DefTG 2: Alchemiquest

Lv 1:1005+260:1265
Lv 2:620+300:920
Lv 3:150+90:240
Lv 4:60 +60:120

(x1)The Dragon conceals itself into the Shadows, disappearing from the senses as he engages Stealth Mode

(FREE) He than promptly moves to the Barricades to see what all the fuss is about

(x1) Lv 4 Alchemy time...
Paradoxic Wand&&Pinpoint Needles&&Green Paradox Dragon Scale
The wand is useful as an instrument, but it's actual mechanical usage is...lacking so far. The Scale should help bind them together as well as balance them.

(x1)Charging Up..+1 CP

(Orders)The Hospital quietly churns. The Drone enters it's own Stealth Mode and proceeds to explore the North, South and East of the Riverside before returning to the Riverside to rest
I make these 2 alchemies: Slugger && Laser
Golden Watch && Wrecking Ball

Before attempting to move to the Barricade, taking out my Thunder Mirror and uppercutting a Scout's chin with it, before grabbing his shin and slamming it into my knee like what was done to the man of bats.
The only thing keeping the Akimbo Sniper's rifles aloft and steady is sheer "rule of cool" factor. If he ceased to be as cool as he is, the rifles would drop to the ground.

As for my action... I think it's time that we try crossing the log bridge. There's gotta be something good on the other side...
I decide to take point, crossing over the log bridge, wary of any ambushes or traps that await me. I also get the Akimbo Sniper into a good position to cover my escape and fire at any attackers as I try crossing the bridge.

Anybody with me?

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
4010+1860=5870 Build Grist
865+260=1125 Talc
410+300=710 Gallium
90+90=180 Bismuth
60+60=120 Cerium
[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


Action 1: I discard the Bulletproof Dress to make inventory space, then craft Periodic Wand && Standard Model of Particle Physics.


Action 2 + Chemist's Wand: I add extra calcium to my bones, repairing any injuries they might have suffered and hopefully restoring my health.


Action 3: I charge 1 CP.


Me and the Mirror Golem head over to the Log Bridge, and cross it and head into the room beyond if able.
Winks, feeling rather tired at the moment, simply appears in the (newly dubbed) Talc Cave, pet the Talc snail to get some feelings back, and make a talc coloured carrot out of the Talc the snail was carrying for easier consumption.

With his little trip done, Winks is somehow back with the dogs and take a look at the map of the current area. Ah, before doing any planning, Winks grabs whatever was in the

Noting the the traps, Winks walks up the northern trail to get to the river area, and while noting the log bridge, does the industrious thing and flip the entire thing vertically. Before Plague walks on the thing of course.

Feeling the motivation from the petting and generally beating back the slump for a bit, Winks air punches a minor hole into the bridge while it is experiencing air time. As the bridge falls down into place, Winks swiftly DISCOMBOBULATE the tree to such a degree, that it confused itself to be logs. The traps that was hanging off said tree collapse into a pile of ropes. The bridge... now blocking the path quickly become a makeshift dam, and with a simple kick, the logs from the tree roll over to reinforce the structure enough that it can reliably stay in place in the future and make a minor pond when the water piles up... and turning the lower part of the river into a small stream.

With that done, Winks wade over the stream to check what's on the otherside.

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4640 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 750 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 180 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 120 Cerium
Narrator to Narrator - 2
[Well... As tempting as it is to pound a hole in the wall, I was only allowed my laptop through good behavior. And I don't know what a Narrator's Power is like in here - The Warden made sure to make things vague and uninteresting, so there were no Plot Points to make or expand. So for now... I guess I'll wait. See if I can find a proper Plot Point when they take be for the yard, or Mess or something. The Collector I sold my tail to might be willing to start a bit of a revolution... Heh.]
You can feel his smirk through the screen. Then he closes his eyes and meditates, trying to center himself in the newly described world. How strong was he, compared to the rest? Who was he? He had to quantify... everything.

[Attempt to determine personal base stats. Wait for a normal chance to stretch my legs, see the rest of the prison through Arbitrated eyes.]

Hm... it seems like you have power similar to the Players at the start of Moniker's Arbitering period from the last war - or at least, when the archives started. That equates to a bit of an odd HP system (I'll explain in a bit) and roughly 5000 "Player Power." Despite the lack of a Godmodder, I guess your... narrative force kinda has the same effect here.

As for your health, it's split into tiers - Not Injured, Slightly Injured, Moderately Injured, Heavily Wounded, and Mortally Wounded. Although Not and Slightly Injured have no effect on your power, the further injured you are the less you'll be able to do. Hitting Mortally Wounded is your deathbed when you're going solo like this - it allows for one last, amazingly potent action if you don't bleed out beforehand, but that's it. After that, you're gone for good. Counters are also a lot more powerful in your current state, allowing you to fully counter an attack much more easily - at the cost of being a free action, it depends on the quality of writing - the better your counter is, the more likely you'll escape unharmed.

Anyways - after an indeterminate amount of waiting, you're escorted out to the yard... surprisingly. Though just as bland as the interior, there's quite a few more people here - and guards as well.


Ex Machina Prison - Cell Block A
[N?] KitRougard - Not Injured

[N?] Narrative Prisoners x15 - 10,000/10,000 HP, 2000200 Attack, x15 Shackled (power decreased by 90%!)
[N??] The Collector - I have no idea what's going on with this guy. Supposedly sells stuff?

[EX - Elite] Yard Wardens x2 - 20,000/20,000 HP, Imprison (Deals 5000 damage and inflicts Shackled for 5 turns.)
[EX] Cell Block Guards x5 - 5000/5000 HP, 3000 Attack x5

Inventory -
[LVL -- Passive] Laptop - Hey, it's your laptop! Seems a bit outdated, but still works great.
- Allows for write-ins for actions as Xorm. You and he still share three Actions, though!
>Now that I've cleared out my cave...
(I think...)
I'll turn it into a proper base of operations! technically, step one should be defending it from intruders, but it's more Efficient to do that step as late as possible, so instead step one will be setting up a mana wellspring in the middle. You see, technically speaking there is no such thing as a mana wellspring. There are, however, such things as mana Generators, like the formations out in the real. As a player, I can create entities which do not exactly follow physics, partially because this is a soulscape. so by using an entity which has no power source, but nonetheless moves, in order to run a mana generator, I can produce an endless flow of mana. The advantage this has over mana generation formations is twofold. one, it is very slightly more compact. Two, it does not require a significant initial investment of mana. In order to construct this wellspring, I use the formation calculator, not the computer, as wellsprings aren't particularly Complicated.
>next, using the Formation Computer, I devise a variant of the Mana Generation Formation which requires only Mana, and no physical action, to expand. While this is likely quite expensive, it should be able to ramp up mana production faster then I make use of it, if I'm sufficiently conservative in my use of the wellspring.
>I create an attack shield around my setup so far. This is the twofold benefit of one, protecting it, and two, forming an impermiable barrier that keeps the mana in so it doesn't spread to the environment or dissipate. this isn't a problem in the real world, because all the mana generated by the formations is stored within the collapsed crystalstructure, not free-floating, but the mana wellspring I made doesn't have a central crystal, so...

E> Drone continues working on the Mana Generation formations. I'd give it something new to make, but I just used both my formation design tools.
Lightmantle is a living being with magic! this probably means it has Mana! the Lightmantle uses its Mana, worth 40 Attack, to boost my above-created Generation formation around the wellspring!

CP: 23
Grist: 4760->6820
Talc: 1035->1295
Galium: 570->870
Bismuth: 40 ->130
Cerium: 60->120
Items: Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3]
Formation Calculator [3->1/3 Chargeup]
Heaven Comms Router
Broadsword +1 (damaged)
Formation Computer [2->0->1/2 Chargeup]
Alchemiter (Backup)
85->100 Mana(Real)
Drone (Real)
Mana Gathering, P.Assistance, P.Projection Formations(Real)
Mana Generation Formations x3.2 (Real) (req.5 Turns per Formation, req.0 Mana to emplace and run.)
Lightmantle (Orb)
Mana Wellspring (Orb)
Mana Generation Formation x? (Orb)

Okay. You create a Mana Wellspring in the bottom right corner of your cave! Though by no means perfect and still taking up a good amount of the space you have in here, it'll give a consistent 10 Mana per turn as long as it's alive.

Using your Formation Computator, you manage to alter the cost for Mana Generation Formations to cost 50 Mana! Though expensive, there's definitely some potential for snowballing in here.

Finally, you generate an Attack Shield around everything so far! Sending orders out across the board, your entities will do as you say.

[Build] 2130 + 500 + 200 + 1860 - 200 = 4490 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 480 + 40 + 260 - 120 = 660 Talc
[LVL 2] 180 + 80 + 300 - 60 = 400 Gallium
[LVL 3] 50 + 90 = 140 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 60 + 60 = 120 Cerium

[Action 1: Let's Talk About It]
"Hey! Hey. Easy, big fella." Xorm growls to the Conglomerate Mess. "I get it. You're angry. But I'm here to talk, ok?" The battle raged behind him, and he realized the Arcane Archer was eyeing him with a finger on that magical bow. "Let's... Let's take this somewhere a bit quieter. Calmer."

Xorm then straightens up and steps to the side, revealing a door. He opens it, then closes it, and inexplicably both he and the Conglomerate Mess are inside the pocket-dimensional room. It's a nice room - The walls are sky blue, with large windows that offer a view of a kind world, of open fields dotted with flowers, and a pure sky speckled with fluffy clouds. Gentle piano music plays distantly. The Conglomerate Mess finds itself laying on... Well, more like spread across one of those lounge chair-beds. Xorm sits in a fancy office chair, with a rather professional pair of glasses on his face.

"Now, Conglomerate... Can I call you Congo?" Xorm starts, his voice calmer, brighter than before. "I want you to know this a safe pla-" He is interrupted by the loud slam of a body ramming against the door.

"Ahem. This is a sa-" he resumes, only to be blocked by a full-auto gun going off next to the door. Xorm is getting visibly aggravated.

"This IS-" "THEY TOOK MY SQUEEZING ARM!" A Soldier screams outside, having had his left arm lopped off. "IT'S JUST A FLESH WOUND," the offending Strike Troop growls. "NOW WILL YOU FIGHT? OR WILL YOU DIE LIKE A DOG?"

The Soldier just chuckles. "My ancestors smile upon me, Imperial. Can yours say the same?" Xorm, meanwhile, has had enough of these nonsensical referential interruptions. He stands up.

(Intent: Begin therapy with the Conglomerate Mess, in a pocket dimension. Get interrupted. A lot.)

[Action 2: You Would Do Anything For Me?]
As always, the Alchemiter was willing.

Alchemize: Really Powerful Bullet && 8-Bullet Revolver Reloader == Really Powerful 8-Pack [LEVEL 3 CONSUMABLE]

[Action 3: Then Perish.]
Xorm walked through the door, back into The Hallway where a small war raged. He held his Octuple-Barreled Shotgun in one hand, and opened it up to load it with far too much dakka. With a chilling CHUNK. he closes it again.

"Everybody, SHUT UP!" he shouts.

And with a single dimension-splitting


the whole room went silent. Not just from shock, no. From the fact there were significantly more corpses lying about. Though Xorm had leveled his Shotgun at the Arcane Archer, the shotgun pellets packed around the rifle bullets went unsettlingly wide.

Read: They were controlled by such an anger that they sought out the obnoxiously loud [AG] faction and made sure they became members of the much quieter [SC] (Swiss Cheese) faction.

This is not a shenanigan. They were shot quite dead. All at once.

(Intent: Immediately use the fresh Alchemy to level the room. No I will not pay for damages to the building.)

You attempt to begin therapy with the Conglomerate Mess, only to be interrupted by the ongoing war outside of your pocket dimension! Although the Conglomerate Mess loses 10% Will from the therapy and someone from the opposing side making an effort to help it, you've lost your patience at this point.

Really Powerful Bullet && Octuple-Barreled Shotgun = Really Powerful 8-Pack - 1/1 Use [LVL 3 Consumable]
- 8 Really Powerful Bullets forced into one oversized round.
- When used, deals 70 damage to 8 different enemies!

Firing the Really Powerful 8-Pack, you manage to destroy 8 different Strike Troops! Though this costs you 800 Build Grist, 180 Talc, and 90 Bismuth, you regain 200 Build Grist and 160 Talc from the spoils!

Lv 1:1005+260:1265
Lv 2:620+300:920
Lv 3:150+90:240
Lv 4:60 +60:120

(x1)The Dragon conceals itself into the Shadows, disappearing from the senses as he engages Stealth Mode

(FREE) He than promptly moves to the Barricades to see what all the fuss is about

(x1) Lv 4 Alchemy time...
Paradoxic Wand&&Pinpoint Needles&&Green Paradox Dragon Scale
The wand is useful as an instrument, but it's actual mechanical usage is...lacking so far. The Scale should help bind them together as well as balance them.

(x1)Charging Up..+1 CP

(Orders)The Hospital quietly churns. The Drone enters it's own Stealth Mode and proceeds to explore the North, South and East of the Riverside before returning to the Riverside to rest

You spend an action to make yourself Stealthed! In this mode, you cannot be attacked first, but doing anything along the lines of attacking or even falling for a trap can easily remove the status.

Proceeding to move to the Barricade, you then quietly make yourself a Level 4 Alchemy...
Paradoxic Wand && Pinpoint Needles && Green Paradox Dragon Scale -
Wand of Contradictions [LVL 4 Weapon]
- A slender wand made of dark oak. Flecks of green scales hint at the nature of the wand.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 30 extra damage per action to the target's Max HP. Also has a 10% chance to double the damage dealt.

In total, this costs you 3200
Build Grist, 240 Gallium, and 120 Cerium! You then charge 1 CP, waiting to see what comes next. The Drone and Hospital will do what you say, although I have doubts that the Drone can explore that many areas in one go...

I make these 2 alchemies: Slugger && Laser
Golden Watch && Wrecking Ball

Before attempting to move to the Barricade, taking out my Thunder Mirror and uppercutting a Scout's chin with it, before grabbing his shin and slamming it into my knee like what was done to the man of bats.

Slugger && Laser == Laser Slugger [LVL 2 Weapon]
- A metallic bat with a laser gun duct-taped onto the handle. Seems slightly more sturdy, at least.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 10 extra damage per action with a 15% chance of inflicting
Stunned (Misses actions) for 1 turn.

Golden Watch && Wrecking Ball ==
Timely Wrecking Ball - 3/3 Uses [LVL 2 Consumable]
- A wristband with the power to summon a wrecking ball wherever and whenever needed.
- Usable as an action to deal 70 damage or 140 damage to structures.

You make these two alchemies, costing you 400 Build Grist, 240 Talc, and 120 Gallium! The Laser Slugger replaces the regular one, but what about the Timely Wrecking Ball? You're out of inventory space.

Regardless, you spend your final action charging into the Barricade, attempting to attack a Scout with the Thunder Mirror! Although you deal 55 damage to both the Scout and the Barricade as electricity courses through them both, you find yourself Ensnared by the Overly Obvious Snares placed before the barricade! I'd recommend getting ready to dodge somehow...

The only thing keeping the Akimbo Sniper's rifles aloft and steady is sheer "rule of cool" factor. If he ceased to be as cool as he is, the rifles would drop to the ground.

As for my action... I think it's time that we try crossing the log bridge. There's gotta be something good on the other side...
I decide to take point, crossing over the log bridge, wary of any ambushes or traps that await me. I also get the Akimbo Sniper into a good position to cover my escape and fire at any attackers as I try crossing the bridge.

Anybody with me?

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
4010+1860=5870 Build Grist
865+260=1125 Talc
410+300=710 Gallium
90+90=180 Bismuth
60+60=120 Cerium

You would cross the bridge, but Winkins stops you before you do so! Seems like his actions will make yours take place ever-so-slightly later. Regardless, Luke nods and will follow you forwards!

[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


Action 1: I discard the Bulletproof Dress to make inventory space, then craft Periodic Wand && Standard Model of Particle Physics.


Action 2 + Chemist's Wand: I add extra calcium to my bones, repairing any injuries they might have suffered and hopefully restoring my health.


Action 3: I charge 1 CP.


Me and the Mirror Golem head over to the Log Bridge, and cross it and head into the room beyond if able.

Bulletproof dress discarded! You proceed to craft the following:
Periodic Wand && Standard Model of Particle Physics ==
Particle Wand [LVL 3 Weapon]
- A wand that looks more like a baton than anything, seeming to direct the very particles around it.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack, along with a 10% cumulative chance per action of a minor negative status effect being inflicted.

This costs you 800 Build Grist, 180 Talc, and 90 Bismuth - but either way, you proceed to use the Chemist's Wand and heal yourself for 125 HP! Thankfully, Chemical Confliction doesn't have a chance of occurring when you use it on yourself.

+1 CP! You would cross the bridge as well, but Winkins' action seems to still be taking priority...

Winks, feeling rather tired at the moment, simply appears in the (newly dubbed) Talc Cave, pet the Talc snail to get some feelings back, and make a talc coloured carrot out of the Talc the snail was carrying for easier consumption.

With his little trip done, Winks is somehow back with the dogs and take a look at the map of the current area. Ah, before doing any planning, Winks grabs whatever was in the

Noting the the traps, Winks walks up the northern trail to get to the river area, and while noting the log bridge, does the industrious thing and flip the entire thing vertically. Before Plague walks on the thing of course.

Feeling the motivation from the petting and generally beating back the slump for a bit, Winks air punches a minor hole into the bridge while it is experiencing air time. As the bridge falls down into place, Winks swiftly DISCOMBOBULATE the tree to such a degree, that it confused itself to be logs. The traps that was hanging off said tree collapse into a pile of ropes. The bridge... now blocking the path quickly become a makeshift dam, and with a simple kick, the logs from the tree roll over to reinforce the structure enough that it can reliably stay in place in the future and make a minor pond when the water piles up... and turning the lower part of the river into a small stream.

With that done, Winks wade over the stream to check what's on the otherside.

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4640 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 750 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 180 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 120 Cerium

The 60 Talc from the Talc Snail is collected!

You proceed to grab what was in the campfire: 60 more Cerium, yet to be used! Always good to have some extra!

Moving to catch up with the others, you then proceed to say no to using the bridge and make your own way across, building a dam and making a whole bunch of traps fall off! Good eye on those! With that settled, you three move ahead into events that will be described and detailed at the End of Turn Battle!

End of Turn Battle -

Slated Cliffs -
In the Slated Cliffs, not too much happens! The Lightmantle attempts to use its attack to make the Mana Wellspring generate more, but... as the Lightmantle seems to try and use its power, it just shatters the Attack Shield that was put in place. Welp.

Woodgrave -
The Exploratory Drone, deciding to go south instead of north, finds the Lake area of Woodgrave! It seems... surprisingly tranquil here for now, and the only other thing of note here is an entity seeming to be fishing. It almost certainly hasn't noticed the drone...

Barricade/Elsewhere -
Elsewhere, the Hospital continues to churn away! Murai, seeing the three Players wander off with their small entourage of entities, decides to join Paradox at fighting at the Blockade - he'll start combat next turn!
The two Scouts fire at @plague126, threatening 80 damage onto them if they don't dodge!

The Arena -
Meanwhile... the small group of Players and their entities arrive at a strangely tended-to grove, cut in the shape of an elliptical. Elaborate patterns of vine-like growths sprawl from the ground, culminating in a bright blue object that stands tall above you.
Luke - "Awesome, it's right there! We'll just run up, smash it, and - "
A thorny wall of vines quickly interrupts that train of thought, engulfing the Power Anchor in a thick shield.
??? - "How nice of you to join us, Players. We've been expecting you."
A figure in a worn green cloak steps out from the shadows, their figure imposing. In their hand, a bow glistening with power emanates an aura of authority, their high boots meant for going through the undergrowth, and brown underclothes fit perfectly for forest camoflauge. It's clear that this may be the Ranger you all have heard so much about.
The Ranger - "I'd love to sit and chat for a while, but the Godmodder has made their will clear."
The Ranger - "You all are to be eliminated and this Power Anchor to be guarded."
The Ranger - "There's a reason hunting's considered a sport, though. I'll be a good one for you all."
The Ranger - "Your move, Players."

... This is it. Judging by her low HP, she has some kind of Godmodding potential as well - no matter, though! You guys have got this in the bag!

The Lodestar -
Unfortunately, the AGs seem to still move first here, as evidenced by the Strike Troops wiping out 4 of the Infantry and moving first! The Bismuth Golem and Resistance Defender proceed to destroy another 3, realizing the power the Infantry collectively has!
The Conglomerate Mess focuses on one of the Soldiers, dealing 150 damage and buffing their attack as they're converted to an AG for 2 turns!
The Arcane Archer decides to use Bursting Arrow, dealing 100 damage to both CP containers on the P.M.C.K!

The two remaining Infantry free the Restrained Soldier before proceeding to hide behind them, having used their actions!
The 3 non-corrupted Soldiers fire on the Bismuth Golem and one of the Strike Troops, killing all of them!
The corrupted Soldier fires at the wounded PG Soldier, dealing 150 damage!
The corrupted Banneret uses Rally Cry, healing all AGs with HP bars as determined by a coin flip! Some of them really needed it, but that makes the job here a bit harder for you.
Jets continues to distract the Arcane Archer, dealing 40 damage to it with the drill!

In total, an additional 300 Build Grist, 160 Talc, and 30 Bismuth drop from the spoils of war!

General/Miscellaneous -
@plague126 will take 80 damage if they don't counterattack!

Across the Soul Orb (and outside of it), everything upticks!

... No Arbiter Tips tonight, just that this took far too long to get out. Hopefully, this won't happen again - there were pretty... rough circumstances this time. Please let me know if I missed anything.

Total Grist Attained -
[Build] +500 Build Grist
[LVL 1] +380 Talc
[LVL 2] +0 Gallium
[LVL 3] +30 Bismuth
[LVL 4] +60 Cerium


The Soul Orb
A diversified world in itself, separated into biomes under the control of the Godmodder and his Companions.

The maps of the world can be found linked here:

Itinerary -
[AG] - Destroy the Godmodder!
[AG/N] - Increase Player Power by destroying the Power Anchors!
[N] - Find your own goals!
[PG] - Stop the AG effort to increase Player Power!
[PG] - Reconvene with the Godmodder somewhere a bit more PG Biased...?

Player List - Player Power set to 100.
General Inventory / Key Items:
- The Alchemiter: allows for alchemy wherever and whenever!
Required Grist for Upgrade to [LVL 5] -
0/12,000 Build Grist, 0/960 Gallium, 0/480 Bismuth, 0/480 Cerium

Foodstuff Coloration Person - 0/8 Inventory Slots used.
Nothing yet!

Ninjatwist - 6/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Retreater's Spear - A light spear, designed to actually maximize physical recoil from the weapon.
- When used, it does 8 extra damage per action and springs the user back one space on the map from the enemy they're attacking.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Heavy Crossbow - A somewhat difficult to wield crossbow made of iron and other heavy materials, including depleted uranium.
- Deals 15 additional damage per Action used to attack with it.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Crossbow - A fairly simple wooden crossbow. Effective and easy to fire!
- Deals an additional 4 damage per action used.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Periodic Wand - A wand with a really, really small version of the Periodic Table wrapped around its side lengthwise.
- Adds 3 damage per action to attacks. Also has a 20% chance to trigger Chemical Reaction (3 damage to another enemy) once a turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Trickster's Tailed Coat - A coat that seems to be an optical illusion in itself. Seems to make some attacks hit a bit less, at least!
- Grants a 40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack.
[LVL 3 Armor] Warlock's Timepiece - A small timepiece that seems to glow with malevolent energy.
- Grants a 30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them.
[LVL 1 Armor] Dapper Stovepipe - A rather dapper looking top hat, if a bit plain.
- Upon being hit, has a 20% chance to cause the attacker to gain Confusion (30% miss chance) next turn.

Paradox - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 4 Weapon] Wand of Contradictions - A slender wand made of dark oak. Flecks of green scales hint at the nature of the wand.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 40 extra damage per action to the target's Max HP. Also has a 10% chance to double the damage dealt.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Paradoxic Wand - A wand with the power to create and control previously unknown paradoxes.
- Deals an additional 10 damage to the Max Health of a creature, due to mind-breaking paradoxes implanted within.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Pinpoint Needles - Two needles with weak-point sensing tech inside, allowing them to be incredibly precise with their aim.
- Deals an additional 10 damage per action, with a 10% chance to double all damage dealt in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Microscope Needles - Needles with near surgical precision. Has a magnifying glass attached as well to aid in a user's perception.
- Deals an additional 3 damage per action, with a 5% chance to double the attack's damage.

[LVL 3 Armor] Destiny Scarf - A dark-blue scarf with several bright teal markings across its surface.
- Grants the wearer a 10% chance to dodge an attack, and reduces the damage by 10 Attack when something does hit.
[LVL 1 Armor] Lucky Ribbon - A green ribbon... simple enough, honestly. It does blend in with the scales, though.
- Grants a 5% dodge chance to the player wearing it per attack.

Sdieve - 7/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Formation Computator [Cooldown: 0/2] - A far more capable computer, running the latest in calculation technologies!
- Usable to add roughly 50 damage per action or a weaker status effect to an attack using formations. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Formation Calculator [Cooldown: 0/3] - A lightweight laptop with programs on it for creating and designing formations.
- Usable to add roughly 10 damage and an average chance of a status effect to a formation per action. Has a cooldown of 3 turns.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3 Uses] - A purple leather-bound book filled with magic. Perhaps this has some info?
- Two functions here: Either can be used to learn for lore [0 charges used] or can create an example for 1 charge. Examples have varying effects.

[LVL 2 Passive] Heaven Comms Router - A small device, capable of being carried in a pocket. It works!
- Enables communications with Heaven, or what remains of it. From there, who knows what you can do?

- Backup Alchemiter
- $140

Shin Kicker (Plague) - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Thunder Mirror - A mirror rimmed with magically infused copper. Seems to hold back immense levels of sound.
- Adds 10 damage to an attack action, along with a 30% chance for Paralyzed (cannot switch squares) for 1 turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Sylphic Shovel - A lightweight shovel with a white and blue color scheme. Contains the power of the winds.
- Adds 20 Damage per action to an attack, with a 10% chance of dealing
Airbound (cannot change squares) for one turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Rainbow Reloader - A multicolored pistol, using the same return-shot system as the Returning shot.
- Can use Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, or Purple shots. Effects vary depending on color.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Adjustable Shovel - A shovel split into two halves of a blade, seemingly creating an adjustable width and length of the tool.
- Adds 10 damage per action to an attack, with a 50% chance of dealing Buried (cannot switch zones) for one turn.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Laser Slugger - A metallic bat with a laser gun duct-taped onto the handle.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 10 extra damage per action with a 15% chance of inflicting Stunned (Misses actions) for 1 turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Lifetime Extender - A secondary golden timepiece, seeming to run a bit slower than time itself...
- Increases Max HP by 40 when worn.
[LVL 1 Armor] Golden Watch - A golden watch. If you look closely, it seems to always be exactly on time, no matter what.
- When hit, has a 20% chance to give Slowed (-10% Attack Damage) on the attacker in return.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Health Amplifier [4/4 Uses] - A mix between radio and medical kits, boosting the signal of one's vitals to restore their health.
- When used, restores 30 HP to anything on the field.

Splashcat - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Lodestone Sword - A sword composed of some sort of magnetic stone, infused with mercury in the process.
- Adds 30 damage per action to its attack, but subtracts 2/3rds of that amount from another.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Reactionary Bat - A bat that seems to react to the slightest touch of anything upon its wooden surface.
- When attacks are countered, allows the user to take up to 40 of the countered damage and sends it back at the original attacker as an action. This damage is still able to be countered.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Texter's Rifle - A black and white rifle-typewriter thing. Uses the power of wordplay to deal damage to opponents.
- Deals anywhere from 15-25 extra damage per Action, now dependent on quality wordplay! This can include puns.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Particle Wand - A wand that looks more like a baton than anything, seeming to direct the very particles around it.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack, along with a 10% cumulative chance per action of a minor negative status effect being inflicted.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chemist's Wand - A wand that looks a bit like a really narrow beaker, but closed off. An unknown liquid sloshes inside.
- Adds 8 damage to attacks utilizing it, along with a 20% chance of Chemical Confliction (10 damage to another enemy) occurring.

[LVL 3 Armor] Warded Dress - A nice dress, but seems somewhat stiff when given a second glance. Still very magic, lightning, and bulletproof.
- Deducts 20 damage from the total you take per attack. Rather nice effects, too!

[LVL 2 Consumable] Multifunction Snare [4/4 Uses] - A very complex device based on the classic bear trap. Now with about 15 extra functions!
- Placable in an area as an action. The first enemy to enter the area then takes 100 damage from stepping on it!
[LVL 2 Consumable] Capcharoid Camera [4/5 Uses] - Prints out Homestuck-styled Capchalouge Cards for anything it takes a picture of.
- Can be used as an action to easily determine how to alchemize something! Does not tell the level, though.

Winkins - 1/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.

Xorm - 3/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Octuple Barreled Shotgun - It's taken on a standard revolver design, but with 8 slots for shotgun shells. The barrel still unhinges.
- Adds 25 damage per Action to an attack. Still rather simple, but effective...

[LVL 2 Armor] Formation Badge - A small badge with the same coloration and everything as the uniform of a Formation Soldier.
- Takes 10 damage off every attack launched at you, along with showing loyalty to the PG side.
[LVL 1 Armor] Reactive Shield [18/20 Shields] - A shield that builds up deflection energy over time, compressed into a small trinket on your form.
- Builds up 2 HP of shield per turn. When you're hit, the damage is first taken from the shield and then your health bar. Caps at 20 Shields.

[AFK]Alastair(?) - 0/8 Inventory Slots used.
Nothing yet!

[AFK]Mr. Reception - 4/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 1 Weapon] S.FX Flamethrower Gauntlet - A flamethrower that somehow, can achieve a variety of special effects. Way ahead of its time!
- Adds 3 damage to the end attack per action with a 20% chance to inflict Burn (2 damage per turn) for 2 turns.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Light-Tech Gauntlet - A gauntlet capable of controlling many different stage lighting effects, along with electricity.
- Adds 1-5 damage to the end attack per action. The actual amount depends on the flashiness of the attack.

[LVL 1 Armor] Radio Rocket Boots - A normally silent pair of rocket boots, but can be tuned somehow to a specific AM station. Nifty!
- The wearer has a 5% chance to dodge an attack.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Health Amplifier [4/4 Uses] - A mix between radio and medical kits, boosting the signal of one's vitals to restore their health.
- When used, restores 30 HP to anything on the field.

[AFK]Gold - 0/8 Inventory Slots used.
Nothing yet!

[AFK]Stick Figure Guy (GAWR) - 1/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 2 Weapon] CI-84 - A graphing calculator, complete with the user's manual. It appears to be able to do quite a few odd things, though.
- Grants +10 damage per action to any attacks regarding clever usage of mathematics.

[AFK]The Frazzled Inventor - 0/8 Inventory Slots used.
Nothing yet!

[AFK]Wondertainment - 1/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Anomaly Staff - A black staff with veins of gold throughout. It doesn't seem like it's at full power...
Grants +12 damage to a basic attack per action.

[AG] Foodstuff Coloration Person - 500/500 HP - 53 CP
[AG] Ninjatwist_ - 500/500 HP - 12 CP
[AG] Paradox - 500/500 HP - 2 CP, Stealthed
[N] Sdieve - 4500/500 HP - 23 CP
[AG] Shin Kicker (Plague) - 475/500 HP - 12 CP, Ensnared (Attack Power halved, 2 Actions required to break)
[AG] Splashcat - 448/500 HP - 17 CP
[N] Winkins - 500/500 HP - 2 CP
[PG] Xorm - 317/500 HP - 1 CP
[AG][AFK] Gold - 488/500 HP, 3 CP
[AG][AFK] Alastair??????? - 500/500 HP - 2 CP
[AG][AFK] Mr. Reception - 500/500 HP - 0 CP
[AG][AFK] Stick Figure (GAWR) - 500/500 HP - 8 CP
[AG][AFK] The Frazzled Inventor - 500/500 HP - 0 CP
[AG][AFK] Wondertainment - 500/500 HP - 6 CP

Godmodder HP - 69/70
Field Effect: RADIO ZONE! (Lasts as long as Radio!Xorm is alive!)
- All entities that choose a frequency have a 50/50 chance to dodge attacks!
- This effect can be negated if the attacker has a frequency exactly double or half of the defender's.
- Frequencies for both you and your entities can be chosen as a free action once a turn.

Current Players - None

[N] Radio!Xorm - 130/130 HP, 30 Attack (Frequency 0)
[N - Radio!Xorm] Radio Towers (x3) - 180/180 HP, Radio Zone Broadcast [ON]
[N - Radio!Xorm] Wicked Witch of the Wavelength - 175/300 HP, 25 HP Regen per turn, 10x5 Attack + Weakened (-5 Attack) for two turns. Also inflicts Weakened when hit. This can stack! (Frequency 1)
Current Players - None!

[N - Winkins] Talc Snail - 300/300 HP, 50 Attack, 100 Talc Eaten (Inventory: 60/60 Talc)
- Eats all available Talc, converting half of it to stats and gaining 3 HP and .5 Attack per Talc converted. Stores the other half in its inventory.

[N] Talc Deposit - 40/200 Talc, gains 40 Talc per turn!
Current Players - Foodstuff Coloration Person, Gold

[AG - Gold] Armed Bot - 200/200 HP, 50 Attack
[AG - Gold] Kama - 250/250 HP, 80 Attack (10% chance of critical, doubling damage)

[RS] Forcefield Projector - -1000/-1000 Shields, heals for -100 HP every turn! Protects the entire zone.
Current Players - Sdieve
Current Mana Reserve - 20

[N - Sdieve] Lightmantle - 100/180 HP, 40 Attack

[N - Sdieve] Mana Wellspring - 50/50 HP, Generates 10 Mana per turn! Has 1 Attack Shield!
Current Players - Splashcat, Winkins, Ninjatwist

[AG - Splashcat] Mirror Golem - 230/580 HP, 10 HP Regen per turn, 90 Attack, + Copy Ability: gains a permanent bonus based on whatever it attacked last! Attack multiplies by 1.5x when below half (290) HP.
[AG - Ninjatwist_] Akimbo Sniper - 800/800 HP, 120x2 Attack

[N - Winkins] Iceberg - 400/400 HP, 10 Defense, Frost Breath [Deals 60 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.],
[N - Winkins] Aurora - 380/380 HP, Aurora Pulse [Heals 50 HP across multiple entities!]
[N - Winkins] Icicle - 300/300 HP, Icicle Spears x2 [Deals 50 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.]
[N - Winkins] Snow - 250/250 HP, 30 Attack
[lll] 3/3 - Snowstorm: Deals 120 Damage and inflicts Frostbite (-20 Attack) for two turns!
Dogpile: Deals (80*Huskies Involved) damage. Requires 2+ Huskies to function!

[RS] Jake - 500/500 HP, 8 CP
[RS] Resistance Defender - 500/500 HP, 30 Defense, 25 Attack

[PG] The Ranger - 5/5 HP
Current Players - Paradox (Stealthed), Shin Kicker (Ensnared)

[RS] Murai - 500/500 HP, 18 CP

[PG] Barricade - 1445/1500 HP, provides Fortified (50% damage that would be taken by entities behind it instead goes to this one) to the Scouts!
[PG] Scout - 300/300 HP, 40 Attack
- Scout - 245/300 HP, 40 Attack
Current Players - None!

[AG - Paradox] Outpost Hospital - 400/400 HP, Adds +100 to Player or Entity Heal Actions!
[lllll] 4/5 - Produce Item: Makes 1 LVL 3 Alchemy!
Current Players - None

[AG - Paradox] Exploratory Drone - 250/250 HP, 25 Attack, has 1 Attack Shield, Stealthed
[lll] 0/3 - Stealth Drive: Grants Stealthed to the Drone, causing grounded traps not to trigger and the drone to be the last entity attacked!

[N] Fisher - 700/700 HP, 40 Attack
[lll] 2/3 - Fish Up: Obtains 1d4 fish. What a peculiar entity.
Current Players - Xorm

[PG - Xorm] Power Miner Combo Kit - 150/150 HP, 40 Attack, Piloted by Jets!
[N] CP Containers x2 - 200/200 HP, Each contains 5 CP that goes to Xorm when broken! Being used as armor!
[N] Grist Chests x4 - 100/100 HP, Contains Talc, Gallium, Bismuth, and Build Grist! Being used as armor!
[PG - Xorm] Jets - 100/100 HP, 25 Attack, Everything's Second Best Pilot, Vehicular Bodyguard
Everything's Second-Best Pilot - Multiplies HP & Attack stats of any vehicle he's piloting by 1.5x!
Vehicular Bodyguard - Cannot be targeted while inside a vehicle!

[PG - F] Infantry x2 - 70/70 HP, 20 Attack x3
[PG - F] Soldiers x2 - 900/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage] x3
Soldier - 800/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage], Restrained (takes 2 actions to break, halves attack power)

[AG - F] Soldier - 750/900 HP, 150 Attack, Corrupted for 2 more turns!
[AG - F] Banneret - 1350/1500 HP, 250 Attack, Corrupted for 1 more turn!
[lll] 0/3 - Rally Cry: Heals all members of a random faction present for up to 300 HP!

[AG] Strike Troops x10 - 50/50 HP, 25 Attack x10
[AG - ???] Conglomerate Mess - 70% Will, Corrupt [Deals 150 damage and inflicts Corrupt, changing an entity stat block for 2 turns!]
[AG - ???] Arcanic Archer - 510/1000 HP, Arcane Arrow [Chooses from Bursting, Grasping, and Beguiling arrows!]
[RS] Resistance Defender - 500/500 HP, 30 Defense, 100 Attack
Current "Players" - Sdieve's Projection
Current Mana - 100

[N - Sdieve] Constructor Drone - 50/50 HP, Constructor
Current Project - Mana Generation Formations - [lllll] 2/5

[N - Sdieve] Player Projection Formation - 100/100 HP, Allows for Player Projection. Protect at all costs!
[N - Sdieve] Mana Generators x3 - 60/60 HP, Gathers 5 Mana a turn! (x3)
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FCP 56(!) CP (53 + 3)
churgicate, for the last time

Since I am leaving this game, all my CP and Grist is hereby formally added to the overall AG pool, for anyone to draw upon as desired.

5800 Build Grist
1675 Talc Grist
680 Gallium Grist
200 Bismuth
60 Cerium
Lv 1:1265
Lv 2:680
Lv 3:240
Lv 4:0

(x3)(Wand of Contradictions) The Dragon slips past the Barricade and behind the Scouts with his Stealth. Invoking the power of paradoxes with the Wand of Contradictions, he turns them from Scouts into Stoucs, or Stouts or touts. Apparently they are now salesmen touting the benefits of PG-hood. Unfortunately the Dragon is unmoved and proceeds to expel them from the barricade by indicating the paradoxicality of their situation. After all, salesmen in a fortress ?? Are they selling weapons ??

Actually it's rather likely they are. Thus the Wand of Contradictions contracts "Barricade" into a "Bar" and the with a wave of green sparkles, the Barricade(and guns) becomes a Bar(with Bottles of Wine). The dragon now enters a drunken brawl with them, overpowers them and tosses them outside, left for dead while he considers the properties of a "Bar"

He sips on some wine, perhaps it might go well with the fish his Drone has discovered. Perhaps not. He muses on this for the rest of the turn.

(Orders)He commands the Drone to explore the place above the Riverside, just north it's direction, leaving the Fisher in peace, on its way there, it shoots the Log Dam just a bit, turning it into a Log Bridge as the waters gush beneath it. The Fisher should be allowed to fish in peace after all, and not worry about its water drying up or anything.

The Hospital generates its first Alchemy, an Armour Alchemy it seems like. Something about a Cloak of Green Dragon Scales that would make your form indistinct from the background, increasing your dodge and being generally sturdy, increasing your DR.

It Moves to the Not Campfire and consumes it, swallowing it whole into itself in a cleansing burst of flame and heat as it fuses with it's Master's power and the healing power of the Flame, which allows it to open the Loot square in the area and gets rid of a Paradoxical Fire Hazard. Also maybe a slight buff to it's healing capabilities, who knows ??
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>next- wait, they found a power anchor?... alright change of plans. I put all my items in my inventory, then focus. one of my hairs is now stupidly long. and now the end of that hair is a thorny plant. and did I say it was my hair? well, I'm the plant, so really it's the base of the hair that's the plant, and the end is just dangling somewhere in a cave. I absorb the hair back into my planty self.
> I place one metaphysical attack shield on myself without any visible manifestation.
> and, most likely, the next thing I do is store 1 CP. I'm not going to try anything tricky until I'm sure the ranger is occupied by fighting, you see. I really shouldn't be trying this so soon anyway, but... if it works, it'll be really, really worth it. and I am at full health... assuming the players even have a chance in the first place, I should be mostly safe. that's a lot less garunteed then I'd like, though... if only ranger's stats weren't invisible, then I'd be able to actually tell if it was a mind-numbingly stupid idea to do this.

CP: 23->24
Grist: 6820->7320
Talc: 1295->1675
Galium: 870
Bismuth: 130->160
Cerium: 120->180
Items: Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3]
Formation Calculator [1->2/3 Chargeup]
Heaven Comms Router
Broadsword +1 (damaged)
Formation Computer [1->2/2 Chargeup]
Alchemiter (Backup)
100->115 Mana(Real)
Drone (Real)
Mana Gathering, P.Assistance, P.Projection Formations(Real)
Mana Generation Formations x3.4->3.6 (Real) (req.5 Turns per Formation, req.0 Mana to emplace and run.)
Lightmantle (Orb)
Mana Wellspring (Orb) 20->30
Mana Generation Formation x0 (Orb. costs 50 Mana.)
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[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


Action 1 + Texter's Rifle: I snipe the R off of the Ranger's name, turning her at least temporarily into the Anger. Hopefully that'll disrupt her focus and make it harder for her to counter.


Action 2 + Particle Wand: I make a quick trip over to the Riverside zone and start electrolyzing some water. This splits it into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. I leave the oxygen floating in the air and take the hydrogen with me back to the Arena. There, with a wave of the wand, I bombard the Ranger with high-velocity hydrogen atoms, fusing them with the oxygen in her body. Most oxygen is oxygen-16, 8 protons and 8 neutrons. So adding the extra proton from a hydrogen atom gets you fluorine-17, 9 protons and 8 neutrons. For starters, this is fluorine. Its acute toxicity makes chlorine gas look friendly, and that's when inhaled, not when nuclear fused directly into your tissues. And on top of that, this isn't fluorine-19, which is at least only hostile on a chemical level. I didn't have the budget for those extra two neutrons, so this is fluorine-17, a radioactive isotope with an extremely unstable nucleus and a half-life of... about 64 seconds. I hope the Ranger isn't too attached to her DNA, because it's probably getting quite irradiated right now.


Action 3: I charge 1 CP.


The Mirror Golem detaches one of its fingers and fires it like a bullet at the Ranger. It shatters on impact, stabbing them with shards of broken glass... But wait! It's even worse! The Ranger broke a mirror, that means seven years of bad luck!
Xorm looked at the Conglomerate Mess... And understood.
"Listen, Congo... I know what you're going through." he says, calmly. It's more relaxed now that the war outside has calmed down somewhat.

LIES. drones a thousand voices in his mind.

"No, no, it's the truth," Xorm insists. "You're sort of... the collective suffering of unnecessary deaths, right? A thousand souls done wrong, in their final moments?"

JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT I AM DOES NOT MEAN- it rebutes, before being stopped by Xorm raising a finger.

"Three hundred and eighty-seven. That's how many I've lost." He says solemnly. "And I'd bet good money that there's a few of them in there right now. I guess what I'm trying to say, is...

You are mourned.

The beast reels from the statement like a punch to the gut. NO, it cries. THEY HATED ME/FEARED ME/FORGOT ME/BETRAYED ME- drone a thousand dissonant voices.

"And in every world you come from, there's someone who misses you. And if there isn't, then I'll be them. Come on. Just... tell me."

And in an act of STUPIDITY bravery, Xorm gives the formless monstrosity a hug. And it can't help but shudder as if it was crying. One by one, the voices speak alone.

I was killed by my advisors, my closest allies.

Heist gone sour, when the cops showed up they turned me into a scapegoat.

He left me there, alone, after he played my heart like a fiddle.

I was left to die on a forgotten, barren planet. I waited for him to come back, you know. He never did.
Xorm blinked at the familiar voice.

Burned for being too smart for my own good.
"Ballyhoo: Callback." He muttered.

My children weren't with me when I took my last breath... All I had was the cold hospital bed.

All I wanted was to unite the kingdom!

Why did I have to die, then, like that?

"That's it..." Xorm says, tears in his own eyes. "I'll cry for you. Just... Let me do this for you, OK?"

The struggling mass stills, and seems to... Hug Xorm back, calmly.

The [AG] had no right to do this to you. To make you feel all this pain again. I can help you through it, though. We can help you. There are so many stories inside you that still need told. And I can be your narrator. You don't have to fight so wildly any more. Just... Rest, for a little. Ok?" Xorm says softly.
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... This is too straight forward! Or so his body keeps saying as Winks warily looks at their surroundings with his mind whirling with warning signals bouncing off his skull...

Calming himself, Winks did a bit of mental exercise before coming to the conclusion that his body is used to dealing with bosses and event fights with trickery or backstabbing afoot... Geez, what did he went through when participating in the past Godmodding war?

Asides from that, not discarding his instincts, he plays a bit out of the box and aim most of his focus on the Thorny Barrier for that succulent upgrade!

So calling upon the dogs' actions this turn, Winks hold onto Snow as he would a RPG... Then pull out a jerry canister of liquid nitrogen.

Making sure that the heavy-duty mittens were secured, he opened the icy boi's mouth and carefully unscrewing the jerry's top. He poured a bit to watch the curious dog lap at the liquid... before wholeheartedly giving out a belch/bark that froze the patch of grass in front of them before turning around with his tail wagging in excitement.

Oh yes, this will do.

With not many fears of side effects, Winks poured the frozen fuel into the soon-to-be ice bazooka before hefting the boi onto his shoulder. Facing the thorny obstacle, Winks tugged on the front legs and let loose the Nitrogen-fueled Snowstorm. The Freezing bark/belch of wind slammed into the thorns guarding the the Power anchor causing them to feel a terrible cold snap that kills the plants into crystalline husks... that's then exploited to be shattered by the blunt impact of an approaching Iceberg, Aurora, and Icicle Dogpile!

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4140 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 1160 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 210 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 180 Cerium
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Alright, time to destroy that Power Anchor- but first, the Anger's in the way!

I'm going to spend my three actions attacking her. Using my Hunter's Longbow, I fire off a trio of arrows above her head! She notices how they're much too high to hit her very effectively, or doesn't, but the point is, she's probably not worried about those arrows. However, I take out my Retreating Spear and perform a short wave in the arrows' direction- this causes them to magically robotech towards the Ranger's position, meaning that she'll have to either avoid my attack or the trio of arrows headed for her! I jab at the Anger with the Retreating Spear, snap my fingers, and backflip out of reach, just in time for the arrows to turn into MIRAs, or Multiple Independent-target Re-entry Arrows! They shower the Anger with Hunter's Longbow arrows while she's still reacting to my Retreating Spear strike, hopefully overwhelming her and causing her to take damage.

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
5870+500=6370 Build Grist
1125+380=1505 Talc
710 Gallium
180+30=210 Bismuth
120+60=180 Cerium
Update XXIX
FCP 56(!) CP (53 + 3)
churgicate, for the last time

Since I am leaving this game, all my CP and Grist are hereby formally added to the overall AG pool, for anyone to draw upon as desired.

5800 Build Grist
1675 Talc Grist
680 Gallium Grist
200 Bismuth
60 Cerium

Understood. I hope to see you again soon, but good luck out there, alright?

Lv 1:1265
Lv 2:680
Lv 3:240
Lv 4:0

(x3)(Wand of Contradictions) The Dragon slips past the Barricade and behind the Scouts with his Stealth. Invoking the power of paradoxes with the Wand of Contradictions, he turns them from Scouts into Stoucs, or Stouts or touts. Apparently they are now salesmen touting the benefits of PG-hood. Unfortunately the Dragon is unmoved and proceeds to expel them from the barricade by indicating the paradoxicality of their situation. After all, salesmen in a fortress ?? Are they selling weapons ??

Actually it's rather likely they are. Thus the Wand of Contradictions contracts "Barricade" into a "Bar" and the with a wave of green sparkles, the Barricade(and guns) becomes a Bar(with Bottles of Wine). The dragon now enters a drunken brawl with them, overpowers them and tosses them outside, left for dead while he considers the properties of a "Bar"

He sips on some wine, perhaps it might go well with the fish his Drone has discovered. Perhaps not. He muses on this for the rest of the turn.

(Orders)He commands the Drone to explore the place above the Riverside, just north it's direction, leaving the Fisher in peace, on its way there, it shoots the Log Dam just a bit, turning it into a Log Bridge as the waters gush beneath it. The Fisher should be allowed to fish in peace after all, and not worry about its water drying up or anything.

The Hospital generates its first Alchemy, an Armour Alchemy it seems like. Something about a Cloak of Green Dragon Scales that would make your form indistinct from the background, increasing your dodge and being generally sturdy, increasing your DR.

It Moves to the Not Campfire and consumes it, swallowing it whole into itself in a cleansing burst of flame and heat as it fuses with it's Master's power and the healing power of the Flame, which allows it to open the Loot square in the area and gets rid of a Paradoxical Fire Hazard. Also maybe a slight buff to it's healing capabilities, who knows ??

Using the Wand of Contradictions, you promptly proceed to mess with the entire area, making the Barricade into a completely pointless bar and dealing damage to both of the Touts, and leaving them at 200/250 HP! They... can still attack you with bombardments of advertisements, but hey, at least you can get through now.
Murai: Well, that handled that well.

Your entities will do as you say.

>next- wait, they found a power anchor?... alright change of plans. I put all my items in my inventory, then focus. one of my hairs is now stupidly long. and now the end of that hair is a thorny plant. and did I say it was my hair? well, I'm the plant, so really it's the base of the hair that's the plant, and the end is just dangling somewhere in a cave. I absorb the hair back into my planty self.
> I place one metaphysical attack shield on myself without any visible manifestation.
> and, most likely, the next thing I do is store 1 CP. I'm not going to try anything tricky until I'm sure the ranger is occupied by fighting, you see. I really shouldn't be trying this so soon anyway, but... if it works, it'll be really, really worth it. and I am at full health... assuming the players even have a chance in the first place, I should be mostly safe. that's a lot less garunteed then I'd like, though... if only ranger's stats weren't invisible, then I'd be able to actually tell if it was a mind-numbingly stupid idea to do this.

You exit your cave, leaving the Lightmantle and Mana wellspring be! An attack shield and +1 CP round out your turn as you emerge in the Slated Cliffs. You manage to find yourself temporarily placed in the Radio Zone - you're pretty sure the Hidden Cave or the Resistance Base wouldn't be the best areas to stay stealthy in and Radio!Xorm's just jamming out and hardly notices you. Where'd you like to go from here?

[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


Action 1 + Texter's Rifle: I snipe the R off of the Ranger's name, turning her at least temporarily into the Anger. Hopefully that'll disrupt her focus and make it harder for her to counter.


Action 2 + Particle Wand: I make a quick trip over to the Riverside zone and start electrolyzing some water. This splits it into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. I leave the oxygen floating in the air and take the hydrogen with me back to the Arena. There, with a wave of the wand, I bombard the Ranger with high-velocity hydrogen atoms, fusing them with the oxygen in her body. Most oxygen is oxygen-16, 8 protons and 8 neutrons. So adding the extra proton from a hydrogen atom gets you fluorine-17, 9 protons and 8 neutrons. For starters, this is fluorine. Its acute toxicity makes chlorine gas look friendly, and that's when inhaled, not when nuclear fused directly into your tissues. And on top of that, this isn't fluorine-19, which is at least only hostile on a chemical level. I didn't have the budget for those extra two neutrons, so this is fluorine-17, a radioactive isotope with an extremely unstable nucleus and a half-life of... about 64 seconds. I hope the Ranger isn't too attached to her DNA, because it's probably getting quite irradiated right now.


Action 3: I charge 1 CP.


The Mirror Golem detaches one of its fingers and fires it like a bullet at the Ranger. It shatters on impact, stabbing them with shards of broken glass... But wait! It's even worse! The Ranger broke a mirror, that means seven years of bad luck!

The Ranger herself dodges the bullet, but her name does not, and she becomes the Anger! In a fit of rage, she pulls out a complicated-looking crossbow and prepares to counterstrike when her turn comes around!

You target the Ranger, who currently does not - no, that'd be unfair even as the Arbiter. Realizing the radiation you've just inflicted on her, the Anger promptly dispels the radioactive decay using Greater Restoration on herself, and countering science with magic! Still doesn't dispel the fact that the first letter of her name is missing, though.

+1 CP charged. The Mirror Golem will do as you say!

Xorm looked at the Conglomerate Mess... And understood.
"Listen, Congo... I know what you're going through." he says, calmly. It's more relaxed now that the war outside has calmed down somewhat.

LIES. drones a thousand voices in his mind.

"No, no, it's the truth," Xorm insists. "You're sort of... the collective suffering of unnecessary deaths, right? A thousand souls done wrong, in their final moments?"

JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT I AM DOES NOT MEAN- it rebutes, before being stopped by Xorm raising a finger.

"Three hundred and eighty-seven. That's how many I've lost." He says solemnly. "And I'd bet good money that there's a few of them in there right now. I guess what I'm trying to say, is...

You are mourned.

The beast reels from the statement like a punch to the gut. NO, it cries. THEY HATED ME/FEARED ME/FORGOT ME/BETRAYED ME- drone a thousand dissonant voices.

"And in every world you come from, there's someone who misses you. And if there isn't, then I'll be them. Come on. Just... tell me."

And in an act of STUPIDITY bravery, Xorm gives the formless monstrosity a hug. And it can't help but shudder as if it was crying. One by one, the voices speak alone.

I was killed by my advisors, my closest allies.

Heist gone sour, when the cops showed up they turned me into a scapegoat.

He left me there, alone, after he played my heart like a fiddle.

I was left to die on a forgotten, barren planet. I waited for him to come back, you know. He never did.
Xorm blinked at the familiar voice.

Burned for being too smart for my own good.
"Ballyhoo: Callback." He muttered.

My children weren't with me when I took my last breath... All I had was the cold hospital bed.

All I wanted was to unite the kingdom!

Why did I have to die, then, like that?

"That's it..." Xorm says, tears in his own eyes. "I'll cry for you. Just... Let me do this for you, OK?"

The struggling mass stills, and seems to... Hug Xorm back, calmly.

The [AG] had no right to do this to you. To make you feel all this pain again. I can help you through it, though. We can help you. There are so many stories inside you that still need told. And I can be your narrator. You don't have to fight so wildly any more. Just... Rest, for a little. Ok?" Xorm says softly.

1000 voices speak in... not a rage of incoherence, or even a rage at all. Just... 1000 voices, all at the same time and in a variety of inflections, say... okay. Their will to fight has been reduced dramatically as they allow you to give their stories a close.

... This is too straight forward! Or so his body keeps saying as Winks warily looks at their surroundings with his mind whirling with warning signals bouncing off his skull...

Calming himself, Winks did a bit of mental exercise before coming to the conclusion that his body is used to dealing with bosses and event fights with trickery or backstabbing afoot... Geez, what did he went through when participating in the past Godmodding war?

Asides from that, not discarding his instincts, he plays a bit out of the box and aim most of his focus on the Thorny Barrier for that succulent upgrade!

So calling upon the dogs' actions this turn, Winks hold onto Snow as he would a RPG... Then pull out a jerry canister of liquid nitrogen.

Making sure that the heavy-duty mittens were secured, he opened the icy boi's mouth and carefully unscrewing the jerry's top. He poured a bit to watch the curious dog lap at the liquid... before wholeheartedly giving out a belch/bark that froze the patch of grass in front of them before turning around with his tail wagging in excitement.

Oh yes, this will do.

With not many fears of side effects, Winks poured the frozen fuel into the soon-to-be ice bazooka before hefting the boi onto his shoulder. Facing the thorny obstacle, Winks tugged on the front legs and let loose the Nitrogen-fueled Snowstorm. The Freezing bark/belch of wind slammed into the thorns guarding the the Power anchor causing them to feel a terrible cold snap that kills the plants into crystalline husks... that's then exploited to be shattered by the blunt impact of an approaching Iceberg, Aurora, and Icicle Dogpile!

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4140 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 1160 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 210 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 180 Cerium

Utilizing a fair amount of creativity and your 2 CP, you feed snow some literal liquid nitrogen and proceed to freeze the entirety of the thorny barrier! That thing has nowhere near enough HP to survive a Dogpile, but how will the Range - Err, Anger, react to this?

Alright, time to destroy that Power Anchor- but first, the Anger's in the way!

I'm going to spend my three actions attacking her. Using my Hunter's Longbow, I fire off a trio of arrows above her head! She notices how they're much too high to hit her very effectively, or doesn't, but the point is, she's probably not worried about those arrows. However, I take out my Retreating Spear and perform a short wave in the arrows' direction- this causes them to magically robotech towards the Ranger's position, meaning that she'll have to either avoid my attack or the trio of arrows headed for her! I jab at the Anger with the Retreating Spear, snap my fingers, and backflip out of reach, just in time for the arrows to turn into MIRAs, or Multiple Independent-target Re-entry Arrows! They shower the Anger with Hunter's Longbow arrows while she's still reacting to my Retreating Spear strike, hopefully overwhelming her and causing her to take damage.

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
5870+500=6370 Build Grist
1125+380=1505 Talc
710 Gallium
180+30=210 Bismuth
120+60=180 Cerium

The Anger promptly reacts to the flurry of attacks by pulling out a flurry of her own! Using the Compound Bow and stepping backward in the arena to stay out of the reach of your spear, she knocks several arrows in the bow and proceeds to rapid-fire shoot the crossbow at many of the arrows in the sky, knocking them off balance and ruining their flight path towards her to render them harmless! Switching weapons with nothing but the flick of a palm, she then pulls out a dark green whip and slashes the rest of the arrows out of the sky.

Despite not doing any damage, you've forced her to use an action this turn to counter your attacks! That's one less counter than she would have later, so well done!

End of Turn Battle -

Slated Cliffs -

Not too many interesting things happen here! Sdieve's setup generates 10 Mana, but that's about it.

Woodgrave -
The exploratory drone ventures upwards, shooting the dam open to provide the river ways to flow again (yet still keeping the bridge structurally sound, somehow), and ends up finding themselves at a cliff face and a sheer waterfall upwards! There's not too much else to say about here, but there is a small entry into a cave to the drone's left...

The Outpost Hospital moves to the Not Campfire's generalized zone and finishes producing the alchemy it was making, adding the Draconic Plate to Paradox's inventory! @paradoxdragon needs to decide which item to get rid of to make room for it, though. Despite that, the Hospital cannot put out the Not Campfire due to already having moved and activated its special this turn. (The loot chest was also looted already, my bad.)

Bar/Elsewhere -
At the Bar, the two Touts don't do much of anything useful, except for picking on Murai for some reason and drunkenly attempting to sell him some stuff. Murai promptly counters the attacks by repeatedly manifesting the Skip Ad button from Youtube.

The Arena -
The other three Glacier Huskies slam into the now frozen Thorny Barrier, shattering it entirely and leaving the Power Anchor exposed! Before the Anger has any time to focus on that, the Mirror Golem launches a shard at the Anger, who ignores it as it deals only trivial damage!
The Anger - Gah! Luck's nothing but some construct anyways!
The Anger - Thank the Godmodder that I have more than one action...
The Anger - Cause it means I can do this!

The Anger proceeds to use one of her actions by boosting the Power Anchor's HP itself to a whopping 1500! Even with everyone focusing on it, her counterattacks might make it a bit difficult to get it down this upcoming turn.

Even beyond that, she uses a second action to call for help!
The Anger - I'm getting overwhelmed here - they're gonna break the Anchor if I can't fend them off!
The Anger - Calling all forces into the Arena! We need to stop these freaks!

Luke and the Akimbo Sniper focus on the Power Anchor, dealing 540 damage with their combined actions! Every turn, a bit more of the Ranger's stats reveals themselves as well - I'll let you know when we finally have all of it. Good luck, guys!

The Lodestar -
The raging battle continues as the minor AG forces collectively destroy the remaining 2 Infantry and deal 200 damage to the weakest Soldier!
The Conglomerate Mess does not attack. The Arcane Archer destroys the CP Containers with another Bursting Arrow, granting 10 CP to Xorm!... it realizes it may have made a mistake by doing that, though.

Although the corrupted Soldier deals another 150 damage to his damaged, former friend, the three uncorrputed Soldiers and the now uncorrupted Banneret focus their fire on completely getting rid of the Strike Troops, leaving the battle between the big guys on the battlefield! Jets begins to drive in evasive circles around the Arcanic Archer, realizing he's lost some of the protection on his vehicle!
Jets - Uh, Xorm, he's breaking through the armor here! Whatever you're doing, maybe try to finish it up fast before this thing gets destroyed?

A total of 300 Build Grist and 240 Talc is dropped from the crossfire!

General/Miscellaneous -
Due to TRG and Plague leaving the game, their alchemies and CP are currently up for grabs by any AG! This equates to 68 CP and Plague's various alchemies. Although I don't know Plague's current amount of Grist, TRG's is added up in the Alchemiter upgrade fund.

Across the Soul Orb (and outside of it), everything upticks!

A whole heck of a lot of stuff has also been archived to cut down on clutter and make editing these things slightly easier. Namely, AFK players have had their inventories and general presence removed from the maps and info below until their return, if they decide to do so.

This update was completed in a bit of a rush, so please let me know if I missed anything!

Total Grist Attained -
[Build] +300 Build Grist
[LVL 1] +240 Talc
[LVL 2] +0 Gallium
[LVL 3] +0 Bismuth
[LVL 4] +0 Cerium


The Soul Orb
A diversified world in itself, separated into biomes under the control of the Godmodder and his Companions.

The maps of the world can be found linked here:

Itinerary -
[AG] - Destroy the Godmodder!
[AG/N] - Increase Player Power by destroying the Power Anchors!
[N] - Find your own goals!
[PG] - Stop the AG effort to increase Player Power!
[PG] - Reconvene with the Godmodder somewhere a bit more PG Biased...?

Player List - Player Power set to 100.
General Inventory / Key Items:
- The Alchemiter: allows for alchemy wherever and whenever!
Required Grist for Upgrade to [LVL 5] -
5,800/12,000 Build Grist, 680/960 Gallium, 200/480 Bismuth, 60/480 Cerium

Ninjatwist - 6/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Retreater's Spear - A light spear, designed to actually maximize physical recoil from the weapon.
- When used, it does 8 extra damage per action and springs the user back one space on the map from the enemy they're attacking.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Heavy Crossbow - A somewhat difficult to wield crossbow made of iron and other heavy materials, including depleted uranium.
- Deals 15 additional damage per Action used to attack with it.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Crossbow - A fairly simple wooden crossbow. Effective and easy to fire!
- Deals an additional 4 damage per action used.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Periodic Wand - A wand with a really, really small version of the Periodic Table wrapped around its side lengthwise.
- Adds 3 damage per action to attacks. Also has a 20% chance to trigger Chemical Reaction (3 damage to another enemy) once a turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Trickster's Tailed Coat - A coat that seems to be an optical illusion in itself. Seems to make some attacks hit a bit less, at least!
- Grants a 40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack.
[LVL 3 Armor] Warlock's Timepiece - A small timepiece that seems to glow with malevolent energy.
- Grants a 30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them.
[LVL 1 Armor] Dapper Stovepipe - A rather dapper looking top hat, if a bit plain.
- Upon being hit, has a 20% chance to cause the attacker to gain Confusion (30% miss chance) next turn.

Paradox - 9/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 4 Weapon] Wand of Contradictions - A slender wand made of dark oak. Flecks of green scales hint at the nature of the wand.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 40 extra damage per action to the target's Max HP. Also has a 10% chance to double the damage dealt.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Paradoxic Wand - A wand with the power to create and control previously unknown paradoxes.
- Deals an additional 10 damage to the Max Health of a creature, due to mind-breaking paradoxes implanted within.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Pinpoint Needles - Two needles with weak-point sensing tech inside, allowing them to be incredibly precise with their aim.
- Deals an additional 10 damage per action, with a 10% chance to double all damage dealt in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Microscope Needles - Needles with near surgical precision. Has a magnifying glass attached as well to aid in a user's perception.
- Deals an additional 3 damage per action, with a 5% chance to double the attack's damage.

[LVL 3 Armor] Destiny Scarf - A dark-blue scarf with several bright teal markings across its surface.
- Grants 10% dodge chance and deducts 10 damage from attacks that go through.
[LVL 3 Armor] Draconic Plate - A cloak of green dragon scales that seems to blend in with the forested background.
- Grants 5% dodge chance and automatically deducts 20 damage from attacks that hit.
[LVL 1 Armor] Lucky Ribbon - A green ribbon... simple enough, honestly. It does blend in with the scales, though.
- Grants a 5% dodge chance to the player wearing it per attack.

Sdieve - 7/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Formation Computator [Cooldown: 0/2] - A far more capable computer, running the latest in calculation technologies!
- Usable to add roughly 50 damage per action or a weaker status effect to an attack using formations. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Formation Calculator [Cooldown: 0/3] - A lightweight laptop with programs on it for creating and designing formations.
- Usable to add roughly 10 damage and an average chance of a status effect to a formation per action. Has a cooldown of 3 turns.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3 Uses] - A purple leather-bound book filled with magic. Perhaps this has some info?
- Two functions here: Either can be used to learn for lore [0 charges used] or can create an example for 1 charge. Examples have varying effects.

[LVL 2 Passive] Heaven Comms Router - A small device, capable of being carried in a pocket. It works!
- Enables communications with Heaven, or what remains of it. From there, who knows what you can do?

- Backup Alchemiter
- $140

Shin Kicker (Plague) - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Thunder Mirror - A mirror rimmed with magically infused copper. Seems to hold back immense levels of sound.
- Adds 10 damage to an attack action, along with a 30% chance for Paralyzed (cannot switch squares) for 1 turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Sylphic Shovel - A lightweight shovel with a white and blue color scheme. Contains the power of the winds.
- Adds 20 Damage per action to an attack, with a 10% chance of dealing
Airbound (cannot change squares) for one turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Rainbow Reloader - A multicolored pistol, using the same return-shot system as the Returning shot.
- Can use Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, or Purple shots. Effects vary depending on color.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Adjustable Shovel - A shovel split into two halves of a blade, seemingly creating an adjustable width and length of the tool.
- Adds 10 damage per action to an attack, with a 50% chance of dealing Buried (cannot switch zones) for one turn.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Laser Slugger - A metallic bat with a laser gun duct-taped onto the handle.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 10 extra damage per action with a 15% chance of inflicting Stunned (Misses actions) for 1 turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Lifetime Extender - A secondary golden timepiece, seeming to run a bit slower than time itself...
- Increases Max HP by 40 when worn.
[LVL 1 Armor] Golden Watch - A golden watch. If you look closely, it seems to always be exactly on time, no matter what.
- When hit, has a 20% chance to give Slowed (-10% Attack Damage) on the attacker in return.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Health Amplifier [4/4 Uses] - A mix between radio and medical kits, boosting the signal of one's vitals to restore their health.
- When used, restores 30 HP to anything on the field.

Splashcat - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Lodestone Sword - A sword composed of some sort of magnetic stone, infused with mercury in the process.
- Adds 30 damage per action to its attack, but subtracts 2/3rds of that amount from another.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Reactionary Bat - A bat that seems to react to the slightest touch of anything upon its wooden surface.
- When attacks are countered, allows the user to take up to 40 of the countered damage and sends it back at the original attacker as an action. This damage is still able to be countered.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Texter's Rifle - A black and white rifle-typewriter thing. Uses the power of wordplay to deal damage to opponents.
- Deals anywhere from 15-25 extra damage per Action, now dependent on quality wordplay! This can include puns.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Particle Wand - A wand that looks more like a baton than anything, seeming to direct the very particles around it.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack, along with a 10% cumulative chance per action of a minor negative status effect being inflicted.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chemist's Wand - A wand that looks a bit like a really narrow beaker, but closed off. An unknown liquid sloshes inside.
- Adds 8 damage to attacks utilizing it, along with a 20% chance of Chemical Confliction (10 damage to another enemy) occurring.

[LVL 3 Armor] Warded Dress - A nice dress, but seems somewhat stiff when given a second glance. Still very magic, lightning, and bulletproof.
- Deducts 20 damage from the total you take per attack. Rather nice effects, too!

[LVL 2 Consumable] Multifunction Snare [4/4 Uses] - A very complex device based on the classic bear trap. Now with about 15 extra functions!
- Placable in an area as an action. The first enemy to enter the area then takes 100 damage from stepping on it!
[LVL 2 Consumable] Capcharoid Camera [4/5 Uses] - Prints out Homestuck-styled Capchalouge Cards for anything it takes a picture of.
- Can be used as an action to easily determine how to alchemize something! Does not tell the level, though.

Winkins - 1/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.

Xorm - 3/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Octuple Barreled Shotgun - It's taken on a standard revolver design, but with 8 slots for shotgun shells. The barrel still unhinges.
- Adds 25 damage per Action to an attack. Still rather simple, but effective...

[LVL 2 Armor] Formation Badge - A small badge with the same coloration and everything as the uniform of a Formation Soldier.
- Takes 10 damage off every attack launched at you, along with showing loyalty to the PG side.
[LVL 1 Armor] Reactive Shield [18/20 Shields] - A shield that builds up deflection energy over time, compressed into a small trinket on your form.
- Builds up 2 HP of shield per turn. When you're hit, the damage is first taken from the shield and then your health bar. Caps at 20 Shields.

[AG] Ninjatwist_ - 500/500 HP - 12 CP
[AG] Paradox - 500/500 HP - 2 CP
[N] Sdieve - 4500/500 HP - 24 CP - Has 1 Attack Shield!
[AG] Splashcat - 448/500 HP - 18 CP
[N] Winkins - 500/500 HP - 2 CP
[PG] Xorm - 317/500 HP - 1 CP

Godmodder HP - 69/70
Field Effect: RADIO ZONE! (Lasts as long as Radio!Xorm is alive!)
- All entities that choose a frequency have a 50/50 chance to dodge attacks!
- This effect can be negated if the attacker has a frequency exactly double or half of the defender's.
- Frequencies for both you and your entities can be chosen as a free action once a turn.

Current Players - Sdieve

[N] Radio!Xorm - 130/130 HP, 30 Attack (Frequency 0)
[N - Radio!Xorm] Radio Towers (x3) - 180/180 HP, Radio Zone Broadcast [ON]
[N - Radio!Xorm] Wicked Witch of the Wavelength - 300/300 HP, 25 HP Regen per turn, 10x5 Attack + Weakened (-5 Attack) for two turns. Also inflicts Weakened when hit. This can stack! (Frequency 1)
Current Players - None!

[N - Winkins] Talc Snail - 300/300 HP, 50 Attack, 100 Talc Eaten (Inventory: 60/60 Talc)
- Eats all available Talc, converting half of it to stats and gaining 3 HP and .5 Attack per Talc converted. Stores the other half in its inventory.

[N] Talc Deposit - 40/200 Talc, gains 40 Talc per turn!
Current Players - None

[AG - Gold] Armed Bot - 200/200 HP, 50 Attack
[AG - Gold] Kama - 250/250 HP, 80 Attack (10% chance of critical, doubling damage)

[RS] Forcefield Projector - -1000/-1000 Shields, heals for -100 HP every turn! Protects the entire zone.
Current Players - None!
Current Mana Reserve - 30

[N - Sdieve] Lightmantle - 100/180 HP, 40 Attack

[N - Sdieve] Mana Wellspring - 50/50 HP, Generates 10 Mana per turn!
Current Players - Splashcat, Winkins, Ninjatwist

[AG - Splashcat] Mirror Golem - 230/580 HP, 10 HP Regen per turn, 90 Attack, + Copy Ability: gains a permanent bonus based on whatever it attacked last! Attack multiplies by 1.5x when below half (290) HP.
[AG - Ninjatwist_] Akimbo Sniper - 800/800 HP, 120x2 Attack

[N - Winkins] Iceberg - 400/400 HP, 10 Defense, Frost Breath [Deals 60 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.],
[N - Winkins] Aurora - 380/380 HP, Aurora Pulse [Heals 50 HP across multiple entities!]
[N - Winkins] Icicle - 300/300 HP, Icicle Spears x2 [Deals 50 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.]
[N - Winkins] Snow - 250/250 HP, 30 Attack
[lll] 3/3 - Snowstorm: Deals 120 Damage and inflicts Frostbite (-20 Attack) for two turns!
Dogpile: Deals (80*Huskies Involved) damage. Requires 2+ Huskies to function!

[RS] Jake - 500/500 HP, 8 CP
[RS] Resistance Defender - 500/500 HP, 30 Defense, 25 Attack

[PG] The Anger - 5/5 HP, 3 Player Actions [??? Player Power]
[PG - RN] Power Anchor - 960/1500 HP
Current Players - Paradox

[RS] Murai - 500/500 HP, 18 CP

[PG] Bar - 1445/1500 HP, doesn't do much of anything except being a tavern.
[PG] Tout - 200/250 HP, 40 Attack
- Tout - 200/250 HP, 40 Attack
Current Players - None!

[AG - Paradox] Outpost Hospital - 400/400 HP, Adds +100 to Player or Entity Heal Actions!
[lllll] 0/5 - Produce Item: Makes 1 LVL 3 Alchemy!
Current Players - None

[N] Fisher - 700/700 HP, 40 Attack
[lll] 3/3 - Fish Up: Obtains 1d4 fish. What a peculiar entity.
Current Players - None

[AG - Paradox] Exploratory Drone - 250/250 HP, 25 Attack, has 1 Attack Shield, Stealthed
[lll] 2/3 - Stealth Drive: Grants Stealthed to the Drone, causing grounded traps not to trigger and the drone to be the last entity attacked!
Current Players - Xorm

[PG - Xorm] Power Miner Combo Kit - 150/150 HP, 40 Attack, Piloted by Jets!
[N] CP Containers x2 - 200/200 HP, Each contains 5 CP that goes to Xorm when broken! Being used as armor!
[N] Grist Chests x4 - 100/100 HP, Contains Talc, Gallium, Bismuth, and Build Grist! Being used as armor!
[PG - Xorm] Jets - 100/100 HP, 25 Attack, Everything's Second Best Pilot, Vehicular Bodyguard
Everything's Second-Best Pilot - Multiplies HP & Attack stats of any vehicle he's piloting by 1.5x!
Vehicular Bodyguard - Cannot be targeted while inside a vehicle!

[PG - F] Soldiers x2 - 900/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage] x2
Soldier - 450/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage]
[AG - F] Soldier - 750/900 HP, 150 Attack, Corrupted for 1 more turn!
[PG - F] Banneret - 1350/1500 HP, 250 Attack
[lll] 1/3 - Rally Cry: Heals all members of it's faction for up to 300 HP!

[AG - ???] Conglomerate Mess - 30% Will, Corrupt [Deals 150 damage and inflicts Corrupt, changing an entity stat block for 2 turns!]
[AG - ???] Arcanic Archer - 510/1000 HP, Arcane Arrow [Chooses from Bursting, Grasping, and Beguiling arrows!]
[RS] Resistance Defender - 500/500 HP, 30 Defense, 100 Attack
Current "Players" - Sdieve's Projection
Current Mana - 115

[N - Sdieve] Constructor Drone - 50/50 HP, Constructor
Current Project - Mana Generation Formations - [lllll] 3/5

[N - Sdieve] Player Projection Formation - 100/100 HP, Allows for Player Projection. Protect at all costs!
[N - Sdieve] Mana Generators x3 - 60/60 HP, Gathers 5 Mana a turn! (x3)
Last edited:
>< ah, arbiter, I think you misunderstood my action. I was growing a hair all the way to the Arena in woodgrave, then I became thorny plantness on the other end of the hair. so I would blend in with the barrier on the power anchor.
>a...and now, I, the remaining pieces of plants on this large tree of whatever take some of the tangible Godmodding energy detectable from the Power Anchor, and make it into a Player Lock. that is, uh, the type of lock makeable only using both Godmodding and Player energy, which Godmodder absolutely, cannot pierce, and can only be unlocked by Player Actions, per Defeat The Godmodder One.
>and. then. I make a Godmodder Lock too, which requires Godmodder actions to open, but I'm pretty sure can be set to close by non-Godmodders. since this Godmodder has players on his side. and we, ah, know the Godmodder needs to actually use the required number of actions, plural, to do that, because he used Godmodder Locks to restrict his own latitude of action, when he was trying to minimise the effectiveness of, 'JObob', with all that contract stuff.
>I transport both of these Locks into my inventory, then relocate the bulk of my spiritual mass so that, ah...
int x, y, z;
position= new position (x,y,z);
print(position+"is my position now.");
...yeah, that. So now I'm mostly not in the arena.

CP: 24
Grist: 7320->7620
Talc: 1675->1915
Galium: 870
Bismuth: 160
Cerium: 180
Items: Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3]
Formation Calculator [2->3/3 Chargeup]
Heaven Comms Router
Broadsword +1 (damaged)
Formation Computer [2/2 Chargeup]
Alchemiter (Backup)
115->130 Mana(Real)
Drone (Real)
Mana Gathering, P.Assistance, P.Projection Formations(Real)
Mana Generation Formations x3.6->3.8 (Real) (req.5 Turns per Formation, req.0 Mana to emplace and run.)
Lightmantle (Orb)
Mana Wellspring (Orb) 30->40
Mana Generation Formation x0 (Orb. costs 50 Mana.)
Last edited:
[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


I pass the Chemist's Wand to Winkins and pick up the Sylphic Shovel. I also claim 20 of TRG's 68 CP, leaving the rest to be claimed by other players.


Action 1: I place Multifunction Snares on BO20 and BO21. Hopefully whatever backup the Ranger's called will come in through that entrance and get snared.


Action 2 + 5 CP + Lodestone Sword: I slash my sword in the direction of the Power Anchor. As it reaches a level position, pointing directly at it, a wave of magnetic energy goes through it and the malleable quicksilver comprising it rapidly changes form. It narrows and extends, turning from a meter-long sword into a ten-meter needle of sharpened metal in the blink of an eye, punching straight through the Power Anchor and out the other side. Poisonous quicksilver leeches out from the sword into the Power Anchor's heartwood and is left behind as the blade retracts. I quickly bring it around for another blow, the whip-thin metal bunching back up until it bites into the Power Anchor's base like a woodcutter's axe, severing it from many of its roots and leaving a deep gash in its side. I pull it back once more, then leap into the air and bring it down. Its internal liquid metal swirls in place like a dynamo, and as I stab it into the top of the Anchor, a bolt of lightning is released, splitting the Anchor down the middle and leaving a smoldering fissure inside it.


Action 3 + Captcharoid Camera: I take pictures of the Ranger's bow and the Power Anchor.


Free Action: Channeling my Player Powers to remove my dog allergies, I pet the huskies. Good doggies.


Not Sure If This Is An Action: If this doesn't take an action, I use one of Plague's Health Kits on myself. If it's still not an action to use multiples, I use another on the Mirror Golem.


The Mirror Golem looks at the Ranger. It puts its hands together in front of itself. And it starts to glow.

The blue light begins in its replacement finger, then trickles down the inside of its arm and spreads throughout the rest of its body. In a few seconds, it reaches its other arm, and an orb of energy begins to build between its hands.

"There's an important ability of the Mirror Golem that didn't seem to do anything last turn. 'Copy Ability: gains a permanent bonus based on whatever it attacked last.' The Mirror Golem attacked you last, Ranger. It may not have done damage, and I don't know who or what you are, but I know one thing: You've got some Godmodding potential in you. And right now? The Mirror Golem's copying it."

The orb builds in size and intensity until it's shining like a hypergiant star, and the Mirror Golem launches the orb of pure concentrated Godmodding energy directly at the Ranger.
<《P R O V I S I N A L A C T I O N》>
Xorm recites an honestly heartfelt speech to the Conglomerate Mess, before pulling out a Disposal Bullet to clean the Mess from the world with a tear in his eye.
Alright, now that that Power Anchor's exposed, I think it's about time we targeted that thing- the Akimbo Sniper has the right idea!

Time for a barrage of arrows with my Hunter's Longbow! I'd like to craft other alternatives to this, but I have a Power Anchor to shoot right now.

I'll start off with firing at the Power Anchor once, loading an arrow laden with fireworks onto the Hunter's Longbow. Taking care to time the shot perfectly so as to deal maximum damage, the arrow soars into the tree-like Anchor as the fireworks explode, sending the Power Anchor alight! A second arrow emerges from the bow, then robotechs around and flies towards the tree, dealing additional damage! Thanks to the help of this arrow-producing enchantment, I decide I need to increase my volume of fire- so, I put a beacon on the next arrow and fire into the Power Anchor's flaming form, helping my next attacks and the second arrow find their mark! For my finale, I ramp up the volume of fire and just rapid-fire spray with the bow, as while each arrow is individually weaker, they're boosted by the homing beacon to ensure they hit their mark, along with the roboteching secondary arrows that they summon from being fired in the first place. With this amount of arrows being directed at the Power Anchor, they strike the burning structure at the rate of fire as if an assault rifle was firing them!

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
6370+300=6670 Build Grist
1505+240=1745 Talc
710 Gallium
210 Bismuth
180 Cerium
Lv 1:1505
Lv 2:680
Lv 3:240
Lv 4:0

(x1)(Wand of Contradictions) The Dragon waves the wand around and turns the Touts into Trouts by producing the R Gun from Enter the Gungeon mid air with a poof and firing two Rs into them.

The Dragon than picks up the two trouts and hurriedly takes them to the Lake before they die from asphyxiation. Of course, if they are misbehaving...they are given to the Fisher instead. The Paradox is sure that the Fisher would like these two fishes.

(x2)Charging Up..+2,5!!As the Dragon continues heading to see where the stream goes past the Lake.

The Drone first checks if there aren't any secret caves behind the waterfall, or if it can't just fly up the waterfall to see where the water is coming for. Only if both of those things aren't there will it go left to check out the cave.

The Hospital consumes the Not-Fire, crackling with tHE FIRES OF PERDITION AND VOID!! Before it purifies those flames into Healing Lamps for its own usage to better heal others...when they come of course. Eventually.
Last edited:
Winks blinks at the sudden alchemy that was shoved in his face, but shrug and puts it away into bag for safe keepings.

Actually... before he stores it away into he quickly took the beaker-like wand, shook the container vigorously causing the liquid to bubble and fill the wand more> Following the shaking he adds a valve on it and finally open said valve to unleash a building worth of the unknown liquid onto the three other entrances that he and the party haven't explored yet!

As the liquid temporally floods the entrances Winks allows the wand to continue on spewing the liquid as he grabs the Hunter's Longbow and firing off three more arrows of the icy variety at the entrances. The arrows, upon hitting the liquid then releases their payload that then simply freezes the walls of liquid to block off the 3 other entrances of where the reinforcements may come through.

The Doggos follows the lead of the other players and blast, stab, and bash the power anchor, all while Aurora keep an eye out for any injuries to heal.

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4440 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 1400 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 210 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 180 Cerium

[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chemist's Wand - A wand that looks a bit like a really narrow beaker, but closed off. An unknown liquid sloshes inside.
- Adds 8 damage to attacks utilizing it, along with a 20% chance of Chemical Confliction (10 damage to another enemy) occurring.
Update XXX
>< ah, arbiter, I think you misunderstood my action. I was growing a hair all the way to the Arena in woodgrave, then I became thorny plantness on the other end of the hair. so I would blend in with the barrier on the power anchor.
>a...and now, I, the remaining pieces of plants on this large tree of whatever take some of the tangible Godmodding energy detectable from the Power Anchor, and make it into a Player Lock. that is, uh, the type of lock makeable only using both Godmodding and Player energy, which Godmodder absolutely, cannot pierce, and can only be unlocked by Player Actions, per Defeat The Godmodder One.
>and. then. I make a Godmodder Lock too, which requires Godmodder actions to open, but I'm pretty sure can be set to close by non-Godmodders. since this Godmodder has players on his side. and we, ah, know the Godmodder needs to actually use the required number of actions, plural, to do that, because he used Godmodder Locks to restrict his own latitude of action, when he was trying to minimise the effectiveness of, 'JObob', with all that contract stuff.
>I transport both of these Locks into my inventory, then relocate the bulk of my spiritual mass so that, ah...
int x, y, z;
position= new position (x,y,z);
print(position+"is my position now.");
...yeah, that. So now I'm mostly not in the arena.

Position fixed! Sorry about that.

You then attempt to make a Player Lock and a Godmodder Lock both, but... the Player Power is still only set to 100. Though you've made both of them, it seems that when deployed, they'd also have a high HP value that could be broken through by both Players and Godmodders. Seems like it might be due to the low Player Power currently available, considering that it was always in the ten-thousands (if not millions) back in the first war...

The locks have been added to your inventory as you swiftly relocate yourself right next to the doorway of the arena, escaping out into the Not Campfire area! There's... not much currently here, but you have the oddest sensation of being closely watched... and not by the hospital, either.

[Build] Build Grist: 4610
[LVL 1] Talc: 765
[LVL 2] Gallium: 860
[LVL 3] Bismuth: 140
[LVL 4] Cerium: 120


I pass the Chemist's Wand to Winkins and pick up the Sylphic Shovel. I also claim 20 of TRG's 68 CP, leaving the rest to be claimed by other players.


Action 1: I place Multifunction Snares on BO20 and BO21. Hopefully whatever backup the Ranger's called will come in through that entrance and get snared.


Action 2 + 5 CP + Lodestone Sword: I slash my sword in the direction of the Power Anchor. As it reaches a level position, pointing directly at it, a wave of magnetic energy goes through it and the malleable quicksilver comprising it rapidly changes form. It narrows and extends, turning from a meter-long sword into a ten-meter needle of sharpened metal in the blink of an eye, punching straight through the Power Anchor and out the other side. Poisonous quicksilver leeches out from the sword into the Power Anchor's heartwood and is left behind as the blade retracts. I quickly bring it around for another blow, the whip-thin metal bunching back up until it bites into the Power Anchor's base like a woodcutter's axe, severing it from many of its roots and leaving a deep gash in its side. I pull it back once more, then leap into the air and bring it down. Its internal liquid metal swirls in place like a dynamo, and as I stab it into the top of the Anchor, a bolt of lightning is released, splitting the Anchor down the middle and leaving a smoldering fissure inside it.


Action 3 + Captcharoid Camera: I take pictures of the Ranger's bow and the Power Anchor.


Free Action: Channeling my Player Powers to remove my dog allergies, I pet the huskies. Good doggies.


Not Sure If This Is An Action: If this doesn't take an action, I use one of Plague's Health Kits on myself. If it's still not an action to use multiples, I use another on the Mirror Golem.


The Mirror Golem looks at the Ranger. It puts its hands together in front of itself. And it starts to glow.

The blue light begins in its replacement finger, then trickles down the inside of its arm and spreads throughout the rest of its body. In a few seconds, it reaches its other arm, and an orb of energy begins to build between its hands.

"There's an important ability of the Mirror Golem that didn't seem to do anything last turn. 'Copy Ability: gains a permanent bonus based on whatever it attacked last.' The Mirror Golem attacked you last, Ranger. It may not have done damage, and I don't know who or what you are, but I know one thing: You've got some Godmodding potential in you. And right now? The Mirror Golem's copying it."

The orb builds in size and intensity until it's shining like a hypergiant star, and the Mirror Golem launches the orb of pure concentrated Godmodding energy directly at the Ranger.

20 CP and the Sylphic Shovel claimed! The Chemist's Wand is given to Winkins!

You place down the Multifunctional Snares at the back exit of this area! Hopefully, that'll deal some damage to anything coming in that way. Afterward, wielding the power of the Lodestone Sword, you launch a devastating series of attacks against the tree! The Anger, not knowing the abilities of the sword, decides to save her actions... allowing you to deal a massive 1,183 damage to the Power Anchor!

The Power Anchor has been obliterated! Player Power doubled to 200! 3200 Build Grist, 240 Gallium, and 120 Cerium dropped!
The Anger - Well, GORILLA.

Hunter's Longbow ++ (Player Power && Godmodder Energy) == Amazonian Arch
(Scranton Reality Anchor && Ether Sapper) ++ (Player Power && Godmodder Energy) == Power Anchor
Odd, I don't think the Alchemiter has that ++ modifier just yet. Perhaps there's a way to make or find it?

The Glacier Huskies are given pets! Unfortunately, healing is not a free action, but the Mirror Golem will do as you say/narrate!

<《P R O V I S I N A L A C T I O N》>
Xorm recites an honestly heartfelt speech to the Conglomerate Mess, before pulling out a Disposal Bullet to clean the Mess from the world with a tear in his eye.

I'll requote this when you finish the action, but for now, the Conglomerate Mess has been dissipated! It leaves 800 Build Grist and 90 Bismuth behind for you to use, as you feel the surge in power go through you... what the heck just happened?

Alright, now that that Power Anchor's exposed, I think it's about time we targeted that thing- the Akimbo Sniper has the right idea!

Time for a barrage of arrows with my Hunter's Longbow! I'd like to craft other alternatives to this, but I have a Power Anchor to shoot right now.

I'll start off with firing at the Power Anchor once, loading an arrow laden with fireworks onto the Hunter's Longbow. Taking care to time the shot perfectly so as to deal maximum damage, the arrow soars into the tree-like Anchor as the fireworks explode, sending the Power Anchor alight! A second arrow emerges from the bow, then robotechs around and flies towards the tree, dealing additional damage! Thanks to the help of this arrow-producing enchantment, I decide I need to increase my volume of fire- so, I put a beacon on the next arrow and fire into the Power Anchor's flaming form, helping my next attacks and the second arrow find their mark! For my finale, I ramp up the volume of fire and just rapid-fire spray with the bow, as while each arrow is individually weaker, they're boosted by the homing beacon to ensure they hit their mark, along with the roboteching secondary arrows that they summon from being fired in the first place. With this amount of arrows being directed at the Power Anchor, they strike the burning structure at the rate of fire as if an assault rifle was firing them!

- Heavy Crossbow [Lvl.2] ( +15 damage per action used)
- Retreating Spear [Lvl.2] (+8 damage per action used, moves user back one space after action)
- Hunter's Longbow [Lvl.3] (+15 damage per action used, increased to +30 damage per action used if more than one action is used)
- Periodic Wand [Lvl.1] (Gift from Splashcat, +3 damage per action, 20% chance to proc Chemical Reaction, dealing 2 additional damage)

- Dapper Stovepipe [Lvl.1] (20% chance to inflict Confusion (30% miss chance) to foes that attack you)
- Trickster's Tailed Coat [Lvl.3] (40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack)
- Warlock's Timepiece [Lvl.3] (30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them)

Charge: 12 CP
Grist Stores:
6370+300=6670 Build Grist
1505+240=1745 Talc
710 Gallium
210 Bismuth
180 Cerium

The Power Anchor is destroyed from Splashcat's action, so you quickly redirect to the Anger! Instead of dodging, the Anger is reminded of something - and so manifesting a spear to use as a shield, she begins to twirl it around herself and swiftly blocking all the arrows from hitting her person at a supernatural speed!

Lv 1:1505
Lv 2:680
Lv 3:240
Lv 4:0

(x1)(Wand of Contradictions) The Dragon waves the wand around and turns the Touts into Trouts by producing the R Gun from Enter the Gungeon mid air with a poof and firing two Rs into them.

The Dragon than picks up the two trouts and hurriedly takes them to the Lake before they die from asphyxiation. Of course, if they are misbehaving...they are given to the Fisher instead. The Paradox is sure that the Fisher would like these two fishes.

(x2)Charging Up..+2,5!!As the Dragon continues heading to see where the stream goes past the Lake.

The Drone first checks if there aren't any secret caves behind the waterfall, or if it can't just fly up the waterfall to see where the water is coming for. Only if both of those things aren't there will it go left to check out the cave.

The Hospital consumes the Not-Fire, crackling with tHE FIRES OF PERDITION AND VOID!! Before it purifies those flames into Healing Lamps for its own usage to better heal others...when they come of course. Eventually.

The Touts - err, Trouts now, are promptly carried to the lake where they simply swim away! That's that problem dealt with.

As you charge 2 CP and leave the Bar with Murai (promptly archiving the area in the process), you cross the lake and wave to the Fisher before entering a small clearing with a really, really deep well of water. You can't hope to see the bottom from here, but... perhaps there's something down there? It'd be tough to get down there, but...

Both your entities will do as you say!

Winks blinks at the sudden alchemy that was shoved in his face, but shrug and puts it away into bag for safe keepings.

Actually... before he stores it away into he quickly took the beaker-like wand, shook the container vigorously causing the liquid to bubble and fill the wand more> Following the shaking he adds a valve on it and finally open said valve to unleash a building worth of the unknown liquid onto the three other entrances that he and the party haven't explored yet!

As the liquid temporally floods the entrances Winks allows the wand to continue on spewing the liquid as he grabs the Hunter's Longbow and firing off three more arrows of the icy variety at the entrances. The arrows, upon hitting the liquid then releases their payload that then simply freezes the walls of liquid to block off the 3 other entrances of where the reinforcements may come through.

The Doggos follows the lead of the other players and blast, stab, and bash the power anchor, all while Aurora keep an eye out for any injuries to heal.

CP: 0
Grist Count:
[Build] 4440 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 1400 Talc
[LVL 2] 740 Gallium
[LVL 3] 210 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 180 Cerium

[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chemist's Wand - A wand that looks a bit like a really narrow beaker, but closed off. An unknown liquid sloshes inside.
- Adds 8 damage to attacks utilizing it, along with a 20% chance of Chemical Confliction (10 damage to another enemy) occurring.

Using the Chemist's Wand, you create 3 walls of ice to block off the three entryways into the area that aren't snared! Though they only have 210 HP each, they might help for a little while to fend the incoming reinforcements off.

Your entities will do as you say!

End of Turn Battle -

Slated Cliffs -

Not much happens here, except for Sdieve's incremental increase in Mana!

Woodgrave -

Elsewhere -
The Drone, upon realizing that there is in fact nothing beyond the cave, attempts to ascend the waterfall and succeeds! Temporarily archiving the Waterfall, it emerges into a Spring in a new area - Tonnerre Ridge, the... third companion zone. The enemies here are bound to be a lot stronger... be on your guard if you want to explore. There's a loot chest here too, but it has a lot of HP and grounded entities cannot exactly get up here.

The Hospital promptly extinguishes the not-fire, transforming its essence into healing lamps! This increases its healing output per turn by 20 HP!

The Arena -
Within the arena, the various AG and Neutral entities realize that the Power Anchor is destroyed and promptly stand their guard against whatever the Anger is about to do! The Mirror Golem, however, launches a copied blast at the Ranger! Not expecting it in the least, she misses the Counter timing in whatever fighting game she was going to use as a basis, taking 1 Damage!

The Anger, seething at this point and very mad at being hit, focuses on herself and uses an action to promptly remove the N, E, and other R from her battle statistics! After all, if they can do it, then why can't she? This makes her the Ag, or the AG! She then uses her second action, being the AG, to take the 48 CP from the group pile, before restoring her name back to The Ranger using her third and final action! This can't be good...
The Ranger - I'm a Player too, aren't I? Shenanigans are completely plausible for me!
The Ranger - En garde! You won't escape this place alive!

From outside the Arena, the northern and western Ice Walls each take 150 damage!

The Lodestar -
The Resistance Golem uses its attack to further batter the damaged Soldier, and the Arcanic Archer uses their Bursting Arrow to deal 100 damage to all 4 of them! Regardless, as the Corrupted Status wears off of the last Soldier, they manage to completely defeat the Arcane Archer with a well-coordinated team-attack! The Resistance Golem also takes 220 damage - seems like things are wrapping up nicely!

A total of 400 Build Grist, 120 Talc, and 60 Gallium is dropped as the battle winds down.

General/Miscellaneous -
Plague's remaining alchemies are currently up for grabs by any AG! This excludes entities named the AG this time!

Across the Soul Orb (and outside of it), everything upticks!

I've fixed the banner up above so the Ranger won't be able to steal the alchemies through name shenanigans anymore, but... yikes. That's a lot of CP that she has, and with... 300 Player Power, it's definitely not gonna be easy to defend against her attacks! Stay ready, everyone!

Total Grist Attained -
[Build] +4400 Build Grist
[LVL 1] +120 Talc
[LVL 2] +300 Gallium
[LVL 3] +90 Bismuth
[LVL 4] +120 Cerium


The Soul Orb
A diversified world in itself, separated into biomes under the control of the Godmodder and his Companions.

The maps of the world can be found linked here:

Itinerary -
[AG] - Destroy the Godmodder!
[AG/N] - Increase Player Power by destroying the Power Anchors!
[N] - Find your own goals!
[PG] - Stop the AG effort to increase Player Power!
[PG] - Reconvene with the Godmodder somewhere a bit more PG Biased...?

Player List - Player Power set to 200.
General Inventory / Key Items:
- The Alchemiter: allows for alchemy wherever and whenever!
Required Grist for Upgrade to [LVL 5] -
5,800/12,000 Build Grist, 680/960 Gallium, 200/480 Bismuth, 60/480 Cerium

Ninjatwist - 6/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Retreater's Spear - A light spear, designed to actually maximize physical recoil from the weapon.
- When used, it does 8 extra damage per action and springs the user back one space on the map from the enemy they're attacking.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Heavy Crossbow - A somewhat difficult to wield crossbow made of iron and other heavy materials, including depleted uranium.
- Deals 15 additional damage per Action used to attack with it.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Crossbow - A fairly simple wooden crossbow. Effective and easy to fire!
- Deals an additional 4 damage per action used.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Periodic Wand - A wand with a really, really small version of the Periodic Table wrapped around its side lengthwise.
- Adds 3 damage per action to attacks. Also has a 20% chance to trigger Chemical Reaction (3 damage to another enemy) once a turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Trickster's Tailed Coat - A coat that seems to be an optical illusion in itself. Seems to make some attacks hit a bit less, at least!
- Grants a 40% chance to deduct 60 damage from the total dealt by an attack.
[LVL 3 Armor] Warlock's Timepiece - A small timepiece that seems to glow with malevolent energy.
- Grants a 30% chance for your attacks to chain off to another enemy, dealing 25% (Up to 75) of the attack's damage to them.
[LVL 1 Armor] Dapper Stovepipe - A rather dapper looking top hat, if a bit plain.
- Upon being hit, has a 20% chance to cause the attacker to gain Confusion (30% miss chance) next turn.

Paradox - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 4 Weapon] Wand of Contradictions - A slender wand made of dark oak. Flecks of green scales hint at the nature of the wand.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 40 extra damage per action to the target's Max HP. Also has a 10% chance to double the damage dealt.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Paradoxic Wand - A wand with the power to create and control previously unknown paradoxes.
- Deals an additional 10 damage to the Max Health of a creature, due to mind-breaking paradoxes implanted within.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Pinpoint Needles - Two needles with weak-point sensing tech inside, allowing them to be incredibly precise with their aim.
- Deals an additional 10 damage per action, with a 10% chance to double all damage dealt in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.

[LVL 3 Armor] Destiny Scarf - A dark-blue scarf with several bright teal markings across its surface.
- Grants 10% dodge chance and deducts 10 damage from attacks that go through.
[LVL 3 Armor] Draconic Plate - A cloak of green dragon scales that seems to blend in with the forested background.
- Grants 5% dodge chance and automatically deducts 20 damage from attacks that hit.
[LVL 1 Armor] Lucky Ribbon - A green ribbon... simple enough, honestly. It does blend in with the scales, though.
- Grants a 5% dodge chance to the player wearing it per attack.

Sdieve - 7/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] +1 Broadsword - Seems to be a mildly enchanted broadsword, with nothing more to it. Still cool, though.
- Adds 25 damage to an attack and negates up to a 15% chance of dodging.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Formation Computator [Cooldown: 0/2] - A far more capable computer, running the latest in calculation technologies!
- Usable to add roughly 50 damage per action or a weaker status effect to an attack using formations. Has a cooldown of 2 turns.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chipped Pickaxe - An iron pickaxe with a small chip in it. Seems effective at what it does.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack used to break down walls and other structures.
[LVL 1 Weapon] Formation Calculator [Cooldown: 0/3] - A lightweight laptop with programs on it for creating and designing formations.
- Usable to add roughly 10 damage and an average chance of a status effect to a formation per action. Has a cooldown of 3 turns.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3 Uses] - A purple leather-bound book filled with magic. Perhaps this has some info?
- Two functions here: Either can be used to learn for lore [0 charges used] or can create an example for 1 charge. Examples have varying effects.

[LVL 2 Passive] Heaven Comms Router - A small device, capable of being carried in a pocket. It works!
- Enables communications with Heaven, or what remains of it. From there, who knows what you can do?

- Backup Alchemiter
- Weak Player Lock
- Weak Godmodder Lock
- $140

Shin Kicker (Plague) - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Thunder Mirror - A mirror rimmed with magically infused copper. Seems to hold back immense levels of sound.
- Adds 10 damage to an attack action, along with a 30% chance for Paralyzed (cannot switch squares) for 1 turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Sylphic Shovel - A lightweight shovel with a white and blue color scheme. Contains the power of the winds.
- Adds 20 Damage per action to an attack, with a 10% chance of dealing
Airbound (cannot change squares) for one turn.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Rainbow Reloader - A multicolored pistol, using the same return-shot system as the Returning shot.
- Can use Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, or Purple shots. Effects vary depending on color.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Adjustable Shovel - A shovel split into two halves of a blade, seemingly creating an adjustable width and length of the tool.
- Adds 10 damage per action to an attack, with a 50% chance of dealing Buried (cannot switch zones) for one turn.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Laser Slugger - A metallic bat with a laser gun duct-taped onto the handle.
- When used as a part of an attack, deals 10 extra damage per action with a 15% chance of inflicting Stunned (Misses actions) for 1 turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Lifetime Extender - A secondary golden timepiece, seeming to run a bit slower than time itself...
- Increases Max HP by 40 when worn.
[LVL 1 Armor] Golden Watch - A golden watch. If you look closely, it seems to always be exactly on time, no matter what.
- When hit, has a 20% chance to give Slowed (-10% Attack Damage) on the attacker in return.

[LVL 1 Consumable] Health Amplifier [4/4 Uses] - A mix between radio and medical kits, boosting the signal of one's vitals to restore their health.
- When used, restores 30 HP to anything on the field.

Splashcat - 8/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Lodestone Sword - A sword composed of some sort of magnetic stone, infused with mercury in the process.
- Adds 30 damage per action to its attack, but subtracts 2/3rds of that amount from another.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Reactionary Bat - A bat that seems to react to the slightest touch of anything upon its wooden surface.
- When attacks are countered, allows the user to take up to 40 of the countered damage and sends it back at the original attacker as an action. This damage is still able to be countered.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Texter's Rifle - A black and white rifle-typewriter thing. Uses the power of wordplay to deal damage to opponents.
- Deals anywhere from 15-25 extra damage per Action, now dependent on quality wordplay! This can include puns.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Particle Wand - A wand that looks more like a baton than anything, seeming to direct the very particles around it.
- Adds 20 damage per action to an attack, along with a 10% cumulative chance per action of a minor negative status effect being inflicted.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Sylphic Shovel - A lightweight shovel with a white and blue color scheme. Contains the power of the winds.
- Adds 20 Damage per action to an attack, with a 10% chance of dealing
Airbound (cannot change squares) for one turn.

[LVL 3 Armor] Warded Dress - A nice dress, but seems somewhat stiff when given a second glance. Still very magic, lightning, and bulletproof.
- Deducts 20 damage from the total you take per attack. Rather nice effects, too!

[LVL 2 Consumable] Multifunction Snare [2/4 Uses] - A very complex device based on the classic bear trap. Now with about 15 extra functions!
- Placable in an area as an action. The first enemy to enter the area then takes 100 damage from stepping on it!
[LVL 2 Consumable] Capcharoid Camera [3/5 Uses] - Prints out Homestuck-styled Capchalouge Cards for anything it takes a picture of.
- Can be used as an action to easily determine how to alchemize something! Does not tell the level, though.

Winkins - 2/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Hunter's Longbow - A longbow made of sturdy oak, complete with plenty of fletched arrows made of the same tree.
- Adds 15 damage per action, or 30 per action if more than one action is used in the attack.
[LVL 2 Weapon] Chemist's Wand - A wand that looks a bit like a really narrow beaker, but closed off. An unknown liquid sloshes inside.
- Adds 8 damage to attacks utilizing it, along with a 20% chance of Chemical Confliction (10 damage to another enemy) occurring.

Xorm - 3/8 Inventory Slots used.
[LVL 3 Weapon] Octuple Barreled Shotgun - It's taken on a standard revolver design, but with 8 slots for shotgun shells. The barrel still unhinges.
- Adds 25 damage per Action to an attack. Still rather simple, but effective...

[LVL 2 Armor] Formation Badge - A small badge with the same coloration and everything as the uniform of a Formation Soldier.
- Takes 10 damage off every attack launched at you, along with showing loyalty to the PG side.
[LVL 1 Armor] Reactive Shield [20/20 Shields] - A shield that builds up deflection energy over time, compressed into a small trinket on your form.
- Builds up 2 HP of shield per turn. When you're hit, the damage is first taken from the shield and then your health bar. Caps at 20 Shields.

[AG] Ninjatwist_ - 1000/1000 HP - 12 CP
[AG] Paradox - 1000/1000 HP - 2 CP
[N] Sdieve - 4500/1000 HP - 24 CP - Has 1 Attack Shield!
[AG] Splashcat - 896/1000 HP - 33 CP
[N] Winkins - 1000/1000 HP - 2 CP
[PG] Xorm - 234/1000 HP - 11 CP

Godmodder HP - 69/70
Field Effect: RADIO ZONE! (Lasts as long as Radio!Xorm is alive!)
- All entities that choose a frequency have a 50/50 chance to dodge attacks!
- This effect can be negated if the attacker has a frequency exactly double or half of the defender's.
- Frequencies for both you and your entities can be chosen as a free action once a turn.

Current Players - None!

[N] Radio!Xorm - 130/130 HP, 30 Attack (Frequency 0)
[N - Radio!Xorm] Radio Towers (x3) - 180/180 HP, Radio Zone Broadcast [ON]
[N - Radio!Xorm] Wicked Witch of the Wavelength - 300/300 HP, 25 HP Regen per turn, 10x5 Attack + Weakened (-5 Attack) for two turns. Also inflicts Weakened when hit. This can stack! (Frequency 1)
Current Players - None!

[N - Winkins] Talc Snail - 300/300 HP, 50 Attack, 100 Talc Eaten (Inventory: 60/60 Talc)
- Eats all available Talc, converting half of it to stats and gaining 3 HP and .5 Attack per Talc converted. Stores the other half in its inventory.

[N] Talc Deposit - 40/200 Talc, gains 40 Talc per turn!
Current Players - None

[AG - Gold] Armed Bot - 200/200 HP, 50 Attack
[AG - Gold] Kama - 250/250 HP, 80 Attack (10% chance of critical, doubling damage)

[RS] Forcefield Projector - -1000/-1000 Shields, heals for -100 HP every turn! Protects the entire zone.
Current Players - None!
Current Mana Reserve - 40

[N - Sdieve] Lightmantle - 100/180 HP, 40 Attack

[N - Sdieve] Mana Wellspring - 50/50 HP, Generates 10 Mana per turn!
Current Players - Splashcat, Winkins, Ninjatwist

[AG - Splashcat] Mirror Golem - 240/580 HP, 10 HP Regen per turn, 90 Attack, + Copy Ability: gains a permanent bonus based on whatever it attacked last! Attack multiplies by 1.5x when below half (290) HP.
[AG - Ninjatwist_] Akimbo Sniper - 800/800 HP, 120x2 Attack

[N - Winkins] Iceberg - 400/400 HP, 10 Defense, Frost Breath [Deals 60 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.],
[N - Winkins] Aurora - 380/380 HP, Aurora Pulse [Heals 50 HP across multiple entities!]
[N - Winkins] Icicle - 300/300 HP, Icicle Spears x2 [Deals 50 damage and inflicts Frost (Can only move 1 zone away) for two turns.]
[N - Winkins] Snow - 250/250 HP, 30 Attack
[lll] 3/3 - Snowstorm: Deals 120 Damage and inflicts Frostbite (-20 Attack) for two turns!
Dogpile: Deals (80*Huskies Involved) damage. Requires 2+ Huskies to function!

[N] Ice Wall - 60/210 HP, blocking the northern exit!
[N] Ice Wall - 60/210 HP, blocking the western exit!
[N] Ice Wall - 210/210 HP, blocking the southern exit!
[N] Multifunctional Snares x2 - Deals 100 damage twice to any entity coming or exiting from/to the east!

[RS] Jake - 500/500 HP, 8 CP
[RS] Resistance Defender - 500/500 HP, 30 Defense, 25 Attack

[PG] The Ranger - 4/5 HP, 3 Player Actions, 50 CP [300 Player Power]
Current Players - Sdieve

[AG - Paradox] Outpost Hospital - 400/400 HP, Adds 120 points of healing to Player or Entity Heal Actions!
[lllll] 1/5 - Produce Item: Makes 1 LVL 3 Alchemy!
Current Players - None

[N] Fisher - 700/700 HP, 40 Attack
[lll] 3/3 - Fish Up: Obtains 1d4 fish. What a peculiar entity.
[AG - Paradox] Exploratory Drone - 250/250 HP, 25 Attack, has 1 Attack Shield, Stealthed
[lll] 3/3 - Stealth Drive: Grants Stealthed to the Drone, causing grounded traps not to trigger and the drone to be the last entity attacked!
Current Players - Xorm

[PG - Xorm] Power Miner Combo Kit - 150/150 HP, 40 Attack, Piloted by Jets!
[N] CP Containers x2 - 200/200 HP, Each contains 5 CP that goes to Xorm when broken! Being used as armor!
[N] Grist Chests x4 - 100/100 HP, Contains Talc, Gallium, Bismuth, and Build Grist! Being used as armor!
[PG - Xorm] Jets - 100/100 HP, 25 Attack, Everything's Second Best Pilot, Vehicular Bodyguard
Everything's Second-Best Pilot - Multiplies HP & Attack stats of any vehicle he's piloting by 1.5x!
Vehicular Bodyguard - Cannot be targeted while inside a vehicle!

[PG - F] Soldiers x2 - 900/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage] x2
Soldier - 450/900 HP, 100 Attack [10% chance to double damage]
[AG - F] Soldier - 750/900 HP, 150 Attack, Corrupted for 1 more turn!
[PG - F] Banneret - 1350/1500 HP, 250 Attack
[lll] 1/3 - Rally Cry: Heals all members of it's faction for up to 300 HP!

[RS] Resistance Defender - 280/500 HP, 30 Defense, 100 Attack
Current "Players" - Sdieve's Projection
Current Mana - 135

[N - Sdieve] Constructor Drone - 50/50 HP, Constructor
Current Project - Mana Generation Formations - [lllll] 4/5

[N - Sdieve] Player Projection Formation - 100/100 HP, Allows for Player Projection. Protect at all costs!
[N - Sdieve] Mana Generators x3 - 60/60 HP, Gathers 5 Mana a turn! (x3)
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[Build] 4490 + 500 + 300 + 4400 = 9690 Build Grist
[LVL 1] 660 + 380 + 240 + 120 = 1400 Talc
[LVL 2] 400 + 300 = 700 Gallium
[LVL 3] 140 + 30 + 90 = 260 Bismuth
[LVL 4] 120 + 60 + 120 = 300 Cerium

[[Quick adjustments on the EOTB - Xorm should have 11 CP, and the CP Containers should be removed from the Combo Kit's stat block. In addition, I don't think Xorm ever took that 200 Damage... He should be at 117 HP, not 317 HP. Thank you!]]

The room had cleared up quite a bit, now. And a quick skim through a digital lorebook revealed what that burst of power was.

A Power Anchor had just gone down. Xorm clenched his jaw tightly. He needed a little destruction in his life right now... And that Resistance Defender looked perfect to mess with.

[Action 1 + Sacrifice Combo Kit: MESS WITH IT.]

"Jets, point the Combo Kit at me... And bail!" he says, a wild gleam in his eyes, and a suspicious sharpness to his teeth.

[["Huh. Didn't know he had those pointy teeth." Kit mutters aloud.]]

"I'm sorry you want me to crash this into you?" Jets says in one breath.

Xorm smirks confidently, then takes a wide stance... Like someone trying to catch and stop a freight train with his bare hands. "Trust me. I can catch it."

Jets considers this... Then smiles back. "If I had known you'd be this suicidal, I'd have let you jump."

"You love me."

"And I hate it." he says back, aiming his Vehicle at the Avatar, then slamming the gas and jumping off. It whirs its way at Xorm with malicious intent... Only for him to duck under its primary blades, to pick it up by the rear tire, heft it above himself with both hands, and throw it at the Resistance Defender, who winds up crushed in a pile of shattered LEGOs and random bundles of Grist. The Combo Kit now lies broken, a pile of scrap metal. But Xorm can't help but smile.

[Summary: Throw the entire vehicle at The Defender. Chuckle at the burning scrap metal.]

[Action 2 + 4 CP: Replacement Troops]
The casualties, though... Were steep. Those Infantry might have been weak, but they were numerous, and that had it's own advantages. So he gathered up some of his own power to do something that might make up for those losses...

And opened a portal to a certain ship. The swirling red hole sat there on the wall for a minute, before a small humanoid with an eyeball for a head walked through and looked around.

"Ugh, all these dimensional holes... Oh!" he mutters before noticing the alien mercenary in the room. "Xorm, old pal! Great to see you again!" he says happily. "I'm assuming the hole in the Watchdogs' armory was you, then?"

Xorm greets the eyeball fellow with the same sort of fondness. "Yup. I need to phone a favor from you, Commander Peepers." he replies. "I'm fighting a war here, and my side could use Watchdog reinforcements."

Peepers blinks. "I'm sorry, you want me to funnel Watchdogs away from Hater's army to bolster yours?" he says incredulously.

Xorm nods. "That's the gist... But don't think of it like that. Consider it more... Helping Hater get a foothold in a place he'd never know about otherwise. When we win, it'll be with your help, which means Hater's help, which means he'll be entitled to some of the spoils... like rulership..." he trails off with a smile. Peepers smiles [[In spite of the fact he has an eyeball for a head]] and salutes.

"Well, I wouldn't want to let Hater pass up such an opportunity! I'll get right on it!" Peepers says with enthusiasm, before hopping back through the portal. Moments later, a slightly smaller eyeball-person... A "Watchdog," apparently... with a smaller lightning bolt on his hat, hops through into the building, blaster at the ready.

"I heard the cafeteria here had more than one thing to eat on any given day! Let's goooooooo!" he says, overly enthusiastic about such a minor thing.

[Summary: Spend 5 AP to create a Watchdog Portal that spawns one Watchdog every turn. The portal itself is as fragile as glass, but the combat skills of the Watchdogs should hopefully prevent further
[AG] incursions.]

Then he pulls out that crystal from earlier.

[Action 3 + 7 CP: Fond Memories]
[And Broken Promises]
[[Hey, Kit, what were you saying about a Monster Core earlier?]]
[[Monster Core - An energetic remnant of a monster, that contains their soul, their spirit. Break it and you kill them. Cut it out and you basically own them.]]
[[That's... Kinda dark. Were you planning on reviving this one?]]
[[Yup! Pretty sure I know who it is, too~]]
[[How? It's just a crunchy-looking glowy stone.]]
[[But you pulled it from a mess of undeserved deaths. If there's one monster that could be, it's Ranieh.]]
[[Who is...?]]
[[A proud Drider who featured in maybe 5 episodes before dying kinda brutally.]]
[[Kit, your xenophile is showing.]]
[[H-Hey! Public channel!]]

[[I just like messing with you. Alright... Channeling now.]]

Xorm sits down, closes his eyes, and holds the crystal gently. His essence flows into it, searching, investigating... Finding. Deep inside that weak glow was a pinpoint of cold determination.

[[Found her... Pulling.]] he messages quietly. He reaches out to take her soul, and is rebuked. He tries again, and is shoved aside. No, not yet. Ranieh growls. Xorm growls back. If not now, when? There's no time in here - Now and a thousand years from now are the same. So come out. Now. he resounds, grappling her soul and pulling.
Ballyhoo: Callback. Xorm's soul mutters.
Something enters the slipstream on the way out, something eldritch, ancient.
He had called back that familiar voice.
[[Xorm, something's wrong, I'm picking up some odd chatter from the IDPD.]]
Xorm cringed - He forgot she was a Class III Corruptional Biohazard.
[[Maybe they're just looking for me.]] he responds, pulling on those twinned souls as they twisted.
My King... The corruption whispered.
[[No, they're mentioning... A Sliver Queen? Xorm. What did you do?]]
You came back~ The second soul says as it overtakes the first.
[[I didn't do anything-]]
[[Ha! He knows what he did.]]
[[Your Avatar is bringing back an old flame of his. Of course, she's even higher on the IDPD's hitlist than he is.]]
[[Oh, boys~ Be quiet.]]

The machines cut out as Xorm's work finishes. There's an unsettling screech as dark energy flows from the crystal to form into a spider's body with a humanoid form extending from where its head would be. Spikes cover the spider abdomen, and the legs clink as if they were made of metal. And the humanoid form... It's covered in scales, but has a feminine form... And a predator's grin. Her purple hair flows to her back as she looks around with magenta eyes.

"This form is wrong, but at least I breathe again..." she says. Everyone in the room is staring at the demon-drider. "What? Never seen a Sliver Queen in all her glory before~?"

[Summary: Summon Ranieh, Sliver Queen.
A high-HP entity with a few tricks up her sleeves...
Venom Drench [||]: Inflict heavy Poisoned [Damage Over Time] to a target.
Numberless Brood [|]: Spawn a "Sliver" entity every other turn.
...And a Class-III risk level on her head.
Known Hazard [??]: Randomly spawns [H] Interdimensional Police Forces on this Entity's location.]


Kit closes his laptop for a minute and looks around. Does some math. And then he goes to the Collector and smiles. "Hey..." he starts quietly. "Listen. I have a man on the outside who's setting up Plot Hooks. I need something I can use to dispel debuffs... Like a microphone to recite an inspiring story through. Your payment? Access to the outside world when this is over with. Deal?"
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>< I run the visual portions of my spiritual mass in circles while manipulating the parts at Position(x, y, z) - where x, y and z were never initialised so that Position doesn't have a value- until I am suddenly back in my cave, causing the visual portions in woodgrave to evaporate in a puff of logic.
>< I send the real-world players the Alchemy Code for Godmodding Energy, lesser Player Locks, and lesser Godmodder Locks and tell them that if they can alchemize the first, they can probably make a proper Player Lock out of it.
> I set down the Player Lock around my Cave and lock it. I'll leave the Godmodder Lock off for now, I don't want to be trapped if I have to run... Or, wait. Actually... Well, there's no in principle reason the locks have to be motionless or any given shape, so before doing that I try setting up the Lock to be attached to my location and conform to the shape of my body, Like a nigh-indestructible energy shield which I can reform to protect larger areas by growing more skin.
> I preview Godmodding Energy ||(container of fire energy&&container of air energy&& container of mana &&container of light && container of power), or in simpler terms, Godmodding energy||Container of [something].
> I then preview Player Energy || Ex nihilo Generator

E> The Drone finishes the tileable Mana Generation Formation. The Mana in the Orb reaches 50 and is expended to create a Mana Generation Formation. The Lightmantle tries to preform a healing magic of light, providing ambient healing. Also, with the tileable Mana Generation Formation complete in the real world, 100 Mana is expended to make another 2 of them of the Orb kind.

CP: 24
Grist: 7620->12,020
Talc: 1915->2035
Galium: 870->1170
Bismuth: 160->250
Cerium: 180->300
Items: Encyclopedia of Magical Structures [1/3]
Formation Calculator [3/3 Chargeup]
Heaven Comms Router
Broadsword +1 (damaged)
Formation Computer [2/2 Chargeup]
Alchemiter (Backup)
135->35->50 Mana(Real)
Drone (Real)
Mana Gathering, P.Assistance, P.Projection Formations(Real)
Mana Generation Formations x3.8->4->6 (Real) (req.5 Turns per Formation, req.0 Mana to emplace and run.)
Lightmantle (Orb)
Mana Wellspring (Orb) 40->50
Mana Generation Formation x0 (Orb. costs 50 Mana.)
Player Lock
Godmodder Lock
somewhere beyond the edge of the horizon there is a scale
somewhere at the ends of that scale are six weights
somewhere at the center of the scale it's clear to see the sides are imbalanced
somewhere at the heavier end of the scale sit three red weights
somewhere at the lighter end of the scale sits one blue weight
somewhere at the base of the scale sit two gray weights
somewhere at the lighter end of the scale...

Suddenly, from nothing, ecneserP ehT was there. And anyone who saw it could see that it wasn't. And yet, at the same time, it was, and it embodied everything, from the hopes of the future to the desire for strength to the rule of force to ӨBƧΣƧƧIӨП ΛПD ƧΣЯVIƬЦDΣ ƬΉΣMƧΣᄂVΣƧ to an ever-expanding scourge upon the world to the forces put in place to prevent its advance to the joyous reign of chaos to the reign of something far greater to the center of all conflict to an intruder in the realm of logic to the march of progress to the purity of truth to even the forces that rule another world.
It was nothing and it was eveЯything and more.

CP: 3
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