Choose Your Legend(A Marvel Quest)

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Oh? Well well. What have we here?

A visitor? A brave young traveler seeking an ancient relic...
Chapter 0: Tales


Falling is a Pleasure. Regardless of its Fate

Oh? Well well. What have we here?

A visitor? A brave young traveler seeking an ancient relic like me? How flattering truly.

Not many would dare step foot in these lands, have your elders never told you to never step into a Witch's lair? Have you never heard of what happens to the poor souls who do?

Hahahaha Im jesting of course, now dont scowl like so. There's not much entertainment to be had in recent years.

Hmm? Oh you would like to hear that tale? Now why would you want that? Though storytelling is certainly one of my many specialties….ah bah, I shant badger you with questions. Well, you have come to the right place for that, though it is not a particularly good one you know? Its very disorganized, not neat at all and the protagonists are...well! I would question why you would even want to hear it?

Oh but I already know why, hmhm yes I am rambling. Apologies, it's just been quite a long time since I last spoke to someone. I shouldn't tease so much, now don't make that face, call it just an old crone's mumblings.

Let's see where to begin? Ah that is quite the conundrum, no one truly knows when it started. When people was already too late. Many despaired, bonds were broken. Sins were brought into light.

Even the most iron-hearted heroes of Earth merely tried to control the damage. Funny that. How all those steadfast champions who braved so many dangers broke so much against this adversity. But...

Who could blame them really? It was a thing so far beyond them that it boggles the mind. In the end. It takes only true Madness to dare look at the end of all and declare "I defy you" right?

But I guess I need not speak about that to you. And I'm getting ahead of myself.

I guess. That there's a point in time where all the pieces were gathering on the board. And though no one could ever know what was coming, the insidious influence of the events could be felt.

Allow me to tell you then.

This tale of Madness.


Earth was blooming in the full swing of the so called Heroic Age. what many future generations would call The Golden Age of Superheroes. The Avengers were assembled, The Mutants have survived despite all odds being against them and were slowly growing stronger once again despite the loss of some of their greatest leaders.

The bonds of duty and filial piety bound them all. Heroes as bright and numerous as all the stars in the sky. It was truly blinding.

But disturbances were already testing their bonds with one another. The seeds were being sowed, of the Cataclysm that would follow.

Among these blinding lights. There is three that would play great parts in the tragedies that would follow.

...Yes. It could be said that these three were the ones upon which the fate of their precious world would hinge on.

Our tale starts thus:

[] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

[] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.

[] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.

AN: Welcome one and all to this humble quest of mine. as the tags said this is a marvel comics quest. I didnt really put much effort in concealing the identity of the three pov characters. feel free to choose whichever, and any questions you may have will be answered to the best of my ability.

This may not be too relevant but I will be mixing and matching timelines and basically just cherry picking what most makes sense for the development in this quest from what happened in the comics. so some things may be changed. This is to save myself the horrible headaches that continuity can bring. That said if I do make a horrible mistake do let me know.

Now. Please enjoy yourselves.

I shall now claim three posts from this one for future use. please do await warmly.
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

He seems like a charming fellow. Perhaps witty too.
Hm, this is Marvel and we're pretty obviously using Marvel characters for the POV. 1 and 3 are rather obvious but I'm having trouble with figuring out who 2 is.

Anyone have an idea? The only clue I have is the mighty brother part.
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

Well this should be interesting.
[x] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.
what can I say, i've always been an X-men fan
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.
[X] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.
[x] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

Hopefully we can fix this Unnamed Person's subconscious self-hatred and fix his life before the world goes to shit.
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.

Peter Parker having just reclaimed his body from Doc Ock.
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kinda surprised that option two hasn't been picked by anyone. No Thor fans in attendance?
[X] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.

I think this might be Loki and I can't pass up a opportunity to have Loki in a story.
[X] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.

Ohhh, of course.

Sure, Loki sounds like fun.
[X] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.
Kid Loki, specifically
In the interest of Fairness I will weigh in to say that the timeline of the first two options is about the same in the comic book events. so consider what happens right after mysterious person p reclaims his body and how mysterious joker L is around that timeframe.

why yes Im a huge nerd why are you asking?

Also the third option is actually somewhat more murky so the plotline of the third option is incorporating something that has not happened in the comics . at least. not the way its happening here.
Adhoc vote count started by Crow on Mar 10, 2018 at 10:38 PM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.
    [x] The Heir of The Hound crouches and beholds her hunting grounds. Clutching a bloody cloth of yellow and blue she glares at the world and its injustice. The home found at long last would not be so easily ripped from her hands.
    [X] The Joker smirks with vibrant green eyes twinkling as he weaves an Epic and hopes beyond hope to cheat Fate of her just desserts. Unaware he was dancing upon the knife's edge, puppeted by ancient Karma. This magpie's wings are yet bound by regret, regret enough to drown the world and take all that he loves along with him. Yet the mighty figure of his brother still impulses him to fight with tooth and nail against his cruel destiny.
[X] A Young Hero on the cuspid of Legend awakens at long last, his body once stolen was his once again. Red and Blue clads his proud chest as he dreads and prepares for the encounters to follow. Yet despite his fear he still laughs at the world, just as he's always done.
Is this 616, or a close but separate timeline? Option 3 seems to say AU
It is slightly au so far. with the X-men taking the brunt of the auness cuz there's some plots I desire to develop and keeping a consistent narrative of the whole marvel universe is a task not even marvel itself can do.

Some things and characters have developed slightly differently to make more sense/be more realistic or even just because I think a "different" incarnation of them would work better for this story.

So short answer is: 616 somewhat tweaked, so could be a close but separate timeline if you want to think of it that way. Naturally from this point onwards developments will depend on your actions or inactions.