(D&D 5e) The Lustrarium Labyrinth


Initiate Action: Buzz
Somewhere Strange

The battered old lift reaches the bottom of the shaft, the gears ceasing movement with a final creak of tormented wood and brass. The sudden quiet is almost deafening.

Five figures are on board; armed and armoured, strong and skilled.

A red-haired warrior woman, in sturdy chain mail and a pair of longswords at her side. Her grey eyes bear the weight of unspoken grief.

A monk in dark robes with a yellow sash - her face is hidden, but every movement has the unspoken grace of smooth self-confidence.

A gangly man, storm-haired and in the garb of the folk of the Wild Unknown. He clutches a flute with a thoughtful look on his ragged features.

A thin woman without a past, icy eyed and with a pair of blades herself. She stands with a quiet, serious air as she surveys the room.

And last is a bearded man in clinking chain mail. A holy man of Knossi: he bears her symbol on his shield.

Now the lift is stopped, the five are free to look and listen. The room is large and shadowed, a roughly square room sixty feet to a side. Light comes weakly from above, but the room is lit with a pale blue light from irregularly shaped crystals studded - or growing - from the roof thirty feet ahead.

The walls and floor are made of vast stone blocks, set together seemingly without mortar. Water trickles in rivulets down the stone and makes small puddles on the floor, the only sign of the vast river you know meets its end in the Chasm. Moss grows in damp patches near the water, and fish barely the size of your little finger dart back and forth in some of the larger puddles.

The air is thick with time and still as the grave: only the wind from the shaft you came down even stirs the air a little. All is quiet but the faint sound of running water.

To the east, in the centre of the wall is a thick-looking door, tightly shut, of rusting metal inlaid with the silver symbol of a tower. A handle stands prominently in the middle, looking like it once had gems inset into it - long since prised out.

To the west is a passageway, barely three feet wide - it leads off into a darkened corridor, - the light of the luminous crystals only reaching a few feet down the hallway.

Well, adventurers. Now is the time; gather your courage and explore.

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Brandon reached out to touch the face of his shield, murmuring a small prayer to his goddess as he did so. The outer face of his shield began to glow brightly, shedding a radius of bright white light as the cantrip takes effect.

Wandering the room, Brandon eyed the stone walls, simply taking in the sight. As he passed along the wall facing to the west, he raised his shield and peers curiously down the dark corridor. The light of his blessing radiated strongly perhaps 20 feet down the corridor, before fading to a dimmer light another 20 feet or so beyond that and then eventually dying off entirely. Brandon's eyes scanned what can be seen of the corridor carefully.
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The lift came to a stop and the pale eyed warrior stood at the front. They carried a weight, one of battles won and lost, blood spilt and loved ones taken. As they disembarked she held up her left hand clenched in a fist. Yurnoth King's Guard hand signal for halt. No one accompanying her would recognize, except maybe the Forge Priest, the one that bears the mark of Knossi on his shield. There was a shake to her head as she gestured to the door to the east, then to the passage to the west. It was an invitation for the others to decide which way they should go.

She'd lead before, a group of men and women clad in steel ready to lay down their lives for the King. If she was honest, she was never command material, just found herself thrust into the role. Her leading strategy was to lead, to stand at the front and charge with her troops blades at the ready.

But, that woman was gone, killed in the snow swept valley of Talgard. Irina was just a soldier sent with a final order. Recover the Godlustre, or die in the attempt.

She took a few steps forward her armor rattling with each step. Looking to the west she saw the priest speak a prayer and his shield illuminated. The soldier was well of the prayers to Knossi. Her father would say them every time he started work in the morning, sing her hymns in time with his hammer blows. While her family was devout, only a few were ever given the gift of being a Forge Priest. Her own faith had waned, become rusted and forgotten. She didn't say the prayer of steel as she donned her armor, the hymn of the blade as she strapped her swords to her, when she used to every morning. The words never reached...besides she was a broken tool, good only to die so she could be forged into something new.

Who would want to look forward to that future?

She came up behind the priest hands ready to draw her blades. She didn't like that passage, only wide enough for one of them at a time, if that. Limited the directions of attack but, also constricted her movements. Made it difficult for her to strike back And she would be at the front, only her and the priest wore heavy armor, and she looked the only one to be battle hardened. It would be her place to face the enemy head on.

She would like to at least see what was beyond the door first. No harm in just opening it.

However she would leave the decision up to her comrades.

She was no longer a leader.
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"And so here we are. Fear not, comrades, we were always meant to be here. We need now only choose to move forward." He said, perhaps comforting some, perhaps not. He had been quiet on the surface, rarely speaking, except for direct observations-as now.

"...The fish are an interesting thing, are they not? I suspect this corridor can be expected to flood quite often for them to be so lively...the prophet Ominous said the first step of a journey that landed on the back of a fish was the greatest omen for success...though such a thing requires a perilous step into the river that does not abate..." He said, trailing off as he usually did. His attentions was drawn to the pattern of lights in the ceiling. Counting the number, the position, relative to each other and party, looking for patterns he felt he had to discern. His glance on the door was next-In a moment he had could completely withdrawn mentally from his group.


Action: Rahm casts detect magic (prepared via ritual beforehand) to determine if the lights are magical in nature and if they have any natural or man-made pattern he can detect.
He also tries to recall anything additional or special (aside from the intro) about the tower symbol on the door from his history and religious knowledge.
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Finally free from the tight confines of the lift, Ihab was finally at liberty to stretch her cramped legs. The stocky woman wasn't used to standing still for long, always on the move one way or another. Bending her leg back behind herself, something cracked with a pop, and a muffled sigh came from underneath her black cloth covering her mouth.

Strutting forward with spear in one hand, she thrusted her weapon in the direction of the corridor and then again at doorway. "Would have been nice if somebody had at least the decency to at least signpost the place huh friends?" Ihab joked as she looked back at her mottle group of comrades, resting her other hand on her hip.

"We should at least try to see if we can open this door before we go the other way no?" Rather not go down the tight and dark alleyway personally"

Ihad went and rested he hand on the handle of the door, feeling the groves where gems had been pried from against her skin. "Got to wonder why nobody has tried to open it, or at least closed it behind themselves. Shall I just try it?" She said to others, her mask twitching from a grin.
"Wait," Maria called out. "Let me take a look at that, and make sure it hasn't been tampered with. You hear all sorts of stories about this place."

She stepped forward with purpose and grace, and with one hand drew her rapier in a smooth motion. Ghostly blue-white light immediately washed against the face of the door. Maria brushed lightly against the monk's shoulder, and began checking the door to make sure it would open - and that no enterprising individuals had decided to leave any nasty surprises. She felt along the face of the door, searching for hidden catches, and looked at the seams to make sure they were clear.
Strunkriidiisk threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception (+3) Total: 5
5 5

The air down here is chill and crisp; the five begin to move and look around.

With a murmured word, the harsh forge-light of Knossi spilled from the shield. The two armoured folk tread towards the passageway, and the magic light of the shield illuminates the narrow corridor.

Unlike the chamber you're in, the walls of the passageway look like rough, bare rock. After around ten feet, a finger's depth of water covers the floor, and droplets sparkle brightly in Knossi's light as they fall. The corridor stretches maybe a straight fifteen feet, widening out into a darkened room beyond. From what you can see, the floor inside is uneven, speckled with clumps of water-moss and the stubs of stalagmites like broken teeth. In truth, it looks more like a cave from the little you can see than the obviously engineered room you're in.

Action: Rahm casts detect magic (prepared via ritual beforehand) to determine if the lights are magical in nature and if they have any natural or man-made pattern he can detect.
He also tries to recall anything additional or special (aside from the intro) about the tower symbol on the door from his history and religious knowledge.
Having focused on his ritual on the way down, Rahm opens his eyes, and opens his eyes again, tinting them the soft blue of mage-sight.

The glowing crystals are just within range for Detect Magic, glowing softly to his sight in the cold-shade of magic. Schoolless - these aren't any deliberate product, having sprouted seemingly at random from the roof. There's no pattern to them, as far as Rahm can tell. Crystallisations of the raw amount of magic in the air, perhaps, or some kind of magic stranger still.

The tower itself depicted on the door is embossed in silver, still bright despite the touch of time. The tower could be considered the symbol of Alfos, so the presence of it is hardly unexpected. The tower depicted has five segments, increasingly narrow as they reach the top, but the tower itself is relatively clear of any symbolism aside from a human figure aside the top, clad in the armour and peaked helm of an Alfosi warrior - the personification of their desire to conquer the heavens.

Little wonder the gods struck them down. They rarely enjoy competition.

The two inspect the door, lit in the ghostly moonlight of Maria's rapier.

The handle is cold in Ihad's grip, pitted and scratched where the gems had been looted. As Maria runs her hands across it, she feels the swirls of rust sprouting on the door, the inprints of the enlaid decorations. No catches, and the seams set tight against the wall. The slightest pressure on the handle moves it slightly, without springing any death-trap - it doesn't seem to be locked, at least, and if there's some kind of trick waiting, Maria doesn't see it.

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With a murmured word, the harsh forge-light of Knossi spilled from the shield. The two armoured folk tread towards the passageway, and the magic light of the shield illuminates the narrow corridor.

Unlike the chamber you're in, the walls of the passageway look like rough, bare rock. After around ten feet, a finger's depth of water covers the floor, and droplets sparkle brightly in Knossi's light as they fall. The corridor stretches maybe a straight fifteen feet, widening out into a darkened room beyond. From what you can see, the floor inside is uneven, speckled with clumps of water-moss and the stubs of stalagmites like broken teeth. In truth, it looks more like a cave from the little you can see than the obviously engineered room you're in.

"A cave?" Brandon's deep voice rumbled quietly in puzzlement "Perhaps a nest of some kind? I wonder what could have hewn through the rock. I am no mason, but it seems too conveniently shaped and sized to be a natural formation."

He gave a sidelong glance to his silent shadow, the fellow Yurnothi with twin swords who had followed him. Her demeanour and bearing marked her as a soldier, as did the attention that had evidently been paid to her arms and armour. One could always tell a member of the martial classes by how well they treated their equipment. He wondered if her navigation skills were any better than his own, not that it would be easy for anyone to be sure of their way underground.

"All of this water must be coming from somewhere," Brandon noted to his companion "There might be an opening to the river somewhere near. I think it might be worthwhile to investigate."

The Cleric of the shaper goddess raised his voice after a moment for the benefit of the others examining the door to the east "I do not know where this passage leads just yet, but I am unsure if I wish to leave an unexplored cave at our backs. I propose exploring this way before passing beyond the door. I can provide some light, and I'm sure we have torches. Does anyone think differently?"
Rahm started as if surprised at Brandons voice. His eyes cleared, as he spoke.

"I note exploring the cave would leave an unexplored door at our backs. "
He pointed out wryly. "But we would perhaps hear the door opening. I agree we should investigate the passage of the cloven hoof...carved by water, most likely...the natural places here are worth investigating. They're rich in magic. In the water, the air, the very stones. It breathes. It lives, it defies me. I look forward to what lies ahead. I don't usually don't say that very often..." he said, counting the drops of water hitting the pools.

"But, allow your prophet to illuminate the path to the future." He said, with a small snort of subdued laughter.

Rahm tapped his flute with a long forefinger and muttered a few words-and a ghostly, glowing human figure appeared. The body had no features, being entirely made of a low blue light, though it was perceptively female. It promptly started skipping down the passage as if in a state of joy, hopefully lighting up whatever might lay beyond.

Action: Rahm sends dancing lights in the shape of a human up the rocky corridor. He explores the corridor after if the party decides to go.

Dancing Lights
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Maria turned from the door to glance down the darkened hallway, and paused contemplatively. "I'll admit I've little experience with the particulars of dungeoneering," she replied, her pale eyes flickering over to the man. "Your suggestion seems as valid as any."
With a murmured word, the harsh forge-light of Knossi spilled from the shield. The two armoured folk tread towards the passageway, and the magic light of the shield illuminates the narrow corridor.

Unlike the chamber you're in, the walls of the passageway look like rough, bare rock. After around ten feet, a finger's depth of water covers the floor, and droplets sparkle brightly in Knossi's light as they fall. The corridor stretches maybe a straight fifteen feet, widening out into a darkened room beyond. From what you can see, the floor inside is uneven, speckled with clumps of water-moss and the stubs of stalagmites like broken teeth. In truth, it looks more like a cave from the little you can see than the obviously engineered room you're in.

"A cave?" Brandon's deep voice rumbled quietly in puzzlement "Perhaps a nest of some kind? I wonder what could have hewn through the rock. I am no mason, but it seems too conveniently shaped and sized to be a natural formation."

He gave a sidelong glance to his silent shadow, the fellow Yurnothi with twin swords who had followed him. Her demeanour and bearing marked her as a soldier, as did the attention that had evidently been paid to her arms and armour. One could always tell a member of the martial classes by how well they treated their equipment. He wondered if her navigation skills were any better than his own, not that it would be easy for anyone to be sure of their way underground.

"All of this water must be coming from somewhere," Brandon noted to his companion "There might be an opening to the river somewhere near. I think it might be worthwhile to investigate."

The Cleric of the shaper goddess raised his voice after a moment for the benefit of the others examining the door to the east "I do not know where this passage leads just yet, but I am unsure if I wish to leave an unexplored cave at our backs. I propose exploring this way before passing beyond the door. I can provide some light, and I'm sure we have torches. Does anyone think differently?"
Irina looked past the forge cleric peering into the narrow passage and into the cave beyond. The glow of the forge like that of her father's at full heat spilled out glinting off the damp interior, and water moss. It was possibly nest for something, a hiding place. It was curious why this would be here when there was a door leading into what remained of the tower. She took a moment to run her gauntlet over the rough stone, feeling for tool marks or claw marks, any sign that this tunnel was made by something and not just a natural feature.
Rahm started as if surprised at Brandons voice. His eyes cleared, as he spoke.

"I note exploring the cave would leave an unexplored door at our backs. " He pointed out wryly. "But we would perhaps hear the door opening. I agree we should investigate the passage of the cloven hoof...carved by water, most likely...the natural places here are worth investigating. They're rich in magic. In the water, the air, the very stones. It breathes. It lives, it defies me. I look forward to what lies ahead. I don't usually don't say that very often..." he said, counting the drops of water hitting the pools.

"But, allow your prophet to illuminate the path to the future." He said, with a small snort of subdued laughter.

Rahm tapped his flute with a long forefinger and muttered a few words-and a ghostly, glowing human figure appeared. The body had no features, being entirely made of a low blue light, though it was perceptively female. It promptly started skipping down the passage as if in a state of joy, hopefully lighting up whatever might lay beyond.

Action: Rahm sends dancing lights in the shape of a human up the rocky corridor. He explores the corridor after if the party decides to go.

Dancing Lights
She took a few steps back letting the gangly man summon a being of light and send them down the passage. The only sound she made was the rattle of her chainmail. Her body remained somewhat tensed hands ready to draw her blades should anything come lunging out at them, or if something chooses to attack the luminous being. The warrior's posture was one of cool readiness. Not tense but, not inattentive her gaze splitting itself between the passage and the door. The party had made their choice she would follow it. If any made a move to open the door or head down the passage way, she would stop them and go ahead.

She would stand at the front that was her place.

Actions: Run her hand along the wall of the tunnel trying to feel for marks in the stone (Perception 4 or Investigation 1)
Vagabond422 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception (+2) Total: 2
2 2
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Ihab huffed loudly with exertion has everyone turned away from the door. "I agree with Rahm" She said bitterly "Either way, we're exposing our backs to unknown threats. Don't suppose any of you smart folks have any magics that will tell us if anyone is following us?"

Kicking at the ground with the sole of her wrapped feet, the robbed women looked over at the other of their little party "But If the rest of you wish to explore this cave, I'm OK with that" She sighed.

Action: Rahm sends dancing lights in the shape of a human up the rocky corridor. He explores the corridor after if the party decides to go.

The figure, dim light radiating from every movement, skips up the corridor and into the darkened room.

It skips over shallow water and patches of higher, dryer stone completely covered with moss for around thirty feet before it runs into a pillar. The lights billow and then reform, waiting for further commands.

The rock pillar is a wall at least around fifteen feet wide - you can just see the edge of it curving away from you on the left side - and around ten feet high, of the same grey stone as the walls.

Perhaps disturbed by the light, you hear some thing or (things) splashing in the water, though whatever it is keeps well away from the light.

Actions: Run her hand along the wall of the tunnel trying to feel for marks in the stone (Perception 4 or Investigation 1)

As the light Rahm summoned springs and dances into the cave, Irina pulls off a mailled glove to run her hands across the stone.

It's cool to the touch and faintly gritty, a damp sheen to it. Still, to Irina's inexpert eyes, it seems natural enough, without any hidden passages or other things to find.

Rahm started as if surprised at Brandons voice. His eyes cleared, as he spoke.

"I note exploring the cave would leave an unexplored door at our backs. " He pointed out wryly. "But we would perhaps hear the door opening. I agree we should investigate the passage of the cloven hoof...carved by water, most likely...the natural places here are worth investigating. They're rich in magic. In the water, the air, the very stones. It breathes. It lives, it defies me. I look forward to what lies ahead. I don't usually don't say that very often..." he said, counting the drops of water hitting the pools.

"But, allow your prophet to illuminate the path to the future." He said, with a small snort of subdued laughter.

Rahm tapped his flute with a long forefinger and muttered a few words-and a ghostly, glowing human figure appeared. The body had no features, being entirely made of a low blue light, though it was perceptively female. It promptly started skipping down the passage as if in a state of joy, hopefully lighting up whatever might lay beyond.

Action: Rahm sends dancing lights in the shape of a human up the rocky corridor. He explores the corridor after if the party decides to go.

Dancing Lights

Brandon allowed the tribal shaman's words to pass by without comment. His eyes tightened slightly at the claims of prophecy, but he didn't speak. Whether the wild lander was breathtakingly arrogant or a complete madman, this was hardly the time or place for a religious discourse. He'd save the lecture for another time.

Of course, a small part of his mind whispered to him that impiety and conceit were what destroyed the Kingdom of Alfos to begin with, and created these very ruins. The clergy of Alfos had no doubt thought there was no harm in saving their warnings and sermons for a better time either, and paid heavily for it.

Still, he wasn't here to save anyone's soul. Not today, at least. He had enough concerns already; he'd deal with exploring his current surroundings before borrowing further trouble.

Ihab huffed loudly with exertion has everyone turned away from the door. "I agree with Rahm" She said bitterly "Either way, we're exposing our backs to unknown threats. Don't suppose any of you smart folks have any magics that will tell us if anyone is following us?"

Kicking at the ground with the sole of her wrapped feet, the robbed women looked over at the other of their little party "But If the rest of you wish to explore this cave, I'm OK with that" She sighed.

"Exposing my back to a closed, heavy door that looks like it has not been opened in some time is a threat I feel I can live with," Brandon responded unmoved "But I'm not just thinking in terms of potential danger. There is a water source nearby, from the looks and sounds of it, and we will eventually need to refill our waterskins. And as the Godlustre was cast into the great river to begin with, I imagine we should attempt to follow its course as closely as possible in our search."

Brandon allowed a moment for the others to consider his words. He hoped he had not come off as too irritable straight away. All of the time he tended to spend in the forge, temple and training grounds had taken its toll on his social skills over the years. He knew he had a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and offending people.

"In regards to the possibility of being followed, there is not much I myself can do other than keep watch and listen carefully," the priest said with a small shrug "My apologies".

He raised his glowing shield to face the open corridor and began to advance, noting as the Yurnothi soldier stepped up beside him to go with him.

The figure, dim light radiating from every movement, skips up the corridor and into the darkened room.

It skips over shallow water and patches of higher, dryer stone completely covered with moss for around thirty feet before it runs into a pillar. The lights billow and then reform, waiting for further commands.

The rock pillar is a wall at least around fifteen feet wide - you can just see the edge of it curving away from you on the left side - and around ten feet high, of the same grey stone as the walls.

Perhaps disturbed by the light, you hear some thing or (things) splashing in the water, though whatever it is keeps well away from the light.

Taking a deep breath, Brandon whispered another brief prayer to his goddess, beseeching Knossi for guidance in his search. Once done, he advanced into the cave alongside his companions, moving slowly and carefully. As he walked forward through the water, he cautiously cast the light of his shield over the floor and walls, taking his time to scan his surroundings carefully.

He used the faint sounds of running water and splashing to guide him, navigating his way through a combination of sight and sound.

Actions: Brandon casts the Guidance cantrip on himself and uses it to augment his efforts at a Perception skill check to scan his surroundings as the explores. Result of 28.
LastChronicler threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Guidance Total: 4
4 4
LastChronicler threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception, +8 Total: 20
20 20
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As the light Rahm summoned springs and dances into the cave, Irina pulls off a mailled glove to run her hands across the stone.

It's cool to the touch and faintly gritty, a damp sheen to it. Still, to Irina's inexpert eyes, it seems natural enough, without any hidden passages or other things to find.

It all felt natural to her, she thought putting on her glove again. She guessed that it was created by whatever created the cave beyond, or something, she'd be the first to admit that she wasn't the smartest. Knossi did not make her with intelligence in womb, she was forged with strength had it folded into her very being. But, you can't give a person everything, something had to be left out.
Taking a deep breath, Brandon whispered another brief prayer to his goddess, beseeching Knossi for guidance in his search. Once done, he advanced into the cave alongside his companions, moving slowly and carefully. As he walked forward through the water, he cautiously cast the light of his shield over the floor and walls, taking his time to scan his surroundings carefully.

He used the faint sounds of running water and splashing to guide him, navigating his way through a combination of sight and sound.

Actions: Brandon casts the Guidance cantrip on himself and uses it to augment his efforts at a Perception skill check to scan his surroundings as the explores. Result of 28.
There was talk of leaving their backs exposed, from either side, the Brother made a good argument the door looked like it had been closed for a while. She didn't necessarily agree with the sword being in the cave, it just would be too easy. This was to be a challenge, a suicide mission for her. To just find what she had been seeking in a cave without having to fight her way through hordes of monsters, it would be a let down, and disappointing on many many levels.

The priest walked forward toward the opening shield still shining. She moved to follow though she would much prefer to be in the front, the small passage made it difficult, for her to be both ahead of the priest and let him see what was before them. With the splashing coming from the cave there was something or somethings in the cave. Possibly dangerous, or possibly more small fish. Either way she wasn't going to take chances. If something went wrong she had a plan. Maybe not a good one but one that would quickly put her in front of the holy man, though he might not like it.
Rahm followed along with the others, subduing an urge to whistle a jaunty tune. It would sure lighten up the atmosphere.

"Exposing my back to a closed, heavy door that looks like it has not been opened in some time is a threat I feel I can live with," Brandon responded unmoved "But I'm not just thinking in terms of potential danger. There is a water source nearby, from the looks and sounds of it, and we will eventually need to refill our waterskins. And as the Godlustre was cast into the great river to begin with, I imagine we should attempt to follow its course as closely as possible in our search."

"I wonder if the water is entirely safe to drink. Steeped in raw energy as it is. It might have an effect on some of you." He commented, his tones implying he knew something they did not. That was how he normally spoke, however.
The splashes ahead drew Maria's attention, and her eyes snapped ahead, peering fruitlessly into the gloom beyond the priest's light. Her second blade joined its magical twin in her hands, and she followed, carefully.

The blade of one of her rapiers clicked against the irregular wall of the passage, and Maria winced before tucking it further in, in front of her rather than beside. This would be bad ground to fight in, to be sure, and moreover she didn't want to make more noise than necessary - scant as it might be over the sound of splashing water as they trudged through the liquid.

Carefully, making sure not to snag on anything, Maria lifted her glowing sword to a better angle and slowly waved it back and forth, and scanned the walls of the tunnel as she walked. As the cold light washed over the stone, she looked at the shadows that were cast and how they changed as the light source moved back and forth. She kept an eye out for any irregularities than might betray a crevice, a shaded alcove, a side passage, a seam that could betray a concealed door - anything that might be a hiding place or a route for something to get behind them.

Action: Perception check looking for subtle/hidden side passages, doors, etc. Total of 11.
Strunkriidiisk threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception (+3) Total: 14
8 8 6 6
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As Brandon turned his back to Ihab she raised her right thumb to her mouth and then flicked it and his direction. A simple gesture considered obscene in her hometown.

"I wonder if the water is entirely safe to drink. Steeped in raw energy as it is. It might have an effect on some of you." He commented, his tones implying he knew something they did not. That was how he normally spoke, however.

"After you.." Ihab whispered before looking up "You could always go collect some of it if you wish" She said clearer to Rahm, giving his thigh a nudge with the butt of her spear.

However the splash of water snapped her attention forward. She let her senses take her, to hear for more noise or echo in the cave to get a feeling or what could have made that noise.

Perception : 8
DannyboyZero threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: perception+4 Total: 4
4 4
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The prophet jumped a bit at being poked from behind, perhaps indicating he couldn't see all possible futures.

"....Hmph. I'm probably immune. I've practically been magic blooded since I was born. It couldn't do much worse." He claimed.

Action: Perception check looking for subtle/hidden side passages, doors, etc. Total of 11.

Maria lets the light of her blade shine along the walls. Flecks of fool's gold gleam in the light as they edge along the passage, but otherwise, the crevice they head through doesn't seem to have any secret side passages, and any cracks are too small to allow even a child passage through.

The five head into the cave-like room and the unseen, splashing inhabitants. As they step out the crevice, the roof quickly rises out of sight above. Water sloshes around their boots with every move, and tiny silver fish and chubby-bodied black leeches dart too and fro in the ankle-deep water.

The dark seems to press in hungrily around the circle of illumination, the ruddy light of Brandon's shield fusing with the moonlight glow of Maria's rapier.

Actions: Brandon casts the Guidance cantrip on himself and uses it to augment his efforts at a Perception skill check to scan his surroundings as the explores. Result of 28.

Knowing that they are far from alone in the cave, Brandon calls upon the Builder-Breaker and stares into the dark.

He's in time to see the faint shape of a stubby round-bodied creature, small and limbless but for two short legs, as it moves just within the circle of dim light at the outermost edges. The light catches briefly on the slick damp of a leech-like mouth before the beast skips back into the dark.

Slowly, he becomes aware of a clicking sound - an animal chirp almost beyond the edge of hearing. It bounces and echoes off the cave, almost imperceptible - two to the left. Three to the right. One coming from... above? It's clear the creatures are spreading out, however, to surround the party.

Rahm followed along with the others, subduing an urge to whistle a jaunty tune.

For the others not so blessed, they hear the sounds of water splashing, the sound seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere with the acoustics of the cave. Something - or somethings - were around them, and surely, it wouldn't be long before something took a chance...

Knowing that they are far from alone in the cave, Brandon calls upon the Builder-Breaker and stares into the dark.

He's in time to see the faint shape of a stubby round-bodied creature, small and limbless but for two short legs, as it moves just within the circle of dim light at the outermost edges. The light catches briefly on the slick damp of a leech-like mouth before the beast skips back into the dark.

Slowly, he becomes aware of a clicking sound - an animal chirp almost beyond the edge of hearing. It bounces and echoes off the cave, almost imperceptible - two to the left. Three to the right. One coming from... above? It's clear the creatures are spreading out, however, to surround the party.

Though he'd never served in open warfare as a man-at-arms, Brandon Lamont's training in the fighting arts had been thorough. And while he wasn't accustomed to fighting in formation, he instinctively realised that the others among the group had not yet identified the threats they faced.

Speaking calmly so as not to trigger the beasts prematurely through a frightened tone of voice, Brandon rattled off the positions of their foes to his companions.

"There's one in front of us, two to the left, three to my right," Brandon noted out loud "And... I think one above us?"

He braced his shield and lowered his weight, tightening his grip on the haft of his warhammer as he did so.
For the others not so blessed, they hear the sounds of water splashing, the sound seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere with the acoustics of the cave. Something - or somethings - were around them, and surely, it wouldn't be long before something took a chance...

Irina quietly drew her blades, fighting the subtle shake to her hand as she did so. They were surrounded by what she did not know but, the darkened cave and echoing sound put her in mind of a snowy valley. Steel clashing against steel, cries of death and pain as one after another fell. Letting out a slow breath she turned around guarding the cleric's back prepared for a strike from a blind spot. That constant cold empty feeling inside her deepened just a little.
"There's one in front of us, two to the left, three to my right," Brandon noted out loud "And... I think one above us?"

He braced his shield and lowered his weight, tightening his grip on the haft of his warhammer as he did so.
It took the warrior a moment to remember which way was left and which was right. Her gaze sweeping looking for anything any movement in the darkness. She took a step forward into the darkness making a space between herself and the armored man with her. She hoped that that those that were more exposed, the gangly man, the robed woman, would step in between herself and the cleric. In that step she brought a blade above her head in a one handed stance of the Falcon. Her other blade was held so the edge fell across her chest. If a creature wished to fall upon her it would fall upon the point of one sword, if another wished to rush from the front it would eat her edge.
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"I could have told you this was going happen." Rahm said smugly. His right hand suddenly glowed with the Eihwaz, the rune of defense-it looked like a sickle at both ends. His left hand suddenly glowed green and looked very...thorny.

Action: Prepare shield as a reaction in case I am attacked. Look for the creature on the ceiling and if I spot it, try to yank it down with thorn whip.

Thorn Whip
"I could have told you this was going happen." Rahm said smugly.
"Spare your breath, mage," Maria gritted out. "You're going to need it."

She slipped into a ready position, magical rapier leading, and moved to form a rough, open triangle with the priest and the other woman with paired swords.
"Mage?! As a natural born magic user I find that term offensive!"

Nevertheless he promptly took the usual place of the mage, at the rear of the group.