The Fourth Monado

It's finally time.

You all have trained for this day. You have sweat, pushed and bled for this.

Today... you will become Time Patrollers. You will face those who try to turn time to their own ends, and keep the Universe safe.

For whatever reason you chose to come here-Fame, Fortune, Meeting important historical figures and learning from them-You now stand in front of Chronoa and Trunks Briefs, ready to take up your duties.

How will you stand? How will you fall?


Due to the dearth of Dragon Ball content on this sight, I have decided to make this. Hopefully, I'll do better then I have in the past. If anyone wants to be a co-GM, then just tag me.

We'll be messing around throughout multiple Dragon Ball universes in this RP. So it helps to know the basics of what happens in the Dragon Ball universes; however, you can get away with not knowing the specifics.

Basic Forum Rules Apply.

Have a template:
Name: (What we call you?)
Race: (Human, Saiyan, Frost Daemon, Majin, Namekian or Android)
Appearance: (What you look like?)
Combat Style: (Describe it well. Tell me how it works, what it's techniques are, stuff like that)
Skills: (Non-Combat Stuff. Please describe well.)
Bio: (What was your life?)

Prepare yourself...

1. For all new applicants: I am looking for good writers. As such, unless I have had previous experiance with you and know that you are, in fact, a good writer, I request a 1000 word snippet of a scene in your character's backstory to prove you can write.
2. Saiyans are currently not allowed. As recompense, all other species(including homebrew ones within reason) can be submitted.This is currently invalid.
3. You might wanna read up @PoptartProdegy 's quest for certain backstory. It'll be important later, trust me.
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Hmm... I am sitting on that alternate version of Pan from a fanfic I'm probably never going to write...
Make sure to get a PM open for co-GMly duties.

And you have any problem playing Time Patroller Trunks?
...Uh, I meant I was tagging this thread to show my interest in playing in general, and so I could more easily find it. Not to be Co-GM. :o:oops:
Sorry for the confusion. I'm not sure I've quite got the time/ability to straight-up Co-GM right now....I can try to help in smaller ways I guess?
...Uh, I meant I was tagging this thread to show my interest in playing in general, and so I could more easily find it. Not to be Co-GM. :o:oops:
Sorry for the confusion. I'm not sure I've quite got the time/ability to straight-up Co-GM right now....I can try to help in smaller ways I guess?
Okay... :(

The co-GM will be allowed to play as Time Patroller Trunks, everyone. So, yeah.
Name: Son Pan
Age: 14
Race: Hybrid, Human/Saiyan
Appearance: Spiky black hair, usually done up in a ponytail with long bangs framing her face. Black eyes with her parents. Wears basically Goku's Saiyan/Namek saga gi, suitably resized. She does not have a tail. No one wants to deal with an Oozaru.
Combat Style: Pan's style is broadly similar to Goku's at end of series, if rather less refined and missing some of the high-end techniques. Essentially, if it's not the Dragon Fist or Spirit Bomb and Goku used it in DBZ, she can use it herself. She is capable of reaching Super Saiyan 2, though this is a relatively recent development.
Skills: Pan is well-versed in the domestic arts, especially cooking; Chi-Chi made sure of that.
Bio: Pan was born to Goku and Chi-Chi in a time of considerable uncertainty. Goku was back on Earth, an entire martial arts school trailing behind him, but no one yet knew if he'd stay, and Freeza still loomed over everyone's heads like a great axe. All seemed to sense that one final confrontation was coming, one that would end the great rivalry once and for all.

She was four when that battle came, and with it Freeza's men encircling the planet. Since then, she has grown up with her parents, learned how to fight, and become great friends with Goku's entire martial arts sect. She also attends school, which she was resistant to but has since grown to like as she made friends.

Pan contrasts heavily with Gohan and Goten in personality. Where Gohan was a kind, studious child who never wanted to fight, and Goten was just a little too happy-go-lucky for his own good, Pan dove into fighting with only marginally less enthusiasm than Goku did. She is still a teenage girl, though, and likes a great many girly things; she's just a tomboy about it.

Currently, she has the rank of Expert within Goku's martial arts sect, though everyone expects her to be promoted to Master sooner rather than later.
Name: Son Pan
Age: 14
Race: Hybrid, Human/Saiyan
Appearance: Spiky black hair, usually done up in a ponytail with long bangs framing her face. Black eyes with her parents. Wears basically Goku's Saiyan/Namek saga gi, suitably resized. She does not have a tail. No one wants to deal with an Oozaru.
Combat Style: Pan's style is broadly similar to Goku's at end of series, if rather less refined and missing some of the high-end techniques. Essentially, if it's not the Dragon Fist or Spirit Bomb and Goku used it in DBZ, she can use it herself. She is capable of reaching Super Saiyan 2, though this is a relatively recent development.
Skills: Pan is well-versed in the domestic arts, especially cooking; Chi-Chi made sure of that.
Bio: Pan was born to Goku and Chi-Chi in a time of considerable uncertainty. Goku was back on Earth, an entire martial arts school trailing behind him, but no one yet knew if he'd stay, and Freeza still loomed over everyone's heads like a great axe. All seemed to sense that one final confrontation was coming, one that would end the great rivalry once and for all.

She was four when that battle came, and with it Freeza's men encircling the planet. Since then, she has grown up with her parents, learned how to fight, and become great friends with Goku's entire martial arts sect. She also attends school, which she was resistant to but has since grown to like as she made friends.

Pan contrasts heavily with Gohan and Goten in personality. Where Gohan was a kind, studious child who never wanted to fight, and Goten was just a little too happy-go-lucky for his own good, Pan dove into fighting with only marginally less enthusiasm than Goku did. She is still a teenage girl, though, and likes a great many girly things; she's just a tomboy about it.

Currently, she has the rank of Expert within Goku's martial arts sect, though everyone expects her to be promoted to Master sooner rather than later.
Okay, so, a few questions:
Why is she a Super Saiyan?
How did she become a Time Patroller?
More details on the backstory, please?
In that case...

Pan is a Super Saiyan for much the same reasons Trunks and Goten were in canon. What that reason is is beyond me, but it's a thing that happens, apparently.

As for her becoming a Time Patroller, I haven't worked out all the details, but it involves Dr. Briefs, a device to look back in time, and lots of boredom.


I mentioned that Pan comes from a fanfic idea of mine. It was an AU fic, with the point of divergence being that Goku doesn't stop Krillin from killing Vegeta on Earth. This leads to a bad end on Namek, with Goku arriving just too late to save everybody. Freeza gets the better of him in that encounter, but he escapes, leading to, well, a galactic war, Freeza and Goku doing their damnedest to kill each other, the Planet Trade Organization clashing with an entire pack of martial artists trained in Goku's style.

Then Babidi blazes through half the PTO to get to Earth, prompting Goku and Freeza to head to Earth, where they fight until Buu is released, at which point they take down the blob of pink bubble gum. Once done, they basically agree to a temporary ceasefire, as well as a fight in five years to settle things once and for all.

Pan is conceived in this time period. And after five years, five years of Goku finally reconnecting with Earth and those he left behind, he and Freeza have their clash, Super Saiyan Blue to Golden form, Goku barely coming out on top.

The last ten years have been peaceful, Goku teaching Pan and his old students spreading peace across the galaxy.
After a bit of back-and-forth with the GM (boldtext indicates new information from events in the RP, and thus contains spoilers):

Name: Mato

Age: 27 (28 now; 30 with Room of Time and Space Shenanigans)

Race: Saiyan

Current Power Level: 375 million base, 525 million SSJ boost, 900 million total SSJ power (this despite ample time to fully master the transformation, which should have my boost at 750 million and my total transformed power at 1.125 billion. Why this is is anybody's guess, because I certainly haven't advertised the reason as of yet). This has persisted for quite some time, and may be indicative of a deeper problem.

Appearance: Very short, standing at an even five feet tall, with tanned skin. Black hair that would ordinarily form the stereotypical saiyan mop, but for the fact that it's long enough to weigh itself down to my shoulders. I absolutely have a tail, and am deeply creeped out by how casual all the saiyans here are about snipping off one of their limbs.

Combat Style: Extremely defensive, favoring allowing opponents to wear themselves down while taking openings to launch crippling strikes. In fact, if at all possible I engage at range, keeping ahead of them with superior speed and burying them in blasts, but I make sure to train my hand-to-hand defense in case I'm caught. This style was designed out of a weary certainty that the enemy of the week is always going to be one or two orders of magnitude stronger than me, and thus hoping to overpower them would be rank foolishness. Thus, I train my speed relentlessly. Once I have judged an opponent to be sufficiently worn down, I go on the offensive. Relevantly, I spend a lot of time honing my ki sense and training to recognize when somebody is or is not holding back. This style suffers greatly against opponents who can't be worn down, such as androids, or opponents who can simply regenerate whatever harm I do to them to speed the process along, such as Majins, laboratory abominations like Cell, and to a lesser extent Namekians. That said, I'm still capable of holding them off for far longer than I should be able to.

Skills: I'm an inventor, and try to develop my machines to improve my ability to stay in combat. Let's be real: if I fought like I do all the time, my heart or my lungs would have a race to see who popped first. I can only get around this by pouring ki into them, and given that I'm trying to wear my opponents down when they have more ki to burn in the first place...yeah. So I've designed a series of implants to reduce the strain on my cardiovascular system, saving both my ki and my life. And I'm working on more all the time. Current project: develop an implant that can store and release, on mental impulse, the extract of a Senzu bean. And, after a year of focus in one of the Time Patrol's Rooms of Time and Space...success. I may gloat about this for the rest of my days. For my next project, I've got my implanted scouter idea! This too proved to be a success. My eyes are now backed by circuitry. With the slightest mental impulse, I have perfect control over my other implants, and have the full functionality of a scouter with integrated communication, camera, internet, and power sensing capabilities, all without the pesky destructive overload bug. My next plan is a project to tweak my cardiovascular implant to allow finer control of the network in order to eke out better performance. Given that my focus is in cybernetic implants, I'm also an extremely talented surgeon and also have first-responder training.

Bio: Wouldn't you like to know? ...well, yes, you would, come to think. Okay, I'm a mechanic and focus way less on power training than I do on raw technique, so I've been looked down upon for much of my life as a weakling. I resent this a great deal, and wish to prove this wrong. That said, even though my style is optimized to allow me to face and defeat people far stronger than I am, that doesn't win me respect so much as it does prompt further accusations of being somebody who can't win a stand-up fight. So I left, vowing to some day exact my revenge on those who had wronged me. My hope in joining the Time Patrol is to get even more skilled by exploiting the gathered fighting knowledge of the entirety of time, perfect my designs by exploiting the combined knowledge of all of time, and return home to show everybody there how foolish they were to disregard me in excruciating detail. I am measured and calm, but incredibly arrogant about my skills and intellect, and hold a grudge like you wouldn't believe. I am somewhat amoral, and outside of those I personally care for think little of exploiting others in the pursuit of my aims. I have no idea why the Supreme Kai of time was willing to bring me on, the sucker, but I won't complain about the opportunity. I might even feel slightly grateful.

Less well-advertised is the insane amount of trauma in my past. I was sent on a purge mission at the age of six and have been reeling ever since. I am a fundamentally broken and nihilistic man who wants little more than to die in the process of completing his "one last sin;" namely, the genocide of my race in revenge for inflicting that purge on me, along with the torment of my ex-wife Fasha for her role in trying to ensure the same happened to my son. The only redeeming feature I have is the fact that I am the father of two children, whom I make every effort to be an excellent father to.

Shortly after the team's fight with an instance of the Enemy, which I barely escaped, the being Karen informed me that my template is a traditional foe of the Enemy template -- and that I always fail. Taking along with the yet-to-fully-heal soul damage I took in the encounter and the fact that my research suggests that I have at most a decade to live (something of which I have informed nobody save Bonny, who was there), I have begun to behave in subtly yet crucially distinct ways to my normal habits as I try to adapt to these revelations. Even as I begin to become more active in my profession as a Patroller, the more perceptive of my teammates may note that personally, I am beginning to withdraw into myself, and hold my own counsel even more than usual
I am hiding something.
Dragon Ball: After the End-style character sheet:

Time Patroller: Mato holds the immense honor of having been inducted into the Supreme Kai of Time's personal elite strike force, responsible for hunting down and eliminating sources of distress to the timelines of the multiverse. This position grants him the immense privilege of free and unlimited access to Toki Toki City and the Time Nest that the City is based around, as well as considerably more multiversal leeway and freedom than most. He also gains the benefits of the collected knowledge and techniques of every sentient race and culture in the entire multiverse, should he choose to exploit them.

Royal Aspirant: Among Mato's multiversal branch of saiyans, once a warrior declares their intention to pursue the position of King, they remain an Aspirant for the rest of their days. In a world without a saiyan king, there are the closest thing to royalty the saiyans have. Mato once tried.
Mato's experiences have been akin to a blast furnace. His reaction has been at turns in line with good iron, and a snowflake. When it comes to the ability to continue in the face of adversity, though, it's all iron.

+60 (+30 base, +30 from "Unbreakable"), +90 when pursuing his end goal (from "Hell-Bound").
Power Level
Mato is to all intents and purposes a Full-Power Super Saiyan except when it comes to his raw power. While he can maintain and control the form as easily as a Full-Power Super Saiyan, his strength has firmly plateaued at his current level.

Base Power Level: 375 million (at cap).

Super Saiyan Boost: 525 million (development stalled, cause unknown).

Total Transformed Power: 900 million.
First Mission: Let nobody tell you that an involuntary Oozaru transformation when you aren't expecting its effects is anything save utter horror. Mato glassed a planet and ate the survivors before coming to. He was six years old. It more than anything has scarred him and defined his path in life.

Divorce: Fasha and Mato once truly loved each other. Right up until she tried to send their son on a purge, they still did, up to a point. But this was the moment when they both recognized that the marriage just wasn't going to work. Fasha being one of the few things binding Mato to saiyan society, this deepened his disillusionment further.

Failed Coronation: A Royal Aspirant must ascend the Royal Palace's steps on Saiya and take the audience throne at the top, defeating or bypassing all challengers who care to stand between them and the prize. Few try. Mato was one of them. While he came closer than any in a decade, he was still overwhelmed. He barely escaped with his life, and the experience proved to him that he would never earn his people's approval to rule them.

The First Black Soul: Mato felt the stain on his soul as though it was coating his fingers. And in that moment, he concluded that it was too much to ever wipe away.

Soulscar: Have you ever felt a planet die at your hands? Mato has. His soul still remember's the planet's death scream. It will never be the same.

The Second Black Soul: Mato has fired this only twice in anger. The second such incident damaged the trust almost everybody around him had for him and isolated him from them further.

In the Presence of the Enemy: Mato stood face-to-face with the Enemy, barely survived, and came away with soul damage that still hurts at odd moments. In the process, Cynthia died, less than an hour after he had apologized for his poor behavior towards her before. While Mato can claim to have stood off with the Enemy and survived a direct hit, he knows full well that he is alive only because he managed to survive for the fractions of a second it took for Karen to evacuate them both. Had he remained any longer, he would be worse than dead. The experience has troubled him in ways he has shown to nobody.
Escape From Saiya: Fasha tried to send Endivan on a purge mission. Mato took his children and left. In the process, he made himself a traitor, a saboteur, and a fugitive in an instant of defiance. Fasha was the first to try to stop him. Mato shattered her femurs and put her into early retirement. Bardock tried to stand in Mato's way. Mato blew off half of the skin on Bardock's chest. Saiya's armies tried to intercept Mato. Mato stole one of their warships and left them eating engine exhaust. Ginga tried to come with. Mato told her to go to hell. Mato went up against a planet of warriors, most stronger than him, and achieved everything he set out to achieve. He took on a planet, and won.
Traitor: Military service is mandatory on Saiya. Mato stole two potential warriors from the saiyan people, crippled a veteran, and by leaving, removed a fourth as well. The humiliation of a single man being able to essentially walk off Saiya against the wishes of its people only heightened the bitterness of the parting. Any loyal saiyan would attack Mato on sight, save Ginga.

Renegade: Or, rather, they would have. Of the dozens of saiyans who have hunted Mato in the years following his desertion, none have survived finding him. He has gained a horrifying reputation as an implacable figure of revenge and fury. No hunter has faced him and lived. He returned to Saiya for some unknown purpose that involved openly tearing his way across the planet with impunity, killing all those who tried to stop him, and fire-bombing High Command, leaving no survivors. The General Staff survived only in their absence at the time. He is lethal and has grown stronger in the years since his departure, and the name, "Mato the Renegade," will instantly divide saiyans between those who try to kill him, and those who just try to run.

Time Patroller: To those very few who know of the Time Patrol, Mato is a figure of respect and awe, carrying with him the weight of the Supreme Kai of Time's words. To those fewer who know only of the Time Queen, he is an existential threat worthy of outright panic.
Devoted Father: Mato has fathered children, and truly dedicated his life to those children. He has been profoundly and irrevocably changed by the experience. He is not who he was before them, and would never trade them away for anything in the multiverse. They come before anything else. Effects: Mato may not elect to prioritize anything over or equivalently with his children's lives or safety. Mato experiences constant, crushing vote weighting in favor of ensuring his children's comfort and proper raising (thus, he can enforce discipline without difficulty in the name of helping them grow to be better people, even if it makes them mad). Mato gains heavy bonuses to overcoming any obstacles opposing options mandated or favored by the above criteria. Mato gains heavy bonuses to all interactions with children due to past experience.

Grief-Stricken: Mato hides it well from casual observers, but he feels deeply wounded by everything that has happened during his life. Effects: Certain triggers have been identified. Upon encountering those triggers, heavy vote weighting will come into effect favoring Mato withdrawing on himself in unproductive, useless brooding.

Ruthless: Mato lets very little come between him and his goals. He will take whatever means are necessary in order to achieve his ends. Effects: Moral considerations do not block or weight against any actions during voting.

Sharp-Tongued: Mato can be harsh even to his friends. He says what he thinks, and more often than not is very abrasive in the saying. He can turn it off, of course, but doing so is not the default. Effects: Mato gains heavy penalties to all Communication checks in tense situations. This can be counteracted only by specific write-ins using non-harsh language, and using those has a significant effect on Mato's social endurance. The keen-eyed among you may have noticed that this is balanced by "Devoted Father." Good job. (The preceding two sentences are brought to you by the real Mato, which is the case this trait is making in a rather tidy point.)

Unbreakable: Mato has learned a crucial truth: that the limits of mortal achievement are, more often than not, a function of mortals' willingness to endure. You can achieve most anything, if you are willing to pay the price. Effects: +30 to Willpower and +3 yearly actions.

-Hell-Bound: Mato has set his sights on his final goal: the obliteration of the saiyan race and his subsequent suicide. To that end, he has devoted the whole of his considerable willpower to preparing for and executing his task. Effects: In addition to the willpower bonuses and actions from "Unbreakable," Mato gains +30 Willpower when acting towards his eventual goal, and +3 yearly actions that must be devoted to that goal. This trait indicates a level of obsession that, even without considering its eventual object, is deeply and inherently unhealthy. The QM may, at their discretion, impose Willpower checks on actions unrelated to this trait's eventual end goal. Action contravening this goal automatically force such checks. The players must roll two checks; the first with no DC, but benefiting from Mato's full Willpower and the bonus of "Hell-Bound." The second is a flat roll benefiting from no Willpower bonuses of any kind, and its DC is the result of the first check. The second roll auto-succeeds only on a natural 100. If the second check is not passed, the players may not take the contested action, and subsequently Mato will actively resist it. In the longer term, if Mato's progress towards his end goal is consistently frustrated, the QM will begin to impose Willpower checks vs. suicide attempts, with DC's that increase linearly with IC time. If such a check fails, the ensuing attempt will be conducted with Mato's Ki Control skill.

Withdrawn: More and more, it is becoming apparent that something is troubling Mato. He engages with others far less than normal, and tends towards terseness even when engaged. When people press, He becomes short-tempered. Effects: Unknown.
Soul Channels: The work of a master mage that Mato kidnapped, these allow Mato to feel and touch his own soul. He has a heightened sensitivity to the presence of others as a result, can sense magic, and can even bring his soul closer to the surface, allowing him to impose his identity on the space surrounding him. This allows many esoteric and potent techniques, all exhausting and potentially dangerous.

Super Saiyan, Trained: While he has snagged in his development, Mato is still a powerful Super Saiyan. He has "mastered" the transformation insofar as he can maintain it effortlessly and with no mental effort, but his barrier to getting stronger, whatever it is, remains.

Oozaru, Mastered: Mato's reaction to his first mission was to train Oozaru so hard that there is no functional mental difference between it and his base state.

-Golden Oozaru, Grade One: He knows it's a thing; he has the component transformations; therefore, he has it.
Mato does not have a grand wealth of talents, but those that he does have, he masters.
Medicine [Exceptional]: Mato is a trained surgeon, with all of the medical knowledge that entails. As a side note, he specializes in neurological surgery specifically so that he can implant and maintain his own cybernetics.

Tinkering [Exceptional]: Mato strives for self-sufficiency in all things, most especially when it comes to the implants in his body. He is a master builder and inventor, although he is no grand genius.

Communication [Exceptional]: Mato once thought he would be King. He understands the value of discourse and words, and has practiced them thoroughly. It does suffer, sometimes, from his characteristic bluntness, but when he focuses on what he's saying, he can sway most anybody.

Command Training [Exceptional]: Mato spent over a decade climbing the military ranks. He had just gained a commission, in the face of considerable political resistance, when he shot his way off of Saiya with his children. He is an experienced and talented officer both on and off the battlefield.

Overall Skill: Talented. Mato's form ultimately relies on opening the range, but given its focus on taking down superior opponents, Mato needs to be able to keep up in close quarters.

Dueling [Elite]: The most sublime applications of Mato's form are when he takes on a single opponent face-to-face. He has mastered the art of taking down a monstrously strong fighter in single combat. Elite Talent: Mato relies on turning an opponent's strength against them. While there's a fairly hard limit to the margin of strength he can overcome, up until that margin his form just gets more effective the harder his opponent can hit. As Mato's opponents approach the absolute limit of strength he can overcome, he becomes progressively less likely to take damage fighting them if he's winning, as his form truly comes into gear. He will experience exhaustion as normal, however, and bad exchanges will hurt just as catastrophically as they should.

Crowd Fighting [Talented]: Mato is a skilled fighter, but his focus is undeniably not on dealing with multiple opponents. He can, and has. It's not his specialty.

Team Fighting [Competent]: Mato prefers to fight alone. Experience with the team has forced him to improve his skills, but he still is not a great team player.
Ki Manipulation
Overall Skill: Exceptional. With a style focused on wearing enemies down from range, it is little surprise that Mato puts a heavy focus in this area.

Meteor Crash [Exceptional]: A one-handed beam that explodes on impact. Mato created this as a grenade attack.

Lance Strike [Exceptional]: Mato's favorite blast and default attack, this dense and coherent beam lives up to its name, lancing straight through opponents. It's like a faster Special Beam Cannon, although the end result is less extreme.

Ignition [Exceptional]: Mato recognizes that being able to indiscriminately clear one's immediate space is a valuable skill.

Incinerate [Talented]: Mato was once subjected to a thermobaric bomb in a cave system by a race of primitives he was purging. It tickled. The idea stuck, though. Recently he's been improving his proficiency with the technique as his standards for himself increase, and he uses it as seamlessly as anything else.

Storm's Wrath [Exceptional]: Mato doesn't really do big blasts given his style, but he recognizes that they have a place. He decided to cheat in order to fill that slot. This blast touches off nuclear firestorms in its wake, for which few opponents are prepared, but the fact that it's electricity is its most potent attribute. Even a brush will ground the beam, and unless the enemy in question is specifically prepared for lightning, they will almost certainly suffer its full effects. Most valuably, it doesn't interact with ki; an opponent gearing up for a beam clash would be quite surprised to see the bolt pass straight through their blast, and vice-versa. The ultimate cheat for a role with which Mato barely even wanted to bother. He has trained with it since the Enemy fight, bringing it up along with his other skills.

Black Soul [Not Applicable]: By drawing on the filth of his soul through his soul channels, Mato can call forth a blast of terrifying power, striking with "all the power his soul remembers" (i.e., three times the total transformed power of the body in which he presently is). The technique is lethal; the soul is not meant to be in the body, and that filth even less so. The only reason he can survivably use it is because of his implants' Emergency Mode giving him ten minutes to seek medical attention. It also forces him to embrace, spiritually, physically, and mentally, the worst parts of himself. For an instant, he is the foulest and most evil thing in creation when he uses this -- and at these power levels, everybody feels it.

Soul Expression [Not Applicable]: A more benign application of his channels, Mato draws his soul close to the surface, but not breaking through, and uses his ki to amplify the feel of it. This trick has a variety of effects. His primary use for it is as anti-magic, but it can be used to a limited extent to disrupt ki as well. It also allows him to directly contest psychic effects willpower-to-willpower -- not reliable, given that psi users tend to have strong wills, but Mato has a better chance than most. Mato may use this to enforce his personal identity on himself and the space around him, disrupting effects with which it interacts. He can also use it to spread his identity out into the space around him, making the entire affected area feel like he does and thus serving as active camouflage. In general, the farther from his body he projects and the longer he keeps it up, the more exhausted he is. The most extravagant uses of this technique burn energy very quickly.

Instant Transmission [Exceptional]: Mato's near-constant use of this technique has gifted him an incredible understanding of its principles.

Kamehameha [Competent]: Mato has picked up the basics of Roshi's iconic technique -- grudgingly, but with the respect rightfully due the technique widely acknowledged as the premier beam struggle blast. Despite his distaste for that tactical role, he has been caught out by his own form's lack of such a technique, and thus seeks to rectify the situation.

Ki Talents
It seems odd to many, but the true secret of Mato's impressive abilities is not in peerless mastery of combat skills in general. It lies in a deep and thorough grounding in the base principles of ki itself, which he then applies. Overall Talent: Exceptional.

Ki Sense [Exceptional]: For obvious reasons, Mato has a vested interest in the strength of everybody around him at any given moment.

Ki Control [Elite, event-locked from Legendary]: Mato has come farther in his study of the way ki moves through the body than most people could imagine. His route is not the grand leaps of revolutionary inventors; no, Mato is simply very, very good at what he does. Elite Talent: Mato has paid special focus to optimizing the flow of ki in his body. He tires at half pace, after all other factors have been applied.

Flight [Exceptional]: Mato can fly. Of late, he has been paying it special focus as part of a general drive to improve his skills.

Mato Style [Expert, under development]: Mato has spent years building this form, and he's not done yet. Mato has devised and implemented all of the techniques he needs to make this form work, but something is missing. There is more room for the form to grow, and while it is impressive, Mato is of the (never stated aloud) opinion that it isn't done yet. To complete this form, Mato needs to learn something new that will further increase its ability to overcome stronger foes. Presently it is a beauty to watch, economy of motion incarnate and simple efficiency written into every movement. But he knows that it needs something else. Until then, Mato receives only half bonuses from this Style.
Mato guards himself well, and trusts slowly.
Endivan [Best]: Mato is utterly devoted to his children, and pays particular attention to his son given that the boy is entering a very fragile stage of life. Mato is not blind to the insecurities Endivan has been suffering from of late. Ultimately, he can only do his best to make it plain that he cares enough to actively engage with his older child, and that he is listening, always. He is there for his son, no matter what.

Letece [Best]: Mato loves his children equally, but freely admits that outside of matters of genuine discipline, Letece has him wrapped around her little finger. She is his little girl, and if she demanded it he'd honestly find it hard to deny making fudge with her for the remainder of all time (the girl loves making that stuff).

Agatha Weiss [Strong, event-locked from Best until they both resolve personal issues]: Mato trusts, respects, and likes Agatha. They are true and dear friends, and not even the revelation and proof of the worst parts of themselves has shaken that bond. Mato would trust Agatha with his children -- to raise them, if he dies. He hasn't mentioned this to her yet. Perhaps he ought. He would tell her anything she asked, even those things of which he is ashamed (though not eagerly). While their troubles stand between them still, Agatha is nonetheless a better friend than he has been able to imagine in years. He is, however, perennially annoyed at her attempts to talk him down from his chosen course of action.

Chronoa [Dependable]: Mato deeply respects his employer beyond simple quid pro quo, and she knows that she can depend on his loyal and honest service. However, she is aware of Mato's past and present state of being, and in her own words, when he fired a Black Soul where she could feel, he took away the choice to ignore them from her. The relationship has since been more strained -- something not helped by his rather ruthless suggestions on interrogation techniques.

Bassoon [Dependable]: Like everybody, the namekian doctor of history has been forced to arm's length by Mato's recent use of the Black Soul. Even without that, though, they weren't terribly close. Recently, and particularly given Mato's unreserved support of Bassoon's position as team leader, the two have formed a better working relationship. The issue of the Black Soul and general personal incompatibility have thus far kept them from a better relationship, though.

Cynthia [Dependable]: Cynthia and Mato's relationship is profoundly complicated. Initially and severely troubled, they only recently cleared the air, and have had little time around each other since. Moreover, Mato's behavior has done a complete 180 in what has by any measure been an incredibly brief and tumultuous span of time, and Cynthia would be well within her rights to feel unbalanced by the change.

Trunks [Dependable]: Mato respects Trunks's strength and skill. Since Trunks began to undertake the task of learning how to command, the two have formed a more productive working relationship. With Trunks willing to learn from Mato and Adiago's experiences, Mato is willing to submit to Trunks's leadership, and respects the man professionally.

Bonny [Dependable]: Mato and Bonny formed an early friendship, in no small part due to how much she reminded him of Letece. However, his use of the Black Soul severely damaged things between them, and while they have found their way back to a more or less stable footing, it is one that is undeniably more distant than it once was. The recent insanity that their lives have been has not helped.

Lilli [Dependable]: The young and reckless Majin girl was first brought to Toki Toki via Mato's apartment, and he took her under his wing for the duration of the introductions. Since then she has joined the team, and Mato is very invested in seeing her become a productive member. While Lilli is closest to Luke, of anybody, she was not present for Mato's use of the Black Soul -- indeed, given how under-informed she has been by the Patrol's leadership, she may not even yet know of it.

Luke [Dependable]: Mato and the newest member of the team work together well, but there is little closeness between them. To a significant extent, they move in different orbits, which is honestly a shame. A man as caught up in his past as Mato might have had much to learn from one like Luke, who has learned so well to move past it.
Karen/Kakara [Friendly]: Karen had several missteps at the beginning of her acquaintance with Mato, but time, and her revelations of her intentions for the team and Mato's yet-unknown purpose in the fight against the Enemy have brought things back around. They have found significant common ground, although Karen's far broader scope means that the potential for them to work at cross- or side-purposes is too high for Mato to feel comfortable relying on her for anything other than casual requests or the most dire of emergencies.

Adiago [Positive]: While Adiago is more focused on working with Chronoa at the top-level side of Patrol affairs, both she and Mato regularly offer advice and counsel to Trunks, drawing on their past experiences, and they touch base with each other on occasion. While they don't speak frequently, and don't even really work as partners in their endeavors to teach Trunks the art of command, they have a cordial professional relationship and avoid stepping on each other's toes.

Elite Patroller Buu [Positive]: Mato fought alongside Buu once, and enjoyed the experience. He has some professional respect for the fellow Patroller and a mild gratefulness for behind allowed to handle the majority of that fight.

Ginga [Irritating]: Ginga is a deluded and lovesick little girl, and Mato just can't find it in him to hate her. She claims to love him, unconditionally, and kept saying it even as he left her, taking their daughter with him. Mato feels nothing in return and has always been honest about that, but he doesn't know what to do in the face of such delusional devotion. The thought of somebody loving him is so strange it disarms his hate, despite the terror he feels at letting Letece anywhere near her mother, who very happily and enthusiastically cleaves to the myopic mold of the traditional saiyan warrior.
Fasha [Hated]: Whatever love was once between Mato and his ex-wife has long since transmuted entirely to hate. If Endivan didn't have -- in Mato's mind -- the right of first refusal, Mato would already have killed the boy's mother. In trying to send Endivan on a purge, Fasha has earned any treatment she gets, in Mato's mind.

Lord Verde, King Jaffur Vegeta [Serious]: Mato recognizes this man for the threat he is, and treats him as such.

The Enemy [Serious]: The Enemy saw Mato's face, and recognized it. Karen later confirmed that in every timeline where the Enemy rises, Mato is there to oppose it. And Mato always fails. Combined with the revelation that Mato has, at most, a decade to live if his history goes as it ought, and Mato is filled with a grim certainty that his showdown with his own Enemy is only a matter of time. In the week since the fight with the Enemy, Mato has begun to mentally prepare himself for a battle that the various branches of time tell him he is destined to lose.

Team Vegal [Avowed]: Mato has a more uniformly negative opinion of his team's usual opposite numbers than the rest of his team, as well have having considerable personal antipathy for several of its individual members.

Cardiovascular Implant Network: Long since installed in his body, these implants are always with Mato. They double his already unnatural endurance by reducing the load of heavy exertion on his body. They also can activate and provide emergency life support in the event of negative life signs, or a mental command.

Senzu Implant: An internal device with an external feeding port, this releases Senzu Extract into the body on Mato's mental command. One use before reloading. Reloading is a finicky process that leaves him vulnerable, enough to preclude trying in the middle of a fight.

Scouter Implant: Mato eventually got sick of the obvious vulnerability an external scouter presented, and designed an implant to serve the same functions as his typical upgraded device. In addition to serving as a central control suite for his implant network, this implant provides power level sensing, surge protectors to shut down the sensing feature before a destructive overload occurs, a communications suite, built-in camera functions, internet capabilities, and various visual enhancements fill these implants, all of which activate by mental impulse. Mato is very proud of it. He was also trusting -- or simply smart -- enough to let somebody else perform brain surgery on him.

Saiyan Armor: Cheap, flexible, and surprisingly effective, this armor does wonders in reducing the strain of small injuries.
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...interested, though not able to put much detail into the sheet right now as I'm on iPad.

Going with an android; though with an obviously more mechanical look than the canon ones.
Name: 'Gieger' (Gee-ger) aka Life Imitation Automotive Model 1.32 Technical Class
Age: 43
Race: Android
Appearance: *looking for picture* (sleek and delicate, synthflesh on major sensory areas while muscular, skeletal and other areas are metallic. vaguely masculine, with faintly glowing green eyes and grey flesh, contrasting with darker grey metal.)
Combat Style: Extreme Technical Blaster - low raw power but high skill. All ki attacks are designed to be low cost and to punch as far above their weight class as possible. (Think more Special Beam Cannon or Destructo Disk than Final Flash/Kamehameha.) Components are fragile though high quality, requiring regular maintenance and being unable to withstand heavy punishment, requiring physical combat to be avoided as much as possible. This results in a dodge-heavy, high-speed combat style that is best served with the support of other fighters to tank damage while Gieger readies his more powerful attacks which include:
Laser Lance: A incredibly thin and concentrated blast of ki that does not explode like most other ki attacks, instead focusing all of it's power into penetration, resulting in extreme damage on a single tiny target.
Shard Blast: Gieger's go-to crowd control maneuver, this attack consists of a ki bomb that when detonated, launches 12 'shards' of energy in every direction. (Up, down, left right, forwards, backwards and each of the diagonal directions.)
Plasma Garrotte: By running ki through his circuits as a loop, Gieger can produce arcs of destructive ki from his elbows, hands, shoulder blades and other such extremities.
Hobbies: Magical Theory, Weaponsmithing.
Basic Understanding: Astronomy, Engineering, Economics.
Proficient: Basic Repair, High School Education, University Level Phyics, Biology, Mathematics and Programming. Firearm Operation And Maintenance.
Expert: Most Human Languages, DODGING,

Bio: LIAM 1.32 TC was originally designed as part of an ongoing effort to create a human/machine hybrid to act as an intermediary between professional human and machine factions, allowing said groups to coordinate on large-scale projects. While at first intended as a completely civilian project, LIAM soon attracted the interest of the military after revolutionary advances in ki-circuit technology allowed for artificial ki to be used in combat situations. LIAM Technical Class was one of several prototype series to be commissioned and as part of the 1.32 run, Gieger was handed over to field operatives for testing.
Tl;dr: Civilian corporate sector tried to make manbots, was commandeered by the military. After some work, they gave Gieger to their soldiers to test, said soldiers did so, infecting Gieger with both a macho attitude and an interest in magic + homemade weapons.
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Name: Majin Lilli
Race: Majin
not 100% happy with this, but I can't really find any other images of female Majin that are any good.
Combat Style: Hi, I'm Lilli, and I love to fight. I'm a bit of a 'Skill' Brawler as I tend to refer to them. See, I'm not one of those monsters you sometimes see... Or like the Heroes of Legend. I... just don't really have the physical strength for it. Instead, I rely 'Cheap tricks' and 'Underhanded techniques' like Tactics and awareness of my environment. I've always been really skilled when it comes to shifting my physical form, so when it comes to a fight, I prefer to be someone who really uses it to it's fullest. Or at least, the fullest that I can.

I'm stretchy, like Taffy... or gum, or rubber or stuff. Which means that my reach is never quite what it looks like, and more importantly, it doesn't always mean that a miss is a miss. It's a bit of a favorite trick of mine to intentionally miss hitting someone, only to have my fist instead bounce off the ground or a wall or something and still hit them.

I can also shoot ki blasts! Ki blasts that... never really seem to hit where I'm aiming. Or anything in that general area. I'm... really bad at aiming them.

Like bad enough that I have actually hit myself with them. More than once. I can still do the candy beam though! But the idea of hitting actual living people and eating them is really iccky. So I don't really tend to use it in combat.
Skills: I'm really good at cooking, and I've been studying Capsules (they aren't exactly common anymore where I'm from. Or is it... when I'm from?)See... Bulma is sort of like a hero to me. She may not have been one of the Heroes of Legend (unless there are legends I've missed, and trust me, I've heard them all) but she was still super important. They say that when she was just a small girl she was able to repair alien space ships, and that she even created the Dragon Radar...

Not actually sure what a Dragon is though. Heh. Maybe I'll find out.

But anyways, I like to tinker with tech and stuff, even though I don't really understand how a lot of it works. What with the happening of the great fall.




Umm... I also really like studying history, particularly about the Heroes of legend, and anything I can learn about the time prior to the great fall. I mean, I know that there isn't a lot of info left... Oh! And I have a scouter collection. None of them work, but there's even I have that's supposed to be from the lost planet of Nammik. I guess that only other things I'm good at are fighting and hiding. Which is what I spend most of my time doing when I leave home...

A long, long, long time ago... There was only Buu.

I don't mean that there weren't planets and aliens and stuff... I mean that long, long ago, there was Majin Buu.

There was no other buu. Then, after a long tim- Eh? What? You already know...

Oh. Okay.

Fine. I'll skip to the more interesting part of the story then.

A long, long time ago... Goku and Vegeta were the protectors of a planet. A planet known as Aereat. They were the most powerful beings in the universe. Supposedly they even became Gods.

But that's silly. A god is something different and above a mortal, and one cannot become a god. That would mean that Gods are not different from ordinary people, and then they would not be gods because they were humans... wait.

Getting off topic.

Supposedly, Goku and Vegeta become Gods. Then they died. And again, Gods do not die.

But Goku and Vegeta died. They died against something terrifying and dark and the elders say it is still out there.

With Aereat shattered like an Egg and gone, the Buu were scattered to the stars.

We were once a great people, a whole nation was once our own - so the elders say. Many of the Buu became separate. I do not know exactly where the other Buu went.

My own clan ended up on one of Bulma's Ships. And we traveled across the stars for a long time. A very long time.

Eventually... Knowledge of how the ship works began to fade...

I don't really know how that happened... but it did. In time, the Buu no longer knew how to handle the ship, and so things began to break down.

Then... eventually, the ship crashed. It crashed on the planet eventually named 'Home'.

Time continued to pass, and after a long, long time...

I was born. To my two mothers.

Now, I'm... Pretty sure that I had a father, but I have no idea who he might have been. Indigo was a hunter, she was quite good at it.

Seafoam was a breeder. She was not only my mother, but the mother of a number of other Buus as well.

I was raised to one day become a Hunter. To fight and kill the great hunter beasts that wander the plains.

Most of the time, the Buu fight the beasts with the power of Ki blasts.

(There might be some more here, haven't figured out if I will or not.)

Eventually, I got my hands on a pair of Capsule Corp Caps...

And I decided to attempt an experiment. I put one capsule inside another...

And then, somehow, I ended up in a strange and mysterious place, in front of a small pink looking human person.
Far in the future, the Earth is gone, and the Majin race has been spread amongst the stars. Now no stronger than humans or weak saiyans, they hide from stronger enemies who wish to exterminate them to prevent such as Majin Buu from coming again, Majin Lilli is a young Majin, sees herself as a gadeteer, despite her clan having lost almost all technology. She loves studying machines, but really has no idea how they work. Eventually, a bit of windfall lands some capsules in her hands, and she tries to put a capsule in a capsule... Next thing she knows, she was in the Time Kai's home.
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...interested, though not able to put much detail into the sheet right now as I'm on iPad.

Going with an android; though with an obviously more mechanical look than the canon ones.
Name: 'Gieger' aka Life Imitation Automotive Model 1.32 Technical Class
Age: 43
Race: Android
Appearance: (What you look like?)
Combat Style: Extreme Technical Blaster - low raw power but high skill. All ki attacks are designed to be low cost and to punch as far above their weight class as possible. (Think more Special Beam Cannon or Destructo Disk than Final Flash/Kamehameha.) Components are fragile though high quality, requiring regular maintenance and being unable to withstand heavy punishment, requiring physical combat to be avoided as much as possible.
Skills: (Non-Combat Stuff. Please describe well.)
Bio: (What was your life?)

...our characters are probably going to be very good friends.

Also, is it just me, or is there something of a trend here?

"Weak, but skilled, is an inventor."
"Weak, but skilled, is a machine."
"Weak, but skilled, likes tinkering."
"Son Pan."

Aside from that last one, anyway...:lol
...our characters are probably going to be very good friends.

Also, is it just me, or is there something of a trend here?

"Weak, but skilled, is an inventor."
"Weak, but skilled, is a machine."
"Weak, but skilled, likes tinkering."
"Son Pan."

Aside from that last one, anyway...:lol
Already decided my character 'motivations' - first, a deep curiosity/obsession with figuring out magic, if that's a thing in this verse and second, having 'relations' with as many females as possible so that he can become 'a real man'. Problem is, Gieger's only knowledge of male-female relations is that it involves kissing and hugs. Sometimes handholding. And he's gonna stay that naive the whole time. I am seriously looking forward to this.
Already decided my character 'motivations' - first, a deep curiosity/obsession with figuring out magic, if that's a thing in this verse and second, having 'relations' with as many females as possible so that he can become 'a real man'. Problem is, Gieger's only knowledge of male-female relations is that it involves kissing and hugs. Sometimes handholding. And he's gonna stay that naive the whole time. I am seriously looking forward to this.

...my character is going to hear that and start laughing. Because Mato is a jackass. This is going to be fun, though.