CYOA idea thread

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Threads that I'm hoping someone turns into a book but its actually me trying to create situations that will be favorable for someone that is being inserted into the wormverse. Would you want to be pushed into the wormverse with these powers? Leave a comment if you like it or even want to give me the challenge. I like to think outside of the box sometimes and I like me a good challenge.
I'm not kidding about the turn into book thing. If you want me to ill make a link on my chapter to your book if you do want to take the idea.
CYOA v1 enbringer
- Endbringer
- Humanoid being about 32ft tall his looks is a reminiscence to slender man his face looks to me of porcelain. His eyes are black with swirls within them similar to how the milky way galaxy looks, At the center a dark whole as if everything is being absorbed and pulled to the center. its mouth has a black line following its lip that has been shown at times to create a suction force similar to a black hole pulling anything that happens to be in his visionary path to be pulled closer. On his back 6 wings that vary in color depending on who looks at it.

- Worldbreaker 12pt

- Sibling rivalry +4pt 16pt

-shattered limiter -1pt =15pt
-Unbound Form -1pt = 14pt
-alien nature -1pt =13pt
-Additional Core -1pt =12pt

-Power manipulation -10pt = 2pt 5charge x 2 (Shattered limiter) = 10charges {unknown if being en Endbringer raises the charge}
- Kaleidoscope -2pt =0pt 1x2(shattered limiter)=2 {does this do anything?}

Pulled into the Wormverse with VERY limited knowledge the goal given to him was to defeat the other Endbringers but with his limited knowledge, he set his own goal to help kill scion and help the world. Dropped in two days after lung incident happened what will he do? and how can he shift the future to a better one with so little information? Will he be able to do it or will his big sister kills him before he does. Luckily thanks to his Koleidascope ability he isn't connected to shards anymore. That's a good boon, Right?
Ok, the first has been sent and I'm looking for a challenge. Does anyone want to give me a challenge on what build to make next? Just give me a limit and ill make a build around it. Who's first?
CYOA v3 crashdash
How about a CYOA v3 where the build has discipline powers four at the max. And cauldron wants to recruit him but the big organizations like the CUI are out to kill him.

I kind of like this one best. You can still get the original powers for two points along with everything else. Advantages and Disadvantages don't say it costs any extra points. So... yeah.

- Standard 7pt

- Wanted ABB +1 =8pt
- Wanted CUI +2 =10pt
- Wanted Couldron +2 =12pt
- Wanted Gaselchaft +2 = 14pt
- Wanted E88 +1 =15pt
- without a map +1 =16pt
- Charles Atlas superpowers -1pt =15pt
- Special snowflake -1pt =14pt

- Gamer -4pt =10
- Apprentice
- Thaumaturgy -2pt =8pt
- Aura -2pt =6pt
- Bending -2pt =4pt
- Ninja magic -2pt =2pt
- Wild card Card teleportation -1pt =1pt PRT rating= 2+2 =4 PRT rating =4
- Wild card Omnichronical Perception -1pt =0pt PRT rating=4+2=6 PRT rating =6

Fixed the misunderstanding with the apprentice had to take a few off and changed two of them to Bending and ninja magic. At first, I was going for a mage rout and chose powers like Warlock magic but as I had to recreate it I realized that it wouldn't help in the long run without the other three I had. So I switched the build to a balanced build that can be upgraded the more it is used as a whole. The only odd power in the list is Thaumaturgy and that is because it was requested. There was also a comment about the gangs wanting to recruit him to join but that's not what it means. The page said +1 for the minor gang and +2 for the heavy hitters(rich and big). the extra +1 is for if they'll kill you no matter what and that's more of an S class threat like theS9.
In the normal for worm every time something changes it'll never be the same again so I redid the two wild card rolls.

Edit 2:
Holy sht I didn't know this had its own dice... oops I used a different website.
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