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The date is April 15, 1995. You and your family live on Heighton View Terrace, in the...
And So It.... Hasn't Quite Begun Yet


Aspiring Farmer
The date is April 15, 1995. You and your family live on Heighton View Terrace, in the Hikarigaoka district of the Nerima ward in Japan. Life is good for you right now, and you're young enough to believe that it just might always be that way.

You don't know it yet, but soon events will take place that will snatch any hints of normality forever beyond your reach. For some reason, the world has decided that a great destiny awaits young... young...

Wait, what was your name again?

[ ] Tai (High WILL, low INT)
[ ] Kari (High WIS, low CON)
[ ] Sora (High DEX, low WIS)
[ ] Matt (High LUC, low CHA)
[ ] TK (Even stats)
[ ] Izzy (High INT, low DEX)
[ ] Mimi (High CHA, low WILL)
[ ] Joe (High CON, low LUC)

And the world, what is that like?

[ ] Nothing special. (No unnecessary characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[ ] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[ ] Unrecognizable. (All playable DigiDestined start under Butter-Fly Effect)
Sora's Character Sheet
Sora Takenouchi (Lv10)​

Max HP: 49
Max DS: 840

INT: 16 (+4)
WIS: 20 (+10)
CON: 20 (+7)
WILL: 17 (+11)
DEX: 23 (+8)
LUC: 17 (+5)
CHA: 19 (+5)

Child of Love: You care for others, a lot, though you don't always show it. You have a better idea of what that means now, even if you don't fully understand it. (+5 DEX, +5 WILL, +5 CON. + 25 to partner's combat rolls in the Analog World.)

The Veteran: In March of 1995, an odd blue device came out of your computer, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts with Digivice and In-Training Digimon. Partner can not be used as a reliable source of information about DigiWorld.)

Diligent: When you're given a task, you work until it's done. Quitting is for losers! (+2 INT, +3 WILL. After failing a project, consecutive attempts have halved DC. After a successful use of this trait, roll against sickness.)

Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a number of things over the years. Some of it may even be relevant to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of DigiWorld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere. Except on water. All rolls are halved on water.)

Nurturer: You can't deny that you care about others. So what you need to do, more than anything, is take care of them. Everything else comes second. (+5 WIS, +5 LUC. +10 to cooking and medicine. Character will naturally avoid 'confrontational' options when given the choice(In the case of a tie, the less violent option will be chosen, if applicable).)

Taught by Experience: You've seen a lot of things go wrong. You've seen just as many go right. And, all too often, you've been at the center of it. (+2 INT, +3 WIS. Plans Sora makes on her own will be optimized based on past experiences. Completely new situations require two turns to pass in order to make strategies with more than one line.)

Social Butterfly: Making friends is easy. Keeping them, even easier! (+5 CHA. All changes in relationship are doubled, positive or negative.)

Digivice (+10)
Knowledge (Digital World) (+19)
Knowledge (Analog World) (+5)
Digicode Programming (+15)
Stealth (+18)
Dodge (+6)
Climb (+8)
Fistfighting (+2)
Wilderness Survival (+4)
Aerial Combat (+7)
Medicine (+3)
Cooking (+8)
Diplomacy (+12)
Intimidate (+10)
Swimming (+7)

Tai: 54. A boy you've known since you were very small, partnered to an Agumon and bearer of the Crest of Courage. Tends to act without thinking, most of the time, but it wouldn't be him otherwise.
Matt: 67. Your best human friend, by far, partner of Gabumon and bearer of the Crest of Friendship. Has probably figured out what that means.
TK: 30. Matt's sweet little brother, bearer of the Crest of Hope and partner to Patamon. You hope the most recent events haven't scarred him too badly.
Kari: 42. Tai's adorable little sister, bearer of the Crest of Light, and partner to Gatomon. She's really glad to have finally met her partner.
Maki Himekawa: 12. The one who got you in contact with the other DigiDestined, partner to Agumon and Tapirmon. Spent a long time in the Digital World, a decent amount of it as a keychain, and is understandably having problems adjusting.
Daigo Nishijima: 29. The leader of the group of DigiDestined active before you, partner to Baihumon. Can talk circles around anyone with little provocation.
Kazuya Matsumoto: 28. An aspiring cook with a preference for seafood, partner to Zhuqiaomon. Also your exercise buddy.
Rikuto Nakano: 27. One of Daigo's friends, Kazuya's unwilling rival, and partner to Azulongmon. He's gone now, and you think that might be your fault.
Haruka Yamaguchi: 25. Easily the smartest person you know, and partner to Ebonwumon. The local benevolent mad scientist.
Izzy: 22. The smartest person you know around your own age, partner to Tentomon and bearer of the Crest of Knowledge. The mad scientist's understudy.
Joe: 27. The most normal person you know, and Gomamon's partner. Getting used to this whole 'DigiDestined' thing.
Mimi: 4. A friend of Matt's, partner to Palmon and bearer of the Crest of Sincerity. You don't actually know how to relate to her that well.
Team Moon: 8. A trio made up of Lunamon, Lopmon, and SnowAgumon, with the ability to DNA Digivolve into Lekismon. They have been able to synchronize since they were very young.

CORE: 11
OUT: 8
CHA: 7
CORE: 90
RES: 65
OUT: 85
CHA: 70

Attacks: Spiral Twister (1D50+OUT), Turbo Pecker (1D6×OUT)
CORE: 875
RES: 520
OUT: 1300
CHA: 863

Attacks: Meteor Wing (1D8×OUT), Mach Glide (1D50+OUT), Phoenix Taze (1D100×½OUT)
CORE: 1400
RES: 1600
OUT: 2700
CHA: 1542

Attacks: Wing Blade (1d100×¼OUT), Phoenix Claw (2D100+OUT), Garuda Pressure (OUT+RES), Boulder Breaker (1D100×OUT, causes earthquakes, with all that implies)
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[X] Tai (High WILL, low INT)
[X] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[X] Izzy (High INT, low DEX)
[X] Unrecognizable. (All playable DigiDestined start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[X] Sora (High DEX, low WIS)

[X] Unrecognizable. (All playable DigiDestined start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[X] Mimi (High CHA, low WILL)

[X] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)

Why Mimi? Because she is my girl, and she needs more attention imo. Also, we can probably work on that low Willpower problem in the next four years. What's really neat here is the likelihood of the Social boost Mimi grants the quest.

And the other vote is the fun middle ground between the three options.
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[X] Kari (High WIS, low CON)
[X] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)
[X] Tai (High WILL, low INT)
[X] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)

OK....because I thought about going Kari but on looking at the mechanics...honestly we can FIX the low int issue and...well having early high Will means we can focus on other things

Plus...hey I have a soft spot for the goggle head, as I imagine that many do. But even if this looses I really look forward to seeing where this quest goes.

Edit: Ether that or TK but mostly because while he starts out younger he's got the balanced out stats
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So, I was reading over the document, and I realized something: namely, the fact that the starting DS has to be over 20 means we can use basic multiplication to figure out some of the starting DS-es. Since I remember you saying that 3 is the lowest that a base stat can be, I will assume that 9 is the highest. (because I don't remember.)

Here's what I got so far:

Mimi-- we know that the lowest that her WILL shall be to start with is 3, and that, to get over 20, her starting WIS has to be 7 or higher.

TK-- All stats are 5 to start with, DS reaches 25 easily.

Sora-- Inverting Mimi's problem, Sora has the base WIS of 3, so automatically her WILL must be 7 or higher.

Kari-- Kari has 9 WIS, making it so her Willpower really only needs to be 3 or above to meet the base guidelines. She's going to have a lot of DS at any point, most likely, seeing as WILL isn't her lowest stat. OP much?

EDIT: The others have too many variables at this point to give them much thought.
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So, I was reading over the document, and I realized something: namely, the fact that the starting DS has to be over 20 means we can use basic multiplication to figure out some of the starting DS-es. Since I remember you saying that 3 is the lowest that a base stat can be, I will assume that 9 is the highest. (because I don't remember.)

Here's what I got so far:

Mimi-- we know that the lowest that her WILL shall be to start with is 3, and that, to get over 20, her starting WIS has to be 7 or higher.

TK-- All stats are 5 to start with, DS reaches 25 easily.

Sora-- Inverting Mimi's problem, Sora has the base WIS of 3, so automatically her WILL must be 7 or higher.

Kari-- Kari has 9 WIS, making it so her Willpower really only needs to be 3 or above to meet the base guidelines. She's going to have a lot of DS at any point, most likely, seeing as WILL isn't her lowest stat. OP much?

EDIT: The others have too many variables at this point to give them much thought.

More or less. I've actually found a calculating error in the mechanics thanks to your post- to ensure Mimi and Sora have enough Digisoul, I'm adding another seven additional points- and changing TKs stats to six to match. Should be fixed now.
Because it seems less and less likely that Mimi will win, I'm gonna switch my vote.

[X] Sora (High DEX, low WIS)

[X] Just a bit odd. (Two random characters start under Butter-Fly Effect)
Sure! I'm thinking of closing the vote in about an hour, anyway. I don't think I'm going to get anyone else.
Alright then!

Inserted tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Anya Homura on Jul 19, 2018 at 3:02 PM, finished with 17 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Anya Homura on Jul 19, 2018 at 3:03 PM, finished with 17 posts and 8 votes.
Right! Vote closed, moving on! You will all be playing as... Sora Takenouchi!

....It comes to mind that maybe eight was a few too many possible protagonists. Update will be out shortly.
Lift Off the Ground
...Right. Sora. You're Sora Takenouchi. An only child, though that doesn't entirely matter when the neighborhood is filled with children your age. You play with them, sometimes, though you don't entirely fit in. Not with the girls: you're too much of a tomboy. Not with the boys: they're still in the 'cooties' stage.

Well, sort of. You know some boys that are actually pretty nice, as much as they can be. They're still boys, after all. You get on well enough, despite the divide between genders.

Of course, your interests aren't the only things setting you apart. There's something about you that just seems different, though it's hard for you to put words to it. You might be able to if you were older, but for now, the true meaning escapes you.

All you know is, for better or for worse, you're 'special'. Unique. Something else. ...How was it described it to you, again?

(Choose your first trait.)

[ ] Athletic: You're in better shape than most of your peers due to a proper diet and consistent exercise. You feel healthier, too! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. Halves time required for physical-activity based projects.)

[ ] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)

[ ] Book Smart: You love sports and all, but reading is just as fun! You might not be the smartest kid around, but it's hardly for lack of trying. (+5 INT. Gains access to higher level academic-based projects.)
[X] Athletic: You're in better shape than most of your peers due to a proper diet and consistent exercise. You feel healthier, too! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. Halves time required for physical-activity based projects.)

In the digital world, knowing how to run and jump good is the most important rule there is.Everything else comes second.:V
[ ] Athletic: You're in better shape than most of your peers due to a proper diet and consistent exercise. You feel healthier, too! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. Halves time required for physical-activity based projects.)

[ ] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)

[ ] Book Smart: You love sports and all, but reading is just as fun! You might not be the smartest kid around, but it's hardly for lack of trying. (+5 INT. Gains access to higher level academic-based projects.)
Hmmm, it seems like the obvious choice here is "Athletic" to line up with canon, not sure how I feel about "Book Smart"...


[ ] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)

[X] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)
[X] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)
....ugh I so want to choose book smarts but-

[X] The Veteran: An odd blue device appeared out of the computer last month, along with an egg. It has since hatched, and become your closest companion. (+2 WIS, +3 WILL. Starts out with Digivice and In-Training Digimon.)


Also...are we going to be stuck with Biomon like canon