Broken World: Prompts needed

Premise/Rosey The Singing Dog
In a universe much like our own, there is a great difference in it, a very strange difference, the meta-physical workings of the universe sometimes spark and sputter, making certain things, people, items, abstract concepts, animals, and places, all incorrect

You'll give me prompts for these Broken Things, then I write about them, just give me a factually correct sentence and then replace one part of it with a word that makes the sentence both factually and sorta grammatically incorrect, you can mainly just replace adjectives or nouns with stuff that doesn't make sense

For example

People live in houses/People Grass in houses

Mafias are groups of criminals/Mafias are Bicycle Of criminals

Dogs are adorable/Dogs are Song
Then I'll write

Rosey was a dog in Ohio, during 1953 one her owners, Mr's Winters, passed away in her bed surrounded by her family, Rosey was there and her internal Meta-Workings malfunctioned, resulting in Rosey being able to vocalize the entirety of Mr's Winters favourite childhood song (The instruments and all) which she forgot as she grew up, letting her listen to it as she died
The Winters family would of course keep Rosey inside and protect her, but later, neighbours discovered Rosey's ability to sing the song and the news rapidly spread in their town
Government agents attempted to take Rosey for testing after the rumours were confirmed by federal intel, but would arrive too late as an extremist Christian neighbour killed the dog with a screwdriver from their shed coated in holy water, believing Rosey to be some sort of demon, the agents stopped the patriarch of the Winters family from strangling said neighbour with a garden hose
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Let's see if I understand the rules correctly;

The International Space Station is the result of a collaboration of countries/ The International Space Station is the result of a yogurt of countries
The Dairy Module Of The I.S.S.
Let's see if I understand the rules correctly;

The International Space Station is the result of a collaboration of countries/ The International Space Station is the result of a yogurt of countries

2011, on the international space station the crew were doing a routine check-up on the machinery in the station, Meta-Workings malfunction, they see yogurt growing growing from the gaps in various machinery on the exterior of the station, somehow not staying in its normal semi-liquid form despite being in space
(Later tests with taken samples would reveal that each individual drop of Station Yogurt identically matches a specific recipe, each yogurt type has matched at least 1 publicly known brand, no 2 brands originated from the same nation)

Attempts were made to remove it from the station, it was attached to too many modules to think about removing all affected ones from the station for decontamination, and aside from that, they did almost everything they could think of
But the yogurt just easily regrew, it was decided it would be left alone and carefully observed as its presence in the exterior station machinery somehow does not do any harm to electronics it has touched the innerworkings of

By 2016 it had grown into long thin strands, which could easily regenerate faster then they could be cut so no luck there, all connected to a singular point above the station which has formed into a large pulsing mass of yogurt commonly referred to by the online community as the Dairy Module
Another strange aspect of the Broken yogurt is that it monthly sends out a couple small blobs of itself rocketing towards nearby asteroids, bringing them back after the station lines up once more to the closest spot, analyzes every single detail of the rock in the main yogurt mass, and somehow manages to deposit the collected data inside the computers of the station

So much so that the station crew have added manually deleting the data that the Dairy Module provides to their schedules, only after checking it for any interesting facts and messaging a copy of it back to earth for analysis
The Amazon is a rainforrest/The Amazon is a ship
This factually is incorrect
But grammatically correct is a no go, could we change up to be something else? Like
"The Amazon is a dense rainforest/The Amazon is a Ship rainforest"
So it needs to be grammatically incorrect as well. Then maybe replacing the 'is' with something for maximum grammatical incorrectness;
The Amazon submarine a rainforest
Submarine Life
So it needs to be grammatically incorrect as well. Then maybe replacing the 'is' with something for maximum grammatical incorrectness;
The Amazon submarine a rainforest

1973, a portion of the Amazon Rainforest suddenly experiences a Meta-Workings malfunction, an acres worth of life all simultaneously gained a metallic shine
Each animal, plant, and microorganism suddenly gained the same metal shine and a incredibly tough exterior, capable of surviving incredible sea depths worth of pressure, several people travelling through those specific areas of jungle also experienced the same effect

Various government agencies that dealt with situations involving the Broken attempted to get their hands on the beings effected by this Malfunction Event, but some of them experienced sickly deaths as microorganisms that I've mentioned before rapidly climbed into their bodies through any liquids that lead directly inside, like saliva or a small scratch from a branch or something
Apparently the Submarine Life all have the ability to delve deep into any liquid they come in contact with at great speeds, the reason everyone isn't dying cause of said submarine microorganisms spreading rapidly everywhere is because all the Submarine Life are sterilized thanks to the event, aquatic vehicles normally don't have babies

The collection of the subjects was a chaotic mess, a multitude of agents dying as they entered the specific area of the Amazon and had to deal with the Broken wildlife while simultaneously making sure to keep hazmat suits completely intact so they didn't get their insides swarmed by microbes that go hyperspeed in water
After a satisfactory amount of subjects were collected, the agents immediately left as the Brazilian government napalm bombed that area of the forest once they had gotten wind of the submarine microbes, vaporizing the micro life despite having metsl shells, and causing that part of the Amazon to appear like some sort of droopy modern art exhibit

There are only a small amount of living Submarine Life left, most being kept for testing and occasionally acting as spare aquatic high-weaponry when their respective agencies need them, the microbes aren't a problem since there aren't too many alive currently to cause much damage to a body and be a substantial threat aside from a rising temperature or two
Only 2 of the 7 humans in the forest at the time of the event has returned home, sometimes having to come over to labs for questions and tests but nothing major, they still got their normal lives

Melted animals are also rumoured to be seen rapidly going up and the down the rivers of the Amazon at incredible speeds, some witness reports and pictures suggesting some of these beasts look more akin to half melted people

On an entirely unrelated note, in 2013 after a federal intelligence agent went rogue while having tons of classified info on hand and desperately escaped into the Amazon, multiple Brazilian government officials who supported the napalm plan were found brutalized beyond appearence-based recognition, their corpses flowing down nearby paths of running water, and said agent sure feels safer after making some deals with the right group
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The Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in Europe/The Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in Europa

I don't know whether it's immediately clear why this is grammatically incorrect.

EDIT: I wanted to note that there are different definitions of Europa that you might choose from, just grabbed the moon because that one came to mind first when thinking up the joke about the one letter difference between the two.
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The Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in Europe/The Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in Europa

I don't know whether it's immediately clear why this is grammatically incorrect.

EDIT: I wanted to note that there are different definitions of Europa that you might choose from, just grabbed the moon because that one came to mind first when thinking up the joke about the one letter difference between the two.
The second sentence is grammatically correct
Pitcher Plants are the laziest type of carnivorous plant.
Now using a random word generator, I got: Room.
And rolling a D10 to determine where to add the word: 4

Pitcher Plants are the laziest type of carnivorous plant. / Pitcher Plants are room the laziest type of carnivorous plant.
The second sentence is grammatically correct
My impression is that the most common current uses of Europa is the moon; It's the first recommendation wikipedia gives me.

We don't talk about countries 'in' earth we talk about countries 'on' earth.
To demonstrate:
Luxembourg is a country on the planet earth/Luxembourg is a country in the planet earth

But well let me give a second try at the same pun then:
Europa is a Galilean moon/Europa union a Galilean moon
Pitcher Cabin
Pitcher Plants are the laziest type of carnivorous plant.
Now using a random word generator, I got: Room.
And rolling a D10 to determine where to add the word: 4

Pitcher Plants are the laziest type of carnivorous plant. / Pitcher Plants are room the laziest type of carnivorous plant.

Malfunction event occurs in the bedroom of an old abandoned cabin in Norway, multiple people were reported missing after a strange sweet scent had been wafting towards the nearby town, Meta-Malfunction specialists Gry Jannike and Josefine Martine were sent as per protocol once multiple people reported various small animals travelling in the direction of the abandoned house alongside some of the aforementioned missing people

Gry and Josefine of course wore gas masks since the mysterious sweet scent was probably related to potential Malfunction, when they entered the cabin it mainly just looked abandoned, with some messes here and there left by the people attracted to the building
They followed some dirty shoe and paw prints to the bedroom door of the cabin, slowly opened it, and saw that the interior of the door way was covered in nectar, which would be later revealed via some testing to have a powerful sweet scent that has a chance to hypnotically attract those with weak wills into the bedroom, and the effect is stronger the closer you are

Which explains why a bunch of random people and animals that were all nearby walked inside, and are now all half-digested and laying around the room, their clothes and the bed in the centre soaked, the walls, floors, and ceiling covered in a thin membrane
Josefine and Gry of course didn't enter the room and just waited until a nearby deer wandered in, watching as it entered the room because of the scent, and the door closed by itself, the specialists listened from outside, hearing the sound of running water and deer perishing inside while thrashing about in liquid

The Norwegian government now keep the cabin as a way to effectively eliminate some Broken of a biological nature (And sometimes to be rid of more human nuisances) since the digestive acid that floods the bedroom after prey enters and the door closed is very effective at breaking down organic creatures given time, with armed guards, a fence, and a plastic sheet over the structure to contain the scent as scientists in hazmat gear keep the building fed with the occasional pig or 2, mainly since the biological aspect of the Broken cabin gets shriveled up and grey without having enough food for long
They also made the plastic sheet translucent to give it sunlight, and they occaisonally hose it to keep the building clean and water it

The Norwegian government's agents sometimes use the Cabin Nectar and the Cabin Acid as tools for their work on the field, the Nectar to incapacitate certain foes with the hypnosis that makes them attempt to reach the cabin, and the Acid for simply burning peoples faces off by spraying it on them
"We love you!" - The Europite Union
Europa is a Galilean moon/Europa union a Galilean moon

Malfunction event occurs on Europa in 1975 spotted by astronomers as what seems to be movement on the planet, flyby probes confirmed the movement to be mobile stacks of silicate rock with long and slim multi-limbed forms, sliding across the ice and travelling in large groups which the public have deemed Whimsies Of Europites, considering their tendency to tangle their limbs together (as if holding hands) and slide around in circles for what appears to just be entertainment, some of these Whimsies have numbered in the hundreds

1989, the Europites have greatly advanced their culture and technology, constructing nests and tools out of stone and ice, they have also decorated themselves, some homes, and tools with surprisingly accurate depictions of the various drones despite not having developed anything akin to earth's powerful telescopes, showcasing that they may have sensory organs far greater then any other creature on earth, and they also consider the drones to be deities or spirits of some kind

2003, the Europites have created technology of moving stone and ice far beyond what mankind is capable of, towers that clumsily move as if alive, gargantuan aquatic cities swimming in the water beneath the moons outer crust, and have even built living stone structures that reached high into the sky, carrying gigantic plates upon their tips with incredibly complex images carved onto them, pictures are taken by the drones, they are later hypothesized to be messages in a Europite language

2007, the tower plates had been solved by linguistics experts hired by Roscosmos, who painstakingly spent years decoding the messages by cross referencing them with each other and other samples of the Europite language that could be read from space, the sample that helped the most was written on a triangular space facing monument, this is a rough translation of the highest tower plate's message "Hello great metal sky [Meaning Uncertain], we love you, keep visiting [Symbol Of Self], sincerely yours, the [Undiscernible, possibly species name] Union"
Well we can always find out by making history based prompts.

Rome wasn't build in a day/Rome turtle build in a day
The Gente Di Conchiglia
Well we can always find out by making history based prompts.

Rome wasn't build in a day/Rome turtle build in a day
(I'm not planning to go too far into the past so as to avoid too much splitting off from the OTL, I was just asking how the changes I already added would effect history)

Malfunction event occurs in a small area of Rome, Italy, 2005
The residents of a single city block began to show some odd behavior, all mostly avoiding leaving their homes unless they absolutely had to, multiple ended up losing their jobs after this, eventually some began to exit their home more regularly after constructing little shells which somehow easily stuck to their backs

The Broken individuals refused to remove the shells unless absolutely necessary, and even then they did so for a short moment, and another trait they all shared was somehow being able to fold themselves into any shell they made for themselves as long as it wasn't smaller then a shoebox, they lacked this level of flexibility with other things but it is still an impressive/horrific sight for those that witness it
And the shells despite sometimes even being made of paper or other weak materials, are all decently strong enough to hande a sledgehammer, as long as they're attached to their hosts

The Gente Di Conchiglia have become a semi-regular part of their district of Rome, enjoying life, huddling in large groups in their homes so as avoid various predators of the common turtle, and some have even had children that are completely normal, except for the fact their parents and neighbours can hop into shells when they're scared
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Since we're in rome anuway.
The pope lives in the Vatican/ The pope lives groove the Vatican
Megalovania is an instrumental video game song composed by Toby Fox/Megalovania is a instrumental gamer song composed by Toby Fox

Just in case you want the differences written down...

Old version
(Megalovania is an instrumental video gamer song composed by Toby Fox)
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"Those Moves Are Divine!"
Since we're in rome anuway.
The pope lives in the Vatican/ The pope lives groove the Vatican


Malfunction event occurs in the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI suddenly gains the ability to move in a rhythmic and athletic manner unmatched by most modern professional dancers despite the limitations of his age and lack of practice
This event causes some Catholics to denounce the pope as being possessed by demonic forces, thanks to a common misconception among religious and superstitious individuals that Anomalies are the result of demons, spirits, or wizardry of some kind

These Denouncers are only a loud vocal minority, and this fact causes a wide spread movement among Catholics, seeing the Anomaly as a blessing that the lord bestowed Benedict, that helps him feel alive and young again
Catholics and other sects of Christianity begin slightly helping Anomalies in need that are willing to be helped, a small church in Georgia called St Bythics is known to take in orphaned children effected by Malfunction events one way or another, and help them if they can

The Denouncers are still loud though, causing trouble here and there, and one even attempted to attack one of the children that stayed at this orphanage, trying to "Save their soul" by attempting to bash the kid's head in with a brick to release them from their obviously tainted flesh
Luckily that kid survived, but is now traumatized cause they almost got murdered and blew up the murderer's head
British archeologists stole many artifacts from the Pyramids/British archeologists doll many artifacts from the Pyramids

I initially wanted to make Stole into soul, but then realized that it ensoul could have been shortened to soul, making it grammatically correct. which is a shame because I hoped to say something like 'I was in a music mood after the vatican'