Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal, OOC Thread. (Always Accepting)


The Destroyer
The end and beginning of all things.
The Multiverse is a big place, unfathomably big. Perhaps not infinite, many Voidic scholars argue on whether or not the Multiverse is infinite in size and scope, or just really, really large. Either way, nobody's found the edge of it yet so it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that a place this big is impossible to govern, and in large, impossible to govern places, warlords find their path to power.

Among these warlords, Godmodders, those who have taken the power to reshape reality to their whims and by their rules, are some of the most feared, although few strong ones have been seen for as long as almost anyone can remember.

But that may be about to change.

Welcome the OOC thread of Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal. This is the place to go if you want to discuss goings-on in the thread in an OOC context, for people who want to join in but aren't certain how, or just for general discussion in general.

There is also a Discord available to everyone right here.

So, to start things off, what do you guys think of the ominous hashtags? You've seen the first 9 already, and once you beat your first boss, you'll gain access to 9 more. Your thoughts on the ones you've already seen?
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So, to start things off, what do you guys think of the ominous hashtags? You've seen the first 9 already, and once you beat your first boss, you'll gain access to 9 more. Your thoughts on the ones you've already seen?
I've only spied 8 myself.
As for my thoughts...

They're obviously meaningful but it beats me how.

(Also I'll post here as well because why not: renamed Power Armor to Krork Behemoth for less confusion, both my units in the field are wearing power armor.)
Alright, it'll be fixed next update, and the one you're missing is #WelcomeToTheShow
#Hashtags is obviously some ominous foreshadowing for a # based guardian, possibly a Boss, of the Godmodder.
Similarly, #Beep Boop is clearly foreshadowing for a robot boss that only talks in binary based language, with 1 being Beep, and 0 being Boop, or vice versa
Going by instinct, our first boss will be a dragon hanging outside of the castle. Maybe.
Also, there's a show? That may refer either to reality TV, or...
Weirdly fitting, since I have a clown character.

Either way, what I can be use of is that the characters are amusement for something else, and that there's a dragon.

bluh bluh depressed clown makes creepy void balloon dog, what does it mean? absolutely nothing.
#Hashtags is obviously some ominous foreshadowing for a # based guardian, possibly a Boss, of the Godmodder.
Similarly, #Beep Boop is clearly foreshadowing for a robot boss that only talks in binary based language, with 1 being Beep, and 0 being Boop, or vice versa
Yes, definitely. Without a doubt 100%.

Going by instinct, our first boss will be a dragon hanging outside of the castle. Maybe.
Also, there's a show? That may refer either to reality TV, or...
Weirdly fitting, since I have a clown character.

Either way, what I can be use of is that the characters are amusement for something else, and that there's a dragon.

bluh bluh depressed clown makes creepy void balloon dog, what does it mean? absolutely nothing.
Good theories. Everything will be made clear in time.
I hope you guys like the dragon though.
Actually, I charged it up entirely on my own this turn. I was waiting for next turn to use it on @EternalStruggle's recommendation, but I changed my mind.
Eh, I suppose the Bad Juju Accordion can wait until next turn, when I can make a giant robot to use it from.
Oh, if you've charged it properly by that post then yeah, you can edit it as you want.
@pionoplayer do you like my description of the Voodoocordion? The charge was explicitly for a Dark RitualTM, and I didn't want to disappoint by using magic that was merely morally grey.
Yo, Gutza!
I really like the Jeb's Junkyard idea, but I dunno, it just seems kinda strong.
(Honestly, I just thought it was gonna be a huge explosion.)
Hopefully Piono will allow it, but just a heads up - you'll probably have to edit it somehow.

As a side note, I'm a bit curious as to how it would be refilled by players (and how it would interact with the microreplicators).

Anyway, there sure do seem to be a lot of security guards, each with a lot of health...
I dunno if that's a complaint or not. It's not like we can really die, so... anything that takes awhile to kill isn't hurting us. It helps with charges, at least.

Sad honk out.
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Yo, Gutza!
I really like the Jeb's Junkyard idea, but I dunno, it just seems kinda strong.
(Honestly, I just thought it was gonna be a huge explosion.)
Hopefully Piono will allow it, but just a heads up - you'll probably have to edit it somehow.

As a side note, I'm a bit curious as to how it would be refilled by players (and how it would interact with the microreplicators).

Anyway, there sure do seem to be a lot of security guards, each with a lot of health...
I dunno if that's a complaint or not. It's not like we can really die, so... anything that takes awhile to kill isn't hurting us. It helps with charges, at least.

Sad honk out.
I have an artist hopefully drawing the first boss you guys are gonna fight (I'm going to add a bonus for people who are willing to draw future bosses) and I need to give them a bit of time, I will admit I'm stalling a bit.

That being said you guys are already almost a third of the way through the security guards, assuming you don't pull something clever and defeat them faster than your current progress. Don't be too worried.
Anyway, while I would be willing to draw future bosses, I can only draw machines well. Anything else comes out either cartoonish, or just plain bad.
Anyway, while I would be willing to draw future bosses, I can only draw machines well. Anything else comes out either cartoonish, or just plain bad.
Well you're in luck because of the handful of bosses I already have planned, several are mechanical.

I'll give details on each boss when their fight approaches, so that people have time to draw it if they so desire.
Ah, I don't remember reading either of those. I'll update my post.

I'm usually pretty thorough about these things, but I guess they slipped past me.

Actually, reading back through, it seems you were pretty focused on Arctic Archiver. I don't see any +1s from you, so... I dunno.
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