Collective Godhood Quest

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The following quest idea is based on this CYOA:

So, my fellow librarians have insisted upon a...
Vancouver, WA
The following quest idea is based on this CYOA:

So, my fellow librarians have insisted upon a basic chronicle of the event from me, so here it is. And let me tell you, my fellow humans, feeling the power of an entire universe move though you, transform you and your entire species is a weird feeling, add to that the sense of exaltation that comes from becoming gods, at it became rather overwhelming. I have no idea why I was the one who ended up becoming what everyone now calls the Prime Focus, though we all know the cultists who performed the sacrifice that destroyed both our own and our sister universe, the latter being more my fault then theirs, though to be fair, I thought I was dreaming or imagining things at first, at least until the Metaspace solidified into what it is know, when I knew better. My own belief regarding dangers of the corruption of power and us needing to have some checks on our power strangely enough actually increased our power collectively, rather then weakening it, but it did produce our present situation, the vast power we have both individually and together. Getting the internet changed into the Divine net we now use took a few years, but it is good to have once more, to be able to connect with any human who wants to remain connected to the whole is worth a great deal..

So what were the choices I made? Well, all of those at the time know it, for they felt it, but this chronicle is important for the library and for our descendants as well as other readers sake as anything else, as over time this omniverse will grow by our will if nothing else. I willingly chose to embrace the limiting effects of Corruption and Competition due to my belief in the importance of humility and the dangers of the corruption of power. For this reason we have the problem of corruption, and the danger of one day encountering our rivals, though we have yet to do so, even after a century. No doubt there are many who agree and disagree with me, but the choice was mine, and no one has ever complained about the power we got from it.

As a result of my choices? Every one of us are fully and truly immortal, we can only die by violence, and will recover from any wound that doesn't kill us, even regenerating lost limbs or organs, and this immortality extends to our memories as well, we possess infinite memories and instant recall, we can remember what happened a century ago as well as though it was only a minute. It also extends to developed skills and abilities, our youth and our children will not remember this, but there was a day when our skills and abilities would atrophy when not practiced, but that day is long gone, are are the day when we could die by disease, starvation or thirst. There was also a day when our potential was not the limitless thing it is now, where we can pull information out of nowhere and a single day of training now equals what we would have taken 30 days, or a month before, and we didn't have the ability to train skills and attributes to an unlimited degree, to the point of being able to create pools of power based on skills and attributes we've mastered.

But those are powers inherit to us, the droplets of essence we gain every hour that let us create, alter and destroy causeways and reality bubbles affect reality and metaspace directly, and both are things we have nearly unlimited power over, causeways being portals between locations and reality bubbles being universes that we can set laws and limitations to as we desire, as long as we have enough essence. Of course, our ability to travel the metaspace directly is slow, most of us simply use causeways instead, it's faster, also, since non of us can sleep in metaspace and survive, unlike our rivals, we tend to prefer spending more time within causeways and reality bubbles, and the hermits among us, even lock everyone else out, or just the folks they don't want to speak to.

With regards to our rivals, I know they have no power over causeways or reality bubbles, nor do they gather essence, but their ability to traverse and affect metaspace directly is much greater then ours, and otherwise they are the same as we are. When we meet, they will already know and have reason to dislike us, I doubt the meeting will be a pleasant one.

My choices also affected metaspace itself, but unlike making choices about our powers, I was unwilling to set any flaws or weaknesses upon the essence of our new universe. I could not find it in myself to condemn the Metaspace to sentient torment or slow decay, so the focus here was on power. I embraced high inheritance and potential, insuring that our descendants would be just as capable as we are, for unlimited generations. Also, I desired that there was infinite amount of metaspace to expand into and infinite amount of research one could do, no limits for whatever path anyone chooses to develop. Finally, I insured that everyone started in a reality bubble 8 meters in diameter, enough for your room and your pets, your books, your computer and your bead, basically a home place, that was it. Though everyone had the essence to increase that quite easily over time.

From the chronicles of the Great Library: 'The Memories of the Prime Focus'
Krule, a god of knowledge, reading and truth, the Prime Focus, Truth Reader, Psychic and Theurgist, a Librarian and one of the Faithful.
Confirmed as Truth by the Truth Readers and other gods of Truth.

So, from the CYOA
Humanity Divine Development [Gain 8 points from Competition and Corruption]
  • Timelessness (aging sucks): 4
    • ⦁ Immune to aging, cannot die save by violence, and will eventually recover from any wound or loss. Never degenerate from your peak. Memory is infinite and recollection instant.
  • Potential (how buff can you get?): 4
    • Can improve from training at 30 times the normal rate. Can pull information from nowhere when self-teaching. No upper limit to skills and attributes, can improve them linearly indefinitely. Mastery of a skill or attribute generates a pool of power, which you can expend to generate more obviously impossible effects.
    • Mastery Examples/Possibilities: Think exalted/jedi/scion, master Archery to fire arrows that multiply in flight, master Sword sto parry bullets/lasers, Architect to create buildings in an instant, master Medicine to heal with a touch, master Acrobatics to balance upon a thread or leap superhuman distances, master Jewelcrafting to fill jewels with power as you cut them, etc
  • Reality Bubbles(tiny universes of our own): 4
    • Creating a Reality Bubble is casual, as long as you have the requisite Essence. Destroying or reshaping unprotected Reality Bubbles by adding or extracting Essence is casual. You may weave protections into into a Reality Bubble that shields it from others.
  • Causeways (thinking with portals): 4
    • You may construct Causeways that spans over a thousand miles in less than an hour. You may construct Causeways that cover any location within a Reality Bubble, they can be internally shorter then the disance they cover, you may link separate Reality Bubbles together and you may construct a Causeway as you traverse it. You may weave protections into Causeways to restict access or manipulation by others, and you can dismantle an unprotected Causeway to extract it's Essence.
  • Essence (the substance of realities): 3
    • You generate a droplet of Essence every hour. The quntity is sufficient to establish a square meter of land for each droplet. This amounts to 24 droplets a day, 168 a week, 720 in a month (30 days), and 8760 in a year.
    • NOTE: While the square meter per droplet is correct in two dimensions, it's much greater in terms of height and depth, and a square mile is approximately 2,589,977.1 square meters. If you wanted to recreate earth, the earth is 196.9 million square meters, this means that it would take approximately 22,477.2 years for a single individual to gain enough essence to recreate earth. However, 8,204,167 humans working together would all have the necessary essence in a day, if they shared, and there are 7 billion of us, so large enough factions could recreate multiple earths, or other worlds.
    • Additional NOTE: It should be noted, would take 4,512,191,667 humans to create the area the size of working together to create a Reality Bubble the size of a Dyson sphere in a day, or one human 12,362,443 years to gather the essence to do it themselves. However, something that size of Long Island (1401 square meters) would take about 59 days for a single one of us to gain enough essence to create, so that's easy.
  • Travel(walk the planes): 1
    • You may traverse the Metaspace at walking speed, as if it were three-dimensional terrain. You cannot survive sleeping within the Metaspace. You cannot bring more then 10 kilograms of additional items into the Metaspace with you
Our Rivals (12 points, no extra from complications)
  • Timelessness: 4
  • Potential: 4
  • Reality Bubbles: 0
  • Causeways: 0
  • Essence: 0
  • Travel: 4
The Metaspace (12 points base, no extra, affects both us and our rivals)
  • Inheritance (more gods more magic): 4
    • ⦁ The child of a god possesses all the powers of their divine parrent at full strength
  • Carryover: 1
    • When then ritual concludes, you find yourself in a Reality Bubble 8 meters (24 feet) in diameter, containing a small portion of your home and belongings
  • Potential: 4
    • Regular physics and hard science fiction is accessible, but with ludicrous quantities of time, effort and resources, it is possible to discover new physics-sets, such as a very efficient and versatile form of gravity manipulation. Reality Bubbles can be created that only permit certain physics-sets.
      • NOTE: Other physics-set\s can include; psionics (of various kinds; Clarsentience, Metacreativity, Metapsionics, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, Telepathy, etc.), or soft sci-fi(gravity maipulation as above, living starships such as in Farscape, sentient machines such as Transformers, Green Lantern tech, or lens from lensman, or Cosmic Power, Crystal based tech, FTL drives, power armor, etc. ), on the more mystical side of things, sorcery (exalted style) or magic (of various kinds; Arcane, Divine, Wild, Necromantic, Elemental, Enchantment, Potions, etc.), soulweaving, lifeshaping, or scion style Fate manipulation magic, or any number of other possibilities.
      • ADDITIONAL NOTE: Due to level 4 potential, we can train these possibilities easier then we might otherwise, since we can pull information from nowhere and train at 30 times the normal rate. It should still take years however, to develop any real facility with these, but once a certain threshold is reached, all kinds of power is avalible.
  • Expanse: 3
    • ⦁ The Metaspace is an infinite three-dimensional expanse.
      ⦁ NOTE: this gives both humanity and our rivals an infinite area to expand into, but in some ways it serves our rivals a bit more, since they travel in the metaspace easier then we do.
  • Territory: 0
    • ⦁ What humanity (And our rivals) create and brings with them is all that exists within the Metaspace
  • Shroud: 0
    • It is impossible to detect a Reality Bubble when not within one meter of it in every spatial direction
    • NOTE: A reality bubble is about the size of a grain of sand in the metaspace, no matter how huge it is inside, so it is fairly easy to hide one from detection if your careful, it's harder to hide entire collections, like our arrival hub, however.

So, for the quest purposes

Who are our rivals?
[] Drow
[] Predators
[] Illithids
[] Asari
[] Skrull
[] Thangarian
[] Eldar
[] Daemons (Red skin, pointed ears, use biological technology)
[] Write-In (Anything is possible here, I just used the above as examples to prime the pump, so to speak )

How far away are they?
[] Not further away then the ort cloud would be (we'll meet in few years, a few decades at the most, war will occur immediately)
[] At least a couple of light years away (at least a century or more tell we meet, a thousand years t the most, war will happen within a decade of meeting)
[] Between 10 to 100 light years away (at least a thousand years before we come close to meeting, ten thousand a the most, and for full war to break out will take centuries longer, since they will have to gather)
[] More then 100 and up to 1000 light years away (at least ten thousand years before we come close to meeting, could be as much as one hundred thousand, full war will not happen until at least ten thousand years after meeting)
[] Write in for more, the further away, the more powerful both groups will be and the more horrifying the war will be, but also the more time we have to prepare.

While humanity has many factions that develop over the years, eventually to likely be called pantheons, these are the first three that formed within the first year or so, and have millions or even billions supporting them. To belong to a faction, one much devote a tithe of at least 10% of your essence per day to that factions growth and development, you can belong to more then one faction if you so choose. You also can study any physic's set, just the one(s) your fraction(s) study primarily will be easiest to learn, and you'll always be better at those then those outside your faction, unless you don't study it at all.

Scholars of the Infinite
  • Also known as: 'The Librarians'
  • Purpose: To record, collect and preserve the collective knowledge, experience and wisdom of humanity. The Librarians believe that knowledge is power, but they also believe in wisdom and experience, and have some friendly connections with other factions, as long as they aid in preserving of knowledge.
  • Creations: Earth 01, 02, 03 & 04 (Preserved Medieval Earth, Preserved 1800's Earth, Preserved Ancient History Earth, Preserved Modern (1900-2000) Earth), The Great Library (preserve all recorded knowledge that we can)
    ⦁ Primary Physics Set Studied/Explored: Psionics (As per this page: Psionics )
The Conclave of War
  • Also known as 'The Warriors' (or brutes if your being derogatory)
  • Purpose: They believe that the future of humanity, even with all of humanity having ascended as gods, is that of conflict, that the drive for conflict is in humanities soul. As such, they seek to channel that drive into useful ends, and to grow and develop themselves for such conflict. They are not just about war though, strategy, tactics and even diplomacy are all studied and considered by them.
  • Creations: Primal (a world created that is earth sized, but filled with powerful beasts and monsters to test themselves against), The Dojo (where training in the martial arts and exploration of Chi is studied)
  • Primary Physics Set Studied/Explored: Chi (as per: Chi Manipulation )
The Guardians of Faith
  • Also know as the Faithful (or Fanatical depending on attitude, usually considered derogatory in this case )
  • Purpose: They believe that faith in higher powers, even as gods, is not something to be given up, as such they draw power and gain power from such faith. There are numerous folks of different faiths within this group, so it has many subgroups, but they are often willing to work together, especially those who have something in common. Technically, this is a group of many subfactions, but they are placed together by other factions for their study of theurgy and belief in higher power, and because they have created a number of worlds already.
  • Creations (various worlds devoted to different groups): The Cathedral(catholic), The Temple (Judaism ), The Mosque (Islam), the Shrine (Shinto), and many others
  • Primary Physics set Studied/Explored: Theurgy (as per: Theurgy )
    • NOTE: While major religious leaders seem to have more power when it comes to theurgy, but as all humanity are now gods, anyone can learn and use theurgy, either as belief in a higher power, either particular or general, and even as as belief in oneself as a god, the applications are all but endless, especially for the gods humanity (and our rivals) have now become
What other major Factions do you know? (I've other ideas, but the above was mainly to give people ideas)
[] Write-In

Now that humanity is interconnected again, we are forming our own faction, what is our purpose?
[] Recreating any fictional or fantasy worlds we've read and explored as real ones (default)
[] Write-in

[] Write-In

What new physics set do we want to explore as our speciality?
[] Aura ( as per: Aura Manipulation )
[] Alchemy ( as per: Alchemy )
[] Biotics & Element Zero Technology ( as per: Biotics )
[] Magic ( as per: Magic )
[] Power Sources (as per: Power Source )
[] Worm Shard Bio-Computer Creation (development of Huge biocomputer shards that can manpulate reality as per the Worm, this is likely to take time as we need to create reality bubbles for them to inhabit and draw energy from, should likely combine with, or be an aspect focus of Power Sources above )
[] Bio-Technology (as per: Bio-Technology )
[] Nano-Tech
[] Write-In (the options are endless after all, pick something, a link for some basis would be appreciated.)

And, part of being seriously considered a faction/pantheon is creating a world.. what world would you create?
[] Write-In (at least a few sentences, though I suppose a single word works if it's a fantasy world we already know)
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With humanities transition into the divine, it took some time for them to collect into factions, eventually to be called pantheons, which ended up replacing nations, faiths and organizations from our previous world, certain factions however formed quicker and thus were more powerful then others, while the Librarians, the Warriors and the Faithful were the first, they were far from the last. Among the most powerful to form after these, though, were a group of individuals who sought to recreate worlds that had been fiction in our previous world and to master the art of Alchemy. Indeed, they gathered quite a following and before long were the masters of Divine Alchemy among the different factions of divine humanity, first to master the arts of creating items and it was not unknown for deities to come to the Brooke faction in order to have certain items created, for regarding the Alchemical arts of Elemental and Molecular Manipulation, as well as Alchemical crafting, they reigned supreme, unmatched by any other pantheon, and they were good at all other aspects of alchemy.

Many among their number also maintained ties with, or were actually part of the Librarians as well, so they were trained in certain aspects of the art of Psionics, though they were not as acomplished as the Librarians, they were not a faction to be disregarded or discounted. The rise of the Shadows, the Harmony, the Technocrats, the Keepers and the Collective coincided with the rise of the Alchemists, but they were the most powerful of these, not the least because of their connections and their choice of focusing on Alchemy and strong ties with the Librarians.

Their first world also gave them some useful tools and abilities with regards to the war with the Eldar that was to occur almost a thousand years from our arrival in this new universe, which was enough time to grow and develop considerable powers, and made them rather instirmental in the war to come

Chronicle: The Rise of the Pantheons, excerpt regarding Brooke, from the Chronicles of the Librarians.

  • Alternate Name: The Alchemists
  • Purpose: Recreating any fictional or fantasy worlds we've read and explored as real ones
  • Creations: RuneTerra (World of League of Legends), ????
    • Gained Potential Divine War Resources: Summoner Training, Access to Champions, Training Grounds within Runeterra
    • League of Legends Summoner Skill: Basic
  • Alchemy Development ( as per: Alchemy )
    • Artificial Elemental Manipulation: Good
    • Elemental Manipulation: Supreme
    • Elemental Transmutation: Good
    • Enhanced Crafting: Supreme
    • LIfe Force Manipulation: Good
    • Molecular Manipulation: Supreme
    • Reconfiguration: Good
NOTE: Supreme means no other Faction/Pantheon can match us in that aspect even if they end up studying alchemy, though if they explore a different physics-set that includes some part of it, they might be able to match us, but only on that aspect.. For example, if someone explores Power Sources and then creates a powerful magic ring, they could match us in creation of powerful objects, but would never quite have our skill regarding the creation of Golems, Potions and Medicines. This is only while we maintain our mastery of Alchemy as our primary physics set.

Allied With: The Scholars of the Infinite, gained Psionics as a secondary physics set.
  • Bonus: All member of the Brooke faction also have access to the creations of the Librarians as well as training in and knowledge of the Psionics physics-set.
  • The Librarians have a good impression of us, while we have yet to reach the point of being considered full allies, they are willing
  • Connection: 4/10
  • Connection Bonus: All members of Brooke are trained in Psionic's as well as Alchemy, and the Scholars are presently discussing development of the Art of D'ni with the Alchemists
  • Psionics Development
    • Trained in?
The essence of Psionics is using one's thought and will to effect changes in reality, our connection with the Librarians gives our faction some decent skill in this physics-set, Which of the Psionic Arts did our Faction/Pantheon seek primary training regarding psionics? [Training will make us ranked Good in this aspect, everything else will be Basic)]

[] Energy
Energy Manipulation, Constructs (as per Green Lantern), Shielding, etc.​
[] Psychokinesis
Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Technokinesis, Telekinesis, Vitakinesis, etc.​
[] Magick
This is psionic based Magic, called Magick as a result, not mana or spirit based, as such is it more mind over matter, more intent then anything else, though it uses various tools, as well as rituals, spells, sigils, servitors and divining​
[] Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)
Clairvoyance, Empathy, Telepathy, etc.​
[] Out of Body Experience (OBE)
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Entering Dreams of Others, etc.​

Further Studies
[] Continue focusing on Alchemy (select 2 more Alchemy aspects to raise to Supreme)
[] Study the Art of D'ni with the Librarians (gain basic training in the Art of D'ni )
[] Learn a new physics set (Write-In)

[] Further Develop our ties with the Librarians (gain further training in Psionics
[] Seek ties with the Conclave (Gain basic training in Chi Manipulation)
[] Learn about one of the other rising factions (gain basic diplomacy with all factions/pantheons and learn their specialties)

Next World Created
[] Write-In

Apologies, I meant to have this yesterday, but I am rather under the weather at the moment, fighting a cold I'm afraid.