Contact: Enemy Unknown (Cyberpunk Alien Invasion Defence RP)


Really in the mood for ribs.
"Dog 2-1, this is Lead, I have target in my scope."

"Lead, 2-1, tallyho."

The scream of fighters filled the air above Eastern Europe as two teams of Neo-Soviet fighters raced across the skies in hot pursuit of the silent object attempting to give them the slip, scarred and smoking from where AAA and missiles had impacted against it.

"2-3 here, I have tone!" A missile shrieked from its pylon, screaming across the gap to strike the hull of the alien vessel, and by fate or luck something gave way, explosions tearing through the superstructure as the craft wobbled, smoke billowing from new holes as several other fighters added strafing runs with their cannons, carving paths across the hull.

Finally, it began to dip, sinking rapidly until it was falling from the skies, heading towards the forested mountains as the fighters circled overhead to watch it smash into the valley, fire and smoke trailing it like a cloak until it smashed into the forests, sending trees flying while the fighters watched from above.

"Intruder-01 is down. Repeat, Intruder-01 is down." The lead fighter reported, before turning to head back to base, "Call in the ground pounders to clean up."

"Roger, we're warming up a team now."


Operation: Gateway
Situation Report: Alien vessel downed in Georgia.
Requesting nearest OMEGA combat team.
Team located: Georgia Radar Base Combat/Security Team
Team Status: Active
Team is designated as External Contractor/Specialists.
Team Suitability: High

In the back of the CH-48 Charlie, a team of operatives prepares themselves for the battle ahead.

OMEGA Command had ordered you to be deployed from your duties guarding the Georgia Airborne Surveillance Base; an alien vessel has been shot down by interceptors from Russia, and you are the closest team with the necessary combat training to sweep, clear and secure the wreck for analysis.

Name: WH-8256 "Wilhelm"

You sit at the back of the Charlie, systems primed and ready for the task you were literally made for. Your smaller comrades are preparing for possible hostile contact with alien life-forms but you are confident that they will not withstand your weapons.

Dynamic Vehicle Control Droid - D.V.C.D 543 - 123
Property of OMEGA
Nickname "Red Dragoon"

You smoothly bring the Charlie into a hover above the landing zone, eyes scanning for any hostile trouble. The Charlie is unarmed, but you could act as eyes in the after everyone rappels down, but you could help by landing and following the team.

You consider your options while the rest get ready for combat operations.

Name: Cayli, formerly Cayli Netune

Actual alien contact. The ship is reported to be fully intact, which means that there will be living aliens, and with living aliens comes opportunities.

Not for actual communication, you doubt that will be possible, but for a person with your talents in medicine there will likely be other things to learn.

Your first actual combat operation since being brought into OMEGA's fold, and discovering that your younger gene-sisters are now being used as very valuable soldiers. You hid your origins under the disguise of biomods, but any blood work would have revealed your true origin as a genetic hybrid.

Well, times change, and if you can show OMEGA that your gene-sisters deserved to be recognised as human with the same rights?

Times will change faster.

Name: Seraphina 'The Storm' Stormcaller

The time has finally come. After weeks of guarding a lonely automated radar outpost in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere with the only people being the town near the Keldara Valley, you could finally take a look at an alien craft.

You wonder how many survived the crash, but push that aside for now. You need to focus on getting ready to provide accurate scientific analysis of anything found at the crash site.

Name: AD-1347, or "Phonos"

Operations to secure an alien craft. This will be a good test of your abilities, to work alongside humans, a genetic hybrid, a pilot and a tank.

Really, there's no other way to describe Wilhelm, you're going to be working alongside a heavily-armed and heavily-armored robot tank.

Sometimes you wonder about human weapon designers.


The Charlie comes to a hover over a clearing near the crash site, large enough to land the helicopter.

Make your preparations, say your prayers to whatever god will listen to you.

And go to war.
'Okay Sera, you can do this. You've trained and prepared for years for this exact mission... more or less.'

Checking the layout of her magazines and grenades once more, to make absolutely sure everything was were it was supposed to be.

'Okay, 3 Magazines for the Phoenix full of FMJ bullets in their place, 2 of AP in the easiest position to grab from in case of a 'Oh Fuck ARMOUR/Robots moment, with one of tracer rounds as an emergency reserve, or for those moments when you need your bullet's to be visible for whatever reason... it's not like I've already got a list two pages long of possible reasons, and that's without going into all the situations alien technology can potentially cause... wait, no, stop that... No getting side tracked.'

'Lets see, rifle magazines checked out, as well as the one loaded into the actual rifle itself, also FMJ rounds... Pistol has a magazine of FMJ loaded, as well as two reloads, and then the one 'Just Die Already' Mercury magazine. Fragmentation and Incendiary Grenades in easy grasp on the right, the Smoke and Flashbang out of the way on the left, though still able to be quickly grabbed.'

'Camera on the rifle and the helmet work, the Processor's registering green, datalinks are fine, Rifle Scope and Pistol Red Dot sight linked and working, Binoculars and Helmet have their NV Kits attached and working...'

'I think everything's fine... for now... Well, I'm done, time to check on the team... After all, you are the closest thing we have to a leader... and you've actually had training at it!'

Having checked all her gear, Seraphina turns to look at the rest of her motley team... and help them make sure they're also ready.

'Maybe if we find something interesting enough, we'll be reassigned to somewhere with people... I haven't set up any truly exciting social 'games' in weeks now... and I'm already noticing the impulses... And to make things worse, I haven't had sex for almost as long...'

After all, she'd gone through the available people in the 'nearby' town within the first fortnight, and whilst there were others, she didn't have the time to go to the town for long enough for those people to be interested. Her team weren't much help there as Wilhelm... was Wilhelm, you weren't touching Phonos's issues with a 10 foot pole, and Cayli, the other human had given herself mods to remove her interest in sex.

Thankfully, Dani and Red were around, though Red was still too 'innocent' for that, and you was having too much fun helping her grow her personality to change things like that yet. Dani however... well, she insisted she was straight, and Sera hadn't worn her resistance down enough yet for her to give it a try. Maybe in another month or two...

'Oh god, another month... But seriously now, back to the job... you can think about this after, when you don't have to worry about messing up and having the team wiped out because you gave the wrong order, or didn't figure out the strange thingamabob actually vents the reactor into the compartment when activated, instead of opening the door like you thought.'
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@Pyro Hawk

Dani, or Daniela K. Streeter as it said in her passport, swayed as the Charlie rocked something vicious. She felt like Geppetto in the belly of the whale, 'cept this monster was made of steel and fuel. Comfy too. Ops like this was her bread and butter, and helis her homes away from home.

'Course, this one was packed full of people. Like sardines. Something else she was used too, 'cept Dani found herself standing beside one Seraphina Stormcaller. Girl bred like a rabbit, if rumors were to be believed, without the breeding of course. That wouldn't be any of Dani's business really.

What was business was Sera's three minute peptalk to herself. Even above the drone of the heli and her crappy hearing Dani could guess what the newly designated team leader was doing. Sera was grappling with her nerves, and the team couldn't have that, especially when Sera had to call the shots that would safe and sound through this mission. So Dani did what she always did and gave a double thumbs up, smile and all.

"I reckon you'll do bloody awesome down there! That's what training's for!"

She had to shout to be heard. Hell, when was their green coming?

Another wobble of the Charlie and this time she had to grab on to the roof straps to keep from falling. She found her footing after a moment.

"I hear Gibraltar's good this time'a year!"
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"This is your pilot speaking - we have reached the crash site and I'm going to bring us down in a moment – be ready to disembark. Unit WH-8256 has priority for the main ramp – the side entrance need to be used to leave the Charlie as quickly as possible. Please secure your equipment to yourself and be ready for enemy contact."

Her voice carried clear to the others even without her lips moving at all – the built-in communicator was handy with the roar of the rotors above them- and the machine began to dip towards the ground, even as mechanical eyes took in the view through the canopy of the transport helicopter. With the built-in distance sensors and targeting software, the creation of a rough map of the topography should be possible even in the case that the GPS was going to be disrupted. Staying up in the air with the Charlie wasn't the best of ideas, especially as it had no weapons, few defensive systems and was a floating turkey against ground weapons. Support from the air – unneeded and dangerous in this case.

The rotors of the aircraft where slowly slowing down, turning from a to nearly invisible flash to "just" fast moving black blades. With the noise also dying down, Red could listen to the words coming from the passenger compartment of the helicopter – hoping that everyone would get the hint and get out of the helicopter before it came under enemy fire, prior training have shown the Charlie to be a Deathtrap in landings under fire. With a small shiver that ran through the whole transport, they touched firm ground once more, the grass around them getting pressed perfectly flat as the engines died down and the pilot kept a glance backwards, waiting for the rest of the team to disembark before she would follow…

…or in the case that it was getting too hot she would have to pull the helicopter out again to pick the rest of the team up later. But for now, there was only a small button to press and with a groan the ramp leading out of the passenger area moved down swiftly and hit the ground, exposing "Wilhelm" to the Georgian sun.

"Landing complete – please swiftly disembark."
Cayli shouldered their flamethrower as they stood up, adjusting the sling so that the rifle like weapon was comfortably on their back. Gathering up their hair, they snapped it into a quick tail so that it wasn't in the way of their eyes. Even their lovely eyes can't see through things. Well, mostly.

Flicking through a dozen diagnostic screens, they nodded at the responses their implants were giving them, before dismissing the entire display.

Leaving the helmet off for now, Cayli couldn't help but listen to the talk Sera was giving herself. Flicking a thumbs up at the girl, they checked the clips holding the Combat Specialized Emergency Trauma Response packages - the medkits as literally everyone called them - were secure.

As the rotor sounds died down, Cayli grabbed the helmet and called out to the group before putting it on.

"Hey, everyone with biomonitors, mind just checking I'm connected? My end says everyone's fine; but just ping me through, alright? Don't want to find out it's not working while you're bleeding out, do you?"

And with that slightly ominous statement, Cayli smiled and put their helmet on, bouncing on the balls of their feet.
Hearing Cayli's shout, Sera sent her a ping through the system, just to make sure.

'Knew I forgot something'

Activating her commlink in her helmet, she sends a quick message to Dani, before going to the team's frequency.

"You forgot that the commlinks in our helmets meant you didn't need to shout at me, didn't you?"

"Okay everyone, we're about to land, so finish equipment checks are get clear of the ride. We don't want to get caught in it in case the aliens are feeling particularly aggressive today."

"Wilhelm, I assume you can take an overwatch position of the downed craft to keep an eye out whilst staying in contact with the rest of the team as we plan out how we're going to be assaulting the craft?"

As she's talking to the team, Sera runs to the side door of the helicopter, and awaits the 'clunk' of the actual landing. Making sure the door's clear of hostiles, she runs out and takes shelter behind a conveniently close, and large piece of debris that seems to have either fallen off the spacecraft as it was coming down, or, considering how it seems to be wedged into a large tree, more likely having been thrown clear during the impact of the crash. Thankfully it protects in the direction of the crash, whilst providing a good view of the craft, and large enough to have all bar Wilhelm take shelter behind. Perfect to plan out the assault, though the distance to the actual crash site means even her DMR will be ineffective at shooting any aliens from here.

'Ah well, can't have everything go your way, or if you do, Murphy's about to drop the biggest one ever on you.'

"Okay everyone, nice piece of cover we can use to survey the site and make plans from behind, so get over here. Except for you Wilhelm, sorry, but you are the size of a light tank, and hit about as hard."

Having said that, she promptly pulls out the binoculars and begins doing just that. Have to know how you are going to begin the assault before you can plan it... unless you're an idiot who wants everyone to die. Won't help with the inside of the craft though, you'll just have to go on guess work, skill and hefty allotments of luck. Well, unless a chunk of the hull's been conveniently torn off of course, but you can't depend on that sort of luck.
"You forgot that the commlinks in our helmets meant you didn't need to shout at me, didn't you?"
Checking their recent announcement's recorded decibel level, Cayli frowned. They weren't anywhere near shouting level. The ping came through on the system loud and clear, so they registered the woman's baseline.
"Okay everyone, nice piece of cover we can use to survey the site and make plans from behind, so get over here. Except for you Wilhelm, sorry, but you are the size of a light tank, and hit about as hard."

Having said that, she promptly pulls out the binoculars and begins doing just that. Have to know how you are going to begin the assault before you can plan it... unless you're an idiot who wants everyone to die. Won't help with the inside of the craft though, you'll just have to go on guess work, skill and hefty allotments of luck. Well, unless a chunk of the hull's been conveniently torn off of course, but you can't depend on that sort of luck.
Jumping down to crouch next to the teams ostensible leader, Cayli unholstered their pistol which was amusingly the long range of their two weapons. Flicking on the low light magnification, they peered into the gloomy distance to see if they can find any of the... Contacts was the military term, no?
Dani pinged an affirmative at their medic's call, before fitting her helmet on. A hiss of pressure and it was in place. Almost immediately the voice of Sera filtered through her helmet's inner speakers.
"You forgot that the commlinks in our helmets meant you didn't need to shout at me, didn't you?"
Thumbing the helmet's comms on, Dani shook her head. "Nope. You've gotta set the tone going in on these things."

It was the last few seconds of the trip. The call came for the final inspection check. Self-administered. Her Phoenix Advanced Weapons Systems, AWS for short, passed it with flying colors. She wasn't expecting anything less. This was the best assault rifle money could buy, she got her money's worth and more than she hoped for. This baby handled like a dream!

Dani tapped a beat as the Charlie landed with a thunk. The doors opened. Sera out. Cayli out. Then she was jumping, running, and crouching behind shelter.

She kept her eyes peeled as Sera scouted the downed craft. There was a clear path where the craft had crashed through the forest. A deep furrow scarred the earth. Piles of clumped soil and grass pushed to the side of a wide trough. Trees upended and scattered. Jagged metal the size of Wilhelm protruding in haphazard patterns.

Pleasant landing.
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[(CORE)3.298729e+13/(CURR)71352125.5841332] RUNNING DIAGNOSTICS...
[(CORE)3.298729e+13/(CURR)71352147.2185912] SYSTEMS AT OPTIMAL CAPACITY
[(CORE)3.298729e+13/(CURR)71352162.1351453] ESTABLISHING OPERATION PARAMETERS...
[(CORE)3.298729e+13/(CURR)71352198.9446212] OPERATION PARAMETERS ESTABLISHED
[(CORE)3.298729e+13/(CURR)71353112.3054286] core.msg: UNIT WH-8256 EXECUTING OPERATION

Servos whirred and clicked with oiled efficiency as Wilhelm underwent his preliminary checks, arms contracting and expanding with all the inhuman grace of a purpose-made killer. He (as his AI program was made to identify itself as) reevaluated the profiles of his teammates and felt for the briefest moment a instance of dissatisfaction. Most of them possessed skillsets unsuited for combat. That was acceptable, the operation would require a variety of different skills for optimal performance. However, it also meant that his teammates were liabilities whenever hostile elements were encountered.

Wilhelm calculated that it was extremely likely that the majority of future operations would contain hostile elements.

Unfortunate, but at the end of the day it was under the expected parameters of his mission. He would have to compensate for the inadequacies of his team.
"Wilhelm, I assume you can take an overwatch position of the downed craft to keep an eye out whilst staying in contact with the rest of the team as we plan out how we're going to be assaulting the craft?"
"Affirmative Miss Stormcaller, establishing overwatch position at coordinates Delta-5-3. Due to your fragile meatbag bodies and relative ineptitude at combat, I would advise you would not do anything rash until I am in position to help you. You would be costly to replace."
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Phonos was confident in his abilities, but this was certainly an...eclectic team. As he swiveled his head 90 degrees back and forth to inspect his teammates, his emotions inscrutable with his lack of a traditional face, his sensors tagged their faces. Dani, a demolitions expert and escaped Child of Mu. Dani may be one of the more independent Children of Mu, and she may have broken out of Zaibatsu on her own, but she really needed to work on her subtlety. Someone who blows things up for a living may not need subtlety, but regardless, with her extravagance, she was lucky OMEGA found her and not Zaibatsu. Regardless, she had shown a tendency to take the initiative and stand up for herself, which was something that he could respect.

The same couldn't be said for Sera, unfortunately. He had immediately pegged her as shallow and superficial, based on a detailed analysis of the similarities between her personality and several of his wealthier targets. To say nothing of her reportedly extraordinary nymphomania and tendency to manipulate others for fun. He had played the "emo and guilt-ridden sad sack" part of his personality for all it was worth when she tried to play her "games" on him. She left real fast. As funny as that was at the time, she still really shouldn't even have been here. She was good at manipulation, diplomacy, and the sciences, with a slight dash of trickery, and an okay shot. Not the best for going into possible battle against hostile aliens with hyper-advanced technology.

Red was relatively new to social interaction, and he was happy to help develop her personality. He wasn't sure if he was the best mentor, but it was best for everyone if she got exposure to a wide range of personalities. God knew he needed it when he first got that ethics chip forced into his motherboard. He hoped, however, that she wouldn't kamikaze the downed craft at the drop of a hat if OMEGA told her to. After all, the Dynamic Vehicle Control Droid series had been designed to provide a human face to a fleet of warplanes, but ultimately be loyal to their superiors at the expense of everyone else.

Cayll seemed a good sort. A little weird with their tendency to play with their lighter all the time, but a good person nonetheless. Still, medic + flamethrower was an odd combination. He was beginning to wonder if they were a pyromaniac, but he'd have to wait and see. Still, he hoped they knew how to use that thing. Igniting something in an alien craft could have disastrous consequences.

And Wilhelm? Well, what was there to say? He had almost no personality, wasn't Turing-Test capable, had the dreaded Tactical Co-Processor, and was built like a robotic tank. At that point, why even give him a humanoid upper body? If Hammond wanted an automated tank that badly, why not just stick an A.I. in a conventional MBT and call it a day? Needless to say, Phonos considered Wilhelm and himself exact opposites: He had Pinnochio Syndrome, Wilhelm would fail the Turing Test miserably. He was built for assassinating a single target and leaving before anyone knew he was there, Wilhelm was built to be a one-man army, trundling into a hostile area, and killing everything in his path.

As he was thinking this, he looked over his weapons one more time. An Akagi .45 Shadow, one of the best submachine guns in the world, outfitted with an IFCS targeting module and an integrated silencer, as well as a bayonet mount with a combat knife. He was thinking about mounting an under-barrel shotgun on this baby too, but it was already a close-quarters weapon. His pistol was a Krieg .45 Spec-Ops Elite, an expensive handgun that, while not having much stopping power or accuracy, was ideal for stealth due to the fact that it already came with a silencer and an IFCS module. As for everything else...Grenades? Check. Tactical Knife? Check. Body armor? Check. Internal systems? Nominal. Prime Directives? Still as annoying as ever. Everything else? Check.

Hearing Cayli's shout, Sera sent her a ping through the system, just to make sure.

'Knew I forgot something'

Activating her commlink in her helmet, she sends a quick message to Dani, before going to the team's frequency.

"You forgot that the commlinks in our helmets meant you didn't need to shout at me, didn't you?"

"Okay everyone, we're about to land, so finish equipment checks are get clear of the ride. We don't want to get caught in it in case the aliens are feeling particularly aggressive today."

"Wilhelm, I assume you can take an overwatch position of the downed craft to keep an eye out whilst staying in contact with the rest of the team as we plan out how we're going to be assaulting the craft?"

As she's talking to the team, Sera runs to the side door of the helicopter, and awaits the 'clunk' of the actual landing. Making sure the door's clear of hostiles, she runs out and takes shelter behind a conveniently close, and large piece of debris that seems to have either fallen off the spacecraft as it was coming down, or, considering how it seems to be wedged into a large tree, more likely having been thrown clear during the impact of the crash. Thankfully it protects in the direction of the crash, whilst providing a good view of the craft, and large enough to have all bar Wilhelm take shelter behind. Perfect to plan out the assault, though the distance to the actual crash site means even her DMR will be ineffective at shooting any aliens from here.

'Ah well, can't have everything go your way, or if you do, Murphy's about to drop the biggest one ever on you.'

"Okay everyone, nice piece of cover we can use to survey the site and make plans from behind, so get over here. Except for you Wilhelm, sorry, but you are the size of a light tank, and hit about as hard."

Having said that, she promptly pulls out the binoculars and begins doing just that. Have to know how you are going to begin the assault before you can plan it... unless you're an idiot who wants everyone to die. Won't help with the inside of the craft though, you'll just have to go on guess work, skill and hefty allotments of luck. Well, unless a chunk of the hull's been conveniently torn off of course, but you can't depend on that sort of luck.

He put his combat helmet over his oddly-built head (he already had armor plating there of course, but better safe than sorry) and moved with everyone else, running out of the side exit behind Cayll, Sera, and Dani, then jogging ahead of them and reaching cover before they did, due to his insane footspeed. "So, I suppose I'm probably going to have to scout ahead stealthily and sneak onboard while Wilhelm stays on overwatch. I report any hostiles, and then the rest of you move in?"

@Estro @Pyro Hawk @Simpli @SirLagginton @Gideon020 @Zeitgeist Blue
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Looking over at Phonos, Seraphina replies.

"I'd say that's probably a good idea. Unfortunately, we're not yet familiar enough with each others methods to tailor the plan much beyond that.

So the general plan will be Wilhelm stays in the back, slowly advancing whilst keeping overwatch, Phonos scouts ahead and performs a short reconnaissance of the nearest entrance to check if it's how we wish to board, and the rest of us leap-frog from cover to cover until we are a bit closer to the craft so we can cover Phonos' extraction if they need it? Not too close though. I suppose the biggest question is if we'll be leaving Red Dragoon to guard the transport.

Not sure if we want to or not, because if she does, that means no one can interfere with our means out of here, and also allows for a fast extraction if things go wrong. On the other hand, it does deprive us of a gun inside. I'm thinking she can come with us, until Phonos makes his report and we'll decide then.

Anyone think differently, or see any problems with this approach? We know so little about what we're up against we'll need the data Phonos get's us to plan anything out. Hopefully if the future it'll be easier.

Oh, and Phonos, unless you have the time to send me a video of what you are seeing, and listen to my instructions, it's best if you avoid touching anything that isn't structure. Remember the position of any technology, machinery or devices like that, and I'll take a look at it once the rest of us enter. Don't want any of us to accidently activate the wrong thing, and I'm the one with the most training to figure out the functions of that sort of stuff."
You all take stock of the area of operations.

The CH-48 is parked in a grassy meadow at the tail end of the trench carved by the crashing UFO, which is visible in the distance on it's side, resting against the slope of the mountainside. There is debris everywhere, it looks like the crash did more damage than the interceptor's missiles did, and another look shows that one of the tail pieces of the UFO has been torn off, left behind in the carved furrow.

The UFO itself is fairly simple in geometry; a circle with a pair of tapered tail sections, making the UFO look similar to a horseshoe crab in a small way.

The thick forests of the Caucasus surround the crash site, and the air is completely silent except you can hear faint sounds that appear to be some manner of alien vocal communication. Despite the clear sight-lines, there is only a few flashes of activity at the UFO, while you cannot spot anything from the forests at all.

Moving forward to take cover positions, with Wilhelm taking a hull-down position near some boulders, further activity can be seen in the forest, mostly sounds of movements followed by disturbed plantlife. It looks like the crew is coming to engage their attackers before they plan on repairing their ship.

Suddenly, bursts of energy tear from the forest on the left side of the furrow, causing you all to duck your heads from the suppressive fire that is causing sections of trees to simply vanish while rock disintegrates from the continuous barrage of fire.

Daring to glance out from cover, you all spot several slender grey beings wearing uniforms appear, all of them roughly the height of a normal human as they take up positions while shouting to each other in their unknown language.

[Opposition: 4x Unknown Aliens]

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Seraphina swears as she sees 4 unknown aliens are suppressing the entire team. 'Well, time to start leading for real I believe...' and starts talking over comms.

"Okay, Wilhelm, suppress the hell out of them if you would. Phonos, see if you can flank them. Cayli, get closer if possible, but above all, don't get hit. Dani, covering fire for Phonos and Cayli. Red, focus on making sure we aren't flanked again, especially by undetected hostiles if you would. I'll try and take them out at range whilst the rest of you dig them out."

"But seriously guys, don't get hit! I don't know exactly what they are firing, but it definitely isn't something you want to get hit by, if what it's doing to our cover is any indication."

"Oh, and a secondary objective is take one of them down alive, if not unharmed, and see if we can acquire one of their guns. Might help us if we know the basics of their capabilities once we breach the spacecraft, and any intelligence we get would be useful. Unlikely though, so only do it if there's a clear opening. By which I mean, no heroics!"

"Anyone got a problem, bring it up now, before we get further into the deep end."

Pyro Hawk threw 100-faced die for: Leadership Skill Roll Total: 26 26
Pyro Hawk threw 100-faced die for: Applied Sciences Skill Roll Total: 1 1
Pyro Hawk threw 100-faced die for: Small Arms Skill Roll Total: 11 11
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"Your contemptible meatbag orders are acknowledged Agent Stormcaller. Engaging hostile contacts now."

A single, massive hand grabbed the boulder that Wilhelm had placed himself behind, rolling it to the side as at the same time a buzzsaw-like roar erupted from him, the Lawnmower living up to its namesake as an avalanche of bullets suddenly slammed into the enemy position, chewing apart wood and debris under the intense gunfire. Meanwhile the two enormous weapons on his shoulders rotated and targeted the two hostiles on the flanks, a dull choppy roar and rapid thumps signifying the heavy machine gun and automatic grenade launcher respectively as hell rained down.

"If you wish to actually contribute to the team instead of having me compensate for your inadequecies, now would be the ideal time meatbags."


Rolling Lawnmower, Full Auto

Results: 24, 78, 93, 83, 87, 29, 25, 18, 56, 32, 51, 49, 91, 60, 98, 89, 100, 3, 51, 16

MPP: +0%

Rolling Heavy Machine Gun, Full Auto

Results: 28, 49, 97, 2, 56, 90, 20, 7, 99, 82, 38, 92, 53, 55, 24, 67, 16, 33, 68, 12

MPP: IFCS Processor +20%, IFCS Targeting Module +15% (within 500m), Red Dot Sight +10%

Rolling Krieg 3 AG GMG-3, Full Auto

Results: 61, 65, 76, 65, 19, 17, 68, 66, 2, 38

MPP: IFCS Processor +20%, IFCS Targeting Module +15% (within 500m), Red Dot Sight +10%
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Seraphina swears as she sees 4 unknown aliens are suppressing the entire team. 'Well, time to start leading for real I believe...' and starts talking over comms.

"Okay, Wilhelm, suppress the hell out of them if you would. Phonos, see if you can flank them. Cayli, get closer if possible, but above all, don't get hit. Dani, covering fire for Phonos and Cayli. Red, focus on making sure we aren't flanked again, especially by undetected hostiles if you would. I'll try and take them out at range whilst the rest of you dig them out."

"But seriously guys, don't get hit! I don't know exactly what they are firing, but it definitely isn't something you want to get hit by, if what it's doing to our cover is any indication."

"Oh, and a secondary objective is take one of them down alive, if not unharmed, and see if we can acquire one of their guns. Might help us if we know the basics of their capabilities once we breach the spacecraft, and any intelligence we get would be useful. Unlikely though, so only do it if there's a clear opening. By which I mean, no heroics!"

"Anyone got a problem, bring it up now, before we get further into the deep end."

"Your contemptible meatbag orders are acknowledged Agent Stormcaller. Engaging hostile contacts now."

A single, massive hand grabbed the boulder that Wilhelm had placed himself behind, rolling it to the side as at the same time a buzzsaw-like roar erupted from him, the Lawnmower living up to its namesake as an avalanche of bullets suddenly slammed into the enemy position, chewing apart wood and debris under the intense gunfire. Meanwhile the two enormous weapons on his shoulders rotated and targeted the two hostiles on the flanks, a dull choppy roar and rapid thumps signifying the heavy machine gun and automatic grenade launcher respectively as hell rained down.

"If you wish to actually contribute to the team instead of having me compensate for your inadequecies, now would be the ideal time meatbags."

Phonos left wordlessly, replying over UNIP text to Serafina's HUD, Yes ma'am, with a cute ninja emoticon. Given Phonos' oddly-designed face, he often used emoticons to indicate an expression, as represented by the LED display where his left cheek would be had he been fitted with an android hull kit. When his face was covered, he had to improvise. Using the techniques he was both programmed with and trained in manually, he attempted to flank, sneaking from cover to cover, the aliens not even knowing he wasn't behind cover with the others. Then Wilhelm trundled out from behind cover and began blasting them to smithereens. Phonos took advantage of the distraction and moved into position behind a large spot of shrapnel from the crash, due east of the spacecraft. He had a perfect shot on the enemy's bulbous heads from here, the angle allowing him to fire at them from next to their cover. He thought he could possibly see the sunlight glinting off of their green chrome domes. It would be a shame if they suddenly exploded into blood and gore. Why couldn't first contact be peaceful for once? Shaking these thoughts aside, he readied his Akagi, IFCS allowing him to focus perfectly on the closest alien's ugly head. He fired a single shot, aiming to blow the creature's cranium wide open. He didn't need to suppress; that was Wilhelm's job.

Once he had fired, Phonos dropped behind his new cover again in case the aliens figured out what was going on. In response to Wilhelm's comment, Phonos responded via machine code communications, Come on Wilhelm, that's just mean. Besides, we're not just on a combat mission. The stuff in this spacecraft could change our very way of life.

Then he thought of what Wilhelm cared about most, coming to a conclusion and adding, And could make everyone on this team way more combat effective to boot.

Genon threw 10-faced die for: Sequential Score Total: 10
threw 100-faced die for: Stealth (just in case) Total: 2
threw 100-faced die for: Small arms Total: 71
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D.V.C.D 543 or, as her teammates had taken to calling her to her own hidden delight, Red was already moving smoothly out of the helicopters sidedoor. For a moment, she turns to take in the sight of the crash-landed UFO and the long trench it had dug along the line of its impact…it was quite ugly compared to the stream lined and fast looking jets or even the deadly lines of attack helicopters she had learned to fly. Not that she spends much time with thoughts like this, the form of the UFO was simply a curiosity she noticed and quickly discarded as she heard a faint sound from somewhere around them, her sensors trying to guess a direction…. before bursts of energy started to fly over her head, the android throwing herself down as her eyes quickly tracked the positions of the operatives and support equipment like her.

Red, focus on making sure we aren't flanked again, especially by undetected hostiles if you would.


Came the simple and proven reply over the units com-network, her hands already moving up fluidly and bringing the GCP Sunburst to bear. The "barrel" of the Laser Pistol tracking the surroundings, but not opening fire yet. Not that she believed it was going to be necessary as Wilhelm opened with his whole arsenal, trying to match the enemy weaponry in its sheer destructive capability as wood splinters and chips of stone hurled through the air… before the dull thud of impacting grenades and the barking tone of their detonation filled the area. Even with her electronic sensors for sound and image Red was only glad that she was wearing a helmet that dampened the noise – running around with one's ears ringing from the many shoots would be hardly practical.

But now her fingertips were already ready to press down on the trigger and to send a pulse of energy fire towards either the unlucky enemies that had survived her teams onslaught, or against anyone else trying to sneak up on them.

"Beginning overwatch."

Simpli threw 100-faced die for: Pulse Fire Mode Total: 278 - 77 20 91 90
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Dani, covering fire for Phonos and Cayli.
"Got it." Dani acknowledged the order with a huff. She hauled herself from the ground as around her teammates around her exploded into action. In the split second it took her to raise her rifle and aim, data streamed into her vision, her HUD overclocking its systems. Several targets highlighted in red, humanoid but unmistakably not human registered a small part at the back of her mind. Then she was firing. Not the wild abandon Wilhelm seemed to revel in, but enough with bullets to keep her targets' head down and away from Phonos and Cayli.

"Go! Go! Go!" She was shouting, she realized, at the same time Wilhelm's monotone rang through the comm channel.

Rolling PAW, Full Auto

Results: 62, 49, 21, 62, 110, 16, 101, 83

MPP: IFCS +20%
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Once he had fired, Phonos dropped behind his new cover again in case the aliens figured out what was going on. In response to Wilhelm's comment, Phonos responded via machine code communications, Come on Wilhelm, that's just mean. Besides, we're not just on a combat mission. The stuff in this spacecraft could change our very way of life.

Then he thought of what Wilhelm cared about most, coming to a conclusion and adding, And could make everyone on this team way more combat effective to boot.
"Your analysis on the worth of these incompetents has been evaluated and summarily ignored honorary meatbag."
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Cayli drew they're pistol and nodded at Seraphina in response. Timing heir movement at the same time as Wilhelms fire, they dashed outside of the rock, vaulting and jumping over a few obstacles before they slid to a halt behind a fragment of the spaceship some twenty meters further away. Previously they're heart would have been beating hard at moving so fast, but now they could only feel a smooth whirr, the zero valve not even strained.

Sighting down the pistol, they prepared to shoot any alien who approached.

Okay, okay, lot more hectic than even a riot.
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At first the situation looked like it would become a drawn-out firefight against opponents with superior technology beyond the grasp of anything humanity could ever achieve.

And then Wilhelm rumbled up and opened fire.

The scream of the Lawnmower minigun, followed by the rumble of the grenade machinegun and HMG tore down several trees and shredded the thin cover of the alien crew members, blanketing them in high-velocity and explosive death.

By the end of the barrage, there was nothing left of the aliens but bright blue-green stains on the ground and the battered guns they had been wielding.

Moving forward as the smoke and dust clears, Seraphina crouches to inspect the enemy weapons that were left behind and with a grimace manages to glean some important facts out of the investigation:

-The alien weapons use some manner of non-radioactive but highly energetic crystal after investigating how the weaponry is powered. The weapons themselves appear to make use of exotic physics to unleash a stream of particles with properties that allow them to annihilate chemical and atomic bonds, a 'disintegrator' to put it crudely.

-The weapons, both the rifle and the pistols, appear to be incapable of being reloaded and must therefore be disposable or recharged at some kind of charging station. They also have no physical trigger and the manner in which they could be fired is...unknown. It will take a dedicated lab to any particular work, but with the budget you have to work with you might be better off selling them.

-The weapons are quite robust, possibly made of high-density and lightweight metamaterials. Again, proper study will be required in a lab to glean any real answers from them.

With the area clear, you all head forward towards the crashed UFO to check out the situation.

GM Reminder: How to level up in this game.

Every, and I do mean every, skill in your character sheet has an experience meter sitting at 0. When ever you pass or fail at a roll (remember, a pass requires you to roll under or equal to your skill after modifiers), you gain 5 + (Intelligence)/2 experience points that are added to that meter FOR THAT SPECIFIC SKILL. In layman's terms, only skills you use will grow in experience. Critical success will DOUBLE points earned, while Critical Failures get you nothing.

When your experience meter reaches the current BASE skill rating, it resets and your skill is raised either by 2% if it's a Combat Skill, or by 4% if it's a non-combat skill. If the skill is question is a Focus Skill, then the skill is either raised by 3% for a Combat Skill or 6% for a Non-Combat Skill.

After that, the meter(s) reset to 0 and it starts all over again.

Modify your character sheets for easy reference if you need to, and add the following three pools as well:
-Body Stride Pool
-Motor Stride Pool
-Cognitive Stride Pool

Refer to the controlling Attribute for the skills that earned experience and for each Attribute that falls into the three groups above, add 1 point to the appropriate group's Stride Pool.

To remind you which goes where:
Body: Strength, Endurance, Mass
Motor: Agility, Dexterity, Reflexes
Cognitive: Intelligence, Charisma, Perception, Determination.

The Body Stride Pool also gains points if any Body Attribute tests are a Critical Failure or a Critical Success

Finally, you MUST remember that EVERY time you pass or fail a test, you add experience and Stride Pool points. So make sure to keep track as best you can.

And before you ask @SirLagginton, Wilhelm can improve because of self-evolving neural architecture that leverages the full power of his body in more efficient, effective manners.

The team arrives at the crash site to find the alien vessel sitting vertically, a gaping hole in the bottom as it rests against a tall tree. There are two more groups of little grey men walking about, seemingly trying to assemble some kind of generator while plugging in various tools and equipment that indicates they may be trying to repair their practically crippled vessel.

Even with Wilhelm's rumbling mode of travel, you have not been detected. You should be able to figure out what to do before they do finally spot you.

The area where the UFO crashed is strewn with wreckage that should provide some good cover opportunities but around the UFO itself any cover is only by hiding behind the few crates stacked up on each other and the generator device itself.

Opposition: 6 Unknown Aliens.
Enemy Armament: 4x Alien Pistols, 2x Alien Rifles
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"Well, thanks to Wilhelm we had no problems with the last group of aliens... though I doubt this group will be as easy..."
Seraphina mutters as she surveys the new enemies and the ground.

"I think initially it's best if Phonos flanks the aliens whilst the rest of us except Wilhelm spread out here and get into cover. Wilhelm just takes the best concealed position he can as close to this spot. Don't want them hearing you and being alerted if we can help it."
"If Phonos manages to successfully flank them and get into cover without being spotted, or them detecting the rest of us, then we start creeping further in, leap frogging one by one from cover to cover when they aren't looking our way. Cayli leads as she's got the shortest range weapon, and I'll be in the back as I've got the longest ranged weapon I believe."

"If miracle of miracles happens and we manage to reach the open area around the UFO without being detected, my best thoughts are the following..."
"Wilhelm charges forwards from his position here until he reaches the range at which he can accurately suppress them, or opens fire from here if he can accurately target them."
"Once they start to respond to Wilhelm, Phonos opens fire upon them diverting their attention, and then the rest of us begin to open fire."
"Priority targets are the two wielding Rifles, Pistols afterwards. If anymore appear that seem to be carrying heavy weaponry, divert attention to them first."

"If our cover is blown before we all get into position, we get into cover and then follow the previous instructions as closely as we can, whilst still keeping as much solid cover between them and us."
"Remember, the guns they are wielding seem to be 'disintegrators' for want of a better term, so the thicker or more solid the cover the better. We probably don't have to worry about splash from where the shots impact, though once the site's secured it's probably going to be a good idea to check the impact sites and ourselves for radioactivity. Not sure about you guys, nut I'm pretty sure there's got to be something problematic caused by how those guns treat matter..."

"Anyone have better ideas? And I'd prefer we take them out before they fix the generator as we can't be sure it won't cause problems for us if it's active, like say, project a force field sealing off the crash site..."
"Should probably make my best guess for what that generator is before we start moving out..."
(@Zeitgeist Blue ) "Dani you want to give us your best guess on how close they are to repairing that thing?"
"Well, thanks to Wilhelm we had no problems with the last group of aliens... though I doubt this group will be as easy..."
Seraphina mutters as she surveys the new enemies and the ground.

"I think initially it's best if Phonos flanks the aliens whilst the rest of us except Wilhelm spread out here and get into cover. Wilhelm just takes the best concealed position he can as close to this spot. Don't want them hearing you and being alerted if we can help it."
"If Phonos manages to successfully flank them and get into cover without being spotted, or them detecting the rest of us, then we start creeping further in, leap frogging one by one from cover to cover when they aren't looking our way. Cayli leads as she's got the shortest range weapon, and I'll be in the back as I've got the longest ranged weapon I believe."

"If miracle of miracles happens and we manage to reach the open area around the UFO without being detected, my best thoughts are the following..."
"Wilhelm charges forwards from his position here until he reaches the range at which he can accurately suppress them, or opens fire from here if he can accurately target them."
"Once they start to respond to Wilhelm, Phonos opens fire upon them diverting their attention, and then the rest of us begin to open fire."
"Priority targets are the two wielding Rifles, Pistols afterwards. If anymore appear that seem to be carrying heavy weaponry, divert attention to them first."

"If our cover is blown before we all get into position, we get into cover and then follow the previous instructions as closely as we can, whilst still keeping as much solid cover between them and us."
"Remember, the guns they are wielding seem to be 'disintegrators' for want of a better term, so the thicker or more solid the cover the better. We probably don't have to worry about splash from where the shots impact, though once the site's secured it's probably going to be a good idea to check the impact sites and ourselves for radioactivity. Not sure about you guys, nut I'm pretty sure there's got to be something problematic caused by how those guns treat matter..."

"Anyone have better ideas? And I'd prefer we take them out before they fix the generator as we can't be sure it won't cause problems for us if it's active, like say, project a force field sealing off the crash site..."
"Should probably make my best guess for what that generator is before we start moving out..."
(@Zeitgeist Blue ) "Dani you want to give us your best guess on how close they are to repairing that thing?"
Cayli looked at the mess that the robot-minitank had made, and was glad for their ear implants. They had a feeling they'd be deafened otherwise.

"Um.. Seraphina? Just an idea, but perhaps the medic shouldn't take point? I've got a pistol I can use so I'm not as short ranged."
Before Sera could finish asking, Dani retracted her face-plate and pulled out a set of binoculars, peering through its lens as she zoomed in on the aliens tinkering on their generator.

"Funny little blockes," Dani said, eyes still glued to her binoculars. "Wouldn't think they'd be so dangerous 'till they shank you with their vaporizer weapons."
Cayli looked at the mess that the robot-minitank had made, and was glad for their ear implants. They had a feeling they'd be deafened otherwise.

"Um.. Seraphina? Just an idea, but perhaps the medic shouldn't take point? I've got a pistol I can use so I'm not as short ranged."
"Protip, Cay; get yourself a rifle after today. Pistols aren't gonna cut it in the field," Dani said, lowering her binoculars.

Her head was shaking as she stowed it away. Nothing. That generator tech of theirs looked like nothing she'd ever worked on. Sure, the principles resembled humans' if you tilted your head the right way and squinted. But... nah, she must've missed something.

"Anyway, can't guess for the life of me what they're doing or how far they are. I'll take lead when things get hot."

She loaded a fresh magazine into her rifle. She was their best armed and armored of the three. They'd better get used to her being first in the line of fire after the robots.

God knows she was.
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