Considering my next set of actions...
Trying to decide how to procure test subjects without resorting to crime. Probably isn't one, but still...

Task One: 13, success
Task Two: 12, success
Task Three: 13, success
Task Four: 16, crit success
Task Five: 10, success

Estro threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Task the first Total: 10
3 3 3 3 4 4
Estro threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Task the second Total: 8
3 3 4 4 1 1
Estro threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Task the third Total: 10
5 5 1 1 4 4
Estro threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Task the fourth Total: 13
5 5 3 3 5 5
Estro threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Task the fifth Total: 7
1 1 5 5 1 1
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1-5: Look for interesting souvenirs... maybe they have a knife shop? Or a gun shop? Those can count as souvenirs, right? Check out the local electronics place and see if they might have something I can adapt or fabricate into something that will let me create vibrations strong enough to use Panzer Kunst. Longshot, but maybe.

Unable to apply modifiers due to... things happening. GM will have to make judgement calls on modifiers:
Slayer Anderson threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 1 Total: 12
3 3 4 4 5 5
Slayer Anderson threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 2 Total: 11
3 3 6 6 2 2
Slayer Anderson threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 3 Total: 9
1 1 3 3 5 5
Slayer Anderson threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 4 Total: 8
5 5 1 1 2 2
Slayer Anderson threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 5 Total: 11
1 1 6 6 4 4
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Yeah, about the crit thing, I think for cycle four, people will only crit if they get there without bonuses. Cycle 3 still the same.
You're not talking to the Chaos Gods Shroud Entities, there's that.
I would be quite worried and confused if I was talking to them, also am I specifically speaking to these Psion's or am I a bystander, don't even know how I got to this area?

Also, the wonder alloy I take it I don't fully know how to make it, but what info do I have on it, enough to experiment or still needing study.
I would be quite worried and confused if I was talking to them, also am I specifically speaking to these Psion's or am I a bystander, don't even know how I got to this area?

Also, the wonder alloy I take it I don't fully know how to make it, but what info do I have on it, enough to experiment or still needing study.
Well, the thing is talking to you, it's a dialouge.

Also, yeah, you can start experimenting with it. It's the Black Iron, in case you're wondering.
You know, since I'm pretty crappy at this worldbuilding thing, I'm gonna go ahead and do what I've seen other GM did and bribe you guys for worldbuilding tidbit, what do you think?
You know, since I'm pretty crappy at this worldbuilding thing, I'm gonna go ahead and do what I've seen other GM did and bribe you guys for worldbuilding tidbit, what do you think?

I mean I could probably throw something together wrt the geopolitical climate or something if that's what you want.

But like, what're you looking for? Locations, politics, technological levels, weapons, economic stuff...?
... Yeah I figure I should probably post this in-thread just to make sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes/being too crazy when it comes to my ideas.

Geopolitical overview part one go! I think I went a little too dark and grim in some places. I mean I tried to go off of what munchkin'd previously written but like, Santa Fe's a hellhole, Las Vegas looks like a hellhole, iunno.


Geopolitical overview: Earth
The world's less divided than it was a hundred years ago, but it's still divided.

National, ethnic and cultural barriers still exist. Some countries have prospered, able to reap the benefits of the cheap, plentiful power that the fusion boom have brought. Other countries have stagnated, withered and crumbled. Yes, even in the 22nd​ century, mankind has not yet fully united.

Many of the countries in this region based their economies around the exporting of fossil fuels. As a result of the fusion boom, these fossil fuels lost much of their value. This economic downturn only worsened as the UN began placing strict controls with regards to the export of oil.

Moreover, these economic stresses only heightened the tensions between the various ethnic groups and religions within the region. As countries began to withdraw from the region, as the economic slump only worsened and worsened, things eventually came to a boil.
Today the Middle East is not in a good place. An endless stream of conflicts have impoverished the region

Moreover, the rest of the world has abandoned the region, their interests drawn up, into space. Many countries in the middle east have repeatedly dissolved and reunited in response to their destitution. It's a fertile breeding ground for would-be warlords, criminal syndicates and home-grown terrorists.

In recent years, several countries of the Middle East have banded together. Led by groups who scorn outsiders for meddling in their nation's affairs, led by men and women weary of foreign influence and consistent economic depression, these people strive for a better future, and damn anyone who gets in the way of that future.

Such is the current state of the Middle East.
Asia: The dominant superpower in this region is the People's Republic of China, constituting 26 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and seven colonies off-planet.

This superpower controls one of the six orbital elevators, "Heaven's Pillar," situated on an artificial island in the Pacific Ocean, directly along the equator.

The fusion boom was nothing but beneficial for China. The nation had been struggling with a variety of factors including but not limited to, ethnic tensions, an encroaching energy crisis brought about by a need for fossil fuels, overpopulation, food and water shortages as well as a horrific gender imbalance.

All of these helped serve to limit the nation's expansion.

The fusion boom helped alleviate most of those issues. Without dependence on foreigners for fossil fuels, without the threat of an impending energy crisis, with a cheap source of energy that was able to fuel the nation's industrial growth, China became the first nation to construct an orbital elevator, in 2065.

However, all is not well. The nation still suffers from horrific amounts of income inequality, declining birthrates coupled with an aging population, and rampant food and water shortages. It's not unheard of for rioting to take place as a result of these food and water shortages.

Tension is rife within the region as well. Political commentators have mentioned the unrest within the region, spurred on by a lack of trust in the leadership of the country as well as worsening conditions for a good majority of the population.

Such is the current state of the world's fifth superpower.
North America: The dominant superpower within this region is the United States of America, constituting 65 states, one federal district, 36 territories located around the world, and five colonies off-planet.

This superpower controls one of the six orbital elevators, "Manifest Destiny," located on the borders of what used to be Brazil and Colombia, directly along the equator.

For America, the fusion boom was followed by a reinvigoration of the nation. The United States wasn't doing well before 2030. The economy was in a slump, an energy crisis was rapidly encroaching, unemployment had skyrocketed and the last three presidents hadn't even lasted their full terms. One died from the stress, one was impeached and rumor has it that one was assassinated by the Chinese.
Of course, there's nothing to substantiate those rumors.

To say that there was a goodly amount of political turmoil, well, that understates the severity of the situation.

Moreover, the European Union and the People's Republic were looking to supplant the US as the world's premier superpower.

Political polarization had only worsened as well. Instead of working together for the benefit of the nation, all three political parties were acting in their own interests. At the time it was party first, and the rest of the nation can go hang.

The fusion boom staved off the impending energy crisis. The next president's platform was based on reforming the nation and reviving the nation. Over the course of the next few years infrastructure was rebuilt, technologies researched and overall quality of life for the average American improved.

However many cities were left in the dust with regards to this so-called "Second Renaissance." They stagnated, and they were left to the gangs and drug pushers. Deemed too troublesome to deal with by a government whose gaze had turned upwards, towards the stars, in an effort to catch up with their rivals and develop proper off-world infrastructure.

As a result, America has become part third-world nation and part first-world nation depending on where you live and how you live.
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Very good, the only problem I see is the mentions of off world colonies. The only true off-world colony is Red Frontier. The moon is under the control of major megacorps with government backing. I suppose you can count orbital habitats as colonies.

Man, there is a distressing deficiency of destructive devastation and explosion in this whole civil service thing. Why did you do this to me?
Just let me max out my first two souls, the third has some damage dealing potential. It's not like the first two will beyond human limits, so they don't need much attunement.
Yeah, I do think you are approaching the maximum potential of Mycroft, unless I'm missing something g about the character?
One thing I'm not certain is the British Department of Cybersecurity. Would that fall under a previously existing one or new enough to warrant its own department? Note that the hacker, if undetected, could have impersonated Jack through her computer with enough access.