Corporation: The Black Bag Department OOC Thread (Open for new players!)



Really in the mood for ribs.

Track Start > Ambience

Welcome to the Nexus City of Neo Hong Kong, in the year 2500 AD. Technology has advanced to dizzying, impossible heights, and with the fall of national government and the rise of the United International Government to maintain order, the world is divided between the Corporations, who rule the majority of the planet, and the Free States, who are beholden only to their antiquated old forms of government and the over-arching laws set down by the UIG.

And then there are the Nexus Cities, neutral ground for both Free State and Corporation alike, the exclusive territory of the UIG who rent out land to the various groups. Here, the open warfare that Free State and Corporation sometimes engage in is fully put away, and all actions are reliant on the Agent, covert operatives enhanced with cybernetics and sophisticated genetic treatments and drugs, with incredible killing power restrained by the stringent web of licenses and permits enforced by the powerful UIG, whom the Corporations know would gladly crush them as soon as let them be.

This is the world you were born into, as a Corporate Citizen, a man or woman who grew up to be noticed by Upper Management, and chosen to become an Agent, the covert killing machines and investigators who do what a battalion of Corporate troops cannot. In a world of cogs, the Agents are the gears that help keep the Corporations moving at the same speed, and you are now part of that number.

You work for the money, or perhaps for the loyalty and duty, or perhaps the benefits you can pass onto another. The Corporation is too monolithic to care about such small details. All it cares about is that the job is done, and it's done right.

Welcome to the other side of Cyberpunk.

Welcome to the Corporation, Agent.

Welcome to The Black Bag Department, a cyberpunk RP for four to six players and an unlimited waiting list. My name is Gideon020 and I will be your GM.

This corporation will require a Dice Roller for rolling the dice. I recommend Unseen Servant as I can provide a campaign ID that I can use to keep track of who is playing and it allows for results linking.

Corporation is a game where you as a player will be shot, stabbed, burned, and crushed, and in many cases you can literally walk off the damage thanks to your Corporation-provided augmentations. It is a game where you are restricted by a web of licenses and permits set by the UIG and will have to navigate those rules or break them to get results.

And believe me, The Corporation demands results.

This isn't first come, first served, I'll be picking based on how interesting your backstory is.

Provide the following:

-Description (A spoilered picture is fine)

Your backstory doesn't have to specify a Corporation name. Just list it as The Corporation when writing. And no, I don't need a novel, just an elevator pitch will do.

The best six profiles will be chosen and the rest will be placed in the waiting list.
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Yes. yes, yes

Parish Manjappa
-Gender: Male
-Description (A spoilered picture is fine): About 40 years old, Indian descent with a few scars over his body. Normally not visible, except for a scar at his left hand. Relatively fit, but, under normal circumstances, would start getting out of shape by now. Prefers normal suit or a hand-knit sweater, depending on occasion.
In rainy weather, he wears a raincoat on top of everything.
Date of Birth: 27, May, 2460
Place of Birth: Corporation capital city (insert fitting here due to setting)
Nationality: Cooperation
-Degree in Bureaucracy and Accounting.
-Finished Degree in Espionage
-Social Engineering Class (Master)
Former Jobs: Accountant (3 years), Head of Staff for Engineering-Branch (2 years), Asset-Handler (7 Years), Accountant and Minor Management (2 years)
Current Assignment: Unknown
A former Accountant for the Cooperation, Parish Manjappa went up the ladder to become the Head of Staff in an East Asian backward Province for the Cooperation.
During a Secret Operation, Parish suddendly was drafted into aiding the Cooperation-agents after deals had gone sour. Albeit unqualified for the job at hand, Manjappa managed to create a network of false information in order to protect the Agents-in-question.
He was drafted at the Age of 31 to become a low-key Agent and was assigned to handeling Social Engineering and Assets.
Parish Manjappa is a man who knows how to manipulate people and utilise them. Double-Agents, Spies, Fall-Guys, even Suicide Bombers have been created by him. After a particulary nasty affair with Manjappa holding the threads of about 6 double and triple-agents, his cover was surrendered under torture and he had to go into hiding for two years.
He re-emerged from a desk-job later with the typical stoic acceptance he is known to.

Current Status: Alive and well
Marriage Status: Married, but estranged (amicible)

Agility: 7
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 10
Perception: 9
Presence: 10
Reflexes: 8
Strength: 6

Derived Stats
Hit Points: 32
Telepathic: 39-inactive
Movement Speed: 19
Internal AI Score: 1
Armour Value: 0
Defense: 5
Experience Points: 5/5 Unused
Rank Points: 14 (4 gained during play)
Corporation Rank: 1
Agent Title: Sergeant
Conviction Points: 2

Arts and Culture: 2
Assess Tech:
Athletics: 1
Attitude: 2
Buisness: 7
Close Combat: 5
Computers and AI: 1
Corporate Knowledge: 5
Crime: 4
Cybernetics and Robotics:
Drive: 3
Heavy Firearms:
Light Firearms: 3
Looking Good: 4
Lying/Acting: 6
Medicine: 1
Observation: 5
Pilot: 1
Psychology: 8 (Professional Skill)
Stealth: 4
Street Culture: 2
Support Weapons:
Tactical Firearms: 3

Initial Training:
Stone Cold

Security License (2)
Domestic Search License (1)
Traffic License (2)
Domestic Vehicle License (1)
Preacher's License (1)
Vendor's License (1)

At Rank 1, all non-Division Leader Agents of Tao-Jinn receive the following:
-Class 7 (Small) Apartment in the Tao-Jinn Dubai Arcology.
-Small Personalized parking space. Sorry, e-bikes only due to space conservation.
-Standard Issue Business Suit from Wuxing Fashions.
-No Office, Tao-Jinn requires all Division Agents to meet in the Division Leader's Office.
-Compulsory Unarmed Training:
Tao-Jinn Agents are required to maintain and constantly improve their skills in martial arts. It costs 1 less XP to purchase new levels in Close Combat.
-Free Training: Guan Yu Usage

-S.V.C/Sub-Vocal Communicator aka 'Smeaker'
Cost: 6000Cr
The SVC is the standard form of covert wireless agent communications, implanted in the jawbone, allowing an agent to merely murmur without opening their mouth to be accurately and easily heard by other agents and headquarters. Due to the fact that these communications can be easily intercepted since they lack encryption, Tao-Jinn requires that any transmissions to field headquarters be reserved for important mission updates or alerts.
The Smeaker has a maximum range of 300km but may be restricted in certain locales.

-Tao-Jinn Interchangeable ID Chip
Cost: 500Cr
The UIG standard-issue ID Chip was developed by the Archons, alien AI super-intelligences that were recovered after the first unmanned expedition to Venus who serve the UIG faithfully and loyally, save for 3 who went rogue...
ID Chips are typically implanted deep in the back of one hand and usage simply require passing the hand close to a reader to do anything from unlock doors, start cars or pay for goods. While under normal circumstances the chip cannot be removed without a specialist cybernetics lab, Tao-Jinn found a way to stealthily implant a device that allows the chip to be safely removed from the hand without tools and then a new chip installed. With this device and several chips, Tao-Jinn Agents can change chips. It takes 1 hour for the device to safely bring the ID Chip to the concealed port on the surface of the skin, but six minutes for the new chip to be inserted.
Agents receive 4 chips with false ID's, typically loaded with the same Licenses as the Agent, but may be restricted depending on the cover. Each agent should define their Fake ID Chips on their character sheet.
Agents also receive a Chip Checker device for free. This device allows Agents, and other authorities, to scan ID Chips to verify and receive details on the person, but privacy licenses and rank mean that details may be deliberately unavailable.

-AI Chip
Cost: 18,000Cr
All Agents receive an implanted AI (you get to name it and decide the personality) that acts as a personal assistant, oversees your personal health and the status of your implants, cybernetics, weaponry and other equipment. This grants the Agent the Internal AI Stat, which starts at 1. Having an AI provides a foundation for future enhancements, mostly in the form of cybernetics. The AI can also assist in the operation of certain technologies and in performing hacking operations.
Training your AI to function better requires 5000Cr x The AI's Level. It can only be by one point per downtime session due to how involved and complicated the process is. Your AI cannot be improved past 9.

-Process Socket
Cost: 20,000Cr
This chip socket in the base of the neck allows for the Agent to insert Process and Task Chips. Process Chips are full skillsets that take 1 hour to fully assimilate with the Agent's mind, supersede the same skill if it is a lower rank (using a level 4 chip on top of a level 3 skill means you have a level 4 skill), and when the chip is removed the information is scrambled to prevent retention in memory. Task Chips are designed to grant the skill to perform a single task (cooking a lasagna rather than the entire range of Italian cuisine for instance) which allows for cheap workers without having expensive training. This socket can only do chips up to level 5, upgrading to an Advanced or Dual Process Socket allows for usage of Level 6 to 10 chips.

Cost: 400Cr Per Month
This chemical was developed by Two-Snakes of the Miller-Urey Orbital Habitat, flowing through the Lymph Nodes and aiding in cellular reconstruction and tissue regrowth. In layman's terms, an agent can be set on fire, shot up and kicked out of a window and in many cases survive with only moderate medical attention required. The Corporation will recover the monthly injections for your routine physicals.
R-Drug allows the agent to regenerate the following of they are sliced off or crushed into paste:
-Hand/Foot: 2 weeks
-Leg/Arm: 3 weeks
-Facial Features: 1 Week
-Fingers/Toes: 1 Week

Cost: 100Cr A month
This drug is an artificial protein that causes the blood to clot with incredible speed, meaning that the agent is immune to blood loss from conventional wounds. Particularly savage damage, known in game terms as 'Mashing' damage, will still result in blood loss. The Corporation will cover the monthly injections during your routing physicals.

-Atrophic DNA
Cost: 7000Cr
This modification causes the Agent's DNA to rapidly decay in hair, skin, blood, any fluid or tissue that might be separated from the body. This process rapidly takes place, but if the material is recovered within 5 minutes and treated with Compound-H, the tissue and the DNA is recoverable.

-Synaptic Modulation
Cost: 22,000Cr
Modifications to the brain's pain centers mean that the Agent is not crippled by pain responses to extreme damage. While the Agent knows about the damage that was done to them, there is no pain, so the loss of a leg beyond needing treatment for bleeding is more likely to annoy an Agent rather than hinder them, but Rookie Agents have been know to display pain responses out of pyschosomatic reflex.

-Independent Cellular Extension (I.C.E) and Neural Stabilizers
Cost: 30,000Cr
ICE Technology and Neural Stabilizers are applied to the heart, brain and other vital organs, allowing the Agent to continue operating under severe injuries as the ICE and Stabilizers bypass damaged areas to allow continued function. This consequently means that an Agent cannot be Knocked Out and requires severe trauma to be affected by injury.

-Ambidexterity Training
Cost: Free
All Agents are trained to be Ambidextrous. This means that wielding a weapon in each hand only applies a -4 Penalty without Dual Weapons training, unlike other people who have to deal with a -8 Penalty.

-1 Intravenous Med-Pack: Strap to above the heart and this device will heal up to 5 HP.
-Exceptional Quality Seburo-Boram 'Zenith' Pistol.
-Communications Device (Smartphone basically)
-Flak Jacket (+1 Armour Value)
-ID Chip Scanner (Normal)
-ID Badge for quick identification. Shows basic details to visual and ID Scanners.
-Law Enforcement Licenses
-Light Firearms License
-Nonpowered Melee Weapons License
-Hacking Software Kit (Normal) NOTE: This is highly illegal, do not get caught using this!
-Police Baton (30CR)
-Armoured Clothing (1000CR)
-Some handcuffs.
7670 Money

Susan Lettmayer, Tao-Jinn Secretary (2)
Gai Hyung, Tao Jinn Secretary (2)
Taylor Lane, UIG-Officer (3)
Chiranjeevi Dang-yo, Religious Radical (3)
Kapil Angesh, Religious Moderate (3)
Kanchana, Tao-Jin Agent (3)

-Kyun Hei-shong, 41, Buisnessman. Traffic and Vendors License
-Gander Hapstrung, 39, Privileged Tao-Jinn Accountant Drone. Vehicle, Preachers, Vendors license.
-Gen-Ryo Saiki, 41, Law enforcement Detective. All licenses.
-Darian Hung, 41, Religious practitioner in capacity of Priest. Vehicle and Preachers license.

1(weak) to 5(peak)

Wilderness Survival: 1
Current Affairs: 4
Security Systems: 3
Technology: 4
Larceny: 2
Martial Arts: 5
Physical Resistance: 2
Mental Resistance: 4
Firearms: 3
Archaic/Alternative Weapons: 2
Physical Stealth: 3
Hacking: 4
Physical Feats: 2
Mental Feats: 4
Situational Awareness: 4
Social Engineering: 5
Etiquette: 4
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Name : George Dodgerson
Gender : Male
Description : A middle aged caucasian male with a pair of glasses and a slight belly. Very nondescript. One could say suspiciously nondescript.
Backstory : A former corporate drone who has slowly but steadily moved up the ranks as the years go by and enemies seem to blunder into strange amounts of trouble. Eventually, an opening for a new Agent arose within the Corporation, and after that tragic accident with that rampaging treadmill, those windows repair robots, and the missing manhole cover where the other applicants found themselves in need of substantial hospital time George was accepted into the ranks of the Corporation's deniable assets.
Put me on the reserve list. I'm currently busy studying for exams and writing papers.

Name: Juan Manuel "JM" Li
Gender: Male
Backstory: Born in the seedy slums of Tondo, Manila, JM had nothing but his ambition and determination. He started as a courier and messenger for one of the gangs of Manila, working his way up through the ranks with the use of bribery, blackmail, and murder. However, the politics of the underworld was brutal. JM found himself on the losing side after being stabbed in the back. Barely managing to escape alive, he made a deal with The Corporation; money, comfort, and revenge in exchange for his knowledge, skills, and loyalty.

-Name: Kern Dizet
-Gender: Female.
-Backstory: Some jobs have prestige. Kern's didn't. The Corporation's police, or rather the Interdepartmental misconduct and investigations office, was never liked. But that's what the test said she had aptitude for. Six years as detective. Six years of everything from murder to embezzlement, always accompanied by her enforcers. Even within the department she was misliked, not having the connections, the history the others had. So she slipped sideways. Detective adjunct to the Agency. Detective assisting the Agency. Detective assigned to the Agency. And now the Detective has fallen off, and she's made an Agent proper.

Agility: 8
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 9
Perception: 10
Presence: 8
Reflexes: 8
Strength: 6

Hit Points: 33
TE: 37
Movement Speed: 21
Internal AI Score: 1
Armor: 0
Defense: 4
Exp: 5
Rank points: 14
Corp Rank: 1
Agent title: Sergeant
Conviction points: 2

-Arts and Culture: 3
-Assess Tech: 1
-Athletics: 4
-Attitude: 5
-Business: 1
-Close Combat: 4
-Computers and AI
-Corporate Knowledge: 4
-Crime: 6
-Cybernetics and Robotics: 3
-Drive: 2
-Heavy Firearms
-Light Firearms: 5
-Looking Good: 3
-Lying/Acting: 5
-Medicine: 1
-Observation: 8 (Professional)
-Psychology: 7
-Science: 1
-Stealth: 2
-Street Culture: 1
-Support Weapons
-Tactical Firearms: 2


Corporation: Tao-Jinn

-Native: Japanese
-Corp Primary: Mandarin
-Corp Secondary: Farsi

-Domestic Vehicle (1)
-Domestic Search (1)
-Public Appropriation (2)
-Detainment (2)
- Security License. (2)

-Tailored Suit from Hyung-Tae Kim Fashion House.
-Class 6 (Medium) Apartment on the above-surface levels of the Dubai Arcology, with a window view.
-Personal Lounge/Office where the Division meets and handles their paperwork.
-Large Parking Space. How large? Large enough to park a Lorry or a Tank in it.
-Personal Workstation with Global Matrix connection. It is inadvisable to use this workstation for hacking. You will be caught.
-Personal Tai-Lan Pinko Compact: Meet your new company car. It even carries 4 extra passengers! Luxurious! Seriously, buy a better car soon.
-Compulsory Unarmed Training
-Free Training: Guan Yu Usage
-Tao-Jinn Interchangeable ID Chip
Cost: 500Cr
The UIG standard-issue ID Chip was developed by the Archons, alien AI super-intelligences that were recovered after the first unmanned expedition to Venus who serve the UIG faithfully and loyally, save for 3 who went rogue...
ID Chips are typically implanted deep in the back of one hand and usage simply require passing the hand close to a reader to do anything from unlock doors, start cars or pay for goods. While under normal circumstances the chip cannot be removed without a specialist cybernetics lab, Tao-Jinn found a way to stealthily implant a device that allows the chip to be safely removed from the hand without tools and then a new chip installed. With this device and several chips, Tao-Jinn Agents can change chips. It takes 1 hour for the device to safely bring the ID Chip to the concealed port on the surface of the skin, but six minutes for the new chip to be inserted.
Agents receive 4 chips with false ID's, typically loaded with the same Licenses as the Agent, but may be restricted depending on the cover. Each agent should define their Fake ID Chips on their character sheet.
Agents also receive a Chip Checker device for free. This device allows Agents, and other authorities, to scan ID Chips to verify and receive details on the person, but privacy licenses and rank mean that details may be deliberately unavailable.

-S.V.C/Sub-Vocal Communicator aka 'Smeaker'
Cost: 6000Cr
The SVC is the standard form of covert wireless agent communications, implanted in the jawbone, allowing an agent to merely murmur without opening their mouth to be accurately and easily heard by other agents and headquarters. Due to the fact that these communications can be easily intercepted since they lack encryption, Tao-Jinn requires that any transmissions to field headquarters be reserved for important mission updates or alerts.
The Smeaker has a maximum range of 300km but may be restricted in certain locales.

-AI Chip
Cost: 18,000Cr
All Agents receive an implanted AI (you get to name it and decide the personality) that acts as a personal assistant, oversees your personal health and the status of your implants, cybernetics, weaponry and other equipment. This grants the Agent the Internal AI Stat, which starts at 1. Having an AI provides a foundation for future enhancements, mostly in the form of cybernetics. The AI can also assist in the operation of certain technologies and in performing hacking operations.
Training your AI to function better requires 5000Cr x The AI's Level. It can only be by one point per downtime session due to how involved and complicated the process is. Your AI cannot be improved past 9.

-Process Socket
Cost: 20,000Cr
This chip socket in the base of the neck allows for the Agent to insert Process and Task Chips. Process Chips are full skillsets that take 1 hour to fully assimilate with the Agent's mind, supersede the same skill if it is a lower rank (using a level 4 chip on top of a level 3 skill means you have a level 4 skill), and when the chip is removed the information is scrambled to prevent retention in memory. Task Chips are designed to grant the skill to perform a single task (cooking a lasagna rather than the entire range of Italian cuisine for instance) which allows for cheap workers without having expensive training. This socket can only do chips up to level 5, upgrading to an Advanced or Dual Process Socket allows for usage of Level 6 to 10 chips.

Cost: 400Cr Per Month
This chemical was developed by Two-Snakes of the Miller-Urey Orbital Habitat, flowing through the Lymph Nodes and aiding in cellular reconstruction and tissue regrowth. In layman's terms, an agent can be set on fire, shot up and kicked out of a window and in many cases survive with only moderate medical attention required. The Corporation will recover the monthly injections for your routine physicals.
R-Drug allows the agent to regenerate the following of they are sliced off or crushed into paste:
-Hand/Foot: 2 weeks
-Leg/Arm: 3 weeks
-Facial Features: 1 Week
-Fingers/Toes: 1 Week

Cost: 100Cr A month
This drug is an artificial protein that causes the blood to clot with incredible speed, meaning that the agent is immune to blood loss from conventional wounds. Particularly savage damage, known in game terms as 'Mashing' damage, will still result in blood loss. The Corporation will cover the monthly injections during your routing physicals.

-Atrophic DNA
Cost: 7000Cr
This modification causes the Agent's DNA to rapidly decay in hair, skin, blood, any fluid or tissue that might be separated from the body. This process rapidly takes place, but if the material is recovered within 5 minutes and treated with Compound-H, the tissue and the DNA is recoverable.

-Synaptic Modulation
Cost: 22,000Cr
Modifications to the brain's pain centers mean that the Agent is not crippled by pain responses to extreme damage. While the Agent knows about the damage that was done to them, there is no pain, so the loss of a leg beyond needing treatment for bleeding is more likely to annoy an Agent rather than hinder them, but Rookie Agents have been know to display pain responses out of pyschosomatic reflex.

-Independent Cellular Extension (I.C.E) and Neural Stabilizers
Cost: 30,000Cr
ICE Technology and Neural Stabilizers are applied to the heart, brain and other vital organs, allowing the Agent to continue operating under severe injuries as the ICE and Stabilizers bypass damaged areas to allow continued function. This consequently means that an Agent cannot be Knocked Out and requires severe trauma to be affected by injury.

-Ambidexterity Training
Cost: Free
All Agents are trained to be Ambidextrous. This means that wielding a weapon in each hand only applies a -4 Penalty without Dual Weapons training, unlike other people who have to deal with a -8 Penalty.
-1 Intravenous Med-Pack: Strap to above the heart and this device will heal up to 5 HP
-Communications Device (Smartphone basically)
-ID Chip Scanner (Normal)
-ID Badge for quick identification. Shows basic details to visual and ID Scanners.
-Law Enforcement Licenses
-Light Firearms License
-Nonpowered Melee Weapons License
-Hacking Software Kit (Normal) NOTE: This is highly illegal, do not get caught using this!
-Exceptional Quality Seburo-Boram 'Zenith' Pistol.
-Damage: 2d8
-Fire Rate: 3
-Magazine: 15 (Only keep track of this when required by the GM)
-Weapon Type: Kinetic SMART
-Special Qualities: Critically Passes on a 1/1 or 2/2
--ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)
-EMP Immune
-Templar Arms Polycarbonate CQC Blade (Tactical)
-Flak Jacket (+1 Armour Value)
-Armoured Clothing (+1 Armour Value)
-Light Combat Armour (+2 Armour Value)
6350 Cr.
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Name: Raptor C103L23A9 Intel
Gender: Male
Description: Steel grey eyes, sandy brown hair, standard Caucasian skin colouration. Augmentations mostly unnoticeable, oriented towards covert and non-combat investigation. Slightly higher than is average. Extremely fit, as expected for an engineered operative. Biological Age: 31. Age since leaving tank: 23 years.
Originated as a 'Black' Genetic Engineering Project. Composition 103, Lineage 23, Alteration 9, Intelligence Operations Focus. Released early from the tank after the reveal of the program, and the analysis of the Corporation that 'acquired' the Project that releasing them and raising the engineered beings as assets to the corporation would be of benefit, whilst minimizing any concerns of 'bad publicity' due to tank growth rather than conventional growth.

Since leaving the tank, raised as a loyal member of the Corporation. When offered a place in the Intelligence Operative training course at the 'biological' age of 16, accepted without question. Since then has carried out his duties effectively, efficiently and with minimal problems for the Corporation. Noted to be liable to bend the rules as much as possible to obtain the best result possible, but his loyalty to the Corporation is literally his life, as Raptor says when asked 'My Life is the Corporation's. My Achievements are the Corporation's, my successes, my failures, my results. Any problems are mine, for it means I have failed the Corporation, and anything is valid as punishment, with only the Corporation's decision being valid.' Was chosen to become an Agent 1 year ago. Since then, more independence has been noted, however projections state that it is merely a case of Raptor adapting to the differing place in the Corporation, and the lack of immediate oversight. He is still loyal, if finding his new place in the Corporation.

Corporation: Tao-Jinn
-Class 7 (Small) Apartment in the Tao-Jinn Dubai Arcology.
-Small Personalized parking space. Sorry, e-bikes only due to space conservation.
-Standard Issue Business Suit from Wuxing Fashions.
-No Office, Tao-Jinn requires all Division Agents to meet in the Division Leader's Office.
-Compulsory Unarmed Training: Tao-Jinn Agents are required to maintain and constantly improve their skills in martial arts. It costs 1 less XP to purchase new levels in Close Combat.
-Free Training: Guan Yu Usage: Tao-Jinn trains all agents in the usage of the Guan Yu, a large suit of powered armour that unlike other models does not make use of anti-gravity systems to decrease the weight, making the suit a nightmare for an untrained operator to use. Each agent receives an unarmed suit that can be visually personlized to their specifications, and can have custom HUD's and even internal AI Personalities.

Agility: 8
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 10
Perception: 9
Presence: 8
Reflexes: 8
Strength: 6

Derived Stats
Hit Points: 33
Telepathic Energy (TE): 37
Movement Speed: 21
Internal AI Score: 1
Armour Value: 0
Defense: 2
Experience Points: 2
Rank Points: 14
Corporation Rank: 1 (provided from Rank Points Score)
Agent Title: Sergeant (Provided from Corporation Rank)
Conviction Points: 2

Current Official Bank Balance: 2070

Arts and Culture:
Assess Tech: 7 (Professional Skill)
Athletics: 2
Attitude: 1
Business: 3
Close Combat: 2
Computers and AI: 5
Corporate Knowledge: 3
Crime: 5
Cybernetics and Robotics:
Heavy Firearms:
Light Firearms: 3
Looking Good: 1
Lying/Acting: 4
Mechatronics: 4
Medicine: 1
Observation: 8
Psychology: 5
Science: 2
Stealth: 6
Street Culture: 3
Support Weapons:
Tactical Firearms: 4

Non-Combat Training:

Combat Training:
Guan Yu Usage

Law Enforcement Licenses
Light Firearms License
Tactical Firearms License
Nonpowered Melee Weapons License
Security License
Traffic License
World Database Access License
Domestic Search License

Tao-Jinn Corporate Intelligence Officers (Desk Job Contacts) - Level 8

S.V.C/Sub-Vocal Communicator aka 'Smeaker'
Cost: 6000Cr

The SVC is the standard form of covert wireless agent communications, implanted in the jawbone, allowing an agent to merely murmur without opening their mouth to be accurately and easily heard by other agents and headquarters. Due to the fact that these communications can be easily intercepted since they lack encryption, Tao-Jinn requires that any transmissions to field headquarters be reserved for important mission updates or alerts.
The Smeaker has a maximum range of 300km but may be restricted in certain locales.

Tao-Jinn Interchangeable ID Chip
Cost: 500Cr

The UIG standard-issue ID Chip was developed by the Archons, alien AI super-intelligences that were recovered after the first unmanned expedition to Venus who serve the UIG faithfully and loyally, save for 3 who went rogue...
ID Chips are typically implanted deep in the back of one hand and usage simply require passing the hand close to a reader to do anything from unlock doors, start cars or pay for goods. While under normal circumstances the chip cannot be removed without a specialist cybernetics lab, Tao-Jinn found a way to stealthily implant a device that allows the chip to be safely removed from the hand without tools and then a new chip installed. With this device and several chips, Tao-Jinn Agents can change chips. It takes 1 hour for the device to safely bring the ID Chip to the concealed port on the surface of the skin, but six minutes for the new chip to be inserted.
Agents receive 4 chips with false ID's, typically loaded with the same Licenses as the Agent, but may be restricted depending on the cover. Each agent should define their Fake ID Chips on their character sheet.
Agents also receive a Chip Checker device for free. This device allows Agents, and other authorities, to scan ID Chips to verify and receive details on the person, but privacy licenses and rank mean that details may be deliberately unavailable.

AI Chip
Cost: 18,000Cr

All Agents receive an implanted AI (you get to name it and decide the personality) that acts as a personal assistant, oversees your personal health and the status of your implants, cybernetics, weaponry and other equipment. This grants the Agent the Internal AI Stat, which starts at 1. Having an AI provides a foundation for future enhancements, mostly in the form of cybernetics. The AI can also assist in the operation of certain technologies and in performing hacking operations.
Training your AI to function better requires 5000Cr x The AI's Level. It can only be by one point per downtime session due to how involved and complicated the process is. Your AI cannot be improved past 9.

Process Socket
Cost: 20,000Cr

This chip socket in the base of the neck allows for the Agent to insert Process and Task Chips. Process Chips are full skillsets that take 1 hour to fully assimilate with the Agent's mind, supersede the same skill if it is a lower rank (using a level 4 chip on top of a level 3 skill means you have a level 4 skill), and when the chip is removed the information is scrambled to prevent retention in memory. Task Chips are designed to grant the skill to perform a single task (cooking a lasagna rather than the entire range of Italian cuisine for instance) which allows for cheap workers without having expensive training. This socket can only do chips up to level 5, upgrading to an Advanced or Dual Process Socket allows for usage of Level 6 to 10 chips.

Atrophic DNA
Cost: 7000Cr

This modification causes the Agent's DNA to rapidly decay in hair, skin, blood, any fluid or tissue that might be separated from the body. This process rapidly takes place, but if the material is recovered within 5 minutes and treated with Compound-H, the tissue and the DNA is recoverable.

Synaptic Modulation
Cost: 22,000Cr

Modifications to the brain's pain centers mean that the Agent is not crippled by pain responses to extreme damage. While the Agent knows about the damage that was done to them, there is no pain, so the loss of a leg beyond needing treatment for bleeding is more likely to annoy an Agent rather than hinder them, but Rookie Agents have been know to display pain responses out of pyschosomatic reflex.

Independent Cellular Extension (I.C.E) and Neural Stabilizers
Cost: 30,000Cr

ICE Technology and Neural Stabilizers are applied to the heart, brain and other vital organs, allowing the Agent to continue operating under severe injuries as the ICE and Stabilizers bypass damaged areas to allow continued function. This consequently means that an Agent cannot be Knocked Out and requires severe trauma to be affected by injury.

Cost: 400Cr Per Month

This chemical was developed by Two-Snakes of the Miller-Urey Orbital Habitat, flowing through the Lymph Nodes and aiding in cellular reconstruction and tissue regrowth. In layman's terms, an agent can be set on fire, shot up and kicked out of a window and in many cases survive with only moderate medical attention required. The Corporation will recover the monthly injections for your routine physicals.
R-Drug allows the agent to regenerate the following of they are sliced off or crushed into paste:
-Hand/Foot: 2 weeks
-Leg/Arm: 3 weeks
-Facial Features: 1 Week
-Fingers/Toes: 1 Week

Cost: 100Cr A month

This drug is an artificial protein that causes the blood to clot with incredible speed, meaning that the agent is immune to blood loss from conventional wounds. Particularly savage damage, known in game terms as 'Mashing' damage, will still result in blood loss. The Corporation will cover the monthly injections during your routing physicals.


4 Chips with one of the following legends each:
1. Leo Fukushima, Detective, Age 29. All Licenses
2. Hayden Trout, Corporate Technology Analyst, Age 30. Light Firearms License, Nonpowered Melee Weapons License, World Database Access License
3. Vacant - Yet to have ID encoded
4. Disposable ID, Abdul Ali, Light Firearms License, Nonpowered Melee Weapons License
2 Intravenous Med-Packs: Strap to above the heart and this device will heal up to 5 HP.
Communications Device (Smartphone basically)
ID Chip Scanner (Normal)
ID Badge for quick identification. Shows basic details to visual and ID Scanners.
Hacking Software Kit (Normal) NOTE: This is highly illegal, do not get caught using this!

Rapid Strikes
Damage: 1/4 Strength
Fire Rate: 4
EMP Immune

Standard Strike
Damage: 1/2 Strength
Fire Rate: 2
EMP Immune

Heavy Strike
Damage: Full Strength
Fire Rate: 1
EMP Immune

King Hit
Damage: Full Strength
Fire Rate: 1
EMP Immune
Imposes a -4 To Hit Penalty
-Special: Targets hit must beat a 'Perception+Endurance' roll with a penalty equal to the XS of the attacker. Success means they are Knocked Out for d100 Minutes. Targets will still be damaged even if they pass the 'Perception+Endurance' roll. Agents will not be Knocked Out but will suffer damage as normal.

AMS Bluefin (Light)

Cost: 30Cr
Damage: Strength+1d4
Fire Rate: 3
EMP Immune

Exceptional Quality Seburo-Boram 'Zenith' Pistol
Damage: 2d8
Fire Rate: 3
Magazine: 15 (Only keep track of this when required by the GM)
Weapon Type: Kinetic SMART
Special Qualities: Critically Passes on a 1/1 or 2/2
EMP Immune
-ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)
-Suppressant Gel(Weapon is Silent)

Stasiuk Arms Inc. TMP-18 'Hurricane' Machine-Pistol
Cost: 1100Cr
Damage: 3d6
Fire Rate: 2
Magazine: 50
Weapon Type: Homing Flechette
EMP Immune
-Machine Weapon: Each attack is a burst of gunfire and if multiple targets are close together, the shooter then can divide damage between as many targets equal to the weapon's Damage Dice. 3 Targets for 3d6 for example, each doing 1d6 Damage. Dividing damage in this way counts as a separate attack that must be rolled for. If the gunfire is directed at a single target, the shooter gains a +4 bonus to hit. You cannot Aim a Machine weapon.
-Homing Fletchettes: This weapon has a +2 bonus to hit targets.
-ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)
-Suppressant Gel(Weapon is Silent)

Seburo-Boram 'Zenith-ZAP' Stun Pistol
Cost: 1200Cr
Damage: Knock Out
Fire Rate: 1
Magazine: 10
Weapon Type: Energy
EMP Shielding 7
- Special: Silenced
-ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)

Stasiuk 'Predator' XH-11 Compound Bow
Cost: 200Cr
Damage: 2d6 using standard arrows
Fire Rate: 1
Magazine: 20
Weapon Type: SMART Arrow
EMP Immune
-Pinning: If you roll maximum damage, the enemy will be pinned to a wall or nearby object until they roll to successfully escape.
-No License Required: Yup, you can buy this without needing a Tactical Weapons License.
-ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)
Armoured Clothing
Cost: 1000Cr
Armour Bonus: +1 AV
Coverage: Arms, Legs, and Torso
-Special: Stacks with Flak Jackets, Light and Field Combat Armour.

Combat Helmet
A standard-issue combat helmet that can visually customized to suit you. It only protects the head and is best worn with Combat Armour.
Cost: 300Cr
Armour Bonus: +1 AV to the Head
Coverage: Head

Light Combat Armour
Cost: 1000Cr
Armour Bonus: +2 AV
Coverage: Torso, Arms, and Legs

Domestic Shield
Cost: ???Cr
Shield Strength: 10 HP
EMP Shielding 15

Flak Jacket
Cost: Free
Armour Bonus: +1 AV
Coverage: Torso
Cost: 20,000Cr
Appearance: Personalised by operator - Urban Camouflage, optimised for Low Light Conditions
Armour Value (AV) Bonus: +8
Maximum Agility: 8 for trained users/4 for untrained operators.
Strength: +4
Stealth: -6 (This can be mitigated/improved with upgrades)
Attitude Bonus: Operators gain +1 Attitude
EMP Shielding: The suit itself is EMP-Immune, with installed upgrade modules gaining EMPS:30
Invisibility Systems: These are half as effective as other models, so only impose a -4 penalty to spot the suit, rather than -8
Power Supply: Fusion Battery with 30-Year lifespan.
RETURNED (Possible Next Mission Acquisitions?)
Mini-Camera (100Cr)
Analysis Toolkit (1200Cr)
Forensics Toolkit (1500Cr)
Long Cell Torch (100Cr)
5x AV Bug (50Cr)
AV Bug Detector (300Cr)
Tracer Gun (1000Cr)
Tracer Tags (100Cr) x 5
NV Binoculars (1000Cr)
Remote ID Chip Scanner (4000Cr)
Hacker Computer (4000Cr)
Advanced Hacking Software (600Cr) x 5
Lock Analyser (50Cr) x 2
Standard Lockpicks (150Cr)
Security Bypass Device (5000Cr)
Automatic Unlocking Device (1000Cr)
Disposable Toxin Filter (200Cr) x 2

-Jury Rigging (
Mechatronics 5) - 10XP (Locked) (Secondary)
-Underground Operations (Street Culture 3, Crime 2) - 10XP (Unlocked) (Primary)

Assess Tech: 7 (Professional Skill)
- Get to Level 10, (7XP, 8XP, 9XP) (Secondary)
Close Combat: 2 - Get to Level 5, (2XP, 3XP, 4XP) (Tertiary)
Computers and AI: 5 - Get to Level 10, (5XP, 6XP, 7XP, 8XP, 9XP) (Secondary)
Crime: 5 - Get to Level 10, (5XP, 6XP, 7XP, 8XP, 9XP) (Tertiary)
Cybernetics and Robotics: - Get to Level 6, (2XP, 1XP, 2XP, 3XP, 4XP) (???)
Mechatronics: 4 - Get to Level 5, (4XP) (Primary), Get to Level 6, (5XP) (Tertiary)
Medicine: 1 - Get to Level 6, (1XP, 2XP, 3XP, 4XP) (Secondary)
Observation: 8 - Get to Level 10, (8XP, 9XP) (Tertiary)
Science: 2 - Get to Level 6, (2XP, 3XP, 4XP) (Secondary)
Stealth: 6 - Get to Level 10, (6XP, 7XP, 8XP, 9XP) (Secondary)
Street Culture: 3 - Get to Level 5, (3XP, 4XP) (Secondary)
Support Weapons: - Get to Level 4, (2XP, 1XP, 2XP, 3XP) (???)
Tactical Firearms: 4 - Get to Level 8, (4XP, 5XP, 6XP, 7XP) (???)
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How high tech is the setting? Eclipse phase level? GiTS? Ergo Proxy, Psychopass?

To be completely absurd: Culture?
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The tech level is around Psychopass/Deus Ex.

The Corporation will provide a starting package of augmentations and the can creation rules will be posted once I pick the team.
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-Name: Han Kyung-Soo aka "KS" Han
-Gender: Male
Of Korean descent, Kyung-Soo hails from the Corporate City of Mega-Seoul 2. Mega-Seoul 2 denizens are infamously known as 'cogs in the machine' as they are assigned and trained for their future careers (from a young age) based off aptitude tests and psychological profiling, all for the sake of The Corporation. Kyung-Soo's dossier pegged him to be a perfect fit for the more militant side of The Corporation, specifically as a Corporate Trooper.

Tactically skilled, ruthless, and unequivocally loyal, Kyung-Soo was a standout trooper. In fact, his efficiency and speed in neutralizing/terminating Corporate enemies/targets netted him the nickname "KS", shorthand for "Kill-Steal(er)" as well as a play on his given name initials, from his fellow troopers.

KS's career as a Corporate Trooper came to an end during what was supposed to be a standard sting operation. Unfortunately, a rival corporation's Agent had been embedded within the opposition and the operation became SNAFU. KS's entire unit was wiped out in the ensuing firefight, KS himself in critical condition and crippled. The operation was almost a compete failure, the only saving grace being the termination of a designated HVT.

Upper Management took interest in KS's against-all-odds success and recruited him as an Agent, fixing all his debilitating injuries/disabilities through numerous augmentations/cybernetics before assigning him to Tao-Jinn Headquarters. Like any loyal solider, he took to the new situation with aplomb.

Little does KS know though, the cloak-and-dagger approach of Nexus Cities are a whole different beast compared to the overt procedures he enjoyed in Mega-Seoul 2. He will have to learn how to stay afloat in this environment with due haste, or drown in the shadowy depths of the Corporate game.

Agility: 6
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 8
Perception: 9
Presence: 7
Reflexes: 8
Strength: 8
Hit Points: 38
Telepathic Energy (TE): 34
Movement Speed: 24
Internal AI Score: 1
Armour Value: 2
Defense: 7
Experience Points: 6
Rank Points: 14
Corporation Rank: 1
Agent Title: Sergeant
Conviction Points: 2

-Telepath: Shield (Lv. 9)
-Heavy Firearms (Lv. 8) *Professional Skill*
-Close Combat (Lv. 7)
-Light Firearms (Lv. 6)
-Medicine (Lv. 5)
-Cybernetics and Robotics (Lv. 5)
-Athletics (Lv. 5)
-Observation (Lv. 4)
-Tactical Firearms (Lv. 4)
-Support Weapons (Lv. 4)
-Stealth (Lv. 3)
-Assess Tech (Lv. 3)
-Pilot (Lv. 2)
-Drive (Lv. 2)
-Corporate Knowledge (Lv. 1)
-Stone Cold: You aren't affected by traumatic events as easily as others, or ever really. When rolling to see if you recover a point of lost Conviction due to traumatic events, you succeed on a roll of 1-5 instead of 1. This requires no real roleplay, a happy and cheerful person could be just an empty, remorseless shell on the inside.

-Telepath: You are one of the few that have unlocked the power of their mind, granting them superhuman mental powers. You can purchase the following powers as skills with this training:
--[ ] Jump: You can jump 100 meters in a single move.
--[X] Shield: You can generate a field of energy that blocks bullets, explosions, and energy blasts.
--[ ] Assault: You can launch a personalized blast of psychic energy in combat. This can be anything from glowing shuriken to lightning or fire.
--[ ] Presience: You can see briefly into the future, increasing reaction time and awareness.
--[ ] Psi Blade: You can create a blade of psychic energy.
--[ ] Telekinesis: You can move objects with your mind. The higher the skill, the heavier the object.
--[ ] Biokinesis: You can purge toxins and heal yourself.
-Rapid Strikes
Weak punches and kicks, and even then the punches are only useful if you're wielding Brass Knuckles or Tiger's Claws.
-Damage: 1/4 Strength
-Fire Rate: 4
-EMP Immune
-Standard Strike
Stock-standard punch or kick in your Corporation's martial art or your own trained brawling.
-Damage: 1/2 Strength
-Fire Rate: 2
-EMP Immune
-Heavy Strike
A focused heavy punch using all of your physical strength.
-Damage: Full Strength
-Fire Rate: 1
-EMP Immune
-King Hit
You use your full strength to lay out a person and knock them out. You attack at a -4 Penalty and the target must pass a Perception+Endurance test with your XS as a penalty or be knocked unconscious for 1d100 minutes, and you still do damage if they pass. Agents will not be Knocked Out, but they will be damaged.
-Damage: Full Strength
-Fire Rate: 1
-EMP Immune

-Corp Primary: Mandarin
-Corp Secondary: Cantonese

Funds: 2700Cr
-Class 7 (Small) Apartment in the Tao-Jinn Dubai Arcology.
-Small Personalized parking space. Sorry, e-bikes only due to space conservation.
-Standard Issue Business Suit from Wuxing Fashions.
-No Office, Tao-Jinn requires all Division Agents to meet in the Division Leader's Office.
-Compulsory Unarmed Training: Tao-Jinn Agents are required to maintain and constantly improve their skills in martial arts. It costs 1 less XP to purchase new levels in Close Combat.
-Free Training: Guan Yu Usage: Tao-Jinn trains all agents in the usage of the Guan Yu, a large suit of powered armour that unlike other models does not make use of anti-gravity systems to decrease the weight, making the suit a nightmare for an untrained operator to use. Each agent receives an unarmed suit that can be visually personlized to their specifications, and can have custom HUD's and even internal AI Personalities.

-Light Firearms License (Free)
-Non-Powered Melee Weapon License (Free)
-Law Enforcement License (Free)
-Telepathics License Lv. 4 (4)
-Heavy Firearms License (3)
-Domestic Search License (1)
-Public Appropriations License (2)
-Robotics License (1)
-Military Vehicle License (3)
-Tao-Jinn Interchangeable ID Chip
Cost: 500Cr

The UIG standard-issue ID Chip was developed by the Archons, alien AI super-intelligences that were recovered after the first unmanned expedition to Venus who serve the UIG faithfully and loyally, save for 3 who went rogue...
ID Chips are typically implanted deep in the back of one hand and usage simply require passing the hand close to a reader to do anything from unlock doors, start cars or pay for goods. While under normal circumstances the chip cannot be removed without a specialist cybernetics lab, Tao-Jinn found a way to stealthily implant a device that allows the chip to be safely removed from the hand without tools and then a new chip installed. With this device and several chips, Tao-Jinn Agents can change chips. It takes 1 hour for the device to safely bring the ID Chip to the concealed port on the surface of the skin, but six minutes for the new chip to be inserted.
Agents receive 4 chips with false ID's, typically loaded with the same Licenses as the Agent, but may be restricted depending on the cover. Each agent should define their Fake ID Chips on their character sheet.
Agents also receive a Chip Checker device for free. This device allows Agents, and other authorities, to scan ID Chips to verify and receive details on the person, but privacy licenses and rank mean that details may be deliberately unavailable.

-S.V.C/Sub-Vocal Communicator aka 'Smeaker'
Cost: 6000Cr

The SVC is the standard form of covert wireless agent communications, implanted in the jawbone, allowing an agent to merely murmur without opening their mouth to be accurately and easily heard by other agents and headquarters. Due to the fact that these communications can be easily intercepted since they lack encryption, Tao-Jinn requires that any transmissions to field headquarters be reserved for important mission updates or alerts.
The Smeaker has a maximum range of 300km but may be restricted in certain locales.

-AI Chip
Cost: 18,000Cr

All Agents receive an implanted AI (you get to name it and decide the personality) that acts as a personal assistant, oversees your personal health and the status of your implants, cybernetics, weaponry and other equipment. This grants the Agent the Internal AI Stat, which starts at 1. Having an AI provides a foundation for future enhancements, mostly in the form of cybernetics. The AI can also assist in the operation of certain technologies and in performing hacking operations.
Training your AI to function better requires 5000Cr x The AI's Level. It can only be by one point per downtime session due to how involved and complicated the process is. Your AI cannot be improved past 9.

-Process Socket
Cost: 20,000Cr

This chip socket in the base of the neck allows for the Agent to insert Process and Task Chips. Process Chips are full skillsets that take 1 hour to fully assimilate with the Agent's mind, supersede the same skill if it is a lower rank (using a level 4 chip on top of a level 3 skill means you have a level 4 skill), and when the chip is removed the information is scrambled to prevent retention in memory. Task Chips are designed to grant the skill to perform a single task (cooking a lasagna rather than the entire range of Italian cuisine for instance) which allows for cheap workers without having expensive training. This socket can only do chips up to level 5, upgrading to an Advanced or Dual Process Socket allows for usage of Level 6 to 10 chips.

Cost: 400Cr Per Month

This chemical was developed by Two-Snakes of the Miller-Urey Orbital Habitat, flowing through the Lymph Nodes and aiding in cellular reconstruction and tissue regrowth. In layman's terms, an agent can be set on fire, shot up and kicked out of a window and in many cases survive with only moderate medical attention required. The Corporation will recover the monthly injections for your routine physicals.
R-Drug allows the agent to regenerate the following of they are sliced off or crushed into paste:
-Hand/Foot: 2 weeks
-Leg/Arm: 3 weeks
-Facial Features: 1 Week
-Fingers/Toes: 1 Week

Cost: 100Cr A month

This drug is an artificial protein that causes the blood to clot with incredible speed, meaning that the agent is immune to blood loss from conventional wounds. Particularly savage damage, known in game terms as 'Mashing' damage, will still result in blood loss. The Corporation will cover the monthly injections during your routing physicals.

-Atrophic DNA
Cost: 7000Cr

This modification causes the Agent's DNA to rapidly decay in hair, skin, blood, any fluid or tissue that might be separated from the body. This process rapidly takes place, but if the material is recovered within 5 minutes and treated with Compound-H, the tissue and the DNA is recoverable.

-Synaptic Modulation
Cost: 22,000Cr

Modifications to the brain's pain centers mean that the Agent is not crippled by pain responses to extreme damage. While the Agent knows about the damage that was done to them, there is no pain, so the loss of a leg beyond needing treatment for bleeding is more likely to annoy an Agent rather than hinder them, but Rookie Agents have been know to display pain responses out of pyschosomatic reflex.

-Independent Cellular Extension (I.C.E) and Neural Stabilizers
Cost: 30,000Cr

ICE Technology and Neural Stabilizers are applied to the heart, brain and other vital organs, allowing the Agent to continue operating under severe injuries as the ICE and Stabilizers bypass damaged areas to allow continued function. This consequently means that an Agent cannot be Knocked Out and requires severe trauma to be affected by injury.

-Ambidexterity Training
Cost: Free

All Agents are trained to be Ambidextrous. This means that wielding a weapon in each hand only applies a -4 Penalty without Dual Weapons training, unlike other people who have to deal with a -8 Penalty.
-Exceptional Quality Seburo-Boram 'Zenith' Pistol.
The gold standard for pistols, this 10mm pistol is in use with every Corporation in the world, much to the annoyance of Poseidon and Western Federation.
-Damage: 2d8
-Fire Rate: 3
-Magazine: 15 (Only keep track of this when required by the GM)
-Weapon Type: Kinetic SMART
-Special Qualities: Critically Passes on a 1/1 or 2/2
--ID Chip Scanner
(This gun will only fire in your hands)
--Suppressant Gel (This gun is silenced)
-EMP Immune
-Pyronics 'Firestorm' Heavy Flamethrower
The Firestorm is a powerful and deadly Thermate-launching projector designed to ravage biological threats and the Thermate can even threaten machinery due to the potency of the molten metal alloys.
-Cost: 1800Cr
-Damage: 4d6
-Fire Rate: 1
-Magazine: 100
-Weapon Type: Flame
--ID Chip Scanner
(This gun will only fire in your hands)
-EMP Immune
-Templar Arms Polycarbonate CQC Blade (Tactical)
Forged from polycarbonate alloys, many Agents pack these short blades for areas where guns are forbidden, and so when violence does break out, out come axes and swords, all marked by Templar Arms.
-Cost: 200Cr
-Damage: Strength+1d6
-Fire Rate: 3
-EMP Immune
-Armoured Clothing
All of your clothing, automatically including any you purchase, is modified with a Molybendum/Carbon mesh weaving that provides basic protection. Armour Clothing can stack with Flak Jackets, Light and Field Combat Armour.
-Cost: 1000Cr
-Armour Bonus: +1 AV
-Coverage: Arms, Legs, and Torso
-Flak Jacket
A vest that covers the upper body with ceramic and ballistic plastic plating. This armour only stacks with Armoured Clothing, nothing else. All Agents are issued this upon induction.
-Cost: 300Cr
-Armour Bonus: +1 AV
-Coverage: Torso
-Hard Ion Shield (Domestic)
HP: 10
EMPS: 15
Rechargeable: Yes
-Communications Device (Smartphone)
-ID Chip Scanner (Normal)
-ID Badge
for quick identification. Shows basic details to visual and ID Scanners.
-1 Intravenous Med-Pack: Strap to above the heart and this device will heal up to 5 HP.
-Hacking Software Kit (Normal) NOTE: This is highly illegal, do not get caught using this!
-Guan Yu Powered Armour
Appearance: Personalised by operator
Armour Value (AV) Bonus: +8
Maximum Agility: 8 for trained users/4 for untrained operators.
Strength: +4
Stealth: -6 (This can be mitigated/improved with upgrades)
Attitude Bonus: Operators gain +1 Attitude
EMP Shielding: The suit itself is EMP-Immune, with installed upgrade modules gaining EMPS:30
Invisibility Systems:
These are half as effective as other models, so only impose a -4 penalty to spot the suit, rather than -8
Power Supply: Fusion Battery with 30-Year lifespan.

  1. Yan Shuwei "Corporate Investigator ID" (Licenses: Commercial Search, Public Appropriations, Domestic Vehicle, Light Firearms)

  2. Liu Jianjun "Underworld ID" (Licenses: Bounty Hunting, Domestic Vehicle, Heavy Firearms, Light Firearms, Non-powered Melee Weapons)

  3. Kang Jin-ho "Corporation Civilian ID" (Licenses: Vendor, Robotics, Domestic Vehicle)

  4. Chen Yi "Throwaway/Illegal Actions ID" (Domestic Vehicle, Light Firearms)
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Looks like we have a good selection right now. Applications are still available if anyone wants to be the Corporate Agent instead of the Neo-Anarchist, but for now I'm going to start evaluating and preparing to write up char creation.
*looks at all the profiles*
Well, it seems that even in the 26th century there is still a gender imbalance in the intelligence services. Heh.
Character Creation Rules
Still evaluating applications, but here's the character creation rules in case anyone wants to get started on writing up a sheet.

Welcome Employee, to Agent Induction!

To start, please fill out the following paperwork noting your physical characteristics. We have a system-mandated minimum of 1 on the following statistics or 'Stats' and require that you distribute 49 'points' to inform the system of your physical and mental capabilities. The human baseline is 5-6 and thus cannot be left lower than these two numbers. The recorded human maximum baseline is 10 and thus no 'Stat' can be above 10.

5/6 is your minimum, 10 is your max

Here are your Stats, please fill them out Employee:

Agility: 1
Endurance: 1
Intelligence: 1
Perception: 1
Presence: 1
Reflexes: 1
Strength: 1

After you have distributed 49 Points to these Stats, please use the following semi-manual formula to list down various secondary statistics.

Use the following formula if supplied to create your Derived Stats. Others are automatically provided

Derived Stats
Hit Points: 20+Strength+Endurance
Telepathic Energy (TE): Presence+Perception+Intelligence+10 (This becomes relevant should you purchase telepathic training.)
Movement Speed: Strength+Endurance+Agility
Internal AI Score: 1
Armour Value: 0
Defense: This is equal to your Close Combat Skill
Experience Points: 0
Rank Points: 10
Corporation Rank: 1 (provided from Rank Points Score)
Agent Title: Sergeant (Provided from Corporation Rank)
Conviction Points: 2

Stats can be increased by spending the next rank in experience points, for example; rank 5 to 6 costs 6 experience points. Stats cannot go above 10 unless cybernetics, drugs, mutagens or nanotch are used.

Now that your 'Statistics' are calculated, we must now collect information on your skillset. Unlike the points provided for the Statistics, the system has an array of 'Skill Points' that are fixed numbers. Here are the points and how many skills they can be assigned to.

You have a fixed number of skill levels that are assigned to various skills.

1 Skill is ranked at 'Level' 8
1 Skill is ranked at 'Level' 7
1 Skill is ranked at 'Level' 6
3 Skills are ranked at 'Level' 5
3 Skills are ranked at 'Level' 4
3 Skills are ranked at 'Level' 3
3 Skills are ranked at 'Level' 2
4 Skills are ranked at 'Level' 1

Here is the Skill List, please read them carefully and choose wisely as this process cannot be reversed once entered into the system.

Try to be immersive. Choose skills appropriate for your character, not just because they might be useful.
Telepathic Skills can only be assigned if you have Telepathic Training purchased.

Skill LIst:
-Arts And Culture:
This skill covers the performing and visual arts alongside design. This allows things like cosmetic visual customisation of equipment and weapons, as well as knowledge of subjects such as literature, cookery, history, geography and religion via random trivia, study and access to specialist databases.

-Assess Tech: The ability to study and recognise the functionality and operation of new and unfamiliar technology.

-Athletics: Training in climbing, swimming, throwing, and jumping.

-Attitude: This represents how distinctive your personality and manners are.

-Business: This represents knowledge and experience of all things business such as stock markets and accounting. This may be complemented by Street Culture or Corp. Knowledge in certain situations.

-Close Combat: Your skill in unarmed and armed melee. This should at the very least be at 1 since your Close Combat Skill also acts as the rating for your Defense Stat.

-Computers And AI: Covers all aspects of programming computers as well as the science of Artificial Intelligences. Use in conjunction with Mechatronics to build a computer from scratch, but it does not cover the ability to hack systems, which requires specialised training.

-Corporate Knowledge: You possess detailed knowledge of the Corporations, the UIG and the United Church. This skill and/or Arts and Culture is used for etiquette in normal/high society.

-Crime: You have knowledge of how to perform various criminal acts ranging from breaking and entering to drug running as well as being able to spot clues in a crime scene. This skill also covers the ability to pick physical and electronic locks.

-Cybernetics and Robotics: This covers knowledge of the construction, design, maintenance, and programming of both robots and cybernetic components.

-Drive: This covers full knowledge and training in any ground vehicle from city-scooters to tanks. Assess Tech may be required to figure out more sophisticated and newer vehicles.

-Heavy Firearms: Training in the operation of heavy firearms such as machineguns, cannons, railguns and rocket launchers.

-Light Firearms: Training in the usage of sidearms.

-Looking Good: This is how well you present yourself, but you can only make bullet holes and blood stains look hot for so long. Spending large amounts of money helps maintain or temporarily boost this score as you purchase expensive suits or hot cars. Just don't expect them to last long in your line of work...

-Lying/Acting: Covers the ability to convincingly lie to people, and can be used to coerce information out of people.

-Mechatronics: Skill and training in mechanics, electronics and nanotechnology. Can be used to build computers from scratch or combined with the appropriate skills to maintain, repair or enhance technology covered by that skill, from a doorway to a car to a minigun.

-Medicine: Covers training to apply first aid in the field, allowing you to automatically heal 1 Hit Point on yourself or an ally if they sustain a wound in their turn and you can reach them, or 2 HP on a roll. On a successful roll you can also stabilise a dying individual. This also covers the knowledge on acquiring or creating various drugs and narcotics with the appropriate equipment. Surgical training is required to perform surgery.

-Observation: This is the skill to take note of things out of the ordinary, and deduce answers from them.

-Pilot: This is the skill to operate aircraft and seacraft from Aerodynes, Tilt-Rotors, Airships, Yachts, Speedboats, Sub-Orbitals, Submarines, Helicopters and Jets. Assess Tech is required in order to operate spacecraft heading for the Moon or Mars.

-Psychology: The skill to determine the mental processes, thoughts and psyche of another person, and the qualification to provide psychological counseling. Social Intuition, empathy, sociology, and athropology are also covered by this skill.

-Science: Catch-all training for anything from chemistry to mutagenics. Pharmacology, Human Biology and Biochemistry are considered part of the Medicine skill.

-Stealth: Your skill in remaining hidden from physical senses. Mechatronics and Assess tech may be required for more technological detection methods such as cameras or pressure sensors.

-Street Culture: The knowledge of the workings of gangs, cults, pimps and other street-level activities as well as the ability to access and use the local black markets for basic contraband. Also covers how to act around gangs and criminal groups, etiquette for outlaws and smugglers basically. You can also use this knowledge to get a meal down there on the Street.

-Support Weapons: The ability to use explosives, grenades and emplaced weaponry such as mortars and AA guns. Also covers knowledge on demolitions, and arming/disarming explosive devices. Mechatronics and Chemistry is needed to build a bomb.

-Tactical Firearms: The training and knowledge of the operation of rifles and shotguns.

After selecting your skill, choose one skill that is at Level 7 or 8, and declare it your Professional Skill. This skill can never suffer a critical failure and if you get a double on 2d10 for a successful skill roll, it is considered a critical success.

Skills can be increased in gameplay by spending the next level in Experience Points. For example, level 3 to level 4 costs 4 experience points. Skills cannot be taken above 10 unless you use cybernetics, drugs or exotic mutagens and nanotech.

With your skills selected, you must now choose your initial Training. You can choose 2 Training options from the following lists, and can purchase more at 10 Experience Points per Training when on downtime. You cannot choose the same Training option twice unless noted for the training. Any prerequisites will be listed in italics.

Non-Combat Training Options:
-Animal Handling:
You are trained in handling animals and animalistic intelligences, such as Cyberwolves. You can command your animal and it will be done automatically, but an Attitude+Presence roll is required for more extreme orders, such as ordering the cyberwolf to bite a hand, without crushing it into a bloody ruin.

-Aptitude: You have a knack for doing things. If you use a skill you have no points in, you won't critically fail but you won't critically pass. You can also add 1d6 to your Action Total for one roll per turn.

-Command (Presence 7)
You can command others and are used to exercising authority. You can add your Corporate Rank to any Social Rolls where appropriate such as forcing yourself/team into a property or intimidating Employees, Citizens and lower-ranked Agents.

-Domestic Trade: This training and knowledge of everyday trades such as cooking, locksmithing, gunsmithing, car repair, etc. Choose and display a single trade when this training is chosen. The GM will select an appropriate Stat and Skill if you wish to use your Domestic Trade as a roll, or it can provide a situational +2 bonus to a related skill. For example using locksmithing knowledge to pick locks.

-Field Surgery (Medicine 5)
You can patch up anyone in the field under any circumstance except combat or particularly life-threatening situations. You don't need to roll, just declare the action and the target, or yourself, is healed up to your level in the Medicine skill.

-Hacking (Computers And AI 5)
You know how to illegally access networks and lone terminals, and so can roll Intelligence+Computers & AI to hack a system.

-Interrogation: You have the skill and training to extract information from people by subjecting them to intense questioning, drugs, torture, bribery, psychological attacks, and seduction.

-Jury Rigging (Mechatronics 5)
You can build just about everything so long as you have some tools and a source of parts. Some people refer to this under the obscure title of 'MacGuyver-ing' for some reason. You can roll Intelligence+Mechatronics to attempt to build the item.

-Meditation (Telepathic Training)
When you meditate in a relatively calm area, you regain Telepathic Energy at twice the normal rate.

-Surgeon (Medicine 6)
Unlike Medicine and Field Surgery, this training covers the ability to repair or replace damaged/destroyed limbs and organs. HP may be healed should the surgery be successful. This requires actual surgical tools and access to a lab or operating theater.

-Surveillance (Stealth 3, Mechatronics 3)
You have training and knowledge in how to case a target facility, and observe and follow a person in secrecy.

-Survival: You are capable of surviving without modern comforts, whether in the middle of the Kowloon Mega-Slum to the ruin-filled wilderness of Old America, you can find food and shelter by passing an Intelligence+Endurance roll.

-Stone Cold: You aren't affected by traumatic events as easily as others, or ever really. When rolling to see if you recover a point of lost Conviction due to traumatic events, you succeed on a roll of 1-5 instead of 1. This requires no real roleplay, a happy and cheerful person could be just an empty, remorseless shell on the inside.

-Telepath: You are one of the few that have unlocked the power of their mind, granting them superhuman mental powers. You can purchase the following powers as skills with this training:
--Jump: You can jump 100 meters in a single move.
--Shield: You can generate a field of energy that blocks bullets, explosions, and energy blasts.
--Assault: You can launch a personalized blast of psychic energy in combat. This can be anything from glowing shuriken to lightning or fire.
--Presience: You can see briefly into the future, increasing reaction time and awareness.
--Psi Blade: You can create a blade of psychic energy.
--Telekinesis: You can move objects with your mind. The higher the skill, the heavier the object.
--Biokinesis: You can purge toxins and heal yourself.

-Telepathic Adept (Telepath)
You gain an immediate +20 TE due to you possessing incredible talent and potential.

-Underground Operations (Street Culture 3, Crime 2)
You have the means, talent and knowledge on how to access the underground black and red markets, blend in, and access their more private markets, allowing you to acquire illegal drugs, unlicensed weapons, illegal software kits, or get your hands on the latest information. Transactions require money or favours to pay for what you need, so make sure you have a separate bank account.

Combat Training Options:

-Advanced Disarm:
You have skill in disarming opponents, gaining a +4 bonus to Disarm checks.

-Assassin (Stealth 6, Close Combat 6)
If you get behind an enemy, you can kill or incapacitate them in a single successful roll. Agents cannot be incapacitated due to Neural Stabilizer implants that are standard issue, but are instead reduced to 0 HP and lose 1 Intelligence per turn until dead.

-Combat Driver (Drive 3)
You ignore the -4 penalty to driving and fighting (such as shooting) at the same time.

-Combat Pilot (Pilot 3)
You ignore the -4 penalty to piloting and fighting (such as shooting a helicopter autocannon) at the same time.

-Defensive Fighting (Close Combat 3)
By taking a penalty, you can add half that penalty (rounding up) to your Armour Value. This penalty can be equal to your Close Combat skill.

-Disarm & Attack (Advanced Disarm, Close Combat 5)
In a move worthy of action films, when you disarm someone, in that same action you can make a single attack with the enemy's own weapon. You must have at least a skill level of 2 in the weapon you are disarming. You cannot perform this with heavy weapons unless you have Strength 10 or higher.

-Droid Hunter (Cybernetics & AI 3)
You add your Cybernetics & AI skill to any damage done to any robots fought in combat.

-Dual Weapon Fighting (Relevant Weapon Skill 4)
The first time you purchase this Training, select either Tactical Melee, Tactical Melee, Light Firearms, Tactical Firearms, Heavy Firearms, Support Weapons, Heavy Close Combat, or Thrown Bladed Weapons as a weapon class to specialize in.
Heavy Close Combat and Heavy Firearms require Strength 10 to wield one-handed. Your skill in the chosen class of weapon must be 4+, and in exchange you ignore the -4 penalty for using a weapon in both hands. Support Weapons is special as it dictates whether you can perform another action like throwing a grenade while using a weapon emplacement.
You can purchase this training multiple times, choosing a new category each time.

-Gun Melee (Relevant Weapon Skill 7, Close Combat 7, Agility 6)

Choose either Light or Tactical Firearms. As long as you are wielding a weapon of that type in close combat, your Defense stat isn't penalized. You can train this again to acquire the other category.

-Hail Of Missiles (Close Combat 5, Thrown Weapons Training)
You can throw double the number of throwing weapons allowed by Thrown Weapons Training.

-Mastered Weapon Skill (Relevant Weapon Skill 8)
Choose a weapon type covered by the relevant skill (A Laser Pistol for Light Firearms for example) or specify a particular weapon covered by that skill (your custom-modified .44 revolver for example. The one you gave a girl's name.) and when you roll a success that has XS (Excess, get it? Basically it's how much you beat the goal by), you add the value of the XS to your damage with that weapon.
You can purchase this training multiple times, choosing a new category each time.

-Multiple Defense (Close Combat 8, Defensive Fighting)

Your Defense score isn't split up when surrounded by multiple opponents in Melee.

-Powered Melee Training (Close Combat 6)
You are trained in the operation of powered melee weapons such as Combat Chainsaws, Ion Weapons, and Plasma Melee Weapons. A certain corporation provides this for free at the end of character creation.

-Quick Draw (Reflexes 8)
You draw your weapon in the first turn of combat so fast that you have a +4 bonus to your next action. If you draw a pistol or blade instead, the bonus is +6.

-Restrain (Close Combat 4)
In melee combat, you can choose to restrain someone, either physically or with zip-cuffs and rope.

-Scything Strike (Close Combat 6, Strength 7)
When you kill someone in close combat using a Tactical or Heavy melee weapon, Powered or otherwise, you gain a free action to attack another nearby target.

-Thrown Weapons Training (Close Combat 3)
You have received training to throw bladed melee weapons accurately in combat using Perception+Athletics, although heavy melee weapons require Strength 10 or higher to throw.

You can throw 2 light melee weapons or 1 Tactical/Heavy melee weapon per turn, which is doubled by Hail Of Missiles. Thrown weapons deal their damage + half your Strength and travel 10+Strength Meters.

You also gain a +4 bonus to throwing grenades, bricks and other blunt objects.

-Twin Psi Blades (Psi Blade 7, Telepath)
You can generate two blades of psychic energy, but require Dual Weapons Training with a focus on Tactical Melee to use them without penalty. It costs double the TE to generate the blades, but only one action is needed.

-Unarmed Combat Specialist (Close Combat 4)
When you engage an opponent in melee who has a weapon, your Defense is not reduced, and you can Block attacks without needing a shield or other appropriate weapon/item for defense. Additionally, you add 1d4 to your melee damage for every attack.
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And done. Hopefully I interpreted the telepathy/psionic training/skills right in the format.

Heh, not gonna lie, thought of Dimsdale Boiled from Mardock Scramble when thinking of a build.
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Does Telepath unlock all powers, or just one every time you pick it?
Can i for example pick Psi Blade, Shield, and jump just by picking Telepath once, or do i only get one of them?
@Gideon020 Please tell us the difference in the system and the appropriate use of "Reflexes" and "Agility".

Reflexes is how quickly you react, agility is how fit you are.

Does Telepath unlock all powers, or just one every time you pick it?
Can i for example pick Psi Blade, Shield, and jump just by picking Telepath once, or do i only get one of them?

You can purchase any and all of those powers by purchasing telepathic training.

Why isn't actual telepathy in telepath?

Because it's an assumed power. Mind reading however is not covered because loc it would break the game and ic it us because mindshields are a thing alongside techniques to obscure thought.
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Alright, i'll give it a go! (Went for an Assassin build)

Name: Irissa "Iris" Liri
Gender: Female
Age: 17-20 (who knows? She lived in the slums)

Minor Quirk: Iris needs a re-breather for her lungs. She can manage up to a full week without it, but the air from the slums permanently damaged her airways to be worse at filtering out smoke and dust.
She declined the offer to replace her lungs with cybernetic ones. When they asked why, she chuckled and replied with: "Now i always have an excuse to breathe cleaned air."

Agility: 10
Reflexes: 10
Perception: 9
Endurance: 7
Presence: 7
Strength: 7
Intelligence: 6
Hit Points: 34/34
Telepathic Energy (TE): 32/32
Movement Speed: 24
Internal AI Score: 1
Armour Value: 4
Defense: 10
Experience Points: 5
Rank Points: 14
Corporation Rank: 1
Agent Title: Sergeant
Conviction Points: 2

Corporate Primary: Mandarin
Corporate Secondary: Farsi
Tactical Firearm (2)
Telepathic License (5)
Bounty Hunter License (1)
Domestic Search License (1)
-Law Enforcement License
-Light Firearms License
-Nonpowered Melee Weapons License
-Close Combat (Lvl: 10) (*) +2
-Stealth (Lvl: 9) +1+1 (+4 not included in level from Gemini Stealthskin)
-Tactical Firearms (Lvl: 6)

Lvl 5
-Presience (Telepath)
-Psi Blade (Telepath)

Lvl 4
-Biokinesis (Telepath)

Lvl 3
-Street culture
-Looking Good

Lvl 2
-Corporate Knowledge

Lvl 1
-Light Firearms
-Cybernetics and Robotics

-Guan Yu Usage

-Telepath: You are one of the few that have unlocked the power of their mind, granting them superhuman mental powers. You can purchase the following powers as skills with this training:
--Psi Blade

If you get behind an enemy, you can kill or incapacitate them in a single successful roll. Agents cannot be incapacitated due to Neural Stabilizer implants that are standard issue, but are instead reduced to 0 HP and lose 1 Intelligence per turn until dead.
Installation Simple, 1 Hour
Cost 4,000¢ (Bought at a 35% discount)

The skin is impregnated with polychromotophores (colour changing
cells) which the user can make change colour to suit his environment.
The changes are controlled by conscious decision and internal
visualisation. The new skin appears slightly synthetic and anaemic in
it's natural state. Accurate detail cannot be rendered on the skin.


The user gains +4 to Stealth checks.

-Light Combat Armor
A full-body series of armoured sections that is strapped over the entire body and is thicker than the Flak Jacket. A solid upgrade and fairly unnoticeable.
-Cost: 1000Cr
-Armour Bonus: +2 AV
-Coverage: Torso, Arms, and Legs
-Armored Clothing
All of your clothing, automatically including any you purchase, is modified with a Molybendum/Carbon mesh weaving that provides basic protection. Armour Clothing can stack with Flak Jackets, Light and Field Combat Armour.
-Cost: 1000Cr
-Armour Bonus: +1 AV
-Coverage: Arms, Legs, and Torso
-Combat helmet
A standard-issue combat helmet that can visually customized to suit you. It only protects the head and is best work with Combat Armour.
-Cost: 300Cr
-Armour Bonus: +1 AV to the Head
-Coverage: Head
-Flak Jacket
A vest that covers the upper body with ceramic and ballistic plastic plating. This armour only stacks with Armoured Clothing, nothing else. All Agents are issued this upon induction.
-Cost: Free
-Armour Bonus: +1 AV
-Coverage: Torso
-Exceptional Quality Seburo-Boram 'Zenith' Pistol.
-Damage: 2d8
-Fire Rate: 3
-Magazine: 15 (Only keep track of this when required by the GM)
-Weapon Type: Kinetic SMART
-Special Qualities: Critically Passes on a 1/1 or 2/2
--ID Chip Scanner(This gun will only fire in your hands.)
-EMP Immune
-Poseideon Model 203 ERASR Sniper Rifle
Built by the Poseidon Corporation, the Model 203 is one of the world's most popular and common sniper rifles, this semi-automatic weapon's high-power scope gives you a +4 cumulative bonus when you aim per turn, up to a +12 bonus to hit.
-Cost: 3000Cr
-Damage: 2d6+1
-Fire Rate: 2
-Magazine: 12
-Weapon Type: Kinetic SMART
-EMP Shielding 15
-Templar Arms Polycarbonate CQC Blade (Tactical)
Forged from polycarbonate alloys, many Agents pack these short blades for areas where guns are forbidden, and so when violence does break out, out come axes and swords, all marked by Templar Arms.
-Cost: 200Cr
-Damage: Strength+1d6
-Fire Rate: 3
-EMP Immune
-False ID:
Age: 20
-ID Badge for quick identification. Shows basic details to visual and ID Scanners.
-ID Chip Scanner (Normal)
-Communications Device (Smartphone basically)
-1 Intravenous Med-Pack: Strap to above the heart and this device will heal up to 5 HP.
-Standard Issue Business Suit from Wuxing Fashions. (Armored)
-Guan Yu Powered Armour

Cost: 20,000Cr (for a replacement if your free one is destroyed.)
Appearance: Personalised by operator
Armour Value (AV) Bonus: +8
Maximum Agility: 8 for trained users/4 for untrained operators.
Strength: +4
Stealth: -6 (This can be mitigated/improved with upgrades)
Attitude Bonus: Operators gain +1 Attitude
EMP Shielding: The suit itself is EMP-Immune, with installed upgrade modules gaining EMPS:30
Invisibility Systems: These are half as effective as other models, so only impose a -4 penalty to spot the suit, rather than -8
Power Supply: Fusion Battery with 30-Year lifespan.
Money: 600 Cr


Living in the slums is not something any sane man would do by choice. Sadly, Iris couldn't choose her parents, or find out who they were either. Instead, she was taken care of by other slum kids until she was old enough to pickpocket. It wasn't a pretty life, but it had its moments. Like when some kids gathered up enough money to buy her a clean dress for her birthday.

One day, however, as Iris tried to find a good target for pick-pocketing, she noticed a well-dressed man that seemed to carry some very expensive gear. Thinking she hit jackpot, she ignored the warnings the other kinds had been saying about not targeting certain kinds of people, and as she reached for his pockets, she got her whole arm cut off.
Or, at least that would have happened if she hadn't jerked in shock from the imaginary pain, and pulled back just in time. The man in suit was just as shocked as her, and for a while they just looked at each other.

It turned out the man's name was Jaspar, and he was working for some people who would be very interested in what she was able to do just now.

Many years later, it was finally time to part with her mentor and pseudo-father Jaspar. He had trained her when he had the time, and sent her to a special academy to catch up on learning everything she missed from having no education. She actually managed to get a bit above average in studies, even if she wasn't exceptional in anything. What she did exceed at was the more physical aspects. Her fighting ability and reaction speed was enough to go toe-to-toe with her mentor, with neither holding much back. She had even completed some preliminary missions, just to prove her readiness, but they weren't that difficult.

Now, with all the money invested in her, and knowledge bestowed upon her, it was finally time to work, as an Agent.

Iris has two styles she prefers to use. One is sneaking up to the victim and stabbing them in the back. Then to vanish again in the chaos with the mission completed. The other is to climb/jump up on a rooftop, and aim the sniper scope at the target. She's also good at breaking and entering, pick-pocketing, and various other criminal activities she learnt as a kid.

(The reason for her nickname "Iris" was not just because it's shorter than irissa, but also because Jaspar noticed early on how the training dummies were always hit in the center of the eyes.
When he asked Iris why she shot the eyes, she simply said: "They can't shoot back if they can't see.")
Edit: Changed Medicine lvl 1 into Telekinesis lvl 1
Edit 2: Moved Prescience to Lvl 5, and pushed up Tactical Firearms to lvl 6, stealth to lvl 7, and close combat to lvl 8
Edit 3: Added language and Licenses
Edit 4: made Stealth into the profession skill
Edit 5: Used the Telekinesis lvl 1, Drive lvl 1, and jump lvl 2 to increase Stealth to lvl 9 and Close combat to lvl 10. Added native language. Added gear section. Added Guan Yu usage to training. Added false IDs under misc section in gear.
Edit 6: Filled out the rest of the gear, and changed te professional skill into Close Combat instead.
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