Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)


Falling is a Pleasure. Regardless of its Fate
It is a beautiful and chilly Thursday in the city Odaka; the sun shines brightly as the seasons turn and the temperatures get lower and lower. Even as many look forward to the coming holidays, the great threat of exams has all but the most lazy applicants shaking in their boots.

Today too, the youth of Odaka are studying fortuitously in the great campus that is the Ueki Sponsored Academy. Stretching far and wide, with a plethora of buildings specialized in the pursuit of talent in the youngest of minds. Everything from athleticism, martial arts, sciences, and even occultism has a place here! As the bell chimes, signaling the end of the studying day, the hordes of students trickling to their respective clubs or to their homes, a clear sounding voice speaks directly to the minds of some very special individuals with little regard to their current situation.

@BlackHadou @Mortifer @Lichte @Murderhobo of Nod @Megaolix @Bahn @Nanimani @AnonymousRabbit @Higure @The Out Of World @Jemnite @Azrael

"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boon spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.
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It is a beautiful and chilly Thursday in the city Odaka; the sun shines brightly as the seasons turn and the temperatures get lower and lower. Even as many look forward to the coming holidays, the great threat of exams has all but the most lazy applicants shaking in their boots.

Today too, the youth of Odaka are studying fortuitously in the great campus that is the Ueki Sponsored Academy. Stretching far and wide, with a plethora of buildings specialized in the pursuit of talent in the youngest of minds. Everything from athleticism, martial arts, sciences, and even occultism has a place here! As the bell chimes, signaling the end of the studying day, the hordes of students trickling to their respective clubs or to their homes, a clear sounding voice speaks directly to the minds of some very special individuals with little regard to their current situation.

@BlackHadou @Mortifer @Lichte @Murderhobo of Nod @Megaolix @Bahn @Nanimani@AnonymousRabbit @Higure @The Out Of World @Jemnite @Azrael

"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boon spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.
Shana let out a small groan at the telepathic noise in her head. Of course, there was work to be done today. But there was always work to be done. Some new requests that might interest a Magical Girl? Well, the last time Shana had taken one of those up, she'd ended up in hospital and set back a half a dozen steps in the ultimate goal of obtaining a wish.

But then, that was the job of a Magical Girl, wasn't it? There was that little, niggling voice in the back of her head that said 'if you don't hunt the Youma, then what's the point?' that would not shut up. There was little point in this extended life if she did not use it.

"Sempai, are you coming?"

Shana just let out a small smile to a passing member of the Kendo club.

"Not today. I have to get my arm checked."

It sucked, but there wasn't really a better lie she could use off the top of her head. Today would just have to be a hunting day, as she set off towards Lakshimi.

'This had better be a good one.'
Midori was only half-listening. Even if she very much wanted to welcome a distration, she couldn't take her mind off her current situation. She simply couldn't.

Ooohhhh.... What a blunder! How did I manage to mess up like this?!

Midori simply wanted to hold her head all day today and scream. Why did she have to be so rushed last night?! Why?! Now Asami knew. And given the stars in her eyes when she asked her about it, she wasn't going to drop the matter.

Still... She should probably go see what Lakshimi had. Seeds were important. That was why she was in this to start with. At least she made sure Asami would wait until she returned home before trying to get answers. That had not been a nice morning bombshell before heading to school.

With a sigh, Midori made her way for the school elevator, as she had to reach the ground floor first. Hopefully, she would have a plan to deal with Asami by the time the request was done.
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"Almost out, j-just a little bit further." Aoko stammered softly to herself, jerkily dodging students in a mad rush to the academy gates.

Her heart was thumping in her ears like always, brain spinning and fuzzy. The presence of other students was like a suffocating wave. She let out a gasp, almost sob, of relief as the crowds thinned out. The torture hall known as school was behind her finally.

Catching her breath, Aoko pulled out her cordless earbuds putting them in place. [Play Music] with a mental query the phone in her backpack started streaming the playlist she had found last night, drowning out the hub-bub of the outside world.
"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place"
Until even that peace was taken away by Lakshimi. Aoko poked her fingers together as she nervously muttered to herself. Sure she should help the magical cat, but she also wanted to go home and surf the net. That, and she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of the other meguca...again.

"O-ok Aoko, chin up. If you don't help Lakshimi there's no way you'll be able to get that wish. Let's go." she muttered in a halfway attempt to psych herself up, trudging her way to the office building, "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..."
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"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boon spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.
Moving through the halls of the school's Elementary-level division, Kin paused at the telepathic message relayed by the 'tsukaima'.

Making her way out of the excited stream of students exiting their classrooms, she found a relatively out-of-the-way corner and stopped to consider her options.

In general terms, she had no pressing or immediate need or desire to follow the cat-like creature's 'suggestion'. Her wish was not something that absolutely required the collection of Oblivion Seeds, first and foremost. Of secondary concern was her ambivalence to the existence of Youma- she would certainly act if required, but her understanding was that Lakshimi had a number of Magical Girls to call upon. Her presence was not necessarily required, and the creature had even presented the situation as a choice.

The always-present danger inherent to fighting a Youma was noted, but considered of little relevance- Youma were more dangerous to those without magic, and so despite her age Kin was more confident about the possibility of deadly combat than most.

Regardless, Kin had considered many reasons why she would decide to simply... abstain, from participating in what was undoubtedly a Youma hunt, but what reasons were there to do it?

Curiosity. The simple desire to witness and attempt to comprehend the alien mindsets and domains of Youma, the powers and personalities of her fellow Magical Girls... Even an opportunity to study the tsukaima, which was perhaps the greatest curiosity in all of this.

Perhaps she might even save one of her 'fellows' lives. There was no harm in engendering debt and gratitude in peers.

Her deliberations finished, Kin opted to at least be present at this meeting.

The corridor, while by no means empty, had at least been partially vacated in the time she used to think, and so Kin began to move once more. Finding a classroom that was no longer in use and whose teacher had apparently left already, she stepped in and closed the door.

In the darkened room, she moved away from the door, and with a mental command allowed her 'costume' to manifest itself around her in shimmering waves of blue and green, and various shades and permutations thereof. Now 'transformed' into her Magical Girl state, she concentrated for a few moments, holding her hand in front of her and directing the magic she now possessed an instinctive grasp of into the floor before her.

The targeting was a bit tricky, she had been in the cat's office before, but it was hardly somewhere she was familiar with. Nevertheless, with an ominous, sickly green glow, the floor of the classroom began to undulate, ripples forming on the formerly solid surface as it assumed a consistency and appearance closer to gelatin.

Taking a breath in preparation, Kin stepped onto the altered circle and fell through, creating a small splash that, once it settled, returned the floor to normal.

Elsewhere, a similar circle appeared on the ground in a room high in an office complex. Its black surface bulging as a shape appeared and pushed against it, the odd substance eventually reached the limit of its ability to deform, and popped like a bubble, revealing a silver-haired young girl in a light blue dress with a darker blue coat whose sleeves were considerably too long.

Gasping as she surfaced, Kin briefly brushed away phantom seafoam that dissipated into specks of white light and looked around the room. Seeing the cat, she gave a nod in greeting.
The young Belmondo girl was in the middle of walking along the hallway surrounded by her peers. She accommodated them one by one as they asked her for advice and such in regards to what they should do. Ruel being the helpful soul she was couldn't exactly say no. It had been a pretty quiet week and she had promised a few favors to be done for a few clubs.

"Say, Bel-san my boyfriend's getting pushy again, should I be more honest or give him a bit more to work on first?"

"Bel-chan, Bel-chan, you think you can lend me some notes? I promise I'd return the favor! Just give me a week and I'll buy you anything you want!"

"Oh, you know Bel-san? That book you recommended a few days back was quite interesting. I think the author's core message was quite powerful once you reach the end. Successive readings had led me to discover more about it. Say, did you know about this?"

"Belmondo-kun! We'll catch you later at the Drama Theatre, okay? Make sure you show up or we'll beat you up!"

Ruel simply chuckled at her classmate's antics while waving them off. She spoke to them one by one and answered them as best she could.

"I honestly can't help you, Mori-san, I've never been on a relationship before. But, just don't do anything rash and you'll be fine. And please, Ayane-chan, this is the fifth time, I can't lend you notes all the time. Please be more responsible," she replied calmly to the first two girls before turning to the others, "I'm glad to hear that, Sudou-san. I have a few more I can lend but as you can see, I'm quite busy right now, ehehe.... And there's no need to shout, Mina, I can hear you perfectly fine."

It was a tiring role to play but not one she hated. But even as she spoke to them as they surrounded her, there was a slight bit of space between all of them and Ruel. Despite the familiar way they all addressed one another, not one of them could truly be at an intimate distance with her.

This is fine, she thought. She didn't really mind.

However a familiar voice passing through her mind.

"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place"

That forced Ruel to stop. Another mission? So soon already but Lakshimi had already sent her twice out just two weeks ago and there was already another Youma? Quite worrying, however it wasn't a big secret that the Tsukaima had many more girls to call upon. Many other girls she refused to disclose to Ruel.

It was annoying because the Tsukaima that may hold answers to her prey would not cooperate in the slightest.


She won't go. Not this time. She'd like a one on one conversation with the Tsukaima without getting dragged into this hunt. She'll do it later...

"Is there something wrong, Bel-san?" asked one of her classmates.

"Nothing," she lied casually, "I'll be going to help the Drama Club now."

"Oh well, we'll see you later then, Bel-san!" said one of her classmates before they all left the young Belmondo alone.

Sighing, Ruel decided to take the elevator down and hastily made her way for it. Might as well deal with the mundane stuff first before meeting Lakshimi later... Unless something came up along the way.
It is a beautiful and chilly Thursday in the city Odaka; the sun shines brightly as the seasons turn and the temperatures get lower and lower. Even as many look forward to the coming holidays, the great threat of exams has all but the most lazy applicants shaking in their boots.

Today too, the youth of Odaka are studying fortuitously in the great campus that is the Ueki Sponsored Academy. Stretching far and wide, with a plethora of buildings specialized in the pursuit of talent in the youngest of minds. Everything from athleticism, martial arts, sciences, and even occultism has a place here! As the bell chimes, signaling the end of the studying day, the hordes of students trickling to their respective clubs or to their homes
Ai was already down at the shoe lockers by the time some got out of their classrooms, having run out the instant she heard the bell. School'd long since worn out its novelty, but it was over! Or, at least for today. Just tomorrow and Saturday to go, and then she'd have an entire day free of it, too! As she got her outside shoes on, she pondered what she'd do with the rest of her day today.

It's Thursday, so no club activities... But just going home alone would be kinda sad. Also somewhat boring. She had studying to do, but that was something to panic over later, not dampen her mood now! Maybe someone else would have an idea? She stared at her phone, wondering who she should call, when-
"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boon spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.
Ooh, Lakshimi was calling everyone, not just her? Ai knew, of course, that there were other Magical Girls in the school, but she'd never actually met them before. At least not in costume. As soon as she got her shoes tied, she started jogging over, wondering what they'd be like. Would they be pure and just warriors of the light? Some people like that have to exist, right? Or maybe someone she knew would turn out to be secretly a Magical Girl! Or... maybe they'd just be people.

Well, she could hope at least one of her friends was there, but if they were just people like her, maybe there'd be new friends? Friends she'd just be able to say 'I have to go hunt monsters' to? And there was no better experience to bond over than defeating evil monsters together!
Weakly Mana guzzled water from a nearby fountain.

She drank a bit too deeply and a bit too long - as if she hasn't had any water in days, in truth, Mana wanted to quench a hidden flame that has been burning her throat for the longest.

Ultimately, this soothing water did nothing to decrease this abstract lingering heat, if anything, it only made Mana feel more miserable, more pathetic, more monstrous. . .

She knew what she really needed and it definitively wasn't water.

Pulling herself up from the fountain; Mana began to shuffle about. Tired, downcast and a bit defeated. Her gaze narrowly focused towards the ground.

She didn't want to look at anyone and she didn't want anyone else looking at her, especially now.

The exhausting school day was finally over; and all Mana had to do was make it home.

Step by step, she egress from the hallways, ignoring everyone.

Perhaps then, if Mana risked raising her eyes just a tad bit, she could of prevented bumping into another student.

It happened all too suddenly.

Another girl, so happy to finally leave, came crashing through the hallways and into Mana herself. The consequence being they both fell, and suddenly, we have a very lively scene with gawking students.

Mana tried escaping but the moment she jolted up, the girl screamed at her, breaking Mana's concentration. But not before noticing something she hoped with all her heart to avoid.

'There! Look! Look! On her knee! What a delightful color oozing out of her!'

At that moment, Mana was enraptured by a sick fascination and a all-consuming urge.

'Aren't you thirsty?'

Mana struggled to glance away and failed, muttering a shaky, "No."

Time sped up while her heart beat began pounding like war drums.

Mana needed to leave now.

'Stop being such a prude, wouldn't it be nice, liberating even, to indulge yourself a bit? Geeze, c'mon look at it, so fresh, so tasty, practically gift wrapped for you!'

Mana's body began tensing and relaxing at this hideous indulgence, she wanted to run, but her body refused to move.

'Rip it off and have a taste. Go on, do it. Do it. Do. it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.'

It would have been pathetically easy.

But. . .

Mana didn't even get to finish the thought before she was thankfully interrupted. Seizing the opportunity, she bolted out, sprinting.

Water. . .

She needed water.

Then she could figure out what to do later.
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"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boon spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.
Atop the main building of the school's roof, Saki watched the place in question and the girls filtering into it.

'Someone once said insanity was to expect a different result with no change in variables.' By that metric, the cat was certifiable. It should know not to bother with her anymore by now.
"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.

Hearing the telephatic message, Maho paused in her stride.

Some requests, huh? Sounds like something that could pass the time. And possibly distract her from her inability to cheer her brother up.

Jees, what was with him recently, anyway? He's usually a lot more cheerful! It's downright frustrating, how she hasn't been able to make him smile in a week...

Bah, she was thinking about it again. This was no time for sad thoughts. She was Akuma Maho, for crying out loud. Everything's meant to be fun an happy, and if sad thoughts kept getting in the way, she'd go and shoot demons in the face until she felt better!

Resuming her walk, Maho took a left instead of a right to get to the 'Usual place.'

"Maho?" Asked the voice of one of her classmates. "Where are you going?"

"Ah, don't mind me!" She called back, as she started to run. "Adventure awaits!"

Grin on her face, Maho set out to meet up with Lakshimi. Hm, would there be other Magical Girls there? It'd be fun to meet a few of those, exchange notes, do Magical Girl stuff, plot world domination together, maybe hang out normally from time to time, and all that.
Shining threads of reality twisted and parted under Eren's gentle ministrations...at least, that was the easiest way for her to visualize it. Threads within threads within threads...Space, Time, Hope, Despair, Rage, Serenity, Mass, Matter, Antimatter...her mental gaze flickering between layers and angles with years of careful practice. Her mind still strained each time, but she she could feel herself growing closer....

For now, she was keeping it simple, "Well, no need to change those, just need to replicate and then project...now, those laws need to shift a little...yes, that's good. Rage and heat. Just what I need for you, my little fireball. Still, not quite right, though...well, another day. Little fragments like yourself may be practical, but this Contract is rather an obstacle at times..."

Sighing, she mentally tossed the blueprint for her project into an imagined glass case, locking it into memory with a quick incantation.

"Hmm...perhaps I'll go look for some Youma to research or something. Those pocket dimensions never cease to inform..."

Lakshimi said:
"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place"

"...or Lakshimi could provide. Useful."

Stretching, Eren headed towards the front door, layers and layers of text wrapping around her body as she went. In moments, her cloak wrapped comfortably around her, she was ready to depart.

"Eren? Are you hunting? Would you like me to-!"

A shiver went through the Magical Girl as she turned to regard the speaker, mentally bracing herself to look upon her creation.

Her sister--'Not my sister.'--stared in concern, before averting her eyes as usual.

"You will not be needed, LN. Take care of our home while I am gone."

"Yes, Eren."

Nodding sharply, Miracula stepped out the front door, thoughts of overly pleasant homunculi cast aside almost violently in favor of contemplating the hunt to come.

Quickly, she made her way to Lakshimi.
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The light music club room is a cacophony of noise. A full four member band plays havoc in there, Aiko on guitar and center, Miki on drums, Sayuri on bass guitar, and Momoko on keyboard. They're playing something super cute, pop, preparation for their concert next week at Odaka grand stadium. They sold out on tickets- and Aiko is determined to beat the rest of her band into shape before the big concert.

They already opened with a cutesy idol-style introduction and ran through three of their four planned songs. Aiko stared out at the whitewash wall at the other side- when the concert comes there will be a massive sea of glow-sticks oscillating softly in the air like a breeze, but for now, there's only white drywall. She finishes the last grand finale right as Lakshmi calls.

"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place"

She paused as she parses it, just a moment too long so that the moment between the end of the last song and her parting goodbye becomes awkward. Sayuri prodded her gently with her shoulder and she jerks to attention. "Aiko. Aiko the ending...."

"Oh- right!" Aiko laughed nervously. "Um- that was Hearts♡Aflutter, our final song! Um, we're Daisy Cutters and we're glad to see all our fans here today! Please continue to support us in the future..."

Aiko trailed off as she forgot the last words. She looks around to the rest of the members of her band for help only to find exasperated looks. Finally she just decides to wing it.

"Uh... peace!" She shoved her right hand up in a V for Victory sign and just ends it like that.

"....Aiko you suck at this." Miki absolutely pulls no punches, not even metaphorically, and Aiko reeled backwards in response to the verbal 'punch to the gut'.

She recovered quickly though and whines softly. "Mikiiiiiii."

"She is kind of right." Aiko turned betrayed eyes upon Momoko. "I hate to say it AIko but you're not... well..."

"She means to say you suck at everything but actually playing musical instruments," Miki interjected bluntly. "The clumsy act is only so endearing."

"Mean!" Aiko turned to the last member of her band. "Sayuri- it's not true, right? Right?"

"Um...." Sayuri looked for a way to put it. "You're... not that bad?" She offers conciliation, but fails.

Aiko reeled backwards and collapsed against the wall in a dramatic fashion- raising a band to her vest as if checking for blood. Like a drama actor in a play she gasped and then fell limp, slain by the ones she trusted.

"Et tu, Brute?" Miki remarked wryly.

"Et what?" AIko jerked back up upwards and as usual for her is too dense to notice the reference. "Who? What?"

"tu Brute? From the Ides of March? The famous play about Julius Caeasr?" Miki tried to shake up AIko's memory several times to no avail. "God- you're so dumb sometimes."

AIko's bottom lip trembles and she runs over to Momoko crying big fat crocodile tears. "Waaaaah! Momoko save me- Miki's being mean again!"

Momoko gave Miki a withering look. Her expression said 'now that you've put our glorious leader in such a position she's never going to get it go just apologize to her already'. Miki sighed. Yeah. Probably right, she's just punched too many holes in Aiko's ego and now she's going to sulk forever unless she does something.

"You're not that bad. If it's music related, you're pretty smart at it." Miki offers compliments to soothe the injured idol. "I mean how many instruments can you play?"

"Hrrrrm." Aiko started counting off on her fingers. "Violin, Piano, Cello, Viola- but that's not a real instrument so that doesn't count, Clarinet, Saxophone- though that has the same fingerings as clarinet so they're basically the same, Trombone, Harp, Flute, trumpet, koto, accordion, lute, tuba, oboe, mandolin, harmonica... and recorder."

"Recorder's not a real instrument, dumbass."

"Is too!" Aiko stuck her tongue out. "More real than the viola at least."

"Viola is totally a real instru- I'm not getting into this stupid argument with you again." Miki huffed. "The point is you can basically replace everyone here, except for me, of course-"

"I could do that too if I wante-"

"Not the point!" Miki huffed again. "The point is everyone has their strong suites and their weak suites so don't get so bent out of shape over being shitty at something because you're plenty good at other stuff too."

AIko's ego began to inflate and she-

"But that doesn't mean you should neglect your weak points, either Aiko." Momoko interjected. "You should work on talking to the crowd between now and next week."

-let it deflate immediately as Momoko brought her back down to earth. She shrugged sheepishly. "You're right."

Sayuri pupped about bubble of pink gum as she lazily watched them go about schooling their glorious leader. "So, are we going again?"

"Yeah, let's-" Aiko suddenly remembered Lakshmi's message. "-uh I mean I can't. I remembered something I have to do. Uh- we'll end practice here early today, I've got to go somewhere."

"Cool," Sayuri nodded and immediately began to slack off as was her default nature. "I'm cool with that."

They began sorting their instruments away- it wouldn't do to leave such expensive pieces of equipment in the club room where anyone could do anything to them. As they began to pack them away Momoko mentioned in an aside to Aiko. "Make sure you also finish all the arrangements for our concert next week."

Aiko groaned as she remembered the mountain of work she had waiting for her in that direction. Backup dancers- sound guys, equipment- it was even beginning to cut into her personal practice time. But... she had promised her band she'd take them all the way to the top, so all the way to the top it was. "I'll try my best!"

She hooked her guitar over her shoulder and set out dashing through the door. Miki was yelling something after her but she was already going, soaring down the stairs at a breakneck pace. She leaped onto the railing and actually ground down it on her squeaky smooth shoe-flats like it was a skateboard- before leaping off at the last second before she faceplanted and broke her fool neck.

She smashed down the street in a frantic dash- throwing cheery smiles to whoever she say in her path. Those who recognized her waved back to their friendly neighborhood idol, those who didn't mostly returned surprised smiles- some where grumps and scoffed or simply didn't care as she dashed by. In one long run she sprinted all the way to the meeting point and broke down the door with enthusiasm.

"Hey everyone!" She yelled, the very expression of good cheer. "Let's rock out~♡!"

Meanwhile, not considerably far from the campus of the Ueki Sponsored Academy, a young woman goes through the motions of her usual daily workout routine while others would at this time be finishing their studies and trickling away to their respective clubs at school. Her current place of activity was a Western-style house that sat on the fringe between the older districts of Odaka and the newer areas of urban development. The place had been one of many construction projects in the area, but was hastily terminated and left unfinished after the contractors had discovered a placement error on their part well after they started building on the wrong location. Left unused for a considerable length of time, Anju Sakamoto and her clique occupied it as their preferred place for coordinating group meetings and recreation.


She mentally counted off the reps as she brought her chin over the iron pull-up bar, her lengthy hair flowing up and down with the motions like a pink-dyed waterfall as her muscles burned with a dull ache. The garage had been repurposed into a makeshift gym by the efforts of a few concerned members of the Iron Justice Group who sought to improve their physical condition. Gathering the equipment had been a bit of a hassle at first, but the venture paid off in the long run.


"Greetings, Magical Girls. There are some new requests that might interest you. If you wish to take them, I will await at the usual place" Even through telepathy, one can feel the sheer laziness exuding from Lakshimi's announcement. Her feline form fitting too well with her personality, as she only does the bare minimum to achieve her ends.
The place in question being a certain building just outside campus. It is average and unobstructive building in whites and grey that bears the logo of one of the multiple companies that were born in the most recent economic boom spearheaded by the Ueki. By all intents and purposes a standard office building.

The abrupt mental communique from the cat, who acted as the handler of sorts to the local cadre of defenders against the youma threat, gave Anju pause between her exercises that did not go unnoticed by what few of her underlings were also making use of the facilities alongside her at the time. A few shifting heads, a couple looks of concern, all signs of their awareness. This wouldn't be the first time she had suddenly stopped in her tracks to hear a telepathic message from Lakshimi and suddenly changed her course of action, which tended to leave her followers a bit mystified and gave a few of the more superstitious among them the belief she possessed some degree of preternatural awareness. Incorrect, but not entirely off the mark.


Lakshimi's arranged meetings were just as much of an inconvenience as they were an opportunity at times. The supernatural protections around the cat's scratch tower kept those without the enhancement of a pact outside its boundaries, which required her to appear in person instead of sending one of her Generals to takes minutes of the meetings and relay the transcription back to her. Still, bringing justice to Odaka was always her first priority.

"And forty." She spoke to no one in particular, though the other Iron Justice members in the garage paid close attention to her words nonetheless. She wouldn't be able to reach her usual sixty reps today, so she would make up for them tomorrow with interest. Anju undid the chain of the dipping belt around her waist and left it lying on the floor for her underlings to clean up; they always took good enough care of the equipment.

A few minutes to rinse away the sweat from her face and slip some track clothes for the cold weather over her exercise gear were all she needed before she set out from the 'abandoned' house on a brisk jog toward the usual place. The Academy wasn't terribly far from the Iron Justice Group's hangout and she wasn't the kind to slouch when chances for self-improvement appeared. Anju's arrival was by no means timely, but she couldn't imagine Lakshimi caring about that in the slightest. She eventually arrived at the regular meeting spot - by all outward appearances, it was an ordinary office building painted in the drab colors common of corporate expansion.

She may or may have been the littlest bit short of breath after her extended jog right after the workout and a feeling a measure of frustration toward Lakshimi for no reason in particular. Anju might or might not have kicked the door open to vent a little of those emotions. It's not like anyone would care, especially when the building has always been empty except for Lakshimi herself.
Shana let out a small groan at the telepathic noise in her head. Of course, there was work to be done today. But there was always work to be done. Some new requests that might interest a Magical Girl? Well, the last time Shana had taken one of those up, she'd ended up in hospital and set back a half a dozen steps in the ultimate goal of obtaining a wish.

But then, that was the job of a Magical Girl, wasn't it? There was that little, niggling voice in the back of her head that said 'if you don't hunt the Youma, then what's the point?' that would not shut up. There was little point in this extended life if she did not use it.

"Sempai, are you coming?"

Shana just let out a small smile to a passing member of the Kendo club.

"Not today. I have to get my arm checked."

It sucked, but there wasn't really a better lie she could use off the top of her head. Today would just have to be a hunting day, as she set off towards Lakshimi.

'This had better be a good one.'
With a sigh, Midori made her way for the school elevator, as she had to reach the ground floor first. Hopefully, she would have a plan to deal with Asami by the time the request was done.

Well, she could hope at least one of her friends was there, but if they were just people like her, maybe there'd be new friends? Friends she'd just be able to say 'I have to go hunt monsters' to? And there was no better experience to bond over than defeating evil monsters together!
Sighing, Ruel decided to take the elevator down and hastily made her way for it. Might as well deal with the mundane stuff first before meeting Lakshimi later... Unless something came up along the way.
As you advance towards your destination, the chit-chatting of the students around you catches your attention. News of disappearances, of strange incidents, and the standard rumors were thrown back and forth all around.
"Hey hey. Did you hear about the Ueki? Apparently a bastard from Mikado-sama appeared at the doorstep and now the family's in an uproar!"
"Its the third day she's absent...I hope the mists didnt get her"
"Damnit. My sister's missing and we can't contact her. Did something happen to her? Damnit damnit!"
"H-hey calm down. People go missing and sometimes appear right back up, that's happened too. That mist things is just.."
"I heard those that disappear in the mist and come back start acting really weird you know; spacing out and-"
"Cmon thats not funny. Cut it out."

Repeated, disorted and retold again and again. A sign of the palpable anxiety hanging over everyone's heads. Many superstitions sprung up as the strange incidents began to pile up. The mist specially was one favored topic for occultist aficionados and gossipers alike.

As Ruel gets through the tumultuous crowd, she bumps into an unfamiliar girl, slightly lesser in height than herself, whose black hair swishes as she's startled by the bump.

"A-ah!" Her eyes widen a little behind her glasses; she lets out a confused voice and blinks like she awoke from a daydream.

"My apologies, Sempai!" She dips her head a little in apology before taking two steps back. She grimaces for a moment before her face becomes a careful, blank mask.

Outwardly she appears like the very model of a class president. Thick glasses, carefully trimmed hair, and a natural chiding gaze emphasized by her sharp hazel eyes. It is only slightly ruined by having certain strands in her beautiful black hair tainted a dirty blonde.
As the wind caresses Saki's hair, something catches her attention.

An alley, on the opposite road from the one leading towards the meeting point. It was like any other in the city, but for some reason her attention was brought towards that specific alley.

Coincidentally, on that same road, a lady wearing expensive golden jewelry was busily talking on her phone. Not paying much attention to anything as she argued with whoever was on the other end.

The air seemed to ripple, but oddly, that part of the road was near deserted. Once a shadow burst forward with the intent to take the woman, it was too late for her to even scream.

Nary a thing but a phone was left in its place as the Youma took her to its lair.

Gasping as she surfaced, Kin briefly brushed away phantom seafoam that dissipated into specks of white light and looked around the room. Seeing the cat, she gave a nod in greeting.
The Tsukaima Lakshimi tilted her head to look up at the new arrival at her office from her stretched position.

She brought to mind the illicit cross-breeding of a cat and a fox, her sharp ears with tuffs of grey accentuating the purple of her fur, the two little, black horns on her head, and the three tails swaying lazily behind her giving her a fantastic appearance.

"Ah, Kin. Punctual as always. I dont mind you going and coming how you like, but do be careful to not leave any messes? And try to use the door every once in a while? I didn't take my time decorating it for it to be ignored..." Despite the way she said it, she didnt look too bothered as she rolled around and stretched until some pops could be heard from the back.

Her monotone way of speaking could be interpreted in a lot of ways, as her twisted sense of humor was a point of chagrin for those who dealt with her for too long.

"Sweets? I believe the festivities are soon, yes? How do you like the atmosphere? I spent some time picking them out you know." She tilts her head at the lamps of pumpkins in different colors, the orange and black of the usual decorations thrown hazardly around the room clashing horribly against the colors of the office, while she brought a paw forward to push a recipient in the shape of a skull that had a hole filled with sweets where the brain would have been.

"Oh, yes, do pick up those folders over here? This one could be troublesome—hence the reason I called more than usual—so Ill give you a special service and instruct you all carefully!" One of her ears twitches. "Speaking of which"
In one long run she sprinted all the way to the meeting point and broke down the door with enthusiasm.

"Hey everyone!" She yelled, the very expression of good cheer. "Let's rock out~♡!"
One of her eyes twitched as the black ribbons and cute pumpkin decorations were rattled very heavily at Aiko's entrance.

Her expression didn't actually change, but her tails stopped swishing behind her.

A moment passed with her saying nothing before she spoke, her voice a careful monotone indistinguishable from her normal tone.

"Miyamoto Aiko. I would like to ask once more for a touch of delicacy when dealing wit-"

Quickly, she made her way to Lakshimi.
Grin on her face, Maho set out to meet up with Lakshimi. Hm, would there be other Magical Girls there? It'd be fun to meet a few of those, exchange notes, do Magical Girl stuff, plot world domination together, maybe hang out normally from time to time, and all that.
"O-ok Aoko, chin up. If you don't help Lakshimi there's no way you'll be able to get that wish. Let's go." she muttered in a halfway attempt to psych herself up, trudging her way to the office building, "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..."

She sighs before correcting herself as more people started arriving.

"Very well, as enough people have arrived, I'll start." She turns on her desk and faces Kin. "In those documents there's the available information I have gathered about the target this time. It is not much more than the usual, but maybe it can help you."
She may or may have been the littlest bit short of breath after her extended jog right after the workout and a feeling a measure of frustration toward Lakshimi for no reason in particular. Anju might or might not have kicked the door open to vent a little of those emotions. It's not like anyone would care, especially when the building has always been empty except for Lakshimi herself.
Lakshimi said nothing. But there was an inaudible sigh of frustration as she closed her eyes before turning towards the entrance, where Anju was just entering.

She most definitely did not glare at her. Definitely not.

"Sukeban. So kind of you to join us." Biting out the words, Lakshimi tilts her head at the others. "The info is over there. Give it a look."
@Murderhobo of Nod

The world swims around as your vision bleeds red. The road seems much longer than usual and the stares and mutters of the other students do you no favors.

You focus only on getting to the Tsukaima, cutting through the babbling students with fierce resolution when a delicate hand stops you in your tracks.

"You dont look okay, do you need assistance- what am I saying of course you do. Come on to my office" Its the school nurse. Svelte, tall and graceful. She sports gray hair despite her youthful appearance that is not diminished one bit by the heavy bags under her eyes. Rumors say she´s a genius with many degrees and thesis in the medical field. Why such a person was appointed as the nurse for a mere school no one could say but she was certainly liked by the students. Her pleasant demeanor and witty disposition gaining her something of a following.

She gives you a gentle but firm push towards the infirmary.
Repeated, disorted and retold again and again. A sign of the palpable anxiety hanging over everyone's heads. Many superstitions sprung up as the strange incidents began to pile up. The mist specially was one favored topic for occultist aficionados and gossipers alike.
This was somewhat worrying... Was this why Lakshimi made an announcement for many to come? For the rumors to have become this bad, that 'mist' had to have spread quite far.

Mobiliy was sadly an issue she would never be able to overcome. Sure, she had gotten used to wheeling herself around, but it was still an act that tired her out. Unlike many magical girls who could just fly or easily jump their way around, she could only move at the speed her wheels allowed her in public. Even public transportation was an issue she couldn't avoid.

Midori couldn't wait to get thirteen seeds.

At least the air outside was a bit nice. Some walking around gave her a wave and she returned a nod in return, but she was honestly glad she was mostly ignored for now. It wasn't like she wanted to stick around and talk.

Arriving at the office building, Midori was only glad it had an access ramp for her use. She was also glad the Tsukaima set the office on the ground floor.

Wheeling herself to the door, Midori could hear noise within. it seemed many had arrived already.

"Excuse me." She said, pushing the door open. "I'm not too late, I hope?"
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Mana cursed herself as she stormed towards what she hoped would be an exit. So much energy and effort, all wasted, upon a slip up of her rational self.

One more day; and she would have had a successful week of relative peace and normalcy. All she had to do was avoid others, focus on her studies and leave a minimal presence, if any, of herself. Then and only then could she live a normal school life.

So what, if she is lonely?

So what, if she didn't really have any happy memories during her time here?

So what, if the prospect of everyday life is becoming increasingly distant and hostile towards Mana?

At the very least she could say she tried her hardest, her best, with all her will at attempting to be human, when clearly she's not.

It would be utterly unthinkable to imagine what would happen, could happen, if Mana gave in utterly to that reptilian part of her brain; that black specter that lurks so comfortably within her beating heart.

It would be so easy, too easy, to accept defeat and follow base impulse to an hellish oblivion.

That fact scares her.

Terrifies her.

Thankfully Mana reigned in herself at the right moment and triumphed, at least for now.

But what if?

Assuming Mana did, and flung herself like a wild beast upon that poor. . . bitch. Amidst that feeding frenzy, how many other innocents could've gotten hurt, killed, and eaten. . .

How would her family react?

Dad. . .

Mom. . .

Ai. . .

Something in Mana's chest sunk when she thought of her adorably tomboyish younger sister. 'If she hates me,' that would sink the entirety of Mana's dismal world.

"Damnit," Why couldn't anything ever go right for once? "Just once. . ." Mana mumbled to herself.

Couldn't she live a day, a single day, without the possibility of everything being ruined forever?

". . . Wouldn't that be the day."

Something wet began drip from her eyes.

But the flight for escape ended the moment she bumped into someone, who, without any real reason or obligation, and perhaps on mere whim alone, decided to interfere.

Mana was at a lost.

Immediately she relied on old tricks and habits; forcing herself to look at the ground unaware that she was crying.

". . . I'm f-fine, excuse me." Mana sniffled.

But that's when the giantess blocked her path forward and told her she wasn't alright. So what if Mana wasn't truly. She wanted to leave already. But even then, the strange woman forced Mana into a room, an infirmary.

A nurse then?

"Uh. . . Ms. ? I'm fine, really. C-can I just go?"
"Ah, Kin. Punctual as always. I dont mind you going and coming how you like, but do be careful to not leave any messes? And try to use the door every once in a while? I didn't take my time decorating it for it to be ignored..." Despite the way she said it, she didnt look too bothered as she rolled around and stretched until some pops could be heard from the back.
Looking over the creature with a slow, casual air, Kin shrugged.

"There is never any residue left from diving through the gaps, Lakshimi." Is her only reply.
"Sweets? I believe the festivities are soon, yes? How do you like the atmosphere? I spent some time picking them out you know." She tilts her head at the lamps of pumpkins in different colors, the orange and black of the usual decorations thrown hazardly around the room clashing horribly against the colors of the office, while she brought a paw forward to push a recipient in the shape of a skull that had a hole filled with sweets where the brain would have been.
Reaching into the skull, Kin pulled out a toffee and regarded it with mild interest.

"I will never understand how this holiday came to be. Or why Japan picked it, and various others, up so easily." She paused, seemingly considering something, before sighing and pocketing the toffee.

Fortunately, it seemed she had decided not to begin a long, rambling discussion of the origin and evolution of 'Halloween', and how it and other Western festivals had made their way into popular Japanese culture.
"Oh, yes, do pick up those folders over here? This one could be troublesome—hence the reason I called more than usual—so Ill give you a special service and instruct you all carefully!" One of her ears twitches. "Speaking of which"
Giving no more than a passing glance at the sudden arrival, Kin picked up the folder and opened it.

"So? How many of us are there exactly?" She idly questioned the cat.
As Ruel gets through the tumultuous crowd, she bumps into an unfamiliar girl, slightly lesser in height than herself, whose black hair swishes as she's startled by the bump.

"A-ah!" Her eyes widen a little behind her glasses; she lets out a confused voice and blinks like she awoke from a daydream.

"My apologies, Sempai!" She dips her head a little in apology before taking two steps back. She grimaces for a moment before her face becomes a careful, blank mask.

Outwardly she appears like the very model of a class president. Thick glasses, carefully trimmed hair, and a natural chiding gaze emphasized by her sharp hazel eyes. It is only slightly ruined by having certain strands in her beautiful black hair tainted a dirty blonde.
Having collided with an unfamiliar face as she went about her way, Ruel blinked at the girl before her before waving a dismissive hand.

Giving the girl a patient smile, she then said, "It's fine. No harm done. Are you okay though?"
Lakshimi said nothing. But there was an inaudible sigh of frustration as she closed her eyes before turning towards the entrance, where Anju was just entering.

She most definitely did not glare at her. Definitely not.

"Sukeban. So kind of you to join us." Biting out the words, Lakshimi tilts her head at the others. "The info is over there. Give it a look."
Anju wasted no time on idle chatter or other pleasantries; she came here for one thing and one thing alone. Justice. She did not know any of the others here, nor did she particularly want to know. She silently approached the folders and began flipping through them without a rod spoken. Lakshimi's decorations for the Halloween season did not escape her notice, obtrusive and colorful as they were. There would be many more innocents wandering about at night than usual, which posed several problems in an of itself to those who were concerned with secrecy, but the Immortal Iron Justice did not have being subtle high on her list of priorities.
"In those documents there's the available information I have gathered about the target this time. It is not much more than the usual, but maybe it can help you."
Aoko nodded absent-mindedly as she gingerly shuffled towards the pile of files, eyes nervously flitting to the other meguca. She was about to grab one when a loud bang interrupted her.
Anju might or might not have kicked the door open to vent a little of those emotions
She silently approached the folders and began flipping through them without a rod spoken.
Aoko eeped as the gangster-ish girl swooped by her. Noticing that the upperclassman had all the files, she gulped and steeled her nerves.

"Ah excuse me, can you give me one the files!?" Aoko mumbled unintelligibly at first, voice cracking as she delivered the second half louder. She tried to paste a smile on her face to be amiable, but she couldn't spare more than what seemed a smug smirk.
Aoko nodded absent-mindedly as she gingerly shuffled towards the pile of files, eyes nervously flitting to the other meguca. She was about to grab one when a loud bang interrupted her.

Aoko eeped as the gangster-ish girl swooped by her. Noticing that the upperclassman had all the files, she gulped and steeled her nerves.

"Ah excuse me, can you give me one the files!?" Aoko mumbled unintelligibly at first, voice cracking as she delivered the second half louder. She tried to paste a smile on her face to be amiable, but she couldn't spare more than what seemed a smug smirk.
Anju continued to flip through the files for a few moments before regarding Aoko with an icy glare. Maybe she was angry at her, maybe it was just her default facial expression. Either way, she handed the underclassman one of the folders without a word and resumed her business in silence.
Aoko froze under the upperclassman's glare. Ah, oh no! had she done something wrong again? Aoko berated herself as she tried not to wilt, sighing in half-relief, half-resignation when the scary sempai turned away.

'Why does this always happen to me.' she moped silently, leafing through the folder handed to her.
The files themselves outlined a series of incidents with a MO in common. Reports suggest that the Youma in question is one with an affinity for wind.

Its preferred target appear to be brightly dressed people and in various occasions the victims have been playing or listening to music. Street performers and young students being prime targets for the Youma.

Outlining the suspected area of operations with photos and a map by triangulating the reports. Lakshimi believes its favored hunting grounds are where there are an abundance of nightclubs or bars and there´s a high chance of its nightmare being on the vicinity.
"Excuse me." She said, pushing the door open. "I'm not too late, I hope?"
"Just in time really. Not all that I summoned have answered but that was a possibility I took into account" Lakshimi takes a sweet and crunches on it with little care for the drama unfolding.
"So? How many of us are there exactly?" She idly questioned the cat.
"As many as its needed~" She gives a non-answer like the other times before sighing.

"Dont worry. you´ll meet most of them in due time. Some of them just desire for their affiliation to be kept a secret and I am contractually obligated to protect their secrecy."

Giving the girl a patient smile, she then said, "It's fine. No harm done. Are you okay though?"
She nods delicately murmuring something too low for you to hear before looking up at you.

And immediately averting her eyes as a rosy tint graces her face.

"Yes. I am very sorry for this Ruel-Sempai. I was just..." She considers her words before backtracking. "My mind was otherwise occupied and my attention was not at its best" She clearly did not want to use the word "Distracted" for herself.

"Uh. . . Ms. ? I'm fine, really. C-can I just go?"
"No." She answers bluntly before bringing a hand to your forehead. "Hn. not a fever-rather you´re pretty cold to the touch. Yet you´re perspiration a lot. Any nausea? need a bucket?" She lists off various symptoms while performing some basic check-ups.

You see her grabbing a stethoscope from her table.
"Just in time really. Not all that I summoned have answered but that was a possibility I took into account" Lakshimi takes a sweet and crunches on it with little care for the drama unfolding.
Midori nodded, rolling herself inside the room before turning her wheelchair around to close the door. Turning it once more once the task was done, she faced to turn the girls already checking the folders that had been readied.

They were... a varied group, to say it politely. Girls that seemed to have nothing to do with each other. Yet, they were all magical girls here.

...And she was a stranger to all of them. Only Miyamoto was familiar, a girl that made the news and was pretty much a school celebrity, but it wasn't like they knew each other.

"Hello everyone." She greeted, politeness taking over. "I understand I may not look like it, but I'll also fight."
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