Spending a domain action to help whatever horrible fate Empyrean inflicts upon the dragons would make it more effective yes.

Okay. I'm suggesting that Gragnedagh use the Dragon Domain to effectively make the Dragon souls more malleable to actual Gods and less malleable to The Dragon Gods, other than Gragnedagh. Gragnedagh will allow the other God to judge evil Dragon Souls, while Gragnedagh takes the Good souls, and the Neutral Souls, and the Jerk Souls that are just evil because lol insanity.
Okay. I'm suggesting that Gragnedagh use the Dragon Domain to effectively make the Dragon souls more malleable to actual Gods and less malleable to The Dragon Gods, other than Gragnedagh. Gragnedagh will allow the other God to judge evil Dragon Souls, while Gragnedagh takes the Good souls, and the Neutral Souls, and the Jerk Souls that are just evil because lol insanity.
Talking to Eamik about all this at some point may be wise. All dragon souls are ending up in the Halls of the Dead at the moment and will continue to until something is actually done about it.
Rules of Duels.
Don't take the funny ratings as indicative of anything, I just find this exchange highly amusing. Anyway, since Janus seems to love them so much.

The Sacred Rules of Engagement of Divine Duels

1. Both gods must agree to a duel for it to be in any way effective and binding. The only other way to directly harm other gods is by inducing domain loss.

2. Challenging another god to a duel costs a generic action. Agreeing is free.

3. Duels may be either until death or domain loss (specific or random domain, agreed on beforehand).

4. Outcomes are determined randomly, (dice roll) though domain affinity and current condition of the god (e.g. trapped within a prison of his own making), may rarely be taken into account.

5. A location for the duel may be specified and will effect the outcome. If no location is specified it takes place in a unremarkable corner of the cornerless Aether.

6. Oaths or promises may be included in duels, with the loser being bound to do some thing or forbidden from doing some other thing. Try to keep this fun and flavourful, not make the games un-fun for the other duelist. As such, can easily be vetoed by the gm, even if the other player agrees to the condition.
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Don't take the funny ratings as indicative of anything, I just find this exchange highly amusing. Anyway, since Janus seems to love them so much.

The Sacred Rules of Engagement of Divine Duels

1. Both gods must agree to a duel for it to be in any way effective and binding. The only other way to directly harm other gods is by inducing domain loss.

2. Challenging another god to a duel costs a generic action. Agreeing is free.

3. Duels may be either until death or domain loss (specific or random domain, agreed on beforehand).

4. Outcomes are determined randomly, (dice roll) though domain affinity and current condition of the god (e.g. trapped within a prison of his own making), may rarely be taken into account.

5. A location for the duel may be specified and will effect the outcome. If no location is specified it takes place in a unremarkable corner of the cornerless Aether.

6. Oaths or promises may be included in duels, with the loser being bound to do some thing or forbidden from doing some other thing. Try to keep this fun and flavourful, not make the games un-fun for the other duelist. As such, can easily be vetoed by the gm, even if the other player agrees to the condition.

Just curious, why the dragon hate? Why all the bigotry towards us Dragon Americans?
Just curious, why the dragon hate? Why all the bigotry towards us Dragon Americans?
There is no dragon hate. Gragnedagh carried out several somewhat unwise actions in succession, which combined with general low-level undirected GM malice has resulted in Jormungand being a hellhole.

In exchange, you have created the most powerful mortals barring demigods, though their power quickly drops off as they move further away from Jormungand.

And besides, actions never work out perfectly, even if you did something different. Have you seen what's been happening in the clock-tower? It's a mess.

The water-world is simply fortunate in that nothing that has happened there so far has particularly jumped at me to make things worse, but it's still a savage world full of megafauna.
There is no dragon hate. Gragnedagh carried out several somewhat unwise actions in succession, which combined with general low-level undirected GM malice has resulted in Jormungand being a hellhole.

In exchange, you have created the most powerful mortals barring demigods, though their power quickly drops off as they move further away from Jormungand.

And besides, actions never work out perfectly, even if you did something different. Have you seen what's been happening in the clock-tower? It's a mess.

The water-world is simply fortunate in that nothing that has happened there so far has particularly jumped at me to make things worse, but it's still a savage world full of megafauna.

I'm kidding of course.
Though it seems like there are alot of dragons being persecuted by other dragons and by Mage Titans.
Who made them? I forgot.
Part of it is the dragons have had more complex actions than most of the rest of us. Like my first actions was to make a sun and a fire core for a planet, powerful but simple.

Edit football Saturday but I will be on later for in depth discussions
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I'm kidding of course.
Though it seems like there are alot of dragons being persecuted by other dragons and by Mage Titans.
Who made them? I forgot.
If you're serious, Mage-Titans are just another name for the Primordial dragons so twisted by the magic sphere that they barely resemble dragons anymore (bloated sacs of raw pulsing magic, extra eyes, wings being vestigial as they fly with MAGIC, some have lost their scales, others have feathers in addition to scales, being much more HUEG overall, etc.). So you, you made them.

Awesomeness, thanks.
Reminder not to overfavour light please.
If you're serious, Mage-Titans are just another name for the Primordial dragons so twisted by the magic sphere that they barely resemble dragons anymore (bloated sacs of raw pulsing magic, extra eyes, wings being vestigial as they fly with MAGIC, some have lost their scales, others have feathers in addition to scales, being much more HUEG overall, etc.). So you, you made them.

Reminder not to overfavour light please.
Well yeah, I plan on making a Race for both domains. I
If you're serious, Mage-Titans are just another name for the Primordial dragons so twisted by the magic sphere that they barely resemble dragons anymore (bloated sacs of raw pulsing magic, extra eyes, wings being vestigial as they fly with MAGIC, some have lost their scales, others have feathers in addition to scales, being much more HUEG overall, etc.). So you, you made them.

Reminder not to overfavour light please.

Oh. When I think of Titans, I think of giant Humanoids.
"Hold, wise ones. I have something that requires my attention. I must make haste."

The Grandfather made his way towards the oldest homes of Jormungand. The dragons who became the bloated, disfigured Mage-Titans. He would gather a large gathering of these gods among mortals, well, not mortals, but mortals compared to their lesser brethren they were. "Mage-Titans. . . Dragon Fathers. Old Ones. I have wish to speak with you."

OOC: Grandagh is attempting to make a large gathering of the Mad Titans.
Based on your experience from previous interactions with them, this will probably not succeed unless you somehow entice them.

Your dragons are threatening my (adoptive) Aemer.

This will not stand.

Fix your problem before I fix it for you.

*Undefined stare from nowhere in particular*

(Actually, maybe I should just say this in IC)