Colliding Souls (Apocrypha style Grail War OOC/Interest check)


Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
IC Thread

I'm so bored right now. Will probably regret this later. But meh.

Anyway, yes, another Grail War Fate/FATE RP. This one done by the GM of another, because I'm bored. This will probably die quickly and will always be less important to me then This Day, so don't worry, I'm not dropping it.

But anyway. The RP.

Apocrypha style RP. For some backstory, Kiritsugu returned Avalon to Saber in the 4th War, Kotomine kills Kiritsugu, Saber just barely beats Gilgamesh, Kotomine Command Seals Gil into destroying the Grail to spite Saber. Zouken still grabbed the Grail fragments, and made Sakura a Lesser Grail, and once Illya was made into a Lesser Grail by the Einzberns, the Greater Grail went 'Let them and them fight,' and pulled an Apocrypha style Grail War, only five years after the Fourth. Team Matou has one team and one Grail, Team Einzbern the other. Oh, and Ruler's hanging around (Controlled by GM), as is Saber, who got covered in Grail Mud and is now Saber Alter (Also controlled by GM).

Further AU elements are up to what the Master-class players need for their characters.

Anyway, quick note on Stats.

The following are Servant Stats.
Container Str End Agi Mana Lck
Saber A B B C D
Archer C C C E E
Lancer B C A D E
Rider D D B C E
Caster E E C A B
Berserker C D D E E
Assassin D D B E B
You get +4 to add to these Stats. You get another +1 if you are famous or Japanese, but not both.

For Master's you start with +1 in all Stats, and have 9 points to add to them. Stats cap at +5.

For Skills, Servants get 2 A-Rank, 3 B-Rank, 4 C-Rank, and 5 D-Rank Skills. Masters get 2 +5, 3 +4, 4 +3 and 5 +2 Skills. Skills include things such as Swordsmanship and Archery, as well as Battle Continuation, and each Servant requires that they have their Class Skill.

You also need three 'Aspects,' which describe your character.

All things will be explained in further detail if you ask.

There are a total of 28 Player Slots, so if we somehow don't have enough room for everyone who applies, I will be shocked.

Servant applications are open, Master applications will be opened later. Servants can be anyone from history, mythology, classic literature or the Nasuverse. A good enough argument/character sheet could also convince me to allow someone from modern fiction, but it'd have to be a damn good sheet.

And... Done, I think. Will add anything that needs to be added later. Feel free to discuss/Yell at me for starting a new RP.
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This will either be an utter trainwreck or quite fun. Drafting up my sheet now. As for Servants will fictional ones be allowed? Also for bonus trainwreck points we have Sakura with no Shirou. Also am I right to assume sheets will be PM'd?
This will either be an utter trainwreck or quite fun. Drafting up my sheet now. As for Servants will fictional ones be allowed? Also for bonus trainwreck points we have Sakura with no Shirou. Also am I right to assume sheets will be PM'd?
Servant applications are open, Master applications will be opened later. Servants can be anyone from history, mythology, classic literature or the Nasuverse. A good enough argument/character sheet could also convince me to allow someone from modern fiction, but it'd have to be a damn good sheet.

And yes, sheets are PM'd.
And so it has come.

Probably will submit a sheet tomorrow when time allows.
Let's do this!

Gonna avoid my mistake of before, and only send in sheets I want to get in.
If it helps, high luck will actually be useful here, given Ruler's Noble Phantasm.
Not buying it.
Still gonna send in someone with EX Rank luck, but I'll at least make them a Saber so they aren't shit for everything else.

Can we use Savers and Avengers?
I have an idea for a Saver.
Have a possible class container table for them.

Container Strength Endurance Agility Mana Luck
Saver C C C B B
Avenger C A D D E
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Okay, have submitted my sheet for Berserker. It's missing some skills but mostly proposing my preferred Noble Phantasm so that it can be balanced and changed if necessary. Also just having trouble putting together that many skills, I've got most of my high end stuff worked out but still need quite a few C and D rank skills.
*Briefly gets internet during Christmas shopping*

*Sees Narc's application*



This is payback for submitting genderbent Yahweh in Extra Life, isn't it?

*Gets back to Christmas Shopping*
Mortifer, if you have a choice, please pick my Tamamo sheet.

There's a reason I've submitted it to all three Grail War RPs that I could, now.