the next eleven years fighting in the environment of ever shifting alliances and battle lines, only to See a vision of a comet striking the land and releasing a terrible gorilla like demon , who then devastated the whole world (though he lacked the context, of course, this was in truth a Saiyan, coming to conquer the planet). When the vision ended, he threw himself into research of long lost techniques using his past Sight, seeking something to put down the beast, and gathered many an ally, some new, some old.

Among these allies were the legendary ronin Yajirobe, who was said to be a true master of the sword itself, a bear of a man known simply as Kuma, who unusually practiced an unarmed style and was a long time ally under the shogun who was Taka's lord, but quiet and perhaps overly professional, and many others.

Ultimately, he foresaw that in all futures he went to face the beast he never returned from battle... But the world was always devastated if he shied from the fight.

He went, resigned to his presumable death. And that, friends, is where his story truly begins...

Anything I need to fill out more, or is this at this point good enough? Plenty more I could fill out history wise in principal but I think I've got the broad strokes well enough and detail ideas aren't coming easily to me.
Well, from the sound of it (which may be an incorrect impression from an insufficiently close read) it sounds like Taka is a mostly-somber, chivalrous fellow. Whose combat background is, yes, a lot more lethal than Mitsuba's. There's room in her headspace for her to show a solid measure of respect and dignity to him for that, so hopefully there won't be too much friction.

She will predictably want to engage in aerial kickboxing with Taka, because aerial kickboxing is probably her single favorite kind of fighting ever, and she's actually quite good at it.


I will note that if she never did before (possible if not necessarily likely), Mitsuba definitely had the "am I prepared to use my powers to kill a threatening enemy who would otherwise cause grave harm to me and mine" conversation with herself some time in the past 12-24 months. Given her present training goals (as of the point immediately prior to induction in the Time Patrol), it's a safe bet that she decided the answer was, in fact, "yes."

She is not philosophically opposed to violence, and is very likely to react to "they're trying to kill me" with "I'm going to kill them right back," rather than "all sentient life is precious even if it is trying to vaporize me right the hell now."