Curze Quest: Code GEASS

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"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known...
Prologue 01


H3 wh0 Ar!535 !n M!gh+
Made with help from backgroundnoise

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."

The words were yours, you accepted them, embraced them as you had become what you had set out to destroy a murderous and corrupt villain. The thought disgusted you more than your legion ever could

Yet, while your mortal coil was now in two, your head severed and being taken as a trophy by an assassin whom the son who admired and loved you the most was hunting, your soul, battled for it's own existence. The Warp, the Immaterium, the realms of those beings that fancied themselves gods as referred to by another title, the sea of souls.

That was what it was, a vast unending sea of souls, you one of the few of your brothers who had sided against your father besides perhaps the youngest, though he was a twin, two bodies one soul as it were. It is debatable that the most favored was in possession of one as you liked to believe otherwise but you know for a fact that you were in possession of a Soul when you died.

Refusing to serve any of the four or serve them all like your weakling brother the preacher who had started this whole mess or perhaps your mason brother who was most at home in a trench doing dredge work. No neither you nor those who were truly your sons will ever sink that low to give up their soul for something as worthless as daemonhood.

Immortality is a curse and a burden not to mention eternal servitude is something that is asked for in return for such a gift. Only those more foolish than the brothers who stayed loyal would choose such an option, your brother who always tried to look pretty didn't seem to understand this as he was the second. The first became his one through a much more noble act, but he was still a fool nonetheless.

Here you are, given that you were far more than a human yet less than one as well in life meant that your soul in the loosest of terms was human, you were in the most easiest explanation humanity magnified. It's greatest virtues and it's greatest vices, just with you the flaws were far more pronounced than your virtues.

So your soul now battles to remain free, the fight may be eternal but you will never bow and become a servant of any of the four. As such you are unsure of how long you have been fighting, weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Centuries? Millennia? one thing for sure is that it is not eons.

Still in the immaterial time itself has no meaning but you are not one to let that stop you, your soul is raging now as it is pinned, those in service to the dark gods eagerly squabbling amongst themselves as to who will decide your fate. That is their third mistake.

Admist their bickering you break free and turn on your captors sending them scurrying in surprise as you send them fleeing. Yet now the weariness and the sensation to let it all end is catching up with you.

Fleeing you tear yourself forward without a moments hesitation despite your weariness, you can see something and you feel as if it is a way out. Your former captors have recovered themselves and now are chasing after you. It is then that you realise they cannon see what you have seen. Pressing forward, you are a soul with no legs yet you liking the action you are taking to that of leaping you plunge forward and then everything goes bright.

It should not be possible but your eyes flick open, standing above you is what could be seen as a woman lean of figure with black hair that ended with pink, eyes that were pink and a skin as pale and milky white as your own.

"Who are you?" she asks and you can instinctively tell that she is not human.

"What are you?" you counter your black iris lacking eyes meeting her pink ones.

"What am I, or we are is the collective of Universe" she answers. "Who are you?"

It seems that she gave you an answer in exchange for an answer, and you don't get the sensation that she is lying.

"I am Night Haunter" you reply, give as much as she did, say a little yet a lot at the same time.

"You are recognised as foreign yet at the same time you are also human, though only in the loosest sense." the collection of the universe answer you.

"I am humanity magnified" you reply.

"That is a good explanation, some would consider you a god of flesh and blood."

You snort in derision "only fools would think so."

"Yet many would" she insists.

"Is there a point to this?" you ask "kill me, destroy me I don't care I have already died, I was proven that I was correct in my death, Death is nothing compared to vindication." You are tired, you never saw this in your visions, but you never saw anything to do with yourself past your own death.

"You saw the death of your brothers and your sons, their fate, their future, and your vision were absolute, no you did not try to change any of them" the universe or the woman who claimed to be the universe replied.

"It mattered not if I tried to or not" you reply "my actions in attempting to prevent it would have also caused it to occur."

"So you did not seek to make a change, to make a difference?"

This grated on your ears snarling you rise up from where you lay and tower over the woman who is only as tall as a mortal not even intimidating to an Astartes. "I tried" you hiss your rage simmering "there is only so much one could do if they were forced to raise themselves since birth, growing up on a lawless world where the sun never shone on any crimes, I could cow them into obeying the law, but I would need to be there constantly to ensure they would obey it, it wasn't the only way, but it was the only one I knew how" you snarl.

"Your anger at this proves you understand your flaws" the collective conscious of the universe replies. She raises out her hand offering it for you to take it "what if you were able to live again?" she asks "would it make a difference?"

"No man can change his past" you reply

"But that does not stop him from shaping his future" she counters.

"It does when you possess absolute foresight" you snarl.

"Only if you so choose" the universe informs you.

"What are you asking for in return?" you are weary and you know that all things have a price.

"I am asking nothing of you, just that you live as you see fit" she replies.

You are hesitant, despite the urge to tear this insolent mortal to shreds you have the sensation that she is far more powerful than you could ever be, not as powerful as your father, but a close second or maybe third,alright sixth, she can't measure up to the four.

Hesitantly you clasp her tiny hand in your own gigantic, and then everything goes white.

You are reborn as

[] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings

[] A street child, nothing new here, just that you are taken care of by society which is kinder to orphans here. That was until everyone started living in the ghetto

[] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded

[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings

Let's fuck the rebellion and empire's shit up.
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[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded

Lets see what he can make of a neutral start. Neither helped nor hindered by his origin. The only destiny that which he makes
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings

We will made Britannia great again.
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] the eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two younger siblings.
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] A street child, nothing new here, just that you are taken care of by society which is kinder to orphans here. That was until everyone started living in the ghetto

[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded
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[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barrenal and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The eldest son of Aristocratic family, your birth rendered your mother barren and your father had a relationship with a foreign woman which resulted in you gaining two siblings
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded

Kinda want to see where the neutral route can land us, maybe we can join the military, start a coup. Don't always need to chain ourselves to canon.
[X] The child of a common family, you were not rich but not poor either and originally lived a life until your second birthplace was invaded

Kinda want to see where the neutral route can land us, maybe we can join the military, start a coup. Don't always need to chain ourselves to canon.
the problem is people will always choose the one with the biggest stick