Department of Novel Dimensional Physics

[X]Act Now


Anyway, I am really, really curious to see what this does, I am pretty sure Red is a survivor of the previous cycle and am looking forward to what it has to say.
To be fair, a zombie apocalypse is a mostly negligible military threat in that its poorly coordinated human bodies that are being piloted rather then some invincible or more supernatural zombies. Especially since once the ones that are turned are killed that'll be it. Don't worry though the third and fourth trumpets will be worse globally. The fifth, sixth, and seventh are all nice exciting surprises~
it still would have likely added a few more tens of millions from the zombies in costal cities moving inland and surprising many civilians.

It would also be another stress on governments, as they'd have to deploy their military to... well, literally all cities that are just "close enough to the coastline".

Sure, you can just bomb the actual coastal cities to kill the zombies, but before you decide to do that quite a few millions of those would have likely reached other towns and cities anyway.

So, not a true apocalypse, but it would have made things significantly worse.

On the other hand I suppose it would have allowed the governments to go "see, we're dealing with the problem!" as they'd actually be able to show they're doing something.

ah, also you're evil. You basically took all the evil from your other quests and decided to move it here!
[X]Work Slowly: If alien thoughts are entering one's head that they need to work faster and that they are behind in the cycle then that is a reason to not rush things further. For all that the entity driving the red room is pushing to go faster, it may be pushing everyone off a cliff. Its voice is closer to a constant sense of unease and anxiety but that can be dealt with for now, at least until something more significant comes. Previous techniques have been written in blood and there is no reason to effectively waste the lives of skilled researchers for vanishingly small gains.
[X]Act Now

As I recall, the discussion before the last vote had a general consensus that we were going to eventually sacrifice ourselves to the red room, even with our doubts about Red's goals. It was just a matter of how much prep we felt like we should do before having our character do that. I don't think there's much more our guy can do that couldn't be done better by a new leader. I doubt we're going to avoid accelerating research for long, and that is definitely going to come at a great human cost. If that's a cost we're willing to pay, then giving one life to the Red Room is almost negligible in comparison.