Brokenworld: A riot quest of anomalies & a world almost like our own

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Trigger Warning: Expect The Worst Just Incase

There's a world similar to ours, reality broke a bit there, you can influence it through the votes
Da Premise/Da Rules
Zhange's Artwork Page - SCP Foundation
(Credits to Zhange if you don't see their name in the art, look em up if interested, they're pretty good)

Something snaps as the clock strikes twelve one night, physics has become vulnerable, welcome to Urth, it is quite similar to our own world, but noticeably different in multiple ways, the cultures and history are very different, the technology is akin to that of the 2000s, and the continents have different shapes, just consider it an earth-like world, but don't expect any wizards........ YET!

The thing that snapped was a fundamental part of existence, upper management had an....... accident, now we've got bootleg scps appearing in this universe, you are the unseen forces of chance, circumstance, and intrusive thought, subtly guiding this world, don't mess up too bad

Da Rules
(Credits to @AKuz for the inspiration for the rules)

Each turn you get a single vote for an action, a way to influence the world according to its internal logic, in game a turn varies from a single day to a month
The more your action diverts from the current status quo the more I dilute your action, like trying to convince someone who doesn't like violence to murder people, I will dilute that into a intrusive thought or it flies off to some random person who is fine with that

If multiple people support the same action, that will strengthen it, so if you want that pacifist to murder someone and literally everyone votes for it then I will throw that pacifist into a situation where they do have to murder someone

If some actions absolutely oppose each other, like "Jeff has a nice month" and "Jeff has a bad month" I will go with the one with a higher amount of votes, if it's equal I'll mix it up in a weird way

Now to anomalies, to create anomalies you simply need to write down a correct statement like "Fish live in water" or "Mathematicians work with numbers" and replace a part of it with an intrusive adjective or more, you can't decide the details of the anomaly, just the base prompt, I'm afraid of what you may attempt to make

This is okay
Create Anomaly: "When a man points his finger and says bang, SHEEP VIOLENT happens"
Create Anomaly: "Dog can SONG"
Create Anomaly: "Steel is very HATRED"

This is not okay
Create Anomaly: Give Jerry Springer the exact powers of superman, minus the weakness to kryptonite (This is asking for a specific result, not a prompt)
Create Anomaly: "Planes are made of METAL" (Factually correct, so no)
Create Anomaly: "A car that molests children" (No, just no)

(If you make an omake, it's good, and it makes sense in universe I might make it canon and add details from it to the Urth informational)

Now wait while I write the informational, there is a lot I need to put down
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East Vemmek
- East part of Vemmek, located to the right of the Pelago-Line
- A large landmass known for its wide open plains, varied wildlife, and it being resource rich
- Has a couple deserts strewn about too
Ealton Capital City/The Patchwork Office
- Named after an old mystery movie star named Mitchell Ealton, jokingly called Eel-Town sometimes
- Capital of the United Territories Of Vemmek
- The most iconic building in the country, the Patchwork Office, was built with the combined efforts and resources of the surviving tribes of the Uniting War, to symbolize their unity, obviously
- The U.T. Council meet and work here

West Vemmek
- West part of Vemmek, located to the right of the Pelago-Line
- A large landmass known for its varied wildlife and being resource rich
- Large areas are unexplored jungle and wildlife, kept mostly preserved with legal action from multiple natural activist organizations
The Birdsong Jungle
- Famously known as the home of over 200 hundred species of bird, a large rainforest area with enough space and an ecosystem capable of sustaining each species
- Great at attracting tourists
- Not great at keeping tourists, the noise gets LOUD and the bird shit is abundant

- Located to the right of the Pelago-Line
- Simultaneously experiences floods and droughts somehow
- Mostly hot savannah but rivers of hot mud keep knocking down villages thanks to the various geysers hidden geysers
- Generally sucks to live here, mostly divided fledgling nations
Micholla Rock
- Large rock formation resembling something close to a face
- Home to ramshackle villages and markets
- Giving credit to the face idea is the fact the eyes of Micholla seemingly cry, but are actually just connected to a deep water preserve, believed to be holy so a lot of people try to drink it, don't, it's full of salt and dirt

- Located to the left of the Pelago-Line
- Large snowy continent with a storied history, formerly the centre of an empire that fell awhile ago, leftover ruins can be found if you wander in the wild for long enough
- Contains some important holy sites for the religion of the 13th Archon
Fortress City Of Brokkem
- Former capital of the old empire and current capital of the Governing-House
- Large city built within 4 sets of walls, houses are restored buildings from the fall of the empire, kinda looks like something you would see in the renaissance
- There are catacombs underneath the city, their purpose is mysterious since no bodies were buried down there, the tunnels don't lead outside the city yet there are old guard stations built down there, and there is only one entrance with a black iron gate, people say it was a dungeon for a monster, which is incorrect, some past king just really hated one dude who called him fat, built that place, and threw him down there

The Chapel Of Her Hammer
- White marble church with stained glass windows
- As big as a football stadium, so people get lost frequently
- Seriously, people get lost a lot
- I don't know why they built it like that
- Main base of the Church Of The 13th Archon, where the 13 Grand-Bishops live

- Located to the left of the Pelago-Line
- Mountainous areas, closest nation to the south pole, rich in ores and oil
District 27
- Overpacked and overpopulated city
- Known to be filled with tons upon tons of neon-red lights which show completely Dominion approved adverts
- Largest city in the Star-Blessed Dominion, not their capital though, that's hidden
- Have a problem with monkeys beating up old people, nothing supernatural, it's just senior citizens here use a popular lotion which smells like bananas

The Pelago-Line
- Used by the vast majority of people as Urth's Prime Meridian
- A long archipelago of islands on what would otherwise be a very large amount of open sea, making the islands very valuable rest spots for ships
Pelleta Port
- Loose collection of ship companies, small businesses, and families that live on some urbanized islands
- Ships and airplanes stop here frequently in the middle of big journeys
- Kinda ramshackle in some areas but mostly pleasant

North Pole
- Icy place at the tippy top of Urth

South Pole
- Icy place at the bitty bottom of Urth
Tarrick Maque
- Laundromat owner and member of the "Tigers On Tires" biker gang
- Is a motorcycle enthusiast, loves working on and talking about them
- There is a winter wonderland in his heart, if he wills it or gets emotional it will attempt to manifest through dropping temperatures, structures of ice forming, and loyal ice golems trying to do his every bidding
- Is immune to the cold but still feels its bite

- Main body is the moon in base reality, it has duplicates in other planes of existence intersected and folded together, overlapping in the same general area
- They generate and communicate with the Lunar-Signal, made from a combination of info and pure energy, it shoots across dimensions and in between the many moons, which act like neurons, think of it all like a giant brain
- Likes to have their ego stroked, keeps messing with people using the Lunar-Signal, if it could, it would wear a crown
- If possible it has a white crown appear during its messages

William Daniels
- Little boi
- Bit of a nerd, big fan of detective novels, also very polite
- Wears big ol glasses
- Is compatible with The Ursine Equation
- His dad hates him for reasons unknown to god nor man
Homo Sapiens
- You know what these little shits are like, you are one

Mundane Animals
- The boring ones, scattered across Supermerica

Mundane Plants
- These trees don't even have teeth, and the ones that do only eat goddamn flies
United Territories Of Vemmek
- Couple hundred years ago these were separated tribes
- Many years later after the Uniting War, they formed this government, every citizen has 3 votes so that may choose a leader (No stacking votes) and if you pass a certain vote quota you will become part of the Council, the most power position in the country, with a 4 year term for each member before needing to be voted in
- Because of this, it is not uncommon for multiple people to have the same position of power in areas owned by this country
- Cinema is an important part of this nation's culture, during a crisis with education system mismanagement resulting in a large amount of people being illiterate, some new technologies imported from in the Pelago-Line, called cameras and sfx, resulted in this nation's most popular medium, movies, a lot of people, street gangs, and places have names referencing their "Cinematic Golden Age" it is as common to find a man named Gerald Smith as it to find one named Blade-Oath Callahan after an old stop motion fantasy epic
- Ideological gang violence or just plain ideological clashing is a prevalent thing here, despite being called the United Territories, arguments over petty things are a common occurrence, the blood of their ancestors truly runs through their veins, since their descendants can be just as petty if not more so, there was once even a gun fight over two groups views of an old movie's potential communist messages, which they were both wrong about, the screenwriter was pro-capitalist
- Symbol of the country is a hawk with 5 heads, each a different colour, united on 1 body

Sect Of The Blade-Breaking Scroll
High-class mercenary company descended from ancient tribes of wandering warrior-philosophers, most people imagine them as old dudes in robes meditating on rocks, but it's actually more like fully armed tactical gear wearing dudes who can kill you in a heartbeat no problem, who just happen to frequently meditate at the same shrines and discuss matters of philosophy
- Specialize in mainly quick, brutal, and efficient strikes, if you need something dead fast, they will break into that thing's house and just triple-tap it real quick to make sure
- Began their mercenary days when needing to restore their founding temple and the scrolls written by their founder after the 1893 Gelma Flood, which buried many villages and some cultural landmarks
- Their tactical uniforms vary in colour and pattern depending on the mission, but on their normal grey uniform they have a patch on the back with a sword breaking on a scroll with eyes

The High-Governing-House Of Torzaki
- The descendants of an old medieval empire that collapsed in on itself after an incident involving swans
- Democracy, they vote for a prime minister and multiple heads for each facet of the nation, then they all discuss problems and manage the country
- Heads of the different facets are each called Advitums, like what the leader of the old empire called their advisors, like the Advitum Of Agriculture, the Advitum Of Commerce, the Advitum Of Hostilities, etcetera
- An important part of their culture is history and tales of chivalrous knights, they like getting nostalgic about an empire they were never even part of, and also were kind of assholes, a lot of people even identify themselves based off surviving orders they're descended from, and a lot of people there know a good amount about medieval facts such as weaponry, armour, construction methods, farming, laws, and language, though ironically they're ignorant to the bad parts about the old empire
- Not as advanced as the rest of the world, it's not like they're using swords and shields, it's just stuff like their internet is as slow as it was in the 80s, the firearms the military use are sometimes a year behind current weapons, trends and stuff are way behind, they're still wearing clothes that were popular a couple years back, and they still use dial phones, just don't expect them to understand most computers and how they work well
- Flag is a pair of crossed swords behind a smiling face-like shield

Church Of The 13th Archon
- This religion believes there were 13 previous universes, each built by a previous lesser Archons, each with something fundamental missing, then their Lady-Forging-The-Sun appeared, and made a universe that was more stable then the others
- Their religion values the tenets of order and creation, followers are mainly law abiding, follow strict schedules, enjoy crafting a couple knicknacks in their room while breathing in the thick incense from the candles they took classes to make
- Provided inspiration for the holiday Alkmer's Eve where you make gifts for friends and family
- A scandal among them is the destruction of the 11th Abbey, where some extremists destroyed the church of a cult that splintered off from the Faith Of The 13th, and then rebuilt a 13th Archon church atop the rubble, neither structure was built with a permit so both parties got arrested

Star-Blessed Dominion
- Dictatorship in Metana ruled by the Star-Blessed Bloodline, a family of dictators who basically turned the place into basically a monarchy
- Ruler is the current oldest living member of the family, a favourite pastime among citizens is betting who in the family will survive
- Economy depends mainly on others outsourcing their labour here, also the delivery of resources which they mainly have prisoners mine
- An important part of their culture is death, the streets that aren't illegal to vandalize are covered with pictures and little shrines to the departed, skulls and morbid imagery are incorporated into a lot of things, the names of ancestors are engraved into treasured items and heirlooms, ancestor worship and honouring one's lineage is important among these people, though lineage doesn't mean blood here, it mostly refers to who you belong with and their history
- It's a fucking dictatorship, that's the main flaw, everyone's paranoid of everyone, propaganda's everywhere, tons of government corruption, they don't choose their leader, prisoners are forced into labour for the profit of the nation, they're subject to the whims of their leader which may change suddenly when the next coup comes, this country is poor, corrupt, polluted, and overpopulated, just don't come here if you've got a choice
- Symbols is a red star with an eye looking down and thus shining rays of light upon the land
The Ursine Equations
- Complicated math based thought patterns that can turn numbers into bear related things, like bears
- Only works with those it finds compatible, specifically people similar to William Daniels
- Causes the user to like honey a lot
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Results 1
West Vemmek

Create an Anomaly in West Vemmek "Man goes HEART COLD"
Tarrick Maque was a simple man in a simple village, he ran a small laundromat in a dusty town, well it wasn't exactly a town, it was a collection of some trailers, a hotel, a gas station and his place, road went through here, mostly truckers and immigrants traveling east to look for work
Mr Maque was a tall man, his brother said he could be a great basketball player if it wasn't for the limp, but even if it wasn't there he wouldn't play, active stuff like that isn't for him

He felt sting on his shoulder and quickly squashed the mosquito that was on his "Tigers With Tires" tattoo, wiping the leftover stuff on the rim of his tank top, it was some minor biker gang he's part of, didn't join cause he wanted to be a tough guy like most of his family thinks, just that the others in the gang were nice to hang out with and talk about motorcycles
It was like a motorcycle riding social group, but 99% of the members knew how to make molotovs, except him

Tarrick was looking at a magazine curious about what the hell was going on with it, it was an obscure one that seemed to be getting really popular in East and West Vemmek, it was some kind of mixture between a porn, gossip, and a comic magazine, like someone grabbed the pages from multiple different mags then put them in the same book, was just looking at a picture of some androgynous looking men wearing nurse uniforms, flipped the page and now a cartoon pig is explaining how to cook a bunch of made up food with pun based names and appearances

He scratches his head and goes HEART COLD- wait, no he was supposed to reach for his lukewarm soda on the active washing machine next to him, he gets a quick shiver, damn it's getting chilly
Then he actually reached for the soda, it was cold now, another shiver, Tarrick wonders if the weather forecast about it being hot today was incorre- OH GOD! He clutches at his chest, clawing at it, but it's too hard to dig through, his tanktop is ruined and bent one of his fingernails off, but it was nothing compared to that feeling under his pectoral, a digging cold pincer going past the ribs, an entire winter enveloping his bloodpump and-

Wei-Lou was going to the laundromat to get the shirt her boyfriend vomited on (He was drunk) cleaned, sonuvabitch got his lunch all over the "Tigers With Tires" patch over her heart, and she was short on cash, hopefully Tarrick would be willing to give a small discount to a sistah from another mistah
Then she noticed him on the floor clutching his chest and dropped that train of thought

She ran in, too worried to wonder why it was getting so cold, picked him up, and shook Maque "DUDE DUDE! Speak if you are able!" She then remembered the barebones healthcare procedures and pulled out her phone to call an ambu-
The young woman's head was pierced, through the chin to the scalp by a long thin spike of ice blossoming out of Tarrick's chest like many others, as screams with agony and got up, running around in a blind panic, a small snowstorm happening in his laundromat

A couple minutes later someone heard what was going on while on their way to the bathroom and ran over, noticing the dead frozen over body of a young woman with an ice spike in her head through the glass door and the laundromat freezing over with some running around inside, then Tarrick burst through the window with his chest bleeding after ripping the spikes off his chest, but the blood was freezing over too, it was getting more and more difficult to hold onto consciousness and soon he faded from the waking world

He woke up in Mrs Micke's clinic, which was a just the redecorated inside of one of the trailers, a makeshift hospital, the other members of their small not-town looked at him worry while Ms Micke sutured the wound on his chest and her assistant/12 year old granddaughter kept the others just outside the door
Mrs Micke looked down at Tarrick, tired looking like always, but with some worry for the young man "Tarrick, it's good to see you're awake" She rested his head on a spare seat pillow from her car
"What happened back there? The whole Laundromat is frozen over"
Tarrick felt it, a winter wonderland in his heart trying to get out, a kingdom of ice and snow trying to become real, his many loyal subjects, built from freezing shards carved in intricate patterns, calling for their king to summon forth a frozen horde, he didn't know this all exactly, but he knows something supernatural and bad is going on
"I have no fucking idea but it was not nice"

Tarrick Maque
- Laundromat owner and member of the "Tigers On Tires" biker gang
- Is a motorcycle enthusiast, loves working on and talking about them
- There is a winter wonderland in his heart, if he wills it or gets emotional it will attempt to manifest through dropping temperatures, structures of ice forming, and loyal ice golems trying to do his every bidding
- Is immune to the cold but still feels its bite

East Vemmek

Create Anomaly "Moon is DUPLICATION"
"Papa what is going on with the moon?" Asked little William Daniels
"Shut the fuck up Billy! Nothing is wrong with th- BY THE 13TH! There is definitely something wrong! Stupid Billy, you should've warned me that the moon was multiplying, wait, it's one again, you were wrong Billy, like always" said Papa Daniels, his first name is Papa Jr Jr, named after Papa Jr Senior, named after Papa Senior

And up in the sky the moon is DUPLICATION, wait, wait........ that's wrong! Well it is far too late to go back, very late indeed
Dimensions fragment, bits of space overlap and fold like 10th-dimensional origami, reflections of the moon exist now on countless planes, all connected through some kind of signal
The Lunar-Signal, a strange mix of mental and energy pulses that the moon and its many copies produce to communicate with each other across the fractals, they always move, sometimes viewable from certain angles for mere moments, but the base moon is always in this reality, a single moon in each fractal, all communicating, acting like neurons in an oversized trans-dimensional brain of needless complexity

It knows of its own majestic physics defying nature and decides to call itself THE GRAND EMPEROR

- Main body is the moon in base reality, it has duplicates in other planes of existence intersected and folded together, overlapping in the same general area
- They generate and communicate with the Lunar-Signal, made from a combination of info and pure energy, it shoots across dimensions and in between the many moons, which act like neurons, think of it all like a giant brain
- Likes to have their ego stroked, keeps messing with people using the Lunar-Signal, if it could, it would wear a crown
- If possible it has a white crown appear during its messages

Create Anomaly "two plus three create BEARS"
Little William Daniels was at school explaining to his class what happened when he went stargazing with his dad "Then Papa proceeded play jazz on the saxophone, while naked, and yelling racial slurs at the neighbour's dog'

"Daniels, this is a math class"

"Oh, yeah right, sorry" The rest of the class groaned that the teacher ended the tale prematurely, the other students were really invested in that narrative
But it was math time, the most unholy of times, and not even childlike innocence can stand against numbers with rules that I'm pretty sure change every time I'm not looking
William did a quick little count in his head before saying "Two plus three creates BEARS" the teacher, Mr Dip looked confused "Pardon?" Then the numbers on the chalkboard flew off and became 5 bears, then threw the teacher out the window before disappearing in an explosion of numerical symbols in front of the screaming students and William

This incident would be reported by both the students and Mr Dip to the authorities, William stayed silent about one thing..... his thoughts related to math are getting weird, he keeps thinking about bears when calculating stuff, and also honey for some reason
William decided this requires thorough investigation, so he put on a little detective cap and got a bubble pipe "THE GAME IS AFOOT!"

William Daniels
- Little boi
- Bit of a nerd, big fan of detective novels, also very polite
- Wears big ol glasses
- Is compatible with The Ursine Equation
- His dad hates him for reasons unknown to god nor man

The Ursine Equations
- Complicated math based thought patterns that can turn numbers into bear related things, like bears
- Only works with those it finds compatible, specifically people similar to William Daniels
- Causes the user to like honey a lot
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