Dieselpunk Empires

Alright, not everyone rolled this turn, and that's fine, I keep springing new systems on you and I figure it'll take us a turn to get used to the new one. Just make sure you roll 3d10 after you choose your actions this turn.

As you can see, the turn updates don't necessarily address what you ordered with your posts, but rest assured your empire is chugging along in the background with your decisions. My posts just add some lore to things, and will be affected by what you choose.

We've still got two open slots for additional players, but we'll keep moving along and see where you guys take the story for now.
So I noticrd thay I did fail one roll but got a ten in another, does that mean I succeed in the races but failed in the research?
So I noticrd thay I did fail one roll but got a ten in another, does that mean I succeed in the races but failed in the research?

Eventually I'll get us in the habit of assigning the dice to your actions, but for now I'll let you choose what succeeded and what failed. Each of the dice corresponds to one of the three slots (military, agency, ect) that you choose.

And all that failing a roll means is that you'll have to try again next turn, or that it will take longer than you planned
Eventually I'll get us in the habit of assigning the dice to your actions, but for now I'll let you choose what succeeded and what failed. Each of the dice corresponds to one of the three slots (military, agency, ect) that you choose.

And all that failing a roll means is that you'll have to try again next turn, or that it will take longer than you planned
I was just confused since you were talking about the races yet that would of been the action to fail since scoial was in the middle.
I was just confused since you were talking about the races yet that would of been the action to fail since scoial was in the middle.

Failing rolls doesn't mean something wont happen. It usually boils down to complications....so if it was the middle roll that failed and you want to keep that on the races, then that's fine

I wasnt sure if everyone knew the dice were in order, and were assigned to actions, but in figure we'll get that down over the next couple turns
Failing rolls doesn't mean something wont happen. It usually boils down to complications....so if it was the middle roll that failed and you want to keep that on the races, then that's fine

I wasnt sure if everyone knew the dice were in order, and were assigned to actions, but in figure we'll get that down over the next couple turns
I guess Ill say the military one failed since I like the idea of having fully operational races.
Here goes dread arengee
Praise chaos!

Agency 10
Society 9
Industry 4
veekie threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 23
10 10 9 9 4 4
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I think you got it wrong, the level subtracts from the THRESHOLD the die needs. The higher the level the lower the roll can be and still succeed.
I completely forgot to do my next turn.
3rd Antebellen Republic

Economy Lv 5
Society Lv 4
Agency Lv 5
Military Lv 4

Reroll bonuses
Industrial Powerhouse (economy reroll)
Heroes of Science (agency reroll)

[X] Economy
[X] Agency
[X] Economy

  • For the first Economy, continue working on the fort design(unless that got done due to the 10?)
  • For Agency, Continue working on curing Beatrice. Maybe if magic fails they can try to use SCIENCE!!!!
  • For the second economy, start one creating a public transport system. Maybe with buses/trams in the city and airships between cities?
Oof, failed agency even wih the reroll.
Easter threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 10
3 3 7 7
Easter threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Agency and second Econ Total: 15
4 4 4 4 7 7
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Tuath Dé Kingdom

Economy Lv 7
Society Lv 5
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 3

Reroll bonuses
New Money (Economy reroll)
High Society (Society reroll)

[X] Economy
Action: Claim resource colonies (mining)
[X] Economy
Action: Expand international trade (shipping)
[X] Economy
Action: Fund industrial infrastructure (industrial goods)
Chrestomanci threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Economy Total: 10
4 4 6 6
Chrestomanci threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Economy Total: 7
7 7
Chrestomanci threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Economy Total: 8
8 8
Oddenhurst Barony

Economy Lv 6
Society Lv 5
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 4

Reroll bonuses
Industrial Powerhouse (Economy reroll)
Unquestionable Monarchy (Society reroll)

House Hougonaus Eternal trade deal with Oddenherst for 1 Oil from them in exchange for 1 Coal from Oddenhurst (Lasts until turn 9)

[X] Society
(Modernization of hospitals and county-side clinics)
((OOC: Kind of stuck for ideas for the moment as to do with my society based actions as I'm not really sure what would be could as a Society action.)

[X] Military (x2)
(A Expansion of Oddenhurst Royal Armed Forces. Mainly wanting to increase Oddenhursts numbers and set up a few small forts around the nation so it will be better defended in the (Hopefully) unlikely event of a foreign power invading.)

Edit: Jeez, three 1s in 4 rolls. I hope this does not become a trend.
Captain.Cat threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: For Society Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Captain.Cat threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: For Military Total: 10
9 9 1 1
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House Hugonaus Eternal

Economy Lv 5
Society Lv 7
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 3

Reroll bonuses
Cultural Center of the World (Society reroll)
Builders of Tomorrow (Economy reroll)

Trade deals...

1 oil for 1 coal, expires after turn 9 / Oddenhurst.
1 alumminum for 1 wood, Continued Indefinitely, until either side requests an end.

[X] Society x2
We are a culture of art and community, spend coin on sporting events, artworks.

[X] Economy x1
Keep working on the economy in general, hopefully an upgrade will be in our sight.
Marlin threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Social Total: 13
7 7 6 6
Marlin threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Economy Total: 7
7 7
House Hugonaus Eternal

Economy Lv 5
Society Lv 7
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 3

Reroll bonuses
Cultural Center of the World (Society reroll)
Builders of Tomorrow (Economy reroll)

Trade deals...

1 oil for 1 coal, expires after turn 9 / Oddenhurst.
1 alumminum for 1 wood, Continued Indefinitely, until either side requests an end.

[X] Society x2
We are a culture of art and community, spend coin on sporting events, artworks.

[X] Economy x1
Keep working on the economy in general, hopefully an upgrade will be in our sight.
Would you like to spend some coin to expand the Antebellen racing leagues to your nation?
Not yet, next turn for my nation. I'm not sure if I'd need to focus on full economy or go with a full description of action tilt into focus on building a racing culture.

If you put a point in economy next turn and mention opening your own track and extending the league to your nation, thatd be a sufficient start
Free Kepta
Industry Specialties in Consumer Goods, Air Transport, and Agriculture.

Economy Lv 5
Society Lv 3
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 7

Reroll bonuses
Might Makes Right (military reroll)
Masters of Progress (economy reroll)

Trade Deal - Fausta Republic - Food for Phosphorous
1 Plane Squadron
3 Regular Infantry
1 Defender Paratroopers
Produces 2 Units of food, 2 Units of aluminum, and a unit of Terbium per turn.
Has access to iron and or oil.
5 Units of Terbium saved
2 Units of Food Saved

[X] Economy
[X] Economy
[X] Agency

Actions: Continue colonization efforts with the aid of a new project. Begin construction of the National Teleportation Grid with stations set up in every major city to both ferry cargo and our citizens at lightning speed. Link up the colony to the Teleportation Grid to allow easier exploitation and cut down massively on transportation costs. This should bind our nation together like nothing before it and prove a great boost to our internal economy. Use stored Terbium if needed. With this new frontier, we must also account for those who may try to subvert it. Have Intelligence Agencies come up with secure regulations preventing any sort of infiltration or terror attack through the Teleportation Grid. Take the greatest efforts to prevent other nations or organizations from reverse-engineering it by encoding it's manufacturing instructions and increasing security around both factories and active teleporters. Have Captain Tomorrow continue training Defenders in covert work. Begin designing listening devices and other surveilance tools.

Agency: 7
Economy 1 and 1 rerolled into 6 and 4
Mask threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Results Total: 19
7 7 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 4
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Free Kepta
Industry Specialties in Consumer Goods, Air Transport, and Agriculture.

Economy Lv 5
Society Lv 3
Agency Lv 3
Military Lv 7

Reroll bonuses
Might Makes Right (military reroll)
Masters of Progress (economy reroll)

Trade Deal - Fausta Republic - Food for Phosphorous
1 Plane Squadron
3 Regular Infantry
1 Defender Paratroopers
Produces 2 Units of food, 2 Units of aluminum, and a unit of Terbium per turn.
Has access to iron and or oil.
5 Units of Terbium saved
2 Units of Food Saved

[X] Economy
[X] Economy
[X] Agency

Actions: Continue colonization efforts with the aid of a new project. Begin construction of the National Teleportation Grid with stations set up in every major city to both ferry cargo and our citizens at lightning speed. Link up the colony to the Teleportation Grid to allow easier colonization and exploitation. This should bind our nation together like nothing before it and prove a great boost to our internal economy. Use stored Terbium if needed. With this new frontier, we must also account for those who may try to subvert it. Have Intelligence Agencies come up with secure regulations preventing any sort of infiltration or terror attack through the Teleportation Grid. Have Captain Tomorrow continue training Defenders in covert work. Begin designing listening devices and other surveilance tools.

Agency: 7
Economy 1 and 1 rerolled into 6 and 4
Do we start with teleportation? If so that gives me some ideas...
It's taking me awhile to get this turn finished, might be tomorrow for the update. In the meantime, have friendly primer on some Wilhiem army units, a mix of the new and the old. I'll be mocking up a couple of these each turn for all the nations, since they all have a unique look

It's taking me awhile to get this turn finished, might be tomorrow for the update. In the meantime, have friendly primer on some Wilhiem army units, a mix of the new and the old. I'll be mocking up a couple of these each turn for all the nations, since they all have a unique look

I like the crusader theme they have going for them, especially Dragul hunter. Really fits the theme Willhiem had going for it.
I like the crusader theme they have going for them, especially Dragul hunter. Really fits the theme Willhiem had going for it.

I cannot wait for the first war. Newly freed, newly industrialized nations with populations of around 70 million each and no previous experience with large scale warfare thanks to the Protective Orders.

It's going to be a horrifying spectacle
Fausta Republic

Economy Lv 6
Society Lv 3
Agency Lv 4
Military Lv 5

Reroll bonuses
Manufacturing Powerhouse (economy reroll)
Might Makes Right (military reroll)

[X] Economy x1
A society moves on it's economy. Further expansion is necessary if we are to pour more material into other aspects.

[X] Military x2
A massive surge in basic military technologies is spearheaded, along with expansions to military production facilities and expanding the size of the armed forces.
Taricus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Economy Roll Total: 10
10 10
Taricus threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Military Rolls Total: 12
4 4 6 6 2 2