The date is January 10, 20XX, the location is New York City, USA, Earth. But not the normal Earth that you are probably familiar with, no this is a Earth where various Cartoon Network Characters can be found, a few of them being older than you might remember, and maybe acting a bit differently too. Oh, and it might as well be Armageddon since horrible abominations from beyond reality decided they found the Earth tasty. Normally, this where those CN characters come in to save the day. Unfortunately, most are little too busy at the moment fighting off other threats to Humanity. So looks like everyone's doomed, right? Well, not exactly because that's where you come in my dear unfortunate victims.

Hmm, don't I mean players? Eh, either works. So here's the deal, I lost a bet against a few pantheons. Why does this concern you? Well, if I lost then I would give these Pantheons the means to restore their power and dominion over humanity.

You are that means.
But I've decided to be a sport and let you pick who you support: The Olympian, The Egyptian, The Nordic, or The Celtic Pantheons. Whoever you pick, you'll be getting some perks in form of Blessings, aka Divinely gifted superpowers. Now you, with your squishy mortal bodies, can handle only so many of these Blessing at once, so I'm going to alter your body and soul a little. Now if any of you have play a game in your life, then you might guess as to what I'm doing. I'm giving you a Leveling System, the higher your Level, the more Blessings you can have, and the more Blessings you have, the stronger you get.


So how do you level up? Why by getting Experience of course! How do you get Experience, well through a variety of means: defeating enemies, discovering locations, completing quests, training, and just about anything as long as you are doing something that improves you in some way. At first, Leveling Up will be easy, but once you hit Level Ten, it gets really hard from there.

To make things easier for you, here's a template.

"Player" Name: This the name you go by on this nice little forum
"Character" Name: this is the name you will be known in this world.
Appearance/Description: You can either use a picture or words to describe your new body.
"Backstory": A better term would be Cover story really, this is who you were in this world. You don't have to fill this out, I can handle this myself~.
Pantheon: This is who you are supporting and who you'll be getting Blessings from.
Blessing(s): The Powers given to you by your new patrons. You start with three.
  • Blessing 1
  • Blessing 2
  • Blessing 3
Inventory: You don't have to fill this out, but I can allow some mundane everyday item like some cash or handgun. No bullshit super science gadgets or magic item though.

Now on to the fun stuff, what Blessing you get!
  • Zeus: Thunder of Olympus. You can blast bolts of lightning from your hands and even summon thunderstorms at will. Electricity can't hurt you, in fact it heals you.
  • Poseidon: Oceanic Fury. You can conjure water from thin air and manipulate it freely. You can also manipulate regular water that's around. You can also command sea life.
  • Hades: Underworld Servants. You can summon Shades from the Underworld to do your bidding. Their fragile things and don't hit hard, but they make excellent scouts since can turn invisible. Unless you summon a Heroic Shade, such as Achilles, who are durable and hit just as hard as they did in life, but aren't sneaky and you can only have three out at a time, unlike regular Shades.
  • Athena: The Aegis. Yup, the indestructible shield bearing the visage of Medsua. Not only is it nigh unbreakable, but some of the Gorgon's power remains, paralyzing enemy's for a time.
  • Apollo: Healing Sunlight. You can emit a golden light that heals both yourself and others you want it to. Using on undead hurts them, and you are highly visible when using it.
  • Artemis: Moonlight Bow. A silver bow that shots arrows of silver light. These arrows will home in on their target and poisons them. Shooting it towards the sky while giving a prayer to Artemis will summon a volley of these arrows. Can be summoned back to your hand if lost, stolen, or destroyed.
  • Ares: Glory/Horror of War. Technically two different blessings that do the same thing, granting incredible strength and nigh invulnerability when activated. The difference is the "auras", with Glory projecting a golden light that fills others with bravery, while Horror is a dark miasma that fills enemies with fear. You must choose which to use, you can't use both at the same time.
  • Aphrodite: Divine Beauty. This doesn't actually make you more beautiful, though it "could" if you want. Rather, it makes you seem incredibly beautiful to others and charms them, making persuasion easier. Doesn't work on beings with no concept of beauty, who lack emotion, or Gods. It is less effective on supernatural entities and other Chosen.
  • Hephaestus: God Forge. You possess the ability to create just about any item you wish out of any material thanks to these Divine Flames, though there are limitations. The lower the quality the material, the poorer the quality of the item, and making powerful magical items makes the Blessing go on cool down for a week to a month, depending on the item's power. The flames can also be used offensively.
  • Demeter: Gift of the Harvest. The user is able to summon any kind of food they want, so long as it is something that is grown and can be harvested. This food will never rot and will always be fresh unless the user wills it. The food also possess restorative properties.
  • Dionysus: Curse of Madness. The user can induce madness to anyone in their line of sight, though supernatural beings are resistant and Chosen are immune.
  • Hermes: Sky Runner. A perfect replica of the winged sandals used by the Messenger God himself. Grants the user flight and super speed.
  • Hera: Vision of Argus. The user is granted 360° vision and can see invisible people and objects. This can be toggled on and off, and works even if you are rendered blinded.
  • Hestia: Sanctuary of The Hearth. The user can summon a small hovering flame, a Hearthfire, and declare an area up to 20 feet around the Hearthfire as "Sanctuary". Within this area, none my fight, none may harm, and none who mean to do harm my enter this area. If this blessing is used in a building, that the building becomes the Sanctuary. Only one Hearthfire can be summoned at a time.
  • Odin: Rune Eye. The user's eye is sacrificed and replaced with a magical one. This new eye bears the Ansuz Rune in pupil by default, the rune primarily associated with Odin. This eye grants the owner the ability to read any language, even those that mortals cannot normally comprehend. It also grants the ability to see that which invisible, and to see through illusions. Along with this, it allows the owner to cast spells using the Runic Sigils. The Rune in the pupil will turn into the Rune being invoked.
  • Thor: Mjolnir. Not the true hammer of Thor, but rather a near perfect replica forged from a fragment of its power. With this, the Chosen can summon storms, blast thunderbolts, and smash their enemies.
  • Loki: Trickster's Forms. The Chosen can assume the form of any mundane animal, the form of anyone they have seen, and/or any form they think of.
  • Bragi: All-Tongue. The Chosen can speak and understand all languages, even those that mortals cannot normally comprehend. It also makes their words possess more weight, making persuasion, intimation, and speech easier.
  • Freyr: Golden Boar. A descendent or recreation of Gullinbursti, this boar is the size of a car and can run on land, air, and sea. It is also extremely durable.
  • Freya: Feathered Cape. This cape is also a recreation of the real thing, and gives the wearer the power to fly, either on their own or by turning into a falcon.
  • Njord: Sea & Sky. The Chosen can summon and manipulate sea water and wind.They may also drink sea water without negative consequences.
  • Tyr: Fearless. The Chosen is immune to all forms of fear and resistant to forms a mental manipulation.
  • Balder: Oath of Light. A lesser version of Balder's invulnerability, all attacks done to the Chosen is reduced to 1/10th of the damage.
  • Heimdall: Bifrost Guardian. The Chosen can call upon the Bifrost and travel between the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil. They also possess enhanced senses of Sight and Hearing.
  • Forseti: Truth & Justice. Two blessing in one, the first makes it so you can see through illusions and none may lie to you. The other is that all damage done to you is reflected back to the attacker. (You still take damage, but so does your attacker).
  • Hel: Drauger. Summon up to nine Drauger, undead vikings who will obey your will.
  • Hodr: Blinding Darkness. The Chosen can summon thick clouds of darkness that can blind others. Doesn't hinder beings who don't use sight.
  • Skadi: Frigid Winter. Chosen can summon and control cold winds and ice.
  • Ra: Scorching Sun. The Chosen can summon and aura of searing heat and fire blasts of sunlight that burn enemies.
  • Osiris: Son of Osiris. The Chosen can transform into a falcon headed demi-god with the power to sent bolts of lightning at their enemies. If killed in this form, the Chosen will resurrect in an explosion of light and force in the regular form.
  • Isis: True Name Curse. The Chosen may select one person or creature and gain their True Name. They may now choose between three Curses: a Curse of Domination, mind controlling them. A Curse of Death, killing the target instantly. The last is a Curse of Banishment, sending the target into the Void, or back to their realm of origin.
  • Set: Lord of the Sands. The Chosen can summon huge sandstorms out of nowhere. Along with this, they can summon the Set Animal to do their bidding.
  • Nephthys: Mummy's Wrath. Summon up to 6 Mummies to do your bidding. Can turn corpses into Mummies.
  • Horus: Eyes of Horus. Turns one eye Gold and one eye Silver. Gives you the ability to see through illusions and invisibility. Also the Chosen will always strike their target.
  • Ptah: Divine Crafter. The Chosen can create items out of the Ether. The Chosen can only make up to four items a week.
  • Sekhmet: Lion of Ra. Summon a large, as in thrice the size of an elephant, fiery lioness to attack your enemies.
  • Thoth: Book of Thoth. The Chosen can summon the Book of Thoth and call upon the magic in its pages to cast one of four powerful spells: Death, Resurrection, Exile, and Meteor. Don't cast that last one, ever.
  • Hathor: Winds of Egypt. The Chosen can summon and control wind.
  • Bastet: Feline Authority. The Chosen can speak to and command cats and even assume the form of any feline.
  • Anubis: Netherworld Trial. The Chosen can turn all the "Sins" of an enemy against them, dealing increased damage and "poisoning" the enemy.
  • Khepri: Solar Renewal. If the Chosen dies, they will be resurrected at full health immediately if it's daytime, or at dawn if it's night time.
  • Khonsu: Moon Time. The Chosen can Slow Time five times per day and stop time every five days.
  • Lugh: Spear of Lugh. The Chosen can summon a spear of light into their hands. When thrown, the spear will pierce all defenses to strike the target and then return to their hand.
  • The Dagda: Cauldron of the Dagda. The Chosen can summon the the Cauldron and gain perfectly cooked food. This food will satisfy the Chosen and anyone they share it with, keeping them full for a whole week. The food will also heal any injuries.
  • Nuada: Claiomh Solais. A sword with a blade of light that always strikes its target, the Chosen's sword arm is transformed into magic living silver as well.
  • The Morrigan: Phantom Queen. The Chosen can summon a murder of crows to do their bidding, and summon 4 Phantom Warriors to fight at their side.
  • Dian Cecht: Master Healer. The Chosen can now heal most wound, even those which are cursed. If they cannot heal the injury, say a severed arm, they can replace it with a living metal prosthetic.
  • Balor: Evil Eye. The Chosen's eyes gain the power to inflict instant death on a target. This only works against a single target at a time and is usable only twice a day.
  • Brigid: Three Flames. The Chosen can use three flames: The Flame of The Forge, which can create a single weapon made of fire of the Chosen's choice. The Flame of Inspiration, which reveals secrets of a problem or weaknesses of an enemy. The Flame of Healing, which can heal either the Chosen or another.
  • Aengus: Youthful Renewal. If the Chosen is slain, they are resurrected in a youthful form. They may choose to stay in this form or return to their old one.
  • Manannán mac Lir: Fae Mist. The Chosen can summon a cloak of grey mists that completely conceals them from the World, even powers that defeat invisibility are rendered useless.
  • Áine: Solar Warrior. The Chosen can call upon the power of the Sun, surrounding them in a cloak of Sun fire.
  • Macha: War Horse. The Chosen can summon a crimson horse to ride on. The horse can also charge while surrounded by an aura of flames to attack enemies.
  • Danu: Blessing of the World. The Chosen can tap directly into the power of The World to empower themselves to obscene levels. The strain of this ability is great, and will leave the Chosen exhausted once ability ends.
  • Clíodhna. Banshee Call. The Chosen can summon up to three Banshees to their aid.
  • Badb: Dark Flight. The Chosen gains the ability to turn into a regular crow, or a large and fierce corvid like monster that can read humans to shreds.

And I think that's everything. If not, I'll come back and let you know.

( 4/5 Players)

Notice: if something comes up that prevents you from playing, LET ME KNOW. Also let me know if you just want to stop playing.
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Chosen of The Celtic Pantheon
Player Name: @Glint

Character Name: Aedan Fraga McRemitz

Backstory: WIP

Pantheon: Celtic Pantheon - Brigid, Aengus, Manannán mac Lir

  • Brigid: Three Flames. The Chosen can use three flames: The Flame of The Forge, which can create a single weapon made of fire of the Chosen's choice. The Flame of Inspiration, which reveals secrets of a problem or weaknesses of an enemy. The Flame of Healing, which can heal either the Chosen or another.
  • Aengus: Youthful Renewal. If the Chosen is slain, they are resurrected in a youthful form. They may choose to stay in this form or return to their old one.
  • Manannán mac Lir: Fae Mist. The Chosen can summon a cloak of grey mists that completely conceals them from the World, even powers that defeat invisibility are rendered useless.
  1. Wallet
  2. 150 US Dollars
  3. ID
  4. Cellphone
Small criticism but the Egyptian pantheon blessings' are a little underwhelming compared to the others.
Small criticism but the Egyptian pantheon blessings' are a little underwhelming compared to the others.

It has Instant Death Curse (Isis), Demigod form + Reborn (Osiris),and the Book of Thoth. How is that underwhelming?

This combo already rekts me.

If I ever change for the Greek Pantheon, Haphaestus, Hestia, and Demeter gives me the ability to forever turtle up until I die unless they snipe me from afar.
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It may seem that way. But it is the only pantheon were you can turn into a demi-god and potentially end the world via a single spell.

It has Instant Death Curse (Isis), Demigod form + Reborn (Osiris),and the Book of Thoth. How is that underwhelming?

This combo already rekts me.
Yeah, but it has some pretty underwhelming ones as well. Like Bast, Horus and Sekhmet. I suppose Bast could become useful in scouting, and it allows you to turn into any feline, but Sekhmet's name means "The Powerful', she's known by titles as "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls" and her power is to summon a fiery lion. Just a tad underwhelming. Horus' blessing is also rather disappointing despite his rather large role within the Egyptian mythos. Maybe I'm completely wrong but using adjectives like "large" and "also increases accuracy" makes their abilities seem rather trivial.
Yeah, but it has some pretty underwhelming ones as well. Like Bast, Horus and Sekhmet. I suppose Bast could become useful in scouting, and it allows you to turn into any feline, but Sekhmet's name means "The Powerful', she's known by titles as "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls" and her power is to summon a fiery lion. Just a tad underwhelming. Horus' blessing is also rather disappointing despite his rather large role within the Egyptian mythos. Maybe I'm completely wrong but using adjectives like "large" and "also increases accuracy" makes their abilities seem rather trivial.
...Okay, I'm doing a bad job at describing the blessing, be right back.

Edit: ok, was bit more specific. Sekhmet's Blessing is a lion made of sunfire the size of three elephants, and the Horus' eyes make it so you don't miss. That help?
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Player Name: @Birthday

Character Name: Phanes Moustafa
Age: 23
Backstory: As a son of a wealthy oil baron, Phanes is accustomed to the easy life and has gained an ego to match. As such, he can be an ass. But sometimes...He can be a jerk. Currently, he's studying architecture and engineering at a local university. He has also gained a reputation as a womanizer and as a narcissistic arsehole around the campus. Still, for all of his flaws, he possess a unique charisma that draws people towards him and he is very driven towards his goals. He also treats everyone equally, as he believes that everyone is beneath him and ,thus, is equal in status. This personality of his has made him plenty of enemies over the years. However, those who manage to earn his respect or, even better, his friendship will find someone extremely loyal and caring towards them. He is currently living alone in a expensive apartment, so he possesses some level of cooking and cleaning ability, so he isn't completely spoilt. He decided to study architecture and engineering out of a desire to create something that would cement his place in his world's history. A monument surpassing even the pyramids as eternal proof of his existence.

Pantheon: Egyptian- Ra, Sekhmet, Horus

  • Ra: Scorching Sun. The Chosen can summon an aura of searing heat and fire blasts of sunlight that burn enemies.
  • Horus: Eyes of Horus. Turns one eye Gold and one eye Silver. Gives you the ability to see through illusions and invisibility. Also the Chosen will always strike their target.
  • Sekhmet: Lion of Ra. Summon a large, as in thrice the size of an elephant, fiery lioness to attack your enemies.
  1. Car Keys (Unknown Car)
  2. Wallet
  3. 200 US Dollars
  4. Credit Card (Locked)
  5. Smartphone (Locked)
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Chosen of The Olympian Pantheon.
Demetria Eleos

Player: @Simpli
Age: 22
Gender: Female

When upright she stands at 5'6, her body fit and her womanly curves pleasant to the eye and her fun loving demeanour only makes her more endearing. Resting above her soft ticklish belly are a set of soft C-cup breast, that when combined with her beautiful hips and bubbly butt give her a feminine hourglass figure, which can be gently traced along the fabric of her clothes. Her face is friendly and feminine, with soft cheeks and a sharp little chin, that begs to be cupped and pulled in for a kiss. A soft pointed nose is set on her face, just as cute as its owner and her lovely lilac lips. Her eyes are expressive and open, their soft lilac orbs tanking in her surroundings gleefully but also cautious, her eye for detail not only working for her flower arrangements. Framing all of this is is her soft teal hair, which is tickling her cheeks lightly in strands and usually keeps it styled in a way that doesn't interfere with her work. Her skin glows a healthy pink, her skin smooth and perfect, as if cared for with by a professional and showing neither blemish nor a hair from her necks downwards. This of course emphasises the natural beauty of her face.​

Owner of a small florist shop and cafe, Demetria hasn't been overly noticeable for the most part of her life, having moved to New York from a smaller coastal town and running her little ship under the radar of her larger rivals on the market and with a personal touch that leads to large lines of people waiting for her at all the important dates: mothers day, woman's day and Valentin - as well as the assorted birthdays and anniversaries of the neighbourhood she knows by heart by now. Living in an old brick house at the corner, she not only has a curiously enough ever burning oven to keep herself warm and cook, but the ground floor is made up by her florist shop and small morning bakery/cafe. Few can guess how she can handle both jobs and most likely she will have to hire an assistant or two in the future - but right now she seems to be quite able and intent when it comes to bringing a smile to peoples faces - be with with a bouquet or a slice of heavenly cake.​
  • Hestia: Sanctuary of The Hearth. The user can summon a small hovering flame, a Hearthfire, and declare an area up to 20 feet around the Hearthfire as "Sanctuary". Within this area, none my fight, none may harm, and none who mean to do harm my enter this area. If this blessing is used in a building, that the building becomes the Sanctuary. Only one Hearthfire can be summoned at a time.
  • Demeter: Gift of the Harvest. The user is able to summon any kind of food they want, so long as it is something that is grown and can be harvested. This food will never rot and will always be fresh unless the user wills it. The food also possess restorative properties.
  • Aphrodite: Divine Beauty. This doesn't actually make you more beautiful, though it "could" if you want. Rather, it makes you seem incredibly beautiful to others and charms them, making persuasion easier. Doesn't work on beings with no concept of beauty, who lack emotion, or Gods. It is less effective on supernatural entities and other Chosen.

Chosen of The Nordic Pantheon.
Player Name: @Hybrid

Character Name: Tommy Corsair
Age: 24
Backstory: Tommy liked to consider himself a good actor. He knew enough about body language to be able to bring attaention together himself when needed and how to go back to being unnoticed. He had spent most of his time in small plays in Oslo with occasional minor characters in movies or TV shows. He was determined to become a famous actor one way or another. No matter how many times he got turned down

Pantheon: Nordic: Odin,Loki,Bragi

  • Odin: Rune Eye. The user's eye is sacrificed and replaced with a magical one. This new eye bears the Ansuz Rune in pupil by default, the rune primarily associated with Odin. This eye grants the owner the ability to read any language, even those that mortals cannot normally comprehend. It also grants the ability to see that which invisible, and to see through illusions. Along with this, it allows the owner to cast spells using the Runic Sigils. The Rune in the pupil will turn into the Rune being invoked.
  • Loki: Trickster's Forms. The Chosen can assume the form of any mundane animal, the form of anyone they have seen, and/or any form they think of.
  • Bragi: All-Tongue. The Chosen can speak and understand all languages, even those that mortals cannot normally comprehend. It also makes their words possess more weight, making persuasion, intimation, and speech easier.
  1. Car Keys
  2. Wallet
  3. 200 Norwegian Krone
  4. Switchblade
  5. Smartphone (Locked)
This is still open, right?
Edit: never mind, you can throw me on the waitlist I guess.
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I like the way our Nordic chosen didnt go the 1/10th damage route. Balls of steel this one.