Destroy The Godmodder: Renewal (Hole In The Ground)

Opening Post, Rules


The Destroyer
The end and beginning of all things.
Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal

Welcome to Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal, what was originally going to be my take on a continuity reboot, and is now just going to be its own game. To the old guard who know of this series from before, I welcome you to my humble attempt at making the greatest DTG game to date. To those who are new, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay in one of the wackiest forum game/RP series on the internet.
I recommend everyone take a long hard look through How To Play, and at least a quick skim over the Gameplay Rules. Aside from that there's no requirements or recruitment needed to join in. Once you've read the How To Play you can jump on in.

If you need help understanding anything, feel free to jump in on the Discord linked below, or PM me here on SV if you don't use Discord.

What is Destroy the Godmodder? An open-ended RP/forum game series. The goal of the gameplay is to, as stated, Destroy the Godmodder. The RP is fairly open ended and at the moment focused around dealing with people meeting each other and coming to terms with what's going on.
You as a character are one of the Descended, individuals who have, seemingly through the will of the Multiverse itself, gained the power to unleash the greatest workings of your imagination upon reality. Use this for good or evil, that is up to you.

Welcome to Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal. This is a game about, well, destroying the Godmodder. Yes, it's also a Roleplay, but it's a game first and foremost.
If you're new to the franchise, I would recommend playing as an Anti-Godmodder. Your goals as an Anti-Godmodder are to destroy the Godmodder, and keep his cronies down at manageable levels. There's a couple of other things you need to pay attention to in the meantime, but attacking the Godmodder or anything labeled PG is a good start. There's an itinerary to tell AG players what major targets are.

The Rules you need to know are as follows: (any changes to these will be announced in thread.)
1. Listen to the Game Master. This is rule 0 in general, if I say you're doing something wrong, you've done something wrong, so try not to do it again.
2. Be nice and keep things sfw. That includes not swearing.
3. You get 2 posts every round, and you are not allowed to double post (which is making two posts without somebody else posting in between.). You can also make "nullposts", which are made to ask questions or forward RP once you've run out of regular posts. Try to be somewhat sparing with nullposts if possible.
4. You can make charges. You have 2 and they cap out in size at 20 right now. Charges increment once per post naturally, and can also be boosted by receiving +1s (of which you also get 2 to hand out per post. One +1 boosts a single charge by one point). Attempting to increase a charge by more than 1 per post/+1 will result in the charge being nulled. I don't have time to go back and check to see how long you actually charged for, so be honest please. Charges can be used on basically anything, from summons, to attacks, to terrain changes, even on RP-oriented stuff.
5. You can summon entities, either with posts or with charges. They will fight for you in each rounds End of Turn Battle. They can be whatever you want, but stats will be balanced by the GM to make things fair.
6: Advantage. Not your biggest concern as a player who's just playing. Basically, whichever side has more entities on the field gets "battlefield advantage", which makes hitting the Godmodder easier, and increases distance, which is used to get the battle to certain story-related points. If advantage is "Heavy AG", you can order your entities to perform an "Alpha Strike" which, if enough entities are ordered to join, will damage the Godmodder.
7: Bosses and Guardians are super entities. They drop nifty spoils of war to the person who is most responsible for them dying the death.
8: There are several alignments. Anti-Godmodder is you guys, you're trying to destroy the godmodder. The Pro-Godmodders are trying to stop you from killing the Bad God Man. The Neutrals are just sort of doing their own thing, and Hostiles want everyone to die (but players can't be hostile, sorry). ???s are an enigma to everyone. Artifacts are tools. They don't actually have an alignment. There are also Elite, BOSS and Guardian tags, that mean an entity is particularly big and nasty.
9: You are no longer allowed to make placeholders or delete posts. Both of them wound up leading to post jockeying, so both have been banned.
10: Vulnerable players, when they become a thing, are invulnerable the round they respawn. However, a player cannot pick up an artifact on the round they respawn.
And that's it.

What follows is the full rulebook. This exists mainly so I have something to reference and say "Yes, this was written down.". You can look through it if you want, but unless you're in the habit of extreme munchkinry, just going by word of GM on its own will be more than enough to keep you on the straight and narrow.
Rules are fairly standard for a DTG game. That knowledge won't help some of you, so here they are. If they seem complicated, I'm tl;dring all of them at the top.

General: Because I make things too complicated.
1. To win you must destroy the Godmodder.
2. The Godmodder will, as usual, block most attacks, with more creative ones having a better chance of success.
3. Don't expect any attack that hits the Godmodder to work twice. There is a nifty thing called the Curse of Repetition, which prevents repetitive summons and attacks from working well multiple times.
4. Everyone gets 2 posts per round. Updates happen Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
5. Double posts will get the latter post invalidated.
6. Editing your posts is okay, but please don't get into edit wars to try and one-up another person or preemptively smash their legitimate attack into the ground.
7. The rules can change... basically whenever. Keep watch for announcements, it'll always be announced in-thread when rule changes are coming.
8. At the top of the World Update, you will find the Itinerary. It's AG only, it's generally assumed that anyone playing a non-standard faction pays enough attention to the game to know what to do on their own.

Charges: Because charging confuses EVERYONE at some point or another.
1. You can make charges. They'll make attacks, summons, effects, what-have-you more effective.
2. The cap is currently 20, charges can grow no larger than this.
3. You have two charges at once, and neither interferes with your standard action.
4. Charges go up one at a time. violating this rule will get your charge nulled, I don't have time to go back and find the proper values. And no, you can't double up the charges to increase charging speed.
5. Every post you get a two +1s that can be given to OTHER players. Each +1 will up that charge by 1, as the name states. You cannot +1 yourself, stop trying.
6. Charges provide little to no hit bonus against the Godmodder.
7. You are allowed to hold your own charges once they complete, but to do so you have to hold them in the charge slot. That means you will get 1 less point of charge coming naturally for every charge you are holding.
8. Like charges, and like hitting the Godmodder but want to do both? Well good news! Every time you land a hit on the Godmodder you get a free +10 charge token, to be distributed among your charges as you see fit.
9. People CAN combine charges with one another, however, no single player entity can hold more charge than equivalent to 3 players dropping a max-sized charge (this includes dropping upgrades.). Exceptions can be made, but you must discuss it with the GM first.
9a. People cannot combine charges with more of their own. That means that in order to have a multiple-charge drop, multiple players must be involved. If you wish to combine 3 charges, you must have 3 players. etc.

Entities: Because having your own personal army of monsters is, frankly, awesome.
1. You can summon entities. They will appear on the battlefield and attack in the End of Turn Battle every round, as well as influencing entity advantage in your favor.
2. Entities that have already been summoned in this thread aren't allowed. (unless plot somehow happens I guess)
3. You can summon entities instantly using a standard action, but it's generally better to use charges, unless the action you do the summoning with is a cut above the rest.
4. The more Pro-Godmodder entities there are on the field, the harder it will be to hit the Godmodder. Also, having a crippling disadvantage will start to carry... other problems with it. Don't let your entities die off completely.
6. Entity health for charged summons is equivalent to (5000x + 5000) where x is equal to the amount of charge expended.
6a. Entity damage is (1000x) with x being the same as above.
7. Why entities are relevant: Because entity advantage. At the top of the world update, entity advantage will be listed, it can be any of the following:
Heavy PG Advantage: Hopefully rare, only happens if you guys have effectively no entities fielded at all. If you guys let this happen... bad things. AND the Godmodder cannot be attacked.
PG Advantage: While here or in the above "setting" the Godmodder can be attacked, but its much more difficult. Distance to the next Pillar will decrease while advantage is PG. Field entities of your own and destroy enemies to fix this.
AG Advantage: The "default" setting of the game. The Godmodder is properly targetable, and you guys are making progress towards the next pillar you need to destroy..
Heavy AG Advantage: You guys are somehow completely ravaging the Godmodder's forces. While the "setting" is at this, not only is the Godmodder targetable, but you all will have the ability to order your entities to perform an "Alpha Strike" which will deal direct damage to the Godmodder, albeit at the cost of giving the Godmodder greatly increased power for that round.

Super Entities: Wait why isn't this part of the Entities rules
Guardians, Bosses and Elites are particularly powerful entities. Elites can be summoned by players (Although only with great difficulty) bosses will generally only show up via special events, and the Guardian fights are 10 specific pre-planned super bosses. What they are may change under extenuating circumstances, but chances are, you'll fight all 10 of them at some point or another.
All bosses drop spoils upon death, and killing PG ones will damage the Godmodder. Watch out though, if an AG boss dies, it will deal heavy recoil to your side of the battlefield, and if a Neutral or Hostile boss dies it will damage the opposite side from the one that dealt it the most damage.
Elites, Bosses and Guardians all have special formatting in the World Update, and generally get special bonuses, such as small stat boosts, resistance or outright immunity to certain status effects, and special protections against being nuked.

Alignments: This should probably be higher, but for the life of me I can't figure out WHERE.
1. Players and entities can be AG, N, or if they really want to, PG. Once again, it is advised to play as an AG. PGs tend to have a pretty rough time of it.
2. If you want to change your alignment as a player, you must perform a DRAMATIC BETRAYAL™ before you can do so. (the exception is when changing from Neutral. Neutrals are third parties and as such don't really have anyone to betray dramatically)
3. In addition to the regular alignments, entities can also be ??? or H. ??? Can only be summoned with GM permission beforehand, and both get a small bonus because of their downsides. What are their downsides? ??? entities are almost always plot-related and thusly are prone to not working out exactly as planned, H entities will not accept player orders and will attack following their own internal logic of "murder everything".
4. Finally, the ELITE, BOSS and GUARDIAN tags will usually be appended to an entity's faction if it is one, or is part of one.
5. Not actually related to alignments, but any player-controlled entities will have their owner's name listed in their alignment tag, to help make things easier.

[AG]: Anti-Godmodder. The base alignment, wants to destroy the Godmodder and end his tyrannical ways.
[N]: Neutral. Third parties in the conflict, have no real care for whether or not the Godmodder dies.
[PG]: Pro-Godmodder. Those that wish to help the Godmodder in his rise to power.
[H]: Hostile. Very unlikely to follow commands. Will sometimes have semi-ordered ideas, but those will be the ones that came with the stats for it if such is the case.
[???]: Unknown. Extremely rare, and usually undecided. But whatever the case is, they are an unknown force on the battlefield, and usually entail incoming plot-crap or at least events.
[A]: Artifact. These are items, and as such have no loyalties except for being used by whoever wields them.
[ELITE]: Elite. A modifier tag, a large entity, but not big enough to dominate the field.
[BOSS]: Boss. A modifier tag, usually only summoned by the Godmodder or special events. Tend to wreck everything while alive. Drop a Spoil of War to the most instrumental player in killing it upon death.
[GUARDIAN]: A modifier tag, a massive entity, and unless something REALLY screwy happens, will only be encountered at specific points. Will drop a Limited Use Spoil to the player most instrumental in killing it.

Distance, Shielding and the Pillars: Keep on swimming keep on swimming keep on swimming
The Godmodder is having his health shielded by a number of pillars. Each 10 hit points has a different pillar associated with it.
In order to get to the pillars, you need to fill up the distance meter, which is accomplished by keeping the entity advantage at AG, and by hitting the Godmodder while he's shielded.
Once you reach the pillar, the distance meter will close, and a fight with a Guardian will start up, once the Guardian is beaten, the Godmodder will be unshielded if he currently is, and his next 10 hit points will become available, along with a playerbase-wide upgrade being applied to give you more options in combatting him.

There's also a section down here about gameplay gimmicks. You can ask about these in thread if they come up, but once again, you don't need to know most of this stuff. Just hit entities until they die.
Checking: You can check an entity to get their stats, this is a free action, although sometimes certain parts of an entity's statblock will be obscured and either be unscannable without a charge of some kind, or require multiple scannings to get to. As a note, having covert stats on your entity will weaken it somewhat. Hard to scan stat portions are even more expensive.
Countering: actions made specifically to counter other people's actions carry a penalty with them. Not only is your action not guaranteed to block it all the way, but it prevents you from doing ANYTHING else with that post (aside from charge management of course) Only counter people's actions if you REALLY feel you have to.
Status Effects: These exist. They have various effects. I'll probably make a list of them at some point.
Horde entities: Sometimes entities will come in large numbers instead of one very large entity of roughly the same strength. Because they have their attack go down as they lose members, they generally get stat boosts. Additionally, any ability that targets multiple entities can choose to select a horde multiple times (up to the number of individual members in that horde). "Target everything" effects can still only target hordes once.
Artifacts: In addition to entities, you are capable of summoning artifacts, which can be equipped by players OR entities. While equipped by a player, that player becomes vulnerable, and upon being killed the artifact will be dropped. Players can use artifacts more effectively than entities most of the time however.
Player Vulnerability: Players are, in fact, attackable, just only under specific circumstances. You can initiate PvP, the loser of which dies, certain enemy abilities will inflict vulnerability, using an artifact will render you vulnerable, and if your faction is doing badly enough entity-wise you will be directly targetable. Death is simple, you lose your standard action and your natural charge incrementation for one round, during which you have to spend any posts you make "respawning". Default player health is 20, with an "equivalent" value. Damage dealt to players rounds to the nearest equivalent value. For basically everyone the equivalent value is 5000, although there is a certain forbidden technique that has equivalent health value increase as one of its perks.... You can go vulnerable to allow for self-upgrades and leveling systems through the use of a 100 post charge... Although that isn't possible yet.
There are more of these that I already have written up, but aren't relevant quite yet. They'll be added when needed.
Field Effects and Terrain: Special effects can be applied to the battlefield at large. These will last until they wear off, or the entity enforcing them dies. Terrain works similarly to these field effects, except that it is attached to certain distance markers, and changes with the distance, rather than with time or entities. Although terrain CAN be forcefully changed by special effects. There is also a special "flying" tag that can be granted to entities to make them immune to field and terrain effects.
Bodyguarding: It is possible to have entities bodyguard other entities, taking hits for them. Player attacks can bypass or pierce bodyguarding by stating they do such in the attack, and entities can be given the piercing attack or bypass tags as well. Additionally, an entity that is directly targeted while it's bodyguarding (instead of taking damage from blocking an attack aimed at the thing it's guarding) will take double damage from that attack.
SMAAAASHes: Putting enough creativity and quality into an action will cause it to SMAAAASH, dealing greatly increased damage or boosting the power of its effects if its goal was to do something non-damagey. Using a SMAAASH gives you a number of rounds of SMAAAASH cooldown, and while you are still on cooldown, repeated SMAAAASHes will deal less and less damage until you give the cooldown time to wear off.
Callbacks: If something interesting catches your eye or something happens that you want to save for use as a brick joke or chekhovs gun, you can do so. Just save a link to the post wherein you set up the thing, and then when you want to utilize it later down the line, just drop a link to the post in question and I'll take it up. General rule of thumb is that the longer and better the set up for the callback, the better it'll do.
Spoils of War: All Bosses and Guardians drop spoils of war. Regular bosses drop spoils of war that are usable indefinitely, but have a charge time across rounds. They'll generally provide a small but decent boost to your action or have other effects. They usually aren't too flashy, but hey, they're useful. You can also use a max-sized charge to turn one of these spoils of war into an artifact, increasing their power in exchange for having the potential to lose it. Limited Use Spoils are far more powerful, but as stated, have a limited number of uses to them. They can also be used consecutively if the owner is really not feeling particularly conservative. All spoil usage, but limited use especially, gain power from well described actions.
Dodge and armor: Pretty simple. Dodge gives a dodge chance against enemy attacks. Accuracy will negate dodge and also give a chance to naturally minicrit or crit. Armor negates a certain amount of damage from every incoming attack. Armor pierce will negate a certain amount of armor when going in. Negative dodge will grant attacking enemies natural minicrit chances, negative armor will grant increased damage to attackers.
Strife: How it works is that in addition to your regular post content, you can have STRIFE actions going on. STRIFEs are based more on flavor text, although you can bring in entities and alchemies to try and give yourself an edge. Just keep in mind, anything brought into a STRIFE is forfeit to the victor if you lose. Upon starting the STRIFE, the two players (or more) players involved need to decide whether other players can butt in if they want, and what types of things are and aren't off limits. That's all up to you guys. On victory/loss of a strife... well, rewards/penalties are to be arranged between the two strifing parties, although in Terraria when strifing became a thing, it was usually customary for the losing party to give +1s to the winner.
Overheal: Only things with the specified ability to overheal have the capacity to overheal. While overhealed, an entity loses 25K health per 100K over their max they are each upkeep, losing 20K health per round if they're less than 100K over their regular max.

Story: The story is, in my professional opinion, kinda cool, but fortunately knowing it all isn't necessary to play. There is a story summary in the first post of mine following this one. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it properly up-to-date, but if you have a question about details or other things you might have missed, feel free to ask, I'll answer to the best of my ability. That is, of course, assuming someone else doesn't first.
If you want to contribute to the story in a major way, your best bet is PMing me. We can talk over plans and see if iyour idea will fit in somewhere in the future.

Roleplay: The story is a good place to start here, but as for your characters, they can be basically whatever you want so long as they aren't notably overpowered, although "overpowered" is somewhat harder to gauge because just by virtue of being player characters, your char is automatically given access to near godlike invincibility, the power to summon massive creatures and machines using willpower alone, and otherwise just having crazy insane powers driven by creativity and whatever the crap you feel like doing with them. Now, your characters don't have to be aware of these powers, or even actively use them if you prefer using in-universe reasoning for all of your actions, but they do have them if you ever decide that it's handy.
As for the setting, it's set on a world within an "all stories are real" Fictional multiverse setting, with some variations, which will be elaborated on as they come up. For one, universes are in separate bubbles, separated by The Void. The Void itself contains a number of things within it, and there are things that come into being outside of the universes.

I think that about covers it for right now. Let me know if you're still confused about something essential.

Limited Use Spoils:
Dragon Core: Dropped by HATRED. Claimed by EternalStruggle. 2 uses left. Summons forth a shade of an ancient dragon for 5 rounds. It is invincible and can deal out great damage for the duration of its stay.
Nuclear Core: Dropped by the C MECH-Ω. Claimed by I Just Write. 1 use left. Detonates in a massive fiery explosion that'll pretty much wipe any and everything short of a boss off the field in one go.

Cooldown spoils
Stoneskin Hide: Dropped by Terror Troll. Claimed by DCCCV. Coats the target in a layer of thick stone, slowing them down and halving the effectiveness of all their actions, but also halving the amount of damage they take for 3 rounds. has a 6 round cooldown.
Whirling Dervish: Dropped by Terror Ravager Bot. Claimed by Crusher48. Puts down the massive spinning blades of the Ravager Bot, allowing it to run rampant on the battlefield for 3 rounds, dealing heavy damage to whatever its tilted towards. Has a 6 round cooldown.

NOTE FOR VETERANS: This takes place post-Reboot, don't bring in stuff from other games, that will not fly.

NOTE FOR NEW PLAYERS: Upon making your third post in the game, you will receive a free +10 to use on your charges as you please. This is a one-time bonus, to get you started off more smoothly. Once you've reached the threshold state that you're claiming your +10 at the top of your post to claim it.

Additionally, this game has some predecessors. Credit to TT2000's original Destroy the Godmodder for the original inspiration of this game.

There is an OOC thread for all of your OOC needs: here.

There is a DTG Discord for everyone who's interested, players or not: here.
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The Story Until Now
The Multiverse is a big place, unfathomably big. Perhaps not infinite, many Voidic scholars argue on whether or not the Multiverse is infinite in size and scope, or just really, really large. Either way, nobody's found the edge of it yet so it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that a place this big is impossible to govern, and in large, impossible to govern places, warlords find their path to power.

Among these warlords, Godmodders, those who have taken the power to reshape reality to their whims and by their rules, are some of the most feared, although few strong ones have been seen for as long as almost anyone can remember.

But that may be about to change. You see, you all, for one reason or another, have come to the domain of a Godmodder, rumored to be possessed of a level of strength not seen in many ages, and on this world, the one you have now come to, he has set up his base and, so the rumors go, begun searching the world for ancient secrets and weaponry.

Although this warlord's power seems insurmountable, you are among the numbers of the Descended, chosen by reality to be able to reshape it at will, have luck, chance and coincidence lean in your favor at all times, matched by near invulnerability, and a choice spot as what amounts to being one of the Protagonists of reality itself. Life is a game for you, and you intend to win it, whether you know of your powers as a Descended or not.

For one reason or another, fame, fortune or just a good fight, you have sought out this warlord, and you have finally tracked him to a distant planet in a distant universe hidden deep within the depths of the Void. Well shielded, it took a while for you to be able to find a way to pierce it and make your way down to the planet, but working together, you were able to amass the power needed. It is time to Destroy the Godmodder.

You found yourselves standing in a cavernous stone room, like the remains of the grand hall of a castle. It wass cool, but not cold. Wires and metal scraps lie about all over the place. Sunlight filtered in through a number of holes in the ceiling, illuminating patches of the dim room. You were not the first ones here in this ancient wreckage, however, signs of scavenging, overturned stones, gutted turrets and emptied canisters littered the room. There was only one door out, and it seemed to be closed quite tight.

What followed was a massive barrage of attacks, followed by one player: Redstone, just opening the door. Soon after, the group made their way through a few more rooms, fighting off various enemies, up to and including a group of security guards that managed to "capture" a player who wished to pledge their services to the Godmodder.

The two security guards who had done the capturing called the Godmodder to let him know about the intruders, and while the fighting still raged in an outer courtyard, the Godmodder showed up, had a brief conversation with the Pro-Godmodder player, the security guards, and another PG player who had joined them, and without much waiting, teleported them all to the battlefield, where the true fight finally began...

The fighting was quick and brutal, but before long the Godmodder and his forces were pushed back to a larger courtyard, where the first of the great pillars that both shielded the Godmodder and limited the powers of the Descended was being guarded by the great dragon of fire: HATRED. The only way to progress was to destroy the Guardian, and thus the spire it was bound to, and so in a great and cataclysmic battle, HATRED was destroyed, and a portion of power was restored unto the Descended, and so they began their trek onwards to the next pillar.

Their fight raged across the plains, fighting against a darksteel colossus, memories of the Guardian they had just defeated, and even a castle on wheels, summoning many forces along the way, including a Hostile demon horde, until finally they reached the halfway point to their next destination, upon which they were assaulted by the first of the Terrors, massive monsters created by the Godmodder to act as the backbone of his army.

The Terror however, proved to be no match for the might of the Descended, who pushed forwards with a vengeance, slaughtering the Godmodder's forces even while backed up by the beefy monstrosity. They pushed forwards, killing the Terror, and then a pack of mercenaries summoned by the Godmodder as they made their way into the depths of an ancient ruined city from some long past age.

Along the way, a power of the Godmodder was revealed, in the OP Scale, which was used when some of crusher48's friends, flying out in orbit, tried to colony drop a planet onto the battlefield. The Godmodder demonstrated his power by destroying the planet completely.

Finally, in the depths of the ancient city, the Descended found themselves at the base of the second of the pillars, guarded by the C MECH Omega, an ancient weapon from a war long since completed. They fought with a variety of weapons and brought it to its metaphorical knees, while discovering that out in orbit, a number of fleets of spaceships had gathered for some purpose.

Finally, through a hardfought battle (on the pro-godmodder's side at least), the C MECH was destroyed, and along with it the great black pillar holding back the Descended's powers. As the Descended began pushing their way forwards, new information came to the Deathseekers, a group associated with the Descended Crusher, as a group calling themselves the Agatian Republic claimed they had a way to damage the orbital defenses... and with the help of the Descended, they did.

Slamming another planet into the orbital defenses, with the added power of a Descended-constructed beacon, a pair of holes were breached in the orbital defenses, allowing for new combatants to flood into the field, the war growing ever larger. This also allowed for the discovery of the DTG GameFAQ, shedding new light on much information about the war, but who wrote the mysterious document?

Soon after that, the Godmodder was taken to court over the war crimes he had commited over the course of the war, much debating was had, but the back and forth was interrupted by the arrival of the Terror Ravager Bot.

And that brings us to where we are now.

Make your introductory post.
Find a way out.
Introduce yourself to the others, if you so desire

Door [???]: Hp: 100,000/100,000
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There is a small static noise in the air for a second, then a small blue lighting arc strikes the floor as a figure appears, they are garbed with a refined dark blue robe with some runes adorning part of it, their face is hidden by the hood.
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A figure dressed in green clothing, with a scabbard of some kind on their back. Oddly enough, the scabbard does not have anything at the bottom, and is essentially a hollow tube with a strap. He steps onto the ground, and grins. This is going to be fun. But first, preparation is necessary. For that reason, he chooses [N] as his alignment. Nothing fancy for the first post
Generic Entity: 1/10
Just a Lamp: 2/5 (+1 from gutza)
+1 gutza

He takes a skeleton key. But not just any skeleton key. This ones... oddly large. He smashes in the door with it
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Mahogany Doors: 2/5 (+1 from Enerald_Man)
Jeb's Junkyard: 1/10
+1 to Enerald_Mann

A young, blocky teenaged boy teleports in a flash with Minecraft-esque particles. He gets out his laptop, and begins playing Kerbal Space Program. He builds a replica of the door and, after an hour, is able to crash it into Jool. The replica door is torn apart by the power of the Kraken. This somehow is mirrored onto the real Door, dealing damage to it.
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A mysterious blue portal opens, and a man with brown hair runs out and falls flat on his face. He's wearing a grey jumpsuit, some yellow gloves, a black dufflebag, some heavy yellow boots, a golden ID badge, and a grey PDA.

The portal closes behind him as he stands up.

"Did they foll- Oh, thank god they didn't."

He then looks around.

"Well, I've stumbled into something fairly... odd."

He then smashes the door with a toolbox.

Telestrike: 1/5
Greytide Roomwide: 1/10
The Ophidian Spymaster, dressed in a fine suit, walks up to the door, torch-in-hand. He proceeds to apply a hammer to it, extracting a small sliver of the stone making up the gate, before examining it's structure, and pocketing it. Oh, and he seems to be carrying an awful lot of overly polished objects and mirrors. Which is strange.

1/10 Fingers and Kings
1/10 Slither River
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Mahogany Doors: 3/5
Jeb's Junkyard: 2/10
+1 to existance

Suddenly, a group of Eastern Orthodox clergy arrive in the room. One of them holds up a Bible, and explains:

"The doors, the doors!"
"Let us attend."

The Door, of course, fails to open. Disappointed, a priest throws holy water onto the Door, dealing radiant damage to it.
Definitely not a Weapon: 3/5
Generic Entity: 3/10 (+1 from DCCCV)

+1 chimera

A group of bright red people known as the Spanish Inquisition attempt to dramatically kick open the door
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Er, why am I here?


No really.

What's going on? I have no idea how I ended up here. All I know is that this is a dark room with a door and I feel... powerful.

Okay? I can work with this I suppose. For now it looks like people are trying to open the door. Okay I can also work with that.

So er, looks like a lot of just smacking about the door, now let's see what I can do.

I... it's hard to explain. I try to shape my power that I apparently have, that's pretty neat. Make it look pretty? Sure. Okay, so a ring of glowing golden runes appear before me-

What the hell that just happened.

Er, okay.

This is all very confusing. So, lasers?

"Scouring Sunbeam Array," I say, voice accidentally booming out like it was projected by a loudspeaker. At once, the numerous circles of light flared, numerous yellow beam lashing out from their interior, a deadly cavalcade of beams striking forth to cleanse the door, purge it, remove it from existence, and so on. A barrage of annihilating, blinding light, the firepower to level city blocks.


"...maybe that was a bit much?" I tentatively say, aware that the door seems to be still standing. Maybe.

I should keep some of this power in reserve, shouldn't I?

(1/10: Behemoth)
(1/3: More Lasers)

Right, put some of my power in reserve for later use. Maybe I can store more of it up, and then release it as bigger attacks later on? Well, I can hope.
A young man finds himself in the room, along with several other people.

He does some structural analysis of The Door, and upon finding a weak point, strikes at it with the axe he is carrying.

1/10 Preparations
1/5 Mining Team

+1 to Emerald_Mann
A hologram of a man in some armor appears and is quickly replaced by a kid with some manga and a guitar which is quickly replaced by a lady with a chainsaw which is quickly replaced with a hologram of a dude in some armor.
The man becomes real.
Oh man it is good to be back.
Being killed four times, being the victim of excruciating body horror and having all the liquid in your body be ejected from you is NOT. FUN. AT. ALL.

1/10 What I Need
1/10 What I Want

+1 to DCCCV

Redstone brings out a fire axe and chops up the Door, adding a few "Hiya!"s in the mix.
1/10 My second...
1/10 Goal.
I join the [PS] side and great everyone, then immediately start a sidequest to become a godmodder. no time like the present!
step one: look into the future to see what my future self is doing in the effort to become a godmodder.
so i do that.
meanwhile, a misty cyan avatar for me says "hi, I'm on the PS side and most of you probably know me well enough, sort of. or at least, you will probably be able to act in accordance to my actual nature." then vanishes.
[don't know what text colour to use yet]
and I decide to use this post to store my callbacks.

Your other scout finds some cool bugs and a snake that seems to have been traumatized by the fight with the mechs earlier. Head trauma that is. Poor snek. Bonked on the head with a giant work mech.
storing of more
The one scouter finds a beetle that looks like it has a gold carapace and gets distracted chasing it.
normal action: I spawn some mimics. they run away from the battle, being too weak to mimic anything currently on the battlefield. this is "definitely" "not" "pointless".
my callbacks are endless!
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A large, unseemly mass flies through one of the walls of the room, without interacting with it. It bounces around for a while, parts of it splitting off and recombining as it goes, as it slowly forms into something more humanoid. Eventually, it comes to a stop, having formed into the shape of a pretty young-looking guy wearing a hoodie that has seen better days and a pair of jeans of which this could also be said. He starts looking around, only to notice that part of his leg is now occupying space that once held part of the door.

I guess I managed to get my foot in the door after all.
Suppose I'll need to add "practice mass tunnelling" to the to-do list, I guess.

After pulling his leg from the door, he takes a more thorough look at his surroundings to try to get his bearings.

A room.
That's helpful.
Guess I ought to start doing something, then.

1/5 Something
1/10 Something else
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2/10 What I Need
2/10 What I Want

+1 to Variant

Redstone decides to come up with a practical solution and just opens the door. Because that's normal.
Alignment, [N].

It's all just a prank bro, 1/10.
This is cancer, 1/7.

A random anime girl drops down from a randomly appearing teleportation pad on the ceiling, which promptly ceases to exist as quickly as it became existent. Contrary to what some of you may expect, the anime girl is not insane, nor does she have a contagious disease. She is, for all intents and purposes, a regular girl who happens to be drawn in anime style.

She adjusts her bright pink hood slightly before bringing up a... textbox?

What a weird place... Where am I exactly?
She doesn't seem to be able to speak normally, which is weird because the wiki says her character is actually voiced. You quickly glean from the textbox that her name is Mirei.

I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm Mirei Hayasaka. Apparently I was "transferred" from the production company and left to travel the multiverse on my own.

So I ended up here... somehow.
Those of you familiar with a certain idol game recognize her story. But what is she doing here?

Nonetheless, she uses her diamond-tipped claws, which appear to be mounted on knuckledusters which she wears on her right hand, and attempts to scratch off a layer or two of the door (if it's still closed.)

If there are any internal mechanisms, these should reveal it!
2/10 My second...
2/10 Goal.
meanwhile, a misty cyan avatar for me says "hi, I'm on the PS side and most of you probably know me well enough, sort of. or at least, you will probably be able to act in accordance to my actual nature." then vanishes.
something is false.
A templar arrives on the battlefield.
normally a templar being here would be very bad news for me. templars hate elementalists, and I am an elementalist.
but, aside from something I'll possibly reveal later, this templar is a little special.
they are special in that they arrived as a pure result of my decision to not leave the supernova alive.
they are special in that they are powered by descendancy. my descendancy.
you know, the way I treat my homeworld, its a lot like the world itself is a descended, and my character merely the main extension to anywhere outside.
heh heh.
JOE's sits down in a chair, and his eyes close for a bit, as he is enshrouded in an aura of cyan light. time passes.
a bolt of light shoots from a rift in space...
...the rift closes and JOE wakes up with a start.
"What happened while I was out?"
this is totally going somewhere.
"Dear disciple of Psi."
"I would like to propose a... deal."
"Being the disciple of Psi, you probably know much about godmodding."
"I will do what I can to aid you in whatever you ask, if you aid me in my goal: become a Godmodder."
"I would be content with
α rank, if that is something you can provide, but will obviously be far more grateful for anything higher."
"you are, of course, fully free to say no, I will not spite you for it,and don't actually know if you can help- I have merely a suspicion."
This is still going somewhere- the same somewhere as before.
"you know, I aaaam working on that. the bun engineers are starting with keeping other buns from dieing (because its easier to keep morale up that way) and are going to work on keeping Anyone from dieing when they get the chance."
"Uuugh, my head..."
"What just happened?"
Looks like whatever it is is getting more frequent, huh?
response to godmodder saying: 'Why are you helping the enemy.'
"...what are you talking about? I haven't done any such thing...?"
"Given your timing, I assume this is related to that guy attacking you, but I didn't help him at all! I was busy attacking the supernova!"

"Foreshadowing intensifies =]"
"Why do I keep getting headaches? this is absurd!"
and it even makes him betray his cause somehow? Whatever could I/it be planning?
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Update 1: A Door
For newcomers to the series, it is custom procedue to start an update with a skeleton update or "skeledop", wherein all the posts are quoted but not responded to. This is to prevent me from being ninja'd during the rather time consuming update process.

That being explained: SKELEDOP.
There is a small static noise in the air for a second, then a small blue lighting arc strikes the floor as a figure appears, they are garbed with a refined dark blue robe with some runes adorning part of it, their face is hidden by the hood.
Welcome to the game.

A figure dressed in green clothing, with a scabbard of some kind on their back. Oddly enough, the scabbard does not have anything at the bottom, and is essentially a hollow tube with a strap. He steps onto the ground, and grins. This is going to be fun. But first, preparation is necessary. For that reason, he chooses [N] as his alignment. Nothing fancy for the first post
Generic Entity: 1/10
Just a Lamp: 2/5 (+1 from gutza)
+1 gutza

He takes a skeleton key. But not just any skeleton key. This ones... oddly large. He smashes in the door with it
Welcome, and dangit, I was hoping people wouldn't choose obnoxious alignments just yet, but oh well, nothing to be had for it.

You attempt to unlock the door with an oversized key. You fail, but deal 6000 damage to the door.

Mahogany Doors: 2/5 (+1 from Enerald_Man)
Jeb's Junkyard: 1/10
+1 to Enerald_Mann

A young, blocky teenaged boy teleports in a flash with Minecraft-esque particles. He gets out his laptop, and begins playing Kerbal Space Program. He builds a replica of the door and, after an hour, is able to crash it into Jool. The replica door is torn apart by the power of the Kraken. This somehow is mirrored onto the real Door, dealing damage to it.
Welcome to my humble abode.
That's one aerodynamic door. Or maybe it wasn't and you just put lots and lots of rockets onto it, who knows. Either way, 7000 damage.



A mysterious blue portal opens, and a man with brown hair runs out and falls flat on his face. He's wearing a grey jumpsuit, some yellow gloves, a black dufflebag, some heavy yellow boots, a golden ID badge, and a grey PDA.

The portal closes behind him as he stands up.

"Did they foll- Oh, thank god they didn't."

He then looks around.

"Well, I've stumbled into something fairly... odd."

He then smashes the door with a toolbox.

Telestrike: 1/5
Greytide Roomwide: 1/10
Nice intro. 9000 damage to the door.

The Ophidian Spymaster, dressed in a fine suit, walks up to the door, torch-in-hand. He proceeds to apply a hammer to it, extracting a small sliver of the stone making up the gate, before examining it's structure, and pocketing it. Oh, and he seems to be carrying an awful lot of overly polished objects and mirrors. Which is strange.

1/10 Fingers and Kings
1/10 Slither River
Welcome to the jungle game.
You take 5000 hit points off of the door, and examine it.
There... doesn't seem to be anything special about its physical makeup to make it so sturdy. Perhaps its nature is magical?

Mahogany Doors: 3/5
Jeb's Junkyard: 2/10
+1 to existance

Suddenly, a group of Eastern Orthodox clergy arrive in the room. One of them holds up a Bible, and explains:

"The doors, the doors!"
"Let us attend."

The Door, of course, fails to open. Disappointed, a priest throws holy water onto the Door, dealing radiant damage to it.
I don't know whether you were trying to exorcise the door or something, but it works, somewhat. 6000 damage dealt to the door.

Definitely not a Weapon: 3/5
Generic Entity: 3/10 (+1 from DCCCV)

+1 chimera

A group of bright red people known as the Spanish Inquisition attempt to dramatically kick open the door
NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION. Except for the door apparently, which holds fast, losing only 5000 hit points.

Er, why am I here?


No really.

What's going on? I have no idea how I ended up here. All I know is that this is a dark room with a door and I feel... powerful.

Okay? I can work with this I suppose. For now it looks like people are trying to open the door. Okay I can also work with that.

So er, looks like a lot of just smacking about the door, now let's see what I can do.

I... it's hard to explain. I try to shape my power that I apparently have, that's pretty neat. Make it look pretty? Sure. Okay, so a ring of glowing golden runes appear before me-

What the hell that just happened.

Er, okay.

This is all very confusing. So, lasers?

"Scouring Sunbeam Array," I say, voice accidentally booming out like it was projected by a loudspeaker. At once, the numerous circles of light flared, numerous yellow beam lashing out from their interior, a deadly cavalcade of beams striking forth to cleanse the door, purge it, remove it from existence, and so on. A barrage of annihilating, blinding light, the firepower to level city blocks.


"...maybe that was a bit much?" I tentatively say, aware that the door seems to be still standing. Maybe.

I should keep some of this power in reserve, shouldn't I?

(1/10: Behemoth)
(1/3: More Lasers)

Right, put some of my power in reserve for later use. Maybe I can store more of it up, and then release it as bigger attacks later on? Well, I can hope.
*claps enthusiastically*
10000 damage to the door with your spectacular laser light display.

A young man finds himself in the room, along with several other people.

He does some structural analysis of The Door, and upon finding a weak point, strikes at it with the axe he is carrying.

1/10 Preparations
1/5 Mining Team

+1 to Emerald_Mann
A young man finds himself being said hello to, but remains unaware of it because the greeting is OOC.
Official competent strucutural analysis of the door: It's a door. A door that's been halfway broken down.
6000 damage.

A hologram of a man in some armor appears and is quickly replaced by a kid with some manga and a guitar which is quickly replaced by a lady with a chainsaw which is quickly replaced with a hologram of a dude in some armor.
The man becomes real.
Oh man it is good to be back.
Being killed four times, being the victim of excruciating body horror and having all the liquid in your body be ejected from you is NOT. FUN. AT. ALL.

1/10 What I Need
1/10 What I Want

+1 to DCCCV

Redstone brings out a fire axe and chops up the Door, adding a few "Hiya!"s in the mix.
Welcome to the something or other.
It wasn't a wooden door, but I suppose I didn't specify the material of it, so schrodingers door material I suppose. 8000 damage to the door.

1/10 My second...
1/10 Goal.
I join the [PS] side and great everyone, then immediately start a sidequest to become a godmodder. no time like the present!
step one: look into the future to see what my future self is doing in the effort to become a godmodder.
so i do that.
meanwhile, a misty cyan avatar for me says "hi, I'm on the PS side and most of you probably know me well enough, sort of. or at least, you will probably be able to act in accordance to my actual nature." then vanishes.
[don't know what text colour to use yet]
Considering the fact that you're attempting to be an alignment that doesn't exist, I would say you probably belong on the AG side of the field, as you don't seem to be quite aware of what you are doing.

Becoming a Godmodder, huh? That's a long and dangerous path which you are pursuing, and you may be looking in the wrong place. At the very least, the most your future sight tells you is that your future self leaves the room you are currently in at some point.

But Godmodding... Not a lot is known about Godmodding. The few practitioners of its arts that are within the Multiversal community's spotlight have not deigned to share its secrets with the others, citing forbidden techniques and awful prices to pay. More likely it is simply that they do not wish the power to become available to just anyone, which is understandable, as even less powerful Godmodders tend to be immensely dangerous to everyone they seek to harm.
But if you wish to become a Godmodder, keep your eyes peeled, and look around. Something about this world tells you that you may just find what you're looking for...

A large, unseemly mass flies through one of the walls of the room, without interacting with it. It bounces around for a while, parts of it splitting off and recombining as it goes, as it slowly forms into something more humanoid. Eventually, it comes to a stop, having formed into the shape of a pretty young-looking guy wearing a hoodie that has seen better days and a pair of jeans of which this could also be said. He starts looking around, only to notice that part of his leg is now occupying space that once held part of the door.

I guess I managed to get my foot in the door after all.
Suppose I'll need to add "practice mass tunnelling" to the to-do list, I guess.

After pulling his leg from the door, he takes a more thorough look at his surroundings to try to get his bearings.

A room.
That's helpful.
Guess I ought to start doing something, then.

1/5 Something
1/10 Something else
Welcome to the show.
You get a leg up on 9000 health worth of damage to the door.

The room is mostly empty, there is a pedestal, which is actually where most of the people entered/arrived. One second nothing, and the next second a small crowd of disgruntled reality warpers.. The room itself seems to be part of a castle, although the floorboards have long since decayed away into the dirt that now lies beneath your feet, the stone remains standing strong, held up by something... you don't know what. Magic? Miraculous architecture? The GM not having an adequate understanding of how buildings stay erect? Who knows!
There are mechanical parts and wires strewn about, and, now that you notice it, some of the parts aren't mechanical, but just plain old metal. There are suits of armor with bones still in them lying about, shields, swords, axes. Most of it pockmarked and rusted, although some of it is simply tarnished, you even see a few of what look like gold or other metals that remain relatively clean to this day.
The only other really notable thing is the door. Made of strong steel. Aside from the amazing beating its (mostly) survived just recently, there doesn't really seem to be anything special about it aside from just how much it doesn't fit the rest of the castle at all.

2/10 What I Need
2/10 What I Want

+1 to Variant

Redstone decides to come up with a practical solution and just opens the door. Because that's normal.
With a small click, and a long squeak because the door is slightly bent out of shape now from the beating it's received from everyone, you open the door. The door then falls off its hinges and clatters to the ground next to you.

Door opened.

Alignment, [N].

It's all just a prank bro, 1/10.
This is cancer, 1/7.

A random anime girl drops down from a randomly appearing teleportation pad on the ceiling, which promptly ceases to exist as quickly as it became existent. Contrary to what some of you may expect, the anime girl is not insane, nor does she have a contagious disease. She is, for all intents and purposes, a regular girl who happens to be drawn in anime style.

She adjusts her bright pink hood slightly before bringing up a... textbox?

What a weird place... Where am I exactly?
She doesn't seem to be able to speak normally, which is weird because the wiki says her character is actually voiced. You quickly glean from the textbox that her name is Mirei.

I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm Mirei Hayasaka. Apparently I was "transferred" from the production company and left to travel the multiverse on my own.

So I ended up here... somehow.
Those of you familiar with a certain idol game recognize her story. But what is she doing here?

Nonetheless, she uses her diamond-tipped claws, which appear to be mounted on knuckledusters which she wears on her right hand, and attempts to scratch off a layer or two of the door (if it's still closed.)

If there are any internal mechanisms, these should reveal it!
Welcome, you and your anime girl.

2/10 My second...
2/10 Goal.
I do whatever i saw my future self doing to continue SIDEQUEST, probably look for a village or something.

You all walk forward through the door, at first getting stuck when you all try to go through at the same time, then deciding to go single-file because that's a lot more efficient and doesn't make you all look like idiots. You come out in a long hallway, which looks a lot like the room you were previously in. The hallway is lined with doors, most of which are rotted away or knocked out, revealing small rooms without anything of interest. You continue looking around, wandering down the stone hallway for a while, until there is a crash, and two heavy duty work mechs crash through one of the walls. One helps the other to its feet, and the pilots of both suddenly stop, then turn in their cockpits to look at you.
They're small, goblinoid creatures, and they seem extremely unhappy about intruders. The two mechs charge you immediately.​

Make your introductory post.
Smash the Heavy Duty Work Mechs
Introduce yourself to the others, if you so desire

Heavy Duty Work Mechs x2 [???]: Hp: 75,000/75,000

Eternal Struggle

existence success
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3/10 My second...
3/10 Goal.
+1 existancesuccess
I explain to the universe that the [PS] statement was a typo and I intended to say [PG], and apologize for the inconvenience while muttering under my breath that youknowwhatimeant!
for my action, I gather ambient light from the shrodingers torches on the wall (torches that may or may not exist since you haven't specified their existence), using this endless energy source to create a tear, a crack, in reality. the crack is tiny, minuscule even, but due to a random microscope-like monocle i happen to be wearing, i am able to see into it, and repeat the crack-making process until i find the "thread" of reality that represents me. I create a small autonomous robot made of magic and send it into there to search the thread for when the "power" filament splits; what ways I can gain power, how i can get stronger. it searches for permanent changes, like becoming a godmodder or unlocking elemental abilitys, systems for increasing strength, attack buffs, passives, etcetra. if it finds any, it uses some ethereal microscope-like atachment to find out how this change came about/will come about/is coming about/timewimybs/canhappen. once it discovers this, it will return and inform me. they say knowledge is power, but i think it is often more useful as a key to obtaining power.
meanwhile, I offer a deal to any person who wishes to take it: provide me with +'s and I will return them in kind, as many as i can.
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First time playing one of these (though not the first I've heard of them), and I can already say that I'm going to enjoy it.
Current Alignment: [AG]

General Actions
Build ONE THOUSAND Replicator Mini-Bots.
replicator mini-bot special rules
All Replicator Mini-Bots on the field are counted as a single Entity. Each Mini-Bot has a single hit point and a quarter-point of attack power, meaning that the total number of Mini-Bots on the field determines both the swarm's effective hit points and its collective attack power, which can be divided between all available targets as necessary. In addition, Replicator Mini-Bots build more Replicator Mini-Bots, meaning that after all damage is resolved each turn, the number of extant Mini-Bots doubles. In addition, any attempts to mind-control or hack Mini-Bots will only affect a single Mini-Bot.

Current Entities
Replicator Mini-Bots: 1,000

Replicator Mini-Bots: Disassemble that door and use it for raw materials!

Building a Humongous Mecha (1/10)
Performing a Dark RitualTM (1/10)
+1 @EternalStruggle (Behemoth)
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This is just a Lamp: 4/5
Generic Entity: 4/10
+1 Piono Variant

Heh. Emerald'll switch to either AG or PG eventually, but for now, N. He shrugs and sits off to the side, letting the others handle the Mechs. But before that, he unscrews a single screw from one of them, and screws it in a random place on the other one
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I somehow get the feeling that your not going to be able to instant-summon an entity that is so blatantly overpowered:
to have an entity that duplicates itself, the HP, in my experience, should be 1/2 the normal HP for the charge amount, and that is if it duplicates every 3 rounds and the duplicates are 1/2 strength.
Preventing more then 95% of the minibots from being killed with one attack garuntees they will take 3 attacks to kill at least.
the minibots would also, by your stats, have 10 times the base attack for an instant summon.
in summery that entitys prooooobably too strong.
(directed at i just write)
I somehow get the feeling that your not going to be able to instant-summon an entity that is so blatantly overpowered:
to have an entity that duplicates itself, the HP, in my experience, should be 1/2 the normal HP for the charge amount, and that is if it duplicates every 3 rounds and the duplicates are 1/2 strength.
Preventing more then 95% of the minibots from being killed with one attack garuntees they will take 3 attacks to kill at least.
the minibots would also, by your stats, have 10 times the base attack for an instant summon.
in summery that entitys prooooobably too strong.
Eh, I'll edit the starting number down.

EDIT: @JOEbob I tweaked it; do you like it better now?
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a large letter drifts from above Anabel in each "reality"... aside from the blacktext world, where they where never trapped and so still got slashed a bunch before, then got attacked by constellation blades. my attack in that world was so fast (due to time-bending spells) that it is physically impossible for the information to have travelled from their eyes to their brain before the attack happened if they are anything resembling human. the other attacks used traps instead tho.
they open it and read it... aside from the blacktext world, where I turn my blade into a bow and fire a black arrow of shadows, piercing their right shoulder as they had nothing to escape from rendering their actions invalid.
"your choice of action miiiight have worked...
..If it wasn't inapplicable in the one real reality: the world of the black text.
Thats some pretty bad luck you had, I must say.
better luck next time! have a nice day!
"Also in the black text reality my actions where too fast for you to call for help before they finished and I portalled back to watch.
as they read the last line of text there, they look up and, in each reality, see another person step out of a celestial rift next to me or in front of them.
they glow, a model of the planet appearing in front of them, before flashing goldenrod. their actions can't have far reaching consequences outside this strife despite their power being absurd lore-wise, for a reason that is redacted.
regardless, the 4 worlds shift and are now indistinguishable.
flaming energy wraps around JOE, and a quarter of it condenses into a hammer and sickle. 'Tis the god of fire, ally of JOE, and he has admittedly been influenced by srovy, since of me and him, srovy excels in flame far more. regardless, he is here before you... or is he? there is a 75% chance that he is not, but whatever. he casts godly host and fuses with JOE temporarily. 3 posts it shall last.

a spinning series of ritual circles, filled with mystic symbols and oft' embroiderd with snowflake patterns in the middle, appears before Anabel. it is separate from JOE, but, being intangible, it overlays on him. they shall preform combat until they get bored.
(each text color is a different illusion or possibly real world.)
The ground creaks somewhat as plants overtake it, turning the area in which thou fights into a lush meadow. the grass speaks of its status as the plant god, and how it will help JOE in his attempts to fight you. maybe you can burn it down...

in this world, JOE declines to enlist the aid of others. he unsheathes the same blade as before, and casts celestial quintalty: moon. time to fight.
JOE, empowered by the flame god, leaps forwards, sickle in hand, and stabs at Anabels face. they may dodge, but they cannot counter: the power of every worshipper of the fire god, put together, plus the base power of JOE, is too much to block. if they dodge, he whirls, and slashes again, following each dodge and teleport. slowly but surely, the entire environment is in flames and they are more and more cornered, either they fail and burn, they are slashed, they exhaust themselves, or they are merely unable to act themselves.

Realm of Glyphs.
the lowest glyph on the tower thing grows and slowly moves down until it is lying directly upon the ground.
the runes spread across the ground, smaller circles appearing every so often.
being a spell, their point of reference is whatever the user wants. the glyph god and I choose a Schroedinger value of either relative to Anabel or relative to me, and several luck glyphs ensure it'll always be the one thats better for me that happens.
lastly, the smaller glyphs will each erupt with force and blades should Anabel step on them, not that they have any way to know this, and the glyph god grants temporary resistance to their intervention.

Plants rise up to fight you, vines snagging at Anabels legs, natural poisons seeping in at any hits, and making all walking nigh impossible. should they try to escape, I merely stand in wait as the plants grow higher and bigger, evolve for greater efficiency, and should you never return, eventually spread to the main battlefield. should they remain, I throw poisonous cacti bulbs at them, sending it sudden bursts of bark and fruit without warning and in general being a nuisance. sadly for them, all these plants are highly damage resistant and reinforced by the magic of the god of plants.
JOE grins, and twirls his blade, leaving a trail of light that does not fade. he stops spinning the blade, and dashes forwards, becoming literally invisible for a moment before stopping where he wishes, slashing as he does, a great light on the tip of the great relic. he turns, and dances, lines of energy in the air, and he points his blade at Anabel, a great gash already in their side from the slash with the great light. energy gathers on the tip, and fires out, blasting into where they where. should they dodge, they discover the burst chasing them again, exploding each time it strikes the floor where they where before chasing them to their new position.
then, to finish off this sequence, JOE stands in place and watches them, the blade beginning to glow cyan and red on opposing ends. be prepared.

Now, I know they're going to just do the same thing, so the Coms are illusory too. any information they try to get will have random answers chosen for whichever realitys are fake, iff they can't tell the difference between real and fake themself to identify the fake realitys.
as for that psychic pulse... thing..., I was still wearing the heirlooms beneath my clothing.
the order boots, normally considered the weakest heirlooms due to the majority of battles being long whittling down affairs where each side trys to cut away at their enemies's energy reserves so they can't just regen from all damage, provide an impenetrable barrier every so often, blocking exactly One attack. the barrier doesn't last long, but All-or-nothing attacks are not a possibility against a use of the boots.
In case it was unclear before, one of the 4 text colors is the real world. the rest are fake. white text is stuff that applies to all worlds.
Normal posting:
12/12 two using! bellow.
4/? one
+2 mirror
[there was a quote of redstone, if I recall, setting a forest on fire to attack the collosus. I intended to spend my action on only the animals but piono had it counter the damage... oh well.]
I suppress the fires ability to harm the resident forest animals by throwing a giant potion of fire resist II at the forest, before giving the colussus some milk so my action doesn't function as a counter, rather just being a nice act that I might call back to eventually.
the animals of this forest have just managed to muster their forces to help me and my buns. after a convoluted adventure where they gather the 6 scepters of starlight and save a race of fairy-puppet things who return to the kingdom of smiles, they manage to teleport to across the battlefield to aid the buns. most of the forest animals leave after giving some supplies [flavour text, no effect], not wanting to risk their lives, but the single resident bun sticks around, preferring life among buns to life alone.
Bun Prodigy summoned!
[10,000 HP and 66% dodge chance, functionally like 29,900 HP- ~half the charge's standard. its action power focused instead of HP focussed.]
Active: Impress people. only works if you aren't the target of a direct attack this round (including attacks that miss.). increase your action power with nonstandard actions, and improve your dodge somewhat. caps at like, 95% dodge?
Active: nonstandard actions. aside from impress people, this fits the formula for a royalty-type bun, with one exception: in hard times, can preform more menial tasks (IE: an engineer's work, healing targets, etc.).
Orders: use Impress people.
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